Decorating a high chair for a one year old. DIY chair decor - methods and examples. Festive felt covers

Furniture for a children's room should be of high quality, environmentally friendly, and hypoallergenic. But many manufacturers do not pay attention to increased requirements for children's furniture - they use low quality materials and make the fastenings unreliable. Using such furniture may harm your child. That's why some parents come to the conclusion that it is worth doing children's table and a DIY chair. Moreover, assembling it is not so difficult.


Of course, when choosing material for children's furniture, you should opt for natural solid wood. Wooden table and the chair will not only be a decoration in the children's room, but also environmentally friendly, will not cause allergies, and will become practical pieces of furniture.

It is better to make a table and chair from beech wood. It is easy to process and does not release resin. But as a budget option, pine or birch are quite suitable, only they need to be deresined, since the resin is unsafe for a child, and it can ruin clothes.

Plywood, as the cheapest material, is also quite acceptable when making a highchair. It can easily bear the weight of a child, is lightweight, and can be easily processed.

Chipboard is a very fragile material and can only be suitable for a tabletop.

As an option, you can build a table and chair from plastic bottles. At the same time, you practically do not need to invest money, and if exposed to weather conditions, such a kit will not suffer.


Initially, you need to make detailed drawings with all dimensions. Please note that when planning furniture for a child you cannot do sharp corners, about which a child can get hurt during active games.

If you're not entirely sure about stability, make a 1:1 scale model out of cardboard before making parts out of wood.

To fasten parts together, you can use spikes and glue, but for the reliability of the structure it is better to use self-tapping screws and corners of various shapes.

Material processing

Before assembly, all parts must be processed. To do this, you can use an electric planer, or sand the wood with sandpaper.

Then you can treat it with various dyes such as stain, rather than simply highlight the texture of the wood or paint it.

If you want to varnish your products, it is better to choose one based on turpentine. It does not contain toxic substances and will not harm your child's health. After you have coated the parts with varnish, you need to sand it with sandpaper. And then cover with a finishing layer of varnish. In this case, the wood will be well protected, and the shine will not disappear for many years.

Making a regular chair and table

To assemble a regular chair, we need to cut out the following parts:

  1. Short legs - 2 pieces, length 25 cm, cross-section 3.3 x 3.8 cm.
  2. Long legs - 2 pieces, height 53 cm, cross-section 3.3x3.8 cm.
  3. Back - 1 piece, size 10x30 cm.
  4. Seat - 1 piece, size 30x30 cm.

Crossbars for tying a chair under the seat - 2 pieces, 25.7 cm long, 2 pieces 25.2 cm long.

In this case, the legs should have a narrowing from the middle of the chair. For long ones, reduce the thickness towards the top to 1.9 cm, and short ones - towards the bottom to 2.4 cm. This is necessary so that the front legs do not interfere with the legs, and the back is at a slight angle.

First, we attach the rear legs; to do this, we screw the crossbar between them with self-tapping screws. We do the same with the front ones and fasten them together.

Then we screw the back. We check that all details are clear horizontal mount. Otherwise, the aesthetic appearance of the chair will not be very good.

At the end of the assembly, screw the seat.

For the table we need 4 legs, a frame made from the same block. We make them from a block and the tabletop is made from plywood or chipboard. The sizes here depend on your wishes and the height of the child.

We assemble the harness, attach the legs to the corners and screw the tabletop on top. The table is ready. The size of the screw must be carefully selected, otherwise you can drill right through the tabletop, which will ruin the aesthetic appearance and may injure your child.

Making a chair from plywood

Since plywood is easy to process. It is easy to make a carved chair out of it.

In order to make it you will need:

  • Sheet of plywood, 8 mm thick.
  • Drill, jigsaw.
  • Drill, screws.
  • Sandpaper.
  • PVA glue.
  • Colorless varnish based on turpentine.

Based on our dimensions, we transfer the drawing of the chair onto a sheet of plywood. You can use a jigsaw to cut unusually shaped holes, which will give interesting view high chair.

In order for the sides of the chair to be completely identical, you must first cut out one, then trace it on a sheet of plywood so that the second side wall completely coincides with the first.

