Why dream of a trip to relatives. Why do you dream of a Trip in a dream, dream book to see a Trip, what does it mean

Traveling by train or other means of transport- symbolizes the dreamer’s fear of death for himself or his loved ones.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Travel, no matter in what way, ordinary or unusual- it takes place, is the central event of many dreams. When interpreting a dream about a trip, you should ask questions about fellow travelers, goals and obstacles. Travel companions can be both your acquaintances and strangers. As a rule, fellow travelers either help or hinder progress towards the intended goal. Their impact on the trip should be interpreted metaphorically as a symbol of the impact these people have on your life.

If you are traveling alone- this can speak to how you see your personal growth and advancement in life. In a dream, the purpose of the trip sometimes seems incomprehensible; it seems to be hidden by fog. It feels like you are just moving along without a clear understanding of the purpose or route of the trip. Dreams of this nature often reveal those feelings and thoughts that in life accompany the directions or goals of your path.

If the trip seems to have no end or destination- you should think about the desire hidden deep within you to leave your current habitat for a while.

If the purpose of the destination is clearly indicated- The right step towards understanding the meaning of a dream is to determine what this goal might mean to you. Obstacles can be in a certain connection with fellow travelers or arise on their own (as symbols). In the latter case, one should take into account how they are overcome and what resources, including the help of others, are used.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

trip to the sea according to the dream book

A dream about a trip to the sea has a very contradictory interpretation. If you experienced a feeling of happiness while traveling, you can count on success in your everyday affairs. If there are mountains in your “landscape”, this is a sign of disappointment in loved ones. A trip to the sea in a large, noisy group, on the contrary, soon foreshadows an abundance of new pleasant acquaintances.

trip to the sea according to the dream book

A long-awaited planned trip to the sea promises the emergence of new things to do. A spontaneous trip to an unfamiliar place - interesting proposals. If the trip has completely unrealistic locations, expect improvements in the financial side of life: perhaps it will be an inheritance.

Why do you dream about a trip to the sea?

A trip to the sea in a dream suggests significant changes. And how pleasant they will be depends on the details of the dream. If you had to experience financial difficulties during your trip, in life, on the contrary, wealth awaits you. If a trip to the sea was planned, but did not take place, there is a high chance of positive changes in career matters. Finding yourself sick and tired during a trip is a sign of health problems.

dream interpretation trip to the sea

A famous psychoanalyst sees a trip to the sea in a dream exclusively from the negative side. The traveler should think less about his fears and anxieties regarding death: this will not lead to anything favorable.

1 Online dream book

Why does a woman dream about a trip:

A trip, according to the dream book, is a sign that you are afraid for your life and the lives of the people dear to you, an obsession that it may suddenly be interrupted.
Being on the road yourself is a symbol of how you lead your way in this world.
There is a feeling that you are traveling completely aimlessly - this suggests that subconsciously you feel the need to change the situation, to take a break from everyday life.
You dream of a pre-planned trip with a precisely designated destination - the main thing is to determine what this trip means to you and project it onto the events of your real life.
A dream in which you are busy with all the necessary preparations for a trip means that you really want to start implementing your plans, but you are stopped by doubts about your own ability to do this.
You are going to another country, which means that in real life you will have an overseas voyage or a temporary change of place of residence; in any case, the trip promises to be easy and entertaining.
The dream book interprets a long-distance trip as evidence of an inexplicable anxiety for the well-being and life in general, not only of your own, but also of those who are dear to you. Try to drive away these thoughts and set yourself in a positive mood.

2 Loff's Dream Book

Seeing a trip in a dream means:

A trip, no matter in what way - ordinary or unusual - it is made, is the central event of many dreams. When interpreting a dream about a trip, you should ask questions about fellow travelers, goals and obstacles.
Travel companions can be both your acquaintances and STRANGERS. As a rule, fellow travelers either help or hinder progress towards the intended goal. Their influence on the trip should be interpreted metaphorically - as a symbol of the impact these people have on your life. If you are traveling alone, this can speak to how you see your personal growth and advancement in life.
In a dream, the purpose of the trip sometimes seems incomprehensible; it seems to be hidden by fog. It feels like you are just moving along without a clear understanding of the purpose or route of the trip. Dreams of this nature often reveal those feelings and thoughts that in life accompany the directions or goals of your path. If the trip seems to have no end or destination, you should think about the desire hidden deep within you to leave your current habitat for a while. If the purpose of the destination is clearly indicated, the right step towards understanding the meaning of the dream is to determine what this purpose may mean to you.
Obstacles can be in a certain connection with fellow travelers or arise on their own (as symbols). In the latter case, one should take into account how they are overcome and what resources, including the help of others, are used.

