What do the inscriptions on wallpaper labels mean? Designations on wallpaper: decoding of alphabetic and numerical markings on the roll label. What does it mean on wallpaper?

Applying glue to wallpaper and walls.Moisture resistance when gluing: easy removal of glue fragments from the surface of the wallpaper without visible changes.
Applying glue to the surface (wall, ceiling).Moisture resistance during operation: the ability to remove moisture both during wallpapering and during operation.
Self-adhesive wallpaper, gummed. Paste over after moistening.Washable wallpaper: removal of household stains with a sponge or rag using mild detergents occurs without visible changes to the outer layer, greasy stains are not removed.
Gluing the sheets in the direction of the arrow.Highly wash-resistant. Resistant to intensive use of sponges or brushes with mild detergents. Grease stains are removed immediately after they appear.
Gluing the sheets in one direction.Friction resistant.
Every second canvas is glued upside down.Highly resistant to mechanical stress and friction. When cleaning, you can use a sponge, a soft brush together with delicate detergents.
Horizontal gluing: parallel to the floor or ceiling.The wallpaper is removed dry.
Without choosing a picture.Removing wallpaper completely, without any residue.
Selection of drawings on one level.Removing wallpaper after wetting with water.
Selecting a pattern with an offset relative to each other.Removing wallpaper in layers.
Pattern step: 53 centimeters between repetitions of the pattern on one canvas, offset of the second canvas relative to the first by 26.5 centimeters.Shock resistant.
Overlapping with a double cut: the canvases are glued overlapping, followed by a cut and removal of excess in order to create a more even joint.The wallpaper is made from environmentally friendly material.
The need for special glue.Non-flammable.
Sufficiently lightfast.Duplicate wallpaper with an embossed top layer.
Satisfactorily lightfast.Excellent light fastness.
Good light fastness.Very good light fastness.

If you have dealt with wallpaper at least once in your life, then most likely you have seen certain designations (symbols) on the rolls that are not clear at first glance. But this is only at first glance, in fact, the pictures shown on the label speak for themselves, use logic. They serve as a hint for you so that when choosing wallpaper you can rely on your priorities for certain qualities of the canvases over theirs.

We offer our services for gluing all types of wallpaper. You can get acquainted with it in the “Price” section of our website.

Symbols can be divided into several groups, generalized by similar characteristics:

  • according to gluing features;
  • resistance to fading (light fastness);
  • resistance to external factors (moisture, friction, shock, scratches);
  • according to features during removal;
  • for safety reasons.

We will look at the most common designations on wallpaper in more detail in the form of a plate, without going into belonging to one group or another. You can find the related gluing materials and their prices in the corresponding section of our website.

When planning renovations on their own and choosing new wallpaper, the buyer rarely pays attention to their characteristics. Coming in first place color scheme, width and density, the ability to combine with furniture, texture and price. But few people pay attention to the fact that each roll contains special markings in the form of pictograms. But in vain: understanding its meaning will help you make a better choice and even save on your purchase. After all, each room has its own type of wallpaper - its illumination, purpose, and condition of the walls are taken into account.

When buying wallpaper, this is the first thing to consider so as not to make a mistake. They indicate the material from which the canvases are made.

A – acrylic

B – paper

BB – foamed vinyl

PV – smooth or flat vinyl

RV – textured or textured vinyl based on non-woven fabric

TKS – textile (wallpaper with a fabric base)

STR – structural wallpaper intended for painting with special paint

STL – glass wallpaper

Marking on wallpaper contains important tips. Decoding letters will help you correctly determine the type of material for each room. The type of wallpaper that looks great on the walls of the living room will become a big nuisance in the kitchen: for example, textile ones. Heavy textured vinyl will not stay on the ceiling. And in the office, paper and acrylic ones will look extremely unpresentable, even with the most beautiful designs.

In addition, each type of wallpaper, depending on the material, has its own type of glue, and in some cases it is not required at all.

How to read markings on wallpaper

In addition to letter designations, the label contains iconic symbols, or pictograms. This is an international code that can be understood by native speakers of any language in any country. The pictograms on wallpaper labels are divided into five groups and describe

  • moisture and wear resistance of wallpaper,
  • light fastness,
  • features of drawing placement,
  • methods of applying glue
  • and removing paintings from walls.

Such wallpaper marking provides maximum information about what the buyer intends to purchase for wall decoration.

