Basics of practical magic. Basics of magic. Sacred Guardian Angel: self-awareness

With this article I have tried to outline the main aspects of magical work. Every word, every concept in magic is a huge layer of information that you need to work with for many years in order to learn how to operate with these concepts and really achieve results in magical work. Magic is simultaneously the work of the mind (theory and basics of ritual), the body (yoga and similar exercises) and the imagination (the practice of visualization and meditation). Only such an integrated approach will help you reach the heights of the Spirit. At the beginning of the article, allow me, two theses with which none of you can disagree:

1) Thought is material. Your outer life depends on your inner state.

2) You need to live in a state of equilibrium, balance. This does not mean doing nothing or not thinking. In the Western occult tradition, this means bringing all the forces of nature and all the inner forces of man into balance, so that this contributes to the development of man himself and his ability to help humanity as a whole.

Essentially, the magic that I propose to do is the work of achieving balance to balance your mental activity and emotional states, achieving self-confidence and finding your true purpose on this planet.

The magic of the elements, planets, and zodiac signs is used for balancing, and to find your place in the universe, establishing a connection with the Holy Guardian Angel. These disciplines are practically all that every practicing magician needs to know. The bad news is that all these symbolic components of magic have so many aspects, correspondences, pitfalls and hidden meanings that there will be enough work for several decades.

Many people ask whether magic is not dangerous in the sense that we do not suffer enough according to our destiny, and that it is through suffering that purification occurs. I suggest you abandon this idea immediately! In the concept of Thelema magick, which I practice and encourage you to practice, the idea of ​​suffering is considered imposed and destructive. Imagine living in a universe where no one punishes you. You have already grown up and must be responsible for your actions. You can only be punished by cause and effect in case of wrong or dangerous actions.

The Universe gives joy and happiness to every person and does not require anything in return. You should not be punished for your happiness, but the visible unhappiness that occurs is the result of an imbalance in the influences of the elements, planets and zodiac signs in yourself. Start from this, and everything else will follow.

Like any science, magic consists of theory and practical application.

The theories include:

1) Archetypes of the unconscious
2) Five elements and seven planets
3) Tarot cards
4) Tree of Life
5) Pentagram
6) Hexagram

All of the above is essentially a systematization of archetypes.

Practices include:

1) Meditations (on elemental cards, planetary principles, Tarot cards)
2) Making magical tools and talismans
3) Rituals with or without their use

Archetypes of the unconscious

Our rational thinking, consciousness, thoughts and logic are what we use every day. It is opposed by the unconscious - everything illogical, irrational, intuitive, mystical. The human soul is like an iceberg: a small ice mountain rises above the sea - this is consciousness, and hidden under the water is a huge part of what is not used, forgotten, but it exists and can significantly damage the ship of our life if it is not taken into account.

In the unconscious there are archetypes - these are mythologies underlying any situation in which a person finds himself. The history of the development of culture and art throughout the Earth has given us a huge number of legends, myths, fairy tales, parables and religions. By studying the ancient pagan heritage, as well as the development of monotheistic religions (in particular, their borrowings from paganism), one can come to interesting conclusions. In fact, at the center of each such story we find a mythologeme that turns out to be familiar to us from other myths and legends of other peoples. Knowing mythology well, you can easily determine which archetype operates in a given situation.

For example, in old age a man turned gray, let his hair and beard grow, dressed in burlap and went into the forests. He mentors everyone he meets. He is affected by the archetype of the Wise Old Man.

Let's take another simple, illustrative example: an alcoholic. What is a bottle? This is an allusion to the mother's breast. Remember how the Virgin Mary was depicted, Great Mother during the Renaissance? Breastfeeding, with one bare breast. Therefore, we can conclude that the basis of alcoholism is the mythology of the Great Mother. An alcoholic is a person who does not want to grow up and become independent. He is still attached to his mother's breast.

An archetype always has two sides - good, light and evil, shadow. A great mother can be the kindest in the world and give joy. This is the goddess Nuit, who extends over the entire universe, the goddess of the starry sky. Or maybe she is a terrible sow, “devouring her children,” not allowing them to develop independently, not letting them go free. Also, the Wise Old Man can be really wise, or he can just be wise, the one who always teaches everyone around how to live and gets bored.

One of the most important archetypes is the Shadow archetype. It underlies all conflicts and wars. The shadow archetype signifies the intensity of opposites. If you declare something “this is good,” then you automatically repress the opposite of this phenomenon into the unconscious. The more often you say “good” to something white, the more energy the “black” in your unconscious receives. Eventually a pole shift may occur. Remember how “British scientists” scared us that the Earth’s poles would change places with the equator? This is a symbolic representation of the phenomenon of entropy, which can happen to anyone who does not develop a mindset whose judgments operate within certain boundaries of consideration. For example, we say - yes, white is good, but only for us at this particular time, and if we use it in such and such a way. Always keep an opposing opinion in mind on all issues, even if you do not agree with it. The main thing is that you cannot see the world only in black and white. This type of thinking leads directly to neurosis.

For a more detailed acquaintance with the archetypes of the unconscious, it is recommended to read the books by Carl Gustav Jung “Psychology of the Unconscious” and “Psychology and Alchemy”, as well as Erich Neumann’s “The Origin and Development of Consciousness”, which talks about the stages of development.

