Hiring an internal part-time worker. What is the procedure for combining positions in one organization?

According to the Russian Labor Code, it is prohibited to additionally burden your subordinates even when they give their consent to this.

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But if we are talking about performing work as an additional workplace with your own earnings, then in the Russian Federation this will not be considered a violation of standards.

The main condition for this should be the fulfillment of labor obligations under a separate contract concluded with the employee and outside the main working hours.

Such work is designated by labor legislation terms - internal part-time job. And it has its own specific design.

How to write an order, sample

An order for personnel on admission to a part-time position within the same enterprise is one of the main documents on which the entire registration process is based.

Its key task is to serve as a basis when filling out work book, if this is the will of the employee. In addition to this aspect, such orders serve as the basis for other issues.

For example, when you need to apply for a pension, sometimes Pension Fund are asked to take from the employer a copy of the order of dismissal or acceptance to a particular position.

Today, state-approved forms of orders for hiring, as well as for dismissal, are not mandatory.

Most enterprises, institutions, and organizations use a unified form of order for part-time employment.

This form was approved back on 01/05/04. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia under. She also has her own number - .

Laws do not prohibit the continued use of them, but personnel officers or accountants are not obliged by regulations to strictly use exactly these forms.

This means that today enterprises can use other forms compiled at their discretion. We will consider a standard order form, which for the most part has not yet lost popularity in personnel records management– form No. T-1.

The order must necessarily contain the following paragraphs, columns and lines with specific content:

  1. At the very top of the template is written the name of the enterprise where the employee is employed, including as a part-time worker under this order.
  2. Opposite the name of the enterprise, its details are indicated, such as:
    • OKUD code;
    • OKPO code.
  3. This is followed by the title of the document in the center of the line - “ORDER” (instruction) and a small preamble, which is also located in the center, right under the title of the document - “on hiring an employee.”
  4. Right next to the title of the document it is written in special boxes registration number and date. The number, as a rule, is also recorded in a separate journal.
  5. Immediately under the header of the document, the period of time is written, from what date and until what date the person is hired.
  6. Then indicate your full name. employee and personnel number, but not the one he already has, but a new one. A different number is assigned due to the fact that another position is occupied by this person.
  7. The next paragraph talks about the division, department, structure where a part-time subordinate is accepted.
  8. The position and nature of the work is written below. This paragraph is where the phrase “part-time (internal)” is indicated. In brackets or outside brackets, but you must indicate what type of part-time job.
  9. The next section is the tariff salary, rate and, if any, allowances.
  10. For cases involving probation, you must specify a time period for this.
  11. The last block will always be the basis on which the order is issued. As a rule, this is an employment contract. Its date of conclusion and number are indicated.
  12. The order is signed by the head of the enterprise. First, his position is written, then a signature is put and its decoding (last name of the manager).
  13. At the very end there is a line to familiarize the employee with the issued order. He puts his signature and date of review.

How to apply

The entire package of documents that the employee initially submitted to the employer does not need to be collected and submitted again when registering an internal part-time job. And it won’t be possible to do this, because educational documents and work records are already stored at the same enterprise.

All data has already been recorded for the employee a long time ago, he has been assigned a personnel number and his personal file has been opened, where there is all necessary information. Therefore, if any of the documents is needed, a copy is simply made from it.

Registration procedure internal part-time worker happens as follows:

  • the parties agree on all details of part-time work;\
  • the employee submits an application with a request to be accepted for such and such a part-time position;
  • with the help of the personnel department of the enterprise, an order and an agreement are drawn up, in accordance with the conditions agreed upon by the parties:
  • the employee must familiarize himself with the order against signature;
  • carefully re-read the agreement and sign it if everything suits you;
  • then the agreement is submitted to the director for signature;
  • after this, an entry is made in the work book, if the employee has submitted a special application for this

All necessary application forms should always be at hand by the personnel executive. Therefore, the employee will not need to invent the text of this or that statement out of his head.

He only fills out a form drawn up in advance by the personnel officer, where, like a questionnaire, answering the questions of the points, he fills out all the necessary fields.

Before you sign labor agreement, you should study it carefully to ensure compliance with all agreements that were made with management and the written content of the contract by personnel employees. All details on wages, vacations, work regulations - all this should be covered in the contract clearly and clearly.

