Name Milena: name meaning, mystery, origin, history and characteristics. Angel Milena's Day. The name Milena and Milana, Milanya: the origin of the names, are they different names or not? What is the difference between the name Milena and Milan, Milania? Milena and Milana, Milania: how to do it right

Probably the most popular hypothesis of the origin, and therefore the meaning, of the name Milena is the Slavic hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, Milena's name comes from the root "Mil", which is the root word for the words Darling, Sweetheart, etc. So we can say that The name Milena means "Sweetheart".

The same hypothesis states that the names Mila, Milana, Militsa and Milada also come from the root “Mil”. These names are forms of each other, but at the same time they are completely independent names. But we must not forget that almost each of these names has alternative hypotheses of origin and meaning. The name Milena is most commonly used in Slavic countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia, Bulgaria, Poland and the Czech Republic.

The second most popular hypothesis for the origin of the name Milena can be considered the French hypothesis. Her supporters believe that the name Milena comes from the French name Mylene. This is a two-root name consisting of the names Marie (Marie) and Helen (Hélène). You can find out their meaning by following the links.

The meaning of the name Milena for a girl

A girl named Milena grows up to be a very trusting child. She is as simple-minded as can be. This makes her poorly adapted to life and special attention from her parents. She easily gives away toys or exchanges them for something completely unnecessary. IN school years, given the changes in the psychology of children, this can be a disservice.

The girl is diligent in her studies, even though she doesn’t throw stars out of the sky. More prone to success in humanities subjects. She is especially good at essays and presentations. Loves to read poetry. She is a little shy to perform, but she has an innate talent for dramatic roles.

Milena's health is usually poor. The girl is prone to illness respiratory tract. The best prevention would be regular exercise, but the best thing is to sign up for a swimming pool.

Short name Milena

Diminutive pet names

Milenka, Milenochka, Milenushka, Milenchik, Darling, Darling, Darling.

Name Milena in English

IN English The name Milena is not used, so it would be most correct to use its transliteration.

Name Milena for international passport- MILENA.

Translation of the name Milena into other languages

in Chinese - 米列
in Polish - Milena
in Serbian - Mijena, Milena and Miljena
in French - Milen
in Czech - Milena
in Japanese - ミラナ

Church name Milena(V Orthodox faith) not certain. Not a church name.

Characteristics of the name Milena

Adult Milena is very different from herself as a child. She becomes more stubborn and begins to aspire to leadership positions. Jealousy of others' fame and position grows. Most likely this is due to teenage trauma. Milena in adolescence learns for himself how a person’s kindness can be used, which becomes an incentive to change character. However, this likely won't last long. Milena's character will change again when she starts a family.

Milena achieves success in the field of art and other areas related to empathy. Milena often becomes a doctor or teacher. If, after finishing school, Milena does not quickly get married, she may achieve success in leadership positions. On this segment life path Milena has excellent combination characteristics for a leader.

Having created a family, Milena changes greatly in character. She becomes again soft and kind as in childhood. Of course, most of this warmth goes to the family, but a little also falls to those around them. She is a hospitable hostess and loves to receive guests, although it is difficult to call her a standard in household chores. She loves her children, but rarely puts them at the forefront, as many mothers do. She's in equally pays attention to herself, her husband and children, periodically reminding her family that everyone can have their own interests.

The mystery of the name Milena

Milena's secret is usually her jealousy. As an adult, she is often jealous of other people's success, achieved from her point of view by dishonest means. But the “righteous” success was not noticed for Milena.

Milena's second secret can be called her stubbornness. Many, seeing Milena’s kindness, are sure that it is easy to break her and achieve her goal. Such people should not be mistaken. If Milena needs something, then it’s better not to get in her way.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- Lev.

Totem animal- Grasshopper.

Name color- Lilac.

Tree- Ash.

Plant- Bell.

Stone- Amethyst.

Melena is a medical symptom referred to as “black disease.” Experts call this unpleasant disease tarry stools. These concepts refer to defecation that is black, shiny in color, and has a pungent, foul odor. Very often, such a manifestation is not the disease itself, but only a symptom of the primary disease - internal organic bleeding.

Along with blood loss in the digestive tract, melena can also occur when blood is swallowed as a result of nosebleeds or pulmonary bleeding. In cases of this order, the smell of feces is not so strong and is present after several hours in conditions of severe blood loss.

It is worth noting that this symptom (black bowel movements) is caused by iron sulfide, which occurs after the interaction of hydrogen sulfide and hemoglobin.

Along with bleeding in one or another organ, the cause of tarry stools can be the intake of certain medicines, For example activated carbon or medications containing iron. However, in such cases, black feces are noted without much varnish shine.

Causes of melena

What are the causes of melena? Even though main reason The cause of tarry stools is bleeding; experts identify a number of sources for this disease.

Swallowed blood masses. This factor is accompanied by such circumstances as hemoptysis, nosebleeds, bleeding in the throat, swallowing of blood by the baby when sucking milk from the mother (sores on the nipples of a nursing mother).

Internal bleeding. Quite a variety of problems that arise in the internal organs can become sources of bleeding in them and manifest themselves in the form of melena. Such a source may be bleeding in the stomach, in cases of esophageal cancer, peptic ulcers, severe erosion, Mallory-Weiss syndrome, or in the presence of any vascular anomaly.

