What does stem tree mean. Know and be able: standard trees for home and garden. Standard plants: features of formation and care

Stem trees planted in symmetrical compositions or in a zigzag pattern are gaining more and more popularity.

What is the essence of the plant of this form? How to make a stem tree with your own hands? What kind of planting materials should be used? What are the secrets for their cultivation and care? Let's find out.

Description of the species

A standard tree is a plant with a long trunk, the top of which is decorated with a fluffy spherical crown or falling foliage. Such plantings look original and spectacular.

Standard trees differ from each other in size and height. Usually their length varies from one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty centimeters.

In addition to an attractive aesthetic appearance, they have other advantages and advantages:

  • save space;
  • facilitate harvesting;
  • contribute to a comfortable service.

Basic forms

How to grow a standard tree in your backyard? This is easy to do. The main thing is to decide on the choice of form.

According to the appearance of the crown, standard plants are divided into:

  • weeping;
  • spherical.

TO weeping include willow, mountain ash, elm, some types of apple trees, as well as creeping shrubs: climbing rose, juniper, cotoneaster.

In most cases, these plants are grafted artificially in such a way that their branches fall down. This can happen vertically, in an arc, under acute angle or umbrella.

TO spherical forms include maples, acacias, larches, arborvitae and others.

There are several ways to form a stem tree - by grafting and by pruning. Let's talk about these two methods in more detail.

Until then, let's find out general rules planting a suitable seedling.

Before planting

Above, we have identified specific types plants are best suited for standard trees and shrubs. And now let's find out how to choose the right seedling.

First and foremost, the trunk of the plant must be straight and even. Remember: if knots and bends are found on the planting material, then in the process of growth they will not go anywhere, which means that the tree will lose its originality and attractiveness.

Moreover, when choosing seedlings, it is necessary to pay attention to the healthy appearance of the bark and root system.

And one more thing - immediately after planting, a young tree needs support. Fix its trunk together with a wooden peg hoisted nearby.

Method one: pruning

This method involves the gradual formation of a stem tree by cutting side shoots and branches. Although this process may take a long time, the final result will be simply amazing and exceed all your expectations.

The first thing to do is to monitor the growth of side shoots, removing them in a timely manner. As soon as the planted tree reaches the required height (usually about one and a half to two meters), its top should be cut off. From this point on, the crown will need to be pinned down with the help of young shoots.

This procedure is laborious and painstaking, since it is recommended to wait one month between each pinching. In addition, new shoots will have to be added to the already pinned shoots.

However, do not be afraid of difficulties. The result is worth it.

How can you grow a standard tree with your own hands using grafting? This will be discussed below.

Method two: vaccination

The method of grafting (or transplantation) is much harder than the method pruning, however, the results of the manipulations will be visible after a few months. What is needed for this?

First of all, you need to take two seedlings, one of which will play the role of a stock (or stem), and the second will play the role of a scion (from which the crown will form).

Grafts are best harvested in the fall. For this with fruit tree cut off young shoots (one centimeter thick and up to half a meter long), pack them in plastic wrap, wrap them in coniferous branches and bury them. Such actions will help the cutting to save the necessary energy for engraftment in a new place and subsequent development.

It is best to plant two identical cultures. Sometimes related plants are used for this (for example, pear and mountain ash), due to which the trees begin to bear fruit faster.

Grafting Highlights

What rules must be followed in order to grow a beautiful standard tree that is pleasing to the eye and harmoniously fits into the design? Here is a short step by step guide:

  1. Grow the base (or trunk). A young seedling is tied to a support and allowed to develop to a certain height.
  2. Take a healthy cutting with two to four live buds.
  3. Above the upper bud of the cutting (scion), make an oblique cut, and in the lower part, with the help of two cuts, create a kind of wedge.
  4. Using a pointed area (wedge), carefully insert the graft into the trunk so as not to damage the latter.
  5. Treat the junction with garden pitch and tie it with a polyethylene bandage or electrical tape, which over time can be changed to new ones, and completely removed in a year.
  6. After a month, the cutting should take root, and new buds will appear on it. Soon, freshly baked shoots will form, and as soon as they grow twenty centimeters, they will need to be pinched correctly.

Manipulations with vaccinations should be carried out in the spring, in dry sunny weather, so as not to bring bacteria, fungi or infections to the junction.

