Fractional meals for weight loss: less is better, more often! Detailed menu of fractional meals for a week for weight loss

Fractional nutrition as a method originates from medical practice. It has long been used in the treatment of various diseases gastrointestinal tract. However, practice has shown that this approach is also effective for losing weight. As a result, a fractional diet combines the whole complex positive effects on the body.

Video: nutritionist Kovalkov about fractional meals

The basic principle of fractional nutrition

It is believed that normal mode nutrition for an adult - eating three times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. The waking time is usually at least 16 hours, so the breaks between meals are too long. The strong feeling of hunger that manages to arise during such a break leads to the fact that, having finally received food, a person overeats. In addition, a thrifty body can begin to store fat. Frequent meals solve these problems by increasing the number of meals to 5 or 6, that is, regular breakfast, lunch and dinner should be interspersed with snacks. As a result, the interval will be no more than 3 hours, during which the previous food will have time to be digested, but a strong feeling of hunger will not yet form.

Diet fractional meals It is unlikely that it will help you lose weight if you eat too much food or indulge in certain foods that are not the most healthy; rather, it can lead to weight gain. Thus, fractional meals are effective only if enough attention is paid to the quality and quantity of food.

Cakes and sweets are not the most suitable components for a fractional diet

What and when you can eat

The morning should start with breakfast. It must be eaten within the first hour after waking up. When compiling a daily diet, it is advisable to distribute carbohydrates in the first half of the day, and leave proteins and dietary fiber. However, a small amount of protein is needed both for breakfast and for a morning snack. It is important that the volume of each serving of food does not exceed one glass. It is better to have dinner no later than 4 hours before bedtime, and after another three hours you can drink a glass of kefir or juice so as not to suffer from hunger at night.

The recommended daily amount of calories with fractional meals is from 1200 to 1500. If you want to lose weight faster, you can supplement your diet with physical activity, but you should not reduce the caloric content of food. Must be included in your diet sufficient quantity polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and microelements. In addition, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. There are practically no restrictions on products; the only thing that should be cut down when eating fractionally is sweets. At the same time, there is no need to calculate a menu for a week or two with a fractional diet; these principles can and should be adhered to constantly, throughout life.

Fractional diet implies a lack of hunger

Big secrets of small portions

  • Baked goods, processed foods and fast food are the worst enemies of those who want to lose weight. This also applies to fractional diets.
  • The habit of eating heavily before bed often causes restless sleep and poor health in the morning. By getting rid of it, you can significantly improve the quality of your life.
  • The absence of a strong feeling of hunger allows you to truly enjoy food without rushing. But when you feel full, you should stop.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits should always be at hand. They are ideal for snacking, normalize intestinal function and supply the body with essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Greens perfectly diversify the table, enrich the diet and are an excellent alternative to fatty and spicy sauces.
  • Limiting sweets does not mean giving them up completely. You can afford a small piece of your favorite cheesecake, marshmallow or chocolate once a day.
  • Fractional meals will only be effective if you constantly use the calorie table. Excluding energy value products, losing weight is difficult.

Varied and little by little - these are the main principles of a fractional diet

Diet menu split meals for a week

First breakfast: porridge or muesli with milk or yogurt, tea, coffee, orange, apple or some other fruit.

  • Second breakfast: a slice of whole grain bread and yogurt or fruit.
  • Lunch: boiled meat or fish with lettuce or a serving of soup.
  • Afternoon snack: tea with cottage cheese or other low-calorie protein dessert.
  • Dinner: meat, poultry, fish or seafood, boiled or steamed, with a vegetable side dish and tea or mineral water.
  • Before bed: low-fat yogurt or kefir.

Sport is an excellent addition to any diet

Fractional meals will help everyone normalize weight and develop healthy eating habits. Lose weight without starving!

You probably already noticed that almost all modern diets use the fractional nutrition principle. Yes, meals divided into 4-6 snacks allow the body to absorb foods faster and better, release energy from them in portions, without allowing unprocessed excess to be deposited on the sides.

Based on fractional nutrition, several targeted systems have been developed that allow you to change your diet in better side on for many years. At the same time, the fractional method is considered the most gentle and non-fasting, during which weight is reduced gradually, without stress to the body.

The essence of fractional nutrition, important rules and advantages

So, as you already understand, the basis of fractional nutrition is the process of distributing food into several small snacks per day. It is better to do them every day at the same time. Of course, simply breaking up food will not help you lose weight - try to make your diet less caloric and exclude harmful foods and drinks from it.

What’s good about the diet is that fractional nutrition at its core allows you to enjoy the effect and ease in the body for many years, and not a couple of days or weeks, as in other methods. The beauty is that you don’t have to completely remove familiar foods and favorite delicacies from your diet. While losing weight to the size you need, you should limit your menu, and then you can eat as usual, maintaining the desired weight long time.

“Golden” rules of fractional meals:

  1. We never overeat, especially at night. The whole point is to eat in small portions, but often, which will not allow you to remain hungry, but at the same time will not stretch your stomach. Over time, the stomach itself gets used to the volume of food, and you begin to experience hunger less often, and to be full you already need a much smaller portion than before.
  2. Each meal should be taken at regular intervals (2-3 hours).
  3. Every 5 days you need to do one fasting day, which will allow you to maintain your weight at the required level.
  4. Take your last meal 3 hours before bedtime, let it be a light protein snack or a low-calorie drink.
  5. Eat proper and healthy foods, excluding flour, fatty, fried, and carbohydrates from your diet.
  6. Be sure to follow the drinking regime - at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day (still water and salt, natural juices, teas, herbal decoctions, compotes).

The biggest difficulty of the diet is switching to a fractional diet that is unusual for us. You need to learn to have a full breakfast, not a cup of coffee, and have lunch not with a huge portion of first and second, but with the same small snack as in the morning or evening. Then the body stops making reserves “just in case,” especially at night, when it realizes that there is “no chance” of food until the morning. Get him used to eating regularly every 2 hours and he will wait for his time as scheduled. It is convenient to switch to fractional meals gradually. To begin with, reduce the size of standard portions first by 1.5 times, then by 2. Introduce 1 snack per day into your diet, gradually increasing the number of such snacks to 3. This could be fruit, a glass of berries, a bottle of yogurt, curd cheese or dry cookies, a glass of juice.

The effectiveness of the diet is expressed in its advantages:

  • Weight decreases slowly, which allows you to avoid stretch marks, cellulite, sagging muscles and skin;
  • By restricting your diet and reducing calorie portions, you can lose up to 10 kg per month excess weight;
  • Quitting the diet is simple and easy, but you can continue it for a long time to maintain your weight loss results and good health;
  • Metabolism and digestion are normalized, all products are absorbed efficiently and quickly, giving the maximum useful components to the body;
  • The body gets used to small portions, the stomach narrows, so saturation occurs even with a small snack;
  • You never feel hungry due to 5-6 snacks in your daily diet;
  • The intestines and stomach are unloaded, which is prevention various diseases Gastrointestinal tract. This is what makes it possible for even ulcer sufferers to follow a diet.

Fractional meal options, menu and food set

As we found out, a fractional diet involves limiting the volume of portions and increasing the frequency of their intake. But there are no strict restrictions on the menu itself; it all depends on what results you are trying to achieve. If losing weight is not important to you, then you can leave all your favorite foods in your diet. However, we are talking here specifically about losing weight with the help of a healthy fractional diet. Here you should be prepared to limit or temporarily refuse the following products:

  • Fried, fatty, spicy, smoked;
  • Salted, pickled, canned;
  • Food additives (salt and sugar in pure form, starch, preservatives, stabilizers, flavor enhancers, sweeteners, gelatin and others);
  • Beverages (Alcohol, caffeinated drinks, industrial juices, soda);
  • Starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn, cauliflower and others);
  • Starchy cereals (rice) and pasta;
  • Bakery products and pastries (we will leave only whole grain products in the diet);
  • Sweets and desserts, except the following: honey, dark dark chocolate, homemade marmalade, mousses, dried fruits, unsweetened oatmeal cookies, dried Italian cookies, marshmallows;
  • Fast food and semi-finished products;
  • Sweet fruits and berries (persimmon, banana, grapes, figs, pineapple, dates, melon)

Let's move on to fractional meal options.

