Maria Arbatova, biography, news, photos. How to learn to love? Conversation with writer Maria Gorodova “You couldn’t imagine a worse fate than Zetkin’s”

, Writers


Born on July 17, 1957 in the city of Murom, Vladimir Region, in the family of Ivan Gavriilovich Gavrilin and Tsivya Ilyinichna Aizenstadt. A year later the family moved to Moscow. While studying at school, she did not join the Komsomol “for reasons of principle.” In grades 9–10, she attended the School of Young Journalists at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. At the same time, according to her own statements, she became one of the activists of the Moscow hippie movement.

Father, Ivan Gavrilovich Gavrilin (1910, Kudashevo, Ryazan province - 1969), graduated from the history department of the Institute of Philosophy and Literature, and subsequently - postgraduate studies at the Military-Political Academy. V.I. Lenina, journalist and editor, was deputy editor-in-chief of Red Star, taught Marxist philosophy at the military academies named after. Lenin, named after Frunze, im. Dzerzhinsky. In 1950, he was appointed to Murom as a military teacher of Marxist philosophy, and in 1958 the family returned to Moscow.

Mother, Tsivya Ilyinichna Aizenshtat (b. 1922, Moscow), graduated from school with a gold medal, in 1940 she entered the 1st Moscow Medical Institute, then during the evacuation she entered the Moscow Veterinary Institute, which was evacuated from Moscow, and graduated with honors in her specialty microbiologist. In the 1990s, she became actively interested in Reiki therapy and became a successful Reiki therapist.

Maria Ivanovna entered the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University, but soon dropped out of it because, in her words, she “faced strong ideological pressure.” In 1984 she graduated from the drama department of the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky. She privately studied psychoanalytic counseling in the “psychoanalytic underground” of B. G. Kravtsov and S. G. Agrachev. Since 1991, she has led the “Harmony” club for psychological rehabilitation of women. Since 1996, he has been engaged in individual counseling as a psychoanalyst. She worked as a columnist for Obshchaya Gazeta for about five years. For five years she worked as a co-host in the women's talk show “I Am Myself” on TV-6. Author and presenter of the human rights program “The Right to Be Yourself” on the Mayak 24 radio station.

Political and social activities

She worked in numerous PR projects and election campaigns at all levels. As an expert, she took part in writing the presidential election program of Boris Yeltsin and the presidential election program of Ella Pamfilova. She ran for the State Duma in 1999 in the University district of Moscow from the Union of Right Forces, but, having received 14.78% of the votes, lost to the candidate from the Yabloko party, Mikhail Zadornov, who received 20.16%. She ran for the post of Commissioner for Human Rights of the Russian Federation. She was co-chair of the Human Rights Party from 2001 to 2003, which ceased to exist at the behest of investors. She was a member of the leadership of the Free Russia party, which was renamed the Civil Power party in February 2007. She was second on the list of candidates from the Free Russia party in the elections to the Moscow City Duma on December 4, 2005, where the party received 2.22% of the vote.

In December 2007, she ran for the State Duma on the list of the Social Justice Party, which received 0.22% of the votes. Immediately before the elections, the book “How I Tried to Honestly Get into the Duma” was republished with the subtitle “The Unfictional History of Elections,” which was first published in 2000 and described her attempt to run for the State Duma from the Union of Right Forces in 1999. In the 2007 edition, chapters about her activities as co-chair of the Human Rights Party were added. She also spoke sharply about the “Civil Force”, on the list of which she was supposed to be nominated to the Duma of the fifth convocation. She regretted that she brought its then leader Mikhail Barshchevsky, as well as a number of famous cultural figures, into the “Civil Force”. “They were used the same way as me,” and “threw away,” Arbatova wrote. “A day and a half before the congress approving candidates for districts, Barshchevsky, through the hands of the formal party leader Ryavkin, unscrupulously throws me out of the list.”

