Sales manager: job responsibilities, functions and skills. Job Description for Sales Manager

A sales manager is one of the most popular professions, because it is this specialist who, in essence, ensures the financial well-being of the company. The main task of such a manager is to sell the company’s goods and services, expand the circle of clients and maintain partnerships with them. A sales specialist spends most of his working time in negotiations (telephone or personal).

Places of work

The position of sales manager is available in any company, firm or organization engaged in one or another type of trading activity. Sometimes employers immediately look for a specialist in a specific area of ​​work, and then the following positions are found in vacancies:

  • Automobile (auto parts) sales manager;
  • window sales manager;
  • equipment sales manager;
  • real estate sales manager;
  • furniture sales manager;
  • service sales manager, etc.

However, despite the specifics of the product being sold, the essence of the work of a sales specialist is always the same - to sell the product, to maintain sales volume at high level and, if possible, increase it.

History of the profession

Sales managers have existed almost as long as trade itself has existed. At all times, they were called differently: merchants, traveling traders, barkers, clerks in shops... But the name does not change the essence of what a sales manager does - sell goods and find new customers.

Responsibilities of a Sales Manager

The job responsibilities of a sales manager are as follows:

  • Increase sales in your sector.
  • Searching and attracting new clients (processing incoming applications, actively searching for clients, negotiations, concluding contracts).
  • Maintaining relationships with established clientele.
  • Maintaining reports on work with current clients and incoming requests.
  • Consulting on the range and technical parameters of goods (services).

This is a general list of what a sales manager does. In addition, depending on the field of activity, the functions of a sales manager may also include the following items:

  • Receiving goods and maintaining their display in the sales area.
  • Conducting presentations and trainings on new products and company promotions.
  • Participation in exhibitions.

Requirements for a sales manager

From an applicant who wants to become a sales manager, employers require the following:

  • Higher education (sometimes incomplete higher education).
  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation (not always, but in most cases).
  • PC knowledge office programs and 1C, ability to work with electronic catalogues.
  • Active sales skills.

Additional requirements put forward by employers:

  • Having a category B driver's license (sometimes also having a personal car).
  • Experience in sales.
  • Skills in drawing up basic commercial documents (contracts, invoices, invoices, invoices, etc.)

Some employers specifically stipulate that in addition to the necessary skills, a sales manager must also have a good appearance, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

Sample resume for sales manager

How to become a sales manager

People with any education can master the skills of a sales manager. A sales manager needs, first of all, communication skills and an understanding of sales processes. The principles of sales can be understood in just a couple of days. It will take some more time to overcome the first fears (call to a stranger, hold a meeting, respond to objections and other things).

The easiest way to gain professional sales skills is through employment and on-the-job training. This often happens in the labor market.

Sales manager salary

How much a sales manager receives depends on the specifics of the company’s activities, the specifics of the manager’s work, the region of residence and, above all, the implementation of the sales plan. The salary of a sales manager ranges from 12,000 to 250,000 rubles, and the average salary of a sales manager is about 40,000 rubles. I would like to repeat myself and say that earnings significantly depend on sales skills and the results achieved.

"In this article we offer a Job Description for an Active Sales Manager.

Job Description for Active Sales Manager

1. General provisions

1.1. The Active Sales Manager belongs to the sales department and reports directly to the Head of the Sales Department.

1.2. The main task of the Active Sales Manager is to: increase the company's sales volume.

1.3. A person with at least a secondary education, who has completed an appropriate internship, and with at least six months of work experience is appointed to the position of Active Sales Manager.

1.4. The Active Sales Manager is appointed and dismissed by order of the Director upon the recommendation of the Head of the Sales Department.

1.5. In his activities, the Active Sales Manager is guided by:

regulatory documents regarding the work being performed;

— methodological materials concerning relevant issues;

— the charter of the Enterprise;

— labor regulations;

— orders and instructions from the head of the sales department;

- this job description.

2. Must know

2.1. Basic rules (operating procedures);

2.2. Organization structure;

2.3. Fundamentals of entrepreneurship, rules and principles of sales;

2.4. Internal labor regulations;

2.5. Labor protection, safety and fire protection rules and regulations;

2.6. Psychology, ethics business communication, rules for establishing business contacts and conducting telephone conversations;

2.7. Computer program installed in the organization to manage the process of providing services;

2.8. Assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of products sold.

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. Receive incoming calls.