  1. "Five by Ten". A very convenient, satisfying and popular method of eating fractional meals. He assumes that for 5 days in a row we adhere to a fractional diet, eating every 2 hours. During this time, we can lose up to 2-3 kg of excess weight, cleanse the intestines of waste, toxins, breakdown products, radicals, and also remove excess salt and stagnant fluid from the body. After 5 days there are 10 consolidating days, during which we eat according to a less rigid scheme and not according to the clock.

    So, 5 days of a fractional menu should follow the following scheme with approximately the following set of products:

    8 am. First breakfast. Consists of natural bean coffee without additives, chicory, brewed cocoa or green tea (no sugar or milk added).

    After 2 hours, eat a portion of carrot salad seasoned with lemon juice.

    At noon, add 1 unsweetened or semi-sweet fruit, or ½ cup of dried fruit.

    At 2 o'clock in the afternoon we eat a portion of boiled beef (chicken, lean fish, seafood), 1 slice of whole grain bran or rye bread with a thin layer butter;

    After 2 hours, eat 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese. You can replace it with 1 boiled egg and a slice of hard cheese.

    At 6 pm the last hearty snack. We can prepare ourselves a portion of vegetable salad dressed with olive oil or eat a piece of pumpkin casserole with carrots.

    The last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime is a glass of fermented milk drink with minimal fat content, 1 small fruit.

    After 5 days of fractional meals, we take a 10-day break with the following menu for the day:

    Breakfast (to choose from):

    Porridge with water or milk with butter, tea;

    Omelet of 2 eggs, milk, tomatoes and mushrooms, a glass of fruit juice;

    Muesli, 2 slices of hard cheese, coffee beans

    Snack (optional):

    Any citrus fruit;

    Low fat fermented milk drink

    Lunch (optional):

    Vegetable soup with chicken, a slice of rye bread, herbal infusion;

    Low-fat fish soup, 1 boiled egg, tea;

    Vegetable and veal stew, bran toast, fresh juice

    Lunch (optional):

    Any sweet fruit;

    2 small cheesecakes with sour cream;

    100 g cottage cheese with dried fruits;

    1 serving of store-bought yogurt;

    A piece of fruit or meat casserole;

    A portion of semolina pudding

    Dinner (to choose from):

    100 g puree with milk, 1 steamed meat or fish cutlet, kefir;

    Greek salad, 1 rye toast with ham and cheese, tea;

    Peppers stuffed with meat and vegetables (2 pcs.), 100 g of grated carrot and cabbage salad, fermented baked milk;

    Fruit salad dressed with yogurt, 2 boiled eggs, kefir;

    Steam portion sea ​​fish with vegetables, 2 slices of cheese, natural juice

    The 10-day menu is approximate, so you can create your own snacks, adhering to the calorie content and style indicated in our example.

  2. "Three on one." Another example of a fractional ration, which is also built according to a certain scheme. Here we do 3 fractional days in a row, but the fourth day will not be a consolidation day, but a fasting day, which will help you lose weight more intensely and faster than during the previous diet. Also, nutrition should be based on 5-6 snacks and plenty of liquid. Before going to bed, you are allowed to drink a mug of low-fat fermented milk drink. Fasting days will consist exclusively of fermented milk products with 0% fat content (yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, whey). To achieve maximum results during the diet, it is highly recommended to engage in dynamic sports (swimming, running, long walks, dancing, aerobics).

    For breakfast, prepare a light omelet from 1 egg, lean milk, carrots and green peas.

    We snack on any citrus fruit.

    For lunch we prepare a lean vegetable soup, as well as a portion of a light salad of carrots, beets and garlic, dressed with olive oil.

    A snack will be a rye toast sandwich with a piece of salted salmon on top.

    For dinner we prepare a Greek salad or eat 2 pieces. cheesecakes with low-fat sour cream.

    Before going to bed, you can allow yourself unsweetened fruit and a glass of kefir.

    We have breakfast with oatmeal with milk, adding some dried fruits and nuts.

    Snack - rye toast with tomato, hard cheese and cucumber.

    For lunch we cook steamed sea fish with rice and vegetables.

    A snack consists of 1 large apple or medium banana.

    For dinner we eat a portion of boiled chicken fillet with fresh vegetables.

    Before going to bed, eat 1 carrot and a glass of homemade low-fat yogurt.

    Breakfast consists of a portion of low-fat cottage cheese plus dried fruits. Wash it down with a fermented milk drink.

    Snack - any citrus.

    For lunch we prepare creamy broccoli soup, soft cheese and celery. A small portion of vinaigrette is also included.

    Snack - 1 apple or pear.

    For dinner we serve vegetable stew with chicken. A piece of cottage cheese casserole or semolina pudding is also included.

    Before going to bed, eat unsweetened fruit and drink it with fermented baked milk.

    At the end of 3 days, we do 1 unloading, as required by the scheme. During such a day, we should eat 1.5 kg of cottage cheese in small portions or drink 2 liters of low-fat fermented milk drink. The next 3 days should again be fractional - build your menu according to the above principle, observing low calorie content and frequent small meals. If you crave something sweet while on a diet, give preference to the permitted sweets listed above. As for alcoholic drinks, you can only have table wine and then no more than 2 glasses a day.

  3. Brazilian fractional diet. A well-known and effective option for fractional nutrition, developed by Brazilian doctors and nutritionists. According to the diet, the diet is based on 4-5 snacks, while the menu includes a sufficient amount of dietary fiber, greens, fruits and berries, which helps the body receive a complex of necessary vitamins and minerals. The diet is designed for a week, but you can stick to it for as long as you need, adapting the existing menu to suit your tastes, but observing the average calorie and carbohydrate content of the dishes.


    For breakfast, eat 1 sweet fruit, 1 citrus fruit and drink a glass of citrus juice.

    Have a snack with a glass of citrus juice and 1 piece of whole grain toast.

    For lunch we prepare a portion of steamed fish, as well as a salad from fresh vegetables and greenery.

    Have a snack with a serving of fermented milk drink.

    Dinner includes a portion of boiled or baked lean fish and stewed vegetables.

    The last snack before bed can duplicate any other.

    This time we have breakfast with 1 boiled egg, washed down with apple juice.

    Making a snack out of a glass apple juice and 1 bran toast with a thin layer of butter.

    For lunch, bake a portion of lean meat on the grill, eat 2 boiled young potatoes with herbs and lettuce.

    For dinner we prepare a salad of sea fish, chicken eggs, green peas, lettuce and basil.

    A snack before bed duplicates any other.

    We have breakfast with 1 glass of low-fat milk, eat bran toast with butter.

    Snack - a portion of low-fat cottage cheese with raisins (100 g).

    For lunch we prepare a portion of rice with seafood. Let's have a snack light salad from cabbage, herbs, cucumber, seasoning it with lemon juice.

    Snack - any fruit.

    For dinner, boil a portion of meat and eat it with fresh celery and lettuce. 1 pear is also included.

    Before going to bed, we can drink a glass of fruit juice and have 2 snacks. dried Italian biscotti cookies.

    For breakfast we drink a glass of pineapple juice. We eat a few slices of fresh pineapple.

    We make a snack from a glass of pineapple juice and rye toast with butter.

    For lunch we cook grilled veal with cauliflower and bell pepper. Also add 2 slices of hard cheese.

    Snack - 1 citrus of any kind.

    For dinner, boil 2 new potatoes and eat them light salad from carrots, beets, garlic and prunes in olive oil.

    Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of pineapple juice with 1 marshmallow.

    We have breakfast with a glass of mango juice and 2 biscotti cookies.

    The snack consists of 1 citrus and 1 apple.

    For lunch we prepare a portion of boiled fish with carrots and zucchini.

    Snack - fermented milk drink.

    For dinner, prepare vegetable soup with meat or fish broth, and snack on a slice of whole grain bread with cheese.

    Before going to bed, drink a glass of mango juice and eat 2 slices of natural marmalade.

