Peach Red Haven variety description. Description and characteristics of the redhaven peach tree. Growing Peach Redhaven

Today, more and more gardeners are trying to grow peaches with their own hands in their front garden. At the same time, almost every person wonders which variety is best to choose for planting, so that it will please with a good harvest and be resistant to frost and various defects.

Variety Redhwein, description

The Redhaven peach variety was bred by American breeders back in 1940. And to this day, this peach variety remains very popular and in demand. Moreover, today in America over 70% of all peach plantations are occupied by this particular variety. Due to this, modern breeders use Redhwein as the best example to obtain new varieties.

The description of the variety is as follows:

  • redhwein is low tree with a well-formed crown;
  • the life expectancy of this variety is over 40 years;
  • the foliage is long and broad, and tends to taper towards the top;
  • such a variety blooms by the end of April in pink;
  • after planting an annual seedling, it begins to bear fruit in the third year;
  • redhwein belongs to high-yielding varieties and by the sixth year it can produce over 45 kg of fruit from one tree;
  • the highest yield is achieved at the age of 11 years, the yield during this period is over 105 kg from only one tree;
  • Peaches are very large and can reach up to 250 grams in weight.

The characteristic of the fruit itself is described as a sweet fruit with yellow flesh. The stone is relatively small and perfectly separates from the fetus. The peach itself has a velvety skin of a bright scarlet color.

Due to its high yield and excellent taste, this peach variety has become very popular in many large horticulture.

Benefits of this variety

First of all, it is worth emphasizing that the peach of this variety is noted by almost all experts as a fruit with ideal taste. Moreover, this type has a huge advantage in the form of easy transportation and high yields. Thanks to such excellent qualities, more and more entrepreneurs are trying to breed this particular variety, which guarantees a good source of income.

It is also important that the peach of this variety is resistant to spring frosts.

It perfectly tolerates severe winter frosts and is resistant to such a defect as leaf curl. Such high qualities make it possible to breed redhwein in different regions of our country.

And the last advantage in favor of this variety is that this plant forms bud buds already in the first year of growth in the front garden. And if you organize proper care for this tree, then you will be able to enjoy sweet and tasty fruits literally in the second year after the planting.

Cultivation and care

If you decide to breed this amazing culture in your front garden, then you should consider that the Redhwein peach tree requires some preparation before planting it. So, what must be observed so that the tree takes root and pleases with a generous harvest:

  • this variety will require a well-lit area;
  • you should not plant a seedling in the place where other fruit trees grow, which can create a shadow;
  • swampy soil is not suitable for such a plant;
  • seedlings should be planted during their dormant period, and best time March or early September is considered for landing;
  • for this variety, slightly acidic soil is best suited, into which organic matter and potash supplements are first added;
  • Redhaven belongs to the self-fertile varieties, so for good pollination, plant several of these crops in the front garden at once.

In general, the preparation, processing, care and planting of this peach variety is not much different from any other. fruit tree. Thus, the Redhaven peach is subject to such defects as powdery mildew and clasterosporiasis. Therefore, for preventive purposes, it is recommended to spray it several times during the entire fruitful season.

Separately, it is worth adding about watering. Despite the fact that the peach of this variety is undemanding to moisture, it is necessary to water it abundantly four times per season. Well, after watering, it is recommended to thoroughly mulch to retain moisture in the root system.

In addition to hydration. Remember to regularly remove weeds from the peach grove and loosen the soil after each watering.

As described above, this variety is very prolific and often the branches of the tree suffer from excess weight. As a result, this feature can greatly affect the weight of the fetus itself. To get large peaches, the ovary should be normalized every year. This procedure is carried out as follows.

From the beginning of June, as soon as the peaches grow up to 1.5 cm in diameter, they are partially removed with special scissors. Such a manipulation is performed strictly adhering to a distance of 10 cm between each fetus. Such a measure will then help to remove large and very tasty fruits.

At the same time, consider one rule: the thinning procedure should be performed on time, because if you excise overgrown peaches, the expected result will not come from this. Moreover, if the weather is rainy and foggy, then there is a high probability that the harvest will be much less.


