New Year's music for children. New Year for the little ones Luzhniki Sports Palace

New Year– a unique time of miracles, magic and dreams come true. And since children, due to their age, still firmly believe in all of the above, organizing a good holiday for them is as easy as shelling pears. All that is required from parents is desire, a little time spent and a little imagination. And even then, instead of the latter, you can arm yourself with the ideas of this article!

Preparing for the New Year with your children

The anticipation of a holiday is often better than the holiday itself. In the Russian language, this phrase has almost acquired the status of a catchphrase. And, despite the fact that in our case the holiday itself will be no less magical and bright, preparations for the New Year should not be neglected. Let your child look forward to the celebration and start looking under the tree in the early twenties! And this is easy to achieve!

Watching New Year's films

Even among adults, the New Year holiday invariably evokes an association with one of the traditional films. For some, it’s the good old “Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”, while others adore the antics of Kevin from the movie “Home Alone.” Who knows what your child will like!

Invite your child to watch one famous film every day some time before the New Year. These could be fairy tales like “The Nutcracker”, “The Snow Queen”, “The Snow Maiden”, “The Sorcerers” or “Three Nuts for Cinderella”, or there could be films like the two mentioned above. In a word, anything, as long as it is connected with the snow holiday.

You can even start a game with your child, suggesting that after watching each new film, you make a card on which to give him a rating. In just a few years, the little one will have a whole deck!

Poem for Santa Claus

Who among us hasn’t memorized New Year’s poems so that we can then sit on a chair and tell them to Grandfather Frost or simply recite them to the approving applause of our relatives?

A few days before the New Year, choose a verse with your child that he will like, and then learn it, always in a playful manner.

Letter to Santa Claus

This activity is the most memorable and magical of all. We stock up on pencils, markers, colored pens, glitter, ribbons... In a word, everything your heart desires!

Even if the child has not yet learned to write, this is not a big problem - take a small hand in yours and write from dictation. And even if it turns out clumsily. The kid will probably be delighted with the process, and Santa Claus will read it anyway.

Having found out what the child would like to find under the Christmas tree, tell him that Grandfather Frost, even despite all his busyness, does not leave letters unanswered. Let the baby regularly look under the tree and look forward to the letter.

Decorating the house for the New Year with the children

What is New Year without the appropriate attributes? The smell of spruce, the shimmering lights of garlands, the charm of Christmas tree balls, the blinding shine of rain... Let your baby take part in the process and decorate your home with you!

The most pleasant thing is to decorate your home with something you have made with your own hands. Here it’s time to talk about homemade garlands made of foil or colored paper, and about multi-colored cotton balls suspended from the ceiling by a thread, and about snowflakes on the windows. There are so many ideas, it’s impossible to list them all! The main thing is to do needlework hand in hand with your baby.

And finally, where would we be without the forest beauty, an integral attribute of every New Year. It doesn’t matter whether the tree is live or artificial - the main thing is its presence, which gives a feeling of celebration. What to dress up with? Anything! Go with your child to the store and buy those toys that he points to with his little finger.

You can do something more original and decorate the Christmas tree just as the heroes of the Soviet cartoon “Winter in Prostokvashino” did. The guys dressed up with what they found in the attic. So why not hang on the tree those funny little things that inevitably accumulate in the house if there is a child in it?

Since every kid is an ardent lover of sweets, you can also decorate the Christmas tree with his favorite candies, carefully hanging them by a thread.

You can get new ideas for decorating your home and Christmas tree for the New Year from our section.

Advent calendar

This tradition, which came to us from abroad, is to keep track of last days left until the New Year, with the help of a hand-made canvas containing a mini-gift and an assignment for the child. Thanks to Advent, waiting for the New Year is much more fun.

New Year: with children and for children!


So, the moment of truth is the eve of the long-awaited New Year. Time, which in most families always passes the same way. The child, sitting in front of the TV, lazily switches channels while dad goes about his business and mom conjures dishes in the kitchen. A little later, when the baby’s eyes are already sticking together, either from the lateness of the clock, or simply from boredom, he is finally allowed to look under the tree, unpack his gift and go to bed. Boring, isn't it?

Well, let's challenge routine and make New Year's Eve truly festive! If your family is one of those who adhere to traditions and consider the New Year to be an exclusively family holiday, you will have to entertain the child yourself. But if you celebrate the holiday with friends and families with children, the New Year's program can be even more fun!

We offer you games and competitions for New Year's Eve:

The little Christmas tree is cold in winter...