Bleeding in the digestive tract can become a source of tarry stools (stomach cancer, esophageal varicose veins, tumors, diverticula - protrusion of the intestine, polyps, esophagitis).

Often the root cause of melena is the small intestine, for example, with hemophilia, peptic ulcers and fistulas.

Medicinal reasons. This category includes the appearance of melena when consuming such medicines such as activated carbon, aspirin, hormonal drugs, non-steroidal antiphlogistic medications, anticoagulants, multivitamin preparations containing iron.

Blood clotting problems. A complication such as melena can also arise in the presence of blood clotting problems, for example, hemophilia, thrombocytopenia.

In exceptional cases, melena is formed in diseases of the pancreas and gall bladder.

Melena can occur with certain connective tissue problems.

Nutritional features. The cause of “black disease” can also be some features in the patient’s diet, for example, poisoning with protein metabolism products, drinking copious amounts of red wine for a long time, eating beets, blueberries and other dark-colored foods.

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Melena symptoms

The following general symptoms, which are also indirect signs of bleeding, may be a sign of melena:

  • general weakness of the patient;
  • “flickering of flies” and darkening in the eyes;
  • pallor and coldness of the skin;
  • tinnitus;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • dyspnea;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • thirst;
  • cold sweat

Experts include special clinical signals of melena:

  1. Blood loss up to 500 ml. This condition does not actually have pronounced symptoms, but the stool may already have a black, shiny color.
  2. With blood loss over 1000 ml. In this case, changes in blood blood pressure and heart contractions, which are determined by the position of the patient’s body. The patient's feeling of weakness increases significantly.
  3. Blood loss is about 2000 ml. This condition is accompanied by hemorrhagic shock, in which loss of consciousness and hypotension accompanied by tachycardia are possible.

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Melena in newborns

Tarry bowel movements can occur not only in adult patients. Melena in newborns requires special monitoring from specialists and parents, since the disease almost always develops suddenly in a baby who previously seemed quite healthy. Diagnosis and treatment of neonatal melena requires the careful and thorough involvement of qualified medical personnel.

In infants, there are two types of manifestations of this disease:

  1. Symptomatic melena with a complex course. In this case, tarry bowel movements are one of the symptoms of a complex primary disease (sepsis, hemophilia).
  2. Idiopathic melena. Here, isolated intestinal bleeding and a more favorable prognosis for treatment are noted.

Along with this, experts differentiate the following types of melena:

  1. True. Occurs when there are disorders of blood clotting processes.
  2. False. It is formed under circumstances when the baby swallows maternal blood during the birth process. This manifestation may indicate itself due to bleeding from the nose or breastfeeding if a nursing mother has bleeding cracks in her nipples.

Name meaning

The euphony of the name Milena misleads many, creating the image of a sweet and gentle woman. But in most cases, the owners of this name have a rather contradictory character, far from ideal. So, Milena is an exalted, impulsive and overly emotional nature, which is characterized by vanity, immaturity, selfishness and narcissism. But still, this girl cannot be denied good nature, charm and responsiveness, which compensate for her negative traits.

Characteristics of the name Milena

Winter Milena - a secretive and rather unsociable personality. Those around her consider her cold and callous, not even suspecting that behind the mask of soullessness lies an insecure and indecisive woman who finds it difficult to become independent, which is why she for a long time does not dare to leave parental care and start his own family. With age, winter Milena's character develops such qualities as stubbornness, hot temper and obsession.

Spring Milena responsible, careful, prudent and reliable. You can easily rely on her word, whereas she is used to answering for her every action independently. At the same time, she has a light disposition and knows how to find common language with people, which only makes her attractive and increases the feeling of respect that others feel for her. Spring Milena manages to realize herself in her profession and create a wonderful family.

Summer Milena - a sensitive, sincere and vulnerable person. But few people know that she is going through all the difficulties that life has in store for her, because this woman knows how to perfectly manage her emotions. Her stability and responsibility help build brilliant career, while in her personal life, summer-old Milena often has difficulties due to gullibility: she quickly falls in love, but she chooses the wrong men with whom she can build serious and strong relationships.

Autumn Milena , despite his demanding nature, does not have independence, so he seeks support from close people, whose influence he easily succumbs to. Any changes frighten this woman, so she is unlikely to dare to take risky actions - if she has a job, then it is stable and does not require acceptance important decisions; if love, then measured and devoid of Italian passions. Autumn Milena has been waiting for her prince for a long time, so she starts a serious relationship quite late.

Stone - talisman

Amethyst and aventurine are Milena's mascot stones.


This is a stone that symbolizes peace, sincerity and sincerity, so it is recommended to be worn by those who are tormented by anxiety and consumed by emotional excitement. Thus, amethyst develops the internal abilities of its owner, neutralizes anger and discontent, helps restore peace of mind and promotes health.

Amethyst products will give true love to lovers. It was amethyst that was worn by widows and widowers, thus showing their deep feeling for their departed soulmate.

Amethyst set in silver promotes the establishment of friendships and business contacts, and also helps women find the happiness of motherhood.

A stone cut into gold gives energy balance and strengthens memory.

Amethyst placed under the pillow eliminates insomnia. If you apply the stone to your forehead, it will relieve headaches.

According to Christian tradition, amethyst symbolizes modesty and humility.

