The meaning of the word sociable in Ephraim’s explanatory dictionary. What is communication skills

Communication skills(novolat. connectable, communicating) - the ability to communicate, to establish connections, contacts, sociability; compatibility (ability to work together) of different types of information transmission systems.

Wiktionary has an article "communication skills"

In the psychology of communication - the ability to establish contacts, the ability to have constructive and mutually enriching communication with other people. Communication is one of the defining skills of successful social interaction, affecting both professional and personal relationships. Communication skills are one of the most important personal qualities in professions that involve active communication with other people, such as, for example, a sales manager, a public relations manager, or a personnel manager.

One of the characteristics of successful interaction is open-mindedness towards other people's views. According to Tjosvold and Poon, open-mindedness is a psychological concept in which people consider other people's views and knowledge "with the understanding that others should be free to express their views and that the value of other people's knowledge should be recognized." . Open-mindedness can take various shapes. There are arguments that teachers in schools should emphasize an open-minded attitude towards science rather than relativism alone, because relativism is not the only approach accepted in the scientific community.

Open-mindedness is generally considered an important personal attribute for an individual's effective participation in top management and other work groups.

A sociable person is one who knows how to listen

Business success in our time is often denoted by the word “grown together.” In the sense that some elements of a business idea were connected with each other, forming a coherent and workable scheme that allows you to benefit from it.

At the same time, everyone has noticed more than once that for some people everything “grows together” much more often than for others. And he doesn’t seem to say anything special, and doesn’t use clever tricks, but luck accompanies him, and those with whom he negotiates smile at him, his superiors favor him, his colleagues sympathize with him, and representatives of the opposite sex do not ignore him. One can, of course, explain such results by personal abilities and even talent. But it’s better to take a closer look at this genius and understand why he impresses everyone.

The science of how to become a sociable person has long ceased to be accessible only to illegal intelligence officers. Ability to quickly set up good relations It may be innate, but most often it is the result of work and efforts at self-improvement. In fact, this is not so difficult, although at a certain stage it requires some effort to overcome psychological barriers.

You can take the communication test yourself, without contacting a professional trainer-psychologist. To do this, just try to talk to stranger and don’t be embarrassed if it doesn’t work out very well the first time. On the contrary, it’s even better: you can analyze your own mistakes and, armed with experience, continue to work on yourself.

Sociable person- this is someone who is confident in himself, but by no means arrogant. These concepts are as different as a smile and a crooked grin. At the same time, it is not at all necessary, on the advice of American psychotherapists, to constantly show your teeth; this is not customary here. You need to smile appropriately; frequent use devalues ​​everything. A sincere smile is a consequence of inner harmony and calm self-confidence, and it can never be replaced by a pasted facial picture.

There are other signs that distinguish a sociable person. This is, first of all, the ability to say something pleasant. Again, this is not about flattery or servility, but about expressing sincere pleasure from communicating with the interlocutor. If it is clear that the host of the evening is dissatisfied with himself, then it is better to remain silent or delicately express sympathy, sometimes just with a friendly gesture, than to throw inappropriate compliments that can be mistaken for sarcasm.

Everyone knows that a sociable person is one who does not mince words. The ability to briefly but succinctly express one’s thoughts is also a talent, that is, a small part of one’s abilities multiplied by a lot of work. To have a good vocabulary, you need to read a lot. Yes, it’s not fashionable now, but it’s very useful. In addition, there will be much more topics for conversation, not to mention the fact that reading is actually great pleasure.

But it happens that someone knows how to speak, but is so reveled in his own eloquence that he begins to seriously irritate his interlocutors. But the ability to listen is sometimes more important than the most beautiful words, every truly sociable person knows this.

What does communicative mean?