If a part-time position involves handling material assets, then another agreement should be concluded with the employee - on his financial responsibility.

A personal card is not created for an internal part-time worker; he already has one and is in his personal file. An already assigned personnel number is not suitable so that, according to the law, a new position can be created - a part-time employee.

With each new position held, it is imperative to open a new personnel number, which is entered on the order form.

Recording of working time for a part-time position should be kept in a separate time sheet - for part-time workers (if there are many of them in the enterprise).

Or simply put the name of such an employee twice in the general report card - for the main position and for the secondary one.

The number of hours worked is simply recorded according to separate lines. If the form of remuneration is established under the contract with the employee as time-based, then such a timesheet will be the main document for calculating the earnings of a part-time worker.

Application for internal part-time work, its sample

The application form for part-time employment can be drawn up and filled out in free form.

There is no unified form for this, however, when drawing up such a universal form for an enterprise, they simply follow the basic criteria that should be in any well-written application.

When drawing up the primary document, be sure to indicate the following important details:

  • from what date the employee would like to begin his duties;
  • what amount of remuneration for his work will suit the subordinate;
  • what is the rate - half, third, fourth of the basic amount or interest for piecework wages;
  • indicate the days and hours when the employee wants to work part-time.

It is very important to start contacting the head of the organization, institution or enterprise. Next, it is written who this application is from, indicating the main position that the employee is engaged in. Next comes the text of the application, signature and date of preparation.

At the end there should be room for the resolution of the manager, who will approve the employee’s request in writing. There should also be space for notes from the personnel executive - the person entrusted with managing personnel affairs in the organization.

Features of an employment contract, its sample

Here is another key document that serves as the basis for the procedure for registering a part-time job internal order- This is an employment contract.

If we were talking about combining professions within the same period of working time, then such an agreement would not need to be concluded.

But if we are talking about part-time work - working in different working hours in different positions, but at the same enterprise (with the same employer), then a separate employment contract must be concluded with the employee.

Typically such a document contains the following postulates:

  1. General information about the parties.
  2. Responsibilities and rights of the parties.
  3. Terms and conditions of the agreement.
  4. Guarantees for the employee - salary, bonuses, vacations, days off, etc.
  5. Duration of the contract.
  6. Specifics of part-time work – responsibilities, working hours.
  7. The terms of remuneration are indicated - time-based, piece-rate, combined (piece-rate and time-based).
  8. Responsibility and controversial issues of the parties in case of violation of the terms of the agreement.
  9. Additional information that may reflect special conditions related to part-time work.
  10. Details, addresses, contact details of the parties.
  11. Signatures of the parties with an explanation of their surnames, positions and the seal of the enterprise.

The document can be concluded for a specific period - fixed-term contract, and for an indefinite period of time - unlimited. As for how the employee’s salary should be stated in the contract, there is an opinion that it is best to indicate the real amount of earnings.

For example, if a subordinate’s salary for a full rate is listed as 40 thousand rubles. for 40 weekly hours, then half-time will be charged for 20 weekly working hours.

Accordingly, the salary amount will be half as much – 20 thousand rubles. It is this 50%, related to the rate of 0.5, that should be written in the contract, and not the full salary for the position held.

Moreover, personnel officers will rely on the terms of this agreement when drawing up an order (Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How to make an entry in a work book

Entry is made only at the request of its owner. This suggests that this is not the employer's responsibility. If we take, for example, registration at the main job, then making entries in the work book is the employer’s obligation.

But if it is required to formalize text in the work book indicating that the employee is working part-time, then such an action is not recognized by law as an obligation of the employer.

This is more of a right than an obligation. And it belongs to the employee. He expresses his will in writing by writing a statement addressed to the head of the enterprise stating that he wants the part-time record to be reflected in his work book.

All entries relating to part-time work must be entered in the work book on the facing page of the section of the document called “Work Information”.

