Fire-retardant composition for wood "KSD-a". Fire-retardant composition "KSD-a" KSD fire-retardant composition technical characteristics

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WoodMaster KSD: fire-retardant composition for wood and fabric

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WoodMaster KSD is an environmentally friendly composition designed to protect wood and fabric from fire and biological damage. The impregnation is highly resistant to washout.

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Advantages of the fire-bioprotective composition WoodMaster KSD from Rogneda

Impregnation is an aqueous solution of fire retardant salts, polymer biocidal components and special additives. The composition is characterized by high penetrating ability and resistance to leaching.

Fire retardants provide the treated material with group 2 fire-retardant efficiency according to GOST R 53292-2009, transferring it to the category of low-flammability.

High-quality antiseptic and biocidal additives form two-level protection against rot, mold and blue stains. Low molecular weight components penetrate deep into the wood, and high molecular weight components chemically bind to top layers and block the leaching of the drug.

WoodMaster KSD effectively stops the development of existing biological lesions.

The finished coating does not interfere with the breathing of the treated base, does not stain it and does not affect its strength. The composition has low corrosive activity. Any paint and varnish materials can be applied over the impregnation.

The product does not contain organic solvents, is odorless and does not pollute the environment.

Fire and bioprotection WoodMaster KSD is used indoors and outdoors “under a canopy”. Impregnation is applied to rafter systems, floor joists, walls, partitions, etc. It is also used to protect lumber during storage and transportation.

The composition is suitable for processing: wooden surfaces(both new and old, cleared of coating); wood-based materials; textiles made from natural (linen, cotton) and mixed (containing up to 33% PE) fibers.

The drug is available colorless. If necessary, it can be tinted manually using WoodMaster indicator dye concentrate for impregnating compositions.

The product is certified by VNIIPO EMERCOM of the Russian Federation. The average fire protection period is 4 years, the bioprotective functions of the impregnation are maintained for 5 years (under a canopy).

Surface preparation

The substrate is cleaned of dirt and foreign inclusions that interfere with the free penetration of fire-bioprotective impregnation deep into the wood.

Surfaces previously coated with varnishes, paints, drying oils or coatings are thoroughly cleaned to the ground.

On metal parts a metal primer is applied and then covered with a special metal paint.

I treat darkened or moldy surfaces with wood bleaches Sagus, Neomid 500 or Homeenpoisto (Tikkurila).

Attention! WoodMaster KSD cannot be applied to frozen or damp (more than 30%) wood. Surfaces impregnated with a fire-bioprotective composition should not be subjected to mechanical treatment.

The use of the composition on top of other fire-retardant preparations is allowed no earlier than 6 months from the date of treatment.

Application of protective impregnation for wood and fabric

Finishing work is carried out at an ambient temperature and the surface being treated is not lower than +5 °C.

The fire-retardant composition is produced ready for use; it is not recommended to dilute it.

WoodMaster KSD impregnation is applied in the following ways:

  • manually using a brush and roller;
  • immersion in an impregnation bath;
  • autoclaving;
  • pneumatic or airless spray.

If a brush or spray gun is used, the fire-bioprotective agent is applied using the “wet on wet” method in several layers. Re-processing the wood after the impregnation has dried is not effective.

WoodMaster KSD consumption is:

  • to obtain fire-resistant wood – 500 g/m2;
  • to ensure bioprotection – 250 g/m2;
  • for fire retardant treatment of fabrics – 150 g/m2.

The treated surface dries completely after 24 hours at a temperature of +20 °C.

Packing: 5, 10, 23, 70, 200
Package: 1

Fire-bioprotective composition WoodMaster "KSD" (Woodmaster)

WoodMaster KSD® composition is intended for comprehensive protection of wood and textile materials.
The composition protects wood from fire, flame spread, rot, blue stains, mold, as well as damage from any types of biological destroyers indoors, on outdoors(under a canopy).
The composition is used for fire retardant treatment of textile materials made from natural fibers (cotton, flax) and mixed ones containing up to 33% PE according to NPB 257-02, GOST R 50810-95.

provides group 2 fire retardant efficiency according to GOST R 53292-2009,
provides 2 stages of bioprotection,
penetrates deeply into the wood,
certified by VNIIPO EMERCOM of the Russian Federation,
contains a hard-to-rinse antiseptic,
odorless, does not contain organic solvents,
effective against various types wood staining and mold fungi (GOST 30495, BGTU test report).