3.2. Application processing.

3.3. Cold calls.

3.4. Conducting negotiations with clients.

3.5. Conducting meetings with clients.

3.6. Transfer of requests to the logistics department and supply department.

3.7. Control of payment of issued invoices.

3.8. Control of shipments.

3.9. Shipment of goods.

3.10. Planning for shipments (day, week, month).

3.11. Fulfillment of the sales plan.

3.12. Planning tasks (day, week, month).

3.13. Statistics analysis commercial work with clients and responding to changes.

3.14. Document flow (invoice, specification, approval protocol).

3.15. Work in 1C (maintaining a database, filling out a client card, processing applications).

3.16. Filling out reports (day, week, month).

3.17. Participation in work meetings.

3.18. Drawing up a sales forecast (day, week, month).

3.19. Interaction with other departments.

4.1. Raise the issue of payment for overtime work in accordance with the provisions, documents and orders regulating the remuneration system for employees of the Enterprise.

4.2. Report to senior management about all identified deficiencies within your competence.

4.3. Make proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.

4.4. Require management to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

4.5. Require management to provide organizational and technical conditions and prepare established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.
5. Responsibility

5.1. The active sales manager bears disciplinary responsibility for the quality and timeliness of fulfillment of the duties and assignments assigned to him.

5.2. The active sales manager bears disciplinary liability for his violation of the norms and rules established in the personnel regulations of the Enterprise, the regulations on corporate culture and other internal documents and orders regulating labor relations between employees and the Enterprise.

5.3. The active sales manager is financially responsible for the safety of the property and other assets entrusted to him for sale and work. material assets and cash.

5.4. The active sales manager is responsible, according to current legislation, for:

Violations of the rules and regulations governing the financial and economic activities of the Enterprise.

Acceptance for execution and execution of documents on transactions that contradict the law, approved regulations and documents.

For causing material damage and damage to the business reputation of the Enterprise.

6. Final provisions

6.1. Real Job description drawn up in two copies, one of which is kept by the Company, the other by the employee.

6.2. The Tasks, Responsibilities, Rights and Responsibilities of the Active Sales Manager can be clarified in accordance with changes in the Structure, Tasks and Functions of the company.

6.3. Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order of the Director of the Enterprise.




(signature) (surname, initials)

"___" ___________20__

I have read the instructions: _________________________

Job description and job responsibilities

sales manager


1.1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of a sales manager.

1.2. A sales manager belongs to the category of specialists.

1.3. The sales manager is hired and dismissed by order general director upon presentation commercial director and head of the sales department.

1.4. The sales manager reports directly to the head of the sales department.

1.5. A person with a higher (secondary) diploma is appointed to the position of sales manager. vocational education in the specialty “management” or higher (secondary) vocational education in another profile and additional training in the field of theory and practice of management. A candidate for the position of sales manager must have at least six months of experience in similar positions.

1.6. In his activities, the sales manager is guided by:

— regulatory documents and methodological materials on the work performed;

— the charter of the organization;

— internal labor regulations of the organization;

— orders and instructions from the commercial director and head of the sales department;

- this job description for a sales manager.

1.7. A sales manager must know:

— federal laws and regulations regulating the conduct of business and commercial activities, including legislation of the subjects Russian Federation, municipalities;

— basics of pricing and marketing;

- basics market economy, market conditions, features and specifics of the market of the corresponding region;

— the basics of entrepreneurship and business, rules and principles of sales;

— basics of taxation;

— assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of products sold;

— conditions of storage and transportation of products;

— psychology, ethics of business communication, rules for establishing business contacts and conducting telephone conversations;

— the procedure for developing business plans, commercial agreements, contracts;

— structure of the organization’s commercial service and sales department;

— rules for working with a computer and operating office equipment.

1.8. The sales manager reports directly to _________.

1.9. During the period of temporary absence of the sales manager, his job responsibilities are assigned to ______________.


The responsibilities of a sales manager include:

2.1. Organization and management of sales:

— search for potential clients;

— working with first-time clients, with their subsequent transfer to the leading sales manager, depending on the client’s territorial affiliation;

— conducting commercial negotiations with clients in the interests of the organization;

— prompt response to information received from customers and bringing it to the attention of the relevant leading sales manager and head of the sales department;

— clarifying customer needs for products sold by the organization, coordinating the order with the client in accordance with his needs and the availability of assortment in the organization’s warehouse;

— motivating customers in accordance with approved sales promotion programs.

2.2. Planning and analytical work:

— drawing up a monthly sales plan;

— analysis of statistical data on sales and shipments of the organization’s clients;

— providing reports to the leading sales manager and the head of the sales department based on the results of work.

2.3. Sales support:

- receiving and processing customer orders, processing necessary documents related to the shipment of products for the organization’s clients assigned to the sales manager, as well as for clients assigned to the corresponding leading sales managers when they are away from the office;

— informing customers about all changes in the assortment, price increases and decreases, promotions to stimulate demand, and the time of product arrival at the warehouse;

— final agreement with the client on the terms regarding prices, shipping dates and methods of delivery of products;

— transferring requests for product delivery to customers to the logistics department;

— participation in the development and implementation of projects related to the activities of the sales department;

— interaction with other departments of the organization in order to fulfill assigned tasks;

— participation in work meetings;

— maintaining working and reporting documentation;

— maintaining up-to-date client data in the organization’s client information database.

