Living root. “living” - morphemic analysis of the word, analysis by composition (root suffix, prefix, ending) What is a living root

Rhodiola rosea - golden root photo

Good afternoon, dear subscribers! Tuesday has arrived again, which means I have the latest information on health improvement for you. The other day I looked through my collections and found out that I had not yet written anything about golden root, how to use it and what it does.

I thought I should probably talk about this amazing plant. Still, there are a lot of positive reviews, and people have accumulated a lot of experience, which means we need to somehow structure and formalize this knowledge.

The official scientific name of the plant is Rhodiola Rosea., in Latin Rhodiola rosea. And the Golden Root is popular name, it came, of course, from the fact that in medicinal purposes Roots of a bronze-golden hue were taken from the plant.

This perennial, capable of growing up to 60 cm in height. The Golden Root grows in Altai, is found in the Urals, in the Irkutsk region good conditions for growth, they are also collected beyond Baikal. These are the main places of growth and the collection of Golden Root from those regions is most valuable.

In general, in terms of value, I would put Altai in first place, these are the most best samples. If you want to be treated with golden root, then look for the Altai collection. Sometimes even buying from a private trader in Altai is much more effective than pharmaceutical collection packaged in Moscow or somewhere around the country.

This happens all the time with herbs. That's why habitats exist. If we take it, then only from those places where the plant lives for many years. In second place are the Sayan training camps.

Appearance of the Golden Root

Pictured is a golden root, blooming on the shore of Lake Baikal

The trunk of Rhodiola is unbranched and erect. A whole bush of stems can emerge from one rhizome. As a rule, up to five trunks emerge from young rhizomes, and up to 15 from old ones. This is how a mature golden root can be identified - by the number of stems.

Rhodiola rosea - appearance plants

Golden-yellow inflorescences bloom on the top of the stems in June. The leaves of the plant are small, fleshy, with teeth along the edge. It is noteworthy that Rhodiola is not at all afraid of frost, grows well, and retains a lot of healing substances in its roots.

The above-ground part of the plant dries out in August. At this time, buds appear on the rhizome, which will begin to grow the next season. Golden Root is not eaten by pests and is not afraid of any infections.

What are the benefits of golden root?

Now let's move directly to the underground part, to the golden root itself. It looks quite impressive; the weight of the root of an adult plant is about a kilogram. The root tastes astringent and bitter. In the soil it is found in top layer, does not lie deep.

In Altai, the plant has been known since ancient times. Shamans used the roots to treat people, and there was a popular belief that anyone who finds a giant golden root, dries it and drinks a healing tincture from it will never get sick and live up to a hundred years!

By the way, newlyweds were traditionally given a golden root at their wedding as one of the important symbols of longevity and a strong union of two hearts.

By the way, the golden root itself came into use in medicine quite recently, precisely due to the fact that the plant is distributed far from Moscow, and indeed, in those places where only shamans passed on knowledge along a direct line of succession. The people, for the most part, had no idea what the Golden Root looked like.

This is probably partly true. A mass approach to treatment is often harmful. Now that everyone can get information, knowledge and experience are leveled out, and this is fraught with the fact that you can harm yourself.

Applications of golden root

Like any medicinal plant, golden root has a complex effect on the entire body. This is what distinguishes infusions from purified pharmaceutical preparations. So, what does the root help with: it was used for fatigue, nervous diseases, general weakness of the body, anemia, colds, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Active active substance The glycoside in Rhodiola is salidroside.

This is how science isolates and explains everything. How could the shamans know about this glycoside? For them, the golden root is a living organism with its own soul, with which it was necessary to interact and ask for help.

In Altai, I must also say, during long treks through the mountains, hunters and knowledgeable shepherds drink tea with golden root. It gives strength, invigorates, mobilizes the body. But this is not the coffee effect - there is no credit here. After coffee, fatigue breaks down and sets in, but after the golden root, the body simply recovers.

There is an opinion that Rhodiola rosea is an Altai ginseng. I fully admit it. In general, you know, in every region where people have lived for a long time, there is its own plant that claims to be called “ginseng.” It is important to simply study the books of local historians, herbal practitioners, and communicate with local healers in the villages.

The golden horse has one more important thing positive quality- it is indicated for long-term use. This means that you can plan the optimal doses and drink for preventive purposes. This is very good, especially for older people.