If the tree is positioned in such a way that it is possible to dance around it, this must be done! However, the traditional activity can and should be somewhat diversified.

Let everyone, with the exception of the leader, stand around the decorated Christmas tree in a circle, holding hands. Next, participants are required to follow the instructions of the presenter. For example, after one clap, everyone should go to the left and sing “The Little Christmas Tree is Cold in Winter,” and after two, they should freeze in the original pose. If the leader stamps his foot, everyone is supposed to shut up and stop, and if he jumps on the spot, they should turn around and go in the opposite direction.


On New Year's Eve, you and your child actively watched films on relevant topics. Well, it's time to remember this again.

Prepare cards in advance, on each of which will be written the name of a character from one of the paintings you viewed. The players' task is to show the character through facial expressions and gestures, without using the gift of speech.

Whoever guesses is shown the next word.

Mysterious gift

Despite the fact that the main gift for a child has long been purchased, packaged and safely hidden in anticipation of its finest hour, you should not stop there. Before midnight comes, you can give your baby another gift, albeit insignificant and small (it could be, for example, a sweet present), but interesting!

Wrap the gift in plain wrapping paper with a New Year's riddle written on top, then make another layer, also with a riddle, and then a few more.

Let your child unfold layer by layer, overcoming “obstacles”, and receive a well-deserved reward!

Where would we be without tangerines?

This competition is worth holding if everyone has already sat a little too long and is bored. Participants are divided into two teams, and the task of each is to move a certain number of tangerines from one place to another without using their hands.

Naturally, the team that finishes it first wins.

Skillful cooks

For this competition, three volunteers must be selected from those present: New Year's Eve, Snow Maiden and Father Frost.

Within a certain time (for example, five minutes), each participant must write the name on a piece of paper New Year's dishes, which begin with the letters “N”, “S” and “D”, respectively.

The one with the longest list wins.

A chance to become a wizard: New Year's tricks for children

New Year is a time of miracles. How to make your child sincerely believe in this? It's simple - learn a couple of tricks and, as if by chance, demonstrate them to delighted oohs and aahs! And the child will be happy, and you will be pleased to feel like a sorcerer!

Annoying thread

For this trick you will need a little acting ability, a very ordinary pencil and about fifty centimeters of thread, the color of which will contrast with the color of your robe.

Place a pencil in your jacket pocket, having first wound a thread around it, and then use a needle to pull the tip of the thread through the jacket to the outside. Ready!

At a convenient moment, ask your baby to remove a thread from your clothes, citing the fact that your hands are busy, and enjoy his surprise. At the same time, of course, you will have to be surprised yourself - everything should be natural!

Tricky trick

Where would we be without tricks with cards? Invite your child to choose any card from the deck, remember it, and then put it back on top. After this, the deck is knocked down and its lower part is placed on top.

When looking through the cards, you can accurately figure out the hidden card if you first remember which card was at the bottom. Nothing complicated!

Mind Reading

A simple and funny trick that will truly amaze your child! Playing the role of the leader, you ask the child to guess one of five numbers: ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty. Then he says it in your ear, and you ask the audience what number the kid guessed, and you get the correct answer.

How to do this? Very simple! Agree in advance with everyone (except the child, of course) that the number of words in the question you ask will be equal to the number of tens, including the number that the child asked. Thus, if you ask “What number is this?”, the audience will realize that they should answer “thirty”, and so on.

Having finished with the tricks, their secrets, of course, can be revealed if the child wants it. However, it’s better to leave everything a secret - let New Year's Eve will be amazing from “A” to “Z”!

How to give a child a gift for the New Year?

It's almost midnight, and the child is increasingly looking under the tree in search of his gift. What should parents do? Wait until the chimes strike and solemnly present the baby with his present? No, no and no again! You also need to know how to give gifts. Let's look at a few original options.


Who's there?

The most common and logical solution is to leave a gift under the tree. But since the baby is constantly pacing around the bush, distracting him in order to quietly place a bright package is a difficult task.

A great alternative is to leave a gift for front door, and then call it. To be convincing, you can sprinkle the treasured box with a handful of snow, and leave wet footprints from shoes on the steps of the entrance. The most important thing is to distract the baby so that he does not notice that one of the relatives has left for a minute or two.

If you need proof

Have you managed to distract your child’s attention for a few minutes and put a gift under the tree? In this case, be sure to leave something so that the baby does not doubt that it was Santa Claus who brought the gift.