    Breakfast consists of 1 glass carrot juice and bran toast with cheese.

    We have a snack with a light salad of beets, carrots and lemon juice.

    For lunch, prepare vegetable soup in mushroom or meat broth, add 1 boiled egg and eat a slice of whole grain bread.

    Snack - 1 citrus of any kind.

    For dinner we prepare a portion of stewed mushrooms with chicken fillet. A serving of fresh vegetable salad is also included.

    Nighttime snack - 1 carrot and a glass of any juice.


    For breakfast we eat 1 sweet fruit and 1 glass of berries.

    We have a snack with a glass of grape juice and rye toast with butter.

    For lunch, prepare pasta with seafood and vegetables, eat 1 green apple.

    Snack - any fermented milk drink.

    For dinner we prepare a fruit salad dressed with yogurt. Also included is 1 boiled egg and 2 unleavened cookies.

    Before going to bed, drink a glass of grape juice and eat 100 g of berries.

    This diet will help you lose up to 1 kg in a week, but you can continue it for the rest of your life until your weight and metabolism stabilize.

How to get out of a fractional diet

In fact, a fractional diet is not a diet, but a nutritional style approved by all doctors and nutritionists. Since it has virtually no disadvantages or contraindications, you can easily keep a fractional diet in your diet for the rest of your life.

If you want to leave the fractional diet and return to the previous 3 meals a day with your favorite foods, then do this gradually, because during the diet the stomach decreases in volume and no longer requires the previously usual portions. First of all, try to remove 1 snack every 3 days, bringing it to the required amount. Don't forget about plenty of water and light physical activity - the accumulated metabolic rate should be maintained, otherwise the lost weight may return over time.

Also observe food restrictions for a month, gradually introducing sweets, baked goods, fatty meats, dressings and sauces into your diet.

Disadvantages of fractional meals and contraindications

All doctors in the world recommend and approve of a fractional diet, so the observed shortcomings are conditional and individual. First of all, working people complain about their diet, since organizing systematic snacks at the workplace can be extremely inconvenient and costly. Also, the diet is not suitable for people who want to lose a large number of kilograms in a short time - the fractional method works gradually, but for sure. Some fractional diet options have time restrictions, which complicates life and forces you to eat on an alarm clock.

That, in fact, is all the minor shortcomings of the diet. There are also few contraindications found for her. Fractional meals are not suitable only for people with serious chronic diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, children and the elderly.

The problem of excess weight, unfortunately, is not only a problem of a person’s appearance. Excess weight has a very negative impact on a person’s health, and sometimes even on their psychological state.

A less than perfect appearance can provoke many complexes and isolation, which can even lead to depression.

But you should never despair! For any problem you can find a reasonable solution. To solve the problem of excess weight, first of all, you need to carefully consider your diet..

Most diets only provide temporary results. Therefore, there is no point in refusing food and depriving yourself of your favorite foods. To begin with It’s worth developing fractional meals for yourself for weight loss - a menu for a month.

What is the essence of fractional nutrition?

The meaning of fractional nutrition lies in the frequent consumption of food in small portions. With this method, a person does not have time to feel hungry, and there is no desire to eat a large amount.

Reducing portions

When you reduce the portion size, the number of calories consumed automatically decreases.. Which, of course, eliminates the possibility of gaining extra pounds.

Meals should occur every 2 or 2.5 hours - a total of 5 or 8 times a day.

Where to start

Of course, it is quite difficult to suddenly change your diet and start eating according to a new method. Therefore, it is better to do it gradually.

It will be better if The transition to fractional meals will begin during vacation or weekends. In a calm home environment, it will be easier to keep track of your meal schedule than at work.

The first thing to do is adjust your portion size., leaving the contents the same. If previously the daily diet was divided into two doses in large quantities, then you need to reduce the serving size by 2 times.

Then, gradually increase the size of one meal to the volume of a glass. To do this, you can choose a suitable bowl.

By this point, the nutrition schedule should already be correctly adjusted.

It should be convenient and mean every meal at the same time. And in order not to miss time, it is better to make a schedule in writing and place it in a visible place.

You need to make a meal plan and stick to it

You can also create a reminder using a mobile phone or download a special program. The same method can be used to count calories consumed. Or keep a nice notebook and just write down everything that was eaten.

Now you can take care of the components of your diet.

Superfluous and harmful

Some types of foods still need to be excluded from your diet., when it comes to fractional meals. First of all, these are useless or even harmful products for the body.

These include:

  • sweet and carbonated drinks;
  • various confectionery products;
  • chips, crackers and the like;
  • foods containing high amounts of unhealthy fats (not counting fish, nuts and other sources of essential fats);
  • foods fried in oil;
  • all kinds of semi-finished products and canned goods.

Better than a diet

Unlike diets, fractional nutrition is not based on sudden changes in the usual diet. After all, as already mentioned, it is enough to give up harmful products, which is not so difficult.

During a diet, in order to achieve weight loss, you have to constantly suffer from hunger. And this often leads to a deterioration in health.

With fractional meals according to a properly designed menu, for example, for a month, a person often eats food. Thus, the feeling of hunger has no chance. The result will be good health and excellent mood.

A sharp decrease in calorie content of food, as happens with diets, can result in stress for the body. But with fractional meals, calorie content decreases very smoothly and gradually, so the body does not even notice it.

When the diet stops, the starved body seems to attack the calories newly added to the diet. Now it not only replenishes the missing fats, but will also actively store it in reserve.

Ending a diet often triggers a return to old eating habits

Therefore, the effect of thinness after finishing the diet may not only disappear, but there is a considerable chance of gaining even more extra pounds. And in a very short period of time.

With fractional meals, the body does not feel great deprivation. On the contrary, the gastrointestinal tract is already accustomed to taking food in very small portions, so it is no longer able to accept a large volume of food. And even more so heavy and high-calorie food, which he may even reject.

Therefore, the effect of such weight loss will last much longer than after a diet. In addition, after fractional nutrition in problem areas, fat deposition stops.

The next advantage is that fractional nutrition is indicated not only healthy people. Very often it is used to restore people with any ailments. Thus, it is medicinal in nature. While diet can cause damage to health.

Small portions are easily digested by the body, leaving a feeling of lightness and comfort.. During a diet, the body is constantly under some kind of tension.

Serving sizes

The most difficult thing at the beginning of fractional nutrition is to limit yourself to a small portion size per meal. The entire daily diet should be about 2000, maximum 2200 kcal. It is divided into three main ones (400-500 kcal each) and two - three intermediate ones (200-250 kcal).

It is worth noting that portion sizes directly depend on a person’s lifestyle. The less active your lifestyle, the fewer calories you should consume.

A small portion of meat with vegetables corresponds to the required amount of calories.

When switching to fractional meals, you need to give up a lunch of three high-calorie dishes. You can eat meat and vegetables after soup, but the total size of these portions must correspond to the permissible number of calories.

When fractional meals for weight loss are written, a menu for a month, for more precise definition the required amount of food, you can use a little trick.

Two clenched and brought together fists show the volume of their owner's stomach

  • But this is the volume of the stomach in the correct state. In people prone to overeating, the stomach is stretched.
  • Therefore, in order to normalize the size of the stomach, it is necessary to consume at one time a volume of food equal to two clenched fists.
  • A woman's palm clenched into a fist is approximately 200g, and a man's is 250g.
  • A handful contains about half a glass of boiled cereal or pasta, as well as about two tablespoons of liquid.

Measures in hand to determine serving size
  • And here is the nail thumb corresponds to five grams, i.e. one second teaspoon.
  • The amount of butter consumed per day should be equal to two nails.
  • The size of a tablespoon can be equal to two thumbs folded together.
  • Two fists fit one portion of vegetables, fruits fit in one fist.
  • One palm corresponds to the norm of meat, fish or chicken, as well as dairy products.
  • A serving of soup should not exceed the size of one fist.

Menu of the day

When creating a fractional meal menu for weight loss for a month, you need to consider the diet of each day.

First of all, you must adhere to the main rule: even if you have no appetite, you still need to eat food.

