An outdoor game for young children. Abstract. Notes Outdoor games (practice)

Natalia Bobkova
Summary of outdoor games in the second younger group"Sparrows and the cat"

Summary of outdoor games in the 2nd junior group

« Sparrows and cat» .

Target. Develop hearing skills motor activity, ability to follow rules games.

Tasks. To teach children to run in different directions throughout the playground without bumping into each other, to start a movement and change it at the teacher’s signal, to find their place, to learn to perform figurative movements as shown by the teacher (flap your wings, peck grains, jump).

Equipment: emblems - sparrows, toy sparrow, cat's cap, tambourine, hoops, singing disc sparrow.

1. Gathering children for PI

Singing sparrow in recording.

Educator: “Children, who is singing this?”.

Children's answers. (sit on a bench)

Jumping, jumping sparrow(toy display - sparrow)

Calls small children

Throw some crumbs sparrow

I'll sing you a song: “Chick-chirp!”

2. Create interest in IP

The story about sparrows:

Sparrow wants something for you tell:

“It was a clear sunny day. The red cat was dozing in the sun. Little gray ones sparrows flew around the garden and looked for grains or insects. They flew up to the puddle, jumped, drank some water and flew away again. Sparrows They chirped so loudly with joy that they woke up the cat. Cat loud meowed: "Meow". sparrows They got scared and quickly flew away to their little houses - nests.”

3. Rules games.

Let's play this game and the sparrow will look at us. You will be small sparrows. (Glue the emblems - sparrows) . Let's remember how sparrows fly, jumping, pecking grains, drinking water, chirping.

They fly along the street, they live under the roof (flapping their wings).

Little sparrow darting around the yard, collects bread crumbs (bend over or squat).

The bird is small, has claws, can’t walk, wants to take a step, but it turns out to be a jump (jumping on two legs).

And now the rules games: Children - « sparrows» sitting in their "nests"- these are hoops on one side of the court. On the other side of the platform - sitting "cat". As soon as "cat" will fall asleep « sparrows» "fly out" on the road, "fly over" from place to place, looking for crumbs, grains, jumping, chirping loudly. But here "wakes up" "cat". He's loud "meows" and runs after « sparrows» , which "fly away" to their "nests".

Note: We don’t push each other, "wings"– we don’t touch each other with our hands; when we run, we look forward.

4. Conducting and directing the game.

Play with children.

“Come in sparrows into nest-houses" (the tambourine is silent). And I will be the cat.

“The cat fell asleep - run out sparrows from the nest(tambourine sounds). Children run, peck grains, jump, and chirp loudly. "Cat woke up: (the tambourine is silent) "Meow". I'm catching up sparrow - children. When all the children occupied their nests, I say: “Well done, sparrows, quickly flew away, the cat didn’t catch anyone.” And now Sofia will be the cat. And we will continue the game. Game repeated 3-4 times.

5. End games

Sedentary game"Where did you hide little sparrows.

“Did you guys like the game? Let's give thanks sparrow, where is he? He decided to play hide and seek with you, find him.” Children are looking sparrow, find, offer to take him to group and feed.

Publications on the topic:

Purpose of the game: Develop endurance, coordination of movements, improve jumping ability. The players stand in a circle, with the teacher in the center.

Summary of OOD in the studio “We compose games ourselves” using TRIZ technology based on the outdoor game “Burners” Summary of OOD in the studio “We compose games ourselves” using TRIZ - technology based on the outdoor game “Burners”Teachers: E. A. Eremenko.

Summary of the outdoor game-competition “Fire Drills” in the preparatory school group Objectives: -intensify knowledge about the work of firefighters; develop strength. Agility. Speed ​​of movement. Spatial orientation; -form.

Summary of finger games in the second junior group Summary of finger games “I am a bunny”, “I have toys”, “Body parts” in the 2 ml group. Goal: to teach how to amuse children with finger toys.

Summary of the walk in the second junior group “Observing insects” Summary of the walk in the second junior group “Observing insects.” Goal: to form realistic ideas about nature.

Summary of the role-playing game “Barbershop” in the second junior group Objectives: To develop the ability to take on a role and perform appropriate game actions. To develop the ability to interact.

Only those admitted to preschool educational institution Children require increased attention not only to the development of their physical abilities, but also to socialization and the formation of the ability to interact in a team. The most accessible means for this are games. In particular, active fun as the most affordable way captivate and interest children in learning about themselves and the world around them. To prepare and conduct them, the teacher is required to methodically competently comprehend the theoretical and practical subtleties of outdoor gaming activities.

Goals and objectives of outdoor games

In the first junior group special attention dedicated to games that require to varying degrees mobility of babies. Such fun is the main form of fulfilling the mission of the educational process, which consists in:

The implementation of the set goals in the first junior group is possible with the systematic and consistent solution of the tasks of conducting outdoor games:

  • strengthening the musculoskeletal system;
  • mastering the skill of performing simple motor exercises together with a teacher and peers, accompanied by a simple plot;
  • improving basic movements (running, walking at different paces, throwing and rolling a ball, jumping);
  • learning to express movements through imitation (jumping like bunnies, drinking water like chickens, etc.);
  • training the ability not to lose orientation in the playing space;
  • practice the skill of moving one after another and completing the movement at a certain signal from the leader (teacher);
  • developing the skill of coordinating one’s actions with the rules of the game and other participants;
  • encouraging independence.

Classification of outdoor games

The variety of tasks for conducting this type of fun makes it necessary to systematize outdoor games by type, namely:

By location in educational process Games for children 1.5–3 years old can be divided into four types:

Based on the types, we can conclude that outdoor activities are carried out at every lesson not only in the form of a physical education break, but also in separate lessons: physical education, choreography (if this discipline is included in the preschool educational program), music class.