This could be an unusually shaped button lying next to the box, several red wool threads or again a small handful of snow. When the baby unwraps the gift, explain to him that Grandfather Frost lost a button and threads, caught on the Christmas tree, and snow could accidentally fall off his collar.

Flying by

If you tell your child that Santa Claus rides on a reindeer sleigh, the following option will do.

While one of the adults is distracting the baby, open the window wide, cover the windowsill with snow and leave a gift on it. Let the child think that, flying past your window, Santa Claus left a gift on the windowsill and then flew off to other children.

To hot countries!

In case the family celebrates the New Year at the resort and it is quite problematic to find a coniferous beauty, as well as a handful of snow, do the following. Pack the gift well, wrap it in a beautiful bag and hide it in the freezer. It should be taken out immediately before delivery - this way the baby will be glad that even far from home you can receive a real northern gift from Santa Claus!

Funny games and competitions, magic tricks, original ways presenting your baby with a long-awaited present and other ideas in the article are nothing more than advice, and in no case should you limit yourself to them. Give free rein to your imagination, and hurry to implement everything that it tells you! A fabulous New Year to you and your children!

Experienced parents know that tickets for the right Christmas trees run out at the beginning of December. The Village talks about proven events that are worth going to with your children - to get in the New Year mood or to have a good time during the long holidays.

For the little ones


New Year's marathon "Christmas Factory" in Skazka Park

In a couple of weeks, a large-scale New Year's program will start at Skazka, which will run until mid-January: guests of the park will enjoy an outdoor skating rink and ice shows, a troll cave and circus performances, winter master classes and reindeer and dog sledding. During the winter holidays, the park will become one of the residences of Father Frost. Children will also learn how to celebrate the New Year in different countries, will take part in a New Year's quest in the Snow Queen's castle and become clowns at the "Wonder Tree" in the "Clownarium".

“The Nutcracker” at the ZIL Cultural Center

At the ZIL Cultural Center, actors from the Stein Drama Theater and the Children's Ballet Theater will show their favorite fairy tale, which takes place just before Christmas. The performance will begin in the foyer of the center: an interesting program has been prepared for children with the participation of fairy-tale heroes, master classes where you can make your own New Year decorations or sweets, and communication with Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

"The Space Adventures of Belka and Strelka"

At the Museum of Cosmonautics, children will be told about how the first space heroes Belka and Strelka set off on a journey to wind the clock and bring the New Year closer. The show includes free admission to the museum and a tube of real space food.

Performance "Little Santa Claus"
in "Fanny Bell's Little House"

A chamber performance for only 35 people with small miracles, when a whole performance is born from the simplest materials - paper, felt, rustling fabrics. The performance is based on the story of the same name by Anu Stoner and is designed for the youngest spectators - from one to four years old.

"The Space Adventures of Belka and Strelka"

“Rock Yolka” from Kids Rock Fest

In early January, the Kids Rock Fest project organizes three big performances: rock, indie rock and rockabilly bands will perform their hits at the Glastonberry club on Dubrovka. For children, the organizers are preparing several interactive zones: rock workshops, a dance battle, a “children’s dressing room,” a fear room, face painting and a New Year’s market.

Performance “My Dear Snowman”

in the center "Sreda"

“My Dear Snowman” is another performance for kids. In a kind magical story based on a fairy tale by Kate Westerlund, your most cherished dreams come true and miracles happen: for example, a snow cat becomes real. The performance will be shown at the venue on Tsvetnoy, and it lasts only 45 minutes - the children will not get tired.

"Save the New Year"

at the Rise of the Machine Museum

At the Museum of the Rise of the Machines, they are organizing a cyber-Christmas tree with giant three-meter-tall transformers who will fight for the Snow Maiden with a robot villain, bright decorations and costumes, magic tricks and a disco with Santa Claus.

Performance “The Moomin Christmas Tree”

in "Theater.doc"

The theatrical project “Game Readings” tells about a family of Moomins who are going to celebrate their first Christmas. How did this happen? They just slept through all the previous holidays. Now they need to learn how to decorate a Christmas tree, cook a festive dinner, wait for the first star and make wishes.

Performance "Findus and Mechanical Santa Claus"

Sven Nordqvist's New Year's tale about how Petson assembled a mechanical Santa Claus, and he suddenly came to life - this is a story about miracles that happen very close by. It is better to buy tickets for this performance now - everything for December shows is already sold out. All New Year's performances of "The House of Fanny Bell" have been collected in a separate section - you can choose your own.