For medicinal purposes, the roots of plants that have reached six years of age should be used.. The younger ones have not yet gained strength and there is no need to dig them out. By the way, Rhodiola is remarkably cultivated on summer cottages. And even if the plant is not as strong as the wild one from Altai, having a doctor for all diseases in the garden is still a very good solution!

Moreover, do not forget that interaction with the plant, watering, caring for it, provides additional strength healing action. These are not empty words, this is a natural truth. After all, shamans also have their own places where they go and where they collect roots. They live there for some time, communicating with plants.

In private conversations with shamans, I understand why they are so wary of my research. Still, any plant, before being picked and used for medicinal purposes, must be studied, understood, felt. But this takes a lot of time, effort, life...

And we, city residents, need to recover quickly. We have no time to wait, no time to drink infusions from living plants in courses. We need an effective pill.

Golden root for high and low blood pressure

Golden root tincture is universal in terms of normalizing blood pressure. In people with high blood pressure it helps to reduce it, and in people with low levels, to increase it to optimal levels.

Golden root for ulcers and gastritis

Golden root tincture normalizes the condition of the stomach, relieving gastritis. People who took two courses note long-term improvement, without exacerbations.

For ulcers, the infusion also shows excellent results. But, I always warn you, you need to consult a gastroenterologist! Self-medication is permissible only with the approval of a specialist.

For problems with the thyroid gland

Taking a tincture of Rhodiola rosea roots over a long period of time had a positive effect on the condition of people with thyroid problems. A decrease in size and softening of tissues were observed.

Harvesting the root

Rhodiola rosea is listed in the Red Book. This is due to the fact that this plant is rare and grows in the wild in limited areas. Therefore, I will talk about how to harvest the root grown in your garden.

After the above-ground part of the plant dries out, in mid-August, it is necessary to dig up an adult root, leaving one third of the rhizome in the ground, for further development. Sprinkle the remaining part with earth and spill with a pink solution of potassium permanganate to prevent the development of infection on the cut remaining in the ground.

The next cut from this rhizome should be made no earlier than after 5 years. During this time, the root will grow back and can be used for tinctures. Many plants can be planted in a garden bed, so there should not be a shortage of raw materials.

Rhodiola grows on the poorest soils, is not damaged by pests and diseases, and can tolerate drought and an abundance of weeds.

The roots extracted from the ground should be washed in water, dried in the shade, and then cut into small pieces and dried in a dehydrator or oven at temperatures up to 60 degrees. The faster you dry the root, the more benefits it will have in the infusion. Do not dry the roots in the sun - all the benefits will go away.

Properly dried golden root will be pinkish when cut. If you buy it secondhand, then look at this indicator. Buy only pinkish cut ones.

Preparation of golden root tincture

Grind the dried roots into powder in a coffee grinder. For 100 grams of powder, 250 ml of vodka. Take good vodka, not just any kind. In terms of quality, it’s probably better to consult with knowledgeable people in your region. Some people advise taking a Finnish one, but you can also run into a fake. I would recommend some brand in the mid-price category, not cheap, but not expensive either.

So, pour the golden root powder into vodka and leave it covered in a dark place for 28 days—a full lunar cycle. There is no need to shake during the process. After the required time has passed, the infusion should be filtered through a cotton-gauze filter. Can be stored in a cool place indefinitely.

Admission procedure

The course of taking golden root tincture is 28 days. Take half an hour before meals, three times a day, 10 drops in the first week, and then 20 drops per 50 ml of water.

Then a week's break and another course if necessary. By the way, total number There can be unlimited courses, the main thing is to keep one-week breaks between courses.

Contraindications: pregnancy, children under 14 years of age, individual intolerance.