  • Since 1996, she has headed the public organization “Club of Women Intervening in Politics.”
  • Supports the idea of ​​“positive discrimination”.
  • She has repeatedly spoken out against violations of the rights of sexual minorities, and has spoken out in support of the legalization of same-sex marriage and the possibility of adoption of children by gay couples.
  • She spoke critically of the verdict against the members of the Pussy Riot group and the position of the Russian Orthodox Church on this and other issues.
  • In January 2013, she supported the adoption of a law prohibiting the adoption of Russian orphans by US citizens.


In October 2008, during the campaign for the release of former Yukos lawyer Svetlana Bakhmina, she published an article condemning Bakhmina and her defenders. Arbatova's article caused a great public outcry; her position reached the foreign press. Later, Maria Arbatova, together with Valeria Novodvorskaya, took part in the television program “To the Barrier!”, where the same topic was discussed. Arbatova's position was criticized by many famous people. Tatyana Tolstaya said “it’s especially disgusting that this is a woman mocking a woman.” Nikolai Svanidze said “Arbatova’s position is disgusting to me.” Valeria Novodvorskaya said that Arbatova committed meanness and threw a stone at the victim. She also stated that Arbatova had forever excluded herself from the society of decent people. Ksenia Larina said “This is the story of the “To the Barrier” program, which became one of the main cultural shocks of the past year, the position of Maria Arbatova, who was categorically against the early release of Svetlana Bakhmina. It truly caused a culture shock for many, there is no other way to put it. For many, Maria Arbatova has become a person, relatively speaking, who does not shake hands.” Irina Petrovskaya stated that Arbatova committed public suicide.

Awards from public organizations

  • 1991 - Gold medal of the Cambridge Bibliographic Center “For contribution to the culture of the 20th century” in the drama category.
  • 1991 - Laureate of the All-Union Radio Drama Competition. Radionovela “Rite of Initiation” from the play “The Late Crew”.
  • 1993 - Winner of the Literary News newspaper award for the best work in prose. The story “Abortion from the unloved.”
  • 1996 - Laureate of the Bonn Theater Biennale. The play “Test interview on the topic of freedom” staged by the Bonn Drama Theater.
  • 1998 - Laureate of the radio drama competition “Prize of Europe” for the radio play based on the play “Rite of Initiation” staged by Radio Russia.
  • 2002 - Order “For Service to the Fatherland” (saints Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy and Venerable Abbot Sergius of Radonezh) of the National Charitable Foundation “Eternal Glory to Heroes”.
  • 2006 - “Order of the Peacemaker, 2nd degree” of the World Charitable Alliance “Peacemaker”.
  • 2007 - “Order of the Peacemaker, 1st degree” of the World Charitable Alliance “Peacemaker”.
  • 2008 - “MONE Beauty Awards” from the “MONE” beauty salon in the “Muse of Literature” category (“for the ability to combine feminine softness and independence in oneself and one’s works”).
  • 2010 - medal of the Kemerovo region “For faith and goodness”.
  • 2012 - National Literary Award “Golden Pen of Rus'” for the work “Tasting India”.

Personal life

Arbatova was married three times:

  • Alexander Miroshnik (marriage lasted 17 years) - classical singer. He studied at the Gnessin Music School in the department of musical comedy and at the Academic Music School at the Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky at the vocal department. He worked as a soloist in Moscow choirs and musical theaters;
  • Oleg Vite (marriage lasted 8 years) - political expert. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Leningrad State University and the Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis. He worked as a columnist for Moscow News, then on Channel 1 TV, at the Working Center for Economic Reforms under the Government of the Russian Federation (1993-2000), in an expert group in the service of Presidential Assistants (1996), at the Effective Policy Foundation (2000-2004 ), since the fall of 2004 - chief expert of the Fund for Support of Legislative Initiatives. Biographer and researcher of the work of the Soviet historian and sociologist B. F. Porshnev. Author of several scientific and journalistic works in the field of economics, political sociology, history, etc.;
  • Noise Datta Gupta (current husband) is a financial analyst. Lives in Russia since 1985. Graduated from the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Nephew of Puran Chand Joshi, the first general secretary of the Communist Party of India (1935-1947), as well as nephew of Kalpana Datta, the national heroine of India, wife of P. C. Joshi.