You can make them in the form of an elephant. It will work out original design high chair.

After all the parts are cut out, the sections must be carefully sanded using sandpaper.

We assemble the chair, to do this we attach the seat and back with glue, and secure everything with self-tapping screws.

We coat the chair with varnish.

Making a baby high chair

The simplest model of this chair is a transformer, which easily folds out into a separate small table and chair.

We make the base from solid wood, the back and seat of the chair from plywood. The tabletop is made of laminated chipboard.

We will need wooden block, section 20x40 mm, laminated chipboard, size 200x340 for the table top on the chair and 450x380 mm on the table, plywood for the seat. In the absence of laminated chipboard, countertops can also be made from plywood.

First we assemble the table. We make two frames from the bars. We connect them with crossbars so that later the chair legs can be inserted between them. Screw the tabletop.

The chair is made in the same way as a regular chair, only we use plywood for the seat and back, onto which you can sew an oilcloth cover and insert foam rubber for softness. This will make it easy to wash the high chair if your baby gets it dirty with food, and will not allow the foam rubber to get wet.

Other types

You can also make garden furniture from plastic bottles. To do this, select bottles of the same size. A 1 liter capacity is quite sufficient for a child. We wrap it with tape to form a seat. To ensure a smooth surface, cover wooden box. All that remains is to sew a leatherette cover, and an excellent stool for the garden is ready.

How to decorate

Even the best quality handmade furniture may not please your child. Therefore, it needs to be decorated. You can use different methods for this.

Bright paint. This is the simplest method. Before varnishing, you can paint the table and chair with bright paint, thereby attracting the child’s attention.

If you have the ability to draw, you can draw various cartoon characters or simply apply a child's drawing.

If your chair does not look very beautiful, but is reliable, then all the flaws can be hidden by sewing a fabric cover. It can always be washed if necessary.

Another method of decorating a chair is stickers. You can buy them ready-made or make them yourself from self-adhesive film using a stencil.


You can make any chairs and tables with your own hands, as long as your imagination and ability to use tools is enough.

Birthday is the most solemn holiday for any person, especially if it is his first holiday with his family. Of course, during this period the child understands little, but every caring parent tries to create an atmosphere of celebration. The cake is an undoubted attribute of the event, but it is also worth thinking about the throne of the birthday boy.

Any can be decorated very festively. This will require quite a bit of patience and talent. You are doing your best for your baby, and your guests will definitely appreciate this approach. The scenery will look interesting in the photographs, which will definitely decorate your child’s album. Let's look at a few interesting options, which are done in a few hours.

Agree, there is nothing difficult about this, but the place of the birthday boy will look very solemn. It's easy to please your baby; they love bright and interesting details. Be sure to take this idea on board to decorate your little angel's first birthday.

  • Gifts can and even should be given even for no reason, but on your loved one’s birthday you simply must make an original surprise that he will remember for a long time. But what a gift for
  • Naturally, you want to celebrate your birthday in such a way that it becomes unforgettable. Often we call relatives and acquaintances, it’s good if they are with children, and have fun, leaving the children to play with the new ones
  • This chair is comfortable, durable and beautiful, although it is made of inexpensive material - chipboard.
  • In anticipation of an upcoming party, celebration or any festive feast I want to come up with something original, bright, memorable to create an unusual atmosphere.
  • Perhaps my experience in making such a high chair will be useful to other parents. I made the seat of the chair from a piece of plywood 25x26 cm, to which I nailed a 2x3 cm rail around the perimeter from below. I placed it on the plywood

They remind us of childhood. Perhaps in your home there is a shabby old children's highchair with peeling paint. If it’s a shame to throw it in the trash, and it doesn’t fit into the interior, you can update it with simple steps. Repainting is the easiest option, but it can also be done. Let's talk about it.


To work you will need:
  • the chair itself;
  • white paint for walls and ceilings, water-based or acrylic;
  • green acrylic paint;
  • soft brush;
  • dishwashing sponge and clothespin;
  • construction acrylic varnish;
  • PVA glue;
  • putty and plastic card;
  • napkin with a suitable image.