Vova Yezhov

the ability to establish contacts, the ability to have constructive and mutually enriching communication with other people. Communication is one of the defining skills of successful social interaction, affecting both professional and personal relationships. Communication skills are one of the most important personal qualities in professions that involve active communication with other people, such as, for example, sales manager, public relations manager, HR manager

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Sociability (from the Latin “communicatio” - contact, connection) - the ability of people to establish business contacts, connections, relationships.
Sociability – the willingness and ability to easily establish, maintain and maintain positive contacts in communication and interaction with others.
Communication skills are the ability to find common language with people of different views, beliefs, nationalities.
Sociability is the talent of understanding people around you, persuasiveness of speech and sharpness of thought.
Communication skills are the ability to find common ground on the most complex issues and on their basis develop a compromise.
Sociability is a character quality that helps enrich both your personal life and business contacts.
Sociability is a broad outlook and the ability to use it, plus a person’s great personal charm.
Sociability is the talent of sincerity of communication.

What exactly does the word communication mean?

Sociability (from the words “commune” - general, public, and “cable” - conductive) - the ability to communicate, the higher it is, the more a large number people, a person is capable of starting a conversation, finding an approach to a certain individual...
But Alexander Markov speaks more about erudition...


Communication skills

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

CommunicationL9; whiteness (late Latin - connectable, communicating) - the ability to establish connections.

Sociability can be understood as the ability to establish connections between people (friendly, business), and between different types of information transmission systems (in telecommunications - analog and discrete).

In the psychology of communication - the ability to establish contacts, the ability to have constructive and mutually enriching communication with other people. Communication is one of the defining skills of successful social interaction, affecting both professional and personal relationships. Communication skills are one of the most important personal qualities in professions that involve active communication with other people, such as, for example, a sales manager, a public relations manager, or a personnel manager.

    Sociable, contact; easy, sociable, friendly, compatible, cooperative. Ant. closed, shy Dictionary of Russian synonyms. sociable see sociable Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide... Dictionary of synonyms

    - [late lat. communicabilis connectable, communicating] inclined, capable of communication, communication (COMMUNICATION), establishing contacts and connections, easily establishing them, sociable. Dictionary foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. communicative... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    communicable- oh, oh. communicable adj. communiquer. Inclined, capable of communication, establishing contacts and connections, easily establishing them. SIS 1985. Communication skills and, g. Sex is not a luxury, but a way of communication. G. Malkin Maxims. // LG... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Adj. One that easily comes into contact becomes one of the links of communication [communication II] in communicating with people and with which others want to communicate. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable, sociable,... ... Forms of words

    communicable- Able communicator; briefly linen shape, linen... Russian spelling dictionary

    communicable- cr.f. communication/belen, communication/linen, flax, flax; communication/whiter... Spelling dictionary Russian language

    communicable- ‘at ease in the company of other people’ Syn: sociable, sociable Ant: reserved, shy... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary

    communicable- oh, oh; flax, flax Sociable, one who easily comes into contact with other people and with whom it is easy to communicate. Synonyms: contact/ktny (colloquial) Antonyms: non-communication/white Related words: communication/white Etymology: From French… … Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    Aya, oh; flax, flax, flax. Easy to communicate with, sociable. K. character. He is very sociable. ◁ Communication skills, and; and. His k. is amazing... Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • , Moskvina Marina Lvovna. About the book A travel diary of a writer-radio journalist with practical advice for those who are mastering this craft. Marina Moskvina hosted the author’s program “In the Company of Marina…” for ten years.
  • Learn to listen. Surfing on the radio wave, Moskvina, Marina Lvovna. A travel diary of a writer-radio journalist with practical advice for those who are mastering this craft. Marina Moskvina hosted the author’s program “In the Company of Marina Moskvina!” for ten years. on the channel...

Greetings, dear friends!

People are closely and directly connected to society and their personal position in it. The ability to quickly make contact, find the right intonation and topics for conversation is an excellent way to create the desired impression of an open, sincere person.

But how do you force yourself to leave the introvert zone? How to develop the necessary skills and realize their need? Who is a sociable person? About this and more in today's article.

What is communication skills?