Tarot Wheel

Tarot cards are a complete system of archetypes of the unconscious, which supposedly contains all the archetypes and stages of development of any situation. In this it is similar to the Chinese book of changes I-Ching, which Leibniz considered a mathematical binary system. The I Ching describes 64 general stages of development of any system (starting from the person himself and ending with the state). Each of these situations is decomposed into six more successive stages. Tarot cards are an equally universal system, although less harmonious. But the Tarot contains answers to all questions and explanations of all areas of life thanks to its unique set of symbols, which are contained in the 78 cards of the deck.

The major tarot cards correspond to the three main elements, the seven planets and the twelve signs of the zodiac. The four suits of the minor arcana are the four elements (fire, water, air, earth). The court cards symbolize the subelements (eg air and water).

To work with the Tarot, it is necessary to understand that their interpretation, just like the interpretation of dreams and visions, occurs through correspondences. Each archetype has a set of symbols corresponding to it. For example, a wise old man is gray-haired, and the Great Mother always carries within herself some kind of symbol of motherhood, feeding, watering, caring, sometimes excessively. A man in a black monastic robe with a scythe is Death. A beautiful young girl emerging from the sea foam - Venus. The system of correspondences is best summarized in the tables of the book “Kabbalah 777” by Aleister Crowley. Recommended reading for Tarot interpretation: Hayo Bentzhaf “Tarot and the Hero's Journey”, Aleister Crowley “Tarot of Thoth”.

The major arcana, drawn out on a specific question, will help to clarify what archetype underlies it - conflict, plans, implementation. The minor arcana symbolize the development of the situation in the elements.

How can one observe the development of the situation of the elements in low cards Tarot? Let's look at the example of Water. So, the root of the powers of Water is a pure feeling, not yet an emotion, but pure joy. In two, a specific feeling begins - Love. Then the emotion develops, there is more water - Abundance, three of cups. When abundance gets boring, it’s already Luxury, the Four of Cups. When you finally get tired of luxury, Disappointment sets in. Finally, at the top ten, saturation occurs - too much water.

Tree of Life

To understand why this should be interpreted minor arcana Tarot, you need to get acquainted with one more universal system- Tree of Life. Read more about this system here: Fortune telling on the Tree of Life. The main thing to remember about the Tree of Life is that it repeats Plato’s theory of eidos, ideas. In an ideal world, everything is conceived, but in the real world, everything is implemented and materialized. The very top of the Tree of Life is the idea, the very bottom is the implementation. Between them are different levels of comprehension. The tree of life has three pillars along which energy descends. The most harmonious flow is considered to be the middle column, and deviation to one or another side column is considered disharmonious. Therefore, 1 (Ace), 6, 9 and 10 are relatively positive cards, and 4, 5, 7, 8 are disharmonious. Cards 3 and 4 in each suit are average in their manifestation, since they belong to the highest triad of the Tree of Life, but are not located on the middle pillar.

The tree is superimposed on:

A) On the human body. Adam Kadmon. There are a lot of exercises and practices associated with this overlay, for example, the ritual of the Middle Pillar, which coincides with the spine.
B) Myth of creation. Naples order (so named because it was developed by Crowley while in Naples). It is described in detail in the Book of Thoth, but briefly its essence is that at first there was one point, then, in order to differentiate itself, a second, a third appeared, and then space, time, feeling, thought, image, and finally, materialization.
C) Development of a person’s personality, his spirituality. In Thelema there are two paths of development that overlap with the Tree of Life:

  • The Way of the Sword, which is practiced in the Order of A.A. - This is a vertical path, implying a steady ascent to the Spirit, which is considered very difficult and involves many trials.
  • The Path of the Snake, characteristic of O.T.O. initiations. (more information here: Order of the Eastern Templars in Ukraine or Order of the Eastern Templars in Russia). The snake winds along all paths without exception - that is, by successively passing initiations (or, as an option, working independently), a person gradually rises to the Highest Triad of the Spirit.

What comes first: matter or spirit? But what if neither one nor the other, but there is a primary substance from which everything flows? Readers are invited to a fruitful attempt by A.Yu. Sklyarov to understand this issue.

The materials offered for study include:

  1. Books: A. Sklyarov “Fundamentals of the physics of the spirit (A ridiculous attempt at conciliatory quackery)” Moscow, 2000
  2. Applications 1: Unified Physics of Spirit and Matter as a new scientific paradigm
  3. Applications 2: Is it possible for us to have a new type of party?..
  4. Applications 3: The myth of "mythological consciousness"
  5. as well as two films, which will be discussed further.

I hope we all know about the role of systems theory in the creation of DOTU. What happens if you apply it to the description of reality? In this case, reality should be understood as a combination of materialistic and idealistic views. The author suggests that materialism and idealism are two mistakes, and the truth must be looked for in a slightly different place, based on the experience of both concepts. Using similarity theory and systems theory, he comes to a very interesting picture of the world, where information has energy, and every material object has an image.

This lecture provides what was so lacking in the concept of public safety - the connection between management theory and extremely general concepts describing the foundations of the psyche. Maybe that’s why the community is so zealously trying to get hold of and understand the “depressurization.” But here everything is immediately clear and the conclusions are the same.

Timing and screenshots:
Part 1.
in italics - editor's notes for this description

00:00 Gods and texts about them are fiction. But people care about the result; they won’t be able to deceive for long.