Breakfast must be hearty and satisfying. Most best option for breakfast it is porridge. It's full of carbohydrates, which is an important condition first meal of the day.

Porridge is an ideal breakfast used in most weight loss programs.

Lunch should be a hot dish. It's good if it's vegetable soup. But you can also have a second course.

For dinner you also need a hot dish. Perhaps it will be stewed vegetables, or a dish with meat.

For snacks you can eat:

  • vegetable or fruit salad,
  • just raw vegetables or fruits,
  • bread with added grains,
  • low-fat cottage cheese,
  • yogurt without additives,
  • cereals or muesli without added sugar,
  • vegetable soup or porridge.

You should not snack on chocolate, coffee, nuts, or candy.

Such foods are too high in calories.

The daily diet must be enriched with essential vitamins, microelements, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Menu of the week

Having considered the menu for the day, you need to think through the further steps of fractional nutrition, now planning your diet for the week. This is necessary in order to achieve weight loss within a month.

When eating fractionally, it is imperative to maintain a variety of foods, the choice of which is not limited.

You can eat less than the norm, but not more! If one meal was missed, then there is no need to try to compensate for it by eating a double portion at one time.

So, you can create a sample menu for the week. Each person composes his own menu individually, according to his tastes, but based approximately on the given sample.


    • Breakfast can be made from semolina porridge with cottage cheese and the addition of berries and grapefruit juice.
    • For second breakfast you can eat an apple, as well as unsweetened compote.
    • Lunch will consist of chicken fillet with vegetable salad and two slices of bread.
    • For an afternoon snack, eat a glass of yogurt and a handful of berries.
    • You can have brown rice with stewed vegetables for dinner.
    • Complete your daily diet with a portion of kefir.


  • For breakfast you can eat omelet and buckwheat porridge.
  • Make second breakfast from one boiled egg and tomato.
  • For lunch, vegetable soup with bread.
  • For an afternoon snack, cottage cheese with pear.
  • Dinner of steamed fish and vegetables.
  • You can have a snack with a glass of yogurt.


  • Breakfast of omelet and oatmeal porridge.
  • Second breakfast of a handful of nuts with a banana.
  • Lunch of beetroot soup with bread and tomato
  • Afternoon snack of yogurt and berries
  • Dinner of boiled chicken breast with vegetable salad.
  • A glass of kefir will serve as a snack.

Having drawn up a menu, you can prepare products in the right quantities for each day.


  • Breakfast of scrambled eggs with coffee and toast
  • Second breakfast of vegetable salad
  • Have lunch with mushroom soup with boiled beef and herbs
  • For an afternoon snack, eat cheesecake with cottage cheese
  • Have a vinaigrette with beans and bread for dinner
  • End the day with a glass of sour milk


  • Breakfast will consist of buckwheat porridge with milk and toast
  • The second breakfast will be a fruit salad dressed with yogurt.
  • Lunch from stewed vegetables, steamed turkey and greens.
  • For an afternoon snack, you can drink a mug of cocoa.
  • Have pasta with cottage cheese, herbs and green tea for dinner.
  • Snack: a glass of fermented baked milk.


  • Have breakfast with oatmeal porridge with butter, rye toast and unsweetened tea
  • Second breakfast of orange and grapefruit
  • Lunch with bean soup, bread and vegetables
  • For an afternoon snack, eat cottage cheese casserole
  • For dinner, chicken risotto and tea
  • Snack: glass of yogurt

The Sunday menu can be repeated on one of the listed days.

Menu of the month

When developing fractional meals for weight loss, it is better to create a monthly menu from the first day. The menu must be strictly followed so that this diet eventually becomes a habit..

If you violate the established regime even once, the chances of the body getting used to it decrease, and the meaning of all the work done on yourself is lost. Now you will need to start all over again.

If a feeling of fullness does not occur, but, on the contrary, is constantly accompanied by a feeling of hunger, then the fractional nutrition menu is compiled incorrectly. There is no point in sticking to it and stretching out your torment for a whole month.

In order to achieve weight loss, the menu should be designed in such a way that no difficulties arise, especially the feeling of malnutrition. A person should always feel full so that there is no desire to eat something extra. This is why fractional meals supplement the main diet with snacks.

Benefit and result

The essence of fractional nutrition for weight loss is that it can normalize the metabolism in the body. If the monthly menu is drawn up correctly, then every time food enters the stomach, energy is expended to digest the food. And since meals must be frequent, a lot of energy is required.

As a result, fats are burned, not only newly arrived ones, but also those previously deposited by the body. In addition, when consuming small portions, all the nutrients provided have time to be absorbed.

This promotes metabolic processes in the body. Which, in turn, leads to good health, health and good mood.

How to limit yourself in food

We must not forget about water, which is an integral part of fractional nutrition. Daily norm Water consumption should be at least 2 liters. If there is heavy physical activity, then the norm automatically increases.

Water is necessary for the body to function properly

It is better to drink water half an hour before a meal, and not earlier than an hour and a half after it. This is another trick. After all, once in the stomach, water takes up a certain amount of space. This way, the stomach will not be empty and will not send a signal to the brain about feeling hungry.

During a meal, there is little space left in the stomach, again due to water, so the feeling of fullness comes earlier. This eliminates the possibility of eating too much.

Nutritionists advise that when drawing up a fractional meal menu for a month for weight loss, be sure to maintain good quality proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your diet.

Proper fractional meals for weight loss: sample menu for 1 day and for a week. Watch the video:

Find out a nutritionist's opinion on fractional meals from the following video:

Fractional nutrition: myths and facts. Details in the video:

It doesn't matter what you eat, the main thing is your diet. A fractional diet allows you to lose weight without denying yourself your favorite foods. Find out how to eat right, get 8 effective diets and lose up to 8 kg per month!

The fractional nutrition principle is used in most modern weight loss methods as the most effective eating regimen. Frequent snacks in small portions stimulate the physiological processes of digestion, promote rapid and high-quality absorption of foods, and provide a gradual release of energy, which does not allow excess food to be stored in reserve. A fractional diet can be almost anything in terms of product composition or duration of adherence, since the main thing in it is the nutritional pattern.

The essence and features of a fractional diet

The basis of a fractional diet for weight loss is the distribution of the daily diet into 5-7 small snacks at regular intervals. To lose weight most effectively, along with breaking up food, you need to switch to a low-calorie diet, giving up unhealthy foods, or stick to the diet prescribed by a specific program.

Nutrition rules

In any case, using a fractional diet requires compliance with several mandatory rules:

  1. The main thing is not to overeat, especially at night. Meals should be frequent, which will avoid feelings of hunger, and portions should be small, so as not to stretch the stomach and ensure a rapid reduction in its size.
  2. Breaks between meals should be the same in time and be 2-3 hours.
  3. Unless otherwise advised, it is recommended to have a fasting day every week, especially in cases where weight loss has stalled.
  4. The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime and consist of light protein foods or low-fat fermented milk drinks.
  5. The basis of the diet should be the correct healthy food, which does not include flour, fatty, fried and other foods harmful to the figure.
  6. It is imperative to follow a drinking regime - 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day (including unsweetened herbal infusions).
  7. You need to enter a fractional diet gradually, reducing portion sizes by 1.5, then 2 times, and also adding 1 snack between main meals, bringing their number to 3-4.

The main difficulty of such a weight loss system is the transition to an unusual fractional diet, consisting of equally sized portions. That is, you will need to eat the same amount of food for breakfast as at lunch or in the evening, and also make similar snacks.

Benefits and results

With fractional meals, the body does not experience a deficiency of nutrients and energy, quickly adjusts to a regular intake of food every 2-3 hours, waits for this time and begins to produce enzymes in advance that contribute to the best absorption of food. In addition, it stops making reserves in the form of fat deposits. As a result, you can lose up to 4-8 kg of excess weight in a month if you strictly follow the recommended diet or simply reduce the calorie content of portions.

