Bloody Mary demon. Calling Bloody Mary in different ways and the consequences of the rituals. English versions of Bloody Mary

The myth of Bloody Mary has its roots in ancient times. In the United States of America, at the beginning of 1978, a publication by the famous folklorist Janet Langlo was published, which described Bloody Mary and her story. This story was extremely popular and was, to say the least, entertaining.

How Bloody Mary came to be

At many entertainment events, young men and women invoked Bloody Mary. No one can tell the real origins of this myth, but there are two possible options. According to one version, Bloody Mary is a witch who was burned at the stake in ancient times. According to another version of the retelling, she was a girl who currently crashed on a plane. Depending on the territory of the United States where this story was told, one of the possible versions of the terrifying legend prevailed.

However, a myth arose that tells about Bloody Mary in one of the states of America, namely in Pennsylvania. This legend says that in the thicket of the forest, in an abandoned hut, there lived an old woman who collected all kinds of medicinal herbs, and then sold them as various medicines. Those who lived near that place called this old woman Bloody Mary and called her a witch. - a sorceress. Everyone was afraid to cross the road of this old Mary for fear of starvation of livestock, rotting crops, childhood illnesses or some other evil curse.

Some time later, teenage girls began to disappear in the area. The relatives, distraught with grief, combed the thicket of the forest far and wide, examined all the nearby houses and farmland, but never found anyone. Then the bravest residents gathered and moved to the house where the old woman lived. Mary did not admit her guilt and said that she had nothing to do with all these disappearances. Of course, no one believed her, but people also could not prove her guilt. But everyone noticed that the old woman no longer looked as frail as before, she became more attractive and youthful.

One day in the middle of the night, the youngest daughter of an old miller heard an unusually charming melody that no one else around had heard. She got up from her sleeping place and went into the yard. That very night her mother had severe toothache, so she then sat in the dining room and brewed a healing potion. As soon as she saw that her little daughter, wearing only a nightgown and barefoot, went over the threshold, she began to wake up the miller, and then she ran after the little girl. The miller had to run, as his mother gave birth, but neither he nor his wife were able to catch up with their daughter.

The miller and his wife shouted so loudly that they alarmed the entire neighborhood. Most of the neighbors ran out into the courtyards to help the girl’s exhausted parents. Then surprise suddenly appeared on the miller’s face; he pointed to an unusual glow flickering on the edge of the forest. It was in that direction that there stood a huge ancient oak tree, near which stood Bloody Mary with her magic wand pointed towards the miller’s dwelling. This wand emitted such a strange light that it immediately became clear that the old woman was sending punishment to the miller’s house and his entire family.

All residents armed themselves with whatever they could. Some took pitchforks, others rakes, some even grabbed sticks and walked in a herd towards the witch. As soon as Mary heard that people were approaching, she immediately stopped casting a spell and tried to run away from them. But one of the farmers took with him a gun containing bullets cast from silver. He fired a shot and wounded the sorceress right in the legs. The old woman fell, and the frenzied residents grabbed her, dragged her to the central square and publicly burned her at the stake. After some time, people came to her hut and found there the burial place of all the little girls who had once disappeared. Old woman Mary, having killed all these girls, took blood from them, thanks to which she became younger.

Being in the arms of the flame, the witch cursed everyone. Now, whoever dares to say her name, being near the mirror, will certainly call her to him, thereby saying goodbye to his own life. It is believed that such people will be subject to a painful death, and the soul of such a person will forever burn through the looking glass. This myth has echoes of English history.

English versions of Bloody Mary

It was believed that Queen Mary I Tudor of England was an incorrigible tyrant, which is why people called her Bloody Mary. During her entire reign, she burned over three hundred people, and at the royal court there were stories that she was rejuvenated with the blood of Protestant virgins. There is another variation of the Bloody Mary prototype. Many believed that she was Mary Worth, who killed her children.

In the world of cinema there is also a film telling the story of Bloody Mary. According to the script, the main character Mary is killed and her eyes are cut out, and the spirit inhabits a nearby mirror. And whoever uttered the name of Bloody Mary in front of this mirror, she immediately killed everyone.

One of the oldest and bloodiest games is rightfully called the game of summoning the spirit of Mary. To play it, you need to light candles and say the name of the spirit in front of the mirror, thus evoking the entity. Despite the thrill that this entertainment brings, you need to think carefully before learning how to call Bloody Mary at home. This game is especially dangerous for young children with unstable psyches.

