Low trees for the garden. Beautiful decorative trees for the home: a list of the best, photos and reviews. Exotic trees and shrubs in the garden

Our dacha is not just a factory for the production of fruits and vegetables, but also a resting place, our second home. When arranging a garden, we immediately think about benefits and beauty. You can create a beautiful landscape in the country different ways... For example, by planting ornamental trees in the garden. Create composition from garden trees not that difficult. And then it is easier to care for an ornamental garden than for a vegetable garden or flower beds. What trees are suitable for a garden in the country?

There are many trees widely available for small gardens, of all shapes and sizes, evergreen and deciduous. Given that many of us have limited garden space, it is important that all the trees chosen are suitable for their surroundings, both in terms of proportion and in terms of their decorative value.

When choosing a tree for small garden there are many factors to consider. Here are some of the more important ones. Even small ornamental trees can grow to a height of 6-8 m or more over time. If this is too much, consider a weeping form, as they rarely grow in height or choose a large shrub. If propagation is a problem, for example in a very limited area, consider columnar trees as they do not spread to a great extent. Interested in: Think about when you want your tree to look good, thinking about flowering, foliage, fruit, and bark. If you only have room for one tree, look for one with more than one season of interest, such as fruits or flowers. Fancy or Evergreen: Both types of trees have their own benefits, the obvious thing for evergreens is that they keep their leaves all year long. But many deciduous trees provide beautiful fall leaves that are not available with evergreen trees. Site-Specific Trees: We have also provided the following profiles to help you grow container trees and wet soil trees. Trees and Buildings: Many people are worried about planting a tree next to a property and there may be risks involved. Our trees are near the profile of the buildings. Height and spread: This is probably the most important factor. ... To avoid planting a tree that is too large for the site, it can help you make a large-scale plan for your garden and calculate the size of your tree at maturity.

Globular trees

Looks very good on field maple varieties, Acer campestre "Rozi" and "Nanum". Its leaves are smaller than the leaves of Norway maple, with soft outlines. Yellow-red in spring, dark green in summer, bright yellow in autumn.

High-quality maples form a spherical or ovoid crown without any special pruning. Such an Acer campestre "Elsrijk". A mature tree reaches a height of 3.5 - 5 meters and a width of about 2 meters. This maple is very resistant to drought and frost. It tolerates slight shading, although light-loving. And feels great in the alleys and group landings, also lends itself very well to topiary haircut. From non-standard, that is, bush forms, amazing hedges are obtained. This maple is a great backdrop for flowering ornamental shrubs and flowers.

If you sit in a corner of your garden, keep in mind that most of the dome will shade the adjacent gardens. To help you choose, you may find it helpful to visit the gardens where you can see and appreciate a good range of well-established and mature decorative trees.

If you prefer to view full list small trees, try it. Location in the British Isles and in the garden, soil conditions and prevailing weather will affect the maximum altitude. Spread 3m: Height 3m. Height and distribution 8 m: scarlet flowers with a white eye, late spring. Height and distribution 3-5 m: very thin, reddish-purple flowers, late spring. Height and distribution 6-8 m: pink flower buds open white, mid-spring. Height and distribution 6-8 m: dark red buds open to large dark pink flowers, mid-spring.

Acer platanoides “Globosum” variety of Norway maple is suitable for larger areas and for large alleys. This is also a globular maple. In spring, its leaves are bronze, in summer they are dark green, in autumn they are painted in yellow-orange tones. The tree is very stable, grows on any fertile soil, withstands frost and wind, and is durable. But he doesn't like flooding. Sometimes in early spring sanitary pruning may be needed.

Height and distribution 4 m: single pink or white flowers, early spring. Height and distribution 6 m: abundant thin conchial pink flowers, early mid-spring. Below are some varieties of Shirinsky common varieties with strongly fragrant spring to early summer flowers in conical brooms.

