Presentation - Project “What do we know about water. Project on the surrounding world (grade 3) on the topic: Environmental project “Clean water is a living planet”

Topic: “Water. Its meaning and properties. Water resources of Altai"

Lesson objectives: To expand and generalize knowledge about water through the organization and defense of projects in mini-groups by students.



continue to form the concept of living and inanimate nature, the relationship between them;

expand and deepen ideas about the importance of water in nature, about its distribution on Earth;

deepen the understanding of the three states of water (liquid, solid and gaseous) and the properties of water - liquid;

generalize the concept of solution, solvent, soluble and insoluble substances;


continue to develop research skills;

develop logical and abstract thinking;

develop dialogic and monologue speech;

to develop skills in analytical and synthetic activities;

stimulate initiative, determination, and cooperation skills;


foster respect for water;

foster a culture of relationships;

1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

2. Report the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson.

Guys, I suggest you solve the crossword puzzle and determine the topic of the lesson and the goal (Generalization, Water).

Questions for the crossword:

1. Model of our planet (globe)

2. An excessively moist area of ​​land with moisture-loving plants (swamp)

3.Part earth's surface rising significantly above the plain (mountain)

4.Which river is our city located on? (Biya)

5.Natural depression in the rock (cave)

6. The water shell of the Earth surrounding continents and islands (ocean)

7.The lowest place of the ravine (bottom).

8. The hottest continent on our planet (Africa)

9.Large landmass (mainland)

3. Main part.

Let's start with the groups' reports on the work they have done. But first, listen to the words of the famous French pilot and writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery, which will be the motto of our lesson:

Water! You have no taste, no color, no smell. It is impossible to describe you; people enjoy you without knowing what you are. It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself... You are the greatest wealth in the world.”(The poem is read by heart by a trained child)

We should get to know each otherwith the meaning of water in human life, with the basic properties of water, with the concept of “water is a solvent”, to touch the secret of the water resources of your native land.

We were engaged in search activities in groups. Each group received a task and will now report and fill in their place in the table. I will act as a consultant. Let's start work.

1. View images of planets

As a splash screen for the report of group 1 on the topic “The Importance of Water in Human Life,” I suggest looking at images of planets and answering the question “How does our planet differ from the rest of the planets in the Universe?” (Only on it does water exist).

2 . Group 1 report. “The importance of water in human life ”.

1 student. Our group studied the importance of water in human life.

Water is lakes, rivers, seas, oceans. Water is in the air, soil, underground. Water is glaciers in the mountains and clouds in the sky. Water is part of all living organisms. Water and life are inseparable from each other. A person can live 40 days without food, but without water he dies on the eighth day. But people need water not only for drinking and cooking.

2 student - Rafts, boats, ships move on water. People travel, transport goods, fish, guard against poachers, rescue people stranded at sea, and explore the underwater world.

3 student - Water creates beauty in nature. This and beautiful scenery with lakes, seas; and waterfalls that cause admiration; even an ordinary home aquarium creates beauty in the home and calms you down.

4 student - Water is necessary for growing plants, just as drinking is vital for animals and humans.

5 student.


Water is a beautiful creation

Us environment,

Source of strength, inspiration,

Source of life and praise.

After all, without her the earth is empty,

Like a scorched desert

Save nature, man,

Life in the lake and ocean

Peace of the ponds, river flow,

A sip of water in your glass!

(Work with the class - summing up the drawings on the board)

Conclusion: Meaning - beauty, movement, life for plants, animals and humans, etc.)

Report of group 2 “States of water”

1 student. Our group studied the conditions of water.

Water in nature exists in three states: liquid, solid, gaseous. Depending on the temperature, it can change from one state to another. Water molecules are the same in shape and size, but in different states the distance between them is also different.

2nd student - Water can be in a liquid state - these are rivers, lakes and other bodies of water, as well as drinking water from the tap and more.

3 student - When water freezes it turns into ice, these are icebergs, icicles, and more.

4 student - When heated, water turns into steam, it is invisible and its molecules are located between air molecules.

water (3 states)


- Group 3 report. “Properties of water - liquid

1 student.

