What are fire dry pipes? Dry pipes: the principle of operation of the fire protection system and scope of application, Portal about pipes. Advantages and disadvantages of dry pipe systems

5.7.21. Identification coloring or digital designation of pipelines must comply with GOST R 12.4.026 and:

Water-filled pipelines of sprinkler, deluge and sprinkler-drencher AUP, as well as water-filled pipelines of fire hydrants - green or the number "1";

Air pipelines of the air sprinkler installation and sprinkler-deluge unit AUPvz-S D - blue or number "3";

Unfilled pipelines of deluge AUP and “dry pipes” - blue color or alphanumeric code “3c”;

Pipelines through which only a foaming agent or a foaming agent solution is supplied - brown or the number "9".

5.7.22. Signal coloring in areas connecting pipelines with shut-off and control devices, units and equipment is red.

Note - At the customer's request, it is allowed to change the color of the pipelines in accordance with the interior of the premises.

5.7.23. All AUP pipelines must have a digital or alphanumeric designation according to the hydraulic diagram.

5.7.24. The distinctive color of the markings indicating the direction of movement of the fire extinguishing agent is red. Marking plates and digital or alphanumeric designations of pipelines must be applied taking into account local conditions in the most critical places of communications (at the inlet and outlet of fire pumps, at the inlet and outlet of the general piping, on branches, at joints, at shut-off devices, through which water is supplied to the main, supply and supply pipelines, in places where pipelines pass through walls, partitions, at building entrances and in other places necessary for recognizing AUP pipelines).

VSN 25-09.67-85 Rules for the production and acceptance of work. Automatic fire extinguishing systems
(approved by decision of the Ministry of Instrumentation dated September 2, 1985 N 25-09.67-85)

3.8. Pipelines and fittings of installations located at enterprises that do not have special aesthetic requirements must be painted in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.026-76 and GOST 14202-69.

3.9. Pipelines and fittings of installations located at enterprises that have special aesthetic requirements must be painted in accordance with these requirements, and the coating class must be at least VI in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.032-74.

3.10. Painting of sprinklers, detectors, fusible locks, and outlet nozzles is not permitted.

GOST R 12.4.026 Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings. Purpose and rules of use. General technical requirements and characteristics. test methods.
(adopted and put into effect by Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated September 19, 2001 N 387-st)

5.1.3. It is not allowed to use red signal color:

To designate permanently installed fire protection equipment (their elements) that do not require operational identification (fire detectors, fire pipelines, sprinklers for fire extinguishing installations, etc.);

Good day to all regular readers of our site and colleagues! The topic of our article today is regulatory paint colors for pipelines. The purpose of the topic is how to accurately determine the color that the pipeline should be painted. various systems, depending on the purpose of this pipeline.

On the list engineering systems buildings and structures, quite often, there are systems such as fire water supply, deluge or sprinkler fire extinguishing systems, gas or aerosol fire extinguishing systems. The listed systems include pipelines supplying fire extinguishing agents to the location of the fire. Pipelines are often located under the ceiling, often in the space behind the ceiling, and it would be impossible to determine which pipe in the mass of the pipeline from which system if the pipes were not marked. These same pipelines must be painted in signal colors, defined by GOST, so that it can be determined in advance in which pipe what substance is located - water, gas, compressed air or a pipe - just a dry pipe. Specific regulatory colors for pipeline painting are provided for in GOST 14202-69 “Pipelines of industrial enterprises. Identification markings, warning signs and markings.” You can download the document in its entirety on our website in the regulatory library, as usual, free of charge and without any SMS, simply by following the link. The document is valid, although it has been put into effect since 1971, i.e. Even during the Soviet Union, a reference to this GOST exists in the list of regulatory references in codes of practice (in particular SP5.13130-2009), and fire inspectors often pay attention to the implementation of this document.

The essence of GOST requirements is the standard colors for pipeline painting, warning signs, and pipeline marking panels. GOST establishes the following ten enlarged groups of substances and color colors, depending on these substances:

  1. Water – green
  2. Steam - red
  3. Air - blue
  4. yellow
  5. Flammable gases (including liquefied gases) – yellow
  6. Acids – orange
  7. Alkalis – violet
  8. Flammable liquids – brown
  9. Non-flammable liquids – brown
  10. Other substances – grey

In addition to the fact that the standard colors for painting the pipeline have been determined, to indicate the substances in pipelines that are the most dangerous in terms of their effects on humans, the following color rings and the following colors are additionally applied to the pipeline:

  1. Flammability, fire and explosion hazard – red
  2. Danger or harmfulness (poisonous, toxic, choking, burns, radioactive, high pressure or deep vacuum) – yellow
  3. Security or neutrality – green

The number of applied rings is limited from one to three, depending on the degree of danger of the substance (the more harmful, the more rings). In addition, in in some cases stipulated by GOST, the pipeline is additionally marked with triangular warning signs and marking panels.

