Pragmatic world. Pragmatism: what is it and is it worth developing this quality in yourself. When did pragmatism appear?

Many people in life have had to deal with people seeking only to gain benefits. Moral and other aspects of life are of secondary importance for them.

Attitudes, beliefs and actions are aimed solely at obtaining results that are useful in a practical sense. Those around him often condemn him for this.

Spontaneity and ingenuousness in the eyes of a pragmatist are stupidity.
Ilya Nikolaevich Shevelev

Pragmatist thinking style

Pragmatists strive to achieve a goal using all currently available opportunities. They won't look additional information, funds, resources, because this is an unjustified loss of effort and time. Problems are solved as they arise, so as not to be distracted by the main goal - obtaining a specific result, even a small one.

The constant search for new methods, experiments and other actions do not indicate a deviation from the chosen course. This does not come from a desire for novelty, but is dictated by the desire to achieve results as quickly as possible. For this reason, they are ready to listen to other people’s opinions, in the hope of finding the shortest path to the goal.

This approach may seem superficial. It differs from generally accepted norms, and pragmatists give the impression of inconsistent people, devoid of principles. They are of the opinion that everything that happens around depends little on a person’s abilities and desires. The main thing for pragmatists is not to miss the favorable moment when everything goes well. Their belief in the unpredictability and uncontrollability of the world justifies the strategy “today it will be like this, and then according to circumstances.”

It is impossible to influence a pragmatist with emotions and manifestations of feelings, unless they become an objective obstacle to the path or, on the contrary, help in a given situation. They have an excellent sense of the situation, quickly reacting to its changes. Easily cooperate, enthusiastically participating in discussions important issues and developing collective solutions.

Pessimism and a negative attitude are not typical of these people. The problems that arise are not able to turn them off the chosen path. They approach the decision with a positive attitude, pragmatic, in simple words, is an incorrigible optimist who strives difficult circumstances turn it to your advantage. The established worldview does not allow us to overdramatize and take the difficulties that arise too seriously.

Behavior and thinking are flexible. Communication skills are well developed, they can easily imagine themselves in the place of another person and understand the consequences of their actions. They care about other people's opinions exactly to the extent that their future depends on it.

Features of the behavior of a pragmatist

Good luck in politics, management activities pragmatic people often achieve. This is due to their character, life attitudes, and thinking style.

They are characterized by:

  • searching for the shortest paths to making a profit;
  • quick adaptation to new conditions;
  • interest in new methods, innovations;
  • using any means to achieve goals;
  • creative approach.
They are intelligent, quickly learn new things, using every opportunity to get closer to their goal.

Management values ​​pragmatists for the following qualities:

  • concentration on obtaining maximum profit, the fastest return on investment;
  • thinking through the tactical and strategic aspects of the matter in advance;
  • the ability to influence others, to convince them of the correctness of their ideas;
  • does not get lost in difficult situations, looks for non-standard ways out of them;
  • loves bold experiments and introduces innovations.

Disadvantages of pragmatism

Like all other people, pragmatists have not only strengths, but also weaknesses.

They appear as:

  • indifference to the long-term prospects of a business that will not bring income in the near future;
  • the desire to achieve quick results at any cost, long waiting is not in their nature;
  • attention is focused only on the material side of the matter, everything else does not matter;
  • from the outside it seems that for the sake of profit they are ready to make any compromises;
  • tendencies towards maximalism, they try to get the greatest return from all available resources.

Pragmatists will not worry about failure for long. They will look for new ways if old methods no longer work. Having drawn conclusions from the mistakes made, they will not repeat them in the future.
They understand that they need to work hard to achieve their goal.

They will not rely on outside support; they are used to relying only on themselves. They can help if you ask them about it. If there is an opportunity to compensate for the costs in the future, then the applicant’s chances increase significantly.

Inactivity is impossible for them; a pragmatist is a person who, with his optimism, is able to motivate those around him to achieve hard work. Developed intuition allows you to choose from many options one that is effective and quickly gives results.

A cynic, a romantic, a lyricist, a pragmatist - absolutely everyone dreams that someday “scarlet sails” will appear on their life horizon.
Oleg Roy

Pragmatist and relationships with others

When communicating with others, a pragmatic person makes a pleasant impression. He is open to communication, likes to joke, does not argue, and easily finds contact with any people. In conversation he often uses examples from life and stereotypical phrases. The tone of statements is often enthusiastic and enthusiastic, which sometimes gives the impression of hypocrisy and insincerity.

