How can you do the splits? Deep squat with knees raised. Proper stretching exercises

Stretching has gained wide popularity recently, but this type of aerobics has a beneficial effect on the condition of muscles and joints, making the body flexible and strong. One of the most difficult, time-consuming techniques in stretching is the splits, but with the right technique you can achieve the desired result quickly - in no more than a month.

What is a split stretch?

The ability to sit in transverse and longitudinal splits will make your body flexible, your muscles and spine healthy, make your gait easier and relieve excess tension in your back and lower back. It is easy for men, women, and even children to learn how to do this stretching at home. To do this you need to be patient, armed with the right technique to develop muscle elasticity. First you need to know what types of muscle stretching exist:

  • static – tension in a stationary position, when held in a certain position;
  • ballistic - tension during swing movements;
  • Proprioceptive relief is muscle tension without movement.

To achieve an effective result, the technique provides for the use of all three types of muscle tension, the use of which in combination with gymnastics will make the process minimally painless and safe. Another condition for proper stretching is pre-warming the body using a simple technique that will help prevent injury, damage, and improve the effect of exercise to achieve flexibility.

How to do stretching exercises for splits

If you have never done stretching or are already into this aerobics, you should always do a warm-up before class. It consists of several simple movements that only take a few minutes. The next stage is a special complex for sitting on the transverse, and after that – an exercise for stretching the longitudinal twine. For classes, you can turn on music or set an alarm clock with a timer, which will help you navigate the time of each approach. You need to stay in one position for at least 1 minute.

Warm-up for splits

Suitable for warming up simple exercises, For example:

  1. Squats: Place your legs as wide as possible so that it is comfortable. Alternately squat, placing your hand just above the knee. You need to do this 10 times on each side.
  2. Mahi. An exercise everyone knows from childhood: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms forward parallel to the floor. Swings are made with the foot towards the opposite hand as high as possible.
  3. It is useful to do squat or half-squat jumps before stretching, whatever is comfortable for you.

Exercises for cross splits

To have a good stretch, it is important to have well-developed muscles that are least loaded in the everyday life– inner thigh. To stretch this area, you must do the following:

  1. Lying leg stretch. Lie on your back, raise your legs 90 degrees to the floor and, in an even position, spread them to the side, increasing the amplitude.
  2. "Butterfly". Sit in the lotus yoga pose, resting your feet one on the other, gently press your legs to the floor with your hands, focusing on your knees.
  3. You need to sit on your right heel, straightening left leg. Smoothly lower yourself to your left leg as you exhale, keeping your palms near your feet. Repeat on the right side.

Exercises for longitudinal splits

To sit in a longitudinal position, you need to perform split exercises that stretch the back of the thigh, so the following technique is designed to work these muscles:

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Gently lean toward your feet with your arms outstretched. If your physical fitness allows, clasp your feet or toes with your hands. If you are a beginner, smooth amplitude movements towards the feet will suffice.
  2. From a sitting position, spread your legs as far apart as possible, then alternately lean towards your right and left legs with both hands so that the opposite arm is overhead, parallel to the floor.
  3. Sitting on the floor, bend your right leg so that your foot rests on inner side left thigh. You need to stretch towards your left leg, if possible, touching your palms to your feet. Repeat on the right side.

Split exercises for beginners

Simple physical exercise to do the splits for beginners will help you painlessly and smoothly stretch unprepared muscles at home. For those who have just started stretching, it is important to remember: you do not need to start with increased loads, endure pain, or uncomfortable positions. Painful sensations appear during the stretching process, but heavy postures increase the load on the back and only cause harm. To get started, simple splits exercises will help:

  1. While standing on straight legs, closed as close as possible, bend towards the floor, if possible, touching your toes to your feet. The amplitude needs to be gradually increased.
  2. Squat as low as possible with one leg while the other is set to the side. Stretch your outstretched leg, feeling the stretch in your inner thigh. Repeat on the other side.
  3. Exercises in which you rest one leg against the back of a chair are effective. Stretch to the outstretched leg and to the one that is on the floor. Change position, repeat on the other side.