04:50 In any case, we come to what the spirit is, does it have a physical basis
Part 1. Physics of the Spirit
Whether there is a soul or not, Bekhtereva’s opinion.
Signs of spirituality in pets such as dogs.

07:49 Physicists de facto recognize certain non-existent objects. "Holes" when describing semiconductors, as the absence of electrons.

Quasiparticles, virtual particles
11:40 Field physics has almost brought materialism to collapse. We decided that matter and field are equal.

14:50 The assumption that matter and spirit are two sides of the same coin

18:30 I found the same situation with Giordano Bruno

19:30 There must be symmetry then
It must manifest itself

21:00 Microworld and the world of people
The Heiselberg uncertainty principle shows the influence of the researcher on the object. In the same way, psychologists, when studying, influence.
Strong dependence on minor changes in parameters. It is impossible to calculate the result one hundred percent, only probabilities, but they are clearly defined.
It’s the same in sociology, you can’t define it exactly, but the probabilities are described.

29:00 There must be some general laws
The principle of voltage reduction. We strive to minimize potential energy.
Newton's third law states that every action produces a reaction.
If people walk in a crowd in a narrow place, the movement accelerates, as in gas dynamics.
They are now trying to describe human behavior through wave function.

The point is that in the world of the spirit some laws of conservation operate, just as in the material world.

As a consequence of this basic assumption - help in solving the 2nd law of thermodynamics
In a closed system, entropy increases, but in living systems this is not observed; systems become more complex.

Systems theory. Entropy is a measure of the disorder of a system. If we begin to introduce structure into a system with disordered elements (the highest entropy), then the entropy decreases. Obtaining information leads to a reduction in system uncertainty and increases (maybe it reduces, misspoke? ) entropy.
Any ordering is directly related to information. The amount of information received is strictly equal to
the magnitude of the entropy decrease.

Information then has some kind of energy. If we consume energy, then the entropy of a closed system, according to the 2nd law of thermodynamics, decreases.

If we admit that information has some kind of energy, but material types “do not fit there.” What then?

Living systems consume matter, information, and energy. The more effective, the better life. Evolution is aimed at increasing efficiency.
When organizing information, we add additional information, that is, we increase the energy of the system.

Such a concept as an image has the greatest information saturation, which means the greatest energy density.

42:00 Phase space

Potential possibility of materialization.
With a certain applied energy ( information?) gamma quantum can be converted into a positron and electron and magnetic fields separated.

It is logical to assume that they have a similar structure (slide comparing the structures of material and intangible)

53:30 Material objects and images. If we consider them two parts of a single fundamental principle, they must be
not only similar, but also interact.

The properties of the system are determined by 3 factors
Element properties
Element Relationships
System structure

Properties of spiritual-immaterial fields. The radius of action is the entire Universe, according to the pattern of increasing radius as particles decrease.

Levin's living space.
The forces and factors of the living space determine its behavior (the function of the living space). Target selection follows the principle of least action. But he calculates the probabilities subjectively.
Absolutely identical to what in physics is called a potential field. ( Connection with dynamic programming method?).

61:50 An analogue of the mass of the gravitational field in an immaterial field will be the complexity of the object’s structure. Objects will be attracted. Attraction is a decrease in potential energy. The structure will become more complicated.
If this is accepted, then the causes and mechanisms of evolution will be explained.

When comparing fields, similar patterns emerge.
The greater the mass, the faster the jump in system change occurs.
The unidirectionality of the field gives the direction of evolution towards the complication of systems and the acceleration of the complication of systems. Increasing complexity of the structure leads to an increase in the ability to process information. Imaginative thinking is the logical result of evolution, since an image is the most compact and condensed information. The direction of evolution towards freedom from external conditions, the emergence of life and consciousness is natural.

The evolution of man is directed towards the development of the ability of his soul to exist regardless of the physical body and the development of extrasensory abilities.

Based on the level of information processing, groups of objects with different levels of consciousness evolution are also distinguished.
Consciousness appears when there is an idea of ​​the past and the future. A person begins to reflect and evolution shifts to the spiritual sphere.
Similarities with a black hole from gravitational interactions. This is the Schwarzschild sphere, which represents a kind of inner world from which nothing comes out.

Since a person is an element of a system, a community, it can also form a system that reaches the level of consciousness. Collective consciousness (council of gods) ()

If we are looking for an analogue of electromagnetic interaction, then what could it be. There must be attraction and repulsion.
The system has a characteristic of resonant frequencies. It is determined by the structure of the system. If systems have the same structures and, accordingly, the same frequencies, they attract as much as possible. If the frequencies are different, they repel. He called it resonant-dissonant interaction.

Part 2.
00:00 By all properties, the so-called “etheric body” in Eastern teachings is an image of the physical body. Soul - astral body, the mental body is a set of mental images. The rest, I don’t know, maybe they will appear, I can’t find any analogues.

04:20 Some people describe chakras as luminous cones. This can be explained by drawing an analogy with the Vavilov-Cherenkov effect, when an electron bursting into a dense medium moves above the speed of light, emitting light quanta in the form of a luminous cone.

07:00 Psychology determines the properties of the soul by external manifestations.

16:00 Resonant-dissonant choice of subpersonality
(Here you can spend at specific moments) Differentiated unity of personality.

17:20 Emotions are a chord of vibrations in all parts of the psyche

21:10 Need for information. Information hunger. Reception occurs during r/d interaction. It is distorted, built into our structure, not perceiving alien information.
Reception directly, it needs to be streamlined, built into the system of world perception.