To successfully conduct an outdoor game, a combination of three groups of techniques is used.


Despite the fact that at 1.5–5 years old not all children speak, the teacher should pay as much attention as possible to verbal explanation. Firstly, children enrich their vocabulary (even if it is still passive), secondly, the adult appears as a speech model that encourages children to perform their own speech acts, thirdly, pupils learn to follow verbal instructions. Among verbal techniques, two are especially productive.


Visual perception for children with almost no speech is a necessary means for understanding the task. For outdoor games the following are used:


This group of techniques includes the actual play actions that children perform together with an adult.

This is interesting. To develop independence, with each subsequent repetition of the game, the teacher reserves less and less game actions. So, if the first few times an adult takes on the functions of a leader, then when the fun is repeated, this role passes to the children.

Rules of organization and conduct

  1. Outdoor games are held every day.
  2. In the first junior group, the game should not last longer than 6–8 minutes.
  3. 1-2 outdoor games are played at one time, one requiring more active movements (for example, running), and the second less (with spatial orientation).
  4. When conducting fun indoors, the room must be ventilated and wet cleaned.
  5. Games are played with all children together or in small groups so that every child can participate.
  6. During the walk, outdoor activities are organized immediately after leaving.
  7. You cannot insist on your child's participation in the game if he does not want to. In this case, it is necessary to find out the reason for the refusal (perhaps the baby is embarrassed to make a mistake or is afraid of falling or hurting himself; in this case, therapeutic fairy tales on the topic, cartoons appropriate to the problem will help).
  8. If in the first half of the day there are physical education classes (choreography, music), then a quieter game is held outside, and after sleep, fun activities of various mobility are organized.
  9. During the game, the teacher provides assistance to each child (helps to catch a ball, spin a hoop). At the same time, he himself remains in the position of a leader, guiding and showing the kids how to play.
  10. For the plot of the fun, characters well known to children are selected: bunnies, cats, birds. It is important that the character is represented visually: with a picture, a toy.
  11. Only used in games simple tasks: ring the bell, catch the ball, bring the skittles, etc.
  12. The fun plot includes not only new, but also well-practiced exercises. For example, when mastering the movement of a locomotive in the game “Train”, kids get out of the “cars” and walk around the “clearing”, and then cross the “bridge”, that is, they perform the well-known balance movement.
  13. Before playing the game, children need to be introduced to the rules, highlighting those signals by which children will have to change the nature of their movement (for example, upon hearing the ringing of a bell, sit down, or stop when the leader claps his hands). And also demonstrate the attributes that will be required for the game (ball, toy, hula hoop).

    After the teacher has introduced the attributes of the game to the kids, you need to give the children a few seconds to try this equipment in action.

  14. Help the children during the game (suggest movements, show their starting places, etc.), using facial expressions, gestures and different intonations in the voice.
  15. When organizing a game, the teacher needs to carefully think through everything necessary materials, mark places for “houses”, “nests”, etc.
  16. The same game is repeated for 2-3 days in a row, then a new one is learned, after which you need to return to the previous ones. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the mobility of each child, that is, stop one in time or change the role of another. It is only important not to go against the characteristics of temperament. For example, a melancholic person should not be forced to run, even if he has not yet fulfilled this role, but a choleric person will quickly get bored with just catching the ball - such a fidget needs to run.
  17. It is important to ensure that children do not become overtired. So, paleness, red faces, excessive sweating, distracted attention are signs that the game needs to be stopped.

    The teacher must ensure that children do not become overtired during the game.

  18. The teacher should be moderately emotional, cheerful, active and friendly - these manifestations attract children to the game.

Card index of outdoor games in the junior group

Unlike didactic games, the planning of which is in accordance with the study lexical topic, outdoor fun can be grouped according to three principles:

  • on practicing one or another physical skill;
  • complexly, when several tasks are implemented in one block at once (that is, games are taken of different types);
  • thematically (fun is selected according to lexical topics).

The last principle of grouping games is less productive, since the plots of fun for the first younger group are so simple that changing the characters is not difficult. For example, a game to develop running and jumping skills “Birds in Nests” (children stand on a raised platform, at an adult’s signal, “fly away”, and then return back to the words “It’s raining!”) can turn into a fun game “Cat and Mice” or "Chicks and the Fox."

The game Engine can easily turn into a Bus, Tram or Caterpillar - depending on the topic being studied

The most in a convenient way compiling a card index of games is to follow the principle of the skill being practiced.

Running, jumping

Orientation in space

  1. "Train". Objectives: teach kids coordination of actions, move in formation, change the pace of movement according to conventional sign. Conditions: children stand at the back of each other’s heads, without touching in front standing with hands. The first child is a train, the rest are carriages. At the conditioned signal from the teacher, the locomotive and carriages begin to move. After the words: “The train is approaching the station,” the children begin to move a little slower. The teacher invites the participants to take a walk and walk around. Based on the conventional sign, you need to restore the sequence of cars as quickly as possible.
  2. "Cars". Objectives: to teach to maintain direction of movements, not to push, to develop attention. Conditions: the teacher marks the line beyond which the “garage” is located. “Cars” - children go to the playground, drive, observing basic rules (for example, do not push, go around, giving a signal). After the words: “Cars, into the garage!”, the kids return to the line.
  3. "Leaflets" ("Leaf Fall") Objectives: teach children to move to rhyming text. The kids take the leaves and perform the following actions: wave the leaves, changing the direction of movements, spin and squat, put the leaves under their feet.