Effective stretching for quick results

To get quick result, you can perform more complex tasks, but provided that your muscles are prepared with at least a minimum daily load. It could even be morning exercises, jogging with preliminary warm-up, other home workouts. In this case, your muscles, accustomed to the load, will be painless, for short term you can do split stretching in a week:

  1. You need to stand with your back to the wall so that you place one leg behind your back parallel to the wall. To do this, you can bend over and rest your hands on the floor.
  2. Lying on your stomach on the floor, spread your legs into the “frog” position and hold it for several minutes.
  3. Stand on one leg, lift the other up and back, holding it with your hands above your head.
  4. Sit with your right leg stretched out in front of you, bring your left leg back and bend it, reaching towards your head. It is more convenient to perform it by holding your leg behind your back with your hands.

Video: a set of exercises for splits

Leg-split– this is an indicator of good flexibility. It is used not only in gymnastics, but also in cheerleading, martial arts, dancing, etc. In this article you will learn about exercises that, by doing them, everyone can quickly learn how to do the splits.

This is an exercise that comes easy to some people and not so much to others. Despite all the difficulties, you can learn if you diligently work on stretching.

A good way to achieve stretching is through various exercises, starting with simple ones and moving towards complex ones. If you have just started training, then first master simple stretches, and only then move on to performing full splits.

You need to correctly assess the capabilities of your body in order to stretch both sides - if you dream of doing the splits on both your left and right legs, you need to have good flexibility for this.

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  1. To perform the splits, warm up before stretching: it is very important that the muscles are warmed up. It is enough to jump for 5 minutes or walk quickly and actively for 10 minutes.
  2. Wear comfortable or tight clothing, such as cycling shorts. Do not wear jeans under any circumstances; it is very difficult to work out in them.
  3. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs. Try to reach your toes with your hands. Don't arch or slouch your back. When bending your chest forward, it is important to keep your back straight. Hold this stretch for about 20-30 seconds. Don't bend down too much.
  4. Repeat this exercise, but with your right and then your left leg bent. Always try to keep your back straight.
  5. Sit with your legs at right angles, that is, with one leg to the side and the other in front of you. For example: extend your left leg forward without bending your back, hold for 30 seconds. Do the same with your right leg.
  6. Raise your legs 90 degrees, stretch your body forward, do not lean, and keep your back straight. Hold in this position for 30 seconds.


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  1. Lunge forward with your foot at a right angle, keeping your back knee parallel to the floor. These exercises last 30-60 seconds.
  2. Extend your leg forward and stretch for 30-60 seconds.
  3. Return to the starting position before the lunge. Now stretch the leg behind you.
  4. Do the second exercise, but this time tilt your foot forward.

Stretching before the splits

  1. Lie on the floor near a wall with your back down and lift your legs up.
  2. Spread your legs to the sides. The weight of your legs and gravity will pull them down. Pause for a minute.
  3. Move to the mat: bend one leg forward and leave the other behind, while keeping your back straight. Do the same with the other leg.
  4. If you do these exercises every day, you will very soon get closer to the expected result.

  • Perform all exercises evenly, stretch in stages: from simple to complex. So little by little you will learn to sit completely in the splits. This is very important for professional cheerleaders, gymnasts and dancers, but you need to work on it constantly before you can master it.
  • How to learn to do the splits quickly without injury? Start stretching with a pillow under your foot. Lift it up gradually. Be careful because this can cause muscle injury. After this, you definitely won’t be able to do the splits until your muscles recover.
  • When you exercise, try to breathe deeply. This will allow you to stretch better.
  • You need to understand that in short terms impossible to learn, the exercises should be performed regularly. For some it will take more than a couple of weeks, so don't give up.
  • To reduce pain, we recommend using a heating pad. It also helps to stretch the muscles better.