Often offers simple ideas, briefly explaining them with examples from personal practice. He does not shy away from exchanging opinions and organizes collective discussions of important issues. Considers serious debates boring. He prefers real, practically implementable proposals to theoretical and philosophical long-term reasoning. Being in a tense state gives the impression of a bored person who is not interested in the issues being discussed.

Most successful politicians and businessmen, artists and singers, managers and producers achieved their positions in the profession thanks to the use of sober calculation. They do not tend to stray from the intended path, being distracted by sentimental thoughts and wasting energy on emotional actions. In life they are guided only by cold calculation.

Public opinion

It is not uncommon to hear negative comments about successful people.

The following traits of pragmatists cause indignation:

  1. Cynicism. The belief that everything has a price in monetary terms and that you can do anything to achieve positive results causes rejection. As a result, others consider them immoral.
  2. Lack of authority. For pragmatists who seek profit in everything, only their own interests are important. They can listen to other people's opinions, but will only take them into account if it suits their interests. In other cases, they will not rely on other people’s words, authority and actions.
  3. Selfishness. All efforts are made only to achieve the set goal. On the way to her, he will not be stopped by other people's emotions and losses. They are not interested in the interests of others, since the main thing in life is the result at any cost.
It is these qualities that cause a negative attitude that are necessary for the implementation of the plan. These people do not stop in front of obstacles; difficulties only strengthen their character. All this allows you to finish the job you started.


Develop in yourself best features Anyone can be pragmatic. To do this, you need to set specific goals, plan for the future, bring what you started to the end, without giving in to difficulties. People who can be called pragmatists in pure form, not so much. In most cases, one person has different abilities, inclinations and desires to varying degrees.

Modern conditions require people to be able to plan, adapt to the fast pace of life, and quickly respond to changing circumstances. A practical approach allows you to achieve success, so we can say that a pragmatist is a person who is goal-oriented, and feelings and emotions do not matter much to him.

They are often disliked, envied for their assertiveness and energy. As a rule, ill-wishers are weak-willed, weak-willed individuals. Do you consider yourself a pragmatist or their critics?


Pragmatically I adv. quality-circumstances

Based on the principles of pragmatism as a direction in philosophy, according to which the objectivity of truth is denied, and only that which gives practically useful results is recognized as true.

II adv. quality-circumstances

Based on the principles of pragmatism as a direction in historiography, characterized by a presentation of events in their external connection and sequence, without revealing the objective laws of historical development.

III adv. quality-circumstances

Pursuing narrow practical goals, interests of one's own benefit or benefit.

Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000.


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This word is usually used to describe a person’s ability to concentrate only on the goal at hand, forgetting about everything that interferes with action. This definition accurately reflects the meaning of this word. This principle of behavior contributes to more effective implementation of planned plans.

Traits of Pragmatic People

Many would agree that pragmatists have the following personality traits:

  1. Cynicism. According to public opinion, a pragmatist is constantly evaluating something and thinking about how to benefit from a given situation.
  2. Mistrust. Since pragmatists try to find the most rational path to the intended goal, from the outside it may seem that they are impolite and do not respect other people's opinions. But this opinion is wrong, since the pragmatist is only looking for the right decision, therefore, is guided only by logic and facts, and not by public opinion.
  3. Selfishness. Despite the fact that almost every person acts in his own interests, the one who openly declares this is considered an egoist. Pragmatists are not greater egoists than other people, they just do not worry about what opinion this or that action will cause in others.

If we translate all the characteristics from a negative direction, it turns out that a pragmatic person is reasonable and purposeful.

It is also worth noting discipline, because not everyone is able to complete a task even under favorable circumstances. From all of the above, we can conclude that pragmatism goes hand in hand with self-confidence, since without this personality trait few people are able to achieve success in their chosen field of activity.

Many people are not at all interested in the answer to the question: “What is pragmatism?” They want to know how to cultivate this quality in themselves. This is quite possible if you follow certain rules behavior. The first thing you need to think about is whether this feature is right for you? Why become a pragmatic person? If the answer to these questions is a vague judgment of success, then you should think again.

Pragmatism is characterized by specific tasks, therefore, in order to have this ability, you must first find a goal. After this, you should break it down into several tasks, the achievement of which seems possible. If the goal is chosen incorrectly, then it will be very easy to stray from the intended path.