Blooming trees with autumn color

Spread 4 m: large panicles of small yellow flowers, midsummer and oil yellow autumn color... Height and distribution 8-9 m: fragrant semi-double, shell-pink flowers, late spring, orange-red and yellow autumn shades. Height and spread 5 m: half-duplex fragrant, white flowers, mid-spring, rich orange autumn color. Height and distribution 7-8 m: white flower clusters, early to mid-spring, red-purple autumn color. Stuart rostrata: white late spring flowers, bright scarlet autumn color in favorable conditions.

Decorative trees - white-flowering balls

Ornamental trees - bird cherry Prunus padus "Nana" look gorgeous in gardens. This tree, 3-4 meters high, has a dense spherical crown. Branches with a scent of bitter almonds. The foliage is small, dark green in summer, crimson-red in autumn. In May, the whole tree is simply strewn with white tassels of flowers. Then berries are formed, black and red, quite edible. Bird cherry is undemanding to soils, tolerates temporary dryness well and can withstand frosts.

Colorful foliage in spring and summer

Distribution 2 m: gray-gray foliage.

Trees with autumn foliage color

Autumn foliage of color and fruit. Distribution 6 m: small brownish green fruits. Colored stems and bark plus fall foliage. Extension 5 m: peeling of the white bark. Greenish-white striped bark and red shoots.

Young leaves go from silvery bronze in spring to red in autumn. Ripening 6 to 10 feet, they are ideal for growing in pots. At the end of summer, black fruits appear that attract birds. The Eastern Redbud is a growing tree with heart-shaped, deep purple leaves that turn yellow in autumn.

Catalpa bignonioides "Nana" will look even more interesting for the southern regions. She has large, bright green leaves and an almost perfectly round crown.

One of the most unpretentious ornamental trees is robinia pseudoacacia or white acacia. She tolerates drought, undemanding to the soil. Robinia "Umbraculifera" variety is very interesting - with a regular spherical crown. It grows rather slowly, but that's not bad either. Over the years, the branches become more and more curved, which is especially attractive in winter, when the tree is without leaves.

Whitebaum is a medium-sized deciduous tree with silvery-gray young leaves and reddish red berries. Brown color that ripen at a distance of 30 feet. Fragrant white flowers fall in autumn, followed by citrus clusters in areas with mild winters. Averaging at 10 feet tall, fig trees thrive in the heat and can be easily grown in large pots. Strawberry tree - slow growing evergreen tree with small white flowers. In the fall, it has a spherical, strawberry fruit that is edible but is best washed down for birds.

For small-sized gardens, the bush cherry Prunus eminens "Umbraculifera" is good, with a dense, regular spherical crown. In the spring, the whole is covered with white flowers, then covered with fine glossy foliage. The height of an adult tree depends on the height of the stock. Like all cherries, it loves the sun and fertile soil.

The stem and site of vaccination needs protection from burns and rodents in the spring. Can be tied with reeds or non-woven fabric... Sanitary pruning is carried out periodically. This shrub cherry will be an excellent decoration for a flower bed or lawn. You can plant her as a tapeworm. Or you can put it in a container and decorate the gazebos and the terrace. It will grow great too!

Many gardeners may already be familiar with the Rose of Sharon, preferred by exotic flowers. Magnolia lily - also known as tulip magnolia and red magnolia - is ideal as a garden focal point or as a planting patio. They grow 10 to 15 feet tall and produce showy, pink and purple flowers in early spring.

Cornelian cherry dogwood provides impressive color all year round. In the summertime, they produce beautiful bright red fruits that birds find irresistible. As it falls, the leaves turn purple-red. In the spring, the Judah tree bears a mass of purplish pink, pea flowers on all branches.

Unfortunately, very often on small dachas and no fruit or decorative garden... Only a few trees with poorly formed canopy grow along the fence under the wires. But to lay a garden of decorative trees, so that it would be pleasant to manage and admire, both novice summer residents and real lazy people can do it!

Hawthorns are deciduous trees that grow up to medium height and spread over 25 feet, and are clusters of flowers in pink, red, and white. Paul's Slavic Hawthorn comes alive in early May with clear, bright red double flowers, followed by bright red fruits in autumn.