3 Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

A dream with a trip in the dream book is interpreted as:

A trip means sadness in family; go and come back for something - get sick and get better.

4 Freud's Dream Interpretation

Dreaming about a trip means:

Traveling by train or other means of transport symbolizes the dreamer’s fear of death for himself or his loved ones.

5 Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Travel dream meaning:

Riding on horseback with another man or woman (on a bicycle, motorcycle, scooter) - on the one hand, can symbolize marriage and intimate relationships, and on the other, everyday life, where a person spins “like a squirrel in a wheel.” If the dreamer sits in the back, then he is a “follower” in the marriage, if on the contrary, he is the leader.

6 Home dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a trip:

You dreamed of a Trip - something new; personal growth; advancement in life. Not knowing the purpose or route of the trip is a desire to take a break from business.

7 Creative dream book

What the trip might mean:

You dreamed of a Trip, what is it for. Any trip in a dream is productive in decoding, since every step that leads us towards understanding ourselves and the world in which we live can be reflected in its image in a dream. In everyday speech, for greater understanding, we richly use a variety of idioms. We talk about the black and white stripes of life, about being in prostration, and so on. All these moments are absolutely unique and are reflected in dreams as a kind of photographs. Their images reflect what we feel, show whether there are obstacles to the goal and what are the possible options for our actions. So any completion of a trip - arriving home, covering, landing, and so on - means successfully achieving the goal. The difficult journey left behind means that we have overcome the difficulties and obstacles of the past. And the obstacles awaiting us ahead make us aware of possible difficulties. It is possible that we create these difficulties for ourselves. Our own attitude towards life is very important. Dreaming of turning a corner during a trip indicates that we have accepted the need to change direction. Or even made a major decision. If we avoided an accident along the way, it means we know how to control our impulses. Stopping and then resuming movement suggests a conflict between laziness and impulse. A traffic jam means that we are being held back or we are holding ourselves back from moving forward. A traffic jam must be handled with care, since most likely, in reality, some kind of stop is necessary. All departures (from the airport, from the station, pier, etc.) were previously considered harbingers of death. But now it is interpreted as news of a new beginning. We leave our old life in order to undertake something new. When in reality someone leaves us, we may also dream of departure and the associated feelings of bitterness. In certain circumstances, the desire but inability to leave suggests that no more work needs to be done. Knowing about the departure time in a dream means that we are aware of some kind of time limitation within everyday life. The destination, when it becomes obvious, gives some ideas about our life goals. Our specific hopes and ideals may not correspond to those inherent in the subconscious - our internal motivation may differ significantly from our external behavior - and dreams will illuminate this discrepancy. Driving a vehicle in a dream is tightly linked to our basic motives, desires and needs. If we lead, then we are under control. If we feel very uncomfortable when someone else is leading, we do not trust this person and do not want to depend on him. If someone else takes control, we become passive. If we overtake the car in front, we will achieve success, but in a competitive manner. If they overtake us, we feel that someone is doing better. That is, in dreams we are reflected exactly the same as we are in real life. Our impulses, aggression, fears and doubts - everything manifests itself in the style of the trip. The drive represents the sexual impulse or instinctive attitude, the basic motivation. If we see ourselves as passengers, then we are sailing according to the will of circumstances, and we do not have a specific way to move forward. If we carry passengers ourselves, it means we have inadvertently taken on responsibility for other people. Traveling with someone in a dream will demonstrate your relationship with that person in life.
Road. The road in a dream suggests our own way of moving forward. Just as any vehicle personifies the dreamer’s body, the road determines his path. Obstacles on the road will mean difficulties on the chosen path. Turns, bends in the road and intersections will imply a change in direction, and dead ends will imply hopeless situations. If a certain length of road is illuminated in a dream, then this should be understood as a certain period of time or a certain effort. Going uphill involves extra effort, going downhill means loss of control. Road accidents and troubles are related to sexuality or self-image; perhaps we are careless and unsure if our escort is good enough. Trouble can represent a conflict with someone, and a collision with another vehicle can mean that our emotions are not under our control.
Transport. The type of transport will show exactly how we progress and cope with certain circumstances in life. Once upon a time, only the horse spoke about how we lead our lives in dreams. Now the car, plane, train, and so on have come to the fore. The vehicle that appears in a dream is often consistent with our perception of ourselves. For example, we can drive the most ordinary and simple model of a car or a Rolls-Royce. (One dreamer said that he dreamed of a Rolls-Royce, which he, however, considered to be a Volkswagen beetle). The image of a vehicle conveys either our physical state or what we are as individuals. If the dreamer is driving, then he may feel that he is in control of his destiny. If the dreamer is a passenger, then he may feel that others are trying to control his life. If the dreamer is with friends, he is aware of a common goal. If he is traveling with strangers, he should think about his attitude towards public affairs.
