How to write keywords for publication. Do I need to fill in keywords? Why are keywords not working now?

Let's agree to have disagreements.
Robert Louis Stevenson.

This is the lesson in which we will talk about what it is meta tags, why and how they are used and how to fill them out correctly.

As I already said in, meta tags are located in the header of the html page, between the and tags, and are not displayed in any way by the browser (except for the contents of the “title” tag). However, meta tags for a website play a very important role. Adding and optimizing them can significantly help the site in its life.

I recommend using only those meta tags that really needed for the site to work. Do not clutter the “head” area with unnecessary instructions, because... any mistake here can lead to dire consequences. If you know what you are doing, then meta tags will only be beneficial, but if you dump everything here, you can end up with problems that are difficult to diagnose.

first meta tag very important. Moreover, this meta tag is equally important for both search engines and visitors. The first in ranking of search results is given great value keywords contained in the “title” tag, the latter see its contents as a link to the site in the same search results:

With the same meta tag displayed in the window title:

In HTML, the title meta tag is added as follows:

Contents of the “title” meta tag

Main page content

Moreover, as I said earlier, keywords, which you add to the “title” meta tag, will be received extremely positively by search engines. So, when filling out this tag, try to include the right keywords. By the way, we will talk about them further.

§ 2. Meta tag “keywords” (keywords)

First, let’s briefly talk about what these “key words” actually are.

Those words that most fully characterize the content of the html page and will be key for it. These can be either individual words or phrases, but they Necessarily must appear in the text on the page. Using them, search engines determine the relevance of a page to a particular request.

For example, for this page the keywords will be “meta tags”, “meta title tag”, “meta keywords tag”, etc.

We will talk in more detail about keywords, in particular, and website optimization, in general, in.

To make it easier for search engines, the “keywords” meta tag is used. In it, the webmaster writes keywords for the page. The HTML code for the "keywords" meta tag looks like this:

List of keywords">
Contents of the “title” meta tag

Main page content

Key words should be added one at a time, separated by commas, in singular. For example, not “key words”, but “key word”. In addition, the irresponsible behavior of webmasters, who, in order to obtain higher positions in search engines, stuffed the “keywords” meta tag not only with keywords, but also with numerous derivatives from them, led to the fact that search engines practically stopped paying attention to this tag . Currently Right the filled meta tag “keywords” is used by search engines only as one of many ranking factors (by no means the main one). If they see “keywords” in front of them, into which all possible variations of keywords have been stuffed, then this becomes the first signal for them that this page is unreliable.

§ 3. Meta tag “description” (page description)

The next important meta tag is the "description" tag, which should contain brief description pages. Precisely “short” and precisely “page description”. It is enough to add one or two small sentences in which you indicate what this page is about and for whom.

An important feature of the “description” meta tag is the fact that if it correct When filling in, search engines use it to form a page snippet in the search results (a short description under the link to the page):

If search engines don’t like the way the “description” meta tag is filled out, then the snippet is formed from pieces of phrases (pulled from the entire page) that are relevant to the query.

Thus, the correct “description” meta tag must contain a keyword (phrase) and briefly and accurately describe what the page is about and for whom. “Description” together with “title” form a pair of very important meta tags, which determine whether the user will move from the search results to the site or not! Therefore, it, like “title”, must be written for each pages!

H The TML code to create the "description" meta tag would be as follows:

Contents of the “description” meta tag">
Contents of the “title” meta tag

Main page content

Now let’s move on to the description of the main technical meta tags from the “HTTP-EQUIV” group (HTTP equivalents).

§ 4. Technical meta tags

Technical meta tags mean a lot for a website. With their help, you can control page display, indexing settings, etc. In this tutorial we will look at the basic technical meta tags.

  • content-type- document type and its encoding. This meta tag is needed for the browser to display characters correctly.
    There are many encodings. Most of them you will never even meet. Not to mention the fact that you will use them yourself. Modern browsers determine the encoding type automatically, but for greater confidence, you can specify it yourself. If you create an HTML document in the operating room Windows system, the language of which is Russian, then the encoding will be “windows-1251”, and the code for inserting the meta tag is as follows:

    Contents of the “title” meta tag

    Main page content

  • content-language- indication of the document language. The value of this optional meta tag is used by both search robots and web servers. Embed code:

    Contents of the “title” meta tag

    Main page content

  • refresh- time (in seconds) after which the document will automatically reload or go to another html page with a given address (url). For example, to automatically reload a document every 30 seconds, you need to insert this meta tag like this:

    Contents of the “title” meta tag

    Main page content

    And, in order to go to the page at after 5 seconds, you need to write this:

    Contents of the “title” meta tag

    Main page content

  • robots- a meta tag that is responsible for page indexing settings. The "robots" meta tag may have following values:
    • index- the page is indexed;
    • noindex- the page is not indexed;
    • follow- hyperlinks on the page are taken into account;
    • nofollow- hyperlinks on the page are not taken into account
    • all- replaces “index” and “follow”, i.e. the page is indexed and hyperlinks on it are taken into account (by default);
    • none- replaces “noindex” and “nofollow”, i.e. the page is not indexed and hyperlinks on it are not taken into account.