Interesting fact! Amethyst, according to legend, can protect against drunkenness and intoxication. Thus, the ancient Greeks believed that this stone was able to absorb wine vapors.


Properties of aventurine:

  • improves emotional state;
  • gives vigor;
  • clears consciousness;
  • gives confidence in yourself and your abilities;
  • cleanses the aura;
  • attracts pure love;
  • neutralizes fears;
  • brings good luck;
  • eliminates anxiety states.

Ancient magicians and sorcerers considered aventurine magic stone, the power of which reached its apogee during the period of the waning moon.

Important! This stone helps creative individuals who are lonely and misunderstood. But it is better for powerful people not to wear aventurine, as this may negatively affect their financial situation. And one more thing: for this mineral to help, it cannot be worn constantly.


Purple, blue, crimson - these are the colors that bring good luck to Milena (you can read more about each color in the article “The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life”).




Animal - symbol

The grasshopper and the swallow are Milena's totem animals.


In the East, this insect symbolizes abundance, fertility, valor and good luck.

In Europe, the grasshopper is the personification of irresponsibility and frivolity.

In the Christian tradition, the grasshopper is identified with hermitage, contemplation, patience and humility. At the same time, in the Bible it is a symbol of God’s punishment, because after the attack of these insects there is nothing left.

In Antiquity, the grasshopper was revered as a symbol of nobility and aristocracy.

In many countries, the grasshopper symbolizes destructive passion, illness and hatred, since it is these feelings that destroy everything bright, pure and good in the soul.


The swallow is a link between the earthly and heavenly worlds. This explains a certain symbolic duality: so, on the one hand, this bird symbolizes goodness, happiness, hope, luck, friendship, loyalty and rebirth, and on the other hand, danger, fragility and unreliability of happiness.

In Egypt, this bird was revered as a symbol of home, comfort and paternal inheritance.

In the East, the swallow is a symbol of commitment to home and maternal care.

Among the Slavs, the swallow is the messenger of spring, heralding the renewal of nature. This is a holy bird that cannot be offended, because it glorifies God. It is believed that killing this bird or destroying its nest leads to bad luck.

It was the swallows, according to legend, who tried to ease the suffering of the crucified Christ by stealing nails, removing thorns from Jesus’ crown and bringing Him water.



Milena's symbolic plants are ash and bellflower.


This tree is identified with the world axis and personifies the divine nature of humanity, rebirth and renewal.

In addition, ash is a symbol of the unity of opposites, such as life and immortality, beginning and end, earthly and heavenly, spiritual and material.

In Scandinavia, this tree was revered as a symbol of fertility, invincibility and continuity of life, while in Greece - strength and courage.

Ash helps its owner find his place in life and understand his purpose, and also contributes to the development of the gift of clairvoyance, but this tree has such an effect only on those who truly sincerely strive to know themselves and the world around us.

The wood of the tree is widely used to make protective amulets designed to protect against any negative influences.


Bells symbolize love, honesty, humility, submission, openness and devotion.

This auspicious talisman plant is endowed with positive symbolism in all cultures, because it not only brings happiness, but also protects against evil spirits.

At the same time, the bell is a symbol of talkativeness and inability to keep trusted secrets.


Bronze, the patron of Milena, symbolizes strength of character, power, fortitude, courage and courage. It is this metal, according to the beliefs of our ancestors, that can protect its owner from evil and misfortune.

Auspicious day

Time of year

Origin of the name Milena

Name translation

From the Old Church Slavonic language the name Milena is translated as “affectionate”, “gentle”, “graceful”, “sweetheart”.

History of the name

There are several hypotheses about the origin of the name Milena. So, according to one of them, this name has the root “mil”, which is the basis of such words as “darling”, “sweetheart”. It is generally accepted that such names as Mila, Milana, Militsa, and also Milada also come from the root “mil”, and, therefore, are forms of each other. However, this is not entirely true, since today the listed names are not only used as independent units, but also have their own alternative hypotheses of origin.

According to the second version, the name Milena came to us from France. And it was formed by merging two names - Marie (Marie) and Helen (Hélène).

Forms (analogues) of the name

Analogues of the name Milena: Milenka, Mila, Mil, Milushka, Milka, Milenushka, Milta, Milia, Milen, Milenochka, as well as Milochek and Milochka.

The mystery of the name Milena

Patrons of the name

The name Milena is not a church name, so its owners revere the righteous Militsa. At baptism, a girl named Milena can be given either the name Militsa or Melania - in honor of Melania Rymlyanina.

Angel's Day (name day)

The legend of the name Milena

Saint Milica was the wife of Saint Prince Lazar, who died a glorious death in the great Battle of Kosovo in 1389. In this battle, he zealously defended the Holy Church from the encroachments of Muslims.

It was his wife who took over control of the people until her son, Stefan, grew up. When Stefan ascended the throne, Milica went to the Županevac Monastery (this happened in 1393) under the name of Eugene.

But in 1402, despite her monastic rank, she had to return to governing the state again, since her son Stephen was forced to leave the country for some time.

Saint Militsa is remembered as an honest and merciful ruler, because she took care of widows whose warrior spouses died on the battlefield, and helped build monasteries and churches.

It must be said that even after her death, Saint Militsa performed many miracles, healing many sick people through her myrrh-streaming relics.

Famous people

Milena Vukotic - famous Italian actress.