  • Your efforts can lead to positive results only after a few weeks. The main thing is not to overdo it. If you exercise too often or stretch too hard, you will pull or injure a muscle.
  • If you do damage something, stop the activity immediately! Apply ice and rest. Then visit a doctor to find out the risk of injury.
  • If you decide to start exercising again, do everything from the very beginning carefully and slowly, do not think that you can start from where you left off.
  • You should not do the splits right away, as this can lead to complications.

Video lessons

Cross twine is one of the most spectacular demonstrations of flexibility and stretching. We offer you best exercises, with which you can do the cross splits.

Transverse splits are usually more difficult to master than longitudinal splits. In order to do the cross splits, you need to not only stretch the muscles and ligaments of your legs well, but also significantly improve the mobility of the sacrum and hip joints. The path to cross splits can be long, so be patient, it takes from several months to a year to master it.

The benefits of cross twine

Cross twine is not only spectacular pose, but also very useful. You will get a number of benefits from the cross split stretch:

  • Strengthen your leg muscles, make them toned and slender.
  • While performing cross split exercises, the muscles of the back, lower back and abs are also worked.
  • Thanks to split stretching, you will improve the functioning of the pelvic organs and genitourinary system.
  • Elastic ligaments and flexibility in the hip joints are the key to good health during pregnancy and easy childbirth.
  • The cross split stretch is good prevention of diseases of the abdominal cavity and gastrointestinal tract.
  • You will improve stretching of the hip joints, which are involved in many strength and aerobic exercises. This will allow you to perform exercises with more amplitude and quality.

Before performing the splits exercises, be sure to complete warm-up workout. When the muscles are not warmed up and prepared, stretching training will be ineffective. You will not make progress and will put off your cross split dream indefinitely.

10 exercises for warming up and warming up before the splits

Perform the exercises below in sequence. Your body will warm up, your heart rate will increase, and you will feel a pleasant warmth in your muscles. If you feel that after doing the exercises you haven’t warmed up enough, repeat the complex again.

For each exercise the number of repetitions on one side is indicated. For example, the first exercise is walking in place with knees raised. You should perform 20 leg raises with your right leg, 20 leg raises with your left leg, for a total of 40 repetitions. You can increase the number of repetitions at your discretion (decreasing is not recommended!).

1. Walking in place with knees raised : 20 reps

2. Swing to your feet : 20 reps

3. Rotations for the hip joints : 20 reps

4. Side lunge : 15 reps

5. Tilt towards the leg : 15 reps

6. Back Squat: 20 reps

7. Back Lunges : 10 reps

8. Jumping rope: 40 reps

: 40 reps each (just count to 80 in sync with the movement)

10. Jumps with arms and legs raised: 35 reps

Cross split exercises can only be performed with a warm body. Cross-split stretching exercises without warming up are not only ineffective, but also very dangerous.

If you want to do the splits faster, you can purchase additional tools for effective stretching: yoga blocks and yoga straps. These simple and inexpensive devices will greatly simplify many of your splits exercises.

Muscles and ligaments need time to stretch, so hold each pose for at least 30 seconds. Gradually increase this period to 2-3 minutes (more if your body allows). To get rid of discomfort, always breathe deeply and try to relax while stretching.

During cross split exercises, do not round your back, always stretch the top of your head up. Perform exercises in a comfortable amplitude and with the correct technique.

Thanks to the official YouTube channel of Olga Sagay for the photos.

Exercise 1

Spread your legs wide, turn your feet out, hips and knees pointing outward as much as possible. Exhale, squat down, tuck your pelvis, push your knees back, focusing on opening your hips. Lock the squat and stay in this position. Body weight is evenly distributed on both legs, keep your back straight. Then rest your elbows on the inner thighs next to your knees, pull your pelvis towards the floor, you can add light rocking. This cross split exercise stretches the groin area and inner thigh.

Exercise 2

Lift your knee up and move it as far as possible to the side. As you exhale, straighten your leg and then bend your knee again. The foot is always maximally extended during the exercise. Perform 10 repetitions, then reach and hold the leg-raised position for 30 seconds. Repeat the same with the other leg. If you lack balance, you can hold onto the chair with your hands.