The active ingredients of the KSD® composition are flame retardants and targeted high-quality antiseptic and biocidal components provide reliable protection wooden structures from ignition and threats of biological damage. 2 stages of bioprotection are provided by using two antiseptics with multidirectional effects:
1st low molecular weight antiseptic with high degree adsorption penetrates deeply into the wood.
2nd high-molecular antiseptic - chemically binds to the surface layers of wood, blocks the leaching of bio-fire-retardant components of the composition.

Wooden building structures: rafter systems, floors, walls, ceilings, etc. indoors and under canopy.

Carry out work at a temperature not lower than +5°C and wood moisture content not exceeding 30%.

The composition is applied to the surface of air-dry wood, free from other coatings, with a moisture content of no more than 30%.

Dilution: Not allowed.
Tool: Brush, roller, spray or deep impregnation method.
Number of layers: Apply in two or more layers using the “wet on wet” method, ensuring the required coverage. When processing fabrics, after washing, the treatment should be repeated.
500 g/m2 to obtain low-flammable wood,
250 g/m2 for bioprotection of wood,
150 g/m2 for producing flame-retardant textile materials,
Color: Colorless. Tinting with indicator dye produced by JSC NPP Rogneda is possible.
Application of texture coatings after applying the composition: Alkyd only, indoors, drying time may increase.

Avoid contact of the composition with open parts of the body, contact with mucous membranes and inside the body. Keep away from children!

fire protection - up to 4 years, bioprotection - up to 5 years.

At temperatures from -5 to +40°C. Single non-cyclic freezing is allowed.

PACKING: canister 5, 10, 23, barrel 200 kg.

SHELF LIFE: 3 years from the date of manufacture.

For fire protection of wood and protecting it from the appearance of wood-destroying fungi of the species Coniophora puteana, blue fungi, mold, etc.

Description of material

Fire and bioprotective composition for wood “KSD-A” is an aqueous solution of inorganic compounds - fire retardants and biologically active substances - antiseptics.

The flame retardant complex included in KSD-A gives the wood fire-retardant properties.

The biologically active substances (antiseptics) included in the composition have antiseptic, bactericidal, fungicidal and adaptogenic properties.

They protect wood from biodeterioration, prevent the appearance of wood-destroying fungi of the species Coniophora puteana, blue fungi, mold, etc.

The compositions are fire and explosion proof, do not have an irritating effect on the skin, and according to the degree of impact on the human body in accordance with the classification of harmful substances according to GOST 12.1.007-76, they belong to the 4th hazard class (substances of little danger).

Special properties

The uniqueness and novelty of the compositions lies in the fact that during its development, the synergistic effect was used for the first time for similar compositions.

The composition is a thermodynamically balanced system and the maximum fire retardant effect is achieved through the use of a specially selected synergistic mixture of several fire retardants.

"KSD-A" Mark 1 has a complex unique properties, in particular, reduces smoke formation and toxicity of wood combustion products.

The compositions are ready-made and cannot be diluted or mixed with other compositions.

The synergistic effect underlying the composition’s composition allows for unlimited improvement, increasing fire-retardant efficiency and expanding the scope of application.

Practical Application

The unique complex of operational and consumer properties of the compositions determines an almost unlimited scope of their application.

KSD-A compositions are supplied to almost all regions of Russia, where they are used for fire retardant treatment of objects for various purposes(industrial, residential, cultural and entertainment, educational, medical, etc.).

The compositions were used for fire protection of such objects as the Arkhangelskoye and Kolomenskoye museums of wooden architecture, the Ryazan Kremlin, Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg, Kremlin Palace of Congresses, etc.

Environmental safety, and, most importantly, the ability to reduce smoke formation and toxicity of wood combustion products, made it possible to recommend the KSD-A composition for use in passenger carriage building and shipbuilding.

Main purpose

“KSD-A” compositions are intended for internal and external processing of wooden structures, buildings and structures, wood products, and lumber.

