How to make your kitchen functional, comfortable and practical. How to make your kitchen convenient and comfortable: functional furniture and practical ideas. What to remember when concluding a contract

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The main purpose of the kitchen is cooking. However, due to the very modest parameters of the premises in modern apartments this room also doubles as a dining room. That is why, more and more often, ordinary people began to think especially carefully user-friendly design kitchens.

How to make your kitchen interior functional and comfortable?

In order for the room to be truly cozy, you should pay attention to such criteria as:

  • comfort;
  • ergonomics;
  • modernity;
  • innovation.

Really comfortable interior modern kitchen primarily involves the use of the different types household appliances. Since there are a lot of appliances that help with housekeeping and cooking, they will need to be placed comfortably.

The best option for creating beautiful and practical kitchens is to use functional built-in models. Hoods, refrigerators, hobs, food processors, ovens, dishwashers become extensions of furniture. Since the equipment is built into the composition during the design process of the combination, and is not purchased separately, which leads to “adjustment” of the parameters, a very convenient kitchen is obtained.

The photo clearly shows how stylish, aesthetically attractive and functional the room is. This solution fits perfectly into any size space. Thanks to this technique, both miniature and spacious kitchens turn out to be very convenient.

Principles of designing a “working” kitchen

What are the other principles for creating the most functional space possible? The most practical rooms are obtained when the refrigerator, stove and sink are extremely close. For a comfortable kitchen, it is very important to place these items so that the hostess is not forced to run around the entire room, wasting precious minutes in vain.

It is worth noting that to create the most practical and functional space, it is recommended to choose a corner sink. It not only effectively and organically fits into the interior of kitchens of almost any style. This solution significantly saves space. That is why such models are often chosen for small rooms.

Under the corner sink, among other things, a lot of free space is created, which can be used to store various useful little things. The most comfortable kitchen interior is created through innovative solutions that make the room design ergonomic and modern.

What else should be taken into account when registering? of this premises? Today, kitchens should not only be cozy and beautiful. The main requirement put forward to them is comfort. Regardless of size, any room with a properly designed interior becomes “working”. To do this you will need to provide:

  • the use of cabinets that match the height of the housewife;
  • correct location of the desktop surface;
  • the presence of a hood;
  • creating conditions for preparing dishes in a sitting position.

Little tricks

To make the kitchen the most convenient and functional, you should definitely equip it with a hood. As can be seen in the photo, it is recommended to install the device under the ceiling above the stove. This solution will eliminate the mixture of odors that appear during cooking.

What is a modern comfortable kitchen? This is also an opportunity to cook while sitting. Such a comfortable space is created by equipping the room with a retractable board and a chair that can be adjusted in height. As for the placement of the desktop, the optimal location would be 15 cm below the arm, which bends at the elbow at an angle of 90 degrees.

Beautiful, modern, stylish interior kitchens also mean a smart location of the dining area. If the space of the apartment does not allow you to equip an autonomous dining room, you will have to approach the issue of furniture arrangement correctly. The dining table should be located separately from the work area, cabinets, and shelves. The photo shows how this can be done to create a harmonious and ergonomic space.

What materials should I use?

The issue of using materials that are used for comfortable and aesthetically attractive kitchens deserves special attention. To make the interior of the room stylish, modern and cozy, you should give preference to versions in which the facade is made of.

Secrets of creation perfect kitchen reveals Sergey Oreshkov, a specialist in kitchen production, owner and creator of the furniture production “RUSO”.

Nowadays the furniture company "RUSO" produces a wide variety of furniture. But more than 10 years ago, entrepreneur Sergei Oreshkov started his furniture business from creating kitchens. Sergey Oreshkov - rare man and a specialist who understands the housewife perfectly. Perhaps because he is very homely and has a special relationship with kitchens.

So, how do we, housewives and housewives, want to see a very special, almost holy place?

A place where, according to men, magical rituals of transformation are performed daily raw meat, piles of unwashed vegetables and other unsightly ingredients into an appetizing and delicious meal.

“Marriage is a very fair social institution: the husband must eat daily, the wife must cook daily,” Alberta Sordi.

What should a kitchen be like, where we spend half our lives and even more? Comfortable, beautiful, stylish, cozy, functional, spacious, bright, etc. After all “Cooking is, unfortunately, a daily pleasure,” an American housewife.

So, this article is about a comfortable, functional kitchen.

We will describe all other components of an ideal kitchen in the following.