    Code to insert the meta tag “robots”:

    Contents of the “title” meta tag

    Main page content

  • author And copyright- meta tags that allow you to indicate the authorship and owner of the content on the page. HTML embed code:

    Contents of the “title” meta tag

    Main page content

§ 5. Conclusion

These are all the meta tags in HTML that a beginner will need. The rest are specific and you may need them after you gain experience and know exactly what you are doing. Of all the above, I strongly recommend using each page of your website are as follows:

Page title

Use steel ones as needed, but don’t bother too much. Remember that meta tags will not make your site interesting; they can only help the browser and web server to correctly display site pages, and the search engine to find them.

This section of my site is finally finished and then we will talk about where to start promoting and promoting your site on the Internet. There are also a couple of my tips from personal experience on site page optimization. Click on “Next”.

This article will be especially interesting to novice webmasters. They must not only be able to design website pages and fill them with materials, but also write the necessary meta tags. Similar tags are also used by developers when promoting video clips on YouTube and other interested parties.

General concept

From a huge number you can choose the main meta tags: Title, Description, Keywords. The first contains the title, the second - the description of the page, and the third - the main keywords for which the site is promoted. From the above list, it becomes clear that the Keywords meta tag is, in fact, user requests. It combines all the most essential key phrases.

Role in website promotion and search engine optimization

To understand its significance, you need to remember the distant 90s, when there was only one main factor for ranking web resources for all search robots. It was not yet possible to implement the amazing idea of ​​Larry Page (one of several founders of Google Corporation) to use Page rank to identify Internet pages that match the query entered by the reader in the search field.

Accordingly, the system simply analyzed the article for the presence of phrases specified by the user. control was exercised over the density of keys in the text. The contents of the tags were examined with great passion, with particular attention paid to such a page element as the Keywords tag.

History of appearance

Special tags (meta), which were invented by Tim Berners-Lee, the founder of the World Wide Web, in 1989, allowed the author to provide information about the content, title and keywords of an article to the search engine. Moreover, Title did not become a meta tag, unlike Description and Keywords. They were registered in a special Head container, which did not display the information specified in it in the site blocks. The Keywords meta tag was originally intended to ease the hard work of search engines in identifying web pages that match a user's query. Nowadays everything has changed.

Disappointing Consequences: The Keywords Meta Tag Has No Effect on Ranking

What was supposed to be beneficial began to turn into harm. The existing harmony was soon destroyed by the sudden competition for top results (traffic came only from the first search page for any queries). The benefit of the site owner began to directly depend on the presence of the resource in the top.

Unscrupulous website developers began to spam keywords in the field in which the Keywords tag should be indicated. Search engines could not focus on such an easily cheatable parameter. have completely lost their meaning. It is worth taking into account that search engines have long ago solved the existing problem. The company's developers answered questions from webmasters in interviews.

Google announced in 2001 that it would not take into account words written in this meta tag when ranking sites. The Yandex company did not give such a clear answer to the events taking place, emphasizing that the keys can be taken into account by the robot. Experts conducted an experiment. A non-existent word was included in the page tag. Only the Yahoo search engine could find it. From this we can conclude that other companies have already decided on their attitude towards the tag. We can hope that someday the search engines will reconsider their decision, but they are not going to change their policy for the next ten years.

Interim conclusions

We can summarize. Should I include a Keywords meta tag? What will this give when promoting the project? Definitely, he stopped influencing the promotion in any way. The belief that filling out all information fields about a page is the key to successful promotion has long lost its meaning. Moreover, if the keywords are selected incorrectly, the Keywords tag can cause the owner’s site to fall under the filter. Search engines still punish careless developers for spam. Therefore, you should indicate only those phrases that appear most often in the text.

Meta tag Keywords: how to fill it out correctly

Actually, if a developer creates a website on a modern engine (CMS), then he is not required to go into details and understand it. Simply enter the required data in the fields provided, and the system itself will insert it in the right place.

