Improving blood circulation in the prostate. Effective exercises for the prostate and potency. Exercises for prostate massage

Chronic prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland. It affects half of the male population over the age of thirty. IN recent years the disease began to be diagnosed in more at a young age. Chronic prostatitis occurs due to lack of attention to oneself, usually at the first signs of the disease; men do not go to the doctor, but try to cope with the disease on their own. After such attempts, acute form the disease becomes chronic, periodically exacerbating.

Sometimes the acute form occurs with a mild clinical picture, leading to the development of a chronic form. In any case, before starting treatment for the disease, you must visit a doctor.

Most men, having heard the diagnosis “prostatitis”, mistakenly call it an adenoma, although this various diseases. Adenoma is a benign neoplasm of the prostate gland, and prostatitis is an inflammation of the organ tissue. They have a similar clinical picture, but different causes and courses of the disease. Thus, inflammation of the prostate occurs due to infection entering the prostate gland, hypothermia and other reasons. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, prostatitis may become more complicated. One way or another, it is necessary to start treatment on time, without waiting for complications, but it is worth considering that the treatment for adenoma and prostatitis is different.

How to treat chronic prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis is treated with complex medications. In each case, individual methods of combating the disease are selected.

According to indications, the urologist may prescribe:

  1. Antibacterial or antiviral drugs. The doctor determines which medications will help in a particular case after receiving the results of an analysis of the gland’s secretions.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Antispasmodics.
  4. Immunomodulators.
  5. Non-narcotic painkillers.
  6. Massage.
  7. Thermal procedures.
  8. Therapeutic baths.
  9. Calming.
  10. The diet is being revised.
  11. Medicinal herbs.
  12. It is necessary to prescribe medications to improve blood circulation in the prostate gland. They promote better penetration of drugs into tissues.

When selecting a treatment method for chronic prostatitis, the doctor must give recommendations on the general regimen. In order to reduce blood stagnation, each patient is recommended to have an active lifestyle. Walking has a positive effect on fresh air, gymnastics, light sports.

Three times a week, patients with prostatitis are recommended to perform specially designed gymnastic exercises. They help increase blood flow in the organ and eliminate blood stagnation. all this helps to enrich the prostate gland with oxygen and quickly remove intoxication products formed during inflammation.

Most men believe that during inflammation of the prostate gland they cannot be sexually active. However, studies have shown that patients who abstained from intimacy recovered longer than those who were active. sex life. However, we should not forget about the possibility of infecting a sexual partner with an infection that led to chronic disease. prostatitis. To this end, during every sexual intercourse it is necessary to think about protection.

Use of antimicrobials

At chronic prostatitis, antibiotics are prescribed. They are necessary to eliminate the source of infection, but before prescribing the drug, the doctor determines the susceptibility of the pathogen to this drug group. In half of the cases, broad-spectrum antibiotics help cope with the disease. These can be penicillin drugs, semisynthetic penicillins, macrolites, cephalosporins. Solutions, gels, and ointments with antibiotics injected into the urethra have a good effect.

At chronic For prostatitis, antibacterial therapy can be carried out in the form of rectal suppositories. With this method of drug administration, the drugs quickly enter the prostate gland.

In a hospital setting, in clinics, manipulation is carried out to insert a probe into the prostate gland through the urethra. Antibiotic solutions are supplied through it. In this way, not only does the drug enter the organ, but it is also washed from purulent contents. Treatment of the prostate gland with antibiotics is long-term. To prevent microorganisms from developing resistance to the drug, it is replaced with another every ten days.

Massage for chronic prostatitis

Prostate massage has positive dynamics in treatment. When it is carried out, the organ is stimulated and the outflow of secretion improves. Professional massage helps improve blood microcirculation and increases the amount of oxygen supplied to prostate cells. You can also perform massage at home. This will avoid impotence and other complications.

Drugs that improve blood circulation

In addition to massage, various medications are used to improve blood supply to the prostate gland. These may be anticoagulants that prevent blood clots from forming in the lumens of blood vessels. Such medicines are prescribed only by a doctor and taken exclusively under supervision general analysis blood and general condition sick.

To relieve spasms of the vessels of the prostate gland, antispasmodics are necessarily prescribed for prostatitis. They relax the walls of the circulatory system, allowing blood to circulate freely in the organ, delivering useful substances And medicines to the cells of the organ, taking away all the products of intoxication.

Boosting immunity

For any disease, including impotence, vitamins must be used to speed up recovery.