The procedure for filling out the columns in the work book in order to make an entry about internal part-time work should be carried out in the following algorithm:

  1. The sequence number that relates to the entry.
  2. The date is written according to the column names - first the date, then the month and finally the year.
  3. In the third column “Information about hiring ...” the following main details are indicated:
    • the name of the company does not need to be repeated;
    • the entry begins with the phrase “Hired...”;
    • then the nature of the work is indicated - “...part-time...”;
    • department, division, structure where a subordinate is hired;
    • the position that the part-time worker will occupy is indicated;
    • qualification, rank or category of the employee for this position - for example, “...for the position of secretary of category II...” or “... for the position of turner of category 5...”.
  4. The last column is a column for recording the basis on which a person is hired. It usually indicates the number and date of the order or instruction.

When it is impossible to issue

Laws on part-time labor relations between employees and their employers may not be formalized in all cases. There are limitations and prohibitions in this matter.

Thus, internal part-time work cannot be formalized with the following categories of citizens:

  • minors;
  • managers of enterprises for which labor legislation provides exclusively external part-time job, not internal;
  • subordinates who are employed in their main position related to dangerous or harmful conditions labor or if a part-time position requires the same conditions;
  • drivers who work driving vehicles on regular routes;
  • civil servants - employees of the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Department of Internal Affairs, judges and lawyers.

If a part-time employee is looking for an answer to the question of whether it is possible for an external part-time worker to formalize an internal part-time job, then the answer for this is contained in the explanations and letters of Rostrud.

Legislation and control of labor standards government agencies It is allowed to transfer from an external part-time worker to an internal one.

But this should be done correctly - first you should terminate the contract for external part-time work, then hire him as the main employee, and only then enter into an agreement with the employee for internal part-time work.

If there is no main place of employment, then internal part-time work will not work - you can combine it, because there is nothing to do with it.

Currently, given the low level of salaries, many are trying to get additional income by working part-time or combining several types of income. In this article we will try to figure out how a combination differs from a part-time job, what are the benefits of each type and what are the disadvantages. Every citizen should be savvy in such issues, and our article will help with this.

So, let's look at the main points of the topic: "Combination and part-time work: the difference." The table below will clearly and in detail demonstrate the main differences between these types of additional employment.

Part-time job

Every country has a Labor Code that regulates the relationship between an employee and the head of an enterprise or institution, and also describes in detail the rights of both parties. Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of our country contains detailed information about the rights and responsibilities of employees who decide to work part-time.

Already here you can notice that there is a difference between combination and part-time work.

It must be taken into account that educational workers are subject not only to Articles 282 and 60.1 of the Labor Code, but also to the following acts:

  • Law on Education.
  • Federal laws relating to this industry.

It is there that it is stipulated that a teacher can carry out part-time work not only in his own educational institution, but also in another, and also try his hand at another specialty, if there is confirmation of his skills and abilities in this area.

Part-time work for healthcare workers

We looked at what internal part-time work and combination work are, what the difference is - we sorted it out, and now we’ll find out what standards exist for medical workers.

The Labor Code contains Article 350, which states that, by government decision Russian Federation, the length of the part-time working day for medical workers who operate in rural areas may be increased. This is because these areas tend to have severe shortages of medical personnel. In this case, both part-time and part-time jobs are possible (what the difference is is not so important, since these types of employment are found quite often in the village).


If we consider teaching, medical staff and cultural workers, then for these categories of citizens the following work will not be considered part-time work:

  1. Carrying out various examinations with a one-time payment.
  2. If the teacher conducts additional lessons on an hourly basis, but not more than 300 hours per year.
  3. Conducting consultations in their organizations in an amount of no more than 300 hours per year.
  4. Pedagogical activity in the same educational institution, if there is additional payment for it.

A specialist can perform all these types of activities during his main working hours, but there are exceptions:

  • scientific and creative activity, if there is no such staffing unit;
  • organizing and conducting excursions without appointment to such a position.

But it must be clarified that performing any other work, if you are not currently engaged in your main activity, is permitted and does not require consent from the employer.

Termination of an employment contract

So, in the previous paragraphs we discussed in detail the following questions: combination and part-time work, difference (table), wages for these types of activities. Now let’s figure out under what conditions a contract with a part-time partner can be terminated.

If the employment contract is drawn up correctly, then it states for how long the applicant will be hired. If such a situation arises, then the person working part-time must be notified in writing two weeks in advance of the termination of the contract or agreement with him.

But there is Article 288 in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which stipulates additional reasons to terminate employment contract. This basis is the hiring of a specialist who will consider this work as his main one.