It’s good if you create a kitchen at the stage of renovating your home. Effective interaction between the renovation team, architect and designer with furniture specialists will give the desired result: a professional furniture maker will take into account all the features of your premises and voice his vision of organizing the kitchen space according to the laws of ergonomics. As a result, all pipes, sockets, and other household items will be, as they say, “in their place.” This interaction is also useful in the matter of leveling kitchen walls. Many people save on leveling walls, including in the kitchen, explaining this by saying that, “let’s put a kitchen unit or cabinet, and it won’t be visible.” This is wrong. The walls are not lined with furniture. It is impossible to place a kitchen firmly and firmly against an uneven wall.

Often in “Khrushchev” buildings the kitchen wall resembles a labyrinth of all sorts of pipes.

In this case, the director of the RUSO furniture company, Sergei Oreshkov, advises installing a classic stove rather than a built-in oven.

By the way, about built-in ovens. It’s convenient to install the cabinet at eye or hand level, so you don’t have to bend down every time to check “how the chicken is doing.” An oven at eye level is especially convenient for young mothers, because there is no need to worry that the baby may accidentally get burned, climb into the oven, or get his fingers pinched. If you decide to build an oven in this way, Sergey Oreshkov advises placing it at the end of the set. It looks more harmonious this way.

What else should be convenient?

It is convenient when cabinets are chosen in accordance with the height of the housewife. Then you won’t have to reach the very top shelves by climbing on a stool.

If you have chosen a “modern” kitchen, in which the cabinet doors swing upward rather than towards themselves, the quality of the lifting mechanisms matters. In this matter, the furniture company RUSO adheres to the principle “the miser pays twice.” “We work only with high-quality materials and high-quality fittings. This does not increase the cost of the kitchen by much, but we have hundreds of regular satisfied customers,” says Sergei Oreshkov, the creator of the RUSO furniture production.

High-quality lifting mechanisms operate silently and easily, raise and lower the doors smoothly, without knocking or popping, and therefore last a long time.

About the convenience of lower cabinets and cabinets

The latest very practical trends are kitchen cabinet drawers that extend onto the hostess. You don't have to crawl into a closet like you would into a kennel to put away kitchen utensils, and you don't have to expose the first row of cabinet contents to understand what's at the end of the line. It is enough just to look (from top to bottom, like the queen) to assess the situation and the arrangement of objects. A light touch with your finger and the drawer slides in automatically, thanks to the system with a closer built into the cabinet. It is very convenient when the trash can comes out this way.

Bottom cabinets must be durable and able to withstand loads. Very often they store heavy kitchen utensils, bags of cereals, rolled up three-liter jars, etc.

Well, and of course, withdrawable mechanisms must be durable, reliable, smooth, and silent.

Another know-how in creating lower kitchen cabinets is wall-hung cabinets

They are mounted only on walls. And their most important convenience is that there are no legs, so it is very convenient to wash floors under such a cabinet. And, if you add lighting at the bottom of the hanging cabinet, then in the dark it will seem that the cabinets are floating in the air.

“Still, kitchens are very special places. In kitchens things are said spontaneously that would never be said in the living room, for example,” Friedrich Neznansky, “The President’s Mistake.”

Speaking of kitchen lighting. Lighting in the kitchen should be both above the dining table and in the work area. Nutritionists believe that excess light leads to rapid fatigue, and lack of lighting causes lethargy and loss of appetite. Lamps should have soft, diffuse lighting. And it is not recommended to use fluorescent lamps with gray-blue lighting in the kitchen interior.

Of course, it is convenient when water and gas are located nearby. I washed it under the tap and, “gurgle,” threw it into the saucepan. But our furniture specialist Sergei Oreshkov still advises separating the sink and hob with a worktop. Otherwise, splashes from the sink fly onto the stove, which means you risk getting soup from the dishwashing detergent.

The kitchen sink should be as deep as possible

Only in this case will you get minimal splashing of the area surrounding the sink. Cheap sinks made of thin metal are very noisy. Now deep sinks made of artificial stone have appeared on the market. The color can be chosen to harmonize or match the color of the countertop. Such sinks are easy to install, look aesthetically pleasing and are convenient to use.

  • If to hob the vertical wall of the refrigerator is closely adjacent or kitchen set, it will regularly be splashed with grease flying from the stove.
  • To avoid problems with the spine, the working surface of the kitchen table should be placed 15 cm below the arm, bent at a right angle at the elbow.
  • Some advanced housewives prefer to do some of the work in the kitchen while sitting. It is convenient if your kitchen chair is height adjustable.
  • Whether a dishwasher in the kitchen is built-in or not is not important, its presence is important, because it is very convenient and greatly saves water consumption.
  • A hood is a must in the kitchen. A convenient solution is a hood built into the cabinet. This is both cheaper and a good space saver.