For preschoolers

"Miracles and Kurales"

"Tales of the Sky" at the Moscow Planetarium

The story of “Tales of the Sky” will take children to the Far North, to the home of an old shaman. He will tell Chukchi tales about how the stars appeared and how Milky Way. The performance will be shown in the Big Star Hall, and the narrators will be the heroes of the children's musical theater “A-Ya”.

Performance “Miracles and Kurales”

at the Musical Theater

On New Year's Eve, the Musical Theater releases the premiere of a children's musical based on Lewis Carroll's fairy tales: based, of course, on Alice in Wonderland, as well as colorful scenery, bright costumes, spectacular special effects and good music that will appeal not only to children, but also to their parents. .

"Story of the Year"

“Scientific Christmas tree Wow! How?"

at the Russian Academy of Sciences

At the Academy of Sciences, the project “Wow! How?" is organizing a huge New Year's laboratory, in which real scientists and even Santa Claus will conduct experiments. In interactive themed areas, children will become physicists, chemists, geologists and architects of the future, and at master classes they will make New Year's decorations, learn how various cutting-edge devices work, and assemble a large rocket. The organizers even prepared a scientific gift: it will contain sweets, a toy from science show a crazy professor and an educational book “How the Earth Works.”

Performance “Story of the Year”

at the Meyerhold Center

The Antique Circus project will show the story of different times year, based on Andersen's fairy tale of the same name. Each performance of the "Antique Circus" is a mixture of theatrical production and elements of circus acts: tricks, illusions, attractions, plus stunning light and musical accompaniment, immersing children and adults in an unusual atmosphere.

Immersive New Year's performance “The Mysterious Forest” at IRRI

At the Institute of Russian Realistic Art, children will stage their own shadow play under the supervision of the Golden Mask winners, directors Vyacheslav Ignatov and Masha Litvinova. It all starts with working on the play and making puppets and scenery. Then, like in a real theater, there will be rehearsals and a big performance for the parents. The performance will traditionally end with a Christmas tree and gifts.

For younger schoolchildren and teenagers

"Findus and Mechanical Santa Claus"

New Year's fairy tale "The Nutcracker"

Cultural center ZIL
from December 25 to 30, 2015
from 5 years
800-2,000 rub.

The space of the ZIL center will turn into magical world thanks to atmospheric video projections and music. Guests will be shown the performance “The Nutcracker” performed by artists of the Children's Ballet Theater. Liquid Theater is responsible for the interactive program. Children can attend the ball of animated toys - creative workshops and games, a performance by an orchestra of toy soldiers, decorations in the form of giant dishes and communication with artists. In the finale, children will meet Santa Claus and receive sweet gifts.

3D Christmas tree of the Polytechnic Museum

Polytechnic Museum in CC ZIL
December 26-30, 2015, January 3-8, 2016
from 7 years
2,500 rub. (with gift)

The New Year will be a holiday in the Scientific Laboratories of the Polytechnic Museum modern science and technology. The program includes: mysterious disappearances, slightly mad scientists and an advanced Snow Maiden, festive 3D technologies and pleasant surprises. Each guest will receive a special gift - a set for home experiments, which will certainly interest parents.

Water show “Recipes for Magic”

SC "Olympiyskiy", swimming pool jumping complex

from 2.5 years
from 1,400 rub.

Water show Olympic champion Maria Kiseleva is designed for younger schoolchildren, but kids will also like it. Spectators can expect breathtaking performances and tricks from 70 athletes and artists. The program includes performances by masters of synchronized swimming, stunts on jet skis, diving, flying gymnasts, theater and circus artists. 45 minutes before the start, children will be met in the foyer by animators and Santa Claus with games and round dances.

Christmas tree at Mosfilm

Film studio "Mosfilm"
from December 26, 2015 to January 9, 2016
from 4 years
tickets 1,000-5,000 rubles, gift - 500 rubles.

Guests of this large-scale and colorful Christmas tree will find a comfortable auditorium, a Christmas film village with fragments of fairy-tale scenery, real film props, exhibitions of costumes and photographs, Santa Claus's post office and much more. The festival will take place in two Mosfilm pavilions at once - No. 3 and No. 1. Based on the plot of the New Year's play main character will be on the other side of the screen, and his father will go in search. Everything will end happily - with the arrival of Santa Claus, who will light the Christmas tree and give gifts to the children.