If a webmaster creates a statistical resource in HTML or acquires initial knowledge about sites, then he needs to know the syntax of the Keywords tag.

The exact number of characters enclosed in this meta tag is of no small importance. Most sources indicate a different number of letters, while emphasizing that the main thing is to choose the right keywords, and then this problem will become of secondary importance. However, the experience of the developers proves that not everything is as simple as we would like. Maintaining the exact occurrence of search queries in articles on the page and their specific sequence requires a considerable investment of time.

When counting the number of characters, search engines take into account spaces included in tags. Letters can be counted using a regular program Microsoft Word(data shown in statistics) or convenient online services. The search results will include the most famous services. Still, it’s worth returning to the topic. Next you can see the basis of the tag.

Sample writing in code

It looks like this:


Under no circumstances should you enter keys simply separated by a space! Each word must be separated by a comma. The meta tag consists of only 200 characters. You can specify both ordinary words and phrases. They should also appear on the page. Repetitions of words are acceptable, but do not get carried away with them; 2 identical nouns are enough. If the topic is too large, then it is better to split the information into several articles. The resulting texts should be placed on different web pages. Then the master will have the opportunity to select many more keywords for each individual part of the article. At the same time, he will be able to achieve maximum coverage of the topic by search queries.

What else can a properly designed Keywords meta tag serve? It helps you understand the site. For example, if a developer buys links that are offered by the eternal link exchanges GoGetLinks and GetGoodLinks, then he may not spend time creating a specific anchor (link text) for the URL. When the meta tag is filled in, the wizard simply copies the text from there, avoiding the tedious work of recording new information.

Secrets of writing a tag

There are several tricks that experienced craftsmen use. You should not include more than 7 words or phrases in a tag. Quality has always trumped quantity. It is better to use phrases rather than simple common words. If you specify low-frequency keywords, you can also move up in search results using them. The more specific the request, the more likely it is that the target audience will visit the site. You should not use conjunctions, prepositions, interjections, or particles in this tag. Perhaps the phrase will become clearer to the user, but it should be taken into account that he still will not see the fruit of such efforts. Therefore, when writing key queries, it is better to focus not on readers, but on search engines.

Search engines are used to determine the relevance, or relevance, of a link.

For correct use of this meta tag, you must use only those words that are contained in the document itself. Using words that are not on the page is not recommended.

Recommended number of words per meta tag Keywords- no more than ten. In addition, research has revealed that breaking this tag into several lines affects the evaluation of the link by search engines in a negative direction.

List relevant keywords meta tag Keywords can be separated by commas or you can use a space. These words should reflect the most important topics of your site. Try not to repeat the same thing keyword too often - no more than 3 repetitions, including different spelling variations. Some search engines perceive frequent repetitions as "spam".

Do not use words that are not related to the topic of your site, this will not be beneficial and may work against you. Phrases such as, for example, “Tours to Odessa” are considered one keyword, that is, key phrase.

When visitors enter queries into search engines, they use phrases to more accurately identify the topic they are searching for. So think carefully about the keywords you will use to attract visitors to your site.

Place your most important keywords and phrases in the first 100 characters of the page content. Wherever possible, try to use different keywords and phrases on each page.

The use of capital letters is not mandatory since most Internet users tend to use lowercase letters when submitting requests, but capital letters can be used when talking about titles and names.

It's difficult to judge how some search engines react to uppercase and lowercase letters, so it's best to repeat words 3 times with different spellings.

The Meta Keywords tag is becoming less and less important from a search engine perspective. In fact, you can get high rankings without including anything at all in your Keywords meta tag. However, to be on the safe side, it is advisable to include some keywords in this meta tag.

If you want to expand your knowledge on optimization of meta tags, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the articles we have posted:

You should also include some common variations of keywords starting with both capital letters and regular letters. The rules for the Keywords meta tag are quite simple - don't repeat keywords more than three times and don't type the same keyword one after another.