Exercise 3

Spread your legs wide, inhale and lift chest up and exhale, bend towards your right leg. Make sure your hips and knees are pulled up. Hold this position. Move to the other leg and also stay in this position. Then grab the shins of both legs with your hands and bend over. The back should not be rounded; stretch your stomach toward your hips.

Exercise 4

Lower into a side lunge, lowering the heel of your supporting leg to the floor if possible. The other leg turns outward, the knee is straightened, and the foot is pulled towards you. Place your hands on the floor. If stretching and balance allow, grab your near knee with your hand, clasp your hands behind your back and stretch your spine. This exercise stretches the inner thigh muscles well, which will help you do the cross splits faster.

Exercise 5

From a sitting position on your heels, open your hips as wide as possible and try to sit on your buttocks, your heels close to your buttocks, and your back should be straight. If you can’t sit on your buttocks, place a blanket or yoga block under them. Stretch your spine upward. As you exhale, turn your chest to the right, continuing to stretch the top of your head up. Then turn the other way. Stay in the center with your back straight.

Exercise 6

From the previous position, go back forward, rest your palms or forearms on the floor and lie down on the floor. Then move your pelvis forward and keep it in line with your hips and knees. Put your socks together, tuck your stomach, and pull the top of your head up. Hold this position. The frog is one of the most effective exercises on the cross twine.

Exercise 7

Get on your knees. The right knee is in a vertical position, the left leg is stretched to the side and, with an exhalation, the legs move apart different sides. The right leg is bent at a right angle. In the extreme position, relax and breathe. Then switch legs.

Exercise 8

Sitting on the floor, bring your feet together and bring them as close to your pelvis as possible. The back should be straight. If you can’t keep your back straight, place a pillow or yoga block under your buttocks. You can remain in a static position, or you can sway slightly trying to lower your legs to the floor. The butterfly opens the hip joints very well and is one of the main exercises for doing the cross splits.

You can simplify the position by moving your feet further away from your pelvis.

Exercise 9

Lie down near a wall, pressing your entire back surface tightly against it. Stretch your legs vertically upward, exhale, bend your legs, pull your knees towards you and, while inhaling, open your hips to the sides. Breathe deeply and relax.

Exercise 10

Spread your legs wide, as you exhale, bend parallel to the floor and lower your palms to the floor. The tailbone stretches back, the crown forward, the legs are pulled up, the feet look up. If stretching allows, gently bend your arms and lower your forearms to the floor. Hold this position.

Stretch your spine up behind your arms and gently lower yourself toward your leg. Hold this position and move to the other leg.

Exercise 11

Lie on the floor and bend your knees. Lift your right leg up and grab your shin or foot with your hand. Tilt your left hip to the side, take your right leg diagonally. If flexibility does not allow, the knee of the extended leg can be slightly bent. Lower your right toe in line with your ear. The sacrum and lower back lie on the floor. Stay in this position and breathe deeply.

Exercise 12

Continue lying on the floor. Extend both legs vertically upward at an angle of 90 degrees. Open your legs to the sides to the maximum possible position and stay there. Pull your feet towards you and make sure your knees are straight.

Exercise 13

If you still find it difficult to perform the previous cross split exercise, try its adaptive version. Lie down near a wall, pressing your entire back surface tightly against it. Exhale, bend your knees and begin to slide your feet down the wall, buttocks pressed firmly against the wall, sacrum resting on the floor. Straighten your knees, stretch your feet towards you. Help with your hands to lower your legs a little lower and relax in the extreme position. The right and left thigh should be at the same level from the floor.

It doesn’t matter why you needed to do the splits - for showiness on special case, perfect stretching or health benefits (yes, her splits also bring, and considerable ones). Whatever you have in mind, know that doing the splits is actually not that difficult. If you regularly perform several effective exercises, even more so.

1. Bends with hands “clasped” behind your back

Stretching, which is usually painful and therefore not very pleasant, is best started with a simple and slightly relaxing exercise, such as this one. It will stretch the muscles of the back of the thighs well and, as a bonus, improve the flexibility of the back, straighten the shoulders and chest.