25:00 Left right hemisphere brain

27:20 Organizing information in a mosaic to obtain energy. Based on the distortion of information during embedding, psychologists judge the structure of the soul - character. The best is the Luscher test.

31:00. The role of imagery in information processing

33:00 We strive for organized information, harmonious, beauty. Golden ratio.

39:00. Sleep for organizing information and obtaining energy.

Well "Basics of Magic" is a kind of encyclopedia of the entire Western esoteric and magical tradition. Moreover, the study of magic in our College is structured in such a way that it allows a person not only to master ancient knowledge, but also to effectively apply it in his life. Rebuild and rearrange it according to your own “patterns”. Also within the framework of the course, training is also provided in the magic of Thelema, created by the greatest magician of modern times - the crown and living school modern ritual magic. Thelema is the intersection of the paths of magic, mysticism and life philosophy. That flint with which the Fire of secret knowledge is carved.

Brother Marsyas , teacher, head of Telema-93 College, co-author of the book "Basics of Thelema Magic"(Ganga, 2015), author of the book "Hebrew Letters in Magic and Tarot", co-author of the book “The magic of the planets in theory and practice”(Ganga, 2017), Master of the Moscow Lodge O.T.O. "Pan's Refuge"


1. Basics of magical knowledge

Before you begin to study magical rituals, it is absolutely necessary to learn to understand the language in which they are written. And therefore, the study of the magic of Thelema begins with studying and memorizing the main magic symbols and correspondences drawn from ancient esoteric traditions. The most important symbols and magical correspondences must be constantly stored in your memory, so that at the right moment the most complex magical ritual turns out to be logical and understandable for you. Without this, he will not act! Therefore, it is necessary to spend both energy and time on mastering the basics of magical knowledge.

2. First magical rituals: working with chakras and the middle pillar

How to get into the world of magic? Ways to transition to another dimension. Meditation, visualization, “putting on the Divine name.” Awareness of the energy structure of your body, the ability to work with it. The Ritual of the Middle Pillar is like a strategic ritual of the Great Work.

3. Magic in theory and practice: the magic of the four elements

According to ancient ideas, our world consists of four elements: Fire, Water, Air and Earth. To find your place in it and learn to manage it, you need to understand the nature and interconnection of these elements, know their laws and correspondences, learn to see them around us and feel them in ourselves.

4. Working with the element of fire

The element of Fire is the most formidable, “Divine”, and the most powerful element. God is "Consuming Fire". But he not only “devours”, but also creates. This is the “fatherly element” - a symbol of God the Creator in ourselves. Through fire we “hand over” the sacrifice to God. But with its power we create the world, the personal Magical Universe around us. For it is also a symbol of the Sun - the Star, which we ourselves also personify. Salamander and Angel of Fire. What does Fire represent in us? How to connect the inner fire with the Fire of God and learn to bring it down to our material plane?

5. Working with the element of water

Water is the prototype of all matter, it is the womb of life; a symbol of motherhood, the Great Mother, as well as the great source of wisdom hidden in the unconscious. What does Water represent in us? How to learn to work with it?

6. Working with the element of air

The element of Air can be considered in several forms. On the one hand, this is the result of the union of Fire and Water, that is, the Divine Son. On the other hand, Air-Spirit is the primary ether. He has no beginning or end, but the Father is in him, who takes care of everything that has a beginning and an end. Therefore, Kabbalists identified it with the first sephira Kether and the ethereal substance. What does Air represent in us? Why does it symbolize our intellect and logic, all thinking abilities, on the one hand, but also the internal dialogue, the endless “chatter” inside us, on the other. How to connect the inner air with the celestial ether? How to put it “at your service”? In what magical operations is the element of Air used?

7. Working with the element of earth

Earth is a passive female element. This is the soil under our feet, these are the properties of materiality and form inherent in all physical bodies. The earth is associated with sensuality in general and the sense of touch in particular. But it is also connected with our “materiality” - the ability to create forms: coins (literally and figuratively), sustainable communities (from family to corporation or state), health (our own and those close to us). So what does the Earth represent in us? How can we learn to work with it so that it brings us good?

8. How to feel and see in the world of magic. Working with Tatvas

In Eastern esotericism, the doctrine of tattvas is analogous to the doctrine of the elements in the West. Having learned to feel and command the five tattvas, expressing the ideas of Ether, Air, Fire, Earth and Water, we can see and feel those entities with which we communicate in the world of magic. Tattvas are also good because they give you the opportunity for visual and tactile contact with aspects of the elements within you, and also prepare you for astral work.

9. Powers of the planets

One of the most important branches of esoteric knowledge is planetary magic. By and large, if working with the energies of the elements is the study of the internal qualities of a person, then working with the energies of the planets is the creation and adjustment of the external circumstances of his life. Obviously, the first must precede the second. Therefore, it is in this sequence that we offer this knowledge to the students of our College. Planetary energies can be used to charge amulets and talismans, as well as in magical operations of evocation and invocation various types and energy levels of the planets, which - depending on the level in the hierarchy - appear as gods, archangels, minds (angels), spirits and other entities. But in addition, you can work with them in other ways. How will be explained in our lectures and practical classes.