The HTML code of the “keywords” meta tag is located on the web resource page as follows:

Contents of the “title” meta tag< /title><br> < /head><br> <body>Main page content< /body><br> < /html> </i></p> <p>This is what it might look like <i>HTML code</i> <b>meta tag Keywords</b> for the keyword “Tours to Odessa”:</p> <p><i><meta name="keywords " content=<span>"Tours to Odessa, recreation, tours to Odessa, Duke, TOURS TO ODESSA"</span>> </i></p> <p>Please note that I inserted the words "rest" and "Duke" only to separate different spellings <b>keyword</b>.</p> <p>When promoting your web resource to the top rankings or simply wanting to increase the number of visitors to a certain page, a webmaster can go in two ways: use a small number of keywords with high popularity (high-frequency queries) to achieve his goal or optimize the site for <a href="">large number</a> keywords that are significantly less popular (low-frequency queries). Usually both methods are combined to achieve greater effect.</p> <p>High-frequency keywords guarantee a match with the most popular search queries of users, but have one significant drawback - <a href="">high level</a> competition. Promoting sites to the top of search engine rankings using such keywords is very difficult and will require <a href="">long time</a> and cash investments.</p> <p>Using low-frequency queries is much easier and simpler - it is enough to carry out basic optimization of the context of the page or article being promoted. Moreover, an article optimized for low-frequency queries is quite capable of significantly increasing search traffic to it and raising its ranking.</p> <p>There are quite a lot on the Internet <a href="">free services</a>, which will help you find the right keywords. For example, you can use Yandex Wordstat services for this purpose.</p> <p><img src='' height="511" width="500" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>As you can see in the screenshot above, for the given keyword “tours to Odessa” you received the following results. Here you see both high-frequency and low-frequency queries.</p> <p>The screenshot below shows the results for the same query, but by region.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>As you can see, <a href="">this service</a> may turn out to be very <a href="">useful tool</a> conducting search engine optimization for any webmaster.</p> <p>The topic of keywords is also hotly debated, but there is still no consensus, so you can experiment in this field. Below is the opinion of a respected expert in the field of search engine optimization.</p> <p><b>Matt Cutts</b>, head of Google's anti-spam service, dispelled rumors about the optimal density of keywords. In his next video message, Matt answered a question that worries many webmasters about the influence of keywords in the text of pages on the ranking of a site in search results. The expert dispelled rumors regarding the existence of an ideal keyword density and advised webmasters not to focus much attention on this.</p> <p>Many website owners still firmly believe that one of the factors in getting a website into the TOP of Google search results is the “magic” number of keywords found in the context of the pages. But, in fact, the distribution of sites in search results occurs according to slightly different principles, the expert noted.</p> <p>According to Matt Cutts, the search engine, of course, takes into account the presence of keywords in the site's content. Many people believe that if you strictly follow one recipe, you can be the first. But that's not true. Neither 50-55%, nor 7% or 77% is the limit. Search engines work differently.</p> <p>When a robot encounters a certain word, it thinks, “Wow, this article is about that word.” At the next meeting: “Oh, we are still talking about the same thing. This is great." But then the effect will be the opposite, and you risk putting the page in the trash. The conclusion to be drawn is that if you mention the keywords a couple of times, then it will certainly help you in ranking, but if you repeat them 7-8 times, then it will not work in your favor.</p> <p>The head of Google's anti-spam service also recommended that webmasters, when creating SEO content, pay attention to its volume when writing keywords. To begin, select the keywords you need for your page. Then make sure the content on the page is long enough to mention the words in <a href="">natural form</a>. Have someone read the text or read it out loud yourself. This is the best way to check their naturalness and auditory perception.</p> <p>Matt recommends not going too far with keywords, and hopes that soon people will stop worrying about it. Because density varies depending on the theme of the site, and there are no hard and fast rules about this.</p> <p>Matt concluded by saying, “ <i>Don't believe those who say that there is an optimal keyword density - it's not true!</i>».</p> <p>Do you want to be the first to get acquainted with site news and materials on topics that interest you? Subscribe either to the RSS feed or to an email address and you will always be aware of what is happening. Good luck!</p> <p>Did you like this material? I would be grateful if you tell your friends and acquaintances about it by clicking on the tech buttons <a href="">social networks</a> where you are registered.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><i><span>Often a person comes across articles from almost the last century, and after reading them, he certainly begins to draw conclusions. One of the most common objections from clients (of any studio) is the question of an empty field</span><span>. The client is interested in how it happened that the tool with the loud name “keywords” was left blank and why keywords are needed in the site admin panel. In this article we will “sing” a requiem for keywords.</span> </i></p> <h2><span>What are keywords for?</span></h2> <p>About 15 years ago, keywords were one of the determining factors for your website to reach the TOP. It was enough to write adequate text, add keywords to it and fill in all the meta tags. We have already discussed title and description in other articles, which means we won’t touch them here.