"John Downey" Compact Crabapple

In spring, the crabapple trees exhibit a gorgeous pink-white color. Small, edible apples follow flowers, but are sour and best when turned into jams and jellies. Their narrow canopy makes them the perfect small garden specimen. Powder tree is actually fast growing, evergreen shrub ideal for hot climates. Trained as a tree, it grows 10 to 15 feet tall and produces dainty red or pink flowers that look like pompons.

And several simple tips in the end:

  • plant low-growing trees along power lines,
  • low trees are good on the playground. They can be dropped off right next to a bench, swing or sandpit. So they will create a shadow in summer heat and will not shade the lawn, which is also needed.

See how many different garden planting options are there. Let your garden delight with its appearance in any season!

The golden chain tree is deciduous shrub or a small tree with long clusters of yellow flowers that hang from branches in spring and early summer. Vossia's golden, pea-like flowers look especially striking when trained over the arch.

The tree is small to medium in size, growing up to 15-35 feet depending on the cultivar, with numerous cultivars that have flowers in lavender, pink, purple, red or white. Cool worlds that bloom in mid to late summer are especially valuable for the "dog days" of the landscape, but there are some that bloom in early summer.

What other ornamental trees are suitable for creating a garden? We will continue to select spectacular plants for the garden.

Ornamental trees with weeping crown

Weeping forms of trees look great in gardens. Imagine the branches of white willow (silver) and Babylonian willow hanging down to the ground. These trees are quite large - up to 25 m in height and 10 m in width. They grow very quickly. Best of all - in lighted areas and fertile soils. They tolerate moisture quite well. They are especially good on the banks of a large reservoir. Hanging branches lean towards the water itself and sway at the slightest breeze.

Caring for potted plants

Fast breeders are also prized for their beautiful, pouring bark in winter. Flying lemon and other citrus trees grow well in summer in a decorative container large enough to support their root growth. Make sure they stay watered and bring them indoors when the weather gets cooler.

Every garden has room for a tree, whether it's a stately oak tree on a large plot or a compact ephedra on a patio. When buying trees, you will find that most of them are sold as container grown plants. Look for those in white or black woven cloth bags, or Airpots, all of which are designed to promote healthy roots and encourage trees to settle well after planting. Trees are a long term investment, so buy from specialized nurseries where the stock will be grown in ideal conditions and a quality guarantee or replacement is offered if the plants fail.

Of course, such large trees are suitable for large areas. For a small garden, warty birch is suitable. Tree up to 5 m in height. Undemanding to care. Prefers loamy soils without waterlogging. Birch will sometimes need to be treated for aphids.

Hedging and fruit trees also available in nude from late autumn to late winter. They are young, dormant plants, removed from the fields and supplied without a pot. They are cheaper than container grown trees, but should be planted as soon as you buy them. A large selection of trees are usually available if you buy their growable container; the largest, mature specimens are only available in this form.

Check the label of the plant carefully and ask for advice before buying a tree to make sure it is sized and shaped to suit your garden style and that it will fit your space when it ripens. Also place your tree carefully when you get it home; if planted in the wrong place, it will be very difficult to move around after installing it. Check out these tree types for more details on what might work best in your outdoor space.

Rowan is also good in the garden. It also differs in unpretentiousness. It is reconciled with partial shade and requires minimal maintenance.

In the southern regions, you can plant beech and hornbeam.

There is also a wonderful variety of weeping beech Fagus sulvatica "Purpurea Pendula". He will definitely attract attention to himself. What is the purple foliage of this tree.

Spread: They can be small or large, but all divergent trees produce horizontal branches and are often wider than they are tall. They are ideal as focal points on a lawn or gravel garden, but can take up too much space in a small area. Trees with this graceful look include weeping willow, as well as many small trees such as ornamental cherry blossoms. Use the graceful silhouette of a weeping tree as a focal point in the garden for maximum impact, or add trees with light-colored canopies to a blended border. Conical trees produce horizontal branches from the top to the bottom of the trunk; the shape is similar but expands more. Round: Many trees, such as this hornbeam, create a rounded canopy on one clear stem; those with this form usually give light underneath for feeding. You can trim the stems to accentuate the shape of the candy and use the tree as a focal point. One of the main benefits of owning a tree is the huge variety of wildlife it attracts to the garden.