Development of balance

Imitation skill

  1. "Bubble". Objectives: to teach children to act according to verbal instructions, to develop imitation, as well as coordination of movements. Conditions: teacher and children dance in a circle. The teacher repeats the phrase 2-3 times: “Inflate the bubble, inflate the bubble, but don’t burst.” The children disperse without opening their arms. To the words: “The bubble has burst!” The kids disperse and say the sound: “Sh-sh-sh.”
  2. "Cockerel." The tasks are the same as in the previous game. Conditions: in the center of the circle there is a “cockerel”, the children walk around him, and when he says: “Crow”, they run away, and he catches them.

Agility development

Climbing skill

These are games related to exercises on the gymnastic wall. In the first junior group, kids complete the “Monkeys” task, in which they must climb 3-4 steps of the wall. The rest of the participants are watching. Do the task one by one.

Development of attention

  1. "Catch the ball." Objectives: teach kids to catch balls with both hands, stimulate independence, develop attention. Conditions: the teacher calls the kids in groups of 2-3 and different sides rolls out balls for them. At the request of an adult, children carry exactly the balls that were designated for them.
  2. "Flag". Objectives: to practice the skill of performing actions under verbal instructions, to train attentiveness. Children stand in a circle with a flag in the center. The teacher calls the child, he raises the flag, waves it and places it in a circle. And so on in turn.

Timing game plan

As noted above, the duration of outdoor play in the first junior group is 6–8 minutes. During this time period, the teacher and children work through 5 stages.

Table: example of a summary of the outdoor game “Sparrows and a car” in the first junior group

Stage Content
Introduction to the game situation Children listen to a recording of a sparrow singing.
Educator: “Children, who sings this?”
Children's answers.
The sparrow is jumping and jumping
Calls small children
Throw crumbs to the sparrow
I'll sing you a song.
Throw in millet and barley -
I will sing to you all day long.
Tick-tweet! Chick-chirp!..>
<…«Жили-были маленькие серенькие воробушки. В ясный солнечный денёк они летали по саду и искали зёрнышки или насекомых. Они подлетали к лужице, пили водичку и снова улетали. Однажды вдруг появился большой автомобиль и загудел «би-би- би». Воробушки испугались и улетели в свои гнёздышки.
Introduction to the rules Let's play this game. You will be little sparrows. The chairs will be your nests, and I will be the car.
Turn around yourself, turn into little sparrows!
Let's remember how sparrows fly and jump.
I fly along the street, I live under a roof (flapping their wings)
Little sparrows look for crumbs around the yard (bend over or squat)
The bird is small, has claws, and cannot walk (jumps on two legs).
And now the rules of the game: sparrows sit on chairs, these are nests. At a signal, they fly out, jump, and peck the grains. And as soon as the car, I will be the car, starts buzzing “beep-beep-beep”, all the sparrows fly to their nests.
Solving a game problem “The sparrows flew to us. And they began to live in nests here on chairs. “Let the sparrows fly into the house” (the tambourine is silent).
“And here in the garage there was a car (I take the toy car and put it aside).” “The car is in the garage - sparrows run out of the house (tambourine sounds). Let's wave our wings (I show, we'll peck the grains (I show). We'll chirp for joy (I'll chirp)." I go up to the car, take a toy and say: “The car has left the garage - beep, beep - fly away the sparrows to the house so that the car will take you didn’t run over” (the tambourine is silent). I drive the car by the rope. When the children all sat down on the chairs, I say: “Well done, sparrows, they flew away quickly, the car didn’t run over anyone.” I take the car “to the garage”: “The car has left - fly out the sparrows.” The game is repeated 3-4 times.
Complication Educator: “And now another driver, Dimochka, will drive the car. And we will continue the game."
Final stage The teacher thanks all the children for their active participation.

Lesson notes on the educational field “Physical Education”
for children of the 2nd junior group
(from outdoor games on a walk)

Compiled by:
teacher first
qualification category
Gordybaeva Elena Vasilievna

Software tasks:

Expand the functionality of the life-supporting systems of the pupils’ body;
-form purposeful motor activity through play activities;
- cultivate friendly relationships with each other in joint motor and play activities.

Methods and techniques:
- a surprise moment;
- artistic word;
- outdoor games of varying intensity;
- encouragement.

Materials and equipment:

Letter from Santa Claus;
-toy hare, bear, fox, Santa Claus costume.

Preliminary work:
-learning outdoor and round dance games;
-learning the song “We’ll warm ourselves up a little”

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Today a letter arrived in our group. It contains an invitation from Santa Claus. He invites us to visit him, in a magical forest, we don’t take anything with us. Let's go light. Children go to the sports area.
Educator: Oh, guys, there is so much snow, how will we get there?

Outdoor game "Legs"

Goal: to develop children’s skills to jump rhythmically, softly on two legs, moving forward.

Legs, legs
Walked along the path (walking)
We ran through the forest (easy running)
Jumped over bumps (jump while moving forward)

Jump-jump, jump-jump!
We galloped onto the meadow
We rode for a long, long time
And they lost their boots! (sit down)

Come on, where are you, little boot? (shrug)
We will find you, friend! (they shake fingers)
Let's knock our heels,
Let's run along the path! (stomping feet)

(The children ran along the path. A bunny sits on the path and cries)
Educator: Why are you crying, little bunny?
Bunny: Santa Claus invited me to visit, I walked, I was tired, I was cold, I couldn’t go any further.
Educator: Bunny, we will warm you up and take you with us, we are also going to visit Santa Claus. Really, guys?