Along with this, the fractional weight loss method has a number of other advantages:

  • weight decreases slowly, without the appearance of stretch marks, cellulite, or sagging skin;
  • at the end of the diet, no special exit is required; moreover, in most cases it can be continued indefinitely or made a way of eating for life;
  • Digestive and metabolic processes are normalized, incoming food is absorbed quickly and as completely as possible, releasing all the beneficial substances;
  • the habit of eating small portions is developed, while the stomach shrinks, which allows you to be satisfied with significantly less food;
  • eating on a schedule 5-7 times a day does not allow you to appear strong feeling hunger;
  • the load on all organs of the digestive system is reduced, which is the prevention of diseases and makes it possible to use a fractional diet even if there are any.

The big advantage of this power system is that there is no need to completely abandon familiar products or your favorite dishes. They can be completely or partially excluded from the diet while losing weight, and then return to the previous menu, continuing to eat fractionally and maintaining the achieved results for a long time.

Cons and contraindications

All doctors in the world approve of fractional diets. This diet has no contraindications and is not suitable only for those who want to lose a large amount of excess weight in a short period of time. Its only drawback is considered to be the inconvenience of following such a diet, especially in conditions traveling work. Although you can always find a way out if you take healthy snacks with you. Moreover, the fractional diet has a large number of options and makes it easy to choose the most suitable diet for specific person or a certain situation.

Diet options

Based on fractional nutrition, many targeted systems have been developed with the help of which you can normalize weight, develop correct eating habits and significantly improve your health. Almost all such diets are very gentle and non-starvation, so they allow you to gradually lose weight without metabolic stress for the body. After all, a fractional diet imposes restrictions only on the volume of portions and requires an increase in the frequency of their intake, while the composition of the menu can be chosen independently, depending on one’s own preferences or goals. But if you need to get rid of the maximum amount of extra pounds, then it is best to use ready-made methods developed by nutritionists and which have long proven their effectiveness.


This weight loss method has become very popular all over the world due to its effectiveness and safety. It was developed by Brazilian nutritionists by including a sufficient amount of protein and dietary fiber in the diet, especially vegetables, fruits, berries, and juices, which ensures that the body receives most of the necessary vitamins.


The diet is scheduled for a week, but you can stick to it for as long as necessary to achieve your weight loss goals. It is also allowed to change the proposed menu, adapting it to your own tastes, but respecting the nutritional, nutritional and energy value of the dishes.

Sample menu

The daily diet involves eating according to the following scheme:

  • breakfast – apple, 1 glass of freshly prepared orange juice;
  • lunch – 1 whole grain toast, 1 glass of freshly prepared orange juice;
  • lunch – 100 g of boiled fish, sliced ​​vegetables, greens;
  • afternoon snack – 1 glass of natural yogurt;
  • dinner – 100 g of boiled chicken breast with stewed vegetables.
  • breakfast – 1 boiled egg, 1 glass of freshly prepared apple juice;
  • lunch – 1 whole grain toast with a little butter, 1 glass of fresh orange juice;
  • lunch – 100 g of lean grilled meat, 2 pcs. boiled potatoes, greens;
  • afternoon snack – 1 cup of natural yogurt;
  • dinner - salad of boiled or canned sea fish in its juice with egg, green peas, herbs.
  • At night – 200 ml of any citrus juice or low-fat fermented milk drink.
  • breakfast – 1 whole grain toast with a little butter, 1 glass of fresh skim milk;
  • lunch – 100 g low-fat cottage cheese with dried fruits;
  • lunch – 100 g of boiled rice with seafood, cabbage salad with lemon juice;
  • afternoon snack – fruit of your choice;
  • dinner – 100 g of boiled chicken breast, lettuce with celery, 1 pear.
  • At night - 200 ml of any citrus juice or low-fat fermented milk drink with 2 pcs. biscotti cookies.
  • breakfast – 1 glass of freshly prepared pineapple juice, 2 fresh pineapple rings;
  • lunch – 1 whole grain toast with a little butter, 1 glass of fresh pineapple juice;
  • lunch – 100 g grilled veal, 3-4 cauliflower florets baked with sweet pepper, 50 g hard cheese;
  • dinner – 2 pcs. boiled potatoes, carrot-beet salad with 1 tsp. olive oil, garlic and prunes;
  • At night you can drink a glass of pineapple or any citrus juice with 1 pc. fruit marshmallows.
  • breakfast – 1 glass of mango juice, 2 pcs. biscotti cookies;
  • lunch – 1 citrus, 1 apple;
  • lunch – 100 g of boiled fish, carrot and zucchini stew;
  • afternoon snack – 200 ml of natural yogurt;
  • dinner - vegetable soup in meat or fish broth, 1 slice of whole grain bread, 50 g of hard cheese.
  • At night – 200 ml mango juice, 2 pcs. natural marmalade.
  • breakfast – 1 glass of carrot juice, 1 whole grain toast, 50 g of hard cheese;
  • lunch – 200 g beetroot and carrot salad with lemon juice;
  • lunch - soup with vegetables in mushroom or meat broth, boiled egg, 1 slice of bran bread;
  • afternoon snack – citrus fruit of your choice;
  • dinner – 100 g of mushrooms stewed with chicken breast, 100 g of chopped vegetables.
  • At night – 200 ml of any juice, 1 carrot.
  • breakfast – a glass of berries, a sweet fruit;
  • lunch – 200 ml grape juice, 1 whole grain toast with a little butter;
  • lunch – 200 g of pasta with seafood, sliced ​​vegetables, green apple;
  • afternoon snack – 200 ml kefir;
  • dinner – fruit salad with natural yogurt dressing, boiled egg, 2 pcs. biscuits.
  • At night – 200 ml of grape juice, 100 g of berries.

By following the Brazilian diet, you can get rid of 1-2 kg of excess weight in a week. The diet is not limited in time and can last a lifetime to maintain good metabolism and stable weight. However, large amounts of vegetables, fruits and juices may be contraindicated for certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In that case would be better suited fractional protein diet.


The most effective of all fractional weight loss methods is the protein diet. It is designed for 2 weeks, during which you can get rid of 5–7 kg of excess weight.


This method of losing weight, along with a fractional meal plan, involves minimizing the consumption of carbohydrate and fatty foods. At the same time, the body receives a lot of proteins necessary to preserve muscle tissue and skin, and to compensate for the deficiency of fats and carbohydrates, it begins to break down its own fat deposits.

On a fractional protein diet you are allowed to consume:

  • low-fat varieties of fish;
  • lean meat;
  • low-fat dairy and lactic acid products;
  • eggs.

To diversify your diet, you can include a small amount of fruit and vegetable salads seasoned with lemon juice.

There are many options for fractional protein diets, but they are all very similar to each other. The basis of all such weight loss methods can be considered a menu designed for a week.

First day:

  • lunch – 3 egg omelette;
  • lunch – 100 g of boiled veal, cucumber;
  • afternoon snack – 200 g of chopped vegetables;
  • dinner – 150 g of boiled chicken breast;
  • at night – 200 ml of apple juice.
  • lunch – 150 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • lunch - 150 g boiled chicken breast, 100 g vegetable salad with 1 tsp. olive oil;
  • afternoon snack – 2 boiled eggs, apple;
  • dinner – 200 g of grilled fish;
  • at night – 200 ml of tomato juice.
  • breakfast – unsweetened tea or coffee (possibly with milk);
  • lunch – 200 g of boiled fish;
  • lunch – 150 g steamed veal, 100 g boiled beets;
  • afternoon snack – grapefruit;
  • dinner – 200 g of cabbage salad with beans;


  • breakfast – unsweetened tea or coffee (possibly with milk);
  • lunch – 150 g of boiled chicken without skin;
  • lunch – 100 g vegetable stew, 2 boiled eggs;
  • afternoon snack – 200 g grilled fish;
  • dinner – 100 g steamed veal, sliced ​​vegetables;
  • at night – 200 ml fresh apple juice.
  • breakfast – 200 ml of milk or lactic acid drink;
  • lunch – 100 g carrot salad;
  • lunch – 150 g grilled chicken breast, 2 tomatoes;
  • afternoon snack – 100 g of boiled fish, apple;
  • dinner – 2 soft-boiled eggs, 100 g seafood;
  • at night – 200 ml of low-fat natural yogurt (kefir).
  • breakfast – unsweetened tea or coffee (possibly with milk);
  • lunch – 2 scrambled eggs, apple;
  • lunch – 100 g of boiled veal, 2 tomatoes;
  • afternoon snack – 150 g cabbage salad;
  • dinner – 200 g grilled fish;
  • at night – 200 ml of fresh grapefruit.
  • breakfast – unsweetened tea or coffee (possibly with milk);
  • lunch – 150 g of boiled veal, cucumber;
  • lunch – 150 g carrot-beet salad, 2 boiled eggs;
  • afternoon snack – 150 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • dinner – 200 g steamed fish;
  • at night – 200 ml of low-fat kefir.