</p> <p>So, all the phrases that could determine the relevance of the page to a specific request were entered into the keywords field. For example, you have a website about sales <a href="">plastic windows</a>, and you wrote the text to the main page, inserted a couple of keys there and filled in the meta tags:</p> <p><meta name=”keywords” content=”Пластиковые окна купить, заказ пластиковых окон, дешевые пластиковые окна” /> </p> </p> <p>And we admired how the site was increasing its position. But that was a long time ago.</p> <h2><span>Why keywords don't work</span></h2> <p>It's very simple: along with honest webmasters, there were also cunning ones. They found a way to manipulate the results of search engines, whose naivety at that time was really like that of puppies. After manipulators began to saturate keywords <a href="">infinite number</a> keys, which sometimes had nothing to do with the topic of the document, resulted in a really huge influx of visitors to the site.</p> <p>But, as was to be expected, users did not stay on the site and remained dissatisfied with the results of the search engine as a whole, undermining its reputation. Then keywords became a real headache, after which it was decided to reduce its relevance, and subsequently completely reduce it to “well, maybe we’ll see, or maybe we won’t,” according to Matt Cutts, head of anti-spam at Google, 2009.</p> <p><span class="jK7IPbnmvVU"></span></p> <p>Yandex says the same thing in its help “to help the webmaster”:</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>And in the video by Denis Nagorny (watch from 22 minutes):</p> <p><span class="z8VJFOjx0VU"></span></p> <p>As a result, all SEO experts came to the conclusion that keywords will not help you promote your site.</p> <h2>Sanctions for keywords</h2> <p>In general, if you fill out the keywords correctly, it won’t be worse, but it won’t be better either. There are webmasters who fill out this meta tag to this day and are happy with themselves. The only caveat is to fill it out correctly; if you overdo it, expect trouble. Search engines will definitely notice this and lower your page, or even the entire site, in search results.</p> <h2><span>How to fill in keywords correctly</span></h2> <p>If you decide to fill it out, there are a few things you need to know. In order not to be punished for using keywords, you need to be careful with them, as in the case of the title and description. Stick to it <a href="">standard rules</a> and search pessimization will bypass you:</p> <ol><li><span>Avoid overspam. Using dozens of keywords can negatively affect the promotion of your site. 2-3 keywords will be enough.</span></li> <li><span>Uniqueness. Keywords must be unique for each page, similar to other meta tags.</span></li> <li><span>Punctuation marks. Separate keywords with commas. Don't write them in continuous text.</span></li> <li><span>Keys must be relevant to the page and be used in the text.</span></li> <li><span>Do not use keywords on pages with official information. Like contacts or feedback.</span></li> </ol><h2></h2> <h2><span>How to use keywords today</span></h2> <p> <i> </i> </p><p>All entered keywords in the keywords field are considered a regular text key.</p> <p>In general, if your text already contains this key, for example, “order pizza in Moscow,” then there is little point in duplicating it in the keyword field. Some time ago, you could use this meta tag by entering the names of your competitors’ companies into it and, possibly, appearing in search results for their branded queries. But now this is impossible, or at least extremely unlikely, because search engines have a lot of other, more important tools that are much more difficult to fake and influence the results.</p> <p>The only sane excuse for filling in keywords is the constantly changing search engine algorithms. What was unimportant can become relevant again. And if this happens, webmasters filling out keywords will have some advantage, because they will not have to urgently fill out this meta tag for thousands of their pages, everything will already be written down. And if you decide to follow their example, but don't know how to <span>how to use keywords, be</span> be careful and do not harm your resource.</p> <h2><span>Meta keywords tag: output</span></h2> <p>Meta tags are enough <a href="">important factor</a> when ranking a site. The only exception today is keywords, a meta tag created in 1995 to list keywords, which is not responded to by popular search engines like Google and Yandex. In a situation where you are limited in time, it is better to give preference to title and description. If you do decide to add keywords, you need to know how to fill in keywords correctly and follow the rules. Otherwise, you will do more harm to your site than help.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </article> <div class="entry-footer"> <span class="entry-meta__comments" title="Comments"><span class="fa fa-comment-o"></span> </span> <span class="entry-meta__views" title="Views"><span class="fa fa-eye"></span> </span> </div> <div class="b-share b-share--post"> <div class="b-share__title">Did you like the article? 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Why are keywords not working now?</span></a></div> </header> <div class="post-card__content" itemprop="articleBody">Let's agree to have disagreements. Robert Louis Stevenson. This is a lesson in which we will talk about what meta tags are, why and how they are used and how to fill them out correctly. 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Why are keywords not working now?</span></a></div> </header> <div class="post-card__content" itemprop="articleBody">Let's agree to have disagreements. Robert Louis Stevenson. This is a lesson in which we will talk about what meta tags are, why and how they are used and how to fill them out correctly. 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