New Year's performances at the Tchaikovsky and Moscow Museum

Museum "P.I. Tchaikovsky and Moscow"
from December 16, 2015 to January 8, 2016
from 5 years
1,100 rub. (with gift)

The museum is preparing three festive programs: the play “The Night Before Christmas” based on Gogol’s story, the interactive program “Court Party at the Sleepless Beauty” and the New Year’s ball-carnival with the program “How the New Year is celebrated in different countries.” Guests are expected to wear dancing shoes and a fancy dress to the carnival.

New Year's fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty"

Moscow Conservatory
from January 3 to January 10, 2016
from 3 years
from 300 to 3,500 rubles, gift - 500 rubles.

At the “Yolka” in the Great Hall of the Conservatory, two fairy tales will unite - poetic and musical. Actress Evgenia Dobrovolskaya will read Pushkin’s “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights,” and then the musical accompaniment will be fragments of the ballet by P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Sleeping Beauty" from the Orpheus Radio Symphony Orchestra. 30 minutes before the start, children will have an interactive program in the lobby: Father Frost, Snow Maiden and other fairy-tale characters, riddles, songs, round dances.

New Year's performances at the Courage Theater

Moscow theater "Courage"
from December 12, 2015 to January 10, 2016
from 3 years
1,200 rub. (without gift) and 1,500 rub. (with gift)

The theater will show a new interactive play “New Year’s Courage” and last year’s “New Year’s Trouble.” At the premiere, viewers will visit a fairytale forest and help Santa Claus restore his magic staff. 30 minutes before the start of the performances, master classes will be held in the foyer, and at the end of the holiday, everyone will enjoy an interactive disco with pillows and the presentation of gifts from Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

“Bio-tree for child prodigies” at Bioexperimentanium

Bioexperimentanium “Living Systems”
December 19-20, 26-27, 2015
from 6 years
1,750-1,950 rub. for children, 950-650 rub. for adults

The bioexperimentanium holiday program includes: a museum quest, scientific experiments, time stopping, cryo-tangerines, multi-colored bio-ice cream and a fabulous show to choose from - “PROillusions” or “PROnutrition”. All young guests will receive gifts, and children under 10 years old must be accompanied by their parents.

New Year's performances at the Kolomenskoye and Lyublino estates

from December 24 to 30, 2015, January 2 and 3, 2016 - Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve
from December 25 to 30, 2015 - Lyublino Museum-Reserve
from 5 years
1,400 rub. (with gift)

In the palace of Alexei Mikhailovich in Kolomenskoye, children will enjoy the program “Christmas tree in the royal palace”, and in the Durasov palace in Lyublino there will be a “Christmas tree in the Noble Estate”. These are colorful interactive New Year's performances with a live program on the street, in the foyer and in the hall.

Ice show "Snow King-2"

Sports Palace "Megasport"
from December 26, 2015 to January 7, 2016
from 5 years
500-5,000 rub.

Continuation of the sensational story staged by Egeniy Plusheko based on the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen will appeal to both children and their parents. The role of Gerda is played by Irina Slutskaya, and Plushenko will again appear in the image of the Snow King. Famous skaters take part in the performance - for example, Johnny Weir, Briand Joubert, Tomas Werner, Fiona Zaldua and Dmitry Sukhanov.

New Year's performance "Peppa Pig Show"

House of Cinema of the Union of Cinematographers
from December 26, 2015 to January 9, 2016
up to 7 years
from 350 rub.

At the “Peppa Pig Show” holiday, kids will meet the characters of their favorite cartoon and play hide-and-seek with them, learn the dance of little ducklings, decorate the New Year tree, write a letter to Santa Claus, and then together with him they will light the holiday lights and celebrate the New Year. You can come to the celebration an hour before the performance - at concert hall There will be an interactive program.

New Year's mega-show “New Fixies and Miracles with Masha”

Concert hall "Crocus City Hall"
from December 19, 2015 to January 9, 2016
from 4 years
tickets: 490-2,490 rub., gift: 720 rub.

The New Year's celebration at Crocus will allow viewers to take a fresh look at their favorite fairy tales. The program includes: a performance with the participation of Fixies, Masha and the Bear, famous artists and interactive games artists with spectators, 3D scenery and laser show, original music and designer costumes. An hour before the start of the performance, an entertainment program will take place in the foyer and on two floors: play areas and clown performances. As a gift, children will receive a tin drum with candies, a DVD, a toy, a 3D puzzle, drum fixie sticks, and club cards for gaming portals.