Communication skills are the talent of understanding people, persuasiveness of speech, wrapped in sharpness and savvy thought. Enormous, along with his broad outlook and ability to apply it, is a weapon that is impossible to resist.

Adapt to society, become part of a huge team of people, closeness and gain flexibility in contacts, perhaps by developing your communication skills.

After all, no matter where you look, everything concerns people. Business meetings, agreements, service, solving various problem situations and, of course, personal expression, rests on our interaction with the outside world.

All everyday life is imbued with the need for communication and interpersonal contacts. If you imagine a party in which guests are divided into two categories, then one quietly sitting on the sidelines in the hope that no one will touch them, while others become " the soul of the company" Here you can easily identify sociable individuals.

Their speeches filled, everyone listens to their opinion more people strive to become part of their company. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? I think every person in their circle of friends has examples of such a charismatic style of communicating with the world.

If we look at an example of this kind of skills or qualities in the work field, again, we won’t have to look for an example for a long time. Ability to find compromises and set rules and have a thin train charm, which envelops and inspires hope for a positive result at any cost.

Diplomacy- one of best examples behavior of a sociable person, as well as this can include a person familiar with holding various kinds of events and celebrations, calling himself a toastmaster or entertainer.

Have you noticed how consciously and easily communication occurs between a whole group of strangers? And all this thanks to the individual who takes upon himself responsibility for the general mood and the course of the ship, igniting and carrying others along on the journey.

How to become sociable?

1. Family and education

In families that often receive guests and don’t mind going out to friends’ houses for get-togethers, it’s great a developed niche of communicative perception. Example Demonstration friendliness, openness and joy of meeting- an excellent reason to learn how to give and express emotions correctly.

Paying attention to your reactions, you will be able to develop the necessary basis of topics, interests and flexibility to conduct a dialogue with any representative human race and even with a cat.

The fundamental rule is a friendly position and not sticking out your opinion, which may differ from other people's opinions.

Harmonious connection personal principles and other people’s priorities are the key successful conversation or evenings.

If you go to visit with your children, then do not be lazy to ensure that an example of the necessary and high-quality education of communication skills is implemented by your personal example.

2. Expressing interest in people

Helps you develop your communication skills sincere interest shown in opponents. By being interested in experiences, victories and simply how you feel, you show attention and respect to the conversation, thereby emphasizing the fact of your interest. And who might not be pleased with this?

It happens that the dialogue does not go well with specific person: his personality is not pleasant, and interests are scarce. But it's not all that bad? Hobbies, the topic of weather and conversations about cars have not been canceled. I am sure that people always have something to tell, and their uncertainty blocks action.

Fear of being misunderstood And ridiculed prevents you from expressing yourself and enjoying your work ease of communication. By letting your thoughts float freely, be sure that someone will definitely like them and you will feel peace of mind.

3. Work on yourself

Question about healthy communication with others like you and honing the skill of “word creation” plays an important role. Well delivered speech- one of the aspects of communication skills.

and diversity of thought forms, helps to more subtly establish contact with the listener, causing him to respond and emotions to what you said.

Stock up necessary literature, train in demonstrating your tamed Ego and enjoy the conversation.

4. Sociability

Wish exchange a word with the seller, taxi driver or just acquaintances, great hones the skill of establishing communication skills. Share your observations with the world, clearly realizing advantage of dialogues, before monologues.

Unshakable self confidence and their strengths, makes it possible to open a new facet of your personality and make sure that it turns out, talk to people not so scary.

As they say, having matured is when you are not afraid to ask in line: “ Who's last? ».

5. Expanding your horizons

Of course be an interesting person- painstaking and daily work. Reading, analysis of information, production, education and craving for art or a specific hobby, helps us find more and more new ways of self-expression.

I would like to highlight as a separate point subtle sense of humor. The ability to joke appropriately and really joke, and do not result in sarcasm, malicious comments or vulgarity- a gift from God.

A joke is when it is funny to more than one person. Telling a joke or funny story from life, make sure that your listeners are exactly the target audience.