in spring
In 1997, I watched the play “At the Depths” in the so-called American
Moscow Art Theater studio. It is appropriate to recall here that in 1993 it was created in
Moscow, a joint project of the school-studio named after V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko under
Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov and the theater department of the American
Carnegie Melon University of Pittsburgh. Every year the faculty recruits
young actors. In the fall, studio students study in America and then come
to Russia, where the graduation performance is being prepared... So, I watched,
how young American actors understand Gorky.
We didn't play on
stage, but in a room where spectators sit on benches, and the action
is played out on the platform in front of them. Honestly, I don't like these
“boxes”: they are always uncomfortable to sit in and very stuffy. Before you start
action, a handsome guy appeared and began to walk around the rows of spectators,
shaking hands with everyone. “Hello,” he turned to me,
diligently pronouncing Russian syllables. "Hello!" - I answered, and immediately
it became easier to breathe.
Open space framed by dark
structure with a mezzanine. Main element decorations - garbage boxes,
in which the night shelters keep their bed and all the simple props.
Understanding who is who is not at all easy. Artists different races And
nationalities: white, yellow, black, coffee... Dressed in what
much A young black woman on a bunk, obviously the dying Anna.
A painted “prostitute” in a short skirt, apparently Nastya.
Ranting youth European type- obviously Satin. And here it is in place
furrier Bubnova sits behind sewing machine red-haired woman no age,
stooped, ugly, wrapped in a scarf. “Probably on the girls’ course
“more than young men,” I fantasize, “and had to be replaced.” But here
Luke appears, looking like a missionary preacher. Telling your
stories, he suddenly starts singing like Santa Claus, and the night shelters
they look into his mouth in fascination, like children. Only Satin does not give in
sermons. They are arguing, and suddenly Luka (!) rushes at his interlocutor and hits
his head against the wall. True, in a minute they are ready again
hug. As the action progresses, the dialogues become more intense, moving
into fierce fights. Everything is so strange and unpredictable, not at all
just like ours.
Of course, during my life I have seen different productions
of this play, including conditional ones. But the very first lives in memory
impression of a performance at the Art Theater of the late 40s - early 50s
years. How much wisdom there was in leisurely philosophizing
characters sitting almost motionless on their bunks. How much humor is there in the lines?
Satine, Luke, Baron, not to mention the comedic characters. In the hall
There was constant laughter. There was an atmosphere of bitter humor from hopelessness,
from habit to the everyday drama of life. It's customary for us to be in trouble
make fun of ourselves - the worse we feel, the more we laugh. In young people
For Americans, everything was serious, on the verge of life and death. We laughed a little. AND
although the action was masterfully built, in contrasting episodes, from
outbursts - to short-lived calm and even lyricism - with each episode
The fierceness of the struggle intensified. “There’s no work! There is no shelter! — Tick
roared his famous line so loudly, rushing from his place, that it seemed
the stage structure will collapse. It seemed that in his voice
cry the world's dispossessed.
At the end of the third act - general
fights and murders of the owner of the shelter - it became scary for the actors. Well
Is it possible to play like that! After all, they will hurt each other! But the director, having brought
bitterness to the limit, masterfully transferred the action into a conventional plan.
Just ready to kill each other, the characters began to spin around
plastically slow dance, as if half asleep.
Plastic discharge
emotions become a bridge to the final act. After philosophizing
Satine about Man is approaching the moment of universal reconciliation - friendly
drinking bouts. According to the play, Bubnov should appear here with a bottle, a bunch of
bagels and Russian style: I treat everyone! The Americans have it in its place,
as already mentioned, a woman was sitting - a dressmaker. She appears in the finale
wonderfully transformed, with a golden-red head of hair, in bright green
a tight-fitting trouser suit. The red-haired beauty starts company,
the feast turns into a dance, no less temperamental than a fight. And in this
while one of them quietly drinks his last glass on the sidelines and
quietly disappears into oblivion.
The ending shocked me and chilled me to the bone. How
for a long time and in vain the Baron called out to the dancers to convey the terrible news!
How long they could not stop their crazy dance, wanting to prolong
the illusion of freedom and happiness! But finally, they heard. Got it. Frozen
all as one, in tragic silence, looking at one point, where behind the dark
a dead man stood like a transparent curtain. No, the Actor was not hanging in a noose.
He just stood there. I haven't listened to a pause of such tragic fullness for a long time, with
with such deep subtext. Why did these people fight so desperately recently?
People? For a place on a torn mat near a trash can? What were they arguing about? What
celebrated, forgetting about the fate of man? All of them are together with the audience
looked at the inevitable end of life for each of them, of us.
Satin's final bitter remark. Night shelters are taken out of the trash
bring your own bedding and blankets. The light goes out. And then it lights up again.
run out onto the stage - young, beautiful, happy. Here
names of the main performers. Wanderer - Steve Ionnagone, Satin - Jay O'
Bursky, Tick - Jason Carvell, Baron - Andrew Kimbrough, Red - Chloe
Keller, Crutch - David Sussman, Anna - Katherine Smith, Nastya - Oleksia
Rain, Natalie - Laura Flanagan, Bessie - (Vasilisa) - Fox Jonker, Ash -
Carlos Orizondo, Actor - Peter Tedeschi.