New Year's programs from the House of Fairy Tales

New Year's performance "Incredible space story"

Moscow Planetarium
from December 19 to December 30, 2015
from 5 years
1500 rub. ticket, 500 rub. present

Children will get to know Father Frost and his assistants - the Snowman and humanoid robots. Also on the program: adventures in the Urania Museum, games, riddles, master classes, an interactive performance in the Great Star Hall and a new full-dome cartoon “Polaris”. Tickets are purchased for each guest, and for children you can additionally purchase a gift coupon.

New Year's performance "Tales on a Snowy Night"

Museum A.N. Scriabin
from 2 to 10 years
December 24 and 26, 2015, January 3 and 5, 2016
1500 rub. (with gift)

The program consists of two parts. In the first, kids will be shown a fairy tale about the adventures of a little hedgehog, and in the second, they will tell the story of the Nutcracker to the music of Tchaikovsky. Kids will be able to become part of the orchestra and play the piano themselves. musical instruments. Each viewer will receive a sweet gift.

New Year's master class at the Animation Museum

Animation Museum in the Izmailovsky Kremlin
from 5 years
December 27, January 2
1500 rub. (with gift)

The program includes: a tour of the museum, filming of your own cartoon and its premiere on the big screen, congratulations to Grandfather Multfilmych, a screening of the cartoon, a buffet reception and a disco. Guests will also receive a gift -
museum's signature diploma and DVD with computer program“Your own cartoonist.”

Stay tuned!

It has long been a tradition in Russia to celebrate the New Year according to the Chinese calendar. The current year 2015, as we know, is passing as the year of the Sheep/Goat.

In preparation children's party according to the Chinese calendar, parents sew or buy bright suits for their children; It’s no secret that the year of the Sheep/Goat loves sparkle and shine! Souvenirs and horse toys, as well as decoration elements for the festive hall (balloons, calendars, posters) with the corresponding theme are also purchased as gifts.

When developing an entertainment program, we must remember that in game blocks“bright motives” are also simply required to be present! You can offer a competition for poems or songs that mention a horse; or come up with a comic round dance to a funny song about this animal. As an option - fun relay race young artists, in which children, in teams, alternately draw an image of a horse on sheets of whatman paper. And, of course, it’s a good idea to agree in advance with the little participants of the holiday about the upcoming competition for the best New Year’s costume! There will also be a quiz “Tell me about a goat or a sheep!”, in which participants are asked to take turns telling what they think about these animals. The winner, of course, is the one whose story is the final one. No less fun and interesting is the “Dancing Goats” competition, when participants are wrapped in tape and perform a dance to rhythmic music. The game "Fakir" is especially fun for kids. A “fakir” is selected from among the guests and given a magic flute, with the help of which, as well as including his own facial expressions and gestures, he tries to make the people laugh. The most “angry” participant, who failed to cheer up, becomes a “fakir”, and the competition, to the delight of the little ones, continues, now with other participants!

In general, adults just need to use all their imagination and imagination, and the holiday will certainly be a success! And don’t forget about little New Year’s surprise prizes!

New Year 2015 scenario for children

All the children are in the hall. (A quiet smooth melody sounds). The stage is dark. The old man and the old woman are sleeping. There is a candle burning in an empty bucket (as if there is a goldfish in it).

Voice from behind the scenes:
An old man lived with his old woman right next to blue sea,
And they lived in a dilapidated dugout for exactly 30 years and 3 years.
The old man was catching fish with a net, the old woman was spinning her yarn.
The old man had not fished for a long time, and the old woman had not spun her yarn,
Because they had a goldfish
She spoke in a human voice,
Every wish was fulfilled.

Old man, old man, stop sleeping, because the New Year is just around the corner, and you don’t even feel like a holiday.

Old man (stretching):
And that’s true, it’s a golden fish, but can’t we have a Christmas tree for the dugout? May she be beautiful, elegant and let there be more light around her!

(Music screensaver, the lights come on, the Christmas tree is standing).

Old man:
Thank you, goldfish, for respecting the old man on the very holiday. Hey, old woman, really wake up. Get up, I say, we have a holiday today. Look what a Christmas tree the fish gave us!

Old woman (stretching and standing up):
Oh-ho, and the old man won’t let you sleep, he cawed: holiday, holiday! Well, okay, old man, it’s no good to swear on a holiday! Let's better think about how we will celebrate the New Year.

Old man:

How to greet! As usual, in Russian - he drank, had a bite and went to dinner.