Outdoor game: “The gray bunny is sitting”

Goal: to continue to strengthen children’s ability to listen carefully to the text and perform movements in accordance with it: jump in place on two legs, quickly run away at the teacher’s signal.

Gray bunny sitting
And he wiggles his ears.
Like this, like this
He wiggles his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit
I need to warm my paws
Clap, clap, clap, clap,
We need to warm our paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand
The bunny needs to jump.
Skok-skok, skok-skok,
The bunny needs to jump
Someone scared the bunny
The bunny took it and ran away.

Educator: Bunny, are you warm? Then get ready for the road. The snow is deep, raise your feet high to avoid getting stuck in a snowdrift.

(Children approach a pine tree, a bear sits under the tree)

Educator: Why are you sad, little bear?

Bear: I was bringing pine cones to Santa Claus as a gift, but I dropped the basket and scattered all the pine cones, how will I collect them all now?

Educator: Don’t worry, bear. We will help you. Really guys?

Outdoor game: “Who will collect the most cones?”

Goal: to train children to walk in different directions, to develop reaction speed.

Game description: Cones are laid out on the site. Children walk between them, trying not to touch objects. At the signal “Take it!” cones quickly rise.

Bear: Thank you guys, you helped me out. Can I go with you?

Educator: Well, guys? Let's move on.

(Children move to another part of the site. The children are met by a fox who is crying)

Educator: Why are you crying so loudly, fox?

Lisa: How can I not cry? I built myself a hut out of snow and ice, it turned out beautifully. It's just very cold.

If only someone could cut some wood for my stove. Maybe you guys can help me?

Children: let's help!

Outdoor game: “There will be firewood for the winter”

Goal: to develop children’s skills to perform coordinated movements in pairs, to develop a sense of rhythm.

We'll cut the log now
Saw-saw, saw-saw
One-two, one-two!
There will be firewood for the winter.

(Exercises are performed alternately with the right and left hands)

Lisa: Thanks, guys! The amount of firewood they have prepared for me is now definitely enough for the whole winter. Because you helped me, I will take you to Santa Claus by the shortest route.

Turn around, turn around
Find yourself in Santa Claus's yard.

(Santa Claus met the children) Santa Claus: Oh, I’ve been waiting for you, kids, girls and boys. You will amuse me and you will dance with me.

Outdoor game: “We’ll warm up a little”

Goal: To train children in the ability to perform rhythmic movements to music.

We'll warm up a little
We will clap our hands.
Clap-clap, clap, clap, clap,
Clap-clap, clap, clap, clap.

We'll put on mittens
We are not afraid of blizzards
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

We'll warm your feet too
We'll drown soon
Top-top, top, top, top.
Top-top, top, top, top.

Frost and I circled
How the snowflakes swirled
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Santa Claus: Well done, the kids danced well and amused their grandfather. A gift from me to you.

Educator: Together we will say to Santa Claus and the forest animals: “Goodbye! Thank you!" For hosting us, playing with us, we will go home along the forest path.


  1. 1. Curriculum of Preschool Education. - Mn.: NIO, 2012
  2. 2. Glazyrina, L. D. Physical education for preschoolers. Younger age / L. D. Glazyrina.-M.: Academy, 2001
  3. 3. Likhadievskaya, T. G. Outdoor games in kindergarten / T. G. Likhadievskaya, I. M. Ivanovskaya. - Mn.: Aversev, 2002

Natasha Vladimirovna Romanchenko

Summary of the outdoor game

Summary of outdoor games in junior group I

"Sparrows and the car"

Target. Develop auditory skills, motor activity, ability to follow rules games.

Tasks. To teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, to find their place, to learn to perform figurative movements as shown by the teacher;

Equipment: toy car, tambourine, toy steering wheel, sparrow hats.

1. Gathering children for PI

Recorded singing of a sparrow

Educator: “Children, who is singing this?”.

Children's answers.

The sparrow is jumping and jumping

Calls small children

Throw crumbs to the sparrow

I'll sing you a song Chick-chirp!

Throw in millet and barley

I'll sing to you all day long

Tick-tweet! Tick-tweet!

2. Create interest in IP

- a story about sparrows:

“Once upon a time there were little gray sparrows. On a clear sunny day they flew around the garden and looked for grains or insects. They flew up to the puddle, drank some water and flew away again. One day a large car suddenly appeared and honked its horn. "bi - bi - bi". The sparrows got scared and flew away to their nests.

3. Rules games.

Let's play this game. You will be little sparrows. The chairs will be your nests, and I will be the car.

Turn around yourself and turn into a sparrow!

Let's remember how sparrows fly and jump.

I fly along the street, I live under the roof (flapping their wings)

The little sparrow is looking for crumbs in the yard (bend over or squat)

The bird is small, has claws, cannot walk (jumping on two legs).

And now the rules games: sparrows sit on chairs, these are nests. At a signal, they fly out, jump, and peck the grains. And as soon as the car, I will be the car, starts honking "beep beep", all the sparrows fly to their nests.

4. Explanation games in progress

Play with children

“The sparrows flew to us. And they began to live in nests here on chairs. “Let the sparrows fly into the house” (the tambourine is silent).

“And here in the garage there was a car (I take the toy car and put it aside)" “The car is in the garage - sparrows run out of the house (tambourine sounds). Let's wave our wings (I show, let's peck some grains (showing). Let's tweet for joy ( "tweet")". I go to the car, take the toy and I say: “The car left the garage - beep, beep - fly away sparrows to the house so that the car doesn’t run over you” (the tambourine is silent). I drive the car by the rope. When the children all sat down on the chairs I say: “Well done, sparrows, they flew away quickly, the car didn’t run over anyone.”. I'm driving the car "to the garage": “The car has left - fly out sparrows”. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

And now the car will be driven by another driver, Dimochka. And we will continue the game.

