Initial medical examination upon hiring. The procedure for undergoing a preliminary medical examination when applying for a job

One of the mandatory conditions for applying for a job is satisfactory health. That is why you will need to undergo a medical examination in order to get hired. Moreover, this kind of procedure is usually paid.

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What is it

Today, employment necessarily requires passing a special medical commission. This procedure does not have any significant differences from a routine medical examination conducted for a different purpose. But it has some of its own characteristics.

To conduct this type of inspection you will need a special form. It is provided directly at the place of passage medical examination. A medical examination for employment is always paid.

Carrying out such a procedure will require the person undergoing it to have the following:

A medical examination when applying for a job necessarily includes the following examinations:

  • fluorography;
  • blood test;
  • gynecological examination;
  • smear;
  • electrocardiogram - ECG.

Conducting a fluorographic examination is one of the most responsible and at the same time dangerous procedures. Since it involves exposing the patient to a small amount of radiation.

This is precisely the reason it is inadmissible to carry out such a procedure more than once a year. Providing the results at the place of the medical examination will avoid its repetition.

Repeated testing within 12 months may in a negative way affect health. Fluorographic examination allows us to determine the presence of any serious problems with the lungs, detect tuberculosis at an early stage.

This procedure necessarily requires exposure of the torso. It is allowed to carry it out if you have a white T-shirt.

Therefore, if you have such clothing, you should take it with you to the medical examination. This will avoid the need to bare your torso at a doctor's appointment.

A blood test allows for a general diagnostic examination of the body. It is required to monitor the condition of the body and detect any serious diseases.

Typically, blood is drawn from the elbow bend into a special container designed for this purpose. For some people, this type of procedure is extremely discomfort. Therefore, it is worth preparing for it mentally in advance.

If a woman undergoes a medical examination, a gynecological examination will be mandatory.

To do this, you will need to remove all clothing below the waist. It includes examination of the reproductive genital organs and more.

Inspection is carried out using instruments with mirrors specially designed for this purpose. In some cases, such an examination may cause discomfort in the woman.

The pre-employment examination necessarily includes a smear test. A fence is made from the anus using a special instrument. The resulting material is subsequently examined by a doctor.

A special form will be required to undergo a medical examination. It contains the following information:

  • full name of the medical institution where the examination itself is carried out;
  • personal data of the person conducting the inspection;
  • applicant's position;
  • work experience and profession;
  • designation of medical examination – periodic/preliminary;
  • details of the insurance company;
  • doctor’s signature with transcript and seal of the medical institution;
  • photo.

Is it obligatory

The medical examination itself is not required when applying for a job. But there is a certain list of positions, indicated directly in the labor legislation, for which a medical examination is strictly required. As detailed as possible at the moment reflected in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The complete list includes the following items:

  • working in dangerous jobs - with harmful conditions labor (including underground);
  • work on public transport;
  • implementation of any tasks at the facilities food industry;
  • if the duties are related to trade and catering;
  • work at enterprises servicing water pipelines;
  • employees of medical institutions;
  • working with children;
  • persons under 18 years of age at the time of starting work;
  • paramilitary security, special communications service;
  • athletes.

It is also mandatory to undergo a medical examination for persons whose work will involve performing life-threatening tasks.

And not only for yourself, but also for those around you. Some categories of workers require a medical examination, as well as a special health certificate. The employer must remember that violation of the provisions of Article No. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will certainly lead to serious consequences.

The issue regarding medical examination for minors is reflected in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. For persons whose work will be carried out in the Far North, passing the examination is strictly mandatory.

The issue of conducting a medical examination is addressed not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other legal acts.

Based on federal legislation, examinations of the type in question must be completed when applying for a job:

  • customs officials;
  • judges;
  • employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as train employees.

Regional authorities may also issue various specialized laws establishing the requirement for certain professions to undergo a medical examination.

Such an examination is carried out in order to check the suitability of a particular employee to perform any job duties.

For example, law enforcement officers must undergo examination by a psychiatrist when applying for a job.

The procedure for such an examination for work in a certain position is established by the Government Decree of September 23, 2002 “On undergoing a psychiatric examination.”