Old woman:

I'll give you those! I was daydreaming. Is it really possible to sleep on such a holiday? At least once in a human way to note. The TV, and as luck would have it, it broke, otherwise we wouldn’t even know the grief. We'd love to see enough of everything.

Old man:
Listen, old man, let's ask a goldfish to fix our TV.

(Approaches the bucket with the fish)

What do you want, old man?

Old man:
Have mercy, lady fish! Can you fix our TV?

Ah, old man, it’s not in my power. Don't be angry, I can't help you with this.

Old woman:
Or maybe you can give me a new one?

Oh, I would be glad to help, but I won’t be able to. If only you had a new trough or a hut. Or maybe an old woman can become a free queen?

Old woman:
No! I don’t want to become a queen at all! I would like to see the New Year's program!

The TV is new - it’s not in my power, but I’ll try to help you with the program. Don't worry, sit and wait - there will be a New Year's program for you.

(Music, two clowns run in)

1st clown:
Good health, dear gentlemen!

2nd clown:
Are you comfortable, dear guests? Can everyone see it, can everyone hear it? Was there enough room for everyone?

1st clown:
We are glad to meet you. Today we celebrate the New Year's holiday.

2nd clown:
Today you all should like it, now allow me to introduce myself.

1st clown:
We are the guys from the bag!

2nd clown:
We are guys anywhere!

1st clown:
We are jacks of all trades,
You won't die of boredom with us.
Order this very hour
We will do everything for you!

2nd clown:
Now that the acquaintance has taken place,
Begin happy holiday we have left!
We wish everyone a Happy New Year.
We start with a New Year's song.

(Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest").

1st clown:
We didn’t come here to be bored, but to sing and dance.

2nd clown:
Dance with fire, dance with enthusiasm
And you will become a winner in the competition!

(Dances performed by seventh and eighth graders).

Old woman:
Well done, they dance so well. Have fun celebrating the holiday!

Old man:
They're great. They're having fun. What do we have? There is no fun, there is nothing to put on the table. You yourself have long since forgotten how to cook, steam, and fry. All on goldfish you hope.

Old woman:
Look at yourself, old man! Himself! In the past, you used to go to the sea and at least catch minnows. And now you can’t even catch a frog.

Old man:
I? Yes I am!

Old woman:
You won't catch it!

Old man:

Can't catch it? Oh well! I won't quarrel with you. People just laugh. It’s not for nothing that they write ditties about you.

Old woman:
And there’s a lot about you too.

Old man:
Well, at least sing one, old woman. You don’t know, that’s it!

Old woman:
Yes, okay, I’m old, without memory. But good people will sing for you. Let's go, old man, to the guys, and you'll hear for yourself.

(A competition of poems and stories about an old man and an old woman is held; the winner is awarded a prize).

(The phonogram recording is turned on: the sounds of Morse code, the howl of a blizzard. The voice of Santa Claus sounds in the background of this recording):

Santa Claus is coming, coming,
Santa Claus - Red Nose.
There are snowstorms and blizzards ahead,
My faithful friends.
Santa Claus is coming, coming,
Santa Claus - Red Nose!

1st clown:

2nd clown:
So it's coming soon! (The ringing of bells can be heard in the distance.)
Listen! Let's greet the guests with friendly applause.

(screensaver, Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter)

Father Frost:
I rushed to you through blizzards and fogs,
I was on a fantastic wave
I flew over seas and oceans,
To bring a holiday
On a snowy wing.
My sleigh was rushing through the air,
We overcame the blizzard and bad weather,
To wish you all happiness!
And you, dear ones, congratulations today
Happy new century everyone, happy year 2000!

Snow Maiden:
I am the Snow Maiden
There is nowhere else like it in the world.
I love frost and wind
Whirlwinds of snowy winter,
And today with you
I'm celebrating the New Year.

Father Frost:
May the New Year be a good friend to you,
May troubles and bad weather pass you by,
Let true friends you won't be forgotten.
We wish you much, much happiness!
How good christmas tree!
Look how she dressed up.
Dress on the Christmas tree of green silk,
Bright beads on her, confetti!
You won't find a better tree anywhere,
With a good Christmas tree, the holiday is good!
May our holiday become happier and more wonderful,
Let's all sing our favorite songs together!

(The songs “Call”, “Winter Dream”, “Sun” performed by the participants are played).

1st clown:
Are you bored, dear guests?

2nd clown:
Do you still have a silushka? Don't you want to have some more fun?

(Dances performed by 7th-8th graders).