5. End games.

Sedentary game"Let's go for a ride in a car"

And now all the sparrows will get into a big car and go for a ride. I place chairs in pairs in one direction, assign a driver, and give the child a toy steering wheel.

Analysis outdoor games in the first junior group.

This game teaches you how to manage your behavior. The task of children is to perform game actions in a timely manner, which are determined by the role. The game situation involves alternating two groups actions - active movements and their inhibition, which requires certain efforts. These efforts are made easier for children by the activity of their imagination when fulfilling the role they have taken on. Thus, this game also helps develop imagination.

An emotional mood has been created for carrying out

goal achieved

Prospects: continue to work on children’s understanding of the rules in games

Publications on the topic:

Goal: development of fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity. Equipment: low plastic jars with lids, beans, peas, pasta.

I would like to share with you colleagues what we did: playing a game with our children. A small photo report. The purpose of this game is to educate.

Fun game in the first junior group “A kitten came to visit us”“A kitten came to visit us” Goal: to consolidate knowledge of folklore works, geometric figures, and to intensify cognitive activity.

Games and exercises in this group will help children develop the ability to identify from one to four different properties: color, shape, size.

Integration of educational areas: socio-communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; physical development.

Topic of educational activity: “Playing with a spoon” Cognitive and speech direction Educational area: “Social and communicative.

second youngest

b\p: find your color, shaggy dog, mice in the pantry, train

s\p: from hummock to hummock, along a flat path, my cheerful ringing ball, catch a mosquito

m\n: take care of the object, guess what is hidden, who is screaming, the little white bunny is sitting.

middle group.

b\p: airplanes, colored cars, a bear in the forest, hares and a wolf

s\p: kittens and puppies, throw and catch

m\n: bubble, find it, keep quiet, find where it’s hidden

senior group.

b\p: traps, geese-swans, we are funny guys, sly fox, homeless hare, don’t stay on the floor, oncoming dashes

s\p: fishing rod, mousetrap, hunters and hares, bear and bees, ball for the driver

m\n: whose squad will pass more quietly?, one, two, three; giants and dwarfs, find and remain silent who takes fewer steps

preparatory group.

b\p: carousel, trap, take the ribbon, catch up with your mate, wolf in the ditch, tea-tea to the rescue, day night or sunshine

с\п: catching monkeys, migrating birds, stoa

m\n: whose team will pass the ball faster, the sea is rough, forbidden movement.

Outdoor game “Shaggy Dog”

junior group

Program content:

1. Exercise children to run in different directions.

2.Develop the ability to move in accordance with the signal.

3. Cultivate determination and interest in the game.

Equipment: Dog half mask, dog mat.

Gathering children for the game:

“One, two, three - whoever is playing, come.”

Creating interest.

Children, listen to who this riddle is about:

“He’s lying in the hay, he doesn’t eat and he doesn’t give it to others.”

Explanation and content of the rules of the game:

Children, we will play the game “Shaggy Dog”. The dog will live in a booth (lying on a rug). And we will quietly approach him and say:

Here lies a shaggy dog

His nose buried in his paws.

He lies quietly

Either he's dozing or he's sleeping

Let's go to him and wake him up

And let's see what happens?

As soon as the dog barks, we must quickly run away from him.

Distribution of roles:

Our shaggy dog ​​will be Katya.

Progress of the game:

Look, the dog fell asleep, let's go play

"Here lies a shaggy dog

His nose buried in his paws.

Quietly, quietly he lies

He's either dozing or sleeping.

Let's go to him and wake him up

And let's see what happens?

(barking is heard) - Children, quickly run away from the dog.

Dosage: 3-4 times

Well. Tell me, which of the guys is the most dexterous, who is the fastest? But our dog is also a great guy. All the guys played together. Well done!

Outdoor game "Planes"

middle group

Program content:

1. Strengthen children’s ability to run in different directions.

2. Develop attention to listen to the signal and start moving according to the verbal signal.

Equipment: aircraft half masks.

Gathering children for the game:

Creating a Lead:

I'll build a plane

I’ll put on my helmet and take off.

Through the wavy mists,

I'll fly to other countries,

Over the seas and forests,

Over the mountains and fields,

I will cover the entire globe,

And then I'll return home.

Game explanation:

Guys, let's split into groups. Masha, come here, choose three friends. They approach the teacher. Get ready to fly you will be airplanes. See how to start the engine and try to fly! Now I say: “Get ready to fly!”, and you start the engines and say “rrrr”. Listen when I say: “Let’s fly” and fly away in different directions. At the “landing” signal, return to your seat.

Questions: Guys, who will you be? How to start the engine and fly? What words start your engines? What words do you fly to? What words bring us back to our place?

Distribution of roles:

Guys, we'll take turns playing.

Progress of the game:

The first four people leave:

“Our miracle is airplanes,

Prepared for flight

They're all waiting for the team

Try to catch up!”

I say: “Get ready for flight!” The children start their engines. I give the command: “Let’s fly!” and the children run away.

During the game I say a poem:

“You won’t catch up, you won’t catch

You guys are in our group

But now all the planes

They will fly to land."

Then I give the command “Landing” and the children run to their chairs.

Complication: 1. The teacher’s assistant appears. 2. The one who comes running first helps the teacher. 3. Airplanes fly around obstacles on the floor. 4. Increase the flight time by 20 seconds. 5 when the whistle blows, the planes take off.