Plane, airliner, helicopter - all these flying machines offer a quick and easy ride, but with some attention to detail. And the interpretation of such a trip is this: you can establish new sexual relationships. An aviator or pilot is an idealized image of either the Masculine or the Essence (see Introduction).
The bicycle suggests youth, freedom and perhaps the first shoots of sexual awareness.
Sea voyage. In sea travel, everything depends on the type of boat that appears in the dream. Kayaking involves an emotional journey that is undertaken in splendid isolation. A yacht is the same trip, but with a consistent style, while a large ship promises in real life the emergence of new horizons in the company of other people. Everything that happens in a dream with watercraft is also a reflection of our real life, and therefore being aground, mooring, and stopping in the fog have a certain meaning. Going on a long sea voyage is a kind of escape at sea, which involves leaving friends and family. Landing on shore means the end of a project, whether successful or not. Being late for the ship suggests that we have not paid enough attention to detail in our daily lives. Any narrow river or channel takes us back to the moment of birth. The ship is usually mistaken for femininity due to its capriciousness. And the rowboat contains all the symbolism of a trip along the River Styx after death. This is the renunciation of selfish desires. After this, we can be reborn for a better life. Or is it a way of life.
A bus (see also the letter A) and a bus ride in a dream are associated with that part of our life where we have to deal with other people. Perhaps we have a common goal with them. A scheduling problem, missing the bus, arriving too early, missing a connection - all these mean that we have no control over our lives and perhaps we should reconsider our plans for the future. Getting on the wrong bus, going in the wrong direction, reveals conflicting desires, and we need to listen to our own intuition. This is usually a warning about an incorrect action. Inability to pay for travel means we don’t have enough resources to start something. It may be that we have not paid enough attention to detail.
A car, cart, cart, chariot (see also by initial letters) reflect the dreamer himself, primarily his physical body, and the dreamer’s attitude towards life. Therefore, if there is something wrong with the machine, it indicates that there is a problem. For example, if the engine is not working correctly, then we are not able to take in enough energy to progress. If the ignition does not work, you need to start a specific project. Every part of the machine has its own meaning. The rear wheels could represent the dreamer's support system, the steering wheel could represent how he controls his life, and so on. Too many people in the car means feeling overwhelmed with obligations and responsibilities. A truck in a dream has the same meaning as a car, except that drives and ambitions will be associated more with our work and how we are connected to the basics of business and the world in general.
Motorcycle and moped are a symbol of male youth and zeal. In dreams, this is an image of independent behavior, and often a symbol of sexual intercourse. But it can also be a symbol of freedom.
The train signifies the dreamer's social behavior, his relationships with other people and his attitude towards himself. A steam locomotive will suggest that we feel outdated, whereas a modern electric train may suggest speed and self-sufficiency. Catching the train means that we have successfully forced external circumstances to act in our favor in order to achieve a certain goal. Missing the train shows that we don't have enough resources to keep going and succeed properly, either because we forgot something or because we weren't paying enough attention. Or we fear that we will miss an opportunity. Equally, we may feel that external circumstances impose an element of control on us. Often, thoughts of missing a train and then catching one or another suggest that we are now better able to manage our own resources. The dream of being late for the train, alternating with dreams that we finally caught it, shows that we are trying to properly manage our motivation. Getting off the train a few stops before our destination means we are afraid of success in a certain project. This also means premature ejaculation. We seem to be out of control. Getting off the train before it departs means the dreamer has changed his attitude towards the situation in everyday life. Railway rails and tracks are important as pathways through which we can reach our destination. Being aware of which direction the train tracks go can give us a discreet hint as to which direction we are going. Going off the rails suggests inappropriate activity or lack of control. Reluctance to board the train - we are unfairly influenced by external circumstances. Arriving at the station means we have completed a certain part of our life's journey and are ready for a new relationship with the world at large. The passenger carriage of the train shows various aspects of our life and our attitude towards them. For example, if the carriage is dirty, then we have to clean something up in our lives. If in our dreams we are walking, this usually indicates that we are able to carry out part of our life's journey ourselves, without outside help. Going for a walk - we can enjoy the process of recharging our batteries and clearing our mind.
The image of the journey becomes clearer as time passes and the end approaches.