10. Saturn: Lord of forms and time

Saturn is the most distant of the planets known to people since ancient times. It has always been associated with boundaries and time. They saw in him either Satan or the Great Mother, who gave birth to all living things. The ancient magical grimoires say: from Saturn a person receives sublime thoughts, deep understanding, balanced judgments, a sober outlook on life, stability and unshakable determination. He also teaches how to work with time (and which of us can say that we have fully mastered this art?) and the creation of forms (in other words, the materialization of what we want). During the lecture we will discuss how, in general, and for what purpose the powers of Saturn can be used?

11. Jupiter: Lord of benevolence and mercy

Astronomically, Jupiter is the most big planet our solar system. And astrologically and magically it is the most beneficial planet. This is the “reigning messiah,” one of the images of the manifested God. From Jupiter a person receives such qualities as inviolable prudence, moderation, meekness, piety, modesty, justice, faith, grace, religion, impartiality and royalty. But the main thing is the ability to manage your own life and the “incalculable factor of luck.” During the lecture we will discuss how and for what the forces of Jupiter can be used..

12. Mars: Lord of strength and severity

A distinctive feature of Mars is its red color. This planet is easily visible in the night sky and even in ancient times attracted the attention of people with its unusual bloody color. It is not surprising that since ancient times it has been associated with energy, fire and belligerence. The ancient magical grimoires say: from Mars a person receives constant courage and fortitude, fearlessness, truthfulness, a passionate desire to fight, power and ability to act, as well as constant alertness of mind. In other words, if you lack determination and the ability to implement your most daring projects, turn to Mars. During the lecture we will discuss how and for what “Martian” forces can be used.

13. Sun: Lord of will and energy

The sun is the center of our universe; it is it that has the greatest influence on human life. The sun is a “living icon” of the Lord or a symbol of the Cosmic law that governs our world. It is believed that it is from the Sun that a person receives nobility of mind, clarity of judgment and imagination, reason and the ability to distinguish righteous from unrighteous. During the lecture we will discuss how and for what these forces and abilities of the Sun can be used. We need them to become the center of our own magical planetary system. So that all the necessary “planets” are attracted to it and find their orbits, and “space debris” - unnecessary people and circumstances - is easily expelled from our world and does not even approach it at a dangerous distance.

14. Venus: Lord of love and beauty

Of all the ancient planets, Venus is the brightest, second only to two luminaries - the Sun and the Moon. Venus is the patron of the arts, prone to libations and loves various aromas, while she is prone to luxury, idleness and sensual pleasures. It is believed that it is from Venus that a person receives love, hope, the desire to increase and prosper. She also has other - hidden - qualities. Many of us need the patronage of Venus in everyday life. During the lecture we will discuss how and for what you can use all the powers and abilities of Venus.

15. Mercury: Lord of speed and knowledge

Mercury is the smallest and fastest of the planets. Her deity is associated with various qualities: sociability and cunning - properties that are very useful for the messenger of the gods. But also for you and me! Mercury is the patron of magic, science, communication and travel. It is believed that it is from Mercury that a person receives confidence, clarity of mind, power of interpretation and utterance, eloquence, sharp will, prudence and a penchant for sincerity. During the lecture we will discuss how and for what these powers and abilities of Mercury can be used.

16. Moon: Lord of multiplication and illusions

The feminine and magnetic principles are associated with the Moon. The waning and resurgent Moon is a symbol of death and rebirth. It affects the ebb and flow of nature, and in humans it affects emotions, that is, the ebb and flow of our internal energies. The Moon - in its various forms - is one of the most popular deities of "natural" or "Wiccan" magic. In our lecture we will discuss how it can be used in another branch of the Western magical tradition.

17. Hexagram and its rituals

The six-pointed star (hexagram) is a symbol of the Macrocosm (external universe). But in conjunction with a pentagram (in the form, for example, of a five-petalled rose), it also includes the symbol of the Microcosm, becoming a symbol of the completion of the Great Work. Hexagrammatic rituals give the magician the opportunity - through inner qualities - to connect with the forces of the various planetary spiritual planes in order to attract the True Will, or the hidden sun, from above and bring it into continuous dialogue with the personality of the magician.

18. Symbol and ritual of the Rose and Cross

The symbol of the Rose and Cross belongs to the semi-mythical Rosicrucian tradition, where the feminine symbol of the rose signified silence, spiritual life and beauty, and the masculine symbol of the cross signified self-sacrifice, leading person to unity with God. The union of the Rose and Cross is our union with the highest essence. More precisely, with God in oneself. The lecture will show the Ritual and tell you why it can be useful in our lives.

19. Ritual of the Sun

In various spiritual traditions, the Sun is considered a “living icon of God.” It is thanks to the Sun that life exists on Earth, it fills us with energy and symbolizes strength and life. To honor God in the images of the Sun and establish a connection with his spiritual energy, there is a ritual described in the “Book of Resh” (Helios) by Aleister Crowley.

20. Magical Will Training

Will is a person’s ability to consciously control his psyche and his actions. It manifests itself in the ability to concentrate for a long time and overcome obstacles that arise on the way to achieving a goal. But besides the human will, there is also the Divine or True Will. And when we know how to use it correctly, the forces of the entire Universe help us. The word "Thelema" is translated from Greek as "will". This is the name of the doctrine that proclaims: “Do your Will, so be the whole law.”