What to do if the grafted shoot did not take root? It's okay, it will soon be possible to try again, but it is recommended to do this a year after an unsuccessful vaccination.

Recently, gardeners have begun to use in practice not only standard trees, but also shrubs. What does it look like in reality?

Growing standard shrubs

The formation of a bole from bush plants is very popular. This facilitates the care of horticultural crops, and also contributes to convenient harvesting.

There are two ways to form a standard shrub, like a tree - by grafting or pruning. However, it should be remembered that such outstanding bushes need constant support, since even ordinary gusts of wind can break thin long branches. Therefore, each shoot is recommended to be tied to a wooden or metal peg.

From which horticultural crops is it possible to form standard shrubs? First of all, these are raspberries, currants, gooseberries, irga and others.

Let's talk briefly about standard raspberries.

Raspberry bush in the form of a stem

The standard raspberry tree, unlike its other relatives, does not need support. Under the weight of the sweet harvest, its branches may bend but not break. Such a plant can reach two meters in height, but still it cannot be called a full-fledged tree. Standard raspberry is a shrub artificially grown in the form of a tree.

How can this be done?

At the initial stage, all fruit-bearing branches should be removed, and the upper part of the young shoot should be pinned.

If you don’t want to bother with the formation of a raspberry bush, then you can purchase an already grafted standard tree, but you need to do this not in the market, but in nurseries, gardening stores or from your hands - when you see the mother bushes from which you will cut the stalk.

How to care for standard raspberries?

Planting a "raspberry tree"

First of all, raspberries should be properly planted. To do this, use well-fertilized soil. The place is chosen not damp, slightly shaded, without drafts and groundwater.

Shrubs are planted close to each other, preferably a meter from the fence, on its south side.

A very unusual way of planting standard raspberries. Here is the guiding principle:

  1. Dig a deep trench, at the bottom of which place humus, peat, compost, ash and other mineral supplements.
  2. Cover fertilizer with soil.
  3. Prepare a hole for each shoot: at a distance of one meter, form cells with a diameter of 40 by 15 cm and lay them out with slate.
  4. Raspberry seedlings are cut to a height of forty centimeters and planted in cells. The root system should be deepened by four centimeters.
  5. Every two to three days, shrubs must be watered with liquid fertilizers.

Standard raspberry - extraordinary delicious berry large sizes. With the right good care its yield per season can reach two kilograms per bush.

Benefits of standard trees

As you can see, a standard tree is not just decorative element garden design. This is a very convenient culture to grow and care for, which you can form with your own hands, without using expensive or hard-to-find means and methods.

It is worth making only a little effort and skills, and then your standard tree will surely please you with a spectacular appearance, unusual design and large tasty fruits.

Plants that ideally tolerate pruning and modeling, having a rounded crown shape, are called gardeners and designers as standard crops. Such a spectacular form of garden plantings is a smooth trunk, a falling waterfall of leaves and branches in the shape of a ball. If a blooming representative of the flora is chosen for the trunk, then the composition looks like an elegant bouquet on a thin stem. To create this man-made miracle, experts pay maximum attention to the plant. Achieve it beautiful view by two methods.

Creation methods

The stem is grafted onto an already even trunk, devoid of foliage and branches. It should be perfectly shaped, without bends and rings. The plant can be specially grown for this, but already existing adult plantings with a suitable trunk shape can be used. Vaccination is carried out in the middle of spring. There must be at least four buds on the handle. The appearance of buds on the grafted bole indicates a successful grafting. By the end of the warm season, this seedling is already considered an annual growth. If the shoots deviate from the vertical course, then they are tied to a small stick. Next spring, a few buds lend themselves to pruning, stimulating best height. Further care is no different from the usual. And in a year, the garden will be decorated with a formed seedling of a standard plant.

This method is effective during the period of active growth and development of a young garden plantation. While the growing season is in progress, the gardener needs to get rid of the side shoots, and for the main one, provide support in the form of a stick or peg. This continues until the trunk of the seedling reaches the desired thickness. After the young plant reaches the required height, the crown itself is sheared. This happens in stages, slowly: once every three to six weeks, until it gradually acquires the long-awaited rounded shape. During this period, new shoots will appear in place of the shoots that were cut off. Due to which the top will thicken. The most suitable plants for this method are those grown from seeds.