To become pragmatic, you need to learn to follow the following rule: never take another action if the previous one has not yet been completed. Following this simple principle can already greatly change human behavior. You should also pay attention to your dreams. Someone who has fantastic plans has a better chance of getting results than someone who doesn't plan at all.

Planning stages

The first thing you need to do is set yourself. After this, you need to write it down and specify the conditions for achievement. To do this, you need to answer yourself a few questions:

  • How long does it take to implement the plan?
  • Who can help?
  • How much material resources will this require?
  • What obstacles will you encounter on the way to solving each problem?

You should start with those goals that arouse genuine interest. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to do anything. After achieving several goals, you can realize that many distractions have completely disappeared.

Pragmatism is characterized not only by the ability to plan, but also by the ability to eliminate all distractions. This problem often occurs in people who perform certain actions without outside supervision. At the same time, people can get distracted even when a lot depends on the result of their actions.

A pragmatic person is not distracted by anything, since he looks only at the goal. But what to do if it doesn’t work this way? Several techniques can be used:

  1. Rationalization. This method is suitable only for those who can change their behavior after realizing its reasons. It is necessary to understand what exactly distracts you from your intended actions and when this happens. You should also realize negative consequences behavior that involves distraction by unimportant things, because pragmatism is a personality trait that completely excludes the influence of extraneous factors.
  2. Deception of consciousness. For those who are accustomed to being guided by emotions, a method that involves a little deception of their own brain is suitable. Subconsciously, any person strives for relaxation and pleasure. To get started, you can “agree with yourself” that you will do a small part of the work and then rest again. Seeing that there is very little work, the subconscious mind will “allow” it to be completed without seeking any other activity.

Using the second method, you may notice that you don’t even want to, because you begin to understand that there is nothing complicated about it. After a while, you may feel that you don’t want to be distracted or rest (unless your body requires it). Starting to rest after the work has been done will make you feel more satisfied than if you avoided responsibilities. At the same time, information will remain on the subconscious level about what actions led to such satisfaction.

The combination of these methods with competent planning can turn even an uninitiative person into a person who is pragmatic.

A very mysterious and at the same time mysterious word is pragmatism. Many people do not know its meaning and are often surprised when someone uses the word pragmatism in their vocabulary. In the minds of the average person, this term is directly associated with some kind of rational, integral actions. Many centuries ago, people sought to give every object and action an explanation and the key goal was to pass on knowledge to the next generation. Literally from the Greek language the word “pragmatism” is translated as kind, deed, action.

The philosophy of pragmatism began to actively develop only in the early 70s of the 19th century. The founder of the philosophy of pragmatism in America was Charles Peirce; he is called the founding father of pragmatism as a method. Sanders introduced the world to basic ideas pragmatism, which he illustrated in several of his publications: “Fixing Beliefs” and “Making Our Ideas Clear.” This philosophical trend took hold in the United States of America, but only in the 20th century.

Pragmatism as a concept

A pragmatist is a person who has a special worldview and in his view any action and word can be explained using logic.

Different dictionaries interpret it differently this definition, pragmatism is a special ability to plan and implement all your plans, acting with concentration and purpose. The most important thing is not to be distracted, this is a special talent for doing everything consistently and according to plan, not many people can boast of it. A pragmatic person in the modern world is considered a strong personality who has a number of qualities:

  • the ability to manage your life by accepting important decisions and not placing all hopes solely on fate;
  • achieves everything himself;
  • carries out competent planning of each of its actions;
  • the goal turns into a result that has its own benefit;
  • a man of action always checks everything in practice, this is his basic principle;
  • does not recognize idealism;
  • skillfully uses his logical mind.

Another definition characterizes the word “pragmatism” as the ability to plan and try to implement the guidelines chosen in life, while there is maximum focus on the task and active movement towards the goal. This property characterizes people who are accustomed to being first in everything and always; they confidently move towards their intended goal, not paying attention to obstacles.

What kind of person is this?

According to another formulation, a pragmatic person is one who makes the most of the circumstances that have developed at a given stage of life. Each person can learn to set a number of specific goals and find the most real ways allowing you to realize your goals.

You can pay attention to the fact that each of these definitions for the most part repeats the previous one and we can draw a general conclusion - pragmatists are very purposeful individuals, they are entrepreneurial. Only now society is accustomed to criticizing such people, and all because they are the initiators of action. People are jealous that someone was able to achieve their goal, but he did not. But in every society pragmatists are born who manage to change the course of history.