The Labor Code also contains instructions on categories of persons who cannot be dismissed at the request of the employer:

  • if the employee is on legal vacation or sick leave;
  • Women who are in an interesting position or who have children under three years old cannot be fired.
  • a single mother who is raising a child under 14 years of age or a disabled child;
  • guardians who raise children in the absence of their mother.

If an employee performs a certain amount of part-time work, then it is also possible to release him from this ahead of schedule. This usually happens when the specialist he replaced is ready to go to work and fully perform his duties. Typically, the employer must provide several days' notice.

The employee himself has the right to refuse to perform part-time duties, but he must notify management about this at least three days in advance so that a replacement can be found.

The article discusses a topic that is relevant today: “Part-time work and combination.” We have explained in detail what the difference between them is. Now only the employee himself can choose which type of activity is suitable for him to improve his material well-being. Knowing all the nuances will insure the employee against unexpected and unpleasant surprises. Currently, every person should be legally savvy; this will definitely come in handy in life.

What is part-time work: Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The entire 44th chapter is dedicated to part-time work. Labor Code(Articles 282–288). We are talking about the employee performing other regular paid work in his free time from his main job. This is exactly how part-time work is defined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. For an employee to become a part-time worker and occupy additional position on a legal basis, an employment contract should be drawn up with him.

The law provides for both internal, within the same organization, and external part-time work: the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not limit the number of employers with whom employment contracts can be concluded, but requires compliance with the standard working time - no more than four hours a day.

Do not confuse internal part-time work with combination of professions or positions, which is formalized by an additional agreement to an already valid employment contract and does not increase the total working hours of the employee. Find out how to register and pay for a combination in new article.

Internal part-time workers enjoy the same rights and guarantees as other staff and do not have to overwork. Exceeding the four-hour norm is possible only on the condition that on this day the employee is completely relieved from performing work duties in his main position (Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). IN vacation schedule and the internal part-time worker’s time sheet is included twice or more, separately for each position. And when calculating it sick leave benefit you should take into account earnings received from all places of work (Article 14 of Law No. 255-FZ of December 29, 2006, clause 2 of the regulation approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 375 of June 15, 2007).

Paid leave is provided in the usual manner, but instead of one leave order, you will have to issue two or more, depending on the number of positions held by the employee. Alternatively, instead of the unified T-6 form, a modified order form can be developed and approved, providing additional details for the one-time provision of leave to a part-time worker for all positions held.

Types and features extra work

Prohibitions and restrictions on internal part-time work according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Sometimes part-time work is impossible for objective reasons. For example, due to a legal ban.

Special rules apply to personnel who perform work hazardous to health or are directly involved in driving vehicles. Such employees cannot be hired part-time for positions related to the performance of similar functions.

Internal part-time positions: registration and payment

Experienced personnel officers are familiar with the concept of “internal part-time work” firsthand. An expert from Sistema Personnel will tell you how to register and pay for the work of an employee who holds several positions in an organization. Evgenia Remneva, head of the HR administration group at the outsourcing company Intercomp.

Part-time work: we will answer questions about registration and payment

Neither the complexity nor the amount of work performed matters (it can be half, a quarter, or one-eighth of the full rate). The registration procedure is the same, the set of documents varies slightly.

How to apply for an internal part-time job with one employer

Step 1: Register your job application, if this stage is provided for by the company’s internal rules.

Step 2. Request the missing documents from the employee. As a rule, the main documents - passport, work book, SNILS, military ID - are provided by an internal part-time worker at the time of hiring the main job. Therefore, the HR manager already has a complete set of information about the employee, but if the part-time position requires additional knowledge and skills, request the appropriate diplomas, licenses, certificates, and certificates.

Step 3. Familiarize the employee with the job description. Number job descriptions, with which it is necessary to familiarize the part-time worker with signature, must correspond to the number of positions occupied. Read in the magazine "Personnel Affairs" what to do if

Step 4. Sign an employment contract. Indicate that you are hiring an employee for internal part-time work (the Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires that this condition be included in the contract), write down the work schedule: the duration of the working day, its start and end time.

If the working day of a part-time worker does not exceed four hours, he may not be given a lunch break. Discuss this issue with the employee before specifying the work schedule in the employment contract. More information about work breaks and the procedure for providing them .