Depending on the stage of the disease, the doctor may prescribe lidase or aloe. They help soften connective tissue and prevent the formation of adenoma.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of prostatitis

Adenoma and chr. prostatitis is highly treatable folk remedies. Here are a few recipes that help cope with the disease.

Uses of red root

The red root has a unique effect on the human genitourinary system. The use of red root allows you to cure even the most advanced chronic disease. prostatitis. The roots help increase the body's resistance to illness and stimulate the nervous system.

Preparations prepared from this plant have an analgesic, tonic and anti-inflammatory effect. They are able to stop bleeding. Red root is an excellent diuretic.

There are several options for preparing medicine from red root:

Recipe No. 1 Take fifty grams of root and fill it with two bottles of vodka. The composition is infused for two weeks. The resulting product is taken a teaspoon three times a day, diluted with a glass of water.
Recipe No. 2 You can prepare an infusion from the red root. To do this, take a teaspoon of the root and steam it with a glass of boiling water. The product is infused as follows. After this it is filtered. The composition is taken in the third part of a glass three times a day.
Recipe No. 3 Adenoma and neglected chronic disease. It is recommended to treat prostatitis with red root tincture. To prepare it, take a quarter cup of the root and pour it with a bottle of vodka. The product is infused for twenty days. The resulting composition is taken one teaspoon every two hours.


In the fight against prostatitis, milkweed root has proven itself well. It contains substances that help normalize the metabolic processes of sex hormones. Using milkweed root, men forget about potency. Also this medicinal plant helps with testicular lesions and other diseases that cause decreased erectile function. To make a cure for impotence, you need to take five grams of the root and add it to a bottle of water. The product is infused for about an hour. Then the drug is filtered and taken by spoon three times a day.

Can be done alcohol tincture, taking ten grams of root and pouring them with a bottle of vodka. The product is infused for ten days. IN medicinal purposes The infusion is applied ten drops three times a day before meals.

If you decide to use milkweed root, you should remember that this plant is poisonous. The course of treatment with milkweed depends on the stage of the disease, the purpose of treatment, and the form of the disease. So, in case of inflammatory processes, the duration of taking milkweed should not exceed six months. For adenoma and other tumor diseases, infusions and tinctures are used for up to a year. Euphorbia root can be used to prevent impotence and prostate adenoma. To do this, the drug is used twice a year for a month.

Walnut tincture

Cooked on walnut tincture (todecamp) helps get rid of a variety of diseases:

  • radiculitis;
  • hr. prostatitis;
  • prostate adenomas;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • infertility, etc.

One of the advantages of walnut tincture is its unique anti-cancer property. IN different cases, the product is used in different ways. So, you can take the drug a few drops or spoons, but always half an hour before meals. To treat prostatitis, start taking walnut tincture one drop three times a day. Gradually the number of drops increases to fifteen. This volume of the drug is used for two weeks, after which the number of drops is again reduced to one.

Application of boron uterus

The boron uterus plant has antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties, so the plant is recommended for the treatment of adenoma and chronic disease. prostatitis. Borovaya uterus has a diuretic and disinfecting effect. To prepare the medicine, you need to take fifty grams of boron uterus and pour it with a bottle of vodka.

The composition must be allowed to brew for at least two weeks. After which the drug is filtered and taken thirty drops twice a day an hour before meals. The duration of use is a month or more. A doctor can determine the exact duration of use of the hog uterus.

Golden root for adenoma and chronic disease. prostatitis

Radiola or, as it is also called, golden root, is widely used in the treatment of male diseases, including prostatitis. To prepare the infusion, you need to steam a teaspoon of the plant with a glass of boiling water and let it brew overnight. Afterwards, the drug is filtered and taken a quarter glass twice a day.

For prostatitis and adenoma, treatment should be comprehensive. However, you should not try to get rid of diseases on your own, as this can lead to serious complications. To prevent them from occurring, the course of treatment and medications should be prescribed only by a specialist.

After forty years, every man can face insidious diseases that are based on hormonal changes in the body. One of these ailments is prostatitis. The chronic course of the disease leads to stagnant blood processes, and, as a result, problems with the prostate gland are observed. But, any disease is best prevented rather than treated for a long time and diligently.

A special set of exercises is effective not only for the prevention of all male ailments, including prostate adenoma and prostatitis, but can also help improve potency. By performing daily exercises, you can significantly improve the quality of sex, prevent premature ejaculation and poor erection.