Combining two plants on one trunk, breeders achieve from such a tandem greater drought tolerance, resistance to pests and diseases, and by combining unusual crops you can get a tapeworm original form. Vaccinations are often given to "distant relatives". This leads to additional useful properties. The standard form has a lot of advantages not only in decorative terms, but also in practical terms. This shape of the crown saves space due to its compactness, and the garden planting is more convenient in processing and maintenance. It is easier to collect fruits from it without bending over to the lower branches.

The most suitable plants

In addition to the knowledge and skills of the gardener, the plant itself also plays a significant role. There are a number of plantings that are ideal for creating such an original form:

fruit plants


Rose hip

Red and black currant



Climbing varieties


bird cherry

Common privet

flowering shrubs



Varieties of crown forms

Standard plants are conditionally divided into several types:

  • spherical crown;
  • hemispherical crown;
  • weeping crown.

Application in landscape design

A favorite technique of designers in decorating a suburban area is graceful standard forms. ornamental shrubs and medium trees. They are able to turn the most ordinary plant into a real decoration of the garden. A thin straight trunk and a bright lush crown traditionally play the role of both a tapeworm and a participant. A cascade of falling branches creates natural harmony with a well-groomed lawn and the water surface of reservoirs. Popular arrangement of boles and entrance area. This gives sophistication and solemnity. This view will undoubtedly please the owners and impress the guests.

An interesting direction landscape design- arboarchitecture often uses standard plants as a material for creating arches, pavilions, galleries and arbors.

Preference is given to plants with a weeping crown, with incredibly flexible shoots. To do this, you need to create correct model frame and acquire the necessary garden planting. During the first two years, the branches are tied to the frame in the right direction, then this living architectural work will already grow and develop in a given way. It is only necessary to support this man-made creation. Such "living" structures are favorably distinguished by flowering, changing leaves, perhaps even fruiting and transform the ordinary suburban area into a real fairy tale.

One of the last fashion trends in landscape design - boles in miniature. The beauty of a plant of this form emphasizes the undergrowth. It not only gives sophistication and sophistication to a garden planting, but also hides not quite aesthetic soil near the trunk. This is usually decorative mulch, gravel, stone chips and much more. The undergrowth is selected according to the color of the trunk or leaves. Echoing with the inflorescences and the shape of the leaves, an amazing effect of the integrity of the entire composition is created.

Evergreen needles in a standard form not only look original, but also decorate the site all year round. In cold climates, western thuja, dwarf species Norway spruce, prickly spruce, which were grafted onto a typical bole shape. Less used thorny perennials are juniper and fir. All of the above garden plantings for the standard form need increased attention from the gardener, regular molding and modeling. It is better not to plant sun-loving crops in the shade, in which case the spherical crown can turn into an "umbrella".

As a tapeworm, the standard form of a rose is often used. The most popular hybrid tea representatives of the culture. Thanks to their incredibly beautiful and long (all summer) flowering, they decorate the garden and make an indelible impression. Rosewood can be large or small. That allows gardeners to use them in different areas. The standard form allows the "Queen of the Garden" to bloom more abundantly and longer, creating a much-needed vertical in the garden. This is called the focal point and it is visible from any part of the garden.

Features of caring for the standard form

For many gardeners, planting a bole is a tempting proposition. But do not forget about the specific care that a plant with this form of crowns requires. In addition to traditional watering, weeding, fertilizing and loosening, one cannot do without special pruning, and special preparation for winter of garden plantings of standard form. In order for the plant to live up to its name and retain its decorative form, it is necessary to completely exclude the growth of overgrowth. This is closely monitored by experts. Wild shoots grow quickly, and can also make themselves felt not only along the length of the trunk, but also below the graft, and can even be seen from under the ground. The growth is more viable, it is cut off at an early stage of appearance, otherwise the grafted part of the plant will stop receiving nutrition and simply dry out. Wild young shoots are especially dangerous for the first 3-4 years.

Shtamb in landscape design is valued not only for its beauty and originality appearance but also for immunity to many diseases. A high trunk becomes an insurmountable barrier to those pests and diseases that spread along with the earth and during irrigation. The advantages of this form of crown do not end there. For the very top, drafts become more accessible and Sun rays. Which also relieves pain and allows you to maintain a decorative and sophisticated look.