In her marriage to A. Miroshnik, Arbatova had twin sons:

  • Pyotr Miroshnik (born 1977) graduated from the Russian State University for the Humanities with a degree in cultural studies. Creator and editor of the online almanac “Fourth Rome”, dedicated to the architecture and sociology of the city.
  • Pavel Miroshnik (born 1977) graduated from the Russian State University for the Humanities with a degree in psychology, psychotherapist. In their youth, Peter and Pavel participated in the rock group “Inki”.



  1. Plays for reading - M.: Prometheus, 1991.
  2. Drang nach Westen - Berlin: Felix Bloh Erben, 1992.
  3. Probeinterview zum Thema Freiheit - Reinbek: Rowohlt Verlag GmbH, 1996.
  4. Gleichung mit zwei gegeben - Reinbek: Rowohlt Verlag GmbH, 1996.
  5. Erobrte Bastiionen - Reinbek: Rowohlt Verlag GmbH, 1997.
  6. My name is woman - M.: Prometheus, 1998; M.: Eksmo, 1999 - ISBN 5-04-003539-X; M.: Eksmo-Press, 2001 - ISBN 5-04-008069-7; M: AST, 2008 - ISBN 978-5-17-043667-5, ISBN 978-5-9713-6629-4.
    • Translation into French: Mon nom est femme - Paris: Editions Jacqueline Chambon, 2000. - ISBN 978-2-87711-231-4;
    • Translation into Polish: Na imię mi kobieta - Warszawa: Twój Styl, 2005 - ISBN 83-7163-554-0.
  7. A visit from an old lady. Autobiographical prose. - M.: Podkova, 1999 - ISBN 5-89517-033-1; M.: Eksmo, 1999 - ISBN 5-04-004754-1; M.: Eksmo, 2005 - ISBN 5-699-05585-1; M: AST, 2008 - ISBN 978-5-17-047862-0, ISBN 978-5-9713-7587-6.
  8. On the way to myself - M.: Podkova, 1999;
    • Translation into English: On the Road to Ourselves \ Russian Mirror. Three Plays by Russian Women. - Amsterdam: Overseas Publishers Association, 1998 - ISBN 90-5755-025-3; On the Road to Myself - Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers - 1999.
  9. Mobile communications - M.: Eksmo, 2000 - ISBN 5-04-004755-X; M.: AST, 2008 - ISBN 978-5-17-044177-8, ISBN 978-5-9713-6628-7.
  10. Against the background of Pushkin... and the bird flies out... - M.: Eksmo, 2001 - ISBN 5-04-007940-0.
  11. The last letter to A. - M.: Eksmo, 2001 - ISBN 5-04-008257-6.
  12. Experience of social sculpture. - M.: Eksmo, 2002 - ISBN 5-04-010340-9.
  13. Lessons from Europe. - M: Eksmo-Press, 2002. - ISBN 5-04-010121-X.
  14. Farewell to the 20th century. In 2 vols. - M.: Eksmo, 2002. - ISBN 5-699-00249-9.
  15. Seven-year search. In 2 vols. - M.: Eksmo, 2003 - ISBN 5-699-03826-4, ISBN 5-699-04583-X; M: AST, 2008 - ISBN 978-5-17-046073-1, ISBN 978-5-9713-7588-3.
  16. I'm 46. - M.: Eksmo, 2004 - ISBN 5-699-05183-X.
  17. Love for American cars. - M.: Eksmo, 2004 - ISBN 5-699-07954-8.
  18. How I honestly tried to get into the Duma. - M.: AST, Harvest, 2007 - ISBN 978-5-17-046018-2, ISBN 978-5-9713-6401-6, ISBN 978-985-16-3319-3.
  19. Tasting India. - M.: AST, 2006 - ISBN 5-17-040576-6, ISBN 5-9713-3550-2, ISBN 978-5-9713-3550-4; Sofia: Riva, 2008.
  20. Old plays about the main thing. - M.: AST, 2008 - ISBN 978-5-17-053496-8, ISBN 978-5-9713-9176-0.
  21. Cinema, wine and dominoes. - M.: AST, 2009 - ISBN 978-5-17-060342-8, ISBN 978-5-403-01655-1.
  22. Ordeal by death or Iron Philatelist. Co-authored with Shumit Datta Gupta - M. Astrel, 2012 - ISBN 978-5-271-40565-5.