Fire retardant treatment methods

Surface or deep impregnation:

The fire-bioprotective composition “KSD-A” is produced in finished form of grades 1 and 2, as well as in the form of a dry “Concentrate”.

The finished form of the composition is supplied in a sealed plastic container and cannot be diluted or mixed with other compositions.

The “concentrate” of the composition is supplied in plastic bags, placed in multi-layer paper bags and sewn with cord thread. Used in the form of an aqueous solution:

  • to obtain the composition of grade 1, “Concentrate” is dissolved in the ratio: 1 kg of “Concentrate” per 4 liters of water;
  • to obtain the composition of grade 2, “Concentrate” is dissolved in the ratio: 1 kg of “Concentrate” per 10 liters of water.

The solution is prepared in an apparatus with a stirrer at room temperature or heated to 30-35 °C.

Wood processing using surface impregnation:

  1. Wooden surfaces to be impregnated must be cleaned of dust and dirt. Application of the compositions to wet, oily, oiled or painted surfaces is not allowed. If fire-bioprotective impregnation of wooden surfaces previously painted with any paints and varnishes is necessary, the surfaces must be planed to bare wood.
  2. Application of the compositions is carried out with a brush, roller, or spray. Dipping is not recommended. Composition consumption of grade 1 is 400 g/m2, grade 2 is 330 g/m2.
  3. The compositions should be applied evenly, avoiding gaps. Strictly ensure the required consumption rate. Consumption of 330 g/m2 and 400 g/m2 is achieved by 2-3 times processing with intermediate drying for at least 3 hours. The frequency of treatment depends on the ability of the wood to absorb moisture (wood species, humidity, atmospheric conditions).
  4. Work should be carried out at air humidity of no more than 80% and temperature not lower than +5 °C. It is not allowed to carry out work at sub-zero temperatures.
  5. Work in rubber gloves If the product gets on your skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water.
  6. Impregnated wood, structures, and products are suitable for use immediately after drying. Control tests for fire-retardant effectiveness should be carried out no earlier than 15 days after impregnation. This requirement is due to the need to ensure complete flow chemical reaction between wood and active substance composition and thereby achieving the maximum degree of fire retardant effectiveness.
  7. Penetration of the composition into wood during surface impregnation, as a rule, does not exceed 1 mm. In this regard, impregnated wood is not subject to mechanical processing.
  8. Surface impregnation is the simplest, most accessible, does not require special technical equipment and in an economical way fire-bioprotective treatment of wood.
  9. If the impregnation technology and consumption standards are observed, the composition of “KSD-A” grade 1 ensures obtaining group I fire-retardant efficiency, grade 2 - group I.

Wood processing by deep impregnation in autoclaves:

Dissolution of the concentrate is carried out in an apparatus with a stirrer at room temperature or heated to 30-40 ° C for approximately 60 minutes. until complete dissolution (by visual control).

The “concentrate” is dissolved in water in different ratios depending on the impregnation modes.

Before impregnation, the wood is dried to 10-12% residual moisture.

1. Accelerated mode

1.1. A ready-made form of fire-bioprotective composition “KSD-A” grade 1 or a “Concentrate” solution is used in a ratio of 1 kg per 4 liters of water (20% working solution).
1.2. The dried wood is loaded into an autoclave and vacuumed for 20-30 minutes.
1.3. Under vacuum, the working solution is pumped into the autoclave at room temperature until the autoclave is completely filled.
Then the vacuum line is closed and the working solution continues to be pumped using a pump, bringing the pressure in the autoclave to 7-8 atm. The wood is kept under this pressure for 1-1.5 hours.
1.3. Next, the working solution is pumped back into the container, and the wood in the autoclave is evacuated for 10-15 minutes.
1.4. The impregnated wood is unloaded from the autoclave and dried to the required moisture content.

2. Full saturation mode

2.1. A “Concentrate” solution is used in a ratio of 1 kg per 8 liters of water (11% working solution).
2.2. The dried wood is loaded into an autoclave and vacuumed for 20-30 minutes.
2.3. Under vacuum, the working solution is pumped into the autoclave at room temperature until the autoclave is completely filled.
Next, the vacuum line is closed and the working solution continues to be pumped using a pump, bringing the pressure in the autoclave to 8 atm. As the wood becomes saturated with the solution, the solution is pumped up, maintaining the pressure at 8 atm. Complete saturation is determined by stopping the pressure drop and maintaining it at a level of 8 atm for 30 minutes. with the pump turned off. The duration of the process of completely saturating the wood with the composition is no more than 7-8 hours.
2.4. At the end of the impregnation process, the working solution is pumped from the autoclave back into the container, and the wood in the autoclave is vacuumed for 10-15 minutes.
2.5. The impregnated wood is unloaded from the autoclave and dried to the required moisture content.