Types of pragmatism

In the classical sense, a pragmatist is a person who is ready to step beyond his own ideals and confidently go ahead towards his goal. However, this interpretation is not entirely correct. This character trait may be present in the character of a person, then she tends to find benefit for herself from what relates to her environment. True pragmatism can be called a special ability to set oneself specific tasks, try to find the right ways and carry out further actions.

In life, pragmatism helps a person focus on the most important thing, on needs and priorities, every day is a new step towards his cherished goal. Society usually treats pragmatists negatively and unfriendly, although such persons can boast of strong willpower and the ability to navigate and find a way out in any situation.

Is it possible to develop pragmatism?

Quite often such people are compared with analysts, and such a comparison is completely inappropriate, since these are two different terms. A pragmatist does not collect facts, much less check them for accuracy. He strives to test a number of new, experimental ideas in practice. In addition, pragmatists really don’t like fiddling with paperwork; they need instant results. Any difficult task for a pragmatist is an opportunity to prove themselves as quickly as possible; such people take on any work with special zeal and they are 100% sure that they will succeed.

But the only thing that doesn’t work is someone who sits back and waits for someone to do everything for him, but that doesn’t happen. By their temperament, such people are choleric, they are energetic and ambitious. Ideas can be generated at any time of the day or night, and all this thanks to an incredible amount of energy. Is it good to be a pragmatist? You should remember one thing: in any business, moderation is important and pragmatism can turn into an excessively hypertrophied version. negative trait with a big minus. For a person who is accustomed to always being successful in everything, it will not be difficult to achieve his cherished goal of going over his head.

The result of his efforts may please him, but those around him will clearly not be delighted with such tactics. Many people ask a completely logical question: is it possible to somehow develop pragmatism? It is necessary to think about your goals, or even better, have a special notebook and record them. Don't be afraid to make plans for weeks, months and even years ahead. This tactic will allow you to look for ways to achieve your own goals. Forgotten desires can be turned into reality if they remain relevant to you. To do this, you just need to set a goal and try to do something every new day to bring it to life.

Pragmatism, as a philosophical movement, is based on the idea that only practice can be the criterion of truth. It is important to accept not the truth that authorities insist on, which exists only theoretically, but the one that is confirmed in practical actions. Certain events and incidents are important if they have significance in reality.

A pragmatist can be called both a follower of pragmatism (a philosophical movement) and a person with a pragmatic worldview in everyday life. For such people, what is useful is valuable. In order to find out who a pragmatist is, it is necessary to study the basic character traits and main principles of pragmatism.

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Pragmatists in everyday life easy to recognize by behavior:

  • Such people never complain about other people, especially about circumstances. According to the pragmatist, every person is free to achieve the maximum of his capabilities, albeit with someone else's help;
  • Often, pragmatists become inventors and innovators: they do not accept the word “impossible”, they are simply looking for a way that will make the idea a reality;
  • Most often, pragmatists are successful because they strive to do what is useful to people (as a result, in modern times, they earn money from it);
  • Pragmatists are not interested in “why not”, they are interested in “what was done to ensure that there was a yes”;
  • Pragmatists most often work in a team, directing the process: they clearly understand how their dream can be realized (and a pragmatist’s dream is always quite large), and prefer to involve professionals in their field in working on the process of implementing a particular idea;
  • These people know how to plan their time, are responsible, and demand the same from others;
  • Pragmatists know how to calculate their own and production forces, detail, and are always focused on results;
  • They are often considered brave people: they do not believe in immutable truths, they can enter into an argument with any person in order to get answers to their questions, to prove the practical benefits of this or that action;
  • Objectivity and acceptance of reality as it is, the desire to improve it - this is what guides a pragmatist in everyday life.

Principles of pragmatism

Pragmatism, as a worldview system, differs from others in its fundamental principles:

  • Practice is primary. Theory exists in order to mentally find the best ways improving the results obtained in practice. Theory is designed to enrich practice, moving it from thoughtless actions to a new, intellectual level;
  • Truth, be it philosophical or everyday, is determined not by theories or past experience, but by its usefulness for achieving the best result at a specific time applicable to a specific subject (or series of subjects). That is, what is most useful for a person here and now, and will help him achieve best results in a very specific situation, this is the truth for him;
  • Subjectivity of truth. Based on various situations, into which a person falls during his life experience, for each person their own truth is formed.
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