  1. 1979 - “Envious”
  2. 1982 - “Equation with two knowns”
  3. 1984 - “Alekseev and Shadows”
  4. 1987 - “Questionnaire for parents”
  5. 1985 - “Victoria Vasilyeva through the eyes of outsiders”
  6. 1987 - “Dreams on the banks of the Dnieper”
  7. 1987 - “Seminar by the sea”
  8. 1991 - “Session in a communal apartment”
  9. 1991 - “Late Crew”
  10. 1992 - “Drang nah westen”
  11. 1992 - “On the way to myself”
  12. 1993 - “Test interview on the topic of freedom”
  13. 1991 - “Test session”
  14. 1994 - “Taking of the Bastille”

Film scripts

  • 1990 - I can’t forget, I can’t forgive... (together with N. Repina)
  • 2010 - Fights. Ordeal by Death (with Shumit Datta Gupta)
  • 2011 - Fights. Zoya Voskresenskaya: love and exploration

Film roles

  • 2005 - Day Watch - episode
  • 2009 - St. Petersburg vacation - cameo

Maria Arbatova - photo

October 9, 2015

It is very important that the reader sees his own thoughts reflected in books. This characterizes the works of Maria Metlitskaya. But, in addition to helping the public understand their own “I,” her works are also light and ironic.

Love since childhood

Maria was born and lives in Moscow. The writer's parents belonged to the intelligentsia and participated in the sixties movement. Consequently, the child grew up in a creative atmosphere. The house was always full of books. The grandmother and mother instilled a love of literature in the child. It should be noted that Masha herself has been reading confidently since she was four years old. When the little girl lacked new books, she hurried to the library.

Sympathy for the word was not in vain. The works that Maria Metlitskaya writes pleasantly stand out among others. They have a simple and at the same time expressive and rich language. Respect for books accompanies a writer throughout her life. Even today, a woman's favorite hobby is reading a good story.

Maria wrote her first poems while still at school. But the future profession was far from literature. The master of words studied to become a doctor and worked as a doctor for some time. Nevertheless, the woman never left creativity. In 2003, the first collection of poems was published. But the author Maria Metlitskaya gained real popularity thanks to her stories.

Second chance at happiness

The woman's first marriage was unsuccessful. It was risky to rely on the person with whom she lived under the same roof. Therefore, the talented novelist tried to build happiness with another man. The writer lived with this chosen one for 20 years in a civil marriage. The official registration of the family union coincided with the celebration of the release of the first book. Her companion, with whom she has already celebrated her silver jubilee, is worthy of respect. He became her solid shoulder, a close one who would never betray.

It should be noted that Maria Metlitskaya very often raises the topic of fidelity in her works. “The Mistake of Youth” tells about betrayal and its consequences. A work about a man who left his wife and sick child. He plans to start life on a new page, but fate is a very capricious lady, and she does not forgive meanness.

Start of work

Once readers learn the story of how the author began her writing career, they begin to believe in fate. The woman's only son grew up and moved away from the family. In fact, the main mission of her life - raising a child - has come to an end. Another impetus for writing was a personal drama. Maria Metlitskaya was sick for some time.