How to do it. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bring your hands together behind your back, lock them together and lift them up - your back should arch. In this position, bend over and pull your chest towards your hips. Keep your legs straight, they should not bend at the knees. After standing like this for 5 breaths, slowly return to the starting position.

2. Bends to one leg

Do it very carefully. The “pull” will be under the knee and lower back, but then the splits will become a couple of centimeters closer.

How to do it. Sit on the floor and stretch your legs. Bend your right knee and place it on your side, thereby opening your hips halfway. strive right hand touch the outside of your left foot, and try to place your torso on a straight leg. Pull your left hand forward, too, towards your foot. Relax your shoulders - they should not rise. Stay in this position until you take 5 breaths. Raise your body, change legs, repeat the exercise.

3. Bend forward with legs open

It will not be possible to lie down with your body on the floor in this position right away. But when it does work out, it will mean that there is nothing left before the twine (and not longitudinal, but transverse).

How to do it. Sit down and spread your legs to the sides, but not to the maximum width. Move your pelvis forward a little, but be careful not to let your legs move with it. Straighten your back. Bring your body forward towards the floor until you feel a “burning” under your knees - this is the tendons stretching. Stay in the lowest position for 5 breaths, then return to the starting position.

4. Deep lunges forward

What could be simpler and more convenient than stretching the leg muscles in such a lunge? In addition, this exercise is even too good for stretching.

How to do it. Lunge forward with your right foot. Place your hands on the floor. The leg should be between them. Place your left knee on the floor. If you can, lower yourself onto your elbows. Press your body against your right leg. Stretch your hips toward the floor. Stay as low as possible while you take 5 breaths. Switch legs and repeat the exercise.

5. Deep lunge with calf raise

Having worked on stretching the knees, let's move on to the hips, or more precisely, to the muscles of their back and front surfaces.

How to do it. Go to the wall, stop a step away from it, turn your back to it. Get on your knees. Place your right leg bent at a right angle forward. Raise the foot of your left leg up and “put it” on the wall. Pull your hips down until you feel a stretch in the muscles. Place your hands on your knee to keep your position stable. Keep your back straight. Stay in this position while you take 5 breaths, then relax, switch legs and repeat.

6. Standing Power Stretch

Stretch your muscles with the force of your arms - this can be more effective than putting pressure on them with your own weight.

How to do it. Stand straight, close your feet. Shift your weight to your left leg, and lift your right leg, bent at the knee so that it is easy to grab it with both hands. Stand straight on your left leg. Slowly straighten your right leg to the side, holding onto thumb legs by hand. If this comes easily to you, pull your hip towards your stomach, lifting your foot towards the ceiling. Hold this position for 5 breaths. Slowly lower your right leg to the floor. Switch legs and repeat the exercise.

7. Side plank stretch

To stretch in such a precarious (in the literal sense of the word) position, you need to be able to maintain balance. Despite the complexity, this exercise is worth trying - it significantly lengthens some muscles, while giving others a static load.

How to do it. Get into a side plank position with your arm extended and your right leg supported. Carefully, while maintaining balance, grab the big toe of your left foot with your left hand and, bending your leg at the knee, pull it up, gradually straightening it. Stand while trying not to lose your balance. If you can, straighten your leg and pull it as high as possible. After 5 breaths, gently release your left leg, place it on the floor, and assume a sitting position. Switch sides and repeat the exercise.

Greetings, my dear readers, admirers and other individuals! This Friday we will deviate a little from the Kachkov theme and will figure out how to do the splits.

After reading you will find out (although it’s not a fact that the first time) all about how and what to use to develop your flexibility, and also get your hands on ready plan shrinkage on twine. This is an optimistic scenario for the development of events :). Pessimistic... we simply do not have it and cannot have it. Just another scenario involves analyzing the theory - muscle atlas / anatomy and transferring practice to the next time. We’ll see which one awaits us as the story progresses, but for now, take your seats in the auditorium.