Retractable hood

Dear and dear readers and admirers, what else would you like to learn from this article? Convenient to know prices!

At the furniture company "RUSO" the price for 1 meter of kitchen starts from 17 thousand rubles. And we have already indicated that furniture production"RUSO" is only quality materials. And the director of the company, Sergey Oreshkov, emphasizes that by ordering a kitchen from the manufacturer, you will save on such services as an exhibition sample and the attention of sellers. After all, in this case, the manufacturer does not spend money on renting a store and on the salaries of sales consultants, and these costs, as a rule, are included in the cost of the product. Plus, RUSO furniture production means flexibility and efficiency in service. The furniture company "RUSO" is located in the same city as you, in Ufa.

All kitchens in the photo were created by the RUSO furniture company.

Do you want the cooking process to be comfortable and easy? Then you need to know how to properly organize your workspace with your own hands, where to store kitchen utensils and how to use every centimeter of the kitchen. Read about all this in our article.

Convenient kitchen accessories make the cooking process more comfortable

About the need for proper kitchen arrangement

Despite the rapidly developing progress, work in the kitchen today remains manual labor.

If you believe research, if the kitchen is not properly arranged, a person can run several kilometers along it in one day, constantly returning to the workplace, bending and squatting. At the same time, cooking and washing dishes lasts for hours, although this time can be easily reduced by wisely using the kitchen space.

The correct arrangement of cutlery and utensils can reduce the time spent on cooking

Naturally, mobility is not a bad thing if you are struggling with excess weight. However, the kitchen is not a gym.

Experiments have shown that if you plan your kitchen space correctly, you can save 30% of time and 60% of travel. Therefore, these days it is important not only to choose the right kitchen equipment, but also to arrange it rationally so that the necessary kitchen utensils are always at hand.

Arrange kitchen equipment and furniture ergonomically, and you won’t have to walk around the kitchen as much

Efficient use of space

Both large and small kitchen spaces can create significant problems. For example, in large kitchens, the distance between objects can be so large that the owners must make rather tedious movements between the sink, stove, countertop, refrigerator and dining table.

The headset should be positioned so as not to interfere with your movements

Buying a multi-sectional headset (the price of which is quite impressive) in many cases also does not solve anything. So, you still have to move around the kitchen carefully so as not to touch or knock over anything.

It turns out that the money was spent on all kinds of lockers, but there was no convenience, as there never was. In this case, the real salvation will be practical ideas, because the key to comfort and coziness is a reasonable attitude towards every square centimeter of space. And precisely in this case modern materials and technology will become your assistants.

Sequence of jobs

Professionals first of all advise paying attention to the correct sequence of jobs based on the cooking technology itself. Since it is convenient to arrange a kitchen, or rather, it work area?

Make sure that a so-called “work triangle” is formed in the kitchen (refrigerator, sink, stove)

  • Fridge. Products are stored in it, and accordingly, this is where the cooking process begins.
  • Workplace. This is where food is usually cleaned and pre-prepared.
  • Washing. A waste container should also be placed in the same area.
  • Final cutting. It includes shredding, cutting and other procedures.
  • Heat treatment, cooking.
  • Serving.

Designate several areas in the room for food preparation, washing and cooking.

Cabinet height

In addition to the correct location of the work area, it is necessary to carefully consider the size and height of the cabinets.

Since every housewife wants to make the kitchen comfortable, one of the last things you need to pay attention to is storing available tools in convenient places. Research results have shown that only 20% of people store everything they need in the kitchen and do it correctly.

To be one of these lucky ones, you need to follow the suggested recommendations

The photo shows the accessibility zones of kitchen utensils

The total height of the headset is conventionally divided into 4 zones.

  • Very low. It is located at a height of up to 40 cm. Since it is poorly visible, it is quite inconvenient to use. In the lower zone you should store heavy, medium-sized items that you rarely use.
  • Low. An area located 40-75 cm from the floor. Install drawers or shelves in it for large dishes or small household appliances.
  • Average. The zone is at a height of 75-190 cm from the floor. The most practical and easily visible place. On such shelves you should store dishes, cereals, cutlery - everything that you often use.
  • High. The area located above 190 cm. Since to get to it you will need to use a stepladder or a chair, it is not worth storing anything frequently used there. The upper shelves can become a place to store expensive tableware or other accessories.