2.4. Control:

— shipment of products to customers;

— financial discipline of the client based on documents received from the trade accounting department.


3.1. The sales manager has the right:

— raise a question with management about increasing the size wages, payment of overtime work in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the system of remuneration of employees of the organization;

— submit proposals for improvement of their work and working conditions for consideration by management;

— request personally or on behalf of management from structural divisions and employees reports and documents necessary to perform official duties;

— demand from the head of the sales department to provide assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of his rights;

— demand from management to provide the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.


4.1. The Sales Manager is responsible for:

— failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s official duties as provided for in these instructions;

- within the limits determined by the current labor legislation RF;

— committing offenses in the course of their activities;

- within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

- causing material damage and damage to the business reputation of the organization - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Sales Manager or Sales Manager?

A sales department can be created in a company that sells goods or services. The employees who work there usually hold the position of sales manager - this is the title that is most widespread in the trading industry. However, the employer may call the position differently (for example, sales department manager). At the same time, it does not matter to the employer exactly how the position will be named - the main thing is that the employee fulfills his job responsibilities.

The only limitation on the employer’s right to a free job title is related to the provision of benefits and monetary compensation to employees employed in workplaces with hazardous or hazardous conditions. harmful conditions labor: in this case, the position must be named strictly in accordance with the qualification directory. However, this rule hardly applies to a sales manager, since it is difficult to imagine a situation when workplace sales manager, after a special assessment, will be considered hazardous to health. Thus, the job title actually depends only on the employer.

Is there a unified sample job description for a sales manager?

In labor legislation, the Qualification Directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of August 21, 1998, is only of a recommended nature. Using job qualifications from this directory to compile instructions is also optional. From which it follows that there are no standardized job descriptions; each personnel officer develops them independently.

It is also important to note that in Qualification directory There is no such position as a sales manager. The closest in meaning to the position mentioned there is a sales agent - its qualification characteristics can be taken as the basis for the job description of a sales manager, although they will most likely have to be adjusted.

Another feature of a sales manager is the varied list of responsibilities that are assigned to employees in this position at various enterprises. The goods and services sold may be different, and different sales techniques are also used for them, which means that managers enjoy different amounts of rights and responsibilities. For example, a car sales manager works in a car dealership, but to sell food products he often has to travel to retail chains, which takes up most of his working time.

In this regard, there is no need to talk about the uniformity of the job description of the sales department manager. The person drawing up the job description must reflect in it exactly those rights and responsibilities that are necessary in a particular workplace.

What points should be taken into account when drawing up a job description based on the 2018 model?

If we take as a basis the job description of a sales manager one of the ready-made samples, of which there are now many on the Internet, then most attention should be paid to the section of job responsibilities. There is no need to overload the job description with responsibilities just in case. A sales manager has certain tasks - and you need to build on them.

One more important point is the financial responsibility of the sales manager. There are companies where the manager is given a product that he can use for presentations or even transfer for sale to outlet. In return, the manager can receive money, which he will be required to hand over to his company's cash desk. It is also useful to know that it is not at all necessary to describe these points in detail in the job description, since this can be solved with the help additional agreement with the employee about full financial responsibility.

As for the “freshness” of the samples, there were no major changes in the legislation relating to the employee’s labor function in 2015, so it is quite possible to take earlier samples as the basis for the job description.

Sample job description structure for a sales manager

A person who is faced with the task of drawing up a job description for a sales manager can use the structure that is typical for most such documents and includes the following sections:

  1. General provisions
    This section usually describes following features Sales manager positions:
    • job title (sales manager);
    • direct subordination, who is responsible for hiring and dismissal from work;
    • category of position (it is worth noting here that the position of sales agent refers to technical performers);
    • qualification requirements, which include requirements for the level of education and work experience, as well as a description of the skills and knowledge that we would like to see in a candidate for the position;
    • presence of subordinates (if any);
    • substitution order.
  2. Rights
    The sales manager has some freedom in making decisions within his competence. In some companies, he can even independently negotiate sales terms and sign contracts with customers. When drawing up a job description, these points must be reflected so that the employee does not subsequently encounter obstacles when performing work functions. Most often, a person in this position is endowed with the following rights:
    • request information from other employees;
    • get acquainted with the decisions of the manager;
    • submit your proposals for improving the work process to the manager;
    • require the manager to provide assistance in the performance of his official duties;
    • sign (endorsement) contracts within the scope of their competence.
  3. Job responsibilities
    When hiring a sales manager, management sets certain tasks for him. IN employment contract There is no detailed description of these tasks, but specific responsibilities may well be described in the job description. Here sample list those job responsibilities that a sales manager may be involved in:
    • development and implementation of sales and promotion technologies;
    • organizing product presentations and other pre-sale events;
    • agreeing on the terms of contracts with counterparties;
    • control over compliance with the terms of agreements with counterparties;
    • study of the goods market;
    • analysis of information about demand for goods;
    • building sales channels for goods;
    • searching for potential buyers;
    • participation in pricing;
    • organization of work on delivery of goods;
    • control of payment for goods;
    • preparation of sales reports;
    • participation in the formation and change of the product range.
  4. Responsibility
    A sales manager, like any other employee and citizen, must adhere to the rules and regulations established by law. For violating them, he may be held liable for the following types of liability:
    • to disciplinary - for failure to fulfill or improper performance of their labor duties;
    • administrative or criminal - for committing relevant offenses;
    • material - for the damage caused to them (within the limits established by civil and labor legislation).