As a solitaire, it looks very elegant on summer cottage white mulberry Morus Alba "Pendula", besides its sweet fruits are edible. Or you can plant weeping apple varieties Malus "Pendula" or cherry blossoms Prunus subhirtella "Pendula plena rosea". In the spring the trees are strewn pink flowers... And in summer, the graceful branches of these trees reach the very ground, creating a living hut. So convenient for a green gazebo, summer bedroom or children's house.
Japanese sophora, rough elm and common hazel give a spreading crown with curving branches.

Ornamental trees - weeping miniatures

Are there more compact forms weeping trees? Sometimes it is necessary to decorate the shore of a small summer cottage or stream. There is. Up to 1.5-2 meters high. It's all about the height of the vaccine. The goat willow will become a real decoration of the garden. It is also interesting in that in the spring, during flowering, everything is covered with fluffy earrings.

Like all willows, it tolerates floods well, loves fertile soils, but puts up with a lack of nutrition and watering. Only thinning pruning is needed. In addition, hanging branches can be shortened.

Very popular among gardeners and a small tree - tree caragana. The tree attracts with its dark green openwork foliage and yellow hanging flowers. Grows well in sunny areas and in partial shade, unpretentious, can grow with slight soil salinity.

Columnar ornamental trees

Earlier, poplars were planted for landscaping city streets. Black poplar has the narrowest silhouette. Due to their unpretentiousness and stability, the Bolle poplar and Simon's poplar, immigrants from Asia, were often planted.

But to plant poplars in the country - real landowners can afford it.

There are more compact columns, such as the "Amanogawa" sakura Prunus. There are columnar varieties in the Norway maple Acer platanoides "Columnare" and the silver maple Acer saccharinum "Fastigiatum", as well as robinia pseudoacacia. By the way, robinia is the best tree for landscaping poor soils.

Trees with a columnar crown can be planted in the form of alleys or along the perimeter of the site. In either case, they will become a good protection from the winds. Such trees are also good in compositions. For example, in combination with trees with a spherical crown.

The symbol of the Mediterranean is a slender cypress. But they are too cold in our climate. Other plants with a pyramidal crown will help to create the necessary vertical accents in the garden. The choice is pretty good, don't you agree?

English oak is very picturesque in large areas. Reaches a height of 20 m and a width of 3-4 meters. Initially, its crown is narrow, with age it becomes a huge wide column.

The hanging birch Betula pendula "Festigiata" is also very good in large gardens and parks. The crown is narrow-columnar, more compact than the original view. Its vertical shoots are also very beautiful: either wavy or twisted in a spiral.

Ornamental trees with curved branches

Too interesting option decoration of gardens. Intricately curved, curving shoots always attract attention. Like common hazel. It is also decorative in winter, when the foliage does not hide the curved branches. And, of course, in the spring, the whole tree is covered with gold earrings.

It is better to plant hazel in the center of a flower bed or lawn. It will also feel good on the shore of the reservoir. Prefers soils of moderate moisture, fertile, light or semi-shaded areas of the garden. Forms edible nuts in autumn. Hazel branches are very good in floristic compositions and dry bouquets.

The Udi willow looks interesting. This large, spreading shrub blooms with golden yellow catkins before the foliage blooms. Better to place in a visible place. For example, at a resting place or a path. It also looks good in a mixborder among perennial herbaceous plants.

Now the best time for planning a future garden or park. As you can see, there is plenty to choose from!

Ornamental trees do not bear fruit. But they give joy with their beauty. You just need to choose the right plants and skillfully arrange them on the site.

To create a beautiful garden, you need to pick up beautiful trees. But it is even more important to successfully arrange them on the site. There are rules here. When choosing trees, take into account:

  • Appearance
  • Growth rate
  • Soil composition
  • Climate
  • Groundwater location
  • The shape of the landscape

Tall trees are not planted in one place. But placing them evenly throughout the garden, after a certain number of meters, is also not worth it. Medium-sized trees can be planted in scenic groups. They look beautiful if they consist of plants of different heights, crown shapes and leaf colors. Of course in colors it is necessary to observe the measure, from such a composition should not ripple in the eyes.