Almost all standard representatives of the flora do not tolerate frost well. The boles of elm, mountain ash, apple and maple are winter-hardy. Preparation for winter consists in bending them to the ground. For roses, in this case, gently dig root system. The grafted part is pruned (leave up to 20 cm) and covered along with the root. Use a spear. But a bush or a tree cannot be bent down. They are carefully tied with non-woven fabric.

Video - Stem Formation

The fashion for standard forms of currants and gooseberries, and after it the majority of other horticultural crops, came to us from Europe, where gardeners tired of the monotony, and simply the owners of their plots, are trying to somehow surprise their neighbors and guests.

Using stamp forms fruit bushes on our summer cottages not only possible, it is simply necessary: ​​these plants are a decoration of the garden, facilitate the collection of fruits, give aesthetic pleasure when contemplating them, allow you to transform a dull area into some special and very interesting world in which familiar plants appear in a new form for us.

There are two ways to get a plant formed on a stem, the first is that the plant, whether it be currant, gooseberry, chokeberry or irga, removes all side shoots, leaving only a shoot that is designed to remove the stem from it when it reaches desired height. Pinch off the top and form a bush. The bush is formed due to the fact that side shoots appear from the axils of the leaves, the tops of which are also pinched, this procedure is carried out 2-3 times until the crown branches well enough.

A stem is a part of a tree trunk from the root collar to the first skeletal branch located in the lower tier of the crown. By height and purpose, all stems are divided into high-stem, semi-stem, low-stem, bushy and creeping.

The second way to obtain standard plants is grafting on a stamb former, which is golden currant (when grafting currants and gooseberries) and common mountain ash (when grafting chokeberry and shadberry). This method is more interesting because it is less time consuming and the result is original trees. Such trees-bushes on legs have their advantages. Firstly, they are beautiful - such a tree can become the center of absolutely any composition in the garden. Secondly, the crown of such a plant is much better illuminated, which avoids many diseases.

Currant and gooseberry

The transformation of an ordinary currant and gooseberry plant into a standard plant can be easily accomplished by grafting. Carry it out in early spring during the period of active sap flow on the scion and stock, which is easy to check, just make an oblique cut and run a dry finger over it, if you feel moisture on the skin, this is a signal - it's time to graft. Don't be in too much of a hurry to get vaccinated. Excessive moisture, recurrent cold, insufficient activity plants - all this can lead to the fact that both plants (both scion and rootstock) will die. As a rootstock (the plant on which they will be grafted) for both gooseberries and currants, golden currant is ideal. Grafting on it is carried out with a cutting by the method of improved copulation (with a tongue), wrapping the places of cuts with plastic wrap. Further care for the "postoperative" plants consists in watering, fertilizing with complex fertilizers and removing wild shoots on the trunk. In the autumn, when it is clear that the vaccination has been successful, the scion will have new shoots, the film is carefully removed, it is better to do this by cutting off the knot with a sharp budding knife, trying not to damage the shoot. It is imperative to remove the film, because if this is not done, constrictions may form, since the film will prevent the natural thickening of the trunk, and in this place, most likely, there will be a break, which will lead to the death of the scion.

Immediately after the film is removed, it is necessary to protect the new plant from gusts of wind, since, alas, standard forms of currants and gooseberries cannot grow without supports - even an average gust of wind breaks them, so the establishment of supports is a must. Either wooden pegs or metal rods can be used as a support. Both, of course, spoil the picture of natural beauty, but by giving the supports a somewhat sophisticated look - by painting a metal rod, or by cutting some kind of dry shoot out of a wooden peg, you can smooth out the forced intervention in nature.

The next season after vaccination, it is highly likely that you will receive, along with aesthetic pleasure, the first fruits, which often have a peculiar, more pleasant taste and a larger mass than fruits grown in the usual bush form.

Aronia and irga

These are another favorites, which, along with currants and gooseberries, have suffered the fate of being a decoration of garden plots in the form of a bush on a leg. For chokeberry and shadberry, it is no longer necessary to use golden currant as a stock (it will not give a result), but a plant more compatible with them. Rowan ordinary is ideal for this. Compatibility is almost 100%, there are no sags and kinks at the junction of the scion and stock.