Father Frost:
The year flew by like a white bird
Day after day, year after year.
And the chimes there, in the capital,
They will strike again 12 times.

Snow Maiden:
New Year - it's near, close,
Laughter and songs here and there.
And sparklers splash
They will sparkle and bloom!

1st clown:
There is very little time left for the old year. New Year is already around the corner. Teachers, students, schools, the whole country are summing up the results of the past year.

2nd clown:
You are standing on the threshold of a new year. How will the past year remain in your memory?

Father Frost:
The old year is ending, good one old year.
We will not be sad, because a new one is coming to us.
It's time, friends. The turn has come.
Let's celebrate the New Year together.

(The chimes sound, New Year enters).

New Year:
I flew to you here between galaxies and stars,
And he brought with him hope and faith
That life on earth will become better and more beautiful,
That our descendants will glorify our Fatherland.
That happiness will enter every home on earth,
That peace and tranquility will reign all around.
May there always be celebration, smiles and laughter,
Happy New Year to you all! Happy New Year to you all!

(Comic horoscope - guys “predict”).

Father Frost:
The hour is coming - it's time to say goodbye.
Goodbye, friends, goodbye!
Happy New Year to you all,
Happy new happiness!

Snow Maiden:
Let your laughter flow
It's like the sea is endless.
And may there be no end to the songs and jokes.
And let it seem open doors,
Today your hearts will open.

Father Frost:
May they come in the coming year
Good luck and success to you,
May he be the best
The most joyful for everyone.
May it be for you, good people,
Not afraid of worries,
He will not just be New,
And happy New Year.

(Splash screen, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden leave)

1st clown:
Our holiday is over.

2nd clown:

But the new year is not over, it is only approaching!

1st clown:
Let's all celebrate the New Year
Let's wish each other.

2nd clown:
Health, happiness and goodness,
And most importantly - good luck.

In chorus:
Happy New Year 2015!

The script for a fairy tale for children for the New Year 2015 should be drawn up taking into account their age and understanding of the situation. If you plan to involve the little spectators themselves in the fairy-tale performance, and even more so, if you plan to give them some roles, then the heroes should be selected simple and understandable. This will make it much easier for your child to learn a new role and ensure that he correctly understands his task.

Fairy tale scenario for New Year 2015

When drawing up a plan for a fairy-tale performance, it is best to take classical or easily recognizable modern interpretations of children's works as a basis. For example, excellent option will develop a New Year's script based on the popular animated series Masha and the Bear. In it, by the way, a separate episode is dedicated specifically to the winter holidays, and the main character herself acts as the Snow Maiden. However, this option is more suitable for a small children's party, since the number of cartoon characters is quite limited.

If you plan to hold a matinee in kindergarten, then Russian folk tales from the “winter cycle” are better suited here. In this case, the main and most difficult roles (Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Mashenka, Baba Yaga, etc.) are performed by artists or educators, and children will only have to memorize small lines. Please note that if your scenario for a children's party assumes that children will have to perform any roles, then their parents should be warned about this in advance so that they prepare costumes and help with the study of poems and lines.

How to develop a New Year's scenario for children

When developing an event, it is very important to correctly distribute the time allocated to its individual stages. Planning time for theatrical performances, competitions, poetry and dances allows you to solve two problems at once: not to let children get bored and to determine in advance the total duration of the event. If you make up detailed plan progress of the celebration, you can remove or add extra parts of the holiday in advance to meet the deadline. The general outline of the Children's New Year scenario looks something like this:

  • Greetings
  • Getting to know the main characters - implemented in the form of one or two small scenes
  • Communication with children can take place in any playful form (riddles, short dance competition, etc.)
  • Second theatrical skit (possibly with the participation of children)
  • Children are asked to help light the Christmas tree/call Grandfather Frost/Snow Maiden/New Year
  • Third scene (possibly with children)
  • Active competitions and riddles from Santa Claus
  • Final scene
  • Poetry readings or other competitions with gifts
  • Parting

Based on this scheme, you can develop a children's New Year's scenario on almost any topic. Naturally, changes can be made to it, depending on the duration of the event and its theme. The only thing that should remain unchanged is the creation of so-called “interruptions”, that is, the conversations of fairy-tale characters should be periodically interrupted either by a change of characters/settings or by active competitions.

In the event that children are not involved as actors, several active competitions should be organized so that they warm up and do not get bored sitting in one place. Competitions can be very diverse: dance, sports or theater. This will allow you to most effectively hold the attention of small viewers throughout the matinee.

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