Milena Letizia Handle is an American professional wrestler and former Canadian fashion model.

Milena Kunis - American actress of Ukrainian origin.

Mylene Farmer - French singer and actress.

Meaning of the name Milena

For a child

Milena is a child who, from childhood, has been basking in the attention and care of loved ones, so it is not at all surprising that the girl grows up capricious, spoiled and overly demanding. If parents do not stop overprotecting their child in time, then Mila will grow up dependent, lacking initiative and infantile. In addition, it is also possible that she will fall under the bad influence of others, which is fraught with big troubles.

At the same time, little Mila is kind, trusting, simple-minded and sympathetic, she’s just used to the fact that her family always does everything for her, so she doesn’t have to rack her brains for a long time about what to do in a given situation, because they do it for her other.

In the circle of loved ones, she feels relaxed and confident, but as soon as she finds herself in an unfamiliar environment, Milena turns into an insecure and timid girl who is afraid to say an extra word.

Milena is a good student, but she is rarely an excellent student because she does not strive for leadership and recognition. She likes it better humanities, in which she can show her creative abilities. For her meek disposition and diligence, educators and teachers love her.

For a girl

Growing up, Milena acquires greater independence, although her spoiledness and self-centeredness do not go away, and therefore it is difficult for her to make any decision, which she thinks and reflects on for a long time. She still craves increased attention, but does not know how to attract it.

It is quite difficult to communicate with young Milena, as she is demanding, contradictory and unpredictable, she likes not only to impose her opinion, but also to show excessive stubbornness.

If in childhood she was more friends with girls, then in her youth she was surrounded mainly by guys who did not deprive her of attention. This charming coquette knows how to create an atmosphere of lightness and mystery around herself, although in fact Milena has a very complex character, which not everyone can understand.

In her youth, Milena is afraid of any changes, she does not need great wealth, she does not strive to be the center of the universe at the university. The main thing is stability.

This girl, just like in childhood, is attached to her parents, with whom she shares all her innermost secrets, and therefore she does not need friends. In addition, few people will be able to withstand the wayward, withdrawn, albeit kind, homebody Milena, who prefers fun parties home gatherings.

For a woman

The adult Milena is smart and educated, so she is a truly wonderful conversationalist, which cannot be said about her ability to make friends and be imbued with other people's problems, to which she is, for the most part, absolutely indifferent. But if necessary, this woman will always lend a helping hand without showing any emotions.

With age, Milena becomes more self-confident and begins to show leadership qualities. She is stubborn, ambitious and even vain. Her gullibility disappears without a trace, and it’s all because of the betrayals she experienced in her youth. Therefore, this woman builds personal relationships quite late and only after she fully recognizes her chosen one.

Among positive qualities The following can be noted about Milena: good nature, brightness, perseverance life position, erudition, calmness, measuredness.

Milena's stubbornness and selfishness make it difficult for her to establish contact with others. In addition, this woman likes to impose her position and give her wise advice, which she considers to be the only true one.

Having crossed the thirty-year mark, Milena reconsiders her priorities and becomes softer, gentle, compassionate and tolerant. And then in her life appear and true friends, and a loved one, ready to accept his chosen one with all her shortcomings.

Description of the name Milena


Milena is a moral person, but at the same time cold and calculating; she does not know how, and sometimes does not want, to empathize with the misfortune of others or rejoice at the achievements of others.


Milena, who loves to feel sorry for herself, can boast of good health, and therefore often complains of malaise and weakness. In this simple way she tries to attract attention to herself.


Milena is an amorous woman, but she doesn’t like to show her feelings, so if her chosen one is indifferent to her, then he will never know that the owner of this name had feelings for him.

In love, Milena prefers to take on the role of a leader, while her partner must constantly show signs of attention to her, thereby proving his sincere feelings. But if she truly loves, she will go to great lengths for her beloved, just not to lose him. She will not risk relationships for the sake of satisfying her ego or fleeting whims.

When choosing a partner, this woman will, first of all, pay attention to his internal filling, strength of character, ambition and determination, and not on attractive appearance and temperament.

To build a successful relationship, Milena should learn to express her feelings, because men also like to be surrounded by attention and given compliments.


For a long time, Milena has not decided to take such a serious step as marriage, although there are plenty of suitors for her hand and heart. It’s just convenient and comfortable for her to live with parents who indulge their daughter’s every whim. Only true love can change this state of affairs.

In marriage, such components as peace, stability, material wealth and confidence in the future are important for Milena. Therefore, she chooses strong and experienced men who have achieved success in life, and therefore are able to give her a feeling of security and reliability. For her, her husband is a second father who will always be there and support her, regardless of whether she is right or wrong.

Family relationships

In her family life, Milena shows herself to be a rather cold and unemotional woman, although marriage changes some of the owners of this name. better side, making them more empathetic, patient and caring.

It is very important for Milena that an atmosphere of peace and tranquility reigns in the family, for which she can forgive her husband a lot.

Milena does not claim to be the best housewife of the year, although she performs her duties regularly. Just keeping the house in order, cooking delicious lunches and the varied upbringing of children do not cause her much enthusiasm; the main thing is to please her husband.

Milena often does everything possible to ensure that her family lives with her parents, without whose help it is difficult for this woman to cope with family life.

It must be said that Milena tries to pay equal attention to both her family and herself, thereby periodically reminding her family that each of them may have their own interests.