When arranging trees in groups, they take into account that the lower they are, the more they are needed in a given place.

  • In the fall, in October or November, it is better to replant ornamental trees because this will significantly reduce the amount. Enough ten times, every other day. In the spring, you need to water it daily until rooting, and then periodically until autumn.
  • But in winter, transplanted trees are more susceptible to frost, they can be damaged by rodents.

It is better to buy trees with a closed one (in containers). You need to pay attention to whether it has taken root, or whether it was planted just before the sale. A lump of earth should not crumble, it is all permeated with roots and has the shape of a container. These plants can be planted all summer long, avoiding particularly hot and dry days.

Young trees need to be watered regularly, especially during dry periods.

So that the soil around the trunks does not dry out, trunk circles... Use freshly cut grass, straw. But with heavy and regular rains, you need to make sure that the mulch does not interfere with the ventilation of the air near the roots. During such periods, it is better to put it aside for a while.

If you want to create a beautiful garden without much hassle, carefully study the tree growing conditions that you have outlined for yourself. If you see that the type for a plant does not match the one you have, it is better not to buy it. After all, changing its composition is not so easy. It is necessary to add the appropriate substances and elements, for example, lime. There is a wide selection of plants that are best suited for your site. Ornamental trees respond well to. Its composition must be clarified when buying trees. Many of them grow well without constant feeding.

Among the varieties of ornamental trees, one can name red-leaved peach, bignoniform catalpa, willows of Matsudan, Tortuosa, Kilmarnock, Syrian hibiscus, Variegata sod, birch.

Description of varieties:

  • The red-leaved peach does not bear fruit, but is valued for the beautiful burgundy leaves that it inherited from Pissardi's cherry plum. It is she who is the ancestor of the red-leaved peach. The plant is grown in groups where its leaves are set off by green trees, or singly.
  • Catalpa bignoniform is beautiful during flowering. Its flowers are collected in a brush. Large ovoid leaves and long pod-shaped fruits up to 50 cm adorn the plant in summer. They do not turn yellow in autumn. The plant is not very hardy. Therefore, young plants are sheltered for the winter. Grows well on fertile, slightly acidic soils. Requires a lot of light, moisture. It begins to bloom from the age of five. Grows up to 100 years old. Care consists of weeding, regular watering once a week. They are fed with rotted manure.
  • The willows of Matsudana and Tortuosa are very decorative, with winding ropes. The willow of Matsudan has ascending branches, olive color... The leaves are twisted. It is beautiful in summer and winter, when its beautiful branches become visible. They are planted both singly and in groups. It can freeze under severe frosts, but it quickly recovers in spring. Iva Matsudana can be propagated.
  • The Tortuosa willow differs from the Matsudan willow in its dense crown, twisting branches, yellow or reddish. Looks good near artificial or natural reservoirs.
  • Goat willow Kilmarnock - small tree, grafted on a trunk up to 2 m high. Leaves are oval, pubescent below. In the spring they turn yellow. Fragrant earrings adorn it before the leaves bloom. By pruning, you can form an original crown. It tolerates frost well, can grow in partial shade. Loves moist soil. But from the excess of her water root system can rot.
  • Syrian hibiscus is not very hardy. It features huge (7 cm) bright flowers of various colors, from white to red and purple. Grows well in the southern regions. There you can grow varieties with double flowers. In more northern ones, it is better to use with simple flowers... They are planted in the warmest and most protected areas of the garden.
  • Derain Variegata is appreciated for the original color of the leaves. In winter, it attracts with its bright multi-colored branches, from yellow to burgundy. One of the types of turf is. It is grown as a shrub or tree. Loves calcareous soils. Grows up to 400 years old.
  • White birches are well known and widespread. But besides them, there are many interesting species of this tree. Among them are woolly birches and Erman, whose rounded earrings are directed upwards. Species with egg-shaped leaves (ribbed, cherry, Schmidt). Almost all of them are frost-resistant and light-requiring. They grow on any light soils. They do not like soil compaction around the trunk.

More information can be found in the video.

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