Areas of activity. List of documents to be submitted to the certification commission Tyumen Regional Medical Society certification

The Tyumen Regional Medical Society Association was created on October 16, 2009. The founders were nine of the largest medical and preventive institutions in the Tyumen region. Today, members of the association are 50 healthcare organizations in the Tyumen region, 24 specialized associations, 2 medical educational institutions. The Tyumen Regional Medical Society Association is registered in the register of non-profit organizations on the portal of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, academic number 7214061770 (

The purpose of the Association is to coordinate professional activity medical community, professional association medical organizations and medical workers, representing and protecting the interests of medical organizations and medical workers, resolving issues in the field of modernization and development of the healthcare system of the Russian Federation, increasing the level of education and qualifications of medical workers, medical students educational institutions, social and legal protection of medical organizations and their employees, protecting the health of the population of the Russian Federation, improving culture in healthcare, developing institutions of charity and volunteering in the healthcare sector, developing scientific and technical potential in the field of healthcare and related fields, other goals that meet the needs of citizens And legal entities in healthcare and related fields.

Objectives of the Association:

    practical, scientific, methodological, legal, educational and advisory assistance to members of the Association on their activities;

    protection of the rights of members of the Association, representation of interests in government and other bodies, international organizations;

    assistance to members of the Association in improving the qualifications of specialists, organizing and conducting training, retraining and advanced training of specialists and managers in the field of healthcare;

    expert and analytical activities, provision of expert services and advisory assistance at the request of government and public organizations, medical insurance organizations, citizens, organization and coordination of the activities of experts during their examination

    informing members of the Association about changes and innovations in the field of regulatory regulation in the healthcare system

    participation in the development and examination of local regulations, concepts and programs of members of the Association relating to general and specific issues of protecting public health;

    professional liability insurance for medical workers;

    participation in work to improve the social and legal protection of medical workers;

    organization and participation in congresses, conferences, seminars and exhibitions at the regional, national and international levels on issues related to the activities of the Association;

    participation in the creation and implementation scientific programs and research in health, medical and pharmaceutical activities.


The highest governing body is General meeting members of the Association


Evgeniy Viktorovich Chesnokov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, - Chairman of the Board of the Association "Tyumen Regional Medical Society", Vice-President of the Union of Medical Community "National Medical Chamber"
Yartsev Sergey Evgenievich, candidate of medical sciences, chief physician of the Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1
Neverova Elena Nikolaevna acting Director of GAUZ TO MKMC "Medical City"
Paskov Roman Vladimirovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2
Kukarskaya Irina Ivanovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Chief Physician of the State Budgetary Institution "Perinatal Center"
Kazantsev Ivan Ivanovich, chief physician of the Regional Narcological Dispensary

Butov Dmitry Ivanovich, chief physician of the State Autonomous Institution "Multidisciplinary Consultative and Diagnostic Center"
Pirogova Natalya Davydovna - chief physician of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Regional Anti-Tuberculosis Dispensary"
Knyazheva Natalya Nikolaevna, associate professor, candidate of medical sciences, executive director ROO "Professional Association of Healthcare Organizers of the Tyumen Region"

Since the beginning of 2011, there has been a partnership between the Association “Tyumen Regional Medical Society” and the Department of Health of the Tyumen Region.

Certification– a form of qualification tests of specialists, during which the professional qualifications, competence of a specialist, and his ability to perform official duties in accordance with the position held, as well as the correspondence of the level of his professional competence to a particular qualification category in the relevant specialty.

Certification is voluntary and is carried out by certification commissions in three qualification categories: second, first and highest. Once every five years.

Specialists can apply for assignment of a higher qualification category no earlier than three years from the date of publication of the order (administrative act) on assignment of the qualification category.

During certification, the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to perform professional duties in the relevant specialties and positions are assessed, based on the results of the qualification exam.

The result of the certification is a decision to assign or refuse to assign a qualification category to a specialist.

Certification is one of the mechanisms of state control over the quality of training of specialists, as well as the level of medical care provided to the population.

To carry out certification of specialists working in the healthcare system of the Tyumen region, a regional (territorial) certification commission of the Department of Health of the Tyumen region was created

The certification commission includes leading specialists of organizations engaged in medical and pharmaceutical activities, representatives of medical professional non-profit organizations, employers, authorities state power, and other persons, including the main freelance specialists of the Tyumen Region Health Department.

A meeting of the Committee and Expert Group is considered valid if more than half of the members of the Committee or Expert Group are present.

The decision of the Expert Group is made by open voting by a simple majority of votes of the members present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairperson at the meeting of the Expert Group is decisive.

Qualifying exam includes an expert assessment of a report on the professional activities of a specialist, test control knowledge and interview.

Test knowledge control – performing test tasks corresponding to the declared qualification category.

Interview provides for a survey of a specialist by members of the Expert Group on theoretical and practical issues relevant to the specialty stated in the qualification documentation.

Qualification categories are assigned to specialists who have a level of theoretical training and practical skills corresponding to the qualification characteristics of specialists and work experience in their specialty:

Association "Tyumen Regional Medical Society"

17, off. 506 t/

Reception of documents: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 09.00-13.00, 14.00-17.00

Every Thursday and third Wednesday of the month is an assessment day

(documents are not accepted)

List of documents to be submitted to certification commission: (list, sample documents can be found on the website: trmo. ru Tyumen Regional Medical Society, on the page Materials for certification)

1 . Application (according to orders on the nomenclature of specialties);

2 . Attestation sheet (filled out in printed form);

3 . Work report:

Specialists with higher medical education– within 3 years;

Specialists with secondary medical education – for 1 year,

approved by the head of the institution for title page(signature of the chief physician,

date of approval, stamp, at the end of the report - signature of the performer);

4 . Copies of documents, certified by the seal of the HR department:


- If there was a change of surname, then a certificate of change of surname or marriage certificate.

Certificates of completion of internship, residency (if any);

Specialist certificate;

Certificate of postgraduate retraining or specialization in the certified field


Certificates of completion of advanced training courses (recent studies

Work book.

Documents confirming participation in seminars and conferences;

5. You can take testing in your specialty on the Tyumen Regional Medical Society website ( trmo. ru) in the section materials for certification - for preparation. In the future, you need to go to personal account - register and highlighting the correct answers - answer the questions in your specialty at least 70%. The test result is automatically sent to our email address: trmo_ at@ mail. ru.

Certification documents are reviewed within two months from the date of their receipt.

A specialist can receive a qualification category in specialties corresponding to both the main and combined positions.

level of theoretical training, practical skills, taking into account work experience

certified specialty:

-second - at least 3 years for specialists with higher and secondary professional qualifications


-first - at least 5 years for specialists with higher and secondary professional qualifications


-highest - at least 7 years for specialists with higher and secondary professional qualifications


order for its assignment.

Issuance of an extract from the order (3 weeks from the date of certification):

Department of Health, room 34, t. 56-94-50,

Secretary of the regional certification commission: Natalya Vasilievna Evdokimova.

Email address.

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