If the company has developed and approved a job description for a sales manager, then any new employee, who came to this place should be familiar with it. In this way, the employee is provided with information about his rights and responsibilities, as well as possible liability for his violation of the law.

Job description and job responsibilities of a sales manager.


1.1. Real job description defines job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities sales manager.

1.2. A sales manager belongs to the category of specialists.

1.3. The sales manager is hired and dismissed by order of the general director on the recommendation of the commercial director and the head of the sales department.

1.4. The sales manager reports directly to the head of the sales department.

1.5. A person who has a higher (secondary) vocational education in the specialty “management” or a higher (secondary) vocational education of another profile and additional training in the field of theory and practice of management is appointed to the position of sales manager. A candidate for the position of sales manager must have at least six months of experience in similar positions.

1.6. In his activities, the sales manager is guided by:
- regulatory documents and methodological materials on the work performed;
- the charter of the organization;
- internal labor regulations of the organization;
- orders and instructions from the commercial director and head of the sales department;
- this job description for a sales manager.

1.7. A sales manager must know:
- federal laws and by-laws regulating the conduct of entrepreneurial and commercial activities, including the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities;
- basics of pricing and marketing;
- the fundamentals of a market economy, market conditions, features and specifics of the market of the corresponding region;
- basics of entrepreneurship and business, rules and principles of sales;
- basics of taxation;
- assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of products sold;
- conditions of storage and transportation of products;
- psychology, ethics of business communication, rules for establishing business contacts and conducting telephone conversations;
- the procedure for developing business plans, commercial agreements, contracts;
- structure of the commercial service and sales department of the organization;
- rules for working with a computer and operating office equipment.

1.8. The sales manager reports directly to ___________________________.

1.9. During the period of temporary absence of the sales manager, his job responsibilities are assigned to ______________.


The responsibilities of a sales manager include:

2.1. Organization and management of sales:

Search for potential clients;
- working with first-time clients, with their subsequent transfer to the leading sales manager, depending on the client’s territorial affiliation;
- conducting commercial negotiations with clients in the interests of the organization;
- prompt response to information received from customers and bringing it to the attention of the relevant leading sales manager and head of the sales department;
- identifying customer needs for products sold by the organization, coordinating the order with the client in accordance with his needs and the availability of assortment in the organization’s warehouse;
- motivating customers in accordance with approved sales promotion programs.

2.2. Planning and analytical work:

Drawing up a monthly sales plan;
- analysis of statistical data on sales and shipments of the organization’s clients;
- providing reports to the leading sales manager and head of the sales department based on the results of work.

2.3. Sales support:

Reception and processing of customer orders, preparation of necessary documents related to the shipment of products for the organization’s clients assigned to the sales manager, as well as for clients assigned to the corresponding leading sales managers when they are out of the office;
- informing customers about all changes in the assortment, price increases and decreases, promotions to stimulate demand, and the time of product arrival at the warehouse;
- final agreement with the client on the terms regarding prices, shipping dates and methods of delivery of products;
- transferring requests for product delivery to customers to the logistics department;
- participation in the development and implementation of projects related to the activities of the sales department;
- interaction with other departments of the organization in order to fulfill assigned tasks;
- participation in work meetings;
- maintaining working and reporting documentation;
- maintaining up-to-date client data in the organization’s client information database.

2.4. Control:

Shipment of products to customers;
- financial discipline of the client based on documents received from the trade accounting department.


3.1. The sales manager has the right:

Raise the question to management about increasing wages and paying overtime in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the remuneration system for employees of the organization;
- submit proposals for improvement of their work and working conditions for consideration by management;
- request personally or on behalf of management from structural divisions and employees reports and documents necessary to perform official duties;
- require the head of the sales department to provide assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of his rights;
- demand from management to provide the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties.


4.1. The Sales Manager is responsible for:

Failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s official duties as provided for in these instructions;
- within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
- committing offenses in the course of their activities;
- within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
- causing material damage and damage to the business reputation of the organization - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


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