Who pays for the preliminary medical examination when applying for a job?

One of the employer’s responsibilities is mandatory payment for the employee to undergo a medical examination. The format of such an action may be different.

The most common is that the employee independently pays in cash/non-cash the full cost of this service at the appropriate medical institution.

After this, the confirming payment document is sent to the accounting department. The amount indicated in the payment document will be given to the employee along with wages or otherwise.

In addition to paying for the medical examination, the employer must provide a special form for entering the data of the examination itself.

In some cases, such a document is issued at a medical institution. The person undergoing the examination is required to present a passport/other identification document at the clinic.

When doctors conduct an examination, a special conclusion is drawn up. It lists all contraindications, as well as other important data that is important when hiring or performing any specific duties.

The conclusion is drawn up in two copies:

  • one is transferred to the employer;
  • the second is filed with a special outpatient card.

Employees who have passed a medical examination are usually simply not allowed to perform their duties.

Where to go

Typically, a medical examination is carried out by a specific employee at his place of residence and registration. At the clinic to which he is assigned.

But the medical institution itself must satisfy some important requirements:

  • have a license, state accreditation to provide services of this kind;
  • It is necessary to have all the equipment required to conduct a medical examination, as well as specially trained personnel.

If the medical examination is planned and is carried out at the same time large number employees of the same enterprise, it is best to conclude a special agreement for the provision of such services.

This way it will be possible to significantly simplify and speed up the process of the type under consideration. Special private medical institutions also have the right to conduct such examinations. The future employee can choose the place of inspection independently.

Which doctors should you avoid?

The list of doctors who must be visited when undergoing a medical examination includes:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • neurologist;
  • surgeon;
  • therapist - to obtain the conclusion of the medical commission.

Women also usually see a gynecologist and mammologist. If your child needs to undergo a medical examination, there are some important things to keep in mind:

  • laboratory examinations include analysis of not only blood, but also urine;
  • you will need to visit an extensive list of specialized specialists - dentist, psychiatrist and others;
  • the therapist must carry out overall rating the child’s readiness to perform work of a certain nature - such a test may include squats for a while or something else.

It is important to remember that failure to undergo a medical examination can result in quite serious penalties. And both for employees and for employers.

For workers, the punishment will be as follows:

  • removal from immediate duties;
  • disciplinary sanctions - applied by the head of the enterprise;
  • termination of employment relationships.

If a business entity hires new employees for a position with specific working conditions, then by law it must check their health suitability for this. To find out this is carried out preliminary medical examination when applying for a job. An examination by doctors is carried out before the employee actually begins performing his duties and at the expense of the organization.

Organizations usually conduct medical examinations by sending their future employee to a specialized medical institution. There, they are examined, their health status is studied, and measures are developed for its safety and early prevention of occupational diseases.

For this purpose, the Ministry of Health and Social Development states:

  • A list of factors that are recognized as dangerous or harmful when performing duties, and under which the administration must organize preliminary and further medical examinations.
  • A list of work performed for which the administration needs to conduct medical examinations of the workers involved.
  • The process of carrying out preliminary inspection and all subsequent ones for workers registered for hazardous or hazardous work.

Attention! In addition, the medical examination may be aimed at establishing the employee’s suitability to work in his future profession.

When to do it

Current labor legislation establishes a ban on allowing employees to perform their duties without performing a preliminary medical examination, if necessary. For violation of this rule, the administration of a business entity may be subject to various types responsibility.

Therefore, if the candidate’s position is included in the mandatory list, then it is necessary to issue a referral for a medical examination and send him to the medical center. institution. This step must be taken before the parties actually sign and allow the newcomer to perform duties.

Who should pass it?

The Labor Code lists the types of employees who must undergo a medical examination before starting to perform their duties:

  • Workers under 18 years of age;
  • Employees who are registered to work with dangerous or harmful factors according to SOUT;
  • New employees of food industry enterprises, catering, direct trade, engaged in laying water pipelines, registered in medical and children's institutions;
  • Those entering work on a rotational basis;
  • Those coming for work that needs to be done underground;
  • If the work will be carried out in the Far North or similar territories.

Attention! In addition, additional types of workers may be established in federal laws.