There are ready-made pipeline overlays available for sale that are convenient to use for marking purposes in the following form, which actually does not exclude, but rather complements, the standard colors of pipeline painting:

In addition, paragraph 5 of the cited GOST 14202-69 reads verbatim as follows:

5. Fire-fighting pipelines, regardless of their contents (water, foam, steam for fire extinguishing, etc.), sprinkler and deluge systems in areas of shut-off and control valves and in places of connection of hoses and other fire extinguishing devices must be painted red ( signal).

Please refer to the form below special attention, since many installation companies, without carefully reading the paragraph above, simply paint the entire pipe red, since the pipeline is part of the fire protection systems. This is not correct - the red color is only in the areas of shut-off valves and fire hose connections. In other places, the standard colors for painting the pipeline, in accordance with GOST, are given above.

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The installation of a fire extinguishing system involves the installation of special equipment. Among the actively used systems, the dry pipe system is considered the most effective. Its key element is a dry pipe - a pipeline located around the perimeter of the room and filled with fire extinguishing agent. What is a fire dry pipe, what are the features of the system and in what areas is it most widespread, we will consider below.

Dry pipe fire extinguishing system

Scope of application

Installations with dry-pipe working systems are indispensable at sites where the risk of fire is increased.

They are required to be installed:

  • in reactor and cable rooms;
  • when installing transformers;
  • in timber processing and pulp mills;
  • at enterprises producing household chemicals;
  • when arranging monitor towers;
  • in paint and varnish production;
  • when arranging sports complexes and cultural institutions;
  • on staircases of buildings with V degree of fire resistance.

A dry pipe is also an integral element in the arrangement of Finnish baths.

In small rooms, flammable gases accumulate as the temperature rises. And the combustion process can begin even without access to oxygen. To prevent a fire and even an explosion that may occur when the door is opened, it is necessary to first reduce the temperature and only then proceed to subsequent actions. This task is performed by a dry pipe for a sauna. When the system is put into operation, it cools the sauna by spraying water on the walls and ceiling, allowing you to freely enter it and complete the extinguishing process.

A properly designed and installed dry pipe can effectively cope with a fire of any complexity.

Advantages of dry pipes

Extinguishing fires using a dry pipe system is based on rapid cooling of combustion zones. The main advantages of the system are:

  • Easy to install and unpretentious in operation. Repair of individual components will not disrupt the operation of the installation.
  • Due to the use of dry pipes, the working part of the system can be installed in unheated rooms and operate at temperatures below 0°C.
  • Affordable cost of both executive units and main components.
  • High efficiency of fire extinguishing, which is achieved through prompt response to the source of fire.

The irrigation zone of a dry pipe system covers the entire area, thereby preventing not only the spread of fire, but also combustion products.

Design features

The name of the installation speaks for itself. Its working part is made of pipes not filled with water. According to requirements fire safety The diameter of the installation pipes for public buildings should be 65 mm, and for high-rise buildings - 80 mm.

Dry pipes are installed around the perimeter of the rooms, placing them above door and window openings.

A dry pipe fire riser consists of a vertical pipeline equipped with fire dampers located on all floors of the building.

The number of shut-off devices is determined by the length of the pipeline and the area of ​​the room. The material for the manufacture of fire-fighting installation pipes is steel with an internal anti-corrosion coating.

The lower end of the fire dry pipe is connected through an external valve to a water supply system equipped with a pump or a water container. In case of fire, a fire hose is connected through the connecting head at a height of 1.35 m, through which water flows from a hydrant or fire truck.

Deployment using dry pipes makes it possible to extinguish in two directions: inside a burning room and protecting adjacent rooms from the spread of fire.

Types of dry pipe installations

There are two types of dry pipe fire extinguishing systems: deluge and sprinkler.

Deluge systems

The system received its name due to the use of deluges - special spray nozzles located in the network of irrigation pipelines.

Depending on the shape of the spray nozzle, they can be designed for extinguishing foam or finely sprayed water.

Irrigation heads can have a reflective plane, which allows the formation of a stream of finely dispersed water. This constructive solution allows you to reduce water consumption when extinguishing a fire and minimize the destructive effects of moisture on those in the room material assets.

Despite the variety of design options, drenchers are united by the fact that they do not have a heat lock.

The dry-pipe deluge installation is activated by a built-in fire alarm system that responds to temperature rise, smoke and fire detectors. After the alarm is triggered, sprayed jets of water, forming water curtains using a fire extinguishing mixture, isolate the burning room, preventing the spread of toxic combustion products.