Who was Mary

She was an innocent girl named Marie Tudor, who was killed, and now her soul is filled with a thirst for revenge. The offenders cannot escape the terrible punishment of Bloody Mary; the spirit will come to them for retribution. Children love to tell a story about a little girl who lived with her mother. Once she ran into the kitchen to her mother to show her drawing, which depicted a ladder. A terrible picture awaited her there - her mother was lying dead on the floor with Chinese knives sticking out of her back.

Suspecting her neighbors in what had happened, the girl took the knives out of the lifeless body and went to them. She managed to kill several before getting hit by a car. The girl's hands were cut off, and the corpse was disposed of in a well. Since then, the embittered soul has taken revenge on everyone involved in the death of the mother, the people who knocked down someone and threw the corpse into the well, and also those who painted the stairs.

Spirit Summoning Ritual

The ritual of summoning a bloody spirit does not require much effort from a person, however it can bring very unpleasant consequences. It is not for nothing that this magical action is considered very dangerous, because it is associated with the release of a terrible entity capable of horrific acts. This entity feeds on human emotions, and human fear gives it strength.

Of course, you need to be aware of the full degree of responsibility before you begin to perform a magical ritual. You must remember your safety. The best protection is lighting candles and using prayers. The Bloody Mary Challenge consists of the following steps:

  1. You need to stand in front of a mirror and, looking intently into it, say the phrase “I believe in Bloody Mary!” three times;
  2. Close your eyes, imagining an angry woman in front of you;
  3. Open your eyes and peer into the mirror reflection, in which the spirit of Mary should appear behind the back of the one who called her. The main thing is not to turn to the summoned Bloody Mary under any circumstances.

Other calling methods

In order to summon Bloody Mary during the day, you will need a candle, a mirror and an assistant. The ritual is carried out in the bathroom with the water turned on: as legends say, the sound of the water was the last thing the girl could hear before she died. You need to do the following:

  1. Turn on the water;
  2. Keep one hand on the mirror and the other on the assistant;
  3. Say the phrase “Bloody Mary, come!” at least three times.

After such actions, the silhouette of a bloodthirsty spirit appears in the mirror reflection. You can protect yourself from it using the icon. She will not allow the entity to come out of the mirror and harm the person who dared to call it.

Despite all the dangers of magical actions, kids love everything supernatural, it attracts them like a magnet. They like to perform a mysterious ritual, especially at school. To make the ritual safer, real blood should never be used. It is better to resort to lipstick, a mirror and three candles.

To carry out the ritual, you need to go into a dark corridor and draw a ladder on the mirror, initially you need to light candles in front of it. Then you need to say the phrase “Bloody Mary, appear.” After these words, a bloody entity will appear.

It is necessary to put out all the candles and turn the mirror over at the moment when the silhouette of the figure reaches the last step. By breaking the rules, the person calling Mary will give her the opportunity to free herself from mirror captivity and take revenge on the next victim.

Possible consequences

Often teenagers like to make videos about summoning an evil spirit. However, most of this material is just another way for a child to attract attention and does not pose any serious danger. Often, otherworldly entities do not like to be filmed, so it is impossible to preserve any evidence of the existence of the otherworldly in public sources. They seem to evaporate from there, and no one can give a rational explanation for this.

Regarding the photographs taken during the ritual to summon the spirit of Mary, they always show a picture similar to a female silhouette, dressed in a bloody dress. It is known from unverified sources that an angry spirit, having come to the person who called it, will want to inflict cruel reprisals on him. The consequences can be the most terrible - bruises and abrasions, scratched eyes, loss of mind.

Adrenaline lovers should think carefully about what such a dangerous ritual can lead to. Many people who once caused a bloody spirit to this day are unable to look at mirrors without anxiety. Mary really doesn't like being bothered by mere mortals; she craves revenge and gets indescribable pleasure from it.

Bloody Mary is one of the most popular heroines of horror films. A large number of different stories are associated with a terrible spirit, which many believe. Brave teenagers even try to invite him to their home. Of all the existing stories, one can single out a certain image of a terrible woman named Mary.

What does Bloody Mary look like?