3. “Vacuum-atmosphere” mode

3.1. A ready-made form of fire-bioprotective composition, grade 1, or a “Concentrate” solution is used in a ratio of 1 kg per 4 liters of water (20% working solution).
3.2. The dried wood is loaded into an autoclave and vacuumed for 20-30 minutes.
Wood must be loaded into the autoclave in such a way that the free volume above the stack is at least 0.3 m 3 for every 1 m 3 of wood. In this case, there must be a device that keeps the stack of wood from floating when filling the autoclave with the KSD-A solution.
3.3. Under vacuum, the solution is pumped into the autoclave at room temperature until the autoclave is completely filled. Next, the vacuum line is closed, the valve connecting the autoclave to the atmosphere is opened, and maintained under atmospheric pressure for 2 hours. Vacuum again for 10-15 minutes. and the vacuum is released a second time. Final exposure under atmospheric pressure for at least 5 hours.
3.4. The solution is pumped from the autoclave back into the container, and the wood in the autoclave is evacuated for 10-15 minutes.
3.5. The impregnated wood is unloaded from the autoclave and dried to the required moisture content.

Impregnation using hot-cold bath method:

  1. A ready-made form of fire-bioprotective composition, grade 1, or a “Concentrate” solution is used in a ratio of 1 kg per 4 liters of water.
  2. The solution is poured into two baths. In one bath the solution is heated to 80 °C, in the other it is left cold.
  3. The dried wood is loaded into a hot bath and kept from floating for 7-8 hours. All this time, the temperature of the solution in the bath should be maintained at 80 °C.
  4. At the end of the exposure in the hot bath, the stack of wood is quickly transferred and immersed in a cold bath and, keeping it from floating, is kept in it for at least 12-15 hours.
  5. After this, the wood is raised above the bath and kept for 20-25 minutes. for the solution to drain and dry to the required moisture content.


TU 2389-008-36567372-02

Product characteristics

By material type

By type of surface to be protected

Wood, Paper / Cardboard

By area of ​​application

Buildings and structures / Construction industry

By special properties

Antiseptic for wood, Heat-resistant coatings, Fire retardant materials, Matte / Semi-matte, For interior works, Environmentally friendly coating

By resistance to impact

Mold and mildew resistant, Heat resistant, Fire resistant

According to fire retardant properties

Fire protection for wood

Fire-retardant composition for wood "KSD-A"

Composition "KSD-A" is an aqueous solution of inorganic compounds - fire retardants and biologically active substances - antiseptics.

The fire retardant complex included in "KSD-A" gives the wood fire-retardant properties.
The biologically active substances (antiseptics) included in "KSD-A" have antiseptic, bactericidal, fungicidal and adaptogenic properties. They protect wood from biodeterioration, prevent the appearance of wood-destroying fungi of the species Coniophora puteana, blue fungi, mold, etc.
The compositions of "KSD-A" are fire and explosion-proof, do not have an irritating effect on the skin, and according to the degree of impact on the human body in accordance with the classification of harmful substances according to GOST 12.1.007-76, they belong to the 4th hazard class (substances of little danger).
Fire-retardant compositions "KSD-A" are ready-made and cannot be diluted or mixed with other compositions.

The synergistic effect underlying the design of the KSD-A composition allows for its unlimited improvement, increasing fire-retardant efficiency and expanding the scope of application, including for roofing materials.

Practical application.

The unique set of operational and consumer properties of “KSD-A” compositions determines an almost unlimited scope of their application.
“KSD-A” compositions are supplied to almost all regions of Russia, where they are used for fire retardant treatment of objects for various purposes (industrial, residential, cultural and entertainment, educational, medical, etc.).
KSD-A compositions were used for fire protection of such objects as the Arkhangelskoye and Kolomenskoye museums of wooden architecture, the Ryazan Kremlin, the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg, the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, etc.
Compositions "KSD-A" are intended for internal and external processing of wooden structures, buildings and structures, wood products, as well as lumber.