A variety such as Redhwein can rightly be called ideal for growing in their backyards. Its high yield and good resistance to external negative factors, makes this species very popular with most gardeners and in large gardens that grow fruits for further sale.

But at the same time, if you are interested in such a culture, but you can’t get it, you should pay attention to varieties such as Red Haven peach and Earley red peach. These varieties are the closest relatives of Redhwein in terms of yield, as well as in cultivation and care techniques, they are practically not inferior to the American.

Every gardener wants to have the most delicious peach, which grew well and would give a large harvest. The Redhaven peach variety is just that. It is great for growing in gardens at our summer cottages and has all the properties of a high-class variety. The article will tell you what the Redhaven peach variety is good for, as well as what gardeners should pay attention to when growing it.

The Redhaven peach variety is an American, bred at the University of Michigan only in 1940. On this moment the most popular among industrial plantings of peaches in America - it occupies more than 70% of all areas allocated for this crop. A very successful example of breeding, therefore, it is often used as a reference when propagating and breeding peaches. One of the most popular varieties among foreign breeders and amateur gardeners.

Redhaven is a relatively low tree, no more than 5 meters in height with a wide, up to 10 meters, well-formed crown. If grafted on almonds, then a 10-year-old tree grows no higher than 3 meters. Red haven peach is a long-liver, the life expectancy of a tree is up to 40 years, which is a lot for fruit trees.

The leaves are long and wide, up to 17 cm long and up to 4.3 cm wide, tapering towards the apex. They are located on the roots in groups of 2-3 leaves, petioles up to 9 mm in length.

Redhaven, depending on the region, blooms from late April to mid-May. The flowers are medium in size, up to 22 mm in diameter, bright pink in color, with a strong aroma.

Begins to bear fruit at 3-4 years of age. The fruits appear from the end of July to mid-August (depending on the climate). Redhaven - high yielding variety. In the sixth year of life, up to 40-50 kg of peaches can be harvested from a tree, and the maximum yield reaches 11 years - up to 110 kg of fruit.

The fruits are large, each weighing 120-200 g, slightly flattened laterally, 60 mm in diameter, covered with velvety skin, which is easily removed from ripe fruits. The color of the fruit is rich, bright red, the pulp is very juicy, good orange color. The stone is medium-sized, well separated from the pulp.


Redhaven is the cultivar considered by experts to be the closest to ideal fruit of any peach, with a score of 4.9 on a five-point tasting scale. Moreover, peaches have increased transportability, which, together with high yields, makes it an additional source of income for enterprising gardeners.

The species is winter-hardy, not afraid of spring frosts (it can withstand frosts down to minus 25 degrees without much loss). It also copes well with curly hair, the main disease of peach. These qualities make it possible to breed it in vast areas with different climatic conditions.

It is also important that in this variety flower buds are already formed on annual growths, which means that when proper care A tree can begin to bear fruit already in the second year of life.

Redhaven peach requires careful preparation before planting. For the future successful growth a place protected from the winds, but open to sunlight, is ideal. It is desirable that groundwater is located no closer than 1.5 meters. Do not plant him among adults tall trees- such a neighborhood will oppress the young tree and inhibit its development and growth.

It is advisable to plant seedlings during the dormant period: in early spring in March or autumn at the beginning of September.

Video "Planting a peach seedling"

This video will show you how to properly plant a peach seedling.

Redhaven prefers slightly acidic soils (loamy and sandy), pre-seasoned with organic and mineral fertilizers. Therefore, it is advisable to fertilize frequently after planting.

Redhaven is a self-fertile variety, but bees still visit it (they are attracted to its flowers during the flowering period), so it is advisable to plant several peach trees in the garden for better pollination.

Redhaven is highly susceptible to fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and clasterosporium, therefore, for successful growth and development, it is necessary to carry out the correct agricultural technology, spraying in time and monitoring the condition of the tree.

Due to the high yield, this variety often suffers from overload, which causes the fruits to lose a lot of size. Therefore, it requires a mandatory annual procedure for normalizing ovaries. To do this, in early June (depending on the region), when the growing fruits reach a diameter of about 1.5 cm, they should be thinned out with scissors or pruners so that the distance between the ovaries is at least 10 cm. In this case, the fruits grow as large as possible and juicy. But if you remove already overgrown ovaries, the fruits will not become larger and you will not receive an increase in yield, and if you remove them early, then the tree may still drop some of the ovaries under the influence of adverse weather conditions and, on the contrary, you will receive less harvest.