Since there are no facts confirming the existence of this spirit, many parts of the world have their own assumptions about where it came from and what it looks like. The legend of Bloody Mary is especially popular in America. According to her, there lived an old woman in the forest, practicing. People living in the area were afraid of her and avoided the tenth road. When children began disappearing in the village, no one doubted that Mary was to blame for everything. In addition, it was at this time that the old woman’s appearance changed, and she became younger and younger. The story of Bloody Mary goes on to say that one evening the miller’s daughter left the house and went into the forest. Her parents noticed this and went after her. Neighbors came to the rescue when they saw some kind of light at the edge of the forest. They saw Mary casting a spell on the girl. As a result, the witch was caught and burned in the fire. In the last minutes of her life, she cursed everyone around her.

There are other urban legends about Bloody Mary that originated in England. Many believe that this was the name given to Queen Mary I Tudor, who was distinguished by her cruelty and hatred. During the years of her reign, according to her decree, more than 300 people were burned at the stake. Many of them were Protestants. People were sure that Bloody Mary drank the blood of girls to prolong her youth. According to another legend, Mary Worth was called bloody, accused of killing her children. At one Catholic seminary, children spoke of the spirit of Mary Wales, who bled to death after being attacked.

How to summon Bloody Mary?

Each person has the opportunity to see the spirit with his own eyes by spending a short time. At night, when everyone is already asleep, take a candle and matches. Go into the bathroom, stand in front of the mirror, light a candle and hold it to the mirror. After this, without taking your eyes off the flame, say 3 times:

"Bloody Mary, come out!"

After this, the image of a ghost should appear in the mirror. No one knows exactly what it will look like. The ghost of Bloody Mary will come in the form that is the most terrible for a person. The only thing that will unite all options is huge eyes, displaying exclusively negative emotions.

How to summon Bloody Mary? This question is often asked by young wizards who have already taken the path of magic. But is it worth doing this and what could such a prank turn out to be like for you?

How to summon Bloody Mary?

Although it is already the 21st century, people’s belief in the supernatural does not fade away. Since ancient times, people have tried to find the simplest and most effective methods that would allow them to communicate with entities from other worlds, find out the future, obtain the necessary knowledge and fulfill their dreams.

Thanks to this, today we know common rituals, and, and so on.

The ritual of calling Bloody Mary can be classified as quite complex, since in this case it is not a good-natured creature who comes into contact with you, and you need to clearly understand how you can protect yourself from its influence.

But what happens if you call Bloody Mary, and why are such rituals performed? If you believe ancient legends, then it was this spirit that allowed women in ancient times to know exactly what their future husband would look like.

According to this ancient fortune-telling, the spirit appeared before the fortuneteller instead of her own reflection in the mirror. If you looked over this spirit's left shoulder, you could see the face of your betrothed.

Unfortunately, today many children try to call upon this spirit, not knowing or forgetting that it can be dangerous. In addition, it is possible that after Mary, some other entity, evil and insidious, will penetrate into this world through the magical portal that will open when summoned.

It is worth noting that although Bloody Mary is not very difficult to summon and banish, it can cause quite serious damage to an inexperienced magician. Such a creature feeds not on human energy, but on emotions. The stronger they are, the more powerful Mary will become. The main emotion she feeds on is fear. Therefore, the more afraid you are, the more power the spirit will have over you.

Before you begin the summoning ritual, it’s worth figuring out who Bloody Mary is. It should be noted that there are several stories regarding the origin of this spirit.

The first of them says that in ancient times there lived a woman with her daughter. One day a little girl drew a ladder on a piece of paper and then wanted to show it to her mother. However, the girl found her already dead. The woman's back was pierced by several Chinese knives.

The child decided that the murder was committed by their neighbors, who so often bullied the family. After this, the child, seized with anger and a thirst for revenge, took knives from his mother’s body and set off to take revenge. After the girl killed several people, she was shot down by the crew. The body was found by villagers and thrown into a well, after cutting off his hands.

The prototype of Bloody Mary - Marie Tudo

Even after death, the girl continues to pursue everyone who could in any way be involved in the death of her mother, who knocked down a person or threw a child into a well. In addition, Bloody Mary appears to everyone who draws on paper or the mirrors of the stairs. However, it does not kill such people, but only scares them and leaves deep cuts on their bodies.

Although this story is quite common, psychics are skeptical about it. Most of them adhere to a different theory. They believe that during her lifetime, Bloody Mary was Mary I Tudor, who was also called Mary the Catholic or Bloody Mary.

She was the daughter of Henry VIII, Catherine of Aragon and the sister of the future one of the most famous English queens, Elizabeth I.

Mary I Tudor was famous for her cruelty; many people were executed during her reign. It was believed that the woman received pleasure from bringing pain to other people and instilling fear in them.