Our group was given the task to study the properties of water.

1) Water is flowing. Each of us had to spill water from a cup, and we saw how it spread.

2) Water has no shape. Look at this dishes. The water poured inside took on its shape.

3) Let’s carry out the following experiment: in a glass with clean water Let's put the spoon down. Is it clearly visible? What does this mean? This means the water is clear.

4) Does pure water have color? No.

5) Let's determine whether clean water has a smell. No.

6) When we studied the thermometer, we already said that water, like a liquid, expands when heated, and contracts when cooled. But it has another interesting property: when water turns into ice, it stops compressing and begins to expand. This is why a bottle of water filled to the top and left in the cold bursts.

So, let's summarize.Representatives of the group take turns going to the board and attaching signs indicating the properties of water.

4 .Report of group 4. Our group studied the property of solubility.

We all drank sweet tea, added salt to soup or diluted paints. Sugar, salt, paints dissolved in water. The same thing happens with some other substances.

Substances that dissolve in water are calledsoluble . Water is a solvent for them. What happens after dissolution is called a solution.

Experienced activity

But let’s do the following experiment: let’s try to dissolve sand in water. (Demonstrates). What do you say about this? That's right, sand did not dissolve in water. Such substances are calledinsoluble .

So, let's summarize:

1) water has one more property: it is a solvent;

2) substances that dissolve in water are called soluble;

3) substances that do not dissolve in water are called insoluble;

4) water with a substance dissolved in it is called a solution.

Summing up. Representatives of the group take turns going to the board and attaching signs with the names of terms on the topic “Water is a solvent.”

5. Report of the 5th group. “Water resources of the native land.”

Our group was given the task to study which rivers and lakes are located in the Altai Territory.

Speaking about water, it is impossible not to touch upon the conversation about the water resources of the Altai Territory (look at the map of the Altai Territory).

“Altai. My beautiful homeland. Its beauty, its heavenly clarity, is rare on earth,” said V.M. Shukshin.

V.V. Bianchi wrote: “Altai. I have never seen anything more beautiful in my life. I would choose Altai to live"

“At the top of Altai the cedar was swayed by the winds.

It has a golden bark like the sun.

He is the slenderest and tallest in these mountain forests.

he has an abyss of blue cones on his branches” (I. Vetlugin)

1. In total, there are 28,964 small and big rivers, 13500 lakes. They are conventionally divided into 2 parts: the Ob River basin and the Kulunda Plain basin. Clean river water is the result of the work of microorganisms that filter it, but harmful substances that are discharged into rivers and lakes destroy these organisms and the water becomes unsuitable for fish, causing gastrointestinal diseases among people, it is also unsuitable as a place of rest. A beautiful places There are many things to do for a holiday in Altai.

2. Lake Teletskoye or “Golden Lake”, with which many legends are associated, has a small area of ​​223 km2 , but due to its great depth (up to 325m), it contains a huge amount of pure fresh water saturated with oxygen. It is not for nothing that Teletskoye Lake is called the “second Baikal”. Only the Biya River flows out of it, and 70 glacial rivers and 150 temporary watercourses with water from the Chulyshman River flow in.

3. On many mountain rivers there are beautiful waterfalls that always leave an unforgettable impression on tourists. The most famous are Tekelu (60m), Kurkure (20m), Korbu (12m). And in winter the waterfalls turn into a solid block of ice.

4. In Altai, rivers less than 10 km long predominate, and the largest are Biya (301 km), Katun (688 km), Alei (858 km). The Biya is the second largest river in Altai. It flows from Lake Teletskoye and is used for rafting and boating. There are many wonderful places for recreation and fishing. The river is home to taimen, pike, ide, burbot, roach, and gudgeon.

5.Kulunda Lake is the largest among the Altai lakes, but shallow - the depth does not exceed 3 meters. On its banks there is a nature reserve. The water is slightly salty and the salinity level increases and the water level decreases.

V I. Consolidation of the studied material, summing up.

Children, look at the board. All the material studied in this lesson is collected here. What new did you learn? What did you like most? Interested?