Milena has an attractive appearance and incredible charm; moreover, she spares no effort, time and money to maintain her beauty. It is not surprising that many men cannot resist her charms. At the same time, few people realize that this woman the right approach can be passionate and temperamental, although she gives the impression of a cold and even callous woman. initiative in intimate life Milena gives it to her partner.

Mind (intelligence)

Milena's analytical mind goes well with her creative potential, so this woman is capable of making rather extraordinary decisions that lead her to the pinnacle of fame.


Pedantry, attentiveness, patience and impartiality will help Milena achieve a lot in the field of a doctor, teacher, engineer or economist. She will feel no less comfortable in professions that require a creative approach to solving a particular issue.

But to achieve maximum heights in her chosen profession, this woman lacks ambition: so, if Milena does not manage to get rid of her childhood and youthful insecurities, then she will never achieve what she really deserves.

Milena wants to be a leader, but she understands that she is not ready to take on such responsibility, and organizing the work process is not her element. It would be better for her to conscientiously do the work that she can do one hundred percent, than to chase recognition.


Maintaining own business- not a field in which Milena can succeed, since she lacks determination and self-confidence. The doubts that constantly gnaw at this woman will not allow her to act assertively and effectively.


The best vacation for Milena is quiet gatherings at home with her loved ones.

Loud parties and any other active pastime are not for her.

Character type


When communicating with Milena, the interlocutor often feels coldness and indifference, which is why the owner of this beautiful and unusual name practically none. Stubbornness and undisguised self-confidence also do not give her the opportunity to build warm and trusting relationships with people, despite the fact that she knows how to keep other people's secrets and will always come to the aid of her neighbor at the first call.

Milena is kind and trusting, but if you cross her path, then you are guaranteed a “fun” life. She will not take revenge or make plans to destroy the enemy. No. She will tell her offender in a sharp and sarcastic manner everything that he would not expect to hear, and will do it publicly in order to hurt more painfully.


Possessing excellent intuition, Milena still tries to be guided by her conscience and upbringing when making decisions.

Horoscope named Milena

Milena - Aries

This is a cheerful, open, active and cheerful person who cannot stand monotony, boredom and routine, and therefore tries to constantly be in the circle of his friends, whose affection he values ​​very much. Milena-Aries is constantly in search of new experiences, so it is quite natural that her passion is travel. This woman behaves easily and naturally with men, which makes her attractive in their eyes.

Milena - Taurus

This insecure and overly trusting woman absolutely does not know how to understand people, which most often leads to bitter disappointments. She is sincere and open, so she mistakenly believes that everyone else should be the same. It is interesting that Milena-Taurus does not learn from either other people’s or her own mistakes, and therefore remains deceived again and again. The men in her life are a fickle phenomenon, which is again to blame for Milena’s promiscuity.

Milena - Gemini

Sweet, feminine, charming and elegant - this is how you can describe Milena-Gemini, who often uses her charm to achieve her goals. She considers female wisdom to be one of the main qualities of a successful woman. Men fall in love with Milena-Gemini at first sight, and for her sake they are ready to do any feat, but this woman is not always able to appreciate such emotional impulses.

Milena - Cancer

The naivety and infantilism of Milena-Cancer is sometimes amazing: thus, it seems that this woman lives on another planet, where only peace, understanding and kindness reign. It is not surprising that in real life insecure Milena-Cancer feels uncomfortable, which is why she prefers to avoid any responsibility assigned to her. She is subject to the influence of others, so she is ready to submit to the man who takes the initiative and takes charge of solving her problems.

Milena - Leo

Honest, fair and open, Milena-Leo always says what she thinks to her face. She considers straightforwardness and sincerity to be her main advantages, and therefore does not tolerate hypocrisy and duplicity in those around her. But she still takes criticism (even constructive) quite painfully, trying to defend her point of view to the last. For Milena-Leo, a man is, first of all, protection and a reliable shoulder, and only then a passionate lover and an ideal family man.

Milena - Virgo

She is the owner of a complex character and impulsive disposition, who is often guided by emotions in her decisions and actions, forgetting about a reasonable approach. Milena-Virgo is an independent woman, but she does not know how to manage her independence, which is fraught with various troubles both at home and at work.

Only those who are patient and truly can get along with her loving man, ready to forgive her her little shortcomings and mistakes.

Milena - Libra

This is a romantic nature, prone to indulge in dreams that often have nothing to do with reality. As a result, Milena-Libra cannot avoid disappointment, especially related to her gullibility and naivety, which is taken advantage of by others. At the same time, only the ability to forgive helps her survive such unpleasant moments. The Milena-Libra man must be kind and sincere, since any falsehood repels this open woman.

Milena - Scorpio

Impulsiveness, independence and willfulness are inherent in Milena-Scorpio, who loves to teach others, but does not accept such behavior towards her beloved. It is quite natural that she has practically no friends, and even those have to get used to her complex character for a long time. Milena-Scorpio is not used to trusting others, especially men, so she carefully chooses a partner who must be smart, reliable and courageous.

Milena - Sagittarius

Milena-Sagittarius's curiosity manifests itself in all aspects of life, so it is always a pleasure to talk with this versatile woman on all sorts of topics. Her problem is that she wants to embrace the immensity, and therefore takes on several things at once, but she rarely succeeds in bringing them all to the end. Milena, born under the sign of Sagittarius, needs an equally enthusiastic man who can share her interests and hobbies.