Weight loss on this menu is up to 5 kg per week. But it should be borne in mind that the volume of portions in grams with a fractional diet must be observed. Exceeding it can significantly reduce the effectiveness of weight loss, and decreasing it can lead to a feeling of hunger that is not typical for this method of eating. If a protein diet is not suitable due to the predominance of protein or an insufficient amount of vegetables and fruits, you can use its milder version - vitamin-protein.

Vitamin and protein

The basis of this weight loss program is a fruit and vegetable diet, which is supplemented with protein foods. But not all, but only certain types of fruits and vegetables are recommended as vitamin components.


The use of a vitamin-protein system of fractional nutrition requires strict adherence to its rules for 10 days. During this period, you can get rid of 2-3 kg of excess weight without hunger and severe restrictions.

Permitted products are divided into two groups:

  • vitamin - fruits, except persimmons, bananas, grapes, mangoes and vegetables except potatoes, carrots are better in fresh, but can be stewed or boiled;
  • protein - lean meat, lean fish, egg whites, low-fat dairy products, high-quality sausages.

You can only drink clean water, unsweetened black, green or herbal tea.

Proteins and plant products should be taken separately, alternating every 2 hours. This eating regimen ensures a switch in metabolism, which promotes rapid weight loss, and split meals prevent a strong feeling of hunger from appearing and eating a large portion.

Sample menu

There are 2 options for a vitamin-protein fractional diet:

  • with a late protein dinner;
  • with a carbohydrate dinner no later than 18:00.

Option 1 (strictly vitamin and protein):

  • 8:00 – 3 egg whites, steamed as an omelet, a cup of tea;
  • 10:00 – cucumber salad with herbs, dressed with natural yogurt;
  • 12:00 – 150 g of cottage cheese, sausage, 50 g of hard cheese;
  • 14:00 – fruit apple and pear salad with orange;
  • 16:00 – 150 g of boiled chicken breast;
  • 18:00 – apple, 200 ml fresh vegetable juice;
  • 20:00 – portion of boiled fish.

Option 2 (with carbohydrate dinner):

  • 8:00 – 16:00 – meals according to the previous menu;
  • 18:00 – buckwheat porridge.

There is no need to control portion sizes, but you should not overeat. You need to get up from the table with a slight feeling of satiety.

"Five by Ten"

A very convenient and satisfying version of a fractional diet, in which 5 days go by losing weight, and then within 10 days the result obtained is consolidated. This technique can be used an unlimited number of times, repeating courses without interruption.


For the first 5 days you need to eat every 2 hours, and then for 10 days you should eat on a less strict diet. Over the specified period of time (15 days), weight loss averages 2-3 kg. At the same time, the intestines are cleansed, waste, salts, toxins, and stagnant liquid are removed from the body.

Sample menu

At the first stage, for 5 days you need to eat according to the following scheme:

  • 8:00 – coffee, chicory, cocoa or green tea(each drink is consumed without sugar, milk or other additives);
  • 10:00 – carrot salad with lemon juice;
  • 12:00 – 1 unsweetened fruit or 0.5 cups of dried fruits;
  • 14:00 – 100 g of seafood (can be replaced with 100 g of boiled fish or chicken breast), 1 slice of rye bread;
  • 16:00 – 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese or 50 g of hard cheese;
  • 18:00 – 200 g of vegetable salad with 1 tsp. olive oil.

4 hours before bedtime, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir or eat an apple.

The second, 10-day stage involves eating according to the following menu:

Breakfast (to choose from):

  • any cereal porridge with a small amount of butter, unsweetened tea or coffee;
  • 2 egg omelet with tomatoes and mushrooms, a glass of fresh fruit;
  • muesli, 50 g hard cheese, unsweetened tea (coffee).

Lunch (to choose from):

  • citrus of your choice or apple;
  • a glass of low-fat kefir.

Lunch (optional):

  • soup for chicken broth with vegetables and a piece of meat;
  • 1 egg, fish soup from low-fat fish;
  • vegetable stew with veal.

Afternoon snack (optional):

  • fruit of choice;
  • 2 cheesecakes with 2 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream;
  • 100 g cottage cheese with dried fruits.

Dinner (to choose from):

  • 100 g mashed potatoes without oil, 100 g chicken breast or lean steamed fish, a glass of kefir;
  • sliced ​​vegetables, 50 g ham, a glass of fermented baked milk;
  • peppers stuffed with meat and vegetables (2 pcs.), 100 g cabbage salad, fresh fruit;
  • 2 eggs, 50 g hard cheese, natural yogurt.

The menu for 10 days is compiled as an example, so you can change it at your own discretion, adhering to calorie content and style.

"Three on one"

Unlike the previous diet, in this version of the diet, 3 fractional days end not with fixing nutrition, but with fasting, which ensures more intense weight loss.

  • breakfast – omelet of 2 eggs, 50 ml of skim milk, carrots and herbs;
  • lunch – citrus of your choice;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, 100 g carrot-beet salad, seasoned with 1 tsp. olive oil with garlic;
  • afternoon snack – boiled fish, rye toast;
  • dinner - vegetable stew or 2 cheesecakes with 2 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream.
  • Before bed – a glass of natural yogurt, an apple.
  • breakfast - oatmeal with milk, nuts and dried fruits;
  • lunch – 50 g hard cheese, tomato, rye toast;
  • lunch – 100 g steamed chicken breast with rice and vegetables;
  • afternoon snack – apple or banana;
  • dinner – sliced ​​vegetables, 100 g of boiled fish.
  • Before bed – a glass of natural yogurt, 1 raw carrot.
  • breakfast – 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese with dried fruits, a glass of kefir;
  • lunch - any citrus;
  • lunch – broccoli soup with celery and cheese, 150 g vinaigrette;
  • afternoon snack - pears or banana;
  • dinner – 100 g of boiled chicken with vegetables.
  • Before bed – a glass of fermented baked milk and an apple.

Day 4 – fasting. During the day you need to eat 1.5 kg of low-fat cottage cheese or drink 2 liters of kefir with 0-1% fat content, divided into 6-7 doses.

After this, it is advisable to repeat another 3 days of the fractional diet according to the specified menu. In a week of eating this way, you can lose about 3 kg of excess weight, obtaining lasting results without hunger and discomfort.


The name of this version of the fractional diet is due to the fact that you need to sit on it for 7 weeks for 7 days and as a result lose 7 kg of excess weight.


The proposed method of losing weight is healthy and balanced. It is characterized by a non-extreme calorie content and a variety of products, is designed for fractional 5 meals a day, and does not require strict adherence to any rules. You just need to follow the recommended nutritional guidelines.

Sample menu

Semerochka offers a separate menu for each week with a specific set of products. There is no menu for every day - you can create it yourself, using the proposed example.

First week

The main products of these 7 days are porridge with water without any additives. You can take any vegetables except potatoes:

  • breakfast – 100 g of porridge;
  • lunch – 25 g of whole grain bread, coffee or tea;
  • lunch - 200 g of fresh vegetable salad with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, 50 g thin pita bread;
  • afternoon snack – 3-4 fruits;
  • dinner – 100 g of porridge, 100 g of vegetable stew with mushrooms.