At what point is a medical examination necessary and by whom is it carried out?

A medical examination must be carried out before signing labor agreement between the employee and the company administration.

Except preliminary inspections Periodic and unscheduled medical examinations may also be carried out. Also, for certain types of workers, a medical examination must be carried out before the start of each working day (shift).

Periodic medical examinations may also be specified in laws. This is done in order to track changes in the condition of employees while they perform their duties in the company, prevent the development of occupational diseases, and confirm suitability. In particular, they need to be organized for workers with dangerous or harmful factors at work. workplace.

The frequency of such medical examinations can range from 1 to 2 years. These periods are also fixed in regulations. Typically, they need to be completed after a specified period of time has passed after completing the preliminary.

Unscheduled medical examinations can be ordered by both the employer and the employee himself. This is done to confirm suitability. They can be performed when signs of deterioration in the employee’s health appear.

A daily examination before permission to perform work duties should be carried out for those workers whose activities directly depend on their state of health. For example, these include people driving vehicles, since their condition will determine the ability to adequately assess the road situation, the safety of the passengers with them, as well as other participants traffic.

Have the right to carry out a medical examination medical institutions any form of ownership, if they have the required licenses and certificates to conduct such activities. In addition, an agreement must be drawn up between the business entity and the medical institution to perform a medical examination.

The list of medical specialists from whom you need to obtain an opinion usually depends on the position.

But, as a rule, among them are the following doctors:

  • Surgeon;
  • Neuropathologist;
  • Oculist;
  • Therapist (draws up a conclusion).

In addition, the future employee must pass a standard list of tests, undergo a cardiogram and fluorography.

How to send an employee for a preliminary medical examination

A representative of a business entity, usually a human resources inspector, must prepare a referral for medical treatment for the employee. examination.

This form must include:

  • The name of the business entity where the employee works or will work.
  • Designation of the form of ownership of the enterprise, as well as OKVED of the main activity of the company.
  • The name of the medical institution, its address, to which the employee is sent for examination.
  • A type of medical examination (for example, upon admission to a company - preliminary).
  • Full name without reducing the number of employees sent for examination to doctors.
  • His date of birth.
  • Designation of the department where the employee performs his duties.
  • The name of the profession and type of activity performed by the employee.
  • List of factors that can have harmful and dangerous influence on the health of the employee at his place of work.

The referral for examination must be endorsed responsible person with a reflection of his personal data. If only an employed person is sent for inspection, the referral is issued against signature. A registration book or survey sheet may be used for this purpose.

Attention! The form of referral is not regulated at the legislative level. Each business entity develops independently, taking into account the specifics of its activities.

Procedure for conducting a preliminary medical examination

To undergo examination at an institution, you must receive a referral from your employer to be examined by doctors.

This document, along with an identity card, will need to be presented at the clinic in order to undergo examination. If this is not the first time the examination is being carried out, the employee must also have a health passport with him.

The medical organization opens a card for this employee, and in the absence of a passport, this document is drawn up.

In the clinic, the card registered for the employee records the results of an examination by each doctor, as well as laboratory tests. The result is reflected here. The medical card must be kept in the medical institution.

In this case, a health passport is opened in the absence of one for each employee sent for examination. When the employee undergoes an examination, the passport is in the clinic along with his medical card, and after its completion it is handed over to the employee.

Specialists from the medical institution must participate in the medical examination in accordance with the law, so that the employee undergoes a full examination in accordance with labor standards.

What do you get after the examination?

As soon as the working labor contract the person has been examined by all doctors required by law, and must be given a medical certificate.

This document must reflect the following information:

  • Date of preparation of the form.
  • Full name without abbreviations, as well as the employee’s date of birth and gender.
  • The name of the organization that will subsequently act as his employer.
  • The name of the profession for which the employee will perform labor duties, as well as the name of the department, the type of work performed.
  • A list of factors existing in the company that have a harmful effect on employee health.
  • The medical report itself shows whether the employee is fit for this job or whether there are contraindications.

According to the standards, the conclusion is drawn up in two copies - for the employee, and one remains in the medical card of the person being examined. It must be signed by the chairman of the medical commission that examined the employee, and also certified by the seal of the health care institution.