Milena - Capricorn

Vulnerable, kind and vulnerable, Milena-Capricorn tries to hide her sensitivity from others, for which she puts on a mask of coldness, hardness and rigidity. She reacts quite hard to any criticism, but she will never show it. She needs a soft and attentive man who can touch all the strings of Milena-Capricorn’s soul, reveal her incredibly responsive nature and susceptible to the grief of others.

Milena - Aquarius

Cheerful, sociable and easy-going, Milena-Aquarius has a charm that is simply impossible not to succumb to. It is thanks to her charm that this woman manages to avoid trouble and convert conflict situations as a joke. She easily compromises in order to maintain peace. In a man, Milena-Aquarius values ​​calmness, balance and determination. She prefers domestic men for whom family is a priority.

Milena - Pisces

This woman makes unrealistic plans, and she is well aware of this, which does not stop her from dreaming and fantasizing. Milena-Pisces tends to idealize others, which inevitably leads to disappointment and even depression. She treats her chosen one the same way, endowing him with qualities that he absolutely does not possess. As a result, her personal life does not work out for a long time, as a result of which Milena-Pisces may completely abandon the idea of ​​starting a family.

Compatibility of the name Milena with male names

Milena and Dmitry

This is a creative tandem that can succeed not only in family life, but also in the professional field, especially if both work in the same organization. Milena and Dmitry do not lose interest in each other throughout their entire life together.

Milena and Alexander

Adventurers Alexander and Milena are a great couple who never tire of developing, learning about themselves and the world around them. But constant change and lack of stability can cause both partners to eventually live one day at a time.

Milena and Evgeniy

Cheerful and sociable Evgeniy accepts the realities of life with positivity and humor, which cannot be said about Milena, whose every mistake negatively affects her perception of reality. And in this case, she cannot find a better partner than Evgeniy.

Milena and Sergey

Milena spares neither effort nor time to please herself and be the center of attention.

But this state of affairs does not suit Sergei, since next to him he wants to see a loving and caring wife, for whom family is the basis of life.

Milena and Andrey

In family life, Milena is looking, first of all, for guardianship, which Andrei is ready to give her. But it will take quite a long time to win this woman’s favor, since she is not going to leave her “comfort zone” (namely her father’s house) until she is convinced of the reliability of her chosen one.

Milena and Alexey

Romance, passionate declarations of love, sexual attraction - the couple Milena and Alexey can boast of all this, so it is not surprising that this tandem is happy, strong, stable and harmonious, despite the fact that conflicts and quarrels arise between them from time to time.

Milena and Ivan

No obstacles can interfere with this successful union, because Milena and Ivan are cut from the same cloth, they think alike, have common family values ​​and interests, not to mention complete mutual understanding. Result: happy family life, in which there is no place for betrayal and deception.

Milena and Maxim

In this passionate union, emotions do not subside, but, on the contrary, only flare up over the years, which makes the relationship between Milena and Maxim interesting and temperamental. The main thing is to be able to give in to each other, and not enter into a real interpersonal war that could lead to a break.

Milena and Egor

This couple does not have problems in the intimate sphere, but, unfortunately, you cannot build strong and fruitful relationships only on sexual compatibility. In addition, Yegor is not satisfied with the fact that Milena does not strive to create the coziness and comfort to which her man is accustomed.

Milena and Roman

Hot and temperamental Roman is able to awaken in his vulnerable and secretive Milena the real sensuality that hides behind her coldness. Such mutual exchange has a beneficial effect on building strong family relationships that are destined for a happy future.

Milena and Vladimir

Philosophical attitude to the life of these two creative people helps them diversify their small family world, in which there is no place for ambition, as well as the pursuit of power and material well-being. And it doesn’t matter that someone thinks Milena and Vladimir are a strange couple.

Milena and Denis

If slight disagreements between Milena and Denis do not develop into a serious confrontation of views, then this couple will be able to create a strong family in which mutual understanding, trust and support will be the basis.

Milena and Artem

Other couples may not be able to withstand the loud and emotional showdown between Milena and Artem, but these two people simply need this kind of release, otherwise outbursts of anger will develop into a stormy separation of two loving people.

Milena and Anton

Milena is not used to talking about her feelings, much less showing them, while Anton, on the contrary, is temperamental and sensual, for him it is important not only to give, but also to receive.

Stable and harmonious marriage between the owners of these names is hardly possible.

Milena and Mikhail

There is harmony between Milena and Mikhail, because both strive for family well-being, for which they work a lot, fortunately they have enough hard work, determination and energy. They do not need Shakespearean passions, because family for them is a stronghold of calm and peace.

Milena and Nikolay

This is an almost perfect union in which Milena and Nikolai are united by love, respect and trust. They are not afraid and are not lazy to work on relationships, because they understand that marriage is work, and not always easy and immediately bearing fruit. Compatibility in the intimate sphere also brings them together.

Milena and Igor

Loyalty, reliability, stability and calmness characterize the relationship between Milena and Igor, who are ready to never part, especially since they are never bored together. This is a couple that nothing can separate “in different corners.”