21. Self-awareness and magical memory

Obviously anyone thinking person sooner or later asks the three main questions of his life - who am I, where did I come from and where am I going? Obviously, to answer these questions we need to learn to use the hidden powers of our memory. Memory is inextricably linked with our personality. As Aleister Crowley wrote, “Your Memory is nothing more than the Mortar with which the Stones are held together in the Walls of the House of your Mind: without it there is no Coherence, and therefore no Personality.”

22. Sacred Guardian Angel: self-awareness

The basis of the Magic of Thelema is precisely the desire of man to comprehend himself and through this - to discover God within himself and unite with him. The Holy Guardian Angel is constantly present in us, but we can feel his presence only when we begin our spiritual quest. Gradually we are learning better to understand the Divine principle of our soul. And the “Vision of the Holy Guardian Angel” is gradually transformed into “Knowledge and conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel.”

23. Ritual of magical communion. "Phoenix Mass"

Communion is a connection with the Divine world through the acceptance of a part of it. Communion can be individual (“Mass of the Phoenix”), group (“Gnostic Mass”), universal, when we perceive the whole world as God (“Mass of the Holy Spirit”). Communion teaches a person to feel and use Divine energy.

24. Yoga in Thelema

Yoga is a set of various spiritual, mental and physical practices aimed at managing the mental and physiological functions of the body in order to achieve an elevated spiritual and mental state. The goals of yoga can be different: from improving physical health to unity with the Absolute. It is yoga that gives the magician the strength and energy that he uses in his rituals. According to Aleister Crowley, it is yoga that should help the magician organize all his thoughts, words and actions in order to ensure the success of his work.

25. Enochian magic: General information. Methods of working with tablets

Enochian magic is a system of ceremonial magic based on the evocation and subjugation of various spirits. It is based on the works of British mystics - the alchemist and magician Dr. John Dee and the clairvoyant Edward Kelly. The calls and names of the Tablets used in this magical system are extremely powerful tools, perhaps unmatched by any currently known magical system. With their help, even a beginner who does not have the slightest experience in magic will certainly achieve certain results. Another thing is which ones. Safety is very important here.

26. Enochian magic: working with Ethers

One of essential components Enochian magic is the world of the thirty Aethers. If the Watchtowers are the “firmament” in the Enochian system, then the Aethers form its “heaven”. The key to this heaven is the Calls, special spells given to John Dee and Edward Kelly by angels.

27. Enochian Magic: Ritual of the Watchtowers

This main ritual of Enochian magic purifies and ennobles the sphere of sensory perception, making it invulnerable to adverse external influences. Having strengthened the aura in this way, you can do any magical work and deal with any entities without exposing yourself to danger. This ritual also helps us understand ourselves, our True Will.

28. Contemplation with spiritual vision and astral works

Such magical techniques contribute to the development of intuition and internal psychospiritual feelings, and also allow us to discover and explore a new hidden world that we are almost not aware of in everyday life.

29. Symbolism of the Abyss in Initiation

The Abyss symbolizes the irreconcilable split between the Ideal (Divine) and the Real (Human). In various religious traditions, the idea is expressed through the symbol of the fall of man and his expulsion from Paradise into the profane world. The mystics and magicians of the Old Aeon believed that the Abyss was insurmountable and man was forever doomed to be a “creature” separated from the Creator. Fundamental difference The New Aeon is that from now on a person can cross the Abyss, merge with God and become God.

30. Ritual of the “Star Ruby”

The purpose of this ritual is not only to prepare a place for magical work, but also to help the practitioner tune in to expel alien elements from his life and resonate with the new Aeon. “Star Ruby” means the Great Father, with whose energy the practitioner interacts. This energy not only cleanses our space, but also sanctifies the practitioner himself.

31. Star Sapphire Ritual

"Star Sapphire" means the Great Mother who created you and the entire Universe. If the “Star Ruby” Ritual sets the ray (vector) of your Will, then by performing the “Star Sapphire” Ritual, you participate in the continuous creation of the world, becoming like God. "Star Sapphire" and "Star Ruby" are the most important rituals of Thelema magic.

32. Thelema and Aleister Crowley - teaching and personality

How does Thelema magic differ from other types of magic? What imprint was left on her by the personality of Aleister Crowley.

33. Liber V vel Reguli. Ritual of the Mark of the Beast

The “Ritual of the Mark of the Beast”, or “Ritual of Regulus” is intended to invoke the energies of the New Aeon (Aeon of the Divine Child). Since we live in this Aeon and in many ways are its pioneers, it is important for us to learn to feel its energies and forces and be able to use them.

34. Liber Samekh and the Holy Guardian Angel Part 1

The "Samekh Ritual", which can help the aspirant in achieving the knowledge and interview of the Holy Guardian Angel, is one of the main rituals of Thelema. It destroys the crude forms of existence that interfered with your spiritual growth and leads to the birth of a new personality.

35. Liber Samekh and the Holy Guardian Angel. Part 2

The practical meaning of the Samekh Ritual. What magical elements are included in this Ritual? What principles are used to decipher “barbaric words”? When and how often should the Samekh Ritual be done?

Magical safety is relevant for everyone who perceives such information and who does not. It’s just that the second category of people don’t think about such things, just like people who didn’t know about bacteria, germs and viruses didn’t think about hygiene. Of course, this does not deprive each of us of the right to see the world the way we want. However, if you decide to get to know the world of the sacred, secret and incomprehensible more closely, you need to learn about the basic points of magical safety. It definitely won’t be superfluous.