Besides, be yourself and play your own role is an advantage. Poke yourself with a stick to check whether the mask is connected to your face. Are you cheating on your feelings? and have you acquired duplicity in the process of arrangement the desired circle persons?

I will put an end to such a rhetorical question. Subscribe to my blog updates and recommend it to your friends to read.

In the comments, tell us about what it means to you to be a sociable person and how this is expressed?

See you on the blog, bye-bye!

Natalia Erofeevskaya

When describing personal qualities in a resume, it is customary to indicate standard features. Communication skills are found in every second profile. At the same time, some people do not understand what a skill is or simply do not possess it. An employer just needs to ask a few questions to understand whether you have good communication skills. How important is this trait for professional growth and communication with friends? What is human communication skills? — we give a definition and consider the signs, find out whether it is an advantage or a disadvantage.

What does a sociable person mean?

This concept is based on the answer to a question. Communication skills are the ability to find a common language with people, regardless of status and degree of acquaintance. The skill is valued at work, as such a person is sent to important negotiations. A sociable personality also manifests itself in a company. Such a person stands out for his interesting communication, gestures, ability to choose the topic of conversation, stories are retold to him in an interesting, lively and vivid way - this is what means sociable (communicative) in simple words.

What does a sociable person mean? Unlike the outgoing personality, communicative people are not just good storytellers who are fun to chat with during your lunch break. He is educated and well-spoken. He doesn’t just talk, but also pursues a specific goal: to calm down a dissatisfied client, persuade a partner to make a deal, and reduce the time it takes to receive documents. A sociable person knows how to negotiate and achieve results.

How to understand whether your interlocutor is a communicative person or not? Sometimes even a few minutes are enough for this - such a person gets real pleasure from communication. He easily chooses words, is self-confident, charismatic in his own way, and easily finds topics for conversation, regardless of who he is communicating with. The ability to communicate interestingly and lively does not depend on age- this could be a sociable girl or a gray-haired old man: a conversation with both will be not only pleasant, but most often useful, since truly communicative people are far from empty chatter.

First of all, this is someone who enjoys communication. A sociable person does not care who he communicates with; he is interested in the process itself. Sociable people are characterized by flexibility in contacts, the ability and ability not to get confused when communicating in different situations, self confidence, they easily adapt to new conditions, know how to successfully negotiate, and strive for initiative and leadership in a team.

Sociability and communication skills: what is the difference?

More often, both of these words are used as synonyms without a second thought: sociable (communicative) person - able to communicate, “easy” in conversation, knowing what to say and what to ask. In fact, if you dig deeper into word formation, there is a very fundamental difference:

"communicable" is always used in relation to a person and is his positive characteristic- this is the individual’s ability to establish contacts, sociability, pleasant and easy conversation;
"communicative"- has a slightly different meaning of the word than the one in which it is usually used, and means “relating to the transmission of information using language.” Used in relation to skills, skills, games, exercises, even dancing and music.

There are two types of communication:

Written. The skills of a person who masters this skill are reduced to writing letters and filling out official documents. At the same time, he does not make spelling mistakes and expresses his thoughts clearly and to the point. Written communication skills are required quality for secretaries, management positions.
Oral. The secret of a successful interlocutor is... A sociable person possesses this skill perfectly. Plus he knows how to turn the conversation around in the right direction and persuade your interlocutor to your point of view. The conversation takes place in a calm tone; raised notes and pressure on the opponent are unacceptable.

A sociable person has a sense of tact, subtle humor, and the ability to dress in accordance with the situation. He carefully watches the interlocutor, reads gestures. Does not get into arguments and does not allow resentment, anger or irritation to take over.