Processing method: surface or deep impregnation.

The fire-retardant composition "KSD-A" is produced in finished form of grades 1 and 2, as well as in the form of a dry "Concentrate".
The finished form of the composition "KSD-A" is supplied in a sealed plastic container and cannot be diluted or mixed with other compositions.
The “concentrate” of the composition “KSD-A” is supplied in polyethylene bags, enclosed in multi-layer paper bags and sewn with cord thread. Used in the form of an aqueous solution:
to obtain the composition "KSD-A" brand 1, "Concentrate" is dissolved in the ratio of 1 kg of "Concentrate" per 4 liters of water,
to obtain the composition "KSD-A" grade 2, "Concentrate" is dissolved in the following ratio:
1 kg of "Concentrate" per 10 liters of water.
The solution is prepared in an apparatus with a stirrer at room temperature or heated to 30-35 o C.

Wood processing using surface impregnation.

1. Wooden surfaces to be impregnated must be cleaned of dust and dirt. Application of the compositions to wet, oily, oiled or painted surfaces is not allowed. If fire-bioprotective impregnation of wooden surfaces previously painted with any paints and varnishes is necessary, the surfaces must be planed to bare wood.
2. Application of “KSD-A” compositions is carried out with a brush, roller, or spray. Dipping is not recommended. Composition consumption of grade 1 is 400 g/m2 and 180 g/m2, grade 2 is 300 g/m2, grade 3 is 300 g/m2.
3. The compositions should be applied evenly, avoiding gaps. Strictly ensure the required consumption rate. The required consumption rate is achieved:
400 g/m2 - 3-fold treatment, 300 g/m2 - 2-3-fold treatment, 180 g/m2 - single treatment, with intermediate drying for at least 3 hours. The frequency of treatment depends on the ability of the wood to absorb moisture (wood species, humidity, atmospheric conditions).
4. Work should be carried out at air humidity of no more than 80% and temperature not lower than +5 o C. It is not allowed to carry out work at sub-zero temperatures.
5. Work with rubber gloves; if the product gets on your skin, wash thoroughly with soap and water.
6. Impregnated wood, structures, products are suitable for use immediately after drying. Control tests for fire-retardant effectiveness should be carried out no earlier than 15 days after impregnation. This requirement is due to the need to ensure the completeness of the chemical reaction between the wood and the active substance of the “KSD-A” composition and thereby achieve the maximum degree of fire-retardant effectiveness.
7. Penetration of the “KSD-A” composition into wood during surface impregnation, as a rule, does not exceed 1 mm. In this regard, impregnated wood is not subject to mechanical processing.
8. Surface impregnation is the simplest, most accessible, does not require special technical equipment and economical method of fire-bioprotective treatment of wood.
9. Subject to the impregnation technology and consumption standards, the composition of "KSD-A" grade 1 ensures obtaining group I fire-retardant efficiency, grades 2 and 3 - group I.

Wood processing by deep impregnation in autoclaves.

Dissolution of the concentrate is carried out in an apparatus with a stirrer at room temperature or heated to 30-40 o C for about 60 minutes. until complete dissolution (by visual control).
The “concentrate” is dissolved in water in different ratios depending on the impregnation modes.
Before impregnation, the wood is dried to 10-12% residual moisture.

1. Accelerated mode.

1.1. A ready-made form of fire-bioprotective composition "KSD-A" grade 1 or a "Concentrate" solution is used in a ratio of 1 kg per 4 liters of water (20% working solution).
1.2. The dried wood is loaded into an autoclave and vacuumed for 20-30 minutes.
1.3. Under vacuum, the working solution "KSD-A" is pumped into the autoclave at room temperature until the autoclave is completely filled.
Then the vacuum line is closed and the working solution continues to be pumped using a pump, bringing the pressure in the autoclave to 7-8 atm. The wood is kept under this pressure for 1-1.5 hours.
1.3. Next, the working solution is pumped back into the container, and the wood in the autoclave is evacuated for 10-15 minutes.
1.4. The impregnated wood is unloaded from the autoclave and dried to the required moisture content.