When installing a dry pipe, you can change one of three options for the incentive mechanism:

  • Electrical – if there is a deviation from the norm, an alarm signal fire alarm transmits the primary impulse, activating the water supply.
  • Cable - driven by a cable stretched in the area of ​​probable fire, equipped with fusible locks. If the line breaks, the electric drive opens the valve to allow water to enter.
  • Hydraulic – thermal lock under action high temperatures opens. A drop in pressure in the system is a signal to supply water.

Sprinkler devices

The operating principle of a dry pipe sprinkler system is similar to how deluge units work.

The only difference between the systems is that in sprinkler systems there is gas in the incentive pipeline.

The main advantage of a sprinkler system is that it only supplies water to the fire area. But in comparison with deluge installations, its response time to fire is slightly longer.

Irrigation nozzles used in the installation of a sprinkler system are equipped with fuses that prevent the release of gas located in the cavity of the pipe.

The role of the actuator of this type of dry pipe system is performed by a water alarm valve. In the event of a fire, the fusible lock is destroyed by temperature, and sprinklers located in the area of ​​the fire release the gas. As soon as the pressure in the pipeline reaches a critical value, the valve opens the water supply.

By using a dry pipe, correctly calculating the fire extinguishing system and correctly installing it, you can ensure high level reliability of fire protection.

Equipping a room with fire protection systems requires the installation of additional and special equipment. One type of special system is a dry pipe - an empty pipeline mounted around the perimeter of the room and exposed to atmospheric pressure.

Functions and structure of a dry pipe

The dry pipeline complex is required element stationary fire extinguishing installations mounted in transformer booths, cable rooms and reactors.

Structurally, the dry pipe is a system horizontal pipes, on which deluge or sprinkler nozzles and locking mechanisms are located. Vertical pipelines are connected to the valves, which supply water from containers or other sources to the sprinklers. Thus, when a fire occurs, the entire area of ​​​​the room is filled with a fire extinguishing agent and the flame is quickly suppressed.

Most often, dry pipes are mounted under the ceiling. In the event of a fire, the valves on the sprayers open and water begins to flow. The number of sprayers depends on the size of the room and the length of the dry pipeline.

You can connect a fire hose to a special dry pipe head, located on the outside of the building, and extinguish the fire from a hydrant or fire truck.

Area of ​​use of external dry pipe

Dry pipeline is an effective and affordable means of fighting fire. Therefore, the scope of its application is quite wide:

  • metro stations;
  • car parking;
  • residential buildings and public buildings;
  • two-story buildings of fire resistance class V (dry pipes are installed on stairwells and lead to the attic);
  • monitor towers;
  • cable structures standing separately from buildings;
  • elevators.

When installing a dry pipe, the following rules must be observed:

  • In buildings of class F5.1 - F5.3, a pipeline with a diameter of 80 mm is installed at the locations of fire escapes.
  • If the height of the building to the eaves is more than 10 meters and the width is 24 m, then dry pipe risers are installed at the upper and lower ends of the riser.
  • Dry pipes may not be placed in buildings less than 24 m wide and no more than 10 m high to the eaves.

Dry pipes can be found in almost every sauna room. In small rooms, when the temperature rises, flammable gases accumulate, as a result of which a fire can start even without the presence of oxygen. In order to reduce the temperature in time and prevent an explosion or fire, a dry pipeline is installed.

Advantages and disadvantages of dry pipe systems

The dry pipeline has gained wide popularity due to the following advantages:

  • ease of installation and operation;
  • the ability to replace faulty parts without disrupting the functionality of the complex;
  • the system can be used in unheated rooms and at temperatures below 0 0 C;
  • low cost;
  • quick response to fire and reduction of room temperature.

The use of a dry pipe not only helps to suppress fire, but also prevents the spread of combustion products.

The dry pipe system has two significant disadvantages: large area irrigation even in cases where this is not necessary, and significant consumption of water or foam.

Types of dry pipe systems

The pipeline itself is the same everywhere, the sprayers are different. Depending on the type of irrigation heads, the following types of dry pipes are distinguished:

  • sprinkler;
  • deluge.

Main distinguishing feature sprinkler nozzles - the presence of a thermal lock that prevents the release of gas filling the working pipeline of the dry pipe complex. The sprinkler operates only in the area where there are signs of fire.

The central element of a sprinkler dry pipe is the water alarm valve, which is necessary to contain the water under high pressure. After reaching a certain temperature, the fusible lock disintegrates and the release of air or inert gas begins. When the pressure rises to a critical level, the dry pipe valve ensures the flow of water.

Deluge nozzles, unlike sprinkler nozzles, create water curtain preventing the spread of fire. They may have different shapes and are able to extinguish fire not only with water, but also with foam or a finely sprayed composition.

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