So, we don’t promise to put your foot behind your ear, but this post will help you become more flexible and understand the essence of the issue. Let's go!

How to do the splits? Everything you need to know

This is the second note from the “how?-cycle”. In the first one, we found out, and, I must say, we analyzed this issue perfectly and even gave effective practical recommendations. In this article we intend to do the same, i.e. First, go through the theory, and then polish all the tediousness told :) with practice.

In general, it’s worth saying that we don’t invent topics for our notes on our own, they are suggested to us by our respected audience, i.e. You. After coming to the understanding that yes, we have not yet considered this issue, and there is no adequate information on it on the Internet, we put pen to paper. This topic seemed interesting to us, first of all, because of its, if I may use the term, “contamination.” It is enough to enter the corresponding query into the search engine, and now you are already doing the splits in a day, in five, in a week... In general, very quickly.

Such “materials” are from the evil one, i.e. prepared with the aim of luring a person. And since the topic is hot/relevant, the audience coverage is large, and the resource’s traffic/recognition can rise sharply just because of one such request. As for the substantive part, it is missing from the word “completely”. Do you really think that an unprepared “wooden” person will be able to 5-7 days using a video or a hastily scribbled article to do the splits? The answer is clear - no.

We always try to be frank with our audience and share only working/adequate information. Today we will try to give you an understanding of how to develop your flexibility, stop being “wooden” and how to do the splits correctly. What came of this, we will find out further.

All further narration on the topic of how to do the splits will be divided into subchapters.

What is twine? Ideal portrait of a splits swimmer

A split is a physical position in which the legs are in line with each other and extend in opposite directions. When performing a split, the lines defined by the inner thighs form an angle of approximately 180 degrees. Twine is an indicator of an athlete’s flexibility, which means that a person has moderately increased plasticity and can withstand a load of this kind with relative ease. The splits “came” from gymnastics, therefore, in order to sit on it, you need to have the qualities inherent in athletes of this sport.

So, here is the ideal portrait of someone who wants to do the splits:

  • the person is of moderately low weight;
  • preferred age up to 25-30 years;
  • gender female;
  • previously engaged in any active/flexible (not heavy) sport - swimming, yoga, etc.;
  • has been doing exercises and stretching on a regular basis for more than a year;
  • no diseases of the spine or musculoskeletal system.

If you fit the specified parameters, then it will be much easier (and faster) for you to do the splits than for those who do not have all the checkboxes from this list.


If you by nature/constitution have a heavy pelvis/bottom, voluminous hips, full calves, then the likelihood of you doing the splits is reduced by 50% .

How to do the splits: basic facts about flexibility

The preparatory information stage is very important in understanding and assessing your splits prospects. Therefore, before moving on to theory ( We are generally silent about practice), remember a few general facts about flexibility:

  1. the female body tends to be more flexible, the male body tends to have greater muscle power;
  2. flexibility in one joint does not necessarily imply flexibility in others;
  3. the more a person has muscle mass, the lower its flexibility indicators;
  4. if you are bulking and want to do the splits, and the second is more important than the first, then you will have to “drain” the mass;
  5. Bicycle riders have poor leg flexibility;
  6. the more flexible you want to become, the less muscle you should have per square cm of your body;
  7. Every person has their own abilities/potential for flexibility and everyone needs different times to do the splits.

Now let's talk about...

How to do the splits: types of flexibility

Did you know that there are three types of flexibility - passive, active and dynamic. Let's go through each of them.

No. 1. Passive flexibility

It's about how much you can stretch with someone's help. For example, when throwing your leg over your partner. In this case, there is no active muscle work, and the degree of stretch is determined by how much the muscles can lengthen.

No. 2. Active Flexibility

Is how far you can stretch without assistance, stretching the joint and stabilizing in one position (for example, raising your leg as high as possible from a standing position). AG movements are much more complex, and this range is always inferior to the passive range, because the resistance of the lengthening muscles must be overcome by the strength of their antagonists.

In visual form, active and passive flexibility can be presented as follows.