The woman tried to occupy herself with various courses and clubs, but none of the activities could satiate her creative nature. One day she decided to write a story. When the work was finished, I read the work to my husband. He responded approvingly and encouraged his wife to continue creating.

The woman wrote her first stories by hand, because she had no idea how to work on a computer. Only at the age of 52 did she master this technique.

Next, the writer visited all possible book fairs and offered a disc with her work to editors. But as soon as publishers heard that the author was writing in the form of a story, they refused the materials. Others ignored Maria's work due to lack of experience.

One more step to glory

Nevertheless, the works that Maria Metlitskaya wrote saw the light of day.

The genre in which the writer writes is short story. She has remained faithful to this short form of literary prose for decades. Since childhood, she adored reading Anton Chekhov and O. Henry. She likes short stories, if only because she doesn’t need to spend a lot of time on them. But the deeper the writer dived into the world of literature, the more often she thought about starting work on a big novel.

A work in this genre is “And the ball will return.” The book was very difficult for her, says Maria Metlitskaya. The biography and personal experience of the prose writer were partially reflected in the image of the character Tanya. The plot tells the story of four friends who have known each other since school. They're having their graduation party very soon. The girls are full of hopes and expectations. But the tragedy changes their attitude towards life and each other. However, the heroines still have many ups and downs ahead.

Now the book has been adapted into a TV series of the same name. The director is Valery Devyatilov, and the main roles are played by the country's best actresses.

Best stories

The author is very critical of his works. From the bibliography she highlights the work “Our Little Life”. The work is part of the “Behind Other People’s Windows” series. And indeed, each story describes simple, ordinary people, whose greatness and tragedy lie in their actions. Despite the fact that the stories are fiction, the reader, leafing through the books of Maria Metlitskaya, sees himself in every image. The master has the fewest complaints about this story.

On the contrary, the public likes "The Mother-in-Law's Diary" more. The writer herself did not have high hopes for this work. But the simple and ironic narrative won the hearts of the audience. The plot tells about a mother who devoted her whole life to her beloved son. But the boy has grown up and is starting his own independent life. In fact, the heroine’s child is taken away not only by time, but also by another woman. Now the main character must get used to the role of mother-in-law. The son's chosen one becomes a rival and claims to be the main person in his life. An energetic and restless mother copes with this situation in her own way.

Everyone who read this story saw in the actions of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law their own actions in similar circumstances.

Star Olympus

Victoria Tokareva speaks positively about Metlitskaya’s work. This writer has been creating talented books for a long time. Often critics argue that the style in which Maria writes is partly similar to that of her colleague.

She loves every character, no matter positive or negative, equally. The main images are very detailed. This allows the public to immerse themselves in the world of the book as much as possible. Often her works leave room for mystery. And on the final page the author gives the hero a choice: stay in place or move towards goodness and light.

Maria Metlitskaya's books were born from her own experience. The author notes that although almost all situations and characters are fictitious, most of her works are based on what she herself saw.

The audience of this writer is becoming larger. Not only women, but also men admire her prose. Today the works are very popular. Now the master of words is considering writing a new grandiose novel.

Maria Metlitskaya “Diary of a Mother-in-Law”
This amazingly interesting book is the diary of a heroine who unexpectedly became her mother-in-law.

Has your son, whom it seems like you just brought home from the maternity hospital yesterday and just recently sent him to first grade, changed a lot? Writes text messages, hangs on the phone for hours, answers at random? The diagnosis is clear. Remember the joke: a mother takes twenty minutes to make a man out of her son, and his girlfriend can make an idiot out of him in twenty minutes. Yes, yes, the hour is not far off when you will become not just a woman and not even just a wife and mother, but a mother-in-law. And you should definitely read this book, because it is excellent psychotherapy for those who have recently become mothers-in-law, and for those who have been bearing this burden for a long time, and for those who are terrified of changes in their lives.

Or maybe you are the same girl who caused the family's hope to turn into a lovesick klutz? Then this book is for you - after all, every mother-in-law was once a daughter-in-law. And almost every daughter-in-law - attention! - someday she may become a mother-in-law.