Advantages and disadvantages of communication skills

People with communication skills are gladly hired and promoted up the career ladder. But it is worth understanding that communication skills border on other skills: leadership and initiative. Not all managers are ready for such active employee behavior. Therefore, conflicts are possible, including dismissal. However, communication has many more advantages. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of communication skills. Among the positive aspects:

Ability to communicate. The concept does not include empty chatter, but listening to a person, maintaining a conversation. People meet with similar interests. A sociable person finds common ground by developing common interests. Thus, he wins over the interlocutor so that he can then easily win him over to his side.
Calm. Despite his activity and agility, a sociable person has equanimity. From him, fussiness, fear of participating in negotiations. People are attracted to the calm, friendliness and openness that comes from a communicative personality.
Attentiveness. Such a person will be the first to respond to a greeting, smooth out the conflict, and sum up the meeting. There will be no awkward pauses or useless negotiations with him. After communicating with a sociable person, you are left with the feeling that you were talking with a good friend.

You should not consider a sociable person as a sweet, kind person. In the right situation he is capable of showing aggression, and this manifests itself in the form of evil or witty jokes. True, he rarely resorts to backup weapons when he needs to authoritarianly declare his decision.

Development of communication skills

This skill saves you in many situations and helps you prove yourself as a valuable employee, but how can you develop sociability, develop and improve your communication skills at work? Communication skills are not given by nature. It is impossible to turn from a gloomy person who does not like communication, who avoids meeting with familiar people, into a pleasant interlocutor in one day. To develop communication skills, follow these recommendations:

Don't avoid communication. If you see a classmate or former colleague in transport, then come up first. Talk to him, remember how you studied and worked together, ask what he is doing today. Feel free to approach strangers and ask for directions. This is the first step towards developing sociability.
Don't be boring. When preparing for a meeting with a friend or partner, many people predict in advance how the conversation will flow. They imagine that they will have to talk about topics that are not interesting. Don’t become boring; how the meeting goes depends on you. Come to good mood, start a conversation first, turn the conversation in the direction you want.
Connect optimism. People are drawn to those who express goodwill, are smiling and friendly. It’s unlikely that you want to communicate with a person who has a sad face and slumped shoulders. helps to win people over and inspire trust.

Avoid formality. Vary your speech. In addition to the banal phrases “how are you”, “what’s new”, tell us about yourself. The interlocutor is interested in knowing what you live and do. Of course, it doesn't have to be an hour long speech. Focus on brevity and clarity - this will solve many communication problems. However, overly dry answers and phrases will make your interlocutor think that you are not interested in the conversation.
Books for developing communication skills(sociability) will also be useful. By replaying in your head situations described in specialized literature and modeling them on your own environment, it is quite possible from a beech about whom they say to your face and behind your back, “how uncommunicative!” to turn into, well, not “your boyfriend,” but at least a pleasant interlocutor.


Many people would like to be sociable and sociable, but, alas, not everyone has it - partly this is the same quality of personality as temperament and character. But if desired or even necessary, even the most unsociable and gloomy person can develop the ability to communicate and disposition towards the interlocutor. Communication skills are a quality that helps you out at work and helps you move up the career ladder. IN pure form the skill is rare and much of a person’s ability to communicate in society depends on his life experience, the process of becoming a person and even childhood memories and impressions.

Communication skills have negative traits: since a person is influenced by external circumstances and character traits, often the so-called “ability to communicate” results in obsession or empty talk. To reach the golden mean and “remove” the label of a non-communicative girl (or boy), you'll have to work on yourself, and then this quality necessary for gaining confidence will bring pleasure not only to you, but also to your interlocutors.

31 March 2014, 14:34

Everyone knows that being sociable is good and beneficial. When writing a resume, few people forget to mention that they are a sociable person. But what exactly is this quality and what is the real portrait of its owner?

What is a sociable person

A sociable person is one who has the ability to establish contact with others, quickly adapting to a new environment. “Amenable to communication, communication” - this is what the word communicative means, if we translate it from the Latin “communicabilis”.

There is a misconception that a sociable person is an extrovert who loves to chat and talk about himself. But is this true? In fact, unlike a sociable talker and a good storyteller, a sociable person is distinguished by incredible tact, well-delivered speech, education and intelligence, tolerance, as well as many other positive qualities.