In conclusion, I want to say that water is familiar to everyone, it surrounds us in everyday life. It has been studied quite well. But today scientists say that many of the properties of water have not yet been fully studied. And some of them even seem fantastic. There is an assumption in science that water absorbs and reflects everything that happens around it, and depending on this, changes its structure, thereby influencing our emotional state and health.

Homework is a mini-message about any body of water in the Altai Territory, the origin of the names of Altai rivers and lakes.

Please express your impression of the lesson by placing your “smiley” on the corresponding part of the circle.

This concludes the lesson. Thanks for your cooperation.

Poster with crossword puzzles on the board

The lesson motto is written on the board.

2-3 students take turns going to the podium and defending a project on the topic “Water”; the work is posted on the board.


surfaces of the planets of the solar system.

album-atlas “Planets”

<Рисунок 1>

<Рисунок 2>

<Рисунок 3>

<Рисунок 4>

The poem is read by heart by a trained child.

Representatives from each group take turns coming to the board and presenting their project.

A student demonstrates experiments on solubility with salt, sand, sugar

Demonstration of a map of the Altai Territory (children showing named objects)

A trained student tells 28964 rivers, 13500 lakes. Lake Teletskoe (depth 325m) Tekelyu waterfalls (60m) Kurkure (20m) Korbu (12m) Biya 301m Katun 688m Alei 858m Kulundinskoe lake Largest Depth 3m

Words to pin on the board





Rain, fog, dew Snow,

ice, frost, iceberg

Steam (invisible)


Has no form




Shrinks and expands





For the production of bread and other food products

For heat transfer through pipes, etc.

28964 rivers, 13500 lakes.

Lake Teletskoye (depth 325m)






Biya 301m

Katun 688m

Alei 858m

Kulunda Lake

The biggest

Depth 3m

The topic of the work is relevant,forms an idea about the environment, involves students in practical activities, teaches them to analyze and identify the causes of water pollution and the consequences of such pollution. Students study the properties of water using experiments, learn what a filter is and what purpose it is used for, learn about modern ways water purification. Gradually, children develop a responsible attitude towards nature based on their observations.

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“Environmental project on the environment on the topic “Clean water is the key to health.”

Environmental project “Clean water is the key to health”

Work by Nikolai Pankov, 2nd grade student

Head Melnik T.V., primary school teacher.

Goals and objectives research work.

  • Gain knowledge and express your attitude to what is happening: how to preserve and save clean drinking water for future generations - an invaluable treasure and source of life.
  • Investigate where the drinking water in our house comes from.
  • Research how the quality of drinking water for the population is monitored.
  • Find out where and how drinking water is purified.

Research hypothesis.

Research methods.

  • Thought on my own
  • I read books in my home library.
  • Met with specialists: Olga Viktorovna Koltunova, Tatyana Aleksandrovna Shovgenova, Svetlana Ivanovna Zvezdina.
  • I turned to the computer and looked on the Internet.

My observations.

Natural water is never completely pure.

For comparison, I took a water sample from a spring (Krasnoselsky settlement) and the Kuban River.

I took a sample from the city water supply and after the water purification system.

Experiment in the bacteriological laboratory of Vodokanal LLC.

  • I take water samples from a water pump on the street. Chekhova 162
  • Filtered under guidance using the Vladipor device
  • I found out that there are no pathogenic bacteria in this water sample.

Results of the research work. What kind of water can you drink?


  • Spring
  • Kolodeznaya
  • Water supply

What contains a sip of water from a river or lake.

Bacteria, bacilli that cause cholera, dysentery, hepatitis and other diseases.

  • Water plays an important role in human life
  • Drinking untreated water is dangerous to your health.
  • Additional water purification in the house is necessary.
  • To purify water on hikes and in extreme conditions, you can use pen filters.
  • Entire rivers of water flow out through loosely closed taps.

  • Why can’t you swim in the Kuban River and the city beach in the summer?