Dosage: 3 times

End of game:

Who were you today? But now I’ll find out how you remembered today’s game if you guess the riddle:

“What kind of bird is high in the blue sky?

And fly high under the clouds?

The stars are shining bright above the wing

There are pilots behind the wheel.”

That's right, the planes all played well, well done!

Outdoor game "Hares and wolves"

middle group

Program content:

1. Exercise children in running and jumping.

2. Develop attention, speed, dexterity.

3. Cultivate courage and determination.

Equipment: Half masks of hares and wolves.

Creating a Lead:

Jumps in the summer in a gray fur coat,

Bunny playing happily

And as soon as at the edge

An evil blizzard will swirl,

The bunny in the hole will open the closet,

He'll get a white fur coat,

And then the frost won't touch you,

And the snowstorm won't scare you.

Children, how does a bunny jump?

Day and night he prowls the forest,

Searches for prey day and night.

The wolf walks and wanders silently,

The ears are gray and erect.

What wolf?

Game Contents Explanation:

On one side of the site there are hares in houses, and on the other a wolf is hiding in a ravine. At the signal “Hares” the bunnies jump out of the houses, and at the signal “Wolf” the wolf jumps out of the ravine and runs after the bunnies, trying to catch them, the hares run away into the houses.

Questions: At the signal “Hares”, what should the hares do? And at the signal “Wolf”, what should the wolf do?

Distribution of roles:

"The gray bunny pulled out the grass

Placed it on the bench

Who will take the weed?

That one will go! It will be a wolf.

Progress of the game:

"The bunny jumps, hops, hops, hops

To green. to the meadow

They pinch the grass and eat it

Is there a wolf coming? (Jumping on two legs.)

The hares went out for a walk

Suddenly the wolf runs out

And catches up with all the hares

And then the hares run away

Everyone runs into the house!

Complication: 1. The teacher’s assistant appears. 2. The bunny who was not caught by the wolf becomes a wolf in the next game. 3. After the storm, holes have formed, everyone needs to jump over them. 4. Increase the distance of the house by 5 meters. 5. When the teacher blows his whistle, the wolf catches up with the hares. 6. A lost bunny can be rescued by a not lost bunny.

Dosage: 3-4 times.

End of game:

What a great fellow our wolf is, how many hares he caught, and the hares are great, all dexterous and skillful. Well done guys.

Outdoor game "Traps"

senior group

Program content:

1. Exercise children in running and dodging traps.

2. Develop attention and evasiveness.

3.Cultivate interest in the game.

Gathering children for the game: Clap your hands.

Creating a Lead:

Children, listen to the poem and guess how we will play today:

“The children came out to the playground,

They will run from traps,

Jump, have fun playing

They won’t have to stand.”

What game will we play?

Content Explanation:

Children, we will choose a trap, he will catch up with you, the one who touches the trap is considered caught. Therefore, you need to be attentive and evasive, but you cannot push. Then we will choose another trap and count which trap is the smartest.

Questions: What does the trap do? What will you do if a trap catches you?

Distribution of roles:

The children came to the meadow,

We stood together in a ball

One, two, three.

Come out and catch us.

Progress of the game:

Children go to the playground

There is also a trap wandering nearby

On signal: one, two, three,

Don't yawn guys, catch them

Here's a trap

Slow bear, we'll give him a chance

Correct that mistake in a moment

The kids are all ready again

Quickly escape from Vova

One, two, three, four, five

Catch up with Vova again

The game continues two more times with the words “Here is a trap,” then a new trap is selected.

“The children went out to the meadow

Come out and you're a friend

And you have to “catch up with us.”

At the end of the game, the number of those caught is counted and the most dexterous trap is determined.

Complication: 1. Add another trap. 2. Running distance increases.

Dosage: 4-5 times

End of the game: Well done, everyone played well.

Outdoor game "Mousetrap"

senior group

Program content:

1. Strengthen the ability to run without interfering with each other

2.Develop dexterity and attention.

3. Develop listening skills.

Equipment: Mouse half masks.

Gathering children for the game: Hitting the tambourine.

Creating a Lead:

Who's in the deep hole

Hides bread crusts,

Gray with a ponytail

Small stature?

Game Contents Explanation:

The guys who are wearing masks are little mice, the rest are mousetraps, they must stand in a circle and hold hands. When we say words, the hands of the mousetrap are raised up, when we finish speaking, we quickly release our hands and try to catch the mice. When repeating words, mice run around the mousetrap, run through it and try not to get there. Anyone who doesn't make it in time is out of the game for a while.

"Oh, how tired the mice are

It was just passion that got them divorced

Everyone gnawed, everyone ate

Attacks are coming everywhere,

Beware of the cheat,

We'll get to you.

Let's set up mousetraps

We’ll catch everyone at once!”

Questions: How does the game start? When we speak words, where are the hands in the mousetrap? When the words run out, what does the mousetrap do? What do mice do when the mousetrap is open? Who does not have time to escape, what should he do?

Distribution of roles: Those who have masks will be mice, the rest will be mousetraps.

Progress of the game:

You little mice don't make noise

Don't wake up Leopold

Mousetrap in a circle, stand up

Raise your hands to the top!

The mousetrap has its hands on top, and the little mice are running around the room, after the words the mousetrap closes, whoever is left there is out of the game for a while.

Complication: Increase the number of mousetraps.

Dosage: 3-4 times.

End of game:

Well done guys, everyone played together.

Outdoor game "Fishing Rod"

senior group

Program content:

1. Exercise children in jumping in place, in height.

3. Cultivate endurance.

Equipment: A cord with a bag of sand attached to the end.

Gathering children for the game: Clap your hands.