2. Full saturation mode.

2.1. A solution of “Concentrate” is used in a ratio of 1 kg per 8 liters of water (11% working solution).
2.2. The dried wood is loaded into an autoclave and vacuumed for 20-30 minutes.
2.3. Under vacuum, the working solution “KSD-A” is pumped into the autoclave at room temperature until the autoclave is completely filled.
Next, the vacuum line is closed and the working solution continues to be pumped using a pump, bringing the pressure in the autoclave to 8 atm. As the wood becomes saturated with the solution, the solution is pumped up, maintaining the pressure at 8 atm. Complete saturation is determined by stopping the pressure drop and maintaining it at a level of 8 atm for 30 minutes. with the pump turned off. The duration of the process of complete saturation of wood with the composition "KSD-A" is no more than 7-8 hours.
2.4. At the end of the impregnation process, the working solution "KSD-A" is pumped from the autoclave back into the container, and the wood in the autoclave is vacuumed for 10-15 minutes.
2.5. The impregnated wood is unloaded from the autoclave and dried to the required moisture content.

3. “Vacuum-atmosphere” mode.

3.1. A ready-made form of fire-bioprotective composition "KSD-A" grade 1 or a "Concentrate" solution is used in a ratio of 1 kg per 4 liters of water (20% working solution).
3.2. The dried wood is loaded into an autoclave and vacuumed for 20-30 minutes.
Wood must be loaded into the autoclave in such a way that the free volume above the stack is at least 0.3 m 3 for every 1 m 3 of wood. In this case, there must be a device that keeps the stack of wood from floating when filling the autoclave with the KSD-A solution.
3.3. Under vacuum, the “KSD-A” solution is pumped into the autoclave at room temperature until the autoclave is completely filled. Next, the vacuum line is closed, the valve connecting the autoclave to the atmosphere is opened, and maintained under atmospheric pressure for 2 hours. Vacuum again for 10-15 minutes and release the vacuum a second time. Final exposure under atmospheric pressure for at least 5 hours.
3.4. The "KSD-A" solution is pumped from the autoclave back into the container, and the wood in the autoclave is evacuated for 10-15 minutes
3.5. The impregnated wood is unloaded from the autoclave and dried to the required moisture content.

Impregnation using hot-cold bath method

1. Use a ready-made form of fire-bioprotective composition "KSD-A" grade 1 or a solution of "Concentrate" in a ratio of 1 kg per 4 liters of water.
2. The solution is poured into two baths. In one bath the solution is heated to 80 o C, in the other it is left cold.
3. The dried wood is loaded into a hot bath and kept from floating for 7-8 hours. All this time, the temperature of the solution in the bath should be maintained at 80 o C.
4. At the end of the exposure in the hot bath, the stack of wood is quickly transferred and immersed in a cold bath and, keeping it from floating, is kept in it for at least 12-15 hours.
5. After this, the wood is raised above the bath, kept for 20-25 minutes for the solution to drain and dried to the required humidity.

Note: All of the indicated deep impregnation modes ensure the saturation of wood with fire retardants in the amount of 40-50 kg of dry salts per cubic meter of wood.

Fire retardant bio-impregnation for wood surfaces and textile materials creates effective protection from biological damage. Makes the treated material highly flammable.

Application of fire impregnation

It is used on the streets under some kind of canopy and indoors. KSD is suitable for processing both new and previously painted wooden surfaces (requires cleaning old paint). The composition can also be used to coat construction and finishing materials, the basis of which is wood. Processing of textile materials is possible.

Properties of fire retardant composition

· KSD allows you to provide fire protection of the second efficiency group according to the existing state standard;

· Prevents the appearance of biological lesions;

· Stops the development of existing biological lesions;

· Leaves room for wood to “breathe”;

· Odorless;

· It contains no organic solvents;

· Does not stain the treated surface.

Using KSD for wood

Composition of KSD ready for immediate use. Dilution of KSD impregnation is not allowed. The application of KSD must be done using the “wet on wet” method, that is, creating a new layer without waiting for the previous one to dry.

Impregnation for wood Buy KSD Available in our store in canisters of 5, 10, 23, 70 and .

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