Moisture resistance and sanitation

relatively moisture resistant. Only during the process of sticking can you treat them with a piece of damp soft fabric or a sponge, removing excess drops of glue. It is not advisable to do this later: contact with moisture will cause the wallpaper to become unusable or peel off.

Carefully clean the surface with a damp cloth, sponge or cloth.

moisture-resistant wallpaper, not afraid wet cleaning and detergents.

high resistance to moisture and friction; when washing, you can use a soft brush.


The fade resistance of wallpaper affects how often it will have to be replaced due to fading from the sun. These designations on wallpaper It is recommended to take into account the side of the world that the windows face and the lighting in the room.

low resistance to sunlight; wallpaper is recommended for shaded rooms where the windows face north, northwest, west, northeast, or for rooms where there is little or no sun.
stability is average, wallpaper is recommended for rooms in which the windows face east, northeast, north, northwest, west, northeast.
such wallpaper is suitable for rooms with moderate lighting; As a rule, their windows face east, northeast, northwest, west, north.
very good resistance to sunlight: here the windows can face any side of the world except the south, but you can also simply shade a room with south-facing windows.
excellent light fastness, the material can withstand long-term exposure sunlight, even on the south side.

Drawing and its combination according to the designations

Wallpaper icons, indicating the possibility, necessity or optionality of selecting a pattern, provide information to those who are not ready to spend time on fitting and buy 1-2 additional rolls, and to those for whom the pattern is fundamentally important.

gluing direction. The arrow points to the ceiling.
no adjustment required.
horizontal symmetry, easy selection.
diagonal symmetry: the most common variant of its arrangement, reminiscent of a chess pattern. They are glued with a height shift.
quite rare wallpaper, when each even stripe is pasted inverted 180 degrees.
Before wallpapering, the offset step of the next strip is set in centimeters, then measured with a ruler or tape measure.

Applying glue

In addition to the usual method of applying glue to the back side of the wallpaper, there are other methods, since the surface of the walls is different rooms may vary.

outdated designation on wallpaper: explanation This sign is an overlapping sticker followed by removal of the top layer of the wallpaper seam. This method was only used in the 20th century and is not needed today, but the icon can be seen on old rolls.
classic version of gluing: the back side of the wallpaper is smeared with glue. The strip is kept folded for 30-40 seconds, straightened out and applied to the wall.
a convenient and neat method that is gentle on the canvas: glue is applied only to the wall, dry wallpaper is applied to it and carefully smoothed.
most quick way: The wallpaper has an adhesive back and only needs to be moistened with water.
To apply this wallpaper you will need special glue; it usually comes with them and is purchased at the same time.
Removing old wallpaper

It is advisable to save the wallpaper label so that you can easily remove it from the walls in the future. It may take several years until the desire to refresh the interior appears, and conditional designations on wallpaper will be very useful.

This icon indicates that the wallpaper is removed in dry strips.
removed in one layer using a spatula.
This wallpaper is removed in two steps: top layer(usually vinyl) comes off, the bottom must be moistened before removal.
duplicated wallpaper, they consist of two layers, the top of which is embossed.
Other designations and markings of wallpaper
fireproof wallpaper. It is unlikely that a person who survived a fire will be consoled by the fact that at least the decor of the walls has been preserved. However, when restoring the premises, he will not have to spend money on them again, just wash them thoroughly.
wallpaper that is shock-resistant (anti-vandal). Wallpaper can be damaged by furniture or a door handle (however, there are other situations), and then unsightly dents remain on it. These wallpapers will not give you any reason to worry; they perfectly absorb physical impact.

There are other types of wallpaper - metal, liquid, ceramic, mineral. But they appear extremely rarely in regular sales; they are supplied to order, applied in other ways, and markings have not yet been provided for them. Mass produced wallpaper comes with all necessary information on the label so that any buyer can do right choice, and the renovation of the interior brought him only positive emotions.

For interior decoration, wallpaper marking, decoding and their description are used for optimal choice finishing material. Only after studying the markings can you choose the right wallpaper that suits the conditions of a particular room, since the decoding describes in detail the technological properties of the materials. Variety of assortments different types The range of wallpapers is so wide that it is easy for the average consumer to get confused, and purchasing wallpaper that is unsuitable for its properties can lead to unpredictable results. In addition to the markings indicated by the manufacturer directly on the roll packaging, it is necessary to further study the selected types of wallpaper, since not all properties, both positive and negative, can be described in the operating conditions; for this there is enough information on our website, just choose.