Maria Metlitskaya, biography
The author of amazingly charming and wise books, who from her first steps in literature won the sincere love of numerous readers, Maria Metlitskaya was born and lives in Moscow.
A creative person, she was always looking for forms of self-expression - she painted furniture in the decoupage style, wrote poetry, and several years ago she wrote her first stories. This didn't happen quite normally. To get rid of the inner emptiness that formed when her son left his parents’ home, one fine day she simply sat down on the country terrace and took hold of her hand. An energetic person, accustomed to doing everything quickly and immediately grasping the essence of things, Maria chose the genre of short prose for herself and a few days later she already gave her first short stories to friends for judgment. They turned out to be so bright and interesting that the first readers began to pass them on to their friends and relatives, and, having traveled a long way, the folder with Maria Metlitskaya’s stories ended up with Victoria Tokareva, who made a fateful verdict, predetermining the future of the young author. “For me there are no beginner or intermediate writers. A writer either exists or he doesn’t. Maria Metlitskaya is,” wrote Victoria Samoilovna. And she was not mistaken: Metlitskaya’s books became a revelation in 2011 for thousands of readers.
It’s not for nothing that Metlitskaya’s author’s series is called “Behind Other People’s Windows” - the author seems to invite us to observe someone else’s life, to listen to another person’s story, and we have a strong feeling that we have known the characters for a long time and their “little life” is extremely interesting to us. It is precisely because of their “realness” that Metlitskaya’s books attract numerous readers. Moreover, each reader tries on the situations described for himself, making sure that many dramatic, even tragic events in life can be dealt with. And although Metlitskaya herself modestly calls herself “a realist with a pessimistic bent,” her short stories are able to bring people back to life, shake them up, help them accept and love people with all their imperfections. The author is sure that every little thing, every joy and mistake, every minute of any person’s life has its own meaning, and if sometimes we don’t notice it, then we should just take a closer look.
Among Metlitskaya’s readers there are a variety of people: those who appreciate real literature, and those who look in books for answers to questions that inevitably arise in everyone who is used to comprehending life events, and those who simply need support, a kind word, which you can grab onto like a straw. What is the secret of such success? Perhaps it is that Maria writes only about what, in her own words, she has the right to talk about. “In my life I have experienced passions and disappointments, pain and resentment, illness, everything that accompanies any fate. But we must not lose heart. Human possibilities are inescapable. We have powers within us that we may not even be aware of. And life helps us reveal them.”

And the ball will return...
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In youth, even the most insignificant troubles seem like a universal tragedy. In maturity comes wisdom, and you begin to understand that disappointment will certainly be replaced by hope, and after loss will come gain.
The heroines of Metlitskaya’s new novel know firsthand that life is not only unhappy or only happy. Meetings and whirlwind romances, betrayal and separation, the birth of children and the loss of loved ones - their lives seem to differ little from the lives of ordinary women. But they have something that is rare - true friendship, and they know for sure: everything will change, everything will change, everything can be dealt with. The main thing is to have close people nearby...

Release date:07/24/2012

To all the sisters...
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“” – 68 rub.
“” – 75 rub.
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Download the electronic version in “Lites (ebook)” – 54 rubles.
How differently destinies turn out! It happens that at fifty a husband looks at his wife with the same reverence as at twenty, and it happens that a man lives in two houses, sincerely believing that he makes both women happy. Some people have really strong families, while others maintain appearances for the sake of their children or out of fear of loneliness.
Many people know how to be content with what they have and enjoy every day. But what if you expect more from life and suffer from the fact that your expectations are not met?
Maria Metlitskaya is sure: female wisdom lies in the ability to understand, forgive and accept. After all, no one knows how much joy and sadness is measured out for someone. All sisters - in their own way.
Series: Behind other people's windows. Prose by M. Metlitskaya
Release date: 03/19.