Creating a Lead:

Children, please listen to the poem and tell me who it says about:

“The streams are quietly splashing in the river,

Their scales turn silver.

The fish in the river are having fun,

The fish are spinning and frolicking.

Fishes swim, dive,

The fish are playing catch.

Fish, fish are evasive and quick

And they want it from the fisherman,

Pull the worm off the hook.”

Explanation and content of the game:

The players stand in a circle at arm's length. The teacher is in the center of the circle. He rotates a cord in a circle, to the end of which a bag of sand (Fishing Rod) is attached. When the bag approaches, the children jump in place so that the bag does not touch their feet. The one whose legs are hit by the bag or rope is considered the loser. After a short break, the game continues.

Questions: When the pouch approaches, what should you do? And whoever the bag touches, what should they do?

Distribution of roles:

You children will be fish. And I will be a fisherman and rotate the rope (fishing rod) in a circle.

How to play: Children, stand in a circle. Stand with your arms outstretched. I begin to rotate the rope (fishing rod). You guys be careful.

“The fish are having fun in the river, everyone is frolicking in the circle.” I warn you! that you only need to jump when the fishing rod is approaching. Look, guys, Sasha touched the rope, he lost. Then the game continues.

Complication: Increase the speed of rotation of the cord with sand.

End of the game, summing up:

Well done guys, everyone played well and together. Everyone was cheerful and lively.

Questions for observing and analyzing outdoor games

1.The name of the game and its content.

2. Rules of the game.

3. Preparing the teacher and children for the game.

4. Gathering children for the game.

5. Techniques for creating interest in the game.

6. Explanation of the game and its rules.

7. Distribution of roles.

8.Leading role of the educator.

9.Use of small and large benefits.

10. Educational moments when conducting outdoor games.

Analysis of outdoor games

1. Information about the group (number of children, their age, health status, level of physical development and physical fitness).

2. Conditions for the game (gym, playground).

3.Preparation of the teacher: the presence of a plan - outline, the correctness and thoroughness of its development.

4.Preparedness of the place and physical education equipment.

5. Clothes and shoes for children and teachers.

6.Organization of outdoor games: timely start and end of the game; duration of the game as a whole, time for each repetition and for performing individual exercises; methods of organizing pupils, placement of children, teachers, equipment, attributes; rational use of premises; distribution and method of inventory, attributes.

7.Efficiency of solving educational problems: quality of movement execution; techniques for preventing and correcting errors; techniques for developing physical qualities (dexterity, speed, etc.).

8. Degree of solution of health problems: duration of the game as a whole; dosage and pace of physical exercise; assessment of motor density of the activity.

9. Degree of solution of educational problems: assistance in mental, moral, aesthetic, labor education; use of musical accompaniment.

10.Level of pedagogical skill of the teacher: the ability to see all children and monitor the quality of exercises, well-being, behavior and mood of children; voice control, speech culture; tone of address to children; the nature of the game (confident, uncertain); teacher's mood.

11. General assessment of the outdoor game.

12. Suggestions for improving the content and methods of outdoor games.

Outdoor game “Kittens and puppies”

middle group

Program content:

1. Strengthen children’s skills in climbing and running.

2. Develop dexterity in spatial orientation.

3. Foster responsibility and interest in the game.

Equipment: half masks for kittens and puppies.

Gathering children for the game:

“One, two, three, whoever is playing, come!”

Creating a Lead:

And in our yard

He lives in a kennel.

He has a tail like a steering wheel,

Curious black nose.

Ears are sharp like a flag,

Guards the master's house.

Barking wakes you up like a bell.

Meet our... (Puppy)

Teeth as sharp as needles

The claws are even sharper.

And the gait is like that of a tiger,

Only he is not the king of beasts,

Not even a tiger cub,

A fluffy one (Kitten)

Game explanation:

We divide into two groups. The first group depicts “kittens”, the other group depicts “puppies”. Kittens are on one side of the site, puppies are on the other side. Kittens run easily and softly. To the words: “Puppies!” - the second group of children climbs over the bench. You run on all fours after the kittens and bark. Kittens quickly climb onto their bench or gymnastics wall.

Questions: How do kittens run? What words make you crawl across the bench? How will the puppies catch up? What should kittens do when puppies catch up with them?

Distribution of roles:

Guys, we will play in turns, everyone will be both kittens and puppies.

Progress of the game:

Kittens are running around the room. I say: “Puppies!” The puppies climb over the bench. They run on all fours after the kittens and bark. Kittens quickly climb onto their bench or gymnastics wall.

Complication: 1. Remove the kitten houses. The puppies chase after the whistle signal.

Dosage: 4-5 times

End of game:

Who were you today? Did you like the game?

Everyone played well, well done!

Outdoor game “Migration of birds”

preparatory group

Program content:

1. Exercise children with arm swings and squats.

2. Develop the ability to perform movements on a signal.

3. Cultivate the desire to play together, with interest.

Equipment: bird half masks.

Gathering children for the game:

Who will play

An interesting game?

I won’t say which one!

And then we won’t accept

Let's lift you by the ears,

Ears will be red

So beautiful...

Creating a Lead:

Yesterday I walked in a snowstorm,

I saw a twig in the snow,

And there is a red ball on the branch.

Who is he, a living lantern? (Bullfinch)

In the courtyard I am the queen.

There's my house, on the branch to the left.

A bird with gray-black feathers,

I'm smart, cunning, agile. (Crow)

Look at the balcony:

He's been cooing here since the morning.