Labeling wallpaper and deciphering hydrophobic properties

Knowing the degree of resistance of the wallpaper surface to moisture is necessary when choosing materials for the walls of the kitchen, toilet, bathroom, and other wet rooms. It is worth remembering that during cooking, soot and resins settle on the walls, splashes of cooking fat remain, and stains from a wide variety of products may appear during cooking. liquid dishes condensation forms. In order to easily remove all dirt from the surface of the wallpaper, without damaging its appearance, it is necessary to glue those materials whose markings allow cleaning with water or allow the use of detergents and brushes.

There is usually no need to wash the walls in the toilet or bathroom, as in other rooms, but it happens that high air humidity occurs in these rooms, so you need to choose wallpaper, the marking of which indicates the degree of moisture resistance. The more frequent and abundant the humidity, for example in the bathroom, while taking a shower, the more reliable the moisture resistance of the materials should be, which will allow the repairs to be preserved much longer.

Based on the moisture resistance indicator, you need to realize that when cleaning is done, when washing the walls, you cannot use large amounts of water, chemical cleaners, or diligently remove stains with a brush, no protective coating, even with excellent strength characteristics, will not withstand excessive pressure. This can not only cause damage, but also completely ruin it. appearance wallpaper Also, do not neglect emergency drying of the place on the wall where cleaning was carried out.

Labeling wallpaper based on the colorfulness and color fastness of the patterns on the canvas

People are often afraid to buy wallpaper bright colors, With unusual drawings, because over time the colors can fade, fade and the room will look old and dull. To avoid this problem and not have to redo the repair after a few years, you need to make sure that there is a marking on the packaging of the roll, the decoding of which means light fastness. If for rooms without windows, or with windows on the shady side of the building, you can choose materials with a low degree of light resistance, then for rooms brightly lit by the midday sun, wallpaper with increased protection against fading is needed. Correct selection according to this parameter makes it possible to maintain the state of fresh repairs on for many years. Rather, the drawing on the walls will get boring before it deteriorates under the influence of light.

Which label to use to choose wallpaper for a children's room?

When children begin to learn to draw, then for some reason their canvas necessarily becomes the walls, which subsequently need to be washed; to do this, choose wallpaper whose markings stand for super washable And super resistant to cleaning. And after a great creative impulse from the offspring, sometimes you have to resort to emergency measures - quickly repaint the wallpaper or put up new ones. Since this needs to be done quite often, the finishing materials must meet these requirements.

The need to quickly remove finishing materials arises due to age-related changes in teenagers who do not want their friends to see the room in teddy bears or flowers. Finish can be removed with added water, dry and layers, this may also be mentioned in the wallpaper labeling; it is deciphered accordingly. The decision to tear off the old wallpaper and stick new ones is an option that allows you to choose finishing materials with other, more suitable characteristics.

Why is it important to know the decoding of wallpaper markings when choosing or sticking them?

Deciphering the wallpaper markings will be useful when calculating the amount of purchased material, which is taken with a reserve for breaks, defects, undercuts, and errors. Please note that on the packaging of the roll, the markings indicate the method of wallpapering - end-to-end, overlapping, with a cut, requirements for the adhesive material and its application. The designation of the direction of the pattern, the need to adjust the rolls, the possibility of joining the pattern without trimming, the symmetry of the image, its location, is also indicated on the label.

Those who do not understand the labeling of wallpaper, who do not know the decoding of special signs, may end up with a displaced, inverted pattern, and if painting is done, the flaws will be noticed only after applying the paint, which leads to costs for a complete rework of the work and the purchase of additional materials. Therefore, by delving into the meanings of the elements depicted on the packaging, you can not only avoid mistakes while performing the work, but also complete them much faster thanks to the scheme thought out by the manufacturer.

Purchasing wallpaper by wallpaper marking

Before you go shopping, you need to print out a table with a breakdown of the labeling, make a list of purchase requirements that will help the seller understand the client’s requests, and quickly select exactly what is required. The table will become a cheat sheet for deciphering markings on wallpaper and will completely eliminate the possibility of deception on the part of an irresponsible sales manager. Remember, manufacturers may apply their own proprietary marks and labels that are not specified in international agreements (for example, as shown in the picture). In this case, you should familiarize yourself with the specifications and certification for the finishing materials purchased, since the correct interpretation can be twisted by employees and presented subjectively.