The play was staged by Yuri Ivanovich
Eremin, one of the largest Russian directors, who has been working on
Gorky's plays. It was he who made us think about
the finale of the general fight for existence, the thoughtless rapture of its very
fact. While we argue about what is true and what is false - man
suffocates and dies in the atmosphere of soullessness we have created.
ask what I see as the living root of the Art Theater tradition, from
from whom this performance grew? I think it’s about freedom of creativity. IN
the freedom that presupposes high culture, professionalism,
the depth of insight into the essence of the play and the author’s worldview. Exactly this
tradition gave birth in the bowels of the Moscow Art Theater to its best
successors and opponents: Meyerhold, Vakhtangov, and Mikhail
Chekhov - the majority of those who defined stylistic diversity
Russian theater of the twentieth century.
The relationship between Gorky and Khudozhestvennoe
The theater was difficult at times. But they always came back to each other
friend - enriched with new experience, and you can remember many wonderful
performances and acting successes that became the fruits of their difficult love.

Scheme of analysis of live composition:

live in oh

Analysis of words by composition.

The composition of the word "alive":

Connecting vowel: absent

Postfix: absent

Morphemes - parts of the word alive


A detailed analysis of the word alive by composition. The root of the word, prefix, suffix and ending of the word. Morphemic analysis of a living word, its schema and parts of the word (morphemes).

  • Morphemes scheme: zhi/v/oh
  • Word structure by morphemes: root/suffix/ending
  • Scheme (construction) of the word living in composition: root zhi + suffix v + ending oh
  • List of morphemes in the word alive:
    • zhi - root
    • in - suffix
    • oh - ending
  • Types of morphemes and their number in the word alive:
    • prefix: absent - 0
    • root: live - 1
    • connecting vowel: absent - 0
    • suffix: V - 1
    • postfix: absent - 0
    • ending: Ouch - 1

Total morphemes in the word: 3.

Derivative analysis of the word live

  • Base word: alive;
  • Derivative affixes: prefix absent, suffix V, postfix absent;
  • Word formation: ○ suffixal;
  • Method of education: derivative, as it is formed in 1 (one) way.

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Morphemic analysis of the word alive

Morphemic analysis of a word is usually called analysis of a word according to its composition - this is a search and analysis of its constituent parts. given word morphemes (word parts).

Morphemic analysis of the word live is very simple. To do this, it is enough to follow all the rules and order of analysis.

Let's do it morpheme parsing right, but to do this we’ll just go through 5 steps:

  • determining the part of speech of a word is the first step;
  • second - we highlight the ending: for mutable words we conjugate or decline, for unchangeable words (gerunds, adverbs, some nouns and adjectives, auxiliary parts of speech) - there are no endings;
  • Next we look for the basis. This is the easiest part because to define the stem you just need to cut off the ending. This will be the basis of the word;
  • The next step is to search for the root of the word. We select related words for living (they are also called cognates), then the root of the word will be obvious;
  • We find the remaining morphemes by selecting other words that are formed in the same way.

As you can see, morpheme parsing It's easy to do. Now let's decide on the basic morphemes of the word and analyze it.

*Morphemic analysis of a word (analysis of a word by composition) - search root , consoles , suffix , graduation And word basics The analysis of the word according to its composition on the website is carried out according to the dictionary of morphemic analysis.

This small ingredient is used to create only one craft - raw ironwood. Maybe because of this, many people don’t know how to find it. Therefore, in this article we will tell you everything about this ingredient.

Methods of obtaining

There is only one way to obtain this ingredient - look for young roots. There are no other ways to obtain this element, so you will have to look hard for Young Roots. They look like a small block, after the destruction of which a Living Root will appear.

The whole point is that Young Roots are not very common in the world, they rarely appear. Therefore, you should take some time and begin your journey to find this ingredient.


I mentioned above that you can only make 1 thing from this ingredient - raw ironwood. To create it you will need one Iron Ingot, one Gold Nugget and one Living Root:

Note: the crafting ingredients do not have to be placed in this order, you can put them as you wish. That's it, now you know how to get Living Root in the Dusk Forest.

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