Work order

First, inspect your high chair. Remains of the previous paint must be removed with sandpaper. The quality and durability of the new coating will depend on this.
The second step is leveling the surface. Take putty for decorative works, apply it in a very thin layer. For this, not a rubber spatula is suitable, but a regular one. plastic card: its smooth sides will smooth out the paste well on the chair; you won’t even need sanding.

Let the surface dry: a day is best; in extreme cases, you can dry the chair with a hairdryer and continue working.
Cut a piece of clean dish sponge, about 2 by 2 cm, and use a clothespin to make a kind of handle: this will be our foam sponge. Start applying white paint with this tool to the surface of the chair and its back (start from the back, then move to the front side, but it is better not to touch the bottom of the chair). You need to apply the paint using blotting movements, as if trying to burst the air bubbles that form.

Let the layer dry or use a hairdryer. Now it's time to choose the background for the high chair. In this case we take light green color(white plus dark green). Using the same technique, using a sponge, apply two layers of paint in succession.

After the chair has dried, you can begin leveling the surface. Please note: the paint appears to be applied in dots, and the chair is not smooth, but rather velvety. But there are no visible brush marks or unpainted areas. Take fine sandpaper and sand the surface. You will need quite a lot of paper: paint particles will get stuck on it.

Dilute the PVA glue with water until it is liquid.
Decoupage is the act of placing a layer of paint on an object using a serving napkin. You can find a wide selection of them in stores. In this case, it is better to tear out the motifs from the napkin rather than cut them out (this way they will blend better with the surface). But if the design has clear edges, you can carefully cut it along the contour with sharp nail scissors.
We have a napkin with butterflies. We cut out the butterflies, even if the motif is incomplete (we will place it on the side).

First, glue the central motif onto the seat (three butterflies). To do this, place the drawing in in the right place, let's start applying glue with a soft brush, starting from the middle of the image. Gradually adding glue, carefully smooth the napkin, aligning the image. Be careful not to tear the paper. If you are just starting to learn the decoupage technique, then take small motifs: they are easier to handle.

In the same way, we place all the butterflies on the seat of the chair and its back.

Furniture decorating is not only about creating spectacular and unique items with your own hands.

Such furniture will give good mood and emotions for the performer and those who will subsequently use it.

Furniture decor will add individuality, brightness and style to its owner’s home.

Bring to life the brightest and most interesting design ideas possible using the decoupage technique, which lately is becoming increasingly popular. And there are many reasons for this.

What is decoupage

Decoupage is the process of applying an image to an object and securing it for greater durability using special means.

The applied image usually has paper base. This decoration technique can be used on furniture, dishes, and personal items.

Decorating pieces of furniture, in particular, is used when you want to decorate them, give them a gift new life, bring individuality and special style to the interior.

The decoupage technique is also used to develop a unified room design.

Pay attention! For decoupage, you can use not only special napkins, but also postcards, gift paper, wallpaper, magazine clippings, printed photographs and drawings.

Main types of decoupage

Stages of chair decoupage

The decoupage technique is a process consisting of several successive stages. The result of the work depends on the exact observance of each of them.

Decoration stages:

  • idea;
  • pre-treatment of the chair surface (cleaning, removing old varnish or paint, degreasing);
  • primer;
  • applying the main background;
  • cutting out a pattern;
  • gluing the pattern;
  • working with paints or auxiliary elements for decoration;
  • varnish coating.

Pay attention! To pre-treat a chair when performing any complexity of decoupage, a primer is required, which is available for retail sale in construction stores.

Before begin direct decoration, necessary clean, dry and prime chair surface.

The primer is applied in 1-2 layers and carefully dried, preferably naturally.

After priming, paint the chair. It should be taken into account that the napkins will show through, and if the main background is too saturated or dark, the design may lose its colors.

Now you should prepare drawings, pictures, and other decorative elements and visually evaluate the idea.

Then you can start gluing the drawings, finishing the drawing paints, felt-tip pens, application sequin etc. At this stage you can still make some changes or amendments in decor.