It is better to place the most used appliances at a height of 75–100 cm from the floor

Ergonomic space tools

Regardless of the size of your kitchen, every centimeter of it should be put to good use. For these purposes, you can use the following items:

  • Cabinets with pull-out sections. It is a real find for both large and small kitchens. Small cabinets contain everything you need, and lattice containers can be used to store food supplies. Thanks to the guide rollers, this section rolls out easily, allowing you to see all the supplies and access them from any side. For those who love full-wall cabinets, you can make them multi-tiered.

Retractable structures allow you to use space efficiently

Roller guides make it easy to reach even the most distant objects

  • Storage systems. Modern, comfortable kitchens also mean innovations in the area of ​​fixtures. Nowadays, kitchens have a huge selection of different storage systems that allow you to make maximum use of all the hard-to-reach corners, voids and niches. For example, there is such an innovation as a three-level microlift that lowers a shelf with all its contents.

Modern storage systems make it possible to use every centimeter of space

Various manufacturers kitchen furniture offer a variety of options for the lower tier, which include pull-out baskets available in different sizes and forms.

Open shelves do not take up much space, but conveniently store cans of cereals

  • Corner sink. Many people are interested in the question: is a corner sink convenient in the kitchen? If it is installed correctly, then yes. Corner sinks appeared relatively recently and are gaining popularity due to their compactness. Owners of small kitchens will certainly appreciate them.

Corner sink - a practical option for small spaces

  • Bar counter for kitchen. Not a bad solution for a small kitchen. In some cases it can be an excellent alternative kitchen table. At the same time, it saves significant space. Comfortable chairs for the kitchen in this case can be hidden under the counter and not take up extra space, limiting your work space.

A compact bar counter can be a complete replacement for a large dining table

  • Railings in the working area. The space between the countertop and hanging cabinets can be occupied by a narrow shelf or a railing system. They house kitchen utensils, which take up a lot of space.

When talking about convenient things for the kitchen, one cannot fail to mention roof rails

The rails make it convenient to store large utensils that would otherwise take up a lot of space

This simple instructions will allow you to free up kitchen space and use it more ergonomically. If you pay attention to every little detail and take into account every detail, then even the smallest kitchen can be made comfortable and cozy, not to mention large rooms.

In conclusion

Comfortable and practical kitchen– a place where you want to spend as much time as possible. From this article you learned how to make your kitchen comfortable. , at what height should this or kitchen utensils be placed, how to set up the work area and what accessories to use. Follow our recommendations and you will soon notice that cooking in the kitchen has become much more enjoyable.

Be sure to check out the video at the bottom of the page for some more helpful tips.

Every housewife wants her kitchen to be ideal - one in which, with minimal effort and time, you can prepare delicious, healthy food for the whole family. In professional terms, this room must be ideally designed from the point of view of the laws of ergonomics. Today Elena Mironova, leading designer of the Bastet studio, will talk about the most important, in her opinion, moments.

Elena Mironova - general manager and leading designer of the Bastet studio. She studied interior design at the International School of Design. Has been involved in interior design for more than 10 years. Considers work to be a calling. Loves non-standard complex tasks, requiring full dedication and concentration.

In the article we will talk about the rules of kitchen design, and each reader will be able to draw his own project using a 3D online kitchen designer.

1. Work triangle

Researchers from the German company Bulthaup found that life in the kitchen is mainly centered around three points: the stove, the refrigerator and the sink. If we connect them with conditional lines, we get a “working triangle”. In order for work in the kitchen to be comfortable and fast, firstly, nothing should interfere with movement along this triangle, and secondly, the sum of the sides of the triangle should be from 3 to 7.5 meters.

2. Furniture layout

Depending on the area of ​​your kitchen and your personal preferences, several options for arranging kitchen elements are possible: in a straight line, in the letter “L”, in the letter “P”. Great idea For large kitchens is to place an “island” in the center, which can be a work table, stove or sink. To ensure a logical and time-saving workflow, it is important to choose the correct arrangement of devices and cabinets. For example, a drawer for cutlery and dishwasher It is better to place it next to the sink. But between the sink and the stove there must be a work area.

3. Correct height of kitchen furniture

It is better to arrange wall cabinets and shelves so that the housewife working in the kitchen does not have to reach for objects standing on them (1.85 - 2 m), and the height of the worktop should be such that she does not have to bend over it much (optimally 90 cm ). For convenience, the angle between the surface and your hands should be approximately 45 degrees.