The grafting of chokeberry and shadberry on a stem former is carried out in the same way as in the case of currants and gooseberries - in the spring, when sap flow is most active. Grafting is carried out on a cloudy day or in the morning by the method of improved copulation with a cutting (with a tongue), the cut points are isolated with garden pitch and wrapped with plastic wrap. Watering after vaccination is not necessary, but if there is such an opportunity, then it can be carried out, top dressing is also not needed. The scion fuses with the stock quickly, after a few days the buds on the scion (and at least three of them should be left on the handle) begin to awaken, shoots actively grow. As soon as the trunk of the scion and rootstock (now common) begins to thicken, the film must be removed. positive moment in the use of these crops and mountain ash as a rootstock is also the fact that supports are absolutely not needed. Rowan ordinary can suffer from the action of only very strong gusts of wind, when even supports do not help, it has a high degree elasticity and bends, but does not break. In view of this, standard forms of chokeberry and mountain ash can be planted quite calmly in any part of the garden. flowering plants of these crops will give charm and grace, and ripened fruits will decorate the upper tier of the site.

Well, if the process of plant formation is too complicated for you, then go to nurseries or autumn exhibitions and get your favorite specimens there, because autumn is ahead - the time for laying a new orchard.

Nikolai Khromov, researcher, Ph.D. Sciences, Scientific Secretary of ANIRR,

Member of the All-Union Society of Geneticists and Breeders

GNU VNIIS them. I. V. Michurina RAAS

Photo: N. Khromov, E. Koveshnikova, T. Zhidekhina, T. Zavodyanaya

standard plants on personal plot have always attracted great attention as something extraordinary in landscape design. Ground cover roses in landscape design are a real decoration. It would seem that a fairly ordinary rose, however, it grows in a completely different way than it should. And it doesn't look like a bush. Imagine: on a completely even, fairly high trunk, there is a dense crown-cap or a cascade of falling branches. The most intriguing thing is that this kind can be achieved not by breeding completely new varieties, but by right creation forms or grafts. Usually standard varieties are grown by masters, and amateur gardeners buy them already created in nurseries. But you can try and form standard varieties yourself - it's not very difficult if you know some nuances. For example, Austin is not combined with evergreens.

stem tree

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

Of course, you have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

Consider several common types of plants, the shape of which is a trunk.

standard roses

Roses today are quite widespread in decorating the garden. In the garden decor, both standard flowerbed bushes and ground cover roses who need support. Climbing rose varieties from a kind of cascading category are an excellent solution for creating a bole shape. And roses in landscape design will complement any park plants. This kind of rose, like Austin, is quite common in garden compositions.

Austin is a new variety of rose. It became popular in England around the 80s of the XX century. Austin rose features are reliability, growth stability, long flowering and versatility in park and other compositions. Austin needs maximum care, while it can be easily entered into garden compositions.

Based on which roses were used to create the composition in landscape design, you can get both the most accurate and at the same time quite low, and large varieties that rise above the lawns to a height of about two meters. Climbing varieties will serve to create large bole crops, comparable in size to small deciduous trees. At the same time, roses in landscape design are original and fashionable.

An important rule: it’s not so difficult to follow standard varieties of roses in landscape design, and cascading roses have a clear advantage here too - pruning these varieties every year instead of almost full-fledged creation with difficult care is replaced by selective pruning of the shoot.

Stamp rhododendrons

One of the most striking garden decorations are captive rhododendrons, they creep into the imagination with their distinctive features- flawless bright color, and in boles these qualities reach perfection. A vibrant variety of color palettes, flawless blooms hidden in May leaves.

If many varieties of stem-shaped roses look like air clouds in the video below, then they are formed in the form of hovering clouds on a leafy substrate - huge, luxurious and elegant. With the help of unusual branching, they do not look like a perfect ball, however, the magnificent flowering perfectly compensates for this. These climbing rhododendrons must be protected at all times both from the bright rays of the sun and from heavy rainfall, shaking off water from the branches.

standard bush

Please note important nuancethe best varieties for planting the trunk are Yasiman rhododendrons and any varieties obtained on the basis of crossing, which are currently created on their basis.

Hawthorn and witch hazel are also used to form a bole. These plants are unpretentious, but no less colorful, especially during flowering. In the photo you can see a flowering hawthorn.

Getting a stamp using a form

For a person who is far from horticultural work, it is easiest to start creating stems by forming a trunk and without cutting the crown. This method needs a lot of work, but the result will be much better than you expected. The process of creating a bole can take a long period.