The final stage is application varnish It is necessary to apply as much layers coating, how much is required depending on the decoupage technique or appointments chair. After full Once the varnish has dried, the chair is ready for use.

Each stage of decoupage should be treated with special care. attention, since inaccuracies in execution may hinder execution ideas.

Chair decorating ideas

Depending on the room and interior, for which the chair is decoupaged depends directly idea decor. So, for example, a chair can be decorated for:

  • children's rooms;
  • hall or living room;
  • kitchens or dining room.

Decoupage technique, colors and pictures are selected in accordance with the overall style of the interior. This decorative element will fit perfectly into an interior decorated in such styles as:

  • ethno;
  • military;
  • country;

Decorating ideas for living room so many. The basis should be the fact that the chairs will be used by guests, and, therefore, they should have some appeal or invitation. So, for example, on a chair you can place the inscription Welcome and an image of little men or gnomes with flashlights.

Depending on interior in the living room you can paint over empty spaces bright dark colors, for example, fashionable shades Bordeaux. You can also use the image for the living room world maps or its individual continents and states

For kitchens or dining room chairs can be decorated with images of a kitchen utensils, vegetables or fruit.

When decorating chairs for children's In a room, your imagination can’t be limited by anything: neither when choosing pictures, nor when choosing colors.

You can take images of your favorite characters from cartoons or fairy tales. So, it could be Masha and the Bear, heroes from “Smeshariki” or “Luntik”. You can make a combination of different fairy tales The color scheme should correspond to taste preferences child. Color should not irritate him or depress him.

Important! When decorating chairs for children, you should carefully consider the choice of materials used: they should not be toxic, so as not to cause an allergic reaction in the child.

With this technique you can decorate or update old wooden chair. Decoupage is not a complicated process at all. At any stage of the execution of the technique, measures can be taken to correct inaccuracies or errors, and the design can also be changed if necessary. Thus, if you decide to decorate a chair with your own hands, you will get a positive result in any case.

For more information on decorating a chair using the decoupage technique, see video:

The difficulties in caring for children are largely due to the fact that buying everything necessary can be quite a task for family budget. Another question is whether parents manage to find exactly what they would like in stores, or whether there is actually nothing ideal among the assortment. Both reasons that prevent you from purchasing this or that product, one way or another suggest the idea that it would be nice to make it yourself. For example, a children's high chair - if dad has enough experience working with various tools, he can easily make it with his own hands.


Contrary to its apparent simplicity, a do-it-yourself highchair is not so simple task to complete it without any preparation. Do not start work until you have a clear understanding of what the end result should look like and what operations will need to be performed to achieve it.

Also, don't ignore calculations. Any chair must be strong enough to support its “passenger”, and a child, although not heavy, will not sit neatly on it, especially since the dimensions of such furniture are also small.

Strength requirements are relevant not only for basic materials, but also for fasteners, be they self-tapping screws, glue or grooves. In addition, the baby is constantly growing, and it makes sense to make a high chair with a reserve for at least a couple of years in advance. For all its strength, the product should be comfortable, that is, approximately correspond to the dimensions of the owner.

Also try to ensure the proper lightness of the furniture being manufactured - it should be convenient for the owner to independently move his chair to where he wants to sit at the moment.

Don't forget to stay safe. Furniture, in any case, cannot be traumatic, and children's furniture - even more so. The presence of any sharp edges is not allowed, and if the main material is wood, as happens in most cases, then it must be carefully sanded to prevent splinters from peeling off. Covering finished product varnish or paint, give preference to natural ones - children tend to put everything in their mouths and can be poisoned by the toxic coating.

Finally, remember that this chair is for a child. Besides suitable sizes, it is desirable for a piece of furniture to also be beautiful. If complex decor is not a task for you, at least try to paint it in bright colors.

Drawings, dimensions, diagrams

Before proceeding directly to the manufacture of parts, it is necessary to draw up a drawing with dimensions - this is the only way that all components will ideally fit one another. You can use one of those ready-made options, which have already been posted in World Wide Web, and draw up a diagram yourself. It is important to note here that there are drawings and instructions on the Internet that explain how to make a table and chair standard view, so they are usually not suitable for those who want to create something original - for example, an elephant chair.