We find ourselves more aware that we will someday reach our final and final destination.

8 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

A trip in a dream means:

Trip - You are riding a bicycle in a dream - some minor external circumstance will have a bad effect on your business; It is possible that illness will also join many of your troubles. It’s like you’re taking a trip by car, you’re driving slowly - the results of your work will not give you satisfaction; The conversation you are about to have with business partners will not be pleasant, but this conversation cannot be avoided - you will need to somehow correct the situation. You are taking a trip by car and driving fast - your business is in danger; you are planning a sharp turn - don’t make it; you want change - don't rush.

The dream book identifies what you dream of driving in a car with the dreamer himself and his worldview. Often what you see in a dream corresponds to the current state of affairs. The appearance of the car, driving style, choice of a passenger seat or driver's seat, relationships with fellow travelers will help you rethink real events.

Miller's interpretation

Why you dream of driving a car, Miller’s dream book interprets it literally: a small exciting voyage awaits. The symbol indicates the activity of the sleeper. If you dreamed of traveling in a car, the interpreter suggests acting decisively. Road accidents in a dream warn revelers against unreasonable entertainment, and promise to those who are purposeful to remove obstacles in the implementation of their plans.

At the helm or with the flow?

The idiomatic dream book sees in the symbol the likelihood of fraud. If you happen to see yourself as a passenger, in reality you risk being a victim of deception. If you dreamed that you were the driver, then in reality you need an eye and an eye.

It’s interesting to know why I had to see myself as a passenger looking out the window the whole way. The dream interpreter warns that in real life arrogance can harm you.

When you happen to see yourself as a taxi passenger in a dream, the Birthday Dream Book recommends that those born in spring rely only on their own strengths. The proposed assistance threatens to be too expensive.

Freight transportation

According to the Modern Interpreter, traveling by truck means that there will be a lot of things to do. There is also an attractive side to the prediction: the troubles will be devoted to circumstances in which the dreamer is personally interested, for example, a promotion or a business project.

The business sphere is not the only area in which you will have to make efforts. Sometimes driving a truck in a dream happens when an existing relationship is burdensome. What you dreamed about means looking for ways to fix or stop them.

Snow white car

What you dream of driving in a white car is in most cases interpreted as a good sign. Dream books promise prosperity and favor with others. The Lovers' Oracle tells secret admirers that now is a favorable time to confess their feelings.

If you were lucky enough to drive a snow-white car in a dream, the positive forecast may be somewhat overshadowed by dirt stains on a white background. They indicate that in the real life of the sleeper, some aspects require adjustment.

The psychoanalytic dream book pays attention not only to appearance. If you dreamed of driving a white car, remember what the interior looked like and how well it matched the respectable image. According to the interpreter, this is what your inner world looks like.