The deterioration of erection and the development of prostatitis occurs against the background of insufficient oxygen supply to the pelvic organs. In the absence of preventive and therapeutic actions prostate adenoma may develop. To prevent this process, it is recommended to use physical therapy.

  1. After exercise, blood supply to the genitourinary system is stimulated.
  2. Performance is normalized nervous system(very often problems with potency arise due to nervous tension and stress)
  3. If there is physical inactivity of the prostate gland, then with the help of regular physical exercise it can be reduced. as soon as possible eliminate.
  4. For prostatitis, it is recommended to strengthen the muscles of the perineum, as well as the hip joints, which can be done with the help of physical therapy.

Fact! Please note that the effectiveness of exercise for men's diseases has been scientifically proven. This is explained by the fact that the root cause of the formation of diseases is stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs. But the use of exercises for prostatitis should occur in combination with the main drug course of therapy.

Complex exercises

There are physical activities that eliminate potency disorders and act as a preventive measure for inflamed foci in the prostate; they consist of the following physical activities:

  • Exercise therapy, which helps strengthen all muscles;
  • use of yoga;
  • Kegel technique for prostatitis and poor potency.

Men who have problems in the sexual sphere can contact various techniques. Experts recommend starting every morning with a short ten-minute warm-up. These are the first steps to help fight overwhelming stagnant processes.

Attention! A five-minute exercise speeds up recovery from inflamed prostate glands.

All exercises must be comprehensive and performed daily at the same time. It is best to start warming up with a load on the spine, which helps develop its flexibility, stretch and strengthen the muscles. For this purpose, bending and tilting are used. While doing the exercises, we must not forget about breathing - inhalation and exhalation are done slowly and evenly.

It is important to start physical therapy in a timely manner, since leading a sedentary lifestyle, constant stressful situations, irregular and poor nutrition cause stagnation, thus increasing the likelihood of developing prostatitis, impotence and even cancer.

Preventive measures that improve potency

This exercise is aimed at influencing the prostate gland, which produces a secretion that is part of sperm - the activity of sperm will depend on this. Consequently, not only potency, but also reproductive function directly depends on the prostate.

For execution exercises Several steps need to be taken:

  1. The man takes a comfortable position, sitting on a flat surface. The legs are in an extended position. Now with his legs extended forward, the man begins to move forward on his buttocks. You need to perform three sets of thirty steps.
  2. A man sits on the floor without changing position with his legs extended. Now you will not need to move forward, but make maximum bends. Total quantity repetitions – sixty (can be done in three approaches).
  3. The man stands up and begins to make light swings with his left leg to the side (twenty swings), and then with his right (twenty swings). Performed in three approaches.
  4. In a standing position, the legs are shoulder-width apart, the man begins to bend - twenty bends to the left and twenty bends to the right. Three approaches on each side.
  5. A man should lie down comfortably on his back, on a flat, hard surface, with his buttocks raised. This position is called “birch” (you need to stay in it for about ten minutes, then rest). Perform three sets of ten minutes each.

Just half an hour in the morning will help restore and even strengthen male strength, and protect from dangerous diseases.

Massaging the perineum to improve prostate health

After forty years, men are recommended to massage the prostate to avoid inflammation and problems with potency. You must first undergo an examination (examination of the prostate will help determine the pathological change in early stage). Therefore, prostate massage after confirming the diagnosis will be included, as mandatory item into complex treatment. But to avoid inflammation, it is best to carry out preventive massages.

Attention! The massage can be easily performed independently or with someone's help. When prostate adenoma is diagnosed, self-medication is prohibited, and manipulations are performed exclusively by a highly qualified specialist.

Basic techniques for massaging the prostate

NameExecution technique
OuterThe technique involves external kneading of the organ - the prostate gland can be massaged independently through the skin of the perineum. To do this, you need to make circular, lightly pressing movements with your fingers; the massage area should cover the scrotum and anus.
TransrectalThe massage is performed directly through the rectum. An assistant must carry out the manipulation. To do this, the patient takes a position either lying on his side with his knees bent, or standing on his knees and elbows. The massage must be carried out wearing disposable gloves using Vaseline or other lubricant. Circular movements with light pressure. The duration of the manipulation is one minute. It is recommended to do it three times a day for one week.

This is important! Be sure to start execution massage actions when the bladder is full. As soon as the man begins to feel a slight urge, he can begin manipulation. At the beginning of the massage, you may feel a very strong urge, but despite this, you need to be patient for a while. This is done so that the prostate is kept in one area during massaging. Once the procedure is complete, you can immediately begin urinating.