1 of 16

Presentation - Project “What do we know about water”


Text of this presentation

Project on the topic: “What do we know about water”

Project goal and objectives
To develop in children knowledge about the importance of water in the life of all life on earth, its purpose and use. To form a concept of the importance of water for the growth and development of a plant. To clarify and consolidate children’s existing knowledge about water and its properties (transparency, fluidity, lack of smell and taste).

For humans, water ranks second in importance after oxygen. Without it, our body cannot exist. Water - main component life. It is necessary for the life of humans, plants and animals.

What is water? Water is a liquid.

Do you think there is a lot of water on earth? There is more water on the globe than land. Water occupies ¾ of the surface of the globe.

Who needs water?
People, plants, animals...

I’ll put some water in my hands, wash my face early in the morning. With some water it’s easier for me to wake up and smile at the sun again!
We rinse our teeth, wet the brush with some water...

Without water, not a single plant, animal, or person can survive. Animals need water to live, plants to grow, and humans to live. If there was no water, then there would be no need for ships, because... ships move on water. Power plants use water, or rather the power of water masses, to generate electricity.

The importance of water for humans
Humans are 70% water. A living organism constantly consumes water and needs to be replenished. For example, a person needs more than 2 liters of water per day. A person can live 40-45 days without food, but without water he cannot live even a few days.

What is water for?
What is water needed for? There’s no way to answer right away. Adults and children know that everything needs water. A ship is walking on the water, A small boat is sailing, There is a fish’s house in the water, It’s good, it’s cool in it. Let's get ready for kindergarten - In the morning you need to wash your face, brush your teeth before eating. How will you survive here without water! And when we come to the pool, It’s so nice to swim in it... If the water hadn’t been poured, We wouldn’t have swam so beautifully. Mom is cooking dinner, Without water, there is no dinner: Everything needs to be washed, cooked... Without water, what can we do?
Someone's house caught fire. The people in it were scared. We need to quickly put it out and pour water on the fire. If there is water in the garden, then everything will be fine: Onions, carrots and garlic Everything will ripen exactly on time. There is a skating rink made of ice over the river. Ice is frozen water. Frost is also ice flakes. We have snowflakes from water. How nice it is to drink water! How nice it is to pour water! That’s how it is! Wow! Everything needs water!

Water in the seas and oceans, in lakes, rivers and ponds. It is in towns and villages, in cities and towns. Water is a priceless gift of nature. Everyone enjoys you. Appreciate water, it is important, We are connected with water by fate.


Scientific and practical conference for students “I explore the world”

Educational and research work/Project work

"Water is the source of life"

Kovalchuk Egor


primary school teacher

Krasnova O.N.

1. Introduction 3-4

2. Theoretical part 5

2.1 Properties of water 6-7

2.2 The value of water in nature 8-9

3. Organization and research methods 10

4. Research results 11-13

5. Conclusion 14

Bibliography 16

Applications 17-22


Have you heard about water?

They say she is everywhere!

Like an icicle freezing.

Fog creeps into the forest.

It's called a glacier in the mountains.

It curls like a silver ribbon.

We are used to the fact that water is

Our companion always!

The theme of my work is “Water is the source of life.” I chose this topic because it is relevant, since water is the most important substance on Earth. Everyone knows that water is the basis of life. Science doesn't know this yet living matter, which could do without water. Water is omnipresent, it literally permeates the shells of the Earth and penetrates into any areas of the space where humans and all living things live. Water as a gift of nature must be protected and preserved!

In addition, I wanted to test the hypothesis put forward with the help of experiments.

The purpose of my workclarify and expand knowledge about water.

The object of work is water.

Subject of researchwater is the source of life.

Hypothesis - suppose that water has properties; life without water is impossible.

The tasks of my work:

Find out what properties water has.

Learn about the importance of water in nature.

Prove through an experiment that water is life.


I will read books about water

I'll turn to the computer

I'll do an experiment

I'll watch

I'll compare

I'll draw conclusions

Theoretical part

Why does water play such an important role in our lives? Just look at our planet! (Appendix 1 photo 1,2) Water is the most common substance on Earth. Almost three-quarters of the globe's surface is covered with water, forming oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. Much water exists in a gaseous state as vapor in the atmosphere. It lies in the form of huge masses of snow and ice. all year round on the tops of high mountains.