Who pays for the pre-employment medical examination?

In accordance with the law, an enterprise must organize and conduct medical examinations and examinations by psychologists and narcologists for its employees. For this purpose, the business entity enters into contracts with healthcare institutions.

Sometimes in practice a situation may arise when an organization asks an employee to undergo a medical examination, but upon presentation of all supporting documents - certificates, contracts, receipts, the company returns all expenses incurred by him.

However, sometimes the employer tries to evade its responsibility to pay the employee’s medical examination expenses. In such a situation, a company employee has the right to go to court, which will definitely take his side and force him to return the money spent.
Under certain conditions, an employee must not only undergo an examination by doctors, but also obtain a medical record. According to existing legal provisions, the costs of this must also be borne by the employer.

Attention! The company must bear such costs even in relation to only employed people. And even if he does not work for the organization in the future, the company must pay for the examination and registration of a medical record at its own expense, without demanding compensation.

Monitoring the health of employees is the employer's responsibility. And observing the correct procedure for conducting periodic medical examinations is the duty of a personnel employee. In this article we will tell you which groups of workers should undergo a medical examination and how to organize periodic medical examinations at the enterprise

Read our article:

Organization of periodic medical examinations

The second way is to create a special department within the enterprise and conduct surveys there. This is more complicated; the company needs to obtain a license for medical activities. Whether it’s worth it or not is up to you to decide, based on the needs of the company and the number of employees.

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New order on medical examinations 2017

Let's say you took the first path and entered into an agreement with the clinic. Now you have to develop a schedule for conducting a medical examination. Next, you need to coordinate the schedule you have developed with the medical institution and approve it with a separate order for the enterprise.

Procedure for medical examinations

The stages of medical examination are described in special documents of the Ministry of Health. If we are talking about drivers, then the procedure for this procedure can be found in the letter of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated August 21, 2003 No. 2510/9468-03-32. In all other cases, follow Appendix 3 to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n. So here are the steps you should take:

Step 1. Make two lists of employees - one contingent, the second by name.

Step 2. Give each employee on the list a referral for a medical examination. This is a special document that states:

  • company name;
  • name of the medical organization, OGRN, actual address;
  • type of examination;
  • Full name and date of birth of the employee;
  • department name;
  • employee's job title.

Pay attention!

The referral is issued to each employee against signature in a special journal. After all, an employee can do it under various pretexts, but you bear responsibility for his health.

Step 3. After your employee has been examined by doctors and has passed all the tests, the clinic issues a health report. This conclusion is signed by the chairman of the medical commission, and the document is certified by the seal of the medical institution. There are two copies: one is received by the employee, the second remains in the clinic.

Then the doctors draw up a final act. This procedure takes 30 calendar days: all diagnoses and results during this time become completely clear. The clinic sends copies of the act to three addresses: to Rospotrebnadzor, regional center occupational pathology and to your enterprise. The clinic keeps the fourth copy and stores it, according to the nomenclature, for 50 years.

Who should undergo periodic medical examination

You must have your employees go through doctors if:

  • your people;
  • your employees (primarily drivers);
  • your company is engaged in the field catering and trade, food industry, medical and preventive and children's institutions, water supply facilities;
  • your company provides departmental security services;
  • you have a hairdresser or beauty salon;
  • you have a construction industry;
  • you work in the field of public railway transport;
  • Young people under the age of 18 work at the enterprise in any position - you are obliged to send them to the doctor at least once a year.

Read also:

List of employees subject to medical examinations

Periodic medical examinations must, firstly, be carried out by workers who are exposed to harmful production factors specified in the list approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n.

As well as people engaged in work listed in the list of order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n. Based on these two documents, create a list of employees subject to medical examinations. Be sure to include:

The list must be sent to Rospotrebnadzor within 10 days from the date of its approval by the enterprise.

Name list of employees

You create a list of employees by name based on the list of contingents. It must indicate:

  • Full name, employee position;
  • name of the harmful production factor;
  • department name.

You send this list to the clinic with which you agreed on a medical examination no later than two months before the event. This period is needed so that doctors can develop a calendar plan for the event and coordinate it with you. As soon as the clinic and the employer come to an agreement, the employees are also familiarized with the plan, no later than 10 days before the examination.