Decoding the markings of wallpaper for walls

All wallpapers have special markings; after studying them, you can understand what type of materials is in front of you, their resistance to moisture, light, and how they need to be glued.

In addition to marking in the form of special images, many manufacturers indicate the type of wallpaper with letter designations:

  • A - acrylic. This refers to paper wallpaper with a spot coating of acrylic, which gives the wallpaper a distinctive quality - good breathability and reliability.
  • B - paper. Paper wallpaper made from different varieties paper and can be single-layer or double-layer. Such materials are characterized by air and moisture permeability. Their use in rooms with high humidity not recommended.
  • BB - foamed vinyl. Walls covered with wallpaper with this designation look rather unconventional. The texture allows you to successfully hide wall defects. The surface of the walls is pleasant to the touch. Often used to visually increase the space in a room.
  • PV - designation of flat vinyl. This type is a continuous layer of vinyl. A design is applied to the decorative top layer and embossed.
  • РВ - designation of relief vinyl. The advantages of embossed vinyl are environmental friendliness, durability, resistance to light and moisture.
  • TKS - designation textile wallpaper . This type of material is made from paper or non-woven fabric on which textiles are applied. The cost and quality of the top layer determines their price. The main advantage is aestheticism. Natural materials improve sound and heat insulation.
  • STR – marking structural wallpaper for painting. The roll webs are relatively thick and dense. The color is predominantly white. After gluing, they are painted in the desired color, and several times are allowed.
  • STL – glass wallpaper.The interpretation of this marking indicates the type of wallpaper made from glass fiber using the weaving method. The main advantage of the material is its fire-fighting properties. They consist of natural ingredients, are safe for health, durable and resistant to various types impact.

Recommendations for choosing the type of wallpaper for a specific living space based on labeling

For a hallway or corridor, wallpaper marked: A; PV; B; BB; STL; RV; STR

The most suitable wallpaper in the living room will be those marked: A; PV; B; STL; BB; STR; TKS

For the bedroom: A; PV; B; STR; BB; STL; TKS

To the nursery: B; STL; BB; STR

For the kitchen: BB; STL; PV; STR; RV

For the bathroom: STL; RV

For offices - STR; BB; STL; PV

To school - STR; PV; STL; BB

For kindergarten- B; STR; STL; BB

To medical institutions - STL; STR

Remember that before purchasing wallpaper, after studying its labeling, you additionally need to clarify information about the materials from the seller or manufacturer.

Markings on wallpaper: what do these letters and symbols mean? When choosing new wallpaper for your home, you need to pay attention to the markings on the roll packaging. On it we can find a huge number of different emblems and symbols. And this is not just a collection of meaningless drawings and letters. Each individual symbol has its own meaning and carries certain information. So, let's try to figure it out. All designations on the wallpaper can be divided into the following groups:

  • by composition;
  • according to gluing features;
  • by light fastness;
  • moisture resistance;
  • according to the features of dismantling.

Letter designations

Let's take a closer look at what the symbols on the roll wrapper say. They will tell you what the wallpaper is made of.

  • A – acrylic
  • B – paper
  • BB – foamed vinyl
  • PV - flat vinyl
  • RV – embossed vinyl
  • TKS – textile
  • STR – structural (for painting)
  • STL – glass wallpaper.

Thus, acrylic is a special polymer that is now very often used for the manufacture of various finishing materials. Such wallpaper will be quite affordable for any buyer. They have this positive property like good breathability. This allows you to use them for walls, both children's and any other room in your apartment.

Paper wallpapers come in single-layer and multi-layer types, which have good resistance to moisture and light. They have always been very popular. A modern technologies made it possible to improve and expand their properties and characteristics. There are a huge number of types vinyl wallpaper: structural, hot stamping, based on foamed vinyl, photo wallpaper. The base can be either non-woven fabric or paper. They were first released in the 40s of the 20th century after the American chemist Waldo Simon received a patent for the manufacture of various products from polyvinyl chloride.

Textile wallpaper is distinguished by its high cost and the need for delicate care. After all, their top layer consists of natural materials(linen, cotton, jute), therefore, they are very sensitive to moisture and light. Glass wallpaper is made from fiberglass. Experts recommend using them for finishing walls of non-residential premises. After all, they are very wear-resistant, withstand strong friction and are fireproof.