Don't do anything in magic that you don't understand.

In magic, they often advise you to take and perform some kind of ritual, do something, learn runes and write a runescript... You see, this can be compared to mathematics, where you would simply begin to memorize formulas, but not understand the principles. Or with history - you would memorize a bunch of dates for the exam, but you wouldn’t understand the era, what motivated those people, their motivations, nothing. Magic is similar in this sense; at its core, it is no different from all these spheres. People believe that this is something sacred, but you are doing it here, in completely non-sacred houses and apartments, you are the ones who are often doing completely ordinary things. Yes, this is indeed something sacred, but if you bring it into reality, into the very reality in which you expect results from it, then you also need to understand how the result should turn out, what is dangerous and what is not. In the same, again, reality. Otherwise, you will end up with a situation in which the native has received an unknown device, he wants something from it, but it is unknown whether this device will produce such a result, whether the device is even broken, or whether it will give an electric shock.

It is impossible to observe safety precautions in magic in such a situation.

Do not practice magic in a mind altered by substances.

Alcohol intoxication, drug addiction, high temperature, high degree fatigue - all this clouds the consciousness. You must understand where you are, who you are with, what you are doing. Be aware of your actions, be aware of what is happening. Otherwise, you will not be able to control all this and be responsible for it. And you may do something that you will regret later. I, a magician, will note that this is absolutely true not only in magical practice.

Study the theory of magic first

Magic really isn't that different from so many areas of our lives. As in many other cases, it is worth studying the theory first and then moving on to practice. What exactly are you interested in? Lucid dreaming? In this direction, you can read the book “Workshop” by Rowena, you can turn to the works of Castaneda, although there are adaptations by his followers that are much more understandable for those who are interested in lucid dreams. If you want to start writing runescripts, you can read a number of authors on runes. Not all of them are good, but having collected theoretical material and starting to reach for the runes, you yourself will be able to critically evaluate this material, understand what is good for you and what is bad. You will understand what you are doing; for you, mysterious symbols will no longer be gobbledygook, but will acquire meaning. And so you will no longer draw self-destructive symbols on yourself, which, at best, will not work.

Develop a critical perception of what is written about magic

The last piece of advice is rather strange to give in a topic related to magic. But, in fact, critical perception does not mean an immediate denial of magic. There are enough paranormal events, phenomena, and information about them in our world. And even if 95% of them are hoaxes, lies, fraud (which is quite harsh regarding percentages), then 5% already indicate, at a minimum, the ambiguity of the world as we know it. Critical perception does not mean denying everything at once, because this is not critical perception, but something closer to nihilism or negativism. After all, there is no logical basis to deny everything related to the paranormal. Not a single scientist said - this is all... not true! As a rule, scientists say that it is problematic to repeat this or that in laboratories, which is important for science; at the same time, in the West, phenomena of past lives, extrasensory abilities, and much more are actively studied. Scientists expose specific superstitions or specific charlatans, but this does not mean that everything has no place at all in our world.

A critical perception of magic allows one to consider different points of view.

And, assuming that something exists and works quite well, perhaps not always and not in laboratory conditions, you should not rush to extremes and believe everything at once. People often take extreme positions regarding magic - either they deny everything, or they begin to take too much on faith. If you have dreams that come true, this does not mean that all the advertisements in the newspapers lead to real magicians. If a particular ritual did not work for you, this does not mean that “all this” is not true. This only means that a particular ritual did not work for you for various reasons. Or it worked, but not in the way you expected.

Being critical of magical safety means checking sources of information, whether anyone has practiced a particular system, and if so, what opinions are there, why, and so on. You need to treat your first successes, failures, and so on in the same way. There is no need to completely deny coincidences; they still occur.

A unique guide for people seeking to enter the world of unknown forces and master them. The book is a collection of works of theoretical and practical material, which reveals the secrets of success in working with practical magic. The manual is suitable for both beginners and experienced researchers of the unknown.

Part 1. Theory of magic

1.1. General points

The only active entry and exit point is the present.

If we take away time, a person will gain eternity

What is needed is a deep understanding that time does not exist. In this way it will disappear and a pure active moment will remain.

Energy, devoid of the shackles of time, becomes free.

Divine energy is in man. But it becomes like this when a person realizes his divinity.

What is above is like what is below.

What is below is like what is above.

Human energy is the energy of the universe

The flow of life is the constant materialization of a person’s internal energetic environment into its physical equivalent.

What a person has on at the moment in his life and is the result of the interaction of his inner strength with external force, generating materialization.

Man is a center that is connected directly to the source.

The universe and man have a direct connection, like a mother and a child.

Energy is what fills everything that exists, since everything that exists is it.

There is no existence outside of this.

Since all things and phenomena have the same nature, they can be known by themselves.

One in the other's world is a reflection of each other.

What is in one is also in the other

The external is always a reflection of the internal

Mental sphere – idea, intuition, thought

Astral sphere – feelings, energy, movement.

The ethereal sphere is energy and information, transformation, pre-realization.

Taking into account all the features of the “Turn”, any thought, before being embodied in matter, goes through 3 spheres of design.

Any physical thing or process is an act of “swirling” into a final form.

The life of a rational being is a constant process of “swirling”, which in turn determines the nature of its reality.

As long as we do what we do, we will get what we get.