Copper pipe test
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“” – 69 rub.
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Many people pass through fire and water, but only a few pass through copper pipes.
Lenin’s parents were unmercenary people of the sixties, and her own family was not much different from her parents’: she and her husband worked a lot, but lived very modestly. Wealth fell upon them unexpectedly, and, as Lena naively thought, it was well deserved. But she rejoiced in vain: easy money is always a test, a temptation that few can cope with.
Series: Behind other people's windows. Prose by M. Metlitskaya
Release date:01/25/2012

Second wind
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“” – 62 rub.
“” – 63 rub.
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Download the electronic version in “Lites (ebook)” – 54 rubles.
Flip through the book: Athletes know that no matter how hard it is at a distance, you can’t give up: the most stubborn always get a second wind.
Life is very much like running a long distance - everything happens while you are running, and you never know what awaits you at the finish line.
It happens that despair overwhelms you, you are suffocating, it seems that you have no more strength.
But those who managed to overcome despair have a rare opportunity: to fix everything and change their lives. Do not allow circumstances and strangers to interfere with her anymore.
The heroes of the stories collected under this cover are precisely those who waited for a second wind and understood what it means to truly live.
Series: Behind other people's windows. Prose by M. Metlitskaya
Release date: 10/20/2011

The troubled life of a single woman
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“” – 63 rub.
“” – 75 rub.
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Download the electronic version in “Lites (ebook)” – 54 rubles.
Flip through the book: Busy housewives and cruel show business sharks, beauties and plain girls, femme fatales and quiet simpletons - the heroines of this book are not at all alike. But there is something that unites them: the eternal, inherent need by nature itself to give their love to loved ones - men, children, parents.
But what if no one needs your love? If the food you prepared with your own hands sits idle in the refrigerator and there is no one to appreciate the cleanliness of the cleaned house?
If there is no one to console? If no one needs you?
A woman cannot and should not be lonely - the heroines of this book are trying to change their fate. Some people succeed...
Series: Behind other people's windows. Prose by M. Metlitskaya
Release date:01.08.2011

Mashkin's happiness
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“” – 63 rub.
“” – 155 rub.
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Download the electronic version in “Lites (ebook)” – 54 rubles.
Flip through the book: Why are some happy and others unhappy?
And in general, what is happiness? Someone is content with little and is happy.
Someone strives for the unattainable and is always unhappy.
Among the heroes of this book there are both.
Probably the fact is that the happy ones realized in time: life is not a struggle, but a reward.
Series: Behind other people's windows. Prose by M. Metlitskaya
Release date:04/01/2011

Our little life
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“” – 63 rub.
“” – 75 rub.
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Download the electronic version in “Lites (ebook)” – 49 rubles.
Flip through the book: Maria Metlitskaya talks about ordinary people - they don’t fly into space, don’t shine on the stage, you won’t find them on the Forbes list.
Therefore, their stories are read in one breath - they could happen to us.
The author lifts the curtain, behind which is someone else’s life, but the reader always wants to say: “This is me.” It was me who cried at the airport, seeing off my loved one and knowing that I would never see him again. It was I, having met my first love, who realized that I could not enter this river a second time. It was I who suddenly realized that my youth had quickly flown by and it was impossible to return it.
And everyone will say: Metlitskaya’s heroes coped with all the trials of fate. That means I can do it, and I can handle it.
Series: Behind other people's windows. Prose by M. Metlitskaya
Release date:02/01/2011

Childhood and youth of Maria Arbatova

Ivan Gavrilovich Gavrilin, Maria’s father, in 1951, by order of his superiors, was forced to leave the capital within 24 hours. The family went to Murom, where they lived for 7 years, where the now famous social activist and TV presenter Maria Arbatova, and then simply Masha Gavrilina, was born.