Milena and Ilya

Milena and Ilya approach the issues of creating a family responsibly and scrupulously, so their marriage is always a verified decision, which both do not come to immediately, but after years of relationship. As a result, their family life is prosperous, the marriage is strong and stable.

Milena and Vladislav

These two are each other's match driving force, thanks to which both Milena and Vladislav can achieve a lot in the professional field. Their family also has an atmosphere of kindness and warmth, which they try to carry throughout their lives.

Milena and Vitaly

In this couple, all conflict situations are resolved immediately, which avoids loud scandals that can lead to a break in the relationship. Milena and Vitaly are equal members of one friendly family, so family issues are always resolved at a round table.

Milena and Nikita

Strong in character and energetic, Milena and Nikita strive for power, so it is often quite difficult for them to come to a compromise that will help maintain peace in the relationship. Only by acting together will this couple be able to lead their family to prosperity.

Milena and Vadim

This is a couple in which the temperaments of the partners do not agree: calm Milena cannot understand Vadim’s impulsiveness and vice versa. At the same time, she is captivated by such qualities in Vadim as reliability and responsibility, which are extremely important for the vulnerable Milena.

Milena and Pavel

Love at first sight is impossible between Milena and Pavel, since both prefer a practical approach to starting a family. Therefore, before creating a new unit of society, both undergo a verification stage, which helps them avoid many difficulties in their future family life.

Milena and Ruslan

In this couple, the basis of the relationship is complete mutual understanding. Milena and Ruslan completely trust each other, which is why their family life is like an idyll, in which quarrels and scandals are excluded. They are used to cooperating rather than competing, which has a beneficial effect on their family.

Milena and Vyacheslav

This multifaceted union is not in danger of boredom, because the thoughts and feelings of Milena and Vyacheslav are surprisingly similar. This couple is always lucky in everything, and this is not a gift of fate, but the result of working on the relationship.

Melena is, first of all, the main indicator of whether a person is bleeding from any upper section the digestive tract, namely from the esophagus, stomach or small intestine.

In some cases, tarry stools may occur when blood is swallowed. This happens with nosebleeds and, less commonly, pulmonary hemorrhages. A change in the color and consistency of feces will not occur immediately, but after 2-2.5 hours against the background of acute blood loss. The smell of feces will also be different - it will not be so sharp and unpleasant.

Melena is usually accompanied by pain in the abdominal area

In addition to bleeding, the appearance of melena can result from taking certain medications. These include activated carbon and medications containing iron. A distinctive feature of the stool will be the absence of a lacquered sheen, which is typical for tarry stools. The reasons for its occurrence can be varied. We will try to sort them all out.

Why does melena appear?

The main reason, as mentioned earlier, is bleeding, but it can be caused by various diseases internal organs.

Esophageal bleeding

They may be due to:

  • varicose veins of this part of the digestive canal;
  • reflux esophagitis (inflammation of the esophageal mucosa caused by a reflex release of stomach contents into the esophagus);
  • esophageal cancer.

Bleeding in the stomach

Typically, melena is caused by diseases such as:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • acute stage of gastric erosion;
  • Mallory-Weiss syndrome (characterized by superficial tears in the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach as a result of recurrent vomiting);
  • stomach cancer;
  • (tumor of the stomach, formed mainly from the smooth muscle tissue of the organ);
  • abnormal development of gastric vessels (rare);
  • hemorrhagic angiomatosis, which is also called hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (a hereditary disease in which bleeding tumors form in various areas of the skin and on the mucous membranes of the mouth, lips and internal organs).

Bleeding from the duodenum

They start due to:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • aortoduodenal fistula;
  • duodenal diverticulum;
  • pancreatic tumors growing in intestinal tissue;
  • hemophilia.

Intestinal bleeding

Tarry stools occur when there is bleeding from the small intestine. It can be caused by:

  • leiomyoma;
  • (congenital malformation of the small intestine).

Bleeding due to bleeding disorders

Such bleeding is caused by:

  • liver damage;
  • hemophilia;
  • thrombocytopenia.

Medicinal causes of bleeding

  • drinking large amounts of aspirin;
  • anticoagulants;
  • hormones;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In addition, tarry stool may appear during treatment with iron supplements, frequent consumption of activated carbon and large amounts of licorice and red wine.

Along with this, simple gastritis can lead to a change in the consistency and color of stool. With it, this phenomenon is not so frequent, but in certain cases it becomes the cause (when ulcers begin to form, and the gastric mucosa is subjected to inflammatory processes). Since gastritis can take an erosive form, the mucous membrane will not only begin to become inflamed, but also become covered with microscopic cracks, which over time will increase in size and begin to bleed.

With gastritis, the walls of the stomach gradually begin to become injured and bleed.

Another cause of black tarry stools can be. They are considered signs of a precancerous condition, so their treatment should begin immediately after polyps are identified.

Main symptoms

Minor bleeding usually manifests itself as clearly defined stool of a solid consistency, while with extensive blood loss, the stool is usually loose and foul-smelling. If the patient suffers from chronic constipation, melena will appear only two days after blood enters the digestive tract.