Decoding the symbols on the wallpaper (video)

Graphic symbols on the wallpaper

There are a lot of graphic symbols on the packaging of rolls. Let's look at the icons indicating resistance to external factors such as moisture and sun, more details in the tables below.

Moisture resistance symbols:

Water resistance during gluing and further use
Wallpaper is washable: small stains can be removed with a damp sponge

Super washable wallpaper

Can be cleaned with a brush

Resistant to high friction

Designation of light fastness:

Moderate light fastness

Light fastness is average: fades over time

Good light fastness

Very good light fastness. Retains color for a long time

Excellent light fastness

Let's look at the symbols indicating secrets when pasting in the table below.

No need to customize the picture

Joining the pattern at the same level on adjacent canvases (for example, repeat 64/0)

Image offset. Along with this sign, the manufacturer always indicates the amount of repeat and the pitch. (Repeat is the distance in centimeters through which the pattern is repeated)
The arrows indicate that we turn the next strip 180 degrees relative to the adjacent strip

Let's look at an example about pattern displacement. Thus, the designation on wallpaper for walls 64/32 indicates a repeat of the pattern after 64 centimeters, and in order to match it, you need to move the next canvas by 32 centimeters. But rapport 64/0 means that the pattern needs to be joined without displacement.

How to apply glue correctly:

Indication for removing wallpaper from the wall:

What other symbols will tell you about

In addition, the roll label may contain emblems that act as international quality marks. This emblem is a guarantee that products are harmless to human health and environment. This mark indicates that the manufacturer guarantees product compliance with European quality directives building materials. We hope that now our article will help you decipher any designation of icons on the wallpaper, and you will cope with the repair without difficulty and unnecessary hassle.

In the modern world, the production of materials for repairs has come a long way. There are many different ones on store shelves, the use of which is recommended according to special instructions encrypted in special signs.

Designation of wallpaper marks

Labeling of wallpaper products Manufacturers make using the following signs:

  1. Letter.
  2. Graphic

The letter icons on the wallpaper have the following designations:

  • “A” – acrylic type;
  • “B” – paper type;
  • “BB” – use of foamed vinyl;
  • “RV” – use of embossed vinyl;
  • “PV” – made from flat vinyl;
  • “STL” – glass wallpaper rolls;
  • “STR” – structural type for painting;
  • “TCS” – textile type.

Pay attention! The roll has a special paper insert on which these designations are applied.

First capital letters Russian alphabet already “hints” at the composition of the roll.

Before using purchased rolls, be sure to read markings on the wallpaper.

Graphic wallpaper markings contain information about their performance characteristics.

Decoding information recorded in the form of icons gives users information O:

  • moisture resistance of the product;
  • light fastness;
  • gluing features;
  • dismantling.

Graphic signs are more informative than letter ones. Icons help to correctly glue the trellises during repairs, which makes it possible to significantly extend the service life and improve the interior appearance of the products .

Before gluing the walls, it is recommended to take into account the purpose of certain rolls for repairs. For example, walls non-residential premises It is recommended to glue. Paper versions are allowed for use in children's institutions. Observing symbols on rolls, you can protect the room from excessive dryness or the influence of other factors.

Compliance with information encrypted in the form of graphic characters helps facilitate installation finishing materials and extends their service life.

ABOUT features of moisture resistance designation

How to determine whether purchased rolls are washable or not? Many wallpaper structures are sensitive to increased level humidity in the room.

Therefore, if in the room high percentage of humidity, it is necessary to select the appropriate type of trellis .

Otherwise, dampness will cause fungal formations to appear on the walls, which can worsen the aesthetic appearance of the interior. When choosing wallpaper for a room, you should carefully read the information about it on the included paper insert.

wavy sinuous line encodes product information regarding moisture. Durability level finishing material to humidity is determined by the number of waves on the package insert. The decoding here is as follows:

  1. The only wave . One wave indicate moisture resistant wallpaper rolls. This marking indicates the possibility of carefully wiping the walls with damp cloths.
  2. Paired waves. Two wavy lines stand for washable wallpaper rolls. A sponge and warm water are suitable for washing, excluding the use of household chemical cleaners. For example, on non-woven wallpaper there is a designation of two paired waves.
  3. Triple wave. Three wavy lines stand for super washable wallpaper rolls. You can wash them not only warm water, but also with the use of detergents.