Water is the basis of life for all living organisms on Earth, one of its main resources. Where there is water, there is life. It is difficult to imagine what would happen to our planet if water disappeared. There is no substance on Earth that is more important for us than ordinary water, and at the same time there is no other substance whose properties would have so many contradictions.

Properties of water

What do we know about water? Without water, anything living on the Planet is unthinkable; it is the main source from which Life poured out. When scientists try to find life on other planets, they often ask the question: “Is there water there?” As we know, life cannot exist without water. Water is the most amazing and most widespread natural compound; it is omnipresent - both in the bowels of the earth and above the earth. It is present in the soil and in the air. Only water is found under terrestrial conditions in all three states: solid, liquid and gaseous (Appendix 1 photo 3,4,5). She can be soft and hard, she can give life and take it away. Water is a tasteless, odorless, colorless liquid that is part of all living beings. It is a mineral that has no form. Many well-known properties of water are exceptional.

Let's look at some of them.

Transparency property water. It can be proven by placing a picture in a plate of water. We can easily see the image in the picture through the water. This property of water is used very widely by humans: for example, aquariums with strange fish and algae, swimming pools and fountains with beautiful design bottom and walls.

Pure water has no odor . You can smell the water and see for yourself.

Water can dissolve different substances. If you pour it into a glass of water granulated sugar, or salt, they will dissolve. Water takes on the taste of the substance that is added to it. If you add paint to water, the paint will dissolve. The water will be colored.

This is why it is impossible to find “pure” water in nature, that is, water in which no substances are dissolved.

But water can not dissolve all substances.

If you pour it into a glass of water vegetable oil, it will not mix with water, but will float on its surface.

Water has no form. Let's pour it into containers different shapes And different sizes. Water takes the shape of the container into which it is poured.

Water flows . If you pour it onto a flat tray, it spreads into a puddle. This happens because water consists of invisible particles - so-called molecules that move.

One of the important properties of water is give life to all living things.

If you take seeds and place them in water, the seeds will germinate. If you take branches of fast-growing trees and place them in water, the branches will begin to bloom. From this it follows that water awakens life.

The meaning of water in nature

There is both a lot and a little water on Earth at the same time.

But, sea salt water is undrinkable and for many technical production And agriculture. And there is little fresh water.

Water does not simply pass from one natural component to another. She carries with her a huge amount chemicals, transporting them from soil to plants, from land to lakes and oceans, from the atmosphere to land. All plants can consume the nutrients contained in the soil only with water, where they are in a dissolved state. If it were not for the flow of water from the soil into the plants, all herbs, even those growing in the richest soils, would die of starvation.

Water is directly involved in plant growth. The very mechanism of their growth ultimately comes down to the absorption of water. It is necessary for the plant during the period from swelling to seed ripening, for the supply of nutrients from the soil to the plant, regulation of soil and plant temperature, enzyme activity, etc. Some parts of plants contain from 80 to 9O% or more water (root vegetables, cucumber ).

Water is the source of food, lifestyle and shelter for many animals, reptiles, birds, and fish that cannot imagine their lives without water.

Man has settled near water since ancient times. By water he expanded his possessions, discovered new countries, water served for protection from enemies (Appendix 2 photos 1,2). Water is the most important component of our environment.After air, water is the second most important component necessary for human life. How important water is is demonstrated by the fact that its content in various organs is 70 – 90%. Water is involved in the breathing process, since a person can breathe dry air for a relatively short time. Water removes waste, waste and toxins from the human body. Delivers oxygen and nutrients (mineral salts, vitamins) to cells. The importance of water for a person is so great that for normal life he needs to drink more than 1.5 - 2 liters a day. Lack of water is difficult for the body to tolerate. Dehydration contributes to the development of many diseases. Therefore, if the water content is even slightly below normal, it will cause the same consequences as insufficient watering for plants. Of course, many plants will continue to grow, but their condition will be far from ideal, and some plants will dry out altogether. It is impossible to see dehydration, but you can feel it.