Novelty effect

Why you dream of driving a new car will be determined by your driving style. Dream interpreter N. Grishina claims that the more confident you feel while driving in a new salon, the fewer mistakes you will make in everyday life.

If you dreamed of riding in a car in the passenger seat of a brand new interior, this is also a good sign. Due to circumstances beyond your control, you will find yourself in a cycle of exciting, joyful events.

If you were lucky enough to be driving in a new car in a dream, the Wanderer’s dream book offers a very symbolic explanation. The engine represents the will, and the steering wheel represents the intellect. Remember how these car parts performed on the road.

Women's auto dreams

Interpreting why you dream of driving a car, the dream book makes allowances for women’s worldview:

  • If a woman behind the wheel is happy with the ride, in reality she is full of energy and vitality;
  • Potholes in a dream foreshadow troubles and financial difficulties;
  • Minor malfunctions indicate physical or emotional exhaustion;
  • When a woman is in the back seat, in reality she is too dependent on who is driving;
  • If the sleeping woman enjoys a car ride, an interesting acquaintance awaits.

Gentlemen fellow travelers

Tsvetkov’s dream book offers a very interesting explanation of why you dream of driving a car with a man, but driving the car yourself. If you dreamed of such an image, material problems are coming. It is advisable to have savings for a rainy day.

This is not the only interpretation of the dream, why a lady and a man dream about an auto trip. The dreamer may discover a new hobby, which over time will become her life’s work.

If a lady dreamed about how she was driving in a car with her husband, and most clearly remembered the parking lot, the Erotic Interpreter warns of alienation, which can lead to a breakup.

The women's dream book states that conversations, moods and other details of a car trip with your husband very plausibly characterize your relationship in reality.

Ride with the breeze

When in a dream you have the opportunity to drive fast in a car, in reality the solution to an important issue will move extremely slowly.

If in a dream you are forced by circumstances to drive a car quickly, for example, to escape a pursuit, in real life do not be afraid to take risks.

Racing at high speed is a dream for those who tend to lose track of time in everyday life. The esoteric dream book recommends that the sleeper be more organized.

Traveling is a very exciting and interesting activity, especially when you meet new people and unfamiliar circumstances along the way.

The trip can be made by any type of transport, in particular by train. The train is one of the most common and comfortable types of transport. Wonderful and exciting memories are directly related to traveling by train.

Different dream books give different interpretations of what the trip may entail. If the trip seems calm, without unnecessary shocks, then in reality it means that life is going on as usual.

If in a dream you see that you are taking a seat in a compartment carriage, then in reality this prophesies faithful partners and successful prospects in the future.

A dream about a train is a symbol of the fact that you need to grab luck by the tail in time. Traveling in a shared carriage promises the appearance of ill-wishers and enemies on the horizon, perhaps these will be work colleagues.

If the vehicle drives slowly and stops, then in some matter you will have to correct shortcomings. It is for this reason that you will have to spend a lot of effort and fray your nerves.

To correctly decipher a dream about traveling by train to a foreign city, it is recommended to pay attention to the number of carriages. The duration of the difficult period during which you have to solve complex problems depends on its quantity.

A dream about a train can have ambiguous meaning. A trip in a dream and in reality can predict a long journey.

But a journey can, in fact, be persistent progress towards a desired goal.

Miller's dream book: why do you dream about a train?

According to Miller, a dream about a train can represent a quick journey. If in a dream there are no rails under the vehicle, then in reality worries that are directly related to activities that bring in huge income will fall on your shoulders. Did you dream about a freight train? So expect the best.

If in a dream you are located on the top bunk, then this is a warning that soon a useless person, perhaps even an unpleasant one, will contact your fellow traveler.

What does Wang's dream about the train mean?

The clairvoyant Vanga believed that a dream in which a moving train appears indicates that the dreamer’s soul is filled with melancholy, grief, and sadness. Getting into a vehicle means changes in life. Being on a train promises a quick long journey. In a dream there is a large number of bags, suitcases and other utensils - it foreshadows worries about loved ones, excessive care for relatives.

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