No. 3. Dynamic flexibility

This is how far you can stretch with momentum, such as swinging your leg. This is what happens during a fight or action sequence in motion. In daily flexibility training this can be used to gain greater range, but the risk of tearing the muscle is very high and should therefore only be done after pre-warming up.

How to do the splits: range of motion of “each” joint

It’s not for nothing that we put “everyone” in quotation marks; by this we wanted to show that in the key of this note, from 8 joints we are only interested in joints lower limbs- hips, knees, ankles.

This is their range of motion that we will look at.

No. 1. Hip joint (hip joint)

The hips are the key to an effective split landing. The flexibility of this joint largely determines your ability to do the splits.

The hip joint performs 3 Features:

  1. flexion. Occurs when the knee is bent. When the knee is straight, it is much more difficult to lift and hold the leg above waist level. Achievement full angle Thus (using the sole strength of the leg muscles) almost impossible, and athletes with this ability are very rare. These are mainly gymnasts and ballerinas of the highest level;
  2. expansion/abduction. The toes are aligned with the leg, but by slightly turning the leg, they allow it to lean back a few more degrees;
  3. abduction. Requires special attention, because The direction of the toes makes a major difference: turning the toes outward gives a much greater range than pointing them forward.

No. 2. Knee joint (knee joint)

The knee joint performs 3 Features:

  1. flexion. It can be hampered by pumped up muscles;
  2. expansion/extension;
  3. internal rotation.

No. 3. Ankle (ankle)

Ankle with a more limited range of rotation.

Performs 4 Features:

  1. flexion;
  2. extension;
  3. pronation;
  4. supination.

We considered everything considered :) for a reason. Now that we understand how individual joints stretch, we can better understand some activities that require multiple stretches. Knowing the range of motion of your joints helps you avoid injury and achieve best results in a stretch.

Let's consider longitudinal twine.

There are two ways to separate the legs from the front:

  • classical. Is more difficult because to "sit" completely on the ground, the knee position requires greater hip extension of the back leg. The knee of the back leg is lowered, the sole “looks” up, and the toe of the front leg is pointed.
  • The knee of the back leg “looks” in the same direction as the toes, and the toe of the front leg is pulled towards itself. This option is easier (easier on the knee) and allows you to jump to a standing position.

This is what variations of the longitudinal type of twine look like (red arrows point to joints where stretching occurs).

The following example is also related to stretching, and the practice of doing it very often causes a serious mistake. We are talking about the “Van Damme kick” - a straight leg kick to the side. Many try to repeat it, but cannot, because they do not know information about the range of motion of the joints. We know it and therefore we will repeat this blow with ease.

Our anatomical muddle will continue with information about...

Cross section of splits: muscles and biomechanics of pose

To do the splits, you need to understand how, what muscles this process is carried out. Therefore, further in the text we will analyze the position of the longitudinal splits, analyze the working muscles - agonists/antagonists (and their synergists) and biomechanics of stretching.

In the splits (and stretching in general) The main work is performed by muscle-tendon units - muscles and tendons. The muscle tendon unit (MTU) is composed of several elements. These include contractile structures (sarcomeres) and fascial elements that surround muscle fibers and tendons.

All these elements contribute to muscle contraction/stretching. In addition, many factors contribute to muscle elongation, including viscoelastic properties, creep (type of deformation for fascial elements), neurological/psychological factors (such as tolerance). Also, the individual muscle map/architecture and shape of the muscles plays a certain role in stretching.

It is important to understand which muscles are responsible for “landing” in the splits. This is clearly reflected in the following image.

Now let's answer the question...

How to do the splits: stretching time, or how long should you hold the splits?

Published biomechanical stretching studies suggest that most MTU lengthening or release occurs within the first twenty seconds of stretching. As the action is repeated, the lengthening of the muscle-tendon unit decreases with each successive stretch, reaching a maximum at the fourth stretch, after which a small additional length is achieved by further stretching.

Illustrative stretching process curves present such a picture.