Depending on the severity of blood loss, the patient may experience certain symptoms of hemorrhagic shock, namely:

  • flying spots before the eyes;
  • pale skin;
  • tinnitus;
  • increased sweating (cold sweat);
  • tachycardia;
  • dyspnea;
  • nausea;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • short-term loss of consciousness;
  • spasm of peripheral vessels.
Often, most of these symptoms precede melena in one way or another. Blood loss of up to 500 ml is usually not accompanied by any clinical signs. Significant bleeding with a loss of more than 1000 ml leads to changes in blood pressure and pulse. Hemorrhagic shock begins after the loss of 2000 ml of blood. Then the patient begins to experience the symptoms described above until a gradual decrease in peripheral reflexes and their complete absence.

Melena in newborns

Melena is a symptom characteristic of both adults and, in some cases, children. In newborns, this phenomenon almost always occurs suddenly, which greatly frightens parents.

Tip: To diagnose and treat tarry black stools in young children, you should contact a qualified healthcare professional as soon as possible.

In infants and infants, there are 2 types of manifestation of this symptom:

  • Symptomatic melena, characterized by rapid onset and complex course. With it, the tarry nature of stool is a signal that the child has a complex primary disease (hemophilia, sepsis, etc.).
  • Idiopathic. With this type, isolated bleeding in the intestines is observed. It is easier to treat, so melena goes away relatively quickly.

Also, melena of newborns can be false or true. True appears as a response to a bleeding disorder. It also occurs due to small but constant bleeding from the umbilical wound and hemorrhages into the skin or conjunctiva of the child.

False occurs if the baby swallows a certain amount of maternal blood during childbirth. In addition, it appears as a result of breastfeeding, if the mother has non-healing cracks in the nipples or if the child has nosebleeds.

Diagnosis of melena

The main diagnostic method for melena is examination and analysis of the patient's stool. In cases where this is impossible, but there is medical history and the patient has all the symptoms of the onset of internal bleeding, a rectal examination is indicated with the collection of feces from the walls of the rectal mucosa and its further examination.

The doctor evaluates the stool color, consistency, presence or absence of shine. It should be borne in mind that the black color of stool may be due to the use of medications or certain foods (for example, blueberries or beets). However, in this case, the feces will have a normal consistency and will not have a varnish shine.

What to do and how to treat melena

If you notice black, tarry stools, you should immediately seek medical help. Melena and the bleeding that caused it often cause disability and, worse, fatal outcome. That is why contacting a specialist as soon as possible, establishing the cause of the “black stool” and starting therapeutic measures can save the patient's life.

If the patient has all or some signs of bleeding, it is necessary to exclude any food and liquid intake until the ambulance arrives. If the patient is very thirsty, only a few sips of cold water are allowed.

Until the ambulance arrives, it is advisable to remain calm and take a horizontal position. Additionally, you can put something cold on the abdominal area, for example, an ice pack or a heating pad filled with cold water.

Treatment is aimed primarily at identifying the source of bleeding and carrying out all necessary measures to eliminate it (it is quite possible that even emergency surgery).

Vitamins are prescribed to a patient with tarry stools groups K, S, P and B3, a solution of vikasol is introduced. In case of severe blood loss, dosed blood transfusions, hemotherapy and the use of calcium chloride solution are indicated.

Preventive measures

The main direction of prevention is to prevent the occurrence of this symptom and timely treatment of all diseases that can trigger its development.

The name Milena means “tender”, “sweetheart”.

Origin of the name

Milena – female name, having Old Slavic roots. The origin of the name is associated with Old Slavonic words that mean “sweet”, “tender”.

Characteristics of the name


Little Mile is growing up as a kind, sympathetic girl. Often a baby with this name is susceptible to many diseases, usually colds. Therefore, her parents constantly look after her and take care of her. As a result, Milya can grow up completely dependent on her parents and other relatives. During school years, a girl usually seeks protection from classmates and friends.


As Milena matures, she becomes more independent and learns to take care of herself. But excessive guardianship in childhood usually does not go unnoticed. A girl can be very capricious; she often believes that everyone is obligated to give her special attention. For this reason, it is often left to live in parental home for as long as possible. Even as an adult, she takes her parents' care for granted.

Milena is a very emotional and sensitive person. She is inquisitive and loves communication. Milena is one of those girls who can chat on the phone for hours. At the same time, she sincerely does not understand how others may not have enough time for long telephone conversations.

Has excellent taste and sense of style. Usually a girl is well versed in the world of fashion and design.

Milena is unable to take quickly independent decisions. She will think for a long time, weigh all the pros and cons, and, at the same time, most often in the end she will be dissatisfied with the result obtained.


Usually chooses a specialty that requires impartiality and attentiveness. The profession of a teacher, doctor, economist, accountant, engineer is suitable for her.

Personal life

As indicated in the description of the name Milena, a girl with this name usually marries early. As a rule, she moves from parental care to the custody of her husband. Often the life partner of a girl is much older than her. She chooses as her husband an affectionate, but at the same time, strong man who is able to provide her with a decent standard of living. Such a woman is usually happy to give leadership in the family to her husband, taking care of the housework and raising children herself. Milena makes a good housewife who knows how and loves to receive guests.

Name compatibility

The name Milena goes well with the patronymics Viktorovna, Mikhailovna, Sergeevna, Petrovna, Aleksandrovna, Vladimirovna, Mironovna, Antonovna.

Good compatibility with such male names: Yakov, Matvey, Timofey, Vasily.

Name day

Famous people

Most famous people with the name Milena: Milena Vukotic, Milena Kunis, Milena Canonero, Milena Hübschmannova, Milena Letizia.

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