A rational being is something with which he can consciously identify himself.

Love is undifferentiated, pure energy of transformation. It is not a creation of the mind and cannot exist in the realm of the mind, so it is impossible to give it a static definition. It is the highest “reward”, as a consequence of the utmost purity of understanding and peace.

1.2. Magic and you

Let us define magic as a creative function of a person, using his inner strength for this.

Every minute, a person creates his own reality. His creative function is always busy. like a heartbeat.

The present is the foundation of the future. To know your future, you need to start from the present.

Our feelings are the key point in creating the future.

How you experience yourself here and now will be transformed into reality. Who you feel like in the present is who you will be in the future. The present is the only point of reference.

How to find the truth? You just need to stop.

Give up searching, deeply understand the meaninglessness of this activity.

Awareness comes only to someone whose mind is lost in the present moment. With awareness comes conscious creation. This is magic.

Magic is conscious creation.

Have you observed in your life that sometimes it looks like a continuous repetition of the past? Remember where your consciousness was at that time. It was always in the past. If your consciousness is in the past, the present reflects this, and thus your future becomes a constant repetition of your past.

We live in a world of dreams, a world of fantasy, preferring real reality to them. Therefore, our life is continuous dreams and fantasies.

Our perception of the world is the point within which creation occurs. It can be called the “permissible zone.” The extent to which it is expanded is precisely responsible for the richness of our life with certain circumstances, objects or opportunities.

Therefore, the actual future of a person arises in his childhood, a significant factor of which is the upbringing of a person - what his mind was “stuffed” with, creating a worldview.

It is very difficult for adults, mature individuals to change. They lose their plasticity. Only through beliefs based on clear facts can their minds accept change.

The main thing is to make changes in the sphere of your worldview. Each such change is instantly reflected in a person’s reality.

If the worldview has changed for the worse under the influence of some events, then problems, troubles, and illnesses enter a person’s life, depending on the polarity where the change occurred. If it was a change in attitude towards a specific group of people, for example: alcoholics, then the person gets problems with this type of people in life. For example: suddenly the spouse began to drink, or lovers of strong drinks began to regularly gather in the entrances of his house.

Thus, the worldview expanded and captured a new area of ​​reality.

If, in contrast to the previous example, a person has accepted a positive spark into the sphere of his perception, for example: love for people, then he colors his reality in good colors. As a result, this is reflected in good relationships, support, and friendship.

Magic is the science of creating conditions for change to occur. This is a conscious form of life management.

Magic, like power, is neither black nor white. It is pure and has no polarity.

Until the force is colored by some energy, it is “sterile”, undifferentiated.

As soon as a force is colored by any feeling, it becomes either good or bad. Polarity arises.

Love is not a feeling. She is a state of being.

The magic that generates love is a transformative substance that creates any reality and any phenomenon.

If you cut off all conventions from yourself, you can feel who you are in truth.

There is no need to seek anything, to achieve anything. Everything is already there now.

Be aware of yourself, your true essence and simply follow your nature. This way you will naturally fulfill your function in this life, which nature has laid in you.

The human essence is like a seed, which, according to the nature of things, must sprout and eventually turn into beautiful tree, giving the world its fruits. But people, due to the abundance of internal disorder, disharmony of energies and lack of understanding of things, neutralize their growth potentials. Potential never gets to its fertile soil.

All desires and passions generated by your personality always end in suffering. Where there are desires, there is suffering. No desire brings truth, peace, harmony. They may only provide temporary anesthesia, a transient feeling of joy, comfort or a feeling of love. Any desire that our mind has generated is already false - a consequence of the feeling of a lack of something in us or our life. This forces us to come up with many ingenious theories, ideas, concepts and follow them, sacrifice ourselves and make sacrifices for others. Desires, like passions, have no end, since they require self-continuation. You cannot destroy a desire or simply give it up; you cannot will an unwillingness. It can only be realized, understood, thereby “turned off” by doing so. This comes through sensitivity and peace of mind.

We are what we identify our consciousness with.

If we think about fear, we become fear; if we think about a problem, we become a problem. Because we cannot disidentify ourselves from thoughts, we are ourselves by them. But thoughts are not us. This is the layer of “dust” that our personality produces—what we perceive ourselves to be.

If we bring our consciousness from the future to the present, then we realize that there are no thoughts in the present moment. Thoughts cannot exist in the present.

If we can see our thought, trace its course, then we will automatically disidentify with the thought. Like clouds in the sky - they pass, but the sky remains unchanged.

Try this practice: Observe your thoughts throughout the day. Watch them appear, pass and disappear. When you become an observer, thoughts will no longer have power over your mind. You will find consistency in your state and it will not depend on external circumstances as long as you remain alert and calm at the same time.

You will have the opportunity to discover a certain center in the very depths of your being - a “place” of permanence and inviolability. You realize that the body and mind are not you.

Only a brave person can create and not destroy his reality.

What you have now, you will have in the future. Who you feel like now is who you will be in the future.

A person is never as close to the divine as in a state of love euphoria. Because the mind of such a person has lost time, boundaries and distinctions. He perceives everything as one and dissolves in this unity with the whole. The man completely dissolved in the world. The entire Universe flowed into his being, thus he became the Universe itself.

When love comes, ego disappears. Love burns him instantly and mercilessly, personality disappears, differences and boundaries disappear. A person comes to the truth.

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