The important point is that each subsequent lengthening of the muscle is accompanied by a short recovery period in which they are released from the stretch. So, one two-minute stretch is not equivalent to four thirty-second stretches.

How to do the splits: biomechanics

From a muscular point of view, the process of “siding” into a split consists of the following stages:

  • rear hip moves back/extends. This means that the agonist muscles for this part of the pose are: the gluteus maximus (primary mover of hip extension), and the synergists of this action are the posterior parts of the gluteus medius and minimus, the hamstrings and the adductor magnus muscle;
  • hip extension lengthens the hip flexors, including the psoas and its synergists.

The following image illustrates the position of the main joints in a longitudinal split.

It is optimal to start practicing longitudinal splits while standing next to two strong chairs.

(hind leg mechanics, muscles: lower back and rectus femoris):

  1. stage of the beginning of stretching. The movement begins with you stretching your muscles. (rectus femoris and gluteus maximus) in length by moving the leg back, producing mutual “inhibition” of the psoas muscle and helping it relax during the stretching process. The back knee should then be pulled toward the front leg in a flexion-type action, using enough force to engage the psoas. This process of “immersion” takes several breaths;
  2. end of stretching stage. The lowering/stretch should continue, again engaging the gluteus maximus and limiting the stretch 30th sec;
  3. stage of short-term “treatment”. After 30 seconds of being in the splits, you should get out of the pose and give the muscles/ligaments a rest ( 15-20 sec).

The scheme of “immersion” in twine consists of the following stages (front leg mechanics, muscles: hamstring and gluteus maximus):

  1. stage of the beginning of stretching. The anterior hip flexors flex first. (including lower back), quadriceps involvement. This muscle provides mutual inhibition of the gluteus maximus and hamstrings. One head of the quadriceps, the rectus femoris, also increases hip flexion;
  2. to engage the hamstrings and gluteus maximus of the front thigh, you need to slightly bend the knee and gently press the heel into the towel/blanket;
  3. end of stretching stage. Then there is retention (for a few breaths) this action and then the extension of the hamstring and gluteus maximus in length due to the involvement of the hip flexors and knee extensors. Total time spent in the splits 30 sec.

In the picture version, both mechanics for the front and rear legs present such a picture.

We have considered only half of the mechanics - lowering into the splits, the other is responsible for being in this position.

The twine holding scheme is as follows:

  1. stronger stretch (including due to the pressure of your own body weight) synergists of hip flexion and extension located medially. For the anterior thigh, the focus shifts to the adductor magnus muscle, for the rear - the long and short adductor muscles, the pectineus. It is necessary to slowly increase the involvement of these muscles by applying pressure on the heel/heel of the front leg and the back knee towards the midline;
  2. Taking several breaths, it is necessary to deepen the pose, relaxing more fully and involving the lumbar region (sacrum), buttocks of the back and quadriceps of the front legs.

Twine exit diagram:

  • The final stage of being in the split is to focus on stretching the hip flexion and extension synergists located laterally or on the outside of the thighs. For the anterior hip, extension synergists are the gluteus medius/minimus. Since both of these muscles are the primary drivers of hip abduction/abduction, they should be involved in pulling the front heel away from the midline. At the same time, to pull the knee away from the midline, it is necessary to use the tensor fascia lata of the posterior thigh.

Ufff, we seem to have sorted out the anatomy, but I am inclined to believe that you understood little of what was said above. So? Don’t worry, it’s not theory that will make us do the splits, but practice. And there everything will be clear without words :). Well, judging by the article counter, which has exceeded 2000 words, we will practice next time. Do you support? Then we will do so, but for now...


The Internet suggests doing the splits for 10 minutes. Project only theoretical part wrote notes on this topic half an hour. Conclusions?

If you want to quickly do the splits, then the issue should be studied in detail and from all sides, i.e. carry out preparatory work. We did the theoretical ones today, we’ll do the planting practice next time, we’re waiting, sir!

See you soon. Thank you for investing this time in yourself!

PS: Do you know how to do the splits?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points towards karma guaranteed :)

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

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