Second week

This week you should eat fruits (excluding bananas and grapes), vegetables (including potatoes) and herbs:

  • breakfast – 1 potato, boiled in its jacket, 50 g of rye bread, sliced ​​vegetables, herbs, tea or coffee;
  • lunch – 1 any citrus;
  • lunch – 200 ml vegetable soup, 50 g pasta, 100 g stewed cabbage with tomatoes;
  • afternoon snack – 100 g of green peas;
  • dinner – 200 g cabbage salad with 1 tsp. olive oil, 50 g rye bread.

Third week

The main emphasis in the diet for the next 7 days should be nuts. They will provide a feeling of satiety and nourish the body with missing vitamins and minerals:

  • breakfast – 50 g of porridge with 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l. ground nuts, apple, tea;
  • lunch – 25 g whole grain bread with 1 tbsp. l. jam;
  • lunch - 200 g of beet salad with the addition of 30 g of ground nuts and 1 tsp. olive oils;
  • afternoon snack - any fruit;
  • dinner – 200 g of vegetable stew with herbs.

Fourth week

During this 7-day period, the menus of the first and second weeks are combined, that is, fruits, vegetables and cereals are consumed:

  • breakfast – 200 g of fruit salad, 25 g of whole grain bread (toast);
  • lunch – 1 soft-boiled egg, apple, tea;
  • lunch – 200 ml of vegetable soup, 2 jacket potatoes, greens, fresh cucumbers;
  • afternoon snack – 25 g rye bread, tea;
  • dinner – 200 g of chopped vegetables, 50 g of porridge.

Fifth week

This 7-day plan focuses on protein by eating eggs and low-fat cheeses:

  • breakfast – 2 soft-boiled eggs, coffee or tea;
  • lunch – 200 g fruit salad;
  • lunch – 200 ml of vegetable soup, 25 g of bread, steamed omelet of 2 eggs;
  • afternoon snack – 50 g cheese, tea;
  • dinner - 200 g cabbage salad with carrots and apple, seasoned with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, 50 g pasta, 10 g cheese.

Sixth week

This week is considered a “vacation week” - until 18:00 you can eat any usual dishes, forgetting about your diet. In the evening you can only drink freshly squeezed juices.

Seventh week

The most strict and low-calorie period based on a plant-based diet:

  • breakfast – 2 jacket potatoes, 100 g of boiled beet salad, coffee or tea;
  • lunch – 200 g sauerkraut;
  • lunch – 2 jacket potatoes, 200 ml of vegetable soup, cucumbers;
  • afternoon snack - any citrus fruit;
  • dinner – 200 g of vegetable stew, 50 g of thin pita bread.

The program is quite long and not too fast, since you will only lose 1 kg per week. Although this is very little, it is not difficult and it is guaranteed that the lost weight will not return.


The grazing weight loss system is a technique that came from Japan and has become the most popular in the world of show business. Its essence lies in fractional meals every 2 hours in portions of 100-150 g and a calorie content of 200 or 400 kcal. This mode provides not too fast, but lasting results without returning lost kilograms. Although, if you strictly follow all the recommendations, you can lose up to 5 kg in 2 weeks without discomfort and gnawing hunger.


The motto of this weight loss technique is the expression: “bite to lose weight.” But to get a positive result, it is necessary that the “pieces” are correct. Nutrition on grazing can be carried out in two ways, depending on the permissible calorie content of the daily diet:

  • 1800 kcal – 3 main meals of 400 kcal each and 3 snacks of 200 kcal each;
  • 1200 kcal – 6-7 equal snacks of 150-200 kcal each.

In any case, it is necessary to comply general rules grazing:

  • meals should be taken at least every 3 hours to prevent the accumulation of the hormone ghrelin in the body, which contributes to a strong increase in appetite;
  • It is necessary to eat low-calorie healthy foods, since “junk” food fills you for a short time, increasing the feeling of hunger;
  • You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day, which will keep your stomach always full and will also help you quickly remove toxic substances and waste from the body;
  • Food must be chewed slowly and thoroughly in order to have time to feel full.

To count calories, you can use the appropriate table or list of products indicated in the grazing diet menu.

Sample menu

To create a menu in accordance with the rules of grazing, you can select any products that contain about 200 kcal from the following list:

  • 150 ml natural yogurt with 1 tbsp. l. berries;
  • 1 boiled egg with 1 tsp. low-fat mayonnaise;
  • omelet from 1 egg and 50 ml of milk;
  • 5 tbsp. l. porridge with water;
  • 100 g boiled chicken meat without skin;
  • 150 g boiled or grilled lean fish;
  • 250 g of fresh vegetables or vegetable stew without oil;
  • 200 ml tea with milk and sugar;
  • 2 jacket potatoes;
  • 300 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 2 oatmeal cookies with 1 tsp. honey

For correct drafting diet can be used sample menu for the day:

  • breakfast – 100 g of porridge with 1 tbsp. l. natural yogurt;
  • lunch – a handful of nuts, 2 apples;
  • lunch – 200 ml of vegetable soup;
  • afternoon snack – 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, 100 ml kefir;
  • in the evening - 100 g of boiled breast, 100 g of chopped vegetables.

Using the given nutritional plan, you can create your own menu without going beyond the specified calorie content. To lose weight faster, you should give your body moderate physical activity, ensure normal sleep and avoid stress.


This nutritional system was developed by American cardiologist Arthur Agatston under the name “beach nutrition” or “South Coast diet”. After the Clinton family began using the technique, the name “presidential” was assigned to it. Today, there are many influential people among fans of this weight loss program. different countries, since its menu consists of delicious and varied dishes, it is quite comfortable and very effective.


Dr. Agatston's nutrition program does not have any sharp restrictions - it only temporarily excludes some foods. At the same time, the intensity of weight loss depends on the timing of its use - in the first two weeks you can lose 3-7 kg, and then 1 kg every week until the desired figure is reached. The main condition is that the diet must be 6 meals a day, the portions must be small.

The Presidential fractional diet consists of 3 stages. Only the first is regulated in duration - it lasts 2 weeks. Further phases can last as long as necessary to achieve your goals.

Sample menu

To create a menu, you can prepare any dishes from permitted products. This is one of the main advantages of the presidential diet - you can use it throughout your life, and you will never get tired of the diet.

First stage

The starting period in this method is the most difficult. During the first 2 weeks you are prohibited from consuming:

  • sweet, fatty, flour products;
  • corn, starchy vegetables, carrots;
  • fatty dairy products, including cheeses;
  • any fruits and berries;
  • alcoholic drinks.
  • lean varieties of fish and meat;
  • seafood;
  • legumes, nuts;
  • eggs;
  • vegetable oils;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • low fat hard cheeses;
  • non-starchy vegetables.

Food should not be fried or otherwise prepared using fat. It is best to boil, bake, steam or grill. This diet must be followed for exactly 14 days, then proceed to the next stage.

Second stage

After restrictive nutrition, the transition to an expanded scheme must be made gradually. Almost everything is added to the list of allowed foods, except for the most harmful to the figure - sweets, products made from white flour, overly sweet fruits and berries, potatoes, carrots, corn, white rice.

The second stage is recommended to continue until the required amount of extra pounds is lost or until the weight stops on its own (this will happen in any case, since the body itself determines how much it needs to lose).

Third stage

At this phase, health-improving and supportive nutrition begins. You can eat according to your usual schedule - 4-5 times a day. All prohibitions are lifted, but it is advisable to limit sweets, flour and starchy foods, and completely avoid fast food, semi-finished products and canned food.

It's not hard to stay in shape like presidents do. You can lose weight deliciously and with pleasure, without feeling hungry. The main thing is to observe moderation in everything.

In fact, any fractional diet is not so much a diet as an eating style approved by doctors and nutritionists. He doesn't have side effects, disadvantages and contraindications - you just need to choose a suitable diet and you can sit on it all your life.

4 86638 2 years ago

Many nutritionists believe that split meals for weight loss are the smartest meal plan. This diet is suitable for most people. With its help you can get rid of extra pounds, bring your body into healthy condition or just accustom yourself to proper nutrition. What are the main advantages of this method, and how to correctly create a fractional nutrition menu for the week and month?