An important point: to create a plant in the form of a bole, it is important to choose the right young seedling. planting material you need to purchase as even as possible, without any knots.

standard rose

Consider how to get a stem:

  1. After planting the plant, the trunk must be tied to vertical supports - a peg made of wood or metal driven into the soil.
  2. Then, as you grow, you need to tie the grown top to a special support, and it is better to cut off all the shoots on the sides.
  3. This procedure must be repeated as many times until the park plant is the height you want.
  4. Only at this time should you pinch the shoot at the top so that the crown has already begun to grow.
  5. Quite quickly, young shoots will begin to grow near the pinching point, which, as they grow, will also need to be pinched. Then you will get a fluffy and at the same time quite dense crown.

Stem plant care

Surprisingly, garden shrubs in the form of a trunk, they need specific care. Due to the fact that the central part of the stem of this variety is bare, and the crown is located at a great distance from the soil surface, almost all crops that have been created in this unusual way are quite sensitive to cold air currents and temperature changes.

The most attractive, in my opinion, are the flowering ones, and first of all - roses, hydrangeas, budleya, Japanese chaenomeles. On boles they also form viburnum Buldonezh and Hungarian lilac. Even plants that actively give root shoots, such as common lilac and mock orange, can also be grown in standard or semi-standard form.

No less spectacular and decorative leafy in standard form. For example, the well-known goat willow with a weeping crown in spring is covered with delicate touching catkins of flowers, and then all summer pleases with a decorative tent of its crown. Willow Hakuro Nishike with a variegated lace crown hovering above the ground wonderfully decorates the garden. In my garden there are two forms of Japanese willow - bush and standard, and of course, the second option looks much more spectacular and delivers less hassle with care and pruning. In standard form, maple, mountain ash, ash and many other deciduous crops are also grown.
Perfectly decorate the garden, while the standard forms that are not so common in our country coniferous plants- spruces, pines, arborvitae, junipers, cypresses, larches. My garden is decorated with a mountain pine in a standard form with a spherical crown and a standard weeping larch.
I am often asked: how are the standard forms of familiar plants created? Or maybe they are found in nature?
Yes, some deciduous plants in standard form with a weeping hanging crown are found in nature. But basically, they are created by breeders and are divided into two types - formed and grafted.
Usually, both shaping and grafting are carried out by professionals in nurseries, and amateurs acquire and grow such seedlings. Can an amateur create a standard seedling himself? As for grafted forms, their creation requires not only special knowledge and skills, but also suitable material for rootstock. It is not easy to buy it, to grow it yourself from seeds and to ensure that the stem is even without bends and knees, also, in my opinion, the task is not for an amateur. Therefore, rather than creating your own crooked low-quality seedling, it is better to buy a beautiful one prepared by professionals.
If we talk about the formed stems, then this is within the power of an amateur. It is possible, with the help of pruning, to get a standard tree from common privet, maple, mountain ash, bird cherry or virgin juniper, pine, yew berry. To do this, pinch the side shoots throughout the growing season. It is necessary to begin to form very young seedlings during their initial most rapid growth. According to experts, it is best to form stems from plants grown from seeds.
I tried to experiment with panicle hydrangea and common lilac. As for the first, the process of formation is still underway. I chose a young sapling of the Vanilla Fraz variety, and I’m shaping it into two stems for now, next summer I’ll choose one, stronger and even, and cut the second one. While the plant is bent to the ground and covered with spruce branches for overwintering.
Two lilac seedlings ordinary varieties Taras Bulba and Mechta have already formed on boles. Looks nice and really saves space. But, it seems to me, this form of cultivation went to the detriment of flowering - after all, there are fewer flowers on such a plant than on an ordinary bush! Therefore, I advise you to think carefully before getting carried away with standard forms, since not all plants benefit from this.
For amateur gardeners who want to grow standard forms in their gardens, I want to say that mainly grafted crops are offered on the market. Firstly, this method of obtaining standard plants is more common in ornamental gardening. And some cultures are simply impossible to get on the bole in any other way than vaccination. For example, a rose on a trunk can only be grafted. AND, Secondly, caring for grafted plants is much easier, they do not require constant pruning and pinching, unlike simply formed ones, which need “lifelong” pruning to maintain their shape, and at least twice per season.

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