When the girl was one year old, her parents had the opportunity to return to Moscow. From an early age, the girl tried to swim against the tide, which did not interfere with her active work: attending the School of Young Journalists at Moscow State University, studying at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University and at the Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky. Privately, Maria mastered the basics of psychoanalytic counseling. The girl also shared the views of the popular hippies at that time, but she did not want to be a Komsomol member for reasons of principle.

Career of Maria Arbatova

At first, Maria Arbatova benefited most from her psychology lessons. Since 1991, under her leadership, the Harmony center existed, providing psychological support to women. In 1996, Maria began private practice.

Arbatova’s first work in the media sphere was her appearance on screen as a co-host of the popular women’s show “I Am Myself,” as well as work on the radio in the program “The Right to Be Yourself.”

Since the mid-90s, Maria Arbatova has been actively expressing her civic position, be it issues of politics, morality, or infringement of human rights. Since 1996, she has headed the public organization “Club of Women Intervening in Politics.” Defends the rights of minorities subject to discrimination.

Maria Arbatova took part in election campaigns and ran for State Duma deputy several times. Maria is also actively involved in literary activities. By her own admission, she first took up writing when she was staying at home after the birth of her sons.

Maria Arbatova: politics is a narcotic thing

However, quite a lot of time has passed since her first attempts at writing, and today Maria Arbatova can boast of an extensive bibliography. She has more than two dozen published books, including “My Name is Woman,” “Farewell to the 20th Century,” “Tasting India” and others.

A number of books are published in foreign languages. She wrote three film scripts, and fourteen plays were also written by Arbatova. Maria also tried herself in cinema, although so far these were only small roles in “Day Watch” and “St. Petersburg Vacations”.

Awards for Maria Arbatova

For her active social activities, as well as her contribution to culture and the arts, Maria Arbatova received a number of prestigious awards.

In 1991, Arbatova received the award “For Contribution to the Culture of the 20th Century.” In the same year, she became a laureate of the All-Union Radio Drama Competition.

Maria Arbatova: emigration is a problem

Maria's prose works were also appreciated by critics. In 1993, her story “Abortion from the Unloved” was recognized as the best work in prose.

In 2002 she was awarded the Order “For Service to the Fatherland”. The charitable alliance “Peacemaker” awarded Maria Arbatova the “Order of the Peacemaker” of the first and second degree.

The work “Tasting India” brought the writer not only additional fame, but also the “Golden Pen of Rus'” award.

Personal life of Maria Arbatova

Feminist and women's rights activist Maria Arbatova never suffered from a lack of male attention.

Maria first got married at the age of 18. Having met in a fashionable establishment where a bohemian crowd gathered, the young people immediately felt on the same wavelength and three days later they submitted an application to the registry office. Despite such a hasty decision to create a new unit of society, the marriage of Arbatova and musician Alexander Miroshnik lasted 17 long years. After the separation, the couple maintained friendly relations. From her first marriage, Maria left behind twin sons.

Probably, the dates in Arbatova’s life mean something, otherwise how can one explain that Vitya met her new husband Oleg on the day of her divorce from her previous one, and the day of the upcoming wedding coincided with the date Maria met Alexander? Wedding preparations again took place in such a hurry that Arbatova forgot about the need to buy a bride's dress.

According to the TV presenter, her second husband is “a super-full-fledged man.” With him, she learned that representatives of the stronger sex are not alien to the desire to solve everyday issues, and the successful career of a wife does not cause gnashing of teeth, but pride and admiration. After eight years of marriage, the couple separated. This happened without quarrels or showdowns on the anniversary of the first meeting.

Alexander Rappoport, an emigrant from the USA, became the next man who managed to win the heart of Maria Arbatova. Once again, a significant meeting took place on one of Mary’s memorable dates. On my wedding anniversary with my second husband. However, this relationship never brought the couple to the registry office.

Arbatova's third husband, Shumit Datta Gupta, came to Russia from India in 1985. Maria and her Indian boyfriend have been married for nine years. The TV presenter hopes that this relationship will not crack and they will be able to walk hand in hand for the rest of their lives.

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