Although such magic is very unsafe for children, nothing can stop young lovers of the supernatural. In order to protect yourself, first of all remember that you should never use your own blood when performing this ritual.

This can be very dangerous, the consequences can be unpredictable. To carry out the ceremony, arm yourself with lipstick, a mirror and three candles. Stand in a dark corridor (it is best to sit on the floor), place a mirror in front of you, place three candles in a row, light them, then draw a ladder on the mirror. Once this is done, say:

Bloody Mary, appear!

Literally a few seconds after you say these words, the spirit will come to you. Be careful, as he will try in every possible way to go beyond the mirror. As soon as the figure is on the penultimate step, blow out the candles and turn the mirror over.

If you do not do this, the spirit may break out and then drag you into its kingdom. It is possible that the next day you will have bruises or scratches on your body.

This old method, as the legend says, will help you find out who your betrothed is. It is believed that this is one of the most effective fortune telling. It is held only on women's days of the week (Wednesday, Friday or Saturday) at exactly midnight.

You will need to take one mirror and candles. Place the attributes in front of you and, holding a lit candle in your hands, peer at your reflection through the flame. When you tune in to the desired energy wave, say three times:

Bloody Mary, come to me.
Show me my betrothed.

Continue to peer at your reflection and, as soon as you notice that it has begun to change, immediately look behind the left shoulder of the figure that appears. Under no circumstances should you look the spirit in the face, as it can move into you.

You only have a few seconds to look at the face of your future groom. If you notice that the spirit is trying to leave the mirror (as soon as it starts moving towards you), say three times:

Bloody Mary, go away!

After this, you must immediately turn on the light and wait until the image of the ghost completely disappears. If you abruptly extinguish the candles in this case, the spirit can get out of the looking glass and enter your world. After this, it will be much more difficult to get rid of him, since you will have to fight the evil poltergeist.

As soon as the spirit disappears, you can put out the candles, rinse the mirror several times with holy water, then wrap it in thick black cloth and leave it in a dark place for 3 days, hide it from prying eyes. It is useless to film such a ritual on video or photo, since the camera will not be able to capture the spirit.

Such a ritual is carried out only in open areas or indoors where no one lives. It is worth noting that it is more suitable for experienced and powerful magicians, and not for young wizards. To carry it out you will need:

  • salt or white chalk;
  • red chalk;
  • 5 candles.

Exactly at midnight, go to the chosen place of the ceremony, using salt or white chalk, draw a circle that will be your reliable protection. If the ceremony is carried out outdoors, where there is a lot of wind that can blow away the salt, then it is better to use chalk.

Inside the circle, place five candles around you and carefully light them. After this, outside the protective dome, draw a large staircase with red chalk. Tell:

Bloody Mary, come to me, give me the answer!

Repeat the spell exactly three times. After this, you will see how a large figure of a woman appears on the drawn stairs. It is possible that her clothes will be spattered with blood.

Important Note: do not look at the woman, as she will constantly try to look into your face. If this happens, she will not leave you alone and will constantly try to take over your body. In this case, it will not be possible to send it back.

When Mary appears, you can ask her one question. In any case, she will be forced to answer until you send her back. Once the answer is received, say:

Bloody Mary, get out!

After this, blow out all the candles one by one from left to right. Once the spirit disappears, you can exit the protective dome. Be sure to erase the drawn staircase, otherwise Mary will be able to use it to get out of her world again.

If you follow all safety rules when performing the Bloody Mary ritual, then you will not be in any danger. If you neglect the spirit or do not protect yourself, the consequences can be unpredictable.