Scheme of the formation of the crown of a peach tree

Peach variety Redhaven - perfect grade for breeding in dachas and personal plots. High yields, resistance to frost and disease, together with proper agricultural technology, contribute to the fact that fragrant delicious fruits of the highest class will flaunt on your table every year.

It's no secret that almost every gardener dreams of growing a peach tree on his plot with the sweetest and most delicious fruits, which would give good harvest. The Redhaven peach variety is exactly what you need. In addition, this plant is suitable for growing both in Ukraine and in the central regions of Russia. It has excellent vitality and amazing taste.

Peach Redhaven: photo and description

It belongs to the American selection school, since this variety was bred in 1940 at one of the US universities as a hybrid of industrial importance. Now almost 70% of all existing peach plantings in farms and individual farms in the United States and Western Europe consist of trees belonging specifically to the Redhaven variety. It was also included in the State Register of Breeding Plants of the Russian Federation and recommended for cultivation in the North Caucasus region.

The peach tree can grow up to five meters in height. It has a spherical medium leafy crown with rather large (2-3 cm wide and 15-18 cm long) dark green shiny leaves. Its single flowers grow to medium size (about 18-22 mm in diameter). They are bright pink in color and consist of five rounded petals. The period of their flowering falls at the end of April - mid-May.


The Redhaven peach, the photo and description of which is presented in this article, has slightly flattened elongated-rounded fruits weighing from 120 to 200 grams. It has a dense, firm skin with a slight pubescence, yellow with a red blush. Peach flesh is bright orange with thin raspberry veins. The fruit is sweet and has a high tasting score of 4.9 out of a possible five. The pointed bone can be easily separated from the ripe fruit.

A fruit such as Redhaven peach contains organic acids (tartaric, malic and quinic), micro and macro elements (potassium, manganese, iron, magnesium), essential oils, pectins, carotenes, as well as vitamins of group B, C and PP. The calorie content of 100 grams of fruit is 39 kcal.

Features and terms of landing

Experienced gardeners advise buying Redhaven peach seedlings only in the nearest specialized fruit and berry nurseries, because the plants have already adapted to the local climate and have undergone the primary pruning procedure. This approach to business greatly increases the chances of its speedy survival. By the way, it is the annual seedlings that turn out to be the most viable.

When buying a Redhaven peach for planting in your garden, you should pay attention to it. appearance. In the event that the plant is grafted onto an almond rootstock, then the grafting site itself, however, like the rest of the bark, should be even and smooth, Brown, without any overflow. In addition, it is necessary to examine the roots of the seedling. They should not have the slightest sign of rot, and also be clean and damp.

Peach, which is planted in the period from mid to late April, adapts well when the air temperature at night does not fall below +10 ... +15 ⁰C. It is this period of time that is ideal for planting a plant that, in already warmed and fertilized soil, will be able to strengthen and develop its root system as quickly as possible. The tree in the first year lays the required number of growth (vegetative) buds for the subsequent formation of a well-developed crown.

Site selection and preparation

First of all, it must be taken into account that the peach, which is planted exclusively on the south side of the plot, should receive enough sunlight in order to form generative buds. If the place is darkened by other trees or buildings, then the fruits will be small and sour. In addition, the peach does not like wind and drafts, so there should be at least some shelter a few meters from it in the form of a high fence or a number of other fruit trees.

When choosing and planning a place for planting a tree, you need to know that the Redhaven peach has a crown of about 10 m in diameter. Experts do not recommend planting it in a place where cruciferous, melon or solanaceous crops, as well as strawberries or strawberries, grew a year or two before. Peach does not develop well in lowland areas with acidic and waterlogged soil, where water usually stagnates. It is known that root system This tree penetrates into the ground by 30-70 cm, so ground flows should lie at least at a depth of 1.5-2 meters.