Step 5. Issue a hiring order. Use the unified T-1 form or approve your own form, the main thing is to make sure that it contains all the required details. Enter information about the employee: personnel number, full name, position. As in the employment contract, reflect the condition of part-time work and state the full official salary, but be sure to clarify in what order the work of the part-time employee will be paid. Familiarize the employee with the order for signature, and upon request, provide a copy of the document.

Step 6. Fill out the work book only at the request of the employee. If he requests a record of part-time work, the employer has no right to refuse. The type of part-time job is not indicated in the work book. It is enough to enter information about the structural unit and position held by the employee, as well as details of the employment order.

Advice from an expert at Sistema Personnel

There is no need to duplicate the company name either in a separate column before the entry for internal part-time employment or in the entry itself. One entry about the employer in column 3, made at the time the employee was hired for the main job in the same organization, is sufficient. Find out more about the rules for preparing work books and inserts in them, different types records and the most common mistakes made by HR managers .

Pay for the work of internal part-time workers in proportion to the time actually worked or based on output (Article 285 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If work is carried out in an area for which regional coefficients and premiums have been established, take them into account when calculating wages.

Internal part-time work will not cause problems for either the employee or the employer if you follow the letter of the law and correctly draw up documents at the employment stage. The more precisely the work schedule and payment procedure for a part-time worker are specified in the employment contract, the lower the risk of conflict. Include part-time workers in your time sheet and vacation schedule separately for each position held.

When an employee of an enterprise performs not only the amount of work assigned to him according to his official salary, but also additional work, he is a part-time worker. Of course, a number of conditions are necessary for part-time work: regular and paid work, which is carried out in free time from the main activity; part-time employment contract.

Part-time work internal and external - what is the difference

If a person, for example, works at a factory from five in the morning to one in the afternoon as a janitor, and from three to seven in the evening as a watchman kindergarten, he is external part-time worker. If an employee from three to seven in the evening guards the same plant that he swept in the morning, he is an internal part-time worker. That is, internal part-time work is the combination of positions in one enterprise, and external part-time work in different ones.

Features of internal part-time work

Internal part-time activities are regulated by the same articles of the Labor Code as external ones (60.1, 282-288, 329). In short, the law states that a person has the right to engage in any other activity (officially formalized) in his free time from his main job, therefore he can combine as many additional responsibilities as he is physically able to complete in a working week.

It is even possible to work internally for one position. For example, if in an educational institution a teacher teaches one subject during regular working hours, and another during his free time, he is considered an internal part-time worker and works in the same position twice. It is important to remember that internal part-time work most often occurs on the initiative of the employee: he learns about the vacancy and writes a corresponding application. Employers are willing to arrange internal part-time work, since it is easier to collaborate with someone they already know than to attract someone from outside.

Who cannot be a part-time worker

External and internal part-time work, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, does not apply to certain categories of citizens, namely:

  • minors;
  • judges, lawyers;
  • foreign intelligence workers, security services and federal courier communications;
  • state and municipal employees, heads of organizations and government members.

It is also prohibited to combine work in harmful and difficult conditions, if the conditions at the main place of work are the same. The same rule applies to persons driving any type of transport or vehicle movement.

How is internal part-time work arranged?

As noted above, to register a part-time job, an employment contract must be signed. Before drawing it up, you need to write an application for internal part-time work - as with a regular job, except that the employee will not have to present copies of his passport and education documents, since all this data is already stored in the personnel department of the enterprise. However, if a part-time position requires any other qualifications, you will have to provide copies of the relevant documents.

Employment contract

After the employee writes an application, an employment contract for internal part-time work is drawn up. It will differ from a regular contract only in the marking “On a part-time basis” and a different number of working hours, since according to the law, the working hours of a part-time worker for a calendar month cannot exceed half of the standard working hours for a calendar month.

The employment contract must describe all the nuances of the work process:

  • work and rest schedule;
  • remuneration procedure;
  • bilateral rights and obligations;
  • procedure for terminating the contract;
  • duration of the contract.