It explains how often an annual medical examination takes place at work ( labor code, Art. 213). And Article 214 describes the responsibilities of an employee in the field of labor protection.

You should also point to Article 185 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to this article, the time spent by the employee undergoing medical examinations must be paid.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 214. Responsibilities of an employee in the field of labor protection

The employee is obliged:

  • comply with labor protection requirements;
  • correctly use personal and collective protective equipment;
  • undergo training safe methods and methods of performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, instruction on labor protection, on-the-job training, testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements;
  • immediately notify your immediate or superior manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in your health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning);
  • undergo mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations, other mandatory medical examinations, as well as undergo extraordinary medical examinations at the direction of the employer in cases provided for by this Code and other federal laws.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 185. Guarantees for employees sent for a medical examination

During the period of undergoing a medical examination, employees who are required to undergo such an examination in accordance with this Code shall retain the average earnings at their place of work.

What documents are needed to pass a medical examination for work?

  • passport of the citizen who has been assigned a preliminary medical examination;
  • , where the citizen is employed. Typically, the direction indicates those examinations that are necessary for a citizen to obtain employment;
  • outpatient card.

When applying for employment at a food industry enterprise or an enterprise where communication with children occurs, the employee must fill out a form.

To complete it you need provide a 3x4 photo. Upon initial application, you will also need to provide SNILS, compulsory medical insurance policy and receipt about paying for a medical examination at this clinic.

We also note that if the medical examination takes place in a paid clinic, then SNILS and compulsory medical insurance no need to provide.

Certificate of completion

After all the doctors have passed, a certificate of completion of the medical examination upon employment is issued. The certificate states whether the employee passed the medical examination or not. In some cases, a certificate of medical examination upon hiring is not issued, but a medical book is provided. But medical book is not issued immediately.

If the position requires the issuance of a medical record, then before it is issued, a person who has passed all the doctors is given a certificate stating that his personal medical record is in the hospital, he has passed the doctors, and the document itself will be issued on a certain date.

To be hired, you usually need a certificate to pass a medical examination form.

Since 2009, in order to be employed in the civil service, it is necessary to present a certificate.

It should be noted that the validity period of such a certificate differs from the period of periodic examination of personnel already working at the enterprise. Certificate 086/у has a validity period of 6 months. Certificate 001-ГС/у is valid twice as long, namely 12 months.

I didn’t pass the medical examination at work – what should I do?

You may not undergo examination if diseases are identified that cannot be treated in this area. For example, this is an open form of tuberculosis or other diseases that are detected through research.

If this happened, need to undergo treatment. In this case it takes place suspension from work who have not undergone a medical examination until it has been completed and provided to the employer.

List of diseases for which a medical examination certificate is not issued:

  1. Eye diseases. If this is work on a computer or activities related to driving vehicles, then it is unlikely that people who have vision problems will be allowed to do it.
  2. Contagious skin diseases.
  3. In some cases, these are alcoholism, drug addiction and mental illness.

For example, You can't work as a driver in that case if a person suffers from seizures in any form or is quite serious hearing impairment, and also mental retardation.

But workers whose work is related to computers usually undergo all examinations. There are no special diseases identified for them.

If the driver has not passed the pre-trip inspection, he is not allowed to take the shift. The employee must be sent to a clinic.

In accordance with Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when hiring. But some employers are trying to violate the labor code and do not want to pay for a medical examination. If employer does not want to pay for a medical examination, then he violates labor legislation .

Validity period and frequency

When it comes to employment, they are different. For example, certificate 086/у is valid for six months. The health certificate is considered valid for a year, after which it is necessary to undergo the examination again.

Medical examinations are carried out at intervals from Once every 6 months to Once every 2 years, depending on the enterprise.

For example, employees whose work involves working on a computer (if they spend more than 50% of their working time on a computer) must undergo a medical examination once every 2 years if they are over 21 years of age.

Car drivers must also undergo a medical examination once every 2 years. In addition, drivers must undergo a medical examination at the beginning of each shift. This inspection is called pre-trip inspection and all those who drive vehicles are required to undergo it.

Individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to transportation must also undergo a pre-trip inspection.

Can I be fired if I don't pass the examination?

If the employee has not passed the examination, he will be suspended from work(Article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is likely that the employee will be given a vacancy in which to work.

If there are vacancies positions that an employee can occupy in an enterprise No, and he did not pass the medical examination at work - dismissal at the enterprise.

If according to the results of the medical examination the period of suspension from work is less than 4 months, then after this time the employee is reinstated and continues to work at the enterprise. If the period of suspension from work exceeds 4 months or is not indicated in the results of the medical examination, then the employee will be fired.

Employer's liability

The employer has no right allow employees who have not been tested to work. The employer is subject to administrative responsibility for this (admission to work without a medical examination).

This applies to those workers for whom a medical examination is mandatory.

According to article Art. 11.32 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for the administrative responsibility of the employer for allowing an employee to work without a medical examination. In case of such an offense, the employer will be required to pay a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles.

Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 11.32. Violation of the established procedure for conducting mandatory medical examination of vehicle drivers (candidate vehicle drivers) or mandatory preliminary, periodic, pre-trip or post-trip medical examinations

Violation of the established procedure for conducting mandatory medical examinations of vehicle drivers (candidate vehicle drivers) or mandatory preliminary, periodic, pre-trip or post-trip medical examinations shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to one and a half thousand rubles; for officials - from two thousand to three thousand rubles; for legal entities - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.

Note. For administrative offenses provided for in this article, persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without education legal entity, bear administrative responsibility as legal entities.

Failure to undergo medical examination when necessary violates labor laws and Rospotrebnadzor requirements.

In addition, such a lack can cause serious consequences, such as the occurrence of epidemics and other negative consequences. That is why rules were created for undergoing a medical examination when applying for a job.

One of the fundamental principles of regulatory regulation in the world of work is ensuring safety. Many activities are aimed at achieving safety compliance goals. Associated with it are certain lists of rights and obligations of the parties labor relations. One of these events is a medical examination when hiring in cases established by law. In appropriate cases, a candidate for employment is required to undergo a medical examination. The employer, in turn, is obliged to organize a medical examination and grant admission to work only if the assessment of the candidate’s health status is positive.

Who undergoes a preliminary medical examination when applying for a job?

The list of candidates for whom there is a need to carry out the procedure under consideration is quite wide. Their main list is contained in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, a medical examination upon hiring will be required for:

  • minor candidates for employment;
  • employment for the purpose of carrying out work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions;
  • employment for the purpose of working in transport;
  • work in the Far North and similar areas;
  • shift work method, etc.

The objectives of the inspection are as follows:

  • establishing compliance of the candidate’s health status with the corresponding position (job);
  • timely detection and prevention of diseases.

Organizing a medical examination when applying for a job

The obligation to organize a preliminary medical examination rests with the employer. Employment for the relevant vacant position must be subject to the need to undergo such an examination. A candidate’s disagreement with a medical examination should result in an unconditional refusal of employment.

As provided in Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a preliminary medical examination when hiring must be carried out at the expense of the employer.

The employer has the right:

  • enter into an agreement with a medical institution to conduct relevant examinations within a certain period of time;
  • send candidates to a medical institution for a medical examination under a one-time contract.

How does a medical examination work when applying for a job?

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 N 302n approved the rules for conducting medical examinations (hereinafter referred to as Rules No. 302n).

According to Rules No. 302n, the medical institution conducting the relevant medical examination must have the right (license) to conduct it.

The composition of the medical commission for examinations when applying for a job is formed on an ongoing basis. It must include an occupational pathologist and specialists who have undergone advanced training or have a certificate in the relevant specialty “occupational pathology”.

During the examination, the following is entered and registered for the candidate:

  • medical card (not issued to the person, but stored in a medical institution);
  • health passport (issued to the person);
  • the conclusion I came to medical commission upon hiring, indicating the results of a medical examination (given to the person in his or her hands).

Employer's liability

If an employer allows an employee to work who refused to undergo a medical examination when applying for a job or for whom such a medical examination was not organized, he risks being held administratively liable.

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