The legend of Bloody Mary is known all over the world, in particular in Russia there is a legend about, she is the prototype of Bloody Mary, she is also called by standing at the mirror and repeating the phrase “Queen of Spades, come!” three times. The birthplace of the legend of Bloody Mary can be considered the United States States of America. In 1978, folklorist Janet Langlo published an article on Bloody Mary. In those days, this belief was extremely widespread; at friendly parties, both girls and boys called Mary. No one knows the true origin of the legend, so the title of Bloody Mary is claimed both by a witch who was burned in ancient times for witchcraft, and by an unremarkable young woman who died in a car accident these days - it all depends on where in the United States this story is told to you.
Legend collector psychologist Charlotte Benson notes that 90% of children aged 7 to 15 still believe in the truthfulness of the legends of Bloody Mary and Sweet Man.
The state of Pennsylvania is considered the birthplace of the legend of Bloody Mary.
Deep in the forest, in a tiny hut, there lived an old woman who collected medicinal herbs for sale. People living in the nearby village called her Bloody Mary and considered her a witch. No one dared to contradict the old hag, fearing that she would send pestilence to the cattle, rot to the supplies, fever to the children, or create some other terrible evil that witches are capable of, angry at their neighbors. Somehow, little girls began to disappear one after another in the area. Heartbroken parents searched the forest, surrounding buildings and farms, but could not find any traces of the missing children. Several brave men even went to the forest to see Mary, but she denied her involvement in the disappearance of the girls. She did not dispel suspicions, but there was no evidence against her. However, the neighbors noticed that the old hag had changed noticeably: she looked much younger and more attractive...
One night, the miller's daughter got out of bed and left the house, captivated by a sound that no one else had heard. That night, the miller's wife had a toothache and was sitting in the kitchen preparing a decoction to relieve the pain. Seeing her daughter leaving the house, she called her husband and ran out after the girl. The miller rushed out of the house in his underwear, and together with his wife they tried to stop the girl, but in vain. The desperate cries of the miller and his wife woke up the neighbors. Many rushed out into the street to help desperate parents.
Suddenly the miller screamed and pointed out to his neighbors a strange light at the edge of the forest. There, near the big old oak tree, Mary stood and pointed with her magic wand at the miller's house. She glowed with an unearthly light and cast an evil spell on the miller's daughter.
The villagers armed themselves with whatever - sticks, pitchforks - and rushed to the witch. Hearing their approach, the witch interrupted her witchcraft and tried to hide in the forest. One prudent farmer, taking a gun loaded with silver bullets, shot at her. He hit the witch in the leg and the woman fell. Enraged people grabbed the witch and dragged her to the square, where they built a huge bonfire and burned Mary. Soon after her death, the villagers went to her house in the forest and found the graves of the missing girls. The witch killed them and used their blood to rejuvenate herself. Burning at the stake, Bloody Mary shouted a curse. Anyone who mentions her name in front of the mirror will be visited by her vengeful spirit and the person will die a terrible death. Since then, anyone foolish enough to say “Bloody Mary” three times in front of a mirror summons the spirit of a witch. These unfortunates are destined for a painful death, and their souls, caught in the mirror trap, will burn forever in hellfire, since Bloody Mary herself was once burned.

The Pennsylvania legend very likely has earlier English roots. The English Queen Mary I Tudor (1516-1558), famous for her cruelty, received the popular nickname Bloody Mary. An ardent Catholic, during the 5 years of her reign she sent more than 300 people (mostly Protestants) to the stake, including Archbishop Cranmer. There were rumors that she used the blood of Protestant girls to prolong her youth.
According to another version, the prototype of Bloody Mary is Mary Worth, who was accused of killing her own children.
In 1986, Ian Harold Brunvand, known for popularizing the term "urban legends," even dedicated a chapter to her entitled "I Believe in Mary Worth."
And 8 years earlier, folklorist Janet Langlo published an article, also dedicated to Bloody Mary, but different: students at a Catholic seminary talked about a spirit named Mary Wales. The girl allegedly died from loss of blood - her face was torn off.
Another option, already cinematic: Bloody Mary is the brutally murdered Mary Worthington. The killer cut out her eyes. Her spirit inhabited the mirror in front of which she died. Before her death, the girl tried to write the name of the killer on the wall, but did not have time, and the secret of her death followed her to the grave. Wherever the mirror was transported, Mary followed it and killed everyone who was foolish enough to call Bloody Mary.

Want to try your luck and call Bloody Mary?
Okay, just keep in mind: legends are legends, fairy tales are fairy tales, but...
In general, decide for yourself.

Here's what to do
Wait until night.
Go into the bathroom.
Close the door, light the candle.
Look straight into the mirror and say three times: “Bloody Mary, come to me!” When you say these words for the third time, you will see Mary over your left shoulder.
Remember, when you notice it, it's too late to do anything.

Bloody Mary can:
a) kill the person who called it.
b) scratch out his eyes.
c) drive you crazy.
d) pull him along with you into the mirror.
If you did what you were supposed to do, but Bloody Mary didn’t come, don’t rush to make a complaint: perhaps she’ll come see you later.
In fact, think how many people are standing at the mirror at this very time and trying to call Mary!
There are many of you, but she is alone.
But keep in mind, Bloody Mary has you on her list.

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