What is it

Our usual diet consists of three meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner). In fractional meals, the daily norm is divided into 5-6 small parts. Following this regime, a person simply does not have time to get hungry. But here it is important to distribute all products correctly. And also don’t forget to count calories. Carbohydrate foods should be eaten in the morning, and light proteins should be consumed in the evening.

Fractional meals are great for weight loss, because they help speed up metabolism and increase daily calorie consumption. The whole secret lies in the thermal (thermogenic) effect. A certain amount of kcal is spent on assimilation and digestion of food. Therefore, the more often we eat, the more energy we spend and burn.


If a person eats 2-3 times a day, then about 6-8 hours pass between meals. During this time, a person may experience a wild feeling of hunger, which pushes him to breakdown and uncontrolled gluttony. Many people are familiar with the situation when a person really wants to eat and is unable to resist. At such a moment, he can eat half the refrigerator in one go. After all, he simply cannot think about proper diet. Because a delicious burger or sweet cake appears before his eyes. Later, a person will regret what he ate and the fact that he lost his temper, but by this moment all the harmful products will have time to be deposited in the sides.

Appetite and hunger must be controlled by the mind. If you correctly divide the daily diet into several parts, then the interval between meals will be reduced to 3-4 hours. During this time, hunger will not have time to turn into an angry beast. Correctly taking into account all the nuances, fractional meals are prepared for the week and month.

It is important to properly distribute food throughout the day. Then a person can eat small portions, choosing healthy products. Since he will always be full, in a calm mode he will not want to break into sweets and baked goods, or he will be able to stop in time. In addition, you now need very little food to feel full. By constantly filling your stomach to capacity, a person stretches it and accustoms himself to huge portions. Accordingly, each time you need more and more food to be completely full. It is necessary to control all the food that is eaten during the day. Gradually, the body will get used to eating a small amount.

Basic rules

  • Before breakfast, 20-25 minutes before breakfast, you need to drink 1 glass of clean water to prepare the gastrointestinal tract for work.
  • Eliminate all unhealthy foods: baked goods, sweets, fatty foods, fried foods, snacks, chips.
  • All food is divided into small portions. You need to eat 5-6 times a day (3 main meals and 2-3 snacks).
  • Each dose should be consumed after 2.5-3 hours. At the end of the 3rd hour you should feel slightly hungry.
  • The volume of food per meal should not exceed 500 grams.
  • It is necessary to take into account BZHU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and comply with their daily norm.
  • No need to starve. Then the metabolism will slow down.
  • If you eat at home, choose smaller plates. Gradually you will accustom yourself to small portions.
  • All food can be placed in containers and carried with you.
  • Based on the results of 2 weeks, it is necessary to adjust the diet, maintaining the proportions.
  • Love physical activity.

Fractional meals for weight loss are an effective thing for those who engage in intense work during the day (military, athletes, rescuers).

Calculation of BZHU

  • proteins – 50%;
  • fats – 30%;
  • carbohydrates 20%.

These proportions constitute a balanced diet. If you need to gain muscle mass, then the proportions change:

  • proteins – 30%;
  • fats – 10%;
  • carbohydrates 60%.

It is important to know that 1 g of protein contains 4 kcal, 1 g of fat contains 9 kcal, and 1 g of carbohydrates contains 4 kcal. But grams of BJU are not grams of finished products. Each ingredient contains only a few fractions of a percent of the required components.

Video instruction: what is fractional nutrition?


When choosing fractional meals for weight loss, you should remember that main enemy diet is carbohydrates. The following harmful foods should be removed from the menu:

  • sweets (cakes, sweets, cakes);
  • bread;
  • pasta;
  • potato;
  • mayonnaise.
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage;
  • pepper;
  • celery;
  • broccoli.

Proteins should be healthy:

  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • chicken;
  • seafood.

The right fats are flaxseed and olive oil.

Optimal quantity

You should go straight to a reasonable nutrition plan. If a person eats too often, it will be difficult for him to keep the right amount of food within the normal range. Even if the portions are small and he eats 8 times a day, he will still eat too much.

You can fill your stomach with vegetables (carrots, cucumber, celery), but such small snacks will not give you complete satiety. A person will constantly experience an eternal feeling of hunger. The best option is 5-6 meals a day, including small snacks.

It is necessary to distribute food so as to avoid large gaps in time. Don't forget about total quantity food for the whole day. What you eat is also important. For example, 300 g of vegetable salad will help you lose weight, and the same 300 g of buns will increase your waist size.


Fractional nutrition gathers conflicting opinions and reviews around the world. Most people don't know how to maintain a healthy diet at work. After all, sometimes there is simply no opportunity to eat right. Then containers into which you can transfer food come to the rescue. There are several options here:

  • plastic containers;
  • disposable containers;
  • special sports bags with containers;
  • shakers.

If you prefer regular plastic containers, choose expensive and durable ones to minimize accidental opening and leakage. But you will have to wash them every night to fill them with food for the next day.

Disposable containers are completely devoid of disadvantages, except for leakage. They are lightweight and can hold enough food. Each container can be additionally placed in plastic bag.

For organizing serious meals, sports bags containing several special containers are suitable. If mealtime finds you in transport, use a regular shaker. You can pour liquid food into it (yogurt or curd and fruit cocktail).


What can you cook during the day that will be tasty, healthy, nutritious, and all this will fit in a container?

Fractional power mode

In order to see quick results, from the very beginning you need to accustom yourself to a rational and systematic diet:

  • Breakfast should start at 7-8 am.
  • First snack at about 10 am.
  • The best time to have lunch is at 13:00.
  • Second snack around 16-17 hours.
  • Dinner is scheduled for approximately 19-20 pm.
  • You are allowed to have a light snack 4 hours before bedtime.

Menu for the week

The menu consists of simple products, which can be bought at any supermarket within walking distance. It is recommended to stock up on non-stick frying pans, which can be used for frying without oil, as well as a double boiler, oven or slow cooker.

Breakfast Percussion 1 Dinner Snack 2 Dinner
Monday oatmeal with 1-2 slices of chocolate, banana or kiwi, a cup of coffee. nutritional cereal bar. vegetable tomato soup. 1 fruit (kiwi, banana or orange) and green tea. warm salad from vegetables, 1 glass of kefir.
Tuesday omelette of 2-3 eggs with fresh tomato and a slice of hard cheese, tea. a handful of nuts and an apple. brown rice with vegetables. cottage cheese casserole with semolina and fruit. skinless chicken and stewed vegetables.
Wednesday oatmeal with milk and fruit. 1 boiled egg and cucumber. baked fish in the oven or steamed, salad with Chinese cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes. low-fat cottage cheese. steamed fish and 2-3 tomatoes.
Thursday steamed rice, green apple and sweet green tea. low-fat yogurt and bread brown rice with grilled vegetables. cottage cheese casserole with raisins. seafood with grilled vegetables.
Friday buckwheat with boiled egg and fresh cucumber. cottage cheese with dried fruits. Steamed turkey fillet with baked potatoes without adding oil. vegetable salad, topped with unsweetened yoghurt. fish baked in the oven with vegetable casserole.
Saturday wheat porridge with a little butter and unsweetened tea. kiwi, banana and coffee. vegetable casserole, baked fish, tea. seafood and a glass of fruit drink. chicken baked in foil and seaweed.
Sunday low-fat cottage cheese with herbs, rye bread with hard cheese and tea. dried fruits with kefir mushroom soup with lentils and vegetable salad with radishes. natural yogurt without additives and an apple. baked chicken breast with apples without butter.

In fractional meals, all products can be combined with each other and create a weight loss menu for a month or six months. It is only necessary to take into account the amount of BJU in products.

Small notes

  • You should never neglect breakfast.
  • Don't forget to drink a glass drinking water before eating. Morning food should be rich in carbohydrates.
  • The first snack should be light. Then the metabolism will speed up and the amount of energy consumed will decrease.
  • You should not skip main meals. Lunch should not only be nutritious, but also healthy and tasty. Try to cook all foods without adding oil. If they seem too bland, you can add a little seasoning.
  • The evening diet should be light. You need to eat foods that calm you down nervous system. Don't skip dinner completely.
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