The benefits of yoga for potency and prostate

If a man is diagnosed with chronic prostatitis, the condition can be alleviated through yoga, which eliminates venous congestion in the pelvis. To do this, perform the following manipulations:

  1. Rubbing the tailbone. The man lies down in a comfortable position on his back, while his legs remain bent and begins to move his pelvis from side to side. We must not forget about breathing - you need to take quick breaths.
  2. Rotation of the pelvis. You should sit on a chair, facing its back and begin circular movements of the pelvis with deep breaths. Breathing should come from the stomach.

You can clearly familiarize yourself with yoga techniques for potency and the prostate by watching the video.

Video - Yoga for men

If prostatitis or prostate adenoma is diagnosed

In case of a disappointing diagnosis, therapeutic exercises will necessarily be included in the complex treatment.

Exercise nameExecution technique
SquatsThe man stands straight, his feet remain shoulder-width apart. WITH straight back he begins squats (shallow). The heels are never lifted off the floor. The exercise involves three sets of twenty squats
Knee pull-upThe man is in a lying position. The knees are bent and clasped with the hands, then pulled up to the chest. Just three sets of ten times
MarchThe man stands straight with his hands on his waist. Alternately raises your knees as high as possible. The result is walking in place. An average of ninety steps are taken in three sets.

Kegel exercises

This technique is beneficial for the prostate, has a positive effect on potency and makes sexual intercourse last longer. Kegel exercises are recommended after the biopsy one week later to improve your well-being. The steps are very simple - every time you urinate, you need to try to strain the groin muscles as much as possible, thus holding the stream for a few seconds. Each time the delay time interval should increase. Performed at least five times during the day. The advantages of this exercise:

  • you can independently control prolonged sexual intercourse;
  • maximize erection;
  • eliminate urinary incontinence;
  • reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids;
  • prevent the development of prostatitis.

Exercises that are aimed at training the hip muscles and stimulating blood circulation will help a man stay healthy and not have any problems with potency. study at the link.

Multiple arteries, large vessels and small capillaries provide blood supply to the prostate. The structure of the gland contains a venous system and lymph flow. Abundant inflow and outflow of blood is necessary for the prostate gland to produce secretions, control erectile function and drain fluids from tissues.

How does the blood circulation of the prostate work?

The organ is located just below the bladder. The prostate gland is supplied with blood by four large vessels:
  1. arterial branches;
  2. inferior vesical;
  3. rectal;
  4. obturator artery.
Large channels are divided into choroid plexuses, gradually turning into small capillaries. The prostate is separated from the intestines by a thin layer and has an adjacent circulatory system. As a result of this anatomical structure, problems in the prostate are often accompanied by hemorrhoids and proctitis, and inflammatory processes in the rectum lead to disruptions in the functionality of the prostate gland.

The function of lymph flow in the prostate is performed by small vessels extending from the core of the tissue to its surface. Gradually they organize large channels. Lymph departs from several sections: testes, bladder, testicles, rectum.

The normal blood flow velocity in the cavernous arteries is 15-25 cm/sec., in the dorsal vein no more than 3 cm/sec. TRUS and ultrasound angiography are used to determine pathologies.

Causes of decreased blood flow in the prostate

The etiology of the disorders is associated with age-related changes and lifestyle. Among the main reasons causing partial lack of blood flow:
  • long-term inflammatory processes that have become chronic;
  • lack of regular sexual relations;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • bad habits;
  • work associated with excessive stress, hypothermia;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • injuries and previous infectious or venereal disease of the genitourinary system.

Circulatory disorders in the prostate lead to the formation of congestion. Adhesions and scars caused by acute inflammation further reduce the intensity of hemodynamics.

What is the danger of disrupting blood flow in the gland?

Primary changes are almost invisible. The gland is located inside the pelvis, so it is impossible to diagnose insufficient blood supply without special equipment.

Deterioration of lymph outflow and hemodynamics provokes the development of pathological changes and the appearance of diseases and failures of the genitourinary system. Often a man is diagnosed with:

  • infertility;
  • deterioration of erectile function;
After identifying violations, one of the most important tasks of the urologist is to restore blood circulation in the prostate. For this purpose it is prescribed drug treatment, physiotherapy and exercise therapy.