In order to properly plant a Redhaven peach, you need to prepare a hole in advance (at least two weeks in advance). Usually this is done in the fall, but it can also be done in the spring, after fertilizing the recess. From 5 to 8 kg are applied to the landing pit located on sandy or poor soil. organic fertilizer(compost or rotted manure). If the soil on the site is fertile, then it will be enough to fill the bottom with a mixture consisting of 300-500 g of wood ash and 50 g of potassium chloride and superphosphate. By the time the plant is planted, the pit will have time to settle.

Planting sequence

  1. First of all, you need to dig a landing hole 70 cm deep and 1 m in diameter.
  2. The distance between peach seedlings and other trees should be about 3-4 m.
  3. in the middle landing pit a stake up to 1 m high should be driven in.
  4. Supporting the seedling, you need to straighten and distribute the roots so that they occupy the entire space of the pit.
  5. The plant is sprinkled with previously excavated earth.
  6. After planting, the seedling must be watered with 35-40 liters of water.
  7. Perform soil mulching sawdust or dry grass with a layer of at least 10-15 cm.
  8. A young tree should be tied to a planting stake.
  9. Pruning of the seedling is carried out, taking into account the desired type of crown, which can be palmet or cup-shaped.


Redhaven - peach, the cultivation of which is associated with some peculiarities, belongs to a rather whimsical culture. Although formally this plant belongs to the category of self-pollinating, that is, it can bear fruit without extraneous pollinators, which include insects and other trees, but this happens very rarely.

Judge for yourself, this process can be adversely affected by windy or wet weather, as well as the usual draft. Therefore, experienced gardeners recommend planting 2-3 peaches at once with the same flowering period. Near Redhaven, you can place such famous varieties as Ambassador of Peace, Gift of Kyiv, Lyubimets or Shevchenko's Memory.


The Redhaven variety is distinguished by its drought tolerance. This tree needs abundant watering only during the period of its maximum growth and fruit formation. Under one tree, it will be necessary to pour at least 20-30 liters of water. These periods include:

  • fruit laying time - early June;
  • phase of fruit formation - the first half of July;
  • ripening time - the end of July and the beginning of August.

Water must be poured into grooves no more than 8-10 cm deep, previously made in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe suction roots at a distance of about 70-80 cm from the tree trunk. The rest of the time, the plant is watered 1-2 times at intervals of 2-3 weeks, 5-10 liters of water each.


Redhaven has an average fruit ripening period. They begin to pour at the end of July. I must say that the fruits do not ripen all at once, so their harvest lasts for 35-40 days until the end of August. The flowers of the tree develop well even on annual shoots, so the first, albeit small, crop can be harvested in the second or third year. Starting from the sixth peach gives stable yields, which can reach up to 35-40 kg of fruit annually. When the 11-12th year of the tree's life comes, it will bear fruit twice as much and give about 100-110 kg of its sweet and extremely useful products.

Redhaven peach fruits are great for shipping, but will be much more reliable if they are picked a little ahead of schedule, i.e., in a state of so-called technical maturity. The pubescence that exists on the fruit protects them well from any minor bumps, contact or friction.

How to prune a peach in autumn

Redhaven peach trees grow very fast. The growth of their side branches per year is about 30-40 cm. These trees can form a crown up to 9-10 m in diameter. That is why they need to be pruned annually. A three-year-old plant has time to develop its crown sufficiently to be able to start its decorative formation.

It is very important to know how to prune a peach in the fall, since the main task of this process is both the sanitary care of the tree and the regulation of its fruiting. As you know, during this period there is a decline active phase This means that pruning the branches will save the peach from severe stress and numerous diseases. autumn pruning can be produced from early September to mid-October, but only after the harvest has already been harvested. If the autumn turns out to be warm, then the peach will have extra time to restore its strength.

How to grow a peach from a seed

Some gardeners are skeptical about this process and consider it a waste of time. However, it is not. After eating a tasty, sweet and fragrant peach, it is worth spending a little time planting its stone or seed in the ground so that after three or four years you will again taste its fruits. But for this you need to know a few secrets.

A peach from a stone can only be grown if it is taken from a ripe fruit. It can be planted directly into the ground on permanent place, as often such plants sprout much better. It is recommended to plant several seeds at the same time, because some of them may not sprout. Sometimes it happens that a plant can hatch only in the second or third year after it is planted in the ground. Usually they are planted from October to early November.