  • Drawing the table and chairs, which can be made in the form of a kit, do not have to strictly follow the principles of drawing: they do not have so many details that they cannot be kept in mind. The main thing for us is to make sure that all the dimensions match, and the parts fit perfectly together, but the methods for connecting individual parts must be present in the drawing. In general, it can be presented schematically, without high precision of the drawing.
  • Think over the dimensions (or choose ready-made drawings based on them), starting from the comfort of the child. Chairs whose seat is at knee level or slightly below are considered comfortable. In the case of a highchair, it is recommended to make the seat a little higher, because the child will probably still grow. At the same time, do not overdo it: if it is difficult for the baby to climb onto the seat, then the product can be considered a failure.

  • Determining the size of the seat itself, keep in mind that the owner should fit comfortably on it, but do not make it too large - this will make the chair heavier and difficult to carry. The normal height of the backrest is approximately two-thirds or three-quarters of the owner's back; making it higher than the neck is no longer practical. When determining the thickness of future parts, rely only on the strength of the selected material and the weight of the child.


In terms of ease of processing and environmental friendliness, among materials for the manufacture of children's furniture, wood and its derivatives undoubtedly hold the palm. Therefore, you can most often find a wooden high chair. However, you cannot choose just any tree - this is also something to think about before you start making it. The most popular among all types of wood is beech. It has the strength of oak, but it is easier to process and costs less. In general, it is deciduous species that are considered priority. Among inexpensive options, birch is often chosen; linden can also be considered.

Spruce and pine are suitable for making furniture from coniferous wood, but the resin contained in any such wood is dangerous - it can stain clothes, and it can also pose a health hazard. Regardless of the specific species, choose a uniform tree, without knots or cracks, with an even texture.

The seat material may be similar to the body material, or it may be fundamentally different. In order to save money and achieve greater flexibility, the seat is also made of plywood, and even chipboard. When choosing them, give preference only to the most durable types, but remember that in any case they are inferior in durability to solid natural wood.

For increased softness, the seat can be additionally equipped with a small foam cushion covered with a fabric that is pleasant to the touch.

There is also a seating option made from plastic bottles - both whole and cut. Harmful plastic, present as garbage in any apartment and polluting environment, could get a second life, especially since its strength and durability are very high. This option is still much less common due to the difficulty of securely fastening individual parts, as well as the not very attractive appearance of the finished product.

Colors and decor

For all its practicality and convenience, the baby will definitely not like the chair if it cannot be described with the word “beautiful”. Nobody makes any special chairs for teenagers, but for children younger age Brightness and attractiveness are very important. So don't limit yourself to just one clear varnish or discreet monochromatic solutions. A single-color color is generally acceptable only if a light or very bright shade is chosen - often red or yellow, the so-called “warm” tones.

If drawing is not alien to you, please your child with interesting design solutions. You can go the “adult” route by painting the frame one color, and the seat and back in another, or you can focus on the child’s desire for something bright and defiant. The simplest option is “rings” on the legs of the chair; any patterns and even just blots are also acceptable, provided that it looks cute and positive. Regardless of how much and what kind of paint you used, do not forget - it should not be toxic.

If you have a creative streak and a desire to complicate the task a little for the overall benefit of the matter, you can create more complex decor. Another option is to decorate the legs or back of the chair with carvings, but adults would like this solution more. But for a child, a chic solution would be decoration in the form of one or another animal. Classic version– when the back is cut out to resemble an elephant, or any other animal that is cute to a child, and then painted to look more like a “cartoon” character.

Covers can also become a unique type of decoration. In addition to their typical functions, such as simplifying the cleaning of furniture and increasing the comfort of its use, they can also decorate the back of the chair. Ideally, they should depict the child’s favorite hero, characters from popular fairy tales, or the same animals. Mom can help dad make a cover, especially if she knows how to embroider or has fabric appliqué skills. If your mother does not have such talents, you can simply alter the cover from clothes on which the necessary pictures were applied at the factory.