How to improve blood circulation in the prostate

There are several methods that have proven effective in combating violations. You can increase blood flow using the following techniques:
  • Physiotherapy - electrophoresis, use of radiation magnetic current, acupuncture will help even with chronic disorders.
  • Prostate massage - enhances blood flow, freeing the gland from stagnation. The technique is not applicable for calcifications and cancer.
  • Regular sexual relations- during orgasm, the prostate muscles contract intensely, which leads to rapid blood flow.
In addition to the methods listed above good results Kegel exercises will give you. The exercises were developed to combat fluid stagnation in the pelvic area. For chronic disorders, exercise and physical therapy will not be enough. In combination, medications and herbal remedies are prescribed.

Prostatitis is a disease associated with dysfunction of the prostate gland. It is typical for men of any age. The risk group is men from 20 to 40 years old. Clinical manifestation is stagnation of blood in the pelvic area, swelling of the prostate gland. Manifests itself in disruption of the circulatory process, malfunction of the prostate, which can cause infertility or cancer. The main causes of prostatitis in men:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • irregular sexual intercourse;
  • bad habits;
  • stress;
  • presence of infectious diseases;
  • chronic bowel disorders.

Used for treatment and prevention physical exercise for the prostate. Their effectiveness has been proven by andrologists.

With chronic prostatitis in the pelvic area, blood stagnation is most often observed, which causes swelling of the prostate gland

Prevention and treatment of prostate diseases

To improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, they are prescribed physical activity. Treatment and prevention of prostate pathologies is recommended through physical exercise. The load has a positive effect on the prostate:

  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • tones muscles;
  • fills tissues with oxygen;
  • speeds up metabolism.

Exercises developed by experts in the field therapeutic exercises, are indispensable in the prevention and treatment of prostatitis. The doctor prescribes complex therapy, including a program of physical exercises.

Prostate complex

The set of measures for treating the prostate at home consists of the following stages:

  • doing gymnastics using the Kegel technique;

One of the ways to improve blood supply to the prostate gland and reduce pathological swelling is physical exercise to treat prostatitis.
  • perineal massage;
  • sudden showers temperature regime in the perineal area;
  • yoga classes;
  • daily implementation of the physical therapy program.

The combination of these methods stimulates blood circulation, helps restore blood flow from the pelvic organs, normalize the functioning of the prostate gland, and return a man to a normal sex life.

Exercises to prevent prostatitis

The main set of methods for preventing prostate pathology is based on exercises that can be performed at any time.

  • Exercise 1. Contraction of the muscles of the anus. While urinating or sitting at your desk, perform 30 contractions of the anus. Do not keep your anus tense. Perform according to the scheme - tense and relax. It is recommended to exercise this way 5 times during the day.
  • Exercise 2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Spread your knees to the sides, perform 10 squats.

Sometimes, due to insufficient muscle training, men feel discomfort while performing
  • Exercise 3. Take an exercise ball. Take a position sitting on the ball. Move the ball back and forth along the perineum. Increase the pressure as you roll.

The given complex is also useful for potency. It is recommended to do it daily.

Exercises for prostate massage

Prostate massage is an integral part of the treatment of the disease. It improves blood circulation and is useful for potency. By conducting it half an hour before the start of sexual intercourse, the patient receives a high erection rate. Basic execution scheme:

  • contrast shower. Direct the jet towards the perineal area. Alternate 20 seconds hot water with 15 seconds cold. It is recommended to massage the gland using a contrast shower for 15 minutes;
  • Take a position lying on your back and massage the prostate gland. Can be done external massage or with deep penetration. In the first case, run your hand over the perineum, increasing the pressure each time. In the second, insert your finger into the anus, find a pea-sized point, and gradually press it to the pubic bone. It is recommended to perform for 5 to 10 minutes.

Massage of the perineal area is performed independently, in a supine position.

Therapeutic gymnastics

Exercises to prevent prostatitis are performed without doctor's recommendations. But for treatment, it is advisable to consult a specialist. He will select a set of tasks individually for the patient. Basic methods of implementation are useful for potency. Basic training set:

  • Position – lying on your back. Bring your legs together, then spread them apart. Knees bent. Do it 5 times.
  • Divorce lower limbs, then bring together by crossing.
  • Arch your spine, focusing on your heels and elbows.
  • Pull your legs to your chest, perform one at a time, pressing your feet to your buttocks.
  • Perform circular movements with your legs in a bent and straight position.

Kegel technique

The technique of the German gynecologist Kegel will help strengthen the prostate gland and improve the health of the male genitourinary system. A complex for women has been developed. Purpose – rapid recovery after childbirth. But it is also successfully used by men to treat the prostate and to prevent pathology.