Since an open-ended employment contract (which does not specify clear terms for termination of part-time activities) can last until the employee decides to terminate it, it is better for the employer to indicate specific dates in the document. True, he has the right to do this only under certain circumstances - if the agreement provides for:

Additional agreement

There is often an opinion that, instead of a separate employment contract, it is possible to conclude additional agreement about internal part-time work. This is wrong. An additional agreement can be concluded if we are talking about combining professions - that is, if an employee performs some additional amount of work during his working hours without interrupting his direct duties. For example, when our teacher from the above example takes the notebooks of a parallel class or group for checking and checks them along with the work of his class or group. Thus, he performs functions not part-time, but through combination, which can be formalized by an additional agreement.

Internal part-time work is also distinguished from combination work by the fact that combination work always has a clear time limit and can be terminated ahead of schedule by both the employee and the employer. Part-time work can be indefinite, and with strictly specified dates, as a rule, it is not interrupted until the expiration of these terms.

Another option in which an additional agreement may be useful is when part-time work at one enterprise becomes the main activity. In this case, the part-time worker is dismissed from the main position by order, and an additional agreement on the transition to the main job is signed to the part-time employment contract.

Order for internal part-time work

After signing the employment contract, the manager issues an order for the enterprise to hire the employee. The document is written in the prescribed form and must contain a link to the employment contract.

Is there a record of internal part-time work in the labor record?

At the request of the employee, a note about part-time work can be made in the work book. Since we are talking about internal part-time work, no additional documents (for example, a certificate from the place of work) need to be presented.

Prohibitions and restrictions are possible only in exceptional cases and only when provided for by law. Internal and external part-time work involves working outside of regular working hours. The article we bring to your attention tells how to properly formalize an internal part-time job, contains a sample employment order, and talks about some current issues. Content

  • 1 Internal part-time work: difference from external and from combining professions (positions)
  • 2 Registration of internal part-time work
  • 3 Part-time work for one position: how to register correctly
  • 4 Video - “How to properly hire a part-time worker”

Internal part-time work: difference from external and from combining professions (positions) The legislation provides for several ways to work additionally.


Number of days Considering that in each month the number of working days varies depending on the availability of weekends and holidays, then the standard working hours changes accordingly. That is why, to calculate the normal duration of working hours, in many enterprises where there is a continuous work process, summarized accounting of working hours is used, the calculation procedure for which is established by the internal regulations of the company. How many bets can you take? Taking into account the restrictions on hours of employment for secondary employment workers established by the norms of Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a part-time worker cannot work a full day, only half, that is, at 0.5 times the rate.

Internal part-time job: how to register


If the benefit for him is doubtful, the employer’s actions may be challenged by the regulatory authority, which will lead to unnecessary hassle and penalties. Part-time work can be used in maternity leave, read about this in more detail: →"Internal and external part-time work during maternity leave". Internal part-time work allows the employer to optimize personnel policy.

For example, the staffing table provides for three staff units ( chief accountant– 1 rate, cashier and payroll accountant – each 0.5 rate). The cashier position was cut. But a payroll accountant wants to perform her duties, combining them with her main ones. Naturally, during regular working hours it will not be possible to simultaneously make calculations for wages and deductions from them, and accept and issue cash.

Internal part-time job: order, registration, contract

And they must be taken into account in practical work. You can read more about the specifics of internal part-time work here. How many positions can you combine? In practice, when it comes to applying for additional work, the question often arises of how many positions one employee can fill. Here is an example of a specific situation: A cashier in an organization combines the positions of personnel officer and secretary.
Is this situation possible? There are no violations here, provided that the relationship with the employee is properly formalized. In this situation, the cashier acts in a different position and performs. He works in one organization along with his main activity and performs additional work during the working day (Part.
first st. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It has been established that, subject to the consent of the employee, he can be entrusted with extra labor(Part one of Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Internal part-time job: how to apply, sample employment order

At the same time, he can work more than 4 hours on some days, adjusting the working time for the month by the duration of work on the remaining days of March. Registration of an internal part-time job The employee himself, in order to get an internal part-time job, does not need to provide anything other than an application. All documents necessary for employment were provided to them by the HR department earlier.

Registration of internal part-time work includes the following steps:

  1. employee statement;
  2. order for admission to a part-time position;
  3. conclusion of an employment contract.

An employee’s application for a part-time job An application for employment for a position is drawn up in any form; there is no template as such.