For the youngest children

Children of the youngest age still sit on a high chair for only one single activity - eating food. Teaching a child to eat while sitting, and to sit in general, particularly at the table, is important and necessary. However, the peculiarities of its development at this stage do not allow using for this regular chairs. The problem lies in the fact that a simple chair does not have a back with handles, but tiny baby he himself will not be able to sit on it exactly yet, and will simply fall.

As for children's high chairs, their sizes usually do not allow you to choose a normal table for them. In this situation, a special high chair would be an excellent solution.

Such furniture should be comfortable for both the child and his mother - for now the child cannot eat on his own, so the mother will have to feed him with a spoon. For the convenience of this operation, the chair is made at a normal height, or even a little higher - so that the mother does not bend over. The actual lifespan of such a chair is about a year, so if you have one child and the family is not planning a second one at all, you can choose not the most durable materials for manufacturing.

In terms of manufacturing, a high chair is perhaps the most complex - it has the largest number of parts. The relatively small seat is raised high above the floor, which forces the installation of additional stiffening ribs between the legs for improved stability of the structure.

Taking into account the specifics of a child of the appropriate age, both the backrest and railings are simply necessary - they must completely exclude the possibility of the baby falling. Moreover, there should be a barrier in front, although it also has another useful function - it plays the role of a countertop on which food will be placed. The space under the tabletop is left free - the baby will stick his feet there.

Cutting and assembling such a chair is quite simple. First, two identical side halves are cut out according to the drawing, which are then connected to each other by the seat, back and stiffeners using grooves, glue or self-tapping screws. Before assembly, all individual parts should be sanded to a perfectly smooth state, the finished product is varnished or painted - ready.

Models for older children

The peculiarity of high chairs for children who have finally left infancy lies in the significant variety of design options, limited only by the imagination of the creator. The backrest is still considered a mandatory attribute, but the railing is no longer there, as are the front barriers. There is no point in saving on materials in this situation - if the furniture is made with a margin of size, then the child will be able to use his high chair for many years.

The manufacturing process consists of a few simple steps:

  • Think through the design down to the smallest detail and draw up a drawing. Decide on the number of parts of the body - will it simply consist of two solid halves or of separate legs and separate supports for the seat, will the backrest base be a continuation of the rear legs or will it be attached separately, and so on. Calculate everything, including the thickness of the seat and legs, provide stiffening ribs and additional supports for the seat in advance. Provide grooves and mark places for screws.
  • If doubts about the correctness of the selected parameters still remain, try to assemble a temporary chair from cardboard according to the drawing. Unfortunately, it does not have the same strength to test the product from all sides, and it differs in thickness from wood or plywood, which also needs to be taken into account when specifying the dimensions, but you will get a visual idea of ​​the future product.

  • Start cutting out individual parts from wood or plywood. It is recommended to start with the body. It’s good if there are a lot of identical parts in the set - then the subsequent ones can be cut out by simply tracing the finished first one. If the design allows, do not delay assembly until you have cut everything out - start as soon as you have at least two parts that need to be connected. This will help you immediately notice any design flaws, if any. Once the pieces are ready, sand them smooth.
  • When all the elements are ready, proceed to the final assembly. Do not limit yourself to one type of fastener; in particular, glue the grooves - this will significantly strengthen the product and increase its durability. Ensure that the grooves fit as deep as possible - tap the joints with a hammer to make the fastening more reliable.
  • The last step is varnishing and painting.

No matter how detailed and intelligible a theoretical explanation is, it is unlikely to compare in terms of information content with a clear example, because it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.

N and the video is one of best examples how to make a highchair with your own hands. The master talks about literally everything, including the dimensions of the parts he used, so you can even do without a drawing, simply repeating what he says. The resulting chair is quite simple in design, but easy to make. You can find many other similar videos on the Internet, but the models there are always approximately the same, but here the process is shown in great detail and clearly.

Watch a master class on making a highchair with your own hands:

The principle of making a children's high chair is generally similar, but it is worth studying in more detail both because of the increased complexity of the design, and simply because it is being told by another master who can reveal some new points.

How to make a baby high chair, watch the video:

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