Moisture ratings are very important when choosing wallpaper material, especially in the kitchen or dining room where stains are likely to occur.

For rooms with high level humidity) must be purchased moisture-resistant wallpaper materials. This will avoid frequent gluing and other problems during the operation of the product.


What do they mean? sun rays? Decoding the designation on the rolls helps to provide information regarding the durability of the product’s paints to ultraviolet rays. In this case, the instructions may contain the following symbols:

  1. Double sun (sun and plus). The product has high level resistance to ultraviolet rays. Suitable for rooms where there is a glass ceiling or solid window openings.
  2. Full sunshine. Full sun means products that have good light fastness. They can be chosen for rooms with any level of illumination.
  3. Half of the sun with a plus located inside. Not everyone knows what this designation is in the form of a half-sun with an internal plus. It turns out that this product with a satisfactory look light fastness. Long term exposure ultraviolet radiation may cause discoloration.
  4. Sunny half. What do the icons on the wallpaper in the form of a sunny half mean? This sign means intermediate level light fastness. The material should not be used in rooms with a lot of direct solar radiation.

Types of wallpaper pasting

Today, designers have come up with many ways to glue trellises.

The right combination of materials makes the room spacious and lively, and makes your presence in it more comfortable.

Let's consider the most popular methods wallpapering rooms:

  1. Application two-color products. The combination of two different types of panels when gluing is based on the combination of color, but on the difference in tone.
  2. Selecting one zone in the room. Canvases different color(tones) highlight a separate zone in the room (zoning).
  3. Choice of rolls of different colors. Contrasting combination flowers is also a subtype of zoning.
  4. Pasting different rolls with drawings. A popular combination in a room of wallpaper materials with horizontal or vertical stripes. Such an ornament must have general shade or color scheme. The markings are similar to products made from other bases.

To choose the right combination of panels, when choosing them, it is recommended apply rolls on top of each other to determine the level of compatibility.

Prices for non-woven wallpaper

non-woven wallpaper

How to “fit” images

What kind of offset wallpaper joint is this? Many canvases when gluing need adjustment. It is also encrypted on the attached instructions and has a specific designation.

  1. Displaced joining of wallpaper. In the instructions, it looks like a half-shift of the image from the next strip. Displaced joining of wallpaper during installation looks like a chessboard.
  2. Free docking. What kind of free wallpaper joint is this? This joining implies a chaotic type of arrangement of images, without rapport. Free docking does not need adjustment.
  3. Counter docking. Many buyers ask: what kind of counter wallpaper joint is this? The adjustment of such materials consists in gluing the next sheet in the opposite direction in relation to the previous one.
  4. Repeating the image. The repeating pattern on the wallpaper needs to be adjusted and repeated through each canvas, as it is present around the entire perimeter of the room. Repeating the pattern on the wallpaper is necessary to give the interior continuity.
  5. Shifted registration. And what is this shifted wallpaper registration? A shifted fit is characterized by gluing the subsequent panel with vertical shift in relation to the previous one.
  6. Direct overlay of a pattern. What is this direct overlay of a wallpaper pattern? In this case we are talking about gluing products with the same symmetrical patterns. The direct category of overlap is used when combining panels at the same heights.

For trellises on a non-woven basis, as well as for other wallpaper bases, fit is important, as it makes the walls even and “visually whole”.

How do they encrypt dismantling on labels?

On the wallpaper what each of us gets in stores, there is information regarding their dismantling. In this case, it is indicated that, if necessary, use a scraper, or easy removal by wetting the walls.

Some wallpaper products tend to leave a lower layer on the walls when removed. In this case, you should first clean the walls from the top layer, and then begin dismantling the bottom one.

Where is the wallpaper up?

How to determine the top of a wallpaper roll?

Pay attention! The pattern on it helps determine the top of the rolled web.

If the top of the wallpaper cannot be determined, then the free first end when unrolling the roll can safely be considered the starting end. Having cut it off, we get a new free end, which should definitely be marked with reverse side, as a beginning.

Video: studying wallpaper labeling


– painstaking and labor-intensive process, which, if you follow all the recommendations on the label, always gives a lot of positive emotions. Familiarizing yourself with the information on the roll tabs will make your work easy and fun.

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