Internal part-time job: registration without errors

A person operating as an internal part-time worker does not have the right to work more than 4 hours daily in this form of employment. If an employee is periodically unemployed in his main job, he is allowed to perform professional duties on a part-time basis throughout the day or shift. The total number of hours worked by an internal part-time worker in the reporting month cannot be more than half the standard working time established for the main employee of similar qualifications.

Thus, internal part-time work involves concluding an employment contract for no more than half-time. For example, the standard working time for March 2016 for workers for whom a 5-day working week is provided is 175 hours. This means that in an internal part-time position, an employee must work no more than 87.5 hours in March.

Hiring for internal part-time work at 0 5 rates


Its key task is to serve as a basis for filling out a work book, if the will of the employee is so expressed. In addition to this aspect, such orders serve as the basis for other issues. For example, when you need to apply for a pension, sometimes the Pension Fund asks you to take from the employer a copy of the order on dismissal or acceptance to a particular position.

Today, state-approved forms of orders for hiring, as well as for dismissal, are not mandatory. Most enterprises, institutions, and organizations use a unified form of order for part-time employment. This form was approved back on 01/05/04. Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia under No. 1. It also has its own number - No. T-1. Laws do not prohibit the continued use of them, but personnel officers or accountants are not obliged by regulations to strictly use exactly these forms.

Registration of combining positions in one organization

Thus, the misconception is that you can work in this form of employment exclusively in another profession, position or specialty. Today, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain specific instructions or restrictions on this issue (Article 98 has lost force, and Article 68 does not directly stipulate such conditions). Therefore, the type of activity, profession, position cannot limit the employee’s ability to perform duties on an internal part-time basis.

When conducting an audit to ensure compliance by the employer labor legislation any doubts will be interpreted in favor of the employee. Taking this into account, it is possible to register an internal part-time job in one profession, position or specialty, if such work would be beneficial for the employee.

Registration of internal part-time work

But it must necessarily indicate what position the employee would like to take, the length of working hours, and the nature of the work (internal part-time work). The employee’s application must include the manager’s resolution agreeing to hire the employee for the position. Order for admission to a part-time position It can be said that the entire registration process is based on an order for admission to a part-time position.

Subsequently, based on it, an entry will be made in the employee’s work book, if he wishes. Most often, such an order is drawn up in accordance with standard form T-1 (T-1a). However, this form of order is not mandatory; you can draw up a document in any form.
Registration for internal part-time work Download the completed sampleDownload in .doc When there is an internal part-time job, the question of how to correctly register an employee is most often aimed at the nuances of making an entry in the work book. Therefore, let us dwell on this point in more detail. Rules for making an entry The period of part-time work is entered into the “Information about work” section of the work book in the usual manner (clauses 3.1, 5.1 of Instruction No. 69). There are only two features that need to be taken into account when filling out column 3. Pay attention! An entry about dismissal from a part-time job can be made in the “Information about work” section of the work book only if it was preceded by an entry about hiring for such a job. In other words, a part-time employment record must always be made first. Firstly, in column 3 there is no need to make new headings.

Internal part-time admission at 0 5 rates

The amount of remuneration for additional employees directly depends on the hours worked, to which are added the allowances established for the position and incentive payments in percentage to the salary that is due to the employee in accordance with staffing table. Calculation For example, with a salary of 15,000 thousand, and a bonus of 10%, as well as a bonus of 50%, the part-time worker should receive a total salary of 10,440 thousand rubles. Salaries are calculated in the following way: The salary is divided by the monthly standard of hours, for example, by 160, then multiplied by the number of hours worked, say 80, to which a 10% allowance and 50% bonus are then added and 13% tax is subtracted.
At the same time, in such a situation, in addition to internal part-time work, there are other ways to formalize the execution of such work. You can read in detail about which method is better to choose in our article. Help We will focus on the basic principles. So, there are several ways to deal with a temporarily absent employee:

  1. by combining positions;
  2. internal part-time work;
  3. temporary transfer.

Important! Additional work always requires the consent of the employee. An employer cannot unilaterally assign additional responsibilities to an employee. The employer has the right to choose between these three options. And each organization chooses based on specific circumstances. It is impossible to answer unequivocally which of these methods is preferable.

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