This bird is a postman,

Any route will fly. (Pigeon)

Explanation of the rules of the game:

Flocks of birds fly south, the sky is blue all around. To these words, you move in a free direction and wave your arms like birds. To fly faster, you need to flap your wings. Birds descend at night and gather in the clearing. They have a long way to go. The birds need to rest. At these words, you crouch. And again it's time to hit the road. They have a lot to fly. Here comes the south, hurray, hurray, it’s time for them to land.

Questions: What do you do when you hear the words: “Flocks of birds are flying south, the sky is blue all around”? After what words do you squat? What words keep you flying?

Distribution of roles: Guys, you will all be birds.

Progress of the game:

Flocks of birds fly south, the sky is blue all around.

(children move in a free direction “flapping their wings”).

To fly faster, you need to flap your wings. Birds

They go down at night and gather in a clearing. They have a long way to go.

The birds need to rest. (the children sat down). And again it's time to hit the road.

They have a lot to fly. Here comes the south, hurray, hurray, it’s time for them to land.

Complication: Increase the pace of the poem.

Dosage: 3-4 times.

End of game:

So we played an interesting game “Migration of Birds.” We flew and relaxed a lot. Well done, they listened carefully and followed my signals. Did you like the game?

Outdoor game "Giants and Dwarfs"

senior group

Program content:

1. Exercise children to squat in place and pull themselves up.

2. To develop attention, dexterity, and endurance in children.

3. Cultivate endurance.

Gathering children for the game:


You guys have fun and form a circle!

Creating a Lead:

Uncle Styopa, what was he like? (big) can he be called a giant? (Yes). What kind of gnomes are they? (small) can they be called dwarfs? (Yes)

Explanation and content of the game:

A line or circle is drawn on the playground. Children stand in one line along a line or in a circle at arm's length from each other. The teacher stands in the center of the circle and begins the game to the rhyme:

Miracles in our world:

The children became dwarfs.

And then everyone stood up together -

We have become giants.

When pronouncing the words “giants” and “dwarfs,” the presenter accompanies them with hand movements: when he says “giant,” he raises his hands up, and when he says “dwarf,” he lowers them with his palms down. Children, when they hear the word “giant,” should stand up and raise their hands up, and when they hear the word “dwarf,” they should sit down with their palms on their knees. Considering that the game is designed for the attentiveness of children, the words and gestures of the teacher may not coincide: with the word “giant”, the hands can be lowered, and with the word “dwarf” they can be raised. Therefore, children should listen carefully to the words and not fall for a false gesture.

Questions: How does the game start? What do you do when I say "Giants"? And “Gnomes?

Distribution of roles: You, children, will be both giants and dwarfs. And I will give commands about who you will pretend to be.

How to play: Children, let's form a circle at arm's length from each other.

The children became dwarfs.

And then everyone stood up together -

We have become giants.

When you hear the word “giant,” he raises his hands up, and when he says “dwarf,” he lowers them, palms down, and squats down.

Complication: 1. Increase the pace of movement. 2. The one who made a mistake leaves the game for a while. 3. The one who remains last will be the leader in the next game.

End of the game, summing up: Well done guys, everyone played well and carefully.

Outdoor game "Carousel"

senior group

Program content:

1. Exercise children in running and walking, moving in a circle at different paces according to a signal.

2. Develop speed, agility, attention, and evasiveness.

3. Cultivate interest in the game.

Equipment: Cord

Gathering children for a game: Carousels, carousels,

Spun, spun

You're spinning, wait,

Gather all the kids!

Creating interest: Children, listen and tell me what this poem is about.

Carousels, carousels,

You are a funny swing

You spin us faster

And then everything is quieter, quieter

Stop means closer

So it's time for us to get down

Give way to others

Children, do you want to ride the carousel?

Game explanation:

To make a carousel, we need to grab the cord with our right hand, turn to the left and say a poem.

Questions: What do we need to do to make a carousel? What poem are we talking about?

Distribution of roles: All children participate

Progress of the game: Barely, barely, barely,

The carousel started spinning

And then around, around

Everybody run, run, run.

While running, they say: “Be-zha-li”

After two circles the direction changes with the words:


Hush, don't make any noise,

Stop the carousel.

One-two, one-two!

The game is over!

Children place the cord on the ground and disperse around the playground. After rest, the game is repeated, three bells are made or the tambourine is struck three times. The players rush to their place.

Dosage: 3-4 times

Summing up: Children, we rode the carousel, did everyone have fun? Well done guys, everyone played together.

Outdoor game “The sea is agitated”

Preparatory group

Program content:

1. Improve skills in the movement of arms, head, torso, legs;

2. Develop the ability to navigate in space;

3. Build endurance.

Gathering children for the game: Naughty runners,

Get ready to play

Run out into the courtyards


Creating interest: “Let’s wash, splash,

Swim, dive, tumble

In the tub, in the trough, in the tub

In the river, in the stream, in the ocean,

Both in the bath and in the bathhouse

Always and everywhere, eternal glory to the water!”

Explanation of the game: Our game is called “The Sea is Troubled.” You stand scattered around the hall, say words, and then make a sea figure. The presenter chooses the best figure.

Questions: After what do you make the figure? Who chooses the best figure?

Distribution of roles: All marine figures.

Progress of the game: Guys, stand up wherever you want, the leader stands to the side. Children say the words:

The sea is agitated once

The sea is worried two -

The sea is worried three,

Sea figure freeze!

Children freeze while making any sea figure. The presenter chooses a figure. Have you chosen? why did you like this particular figure?, What is it called?

Dosage: 4 times

End of the game, summing up: Mark the child who made the best figure. Note the choice of the presenters, whether they chose the best figure or simply because of friendship with the child.

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