Lack of water has a negative impact on a person and can lead to his death. It is difficult to imagine what would happen to our planet if fresh water disappeared.

Very often people don't think about this. They throw garbage into water bodies, not realizing that they are committing a terrible evil. Broken bottles, cans with sharp edges and much, much more are found under water. Imagine how dangerous this is for people swimming in a pond, and especially for those who dive.River banks often turn into landfills (Appendix 2 photo 3).There are often cases when large plants and factories throw their waste directly into a river or lake. All living things die in polluted water.

To save water means to protect life, health, and the beauty of the surrounding nature.

Organization and research methods

Theoretical: study of theoretical material, analysis of information sources.

Experimental: setting up an experiment.

Research results

Expanded and generalized ideas about water and its properties.





1.Put the picture in a plate of water.

Through the water I saw the image in the picture.

(Appendix 3 photo 1)

Pure water has no odor

2.Sniffed the water.

There is no smell.

(Appendix 3 photo 2)


3.Pour granulated sugar into the first glass of water. In the second salt.

Sand and salt dissolved.

The water acquired the taste of the substance that was added to it.

The paint has dissolved.

The water turned the color of paint.

(Appendix 3 photo 3)

Therefore, there is no “clean” water in nature. Various substances are always dissolved in it.

The oil remained floating on the surface of the water.

(Appendix 3 photo 4)

Water does not dissolve all substances.

Has no form

4.Poured water into containers of different sizes and shapes.

Water takes the shape of the container into which it is poured.

(Appendix 4 photo 1)


5.Poured water onto the tray.

The water has spread.

(Appendix 4 photo 2)

Giving life

6.I took 15 bean seeds.

5 of them were placed in a bowl with a wet napkin and constantly kept in a moderately damp state with water.

I placed 5 seeds on a dry cloth and did not water them at all.

Placed 5 seeds on a napkin soaked in milk and kept it moist with milk.

All the bowls were placed on the windowsill.

(Appendix 4 photo 3.4)

7.I cut off branches of quickly blooming trees in advance. Placed 3 branches in a glass of water. 3 put in an empty glass. I placed the branches in a visible place.

(Appendix 6 photo 1)

In the first bowl, the beans sprouted on the third day

On the 5th day, roots and leaves began to appear on the sprouts. The sprouts continued to develop (Appendix 5 photos 1,2,3).

The second time no sprouts appeared

(Appendix 5 photo 4).

In the third, first appeared bad smell. The seeds have rotted

(Appendix 5 photo 5).

After a few days, the buds on the branches with water began to grow. The twigs in the empty glass have not changed.

(Appendix 6photo 2)

We can conclude that water revives.


Water is part of every cell! Forests and fields drink water. Without it, neither animals, nor birds, nor people can live. I learned that water is an indispensable component of all living things. It is enough to crush a leaf of a plant in your hands, and we will find moisture in it.

Water humidifies the air; regulates temperature; helps absorb nutrients; protects vital organs; participates in metabolism. Everyone needs clean water. She's the foundation healthy life. But clean water is becoming less and less available. People themselves are to blame for this. Rivers and lakes merge waste water factories and factories.River banks often turn into landfills. Pollution of water bodies is dangerous for all living things.
Saving water means saving life!

As a result of my experiments, I proved the properties of water, that water in nature is capable of giving life. The hypothesis put forward was confirmed.

Can be used in lessons about the surrounding world and classroom hours in elementary school.


Derpgolts V.F. Water in the Universe. – L.: “Nedra”, 1971.

Zubkova N.M. A cart and a small cart of miracles. Experiments and experiments for children from 3 to 7 years old. Publishing house – Speech 2006

Comp. S.T. Ismailova - Encyclopedia for children: T.3 (Geography). – M.: Avanta+, 1994.

Petryanov I.V., The most extraordinary substance in the world. Moscow, 1975;

Fascinating experiments with water. AST Publishing House, 2008.

Encyclopedia “The World Around Us” M., 2000

Internet resources

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