Comment: an example of what not to do.

4. Household appliances

Household appliances greatly facilitate the cooking process. To optimize it even more, it is better to place small household appliances (coffee maker, electric kettle and microwave) in one zone. The “pencil case” option (about 2 m high), in which an oven and microwave are built in, is in great demand: it is very convenient when these items are located at a height of 80–90 cm from the floor level.

If you are used to watching TV while working in the kitchen, place it higher - at eye level standing man. By the way, modern technologies allow you to embed a TV into facades kitchen cabinets. This solution cannot be called inexpensive, but it is very convenient and aesthetically pleasing.

5. Lighting

There is an opinion that the more light in the kitchen, the better. But in reality, so that your eyes don’t get tired from the bright light, it’s better around the perimeter upper cabinets kitchen furniture, install spotlights and additionally illuminate work surfaces and dining table. The kitchen in apartments is most often both a dining area and a place family vacation, therefore, to give a light atmosphere around the perimeter of the ceiling, you can make a backlit cornice.

6. Aesthetic pleasure

For a kitchen to rightfully be called the kitchen of your dreams, being in it should bring you pleasure, and not leave you indifferent. Therefore, choosing color scheme, stop at those shades that will evoke only positive emotions. Don't forget about the cute little things. If you love house plants, for any, even the most small kitchen you can find room for at least one or two. They will not only enliven the interior, but will also purify the air.

7. Easy to clean

A great find that makes cleaning much easier is washable wallpaper on the walls and ceramic tiles on the floor. Another idea is furniture with chrome legs, under which you can always quickly clean the floor. And finally, a miracle of design thought: a mini-vacuum cleaner built into the base of the kitchen furniture is a very convenient thing.

8. Functional sink

It is better to choose a sink that is deep enough: ideally, it should fit the largest pot available. Give preference to a sink with a bottom valve that allows you to shut off the drain. This will help you save money on housing and communal services, because with such a sink, water consumption will be significantly reduced. A conveniently located “wing” of the sink or an additional bowl will solve many pressing issues.

9. Comfortable dining area

If you decide to place a dining table and chairs in the kitchen, then when planning dining area, it should be remembered that it should be located separately from the working one, and each person sitting at the table should have at least 50 cm of free space at their disposal.

10. Accessible trash bin drawer

The most common and functional way to store a trash can is under the sink. But it will be much more convenient for you if you hang it instead of placing it on the floor. Modern kitchen manufacturers have a number of highly functional ideas for bin placement and space utilization. corner cabinet, where the sink is usually located.

11. Security

This point is especially important in families with small children. Having taken care of the safety of connecting electrical appliances and the location of sockets, do not forget that there are household appliances with locking. All dangerous corners can be closed with special silicone nozzles, and the stove can be closed with a protective barrier. It is better to avoid protruding handles: it is very easy to get bumped or scratched during cooking.

12. Important little things

This is exactly the point that many people miss. Consider how many outlets you need in the kitchen. There should be at least two more of them than household appliances. The tabletop material should be wear-resistant, and the color is better neutral, because... Dark countertops often show scratches.

13. Silence

The process of cooking can be called a kind of meditation. And it’s good if nothing distracts or irritates you during it. Therefore, the rule applies here: no creaking or slamming doors or rattling drawers. It may be worth paying attention to the “push” door opening system, which allows you to open the doors by pressing on the front of the cabinets.

14. Everything is at hand

Everything you might need while working in the kitchen: food, dishes, oven mitts, spices, cutting boards- must be within reach so that you are not distracted by searching. Drawers near the desktop will do an excellent job of storing necessary things. A very convenient thing is a bottle holder: it takes up minimal space (25–30 cm), but you will be provided with a comfortable arrangement of spices, oil and other tall items that should be at hand during the cooking process.

15. Extra space

Consider where you will store detergents, dish sponges, garbage bags. A convenient place for them is in the cabinet under the sink. In the apron area you can hang skimmers, oven mitts and knives needed during cooking - this way they will always be at hand.

Caption for the picture

When thinking through your kitchen, take as a basis a few important points: ease of movement, consistency of the work process, sufficient freedom of movement, comfortable positioning of the body when preparing food and compliance of the height of the equipment with the proportions of those who will work in this kitchen, as well as the appropriateness of the location of the equipment. If you take all this into account, your kitchen will turn out truly ideal.


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