During the act of urination, it is necessary to interrupt the stream of urine 4-5 times, and then relax and resume urination

During urination, it is necessary to hold the stream and feel the pubococcygeus muscles. For beginners, it is enough to perform up to 10 contractions of 5 seconds each. Increase the number of repetitions daily. Bring it up to 200 per day.

How to prevent prostatitis

To prevent and treat diseases of the male genitourinary system, it is recommended to play sports and lead an active lifestyle. To prevent problems in the future, you need to pay attention to your health. To prevent the risk of prostatitis formation, follow a set of actions:

  • visit the gym regularly;
  • give up bad habits;
  • have regular sex life (necessary for proper operation prostate gland).

Execution simple methods prevention will save you from problems in the future, increase potency and men's health.

The effect of physical activity on prostatitis

In the treatment of prostatitis, physical activity is the main part of the complex treatment of the disease.

Effective treatment of prostatitis, in any form of its manifestation, is the main means of combating the disease. Today, the treatment of this disease remains so difficult that no treatment method can be neglected.

It is in their complex and systematic use that effective treatment of prostatitis lies, the duration of the course of which can take from several weeks to several months.

Basic methods effective treatment prostatitis are as follows:

  • Drug treatment.

Includes antibacterial therapy, that is, the use of antibiotics that help eliminate pathogens inflammatory processes in the prostate and other harmful microorganisms. Also, the use of immunostimulating drugs that restore the body’s natural defenses and prevent relapses of the disease.

  • Prostate massage.

Recognized necessary procedure in the treatment of prostatitis, it is contraindicated in its acute form, it removes inflammatory products and pustular formations from the body. By improving blood circulation in the prostate, it enhances the effect of antibacterial therapy.

  • Baths, warm herbal enemas, electrophoresis.

The procedures have a relaxing effect, relieve painful symptoms, and partially relieve inflammation. Improves blood supply to the male genitourinary organs, including blood supply to the prostate.

  • Physical exercises, physical therapy, gymnastics for the prostate.

They prevent the formation of stagnant processes in the body, including in the pelvic area, saturate the blood with oxygen, and revitalize the blood supply process.

  • Lifestyle correction.

A balanced diet, a noticeable reduction in alcohol consumption, adequate sleep, streamlining of sex life, attempts to avoid stressful situations - all this helps restore and strengthen a man’s immunity and calms his nervous system.

Features of the treatment of congestive and acute prostatitis

Treatment of congestive prostatitis is the easiest and fastest, although its symptoms and most of the causes are similar. The structural features of the plexus of veins in the pelvis contribute to venous stagnation in the prostate gland. Diseases of the rectum, such as hemorrhoids, also contribute to the development of congestive prostatitis.

An important role in the development of this form of prostatitis is played by abnormal sexual contacts: interrupted or prolonged sexual intercourse, sexual perversion, frequent masturbation.

At the initial stage, treatment of congestive prostatitis is simple, local, aimed at eliminating stagnation. The main method is prostate massage, which is performed by a qualified specialist, but not independently using a prostate massager. Along with massage, physiotherapeutic procedures are used to improve blood circulation in the diseased organ. Laser therapy also has a stimulating effect on the smooth muscle tissue of the prostate gland.

Additionally, during the treatment of congestive prostatitis, drugs may be prescribed to improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the prostate.

Worth noting

Mud therapy in the form of mud baths and local applications, during which mud is applied to the “panties” area, has a good effect in the fight against congestion in the veins of the small pelvis and prostate. The course of mud therapy lasts no more than a month; in the treatment of this form of prostatitis, silt or peat mud is used.

Treatment of acute prostatitis is most often carried out in inpatient conditions, since this form of the disease is severe, dangerous for the development of severe complications, the presence of an abscess. The main treatment for acute prostatitis is the use of antibacterial therapy for a long time - from a month to three; in a shorter period, medications will not be able to completely destroy the infection in the prostate gland, and this ultimately threatens the development of chronic prostatitis.

To reduce pain and spasms, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, and may also be prescribed rectal suppositories or thermal microenemas. If a prostate abscess develops, surgical intervention is necessary - opening the abscess, removing pus and rinsing with an antiseptic solution.

When the functions and tissues of the prostate gland are completely restored, the composition of prostatic juice is normalized, test results show the absence of infection, treatment of acute prostatitis is considered complete.

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