In order to preserve the bone, it is dried and cleaned in a dry, cool place. A few days before planting, it is soaked in water. Next, there are two options. The first of them is to split the stone and extract the seed from it, and the second is to plant it as it is to a depth of 8 cm, and then water and mulch.

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Megasad online store seedlings differs impeccable high quality. However, when working with live plants, their packaging and transportation, unexpected unpleasant situations can occur. Such moments occur extremely rarely, but in this case, if the seedling is damaged or completely destroyed, we guarantee its free replacement or a full refund of the cost of the goods.

Online store "Megasad" will return the full cost of the goods in the following case:

The quality of the plants obtained does not meet expectations (the resulting plant is rotten, dry or damaged).

The parcel did not lie for more than 5 days in the post office from the moment of arrival and notification of this to you.

How to get a refund?

You must contact us at the company no later than 7 days from the date of receipt of the order

You send photo evidence to our e-mail (for example, a damaged seedling, and a photo of the invoice from our store) You do not need to send the plant itself.

The Red Heaven peach was bred by American breeders at the University of Michigan over seventy years ago. Currently, it is one of the most popular varieties and in industrial plantings in America it occupies at least 70% of all areas allocated for fruit crops.

Description, photo and characteristics of the variety

The 'Red Haven' peach tree is relatively short, with a wide and well-formed crown. The leaves are long and wide, tapering towards the top. Flowering is observed from the last decade of April or in mid-May, depending on the region of cultivation. The flowers are medium in size, bright pink in color, with a pronounced aroma.

The plant enters the fruiting phase about three or four years after planting. Harvest is formed from the last decade of July to mid-August, depending on the climatic conditions in the growing region. 'Redhaven' is a high yielding variety. From an adult tree, you can collect 40-50 kg of fruit. The maximum yield is reached in the tenth year and is about 110 kg of peaches.

The fruits are large in size, weighing from 120 to 210 g. There is slight flattening laterally. The average diameter of a marketable fruit is 0.55-0.65 cm. The skin is velvety, easily removed from fully ripe peaches. The color of the skin is rich, bright red. Ripe flesh is very juicy, yellowish-orange in color. The stone is relatively small, well separated from the ripe pulp.

Peach "Red Haven": features of the variety (video)

Growing Requirements

The American "Red Haven" peach has excellent characteristics, and its cultivation is not difficult for both experienced gardeners, and for beginner summer residents who want to have this southern fruit on their personal plot. This variety can be grown both by planting seedlings and from seed material in the form of peach pits.

'Redhaven' is recommended to be grown in as flat or slightly elevated areas as possible. When choosing a site for planting seedlings, it must be remembered that this heat-loving southern plant grows and develops best on medium loamy soils with high moisture permeability and improved air exchange.

Peach trees need good light, so they should get at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight daily. Peach seedlings are not recommended to be planted in areas where gourds were previously grown, as well as garden strawberry, nightshade plants or clover. Redhaven peaches should be planted on the south side of the site, in a place well protected from gusty north winds.

Peaches should be planted according to the established growing technology scheme, which is 5 x 3 m. It is important that the plants have time to take root and acclimatize before the onset of severe frosts. IN middle lane Russia is recommended to plant Redhaven peach trees in spring, before the buds swell on the seedlings.

The Red Haven peach is not only one of the main industrial varieties in the United States and several Western European countries, but is also very popular with Russian gardeners. First of all, fruits are attracted in this variety - large, spherical, golden yellow in color, with a pronounced bright red blush. The palatability of the pulp is rated very highly, and on a tasting scale they are just under five points.

Increased transportability harvested crop and high productivity make the variety in demand for commercial use. Gardeners quite often grow the Red Haven peach in order to further sell the crop.

Leaf curl: how to save a peach (video)

Prunus persica "Redhaven" is a very winter-hardy species and, when cultivated in the southern regions, does not need shelter for the winter. This variety has excellent resistance to curl and most fungal infections, which reduces the use of modern chemical insect and fungicides and improves the environmental friendliness of the harvested crop.

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