How to recognize a sociable person?

  • He does not speak for the sake of just speaking, but pursues a specific goal: to convince a partner, find a compromise with a dissatisfied client, increase trust, and so on.
  • Such a person knows exactly how to conduct a dialogue in order to achieve results.
  • He easily transitions from one style of conversation to another, he holds himself confidently, has charisma, and has no problems finding topics for communication.
  • People of any age, class, or nationality can communicate with such an interlocutor. A troubled teenager and an elderly professor are interested in him.
  • A conversation with a sociable person is always useful and interesting for both parties, because it is qualitatively different from the empty chatter of a talker.
  • Flexibility of character, restraint, quick adaptation to new conditions, initiative, leadership - these are the natural traits of a sociable personality.
  • For him, any conversation is a dialogue, not an intoxicated monologue. Feedback is always important to him.
  • Perceives communication as a creative process and improvises.
  • Ready to speak in front of a large audience without preparation, finds the tone and style of speech in accordance with the audience.
  • Tolerant, cosmopolitan, avoids radicalism.
  • Controls the attention of listeners, creates comfortable conditions for conversation.

What does it mean to be sociable?

This question was once asked during a lesson on communication culture. The teacher asked the audience in the audience: “ Who is an example of a sociable person?" He allowed us to name both the real person and literary character. The main thing is to remember someone who has the ability to communicate and easily contact others.

There were many people willing to answer. Some named the names of their friends, citing facts from their biography as examples. Others recalled examples of lack of communication, suggesting that we go from the opposite.

But the most interesting answer was the answer of a determined student: “ Dersu Uzala. Sociable is a quality that perfectly characterizes a hero».

Those present were frozen in bewilderment., after all, how can the hero of Arsenyev’s book “Dersu Uzala” be called sociable if he, being a Nanai and having lived his whole life in the remote taiga, practically did not see people? And what can we say about his speech skills?

Peers thought that their classmate was joking, and the lecturer asked, puzzled: “ Why do you think so? Explain to us».

The girl replied that this literary hero had learned to “read the taiga,” that is, he knew how to recognize the tracks of animals and predict the weather, and knew the properties of all plants. He was sure that all living beings, including plants and animals, can talk.

She continued further, citing arguments from his life: “ He managed to measure quarreling military personnel with his song; he was respected wherever he appeared. The old Nanai managed to win people over without saying a single word. And who among us can boast of such an achievement?»

The listeners silently agreed with the arguments. And the lecturer realized that his students mastered this topic “excellently.”

Benefits of Communication

Communication skills give you self-confidence. A person with characteristic skills is ready to control the situation and become a leader in a new team. These same skills help you read your partner, seeing his obvious and hidden motives for behavior.

Possessing this trait, we can draw the attention of the audience and convey the necessary information to it, which is a tool for achieving our own goals.

A sociable person easily establishes cooperation between two parties. In this case, skills are used not to defend one’s own, but to create a mutually beneficial dialogue and find a compromise. The art is to skillfully and competently connect personal goals with the goals of your partner.

Effective communication skills are invaluable during negotiations - both commercial and diplomatic. The main task of such meetings is to find a compromise while remaining consistent with your interests and goals.

Ability to quickly resolve conflict– another advantage of a master of effective communication. It is important to accurately pose the question, formulate the problem, and offer options for resolving it. It was this skill that was lacking in the two peoples - the blunt-pointed and the pointed-pointed peoples, whom Gulliver met during his adventures in the work of Jonathan Swift.

How to become a sociable person

Keep your balance

Calm, confident and friendly people always make you feel good. You should avoid ingratiation, haste, trembling in your voice, and also pay attention to non-verbal methods of communication that betray excitement or, conversely, convince of strength and perseverance. A relaxed posture, eye contact, and an even tone and voice not only draws the audience’s attention, but also makes them respect the speaker.

Don't rush

When meeting a person based on his clothes, you should not form your own opinion about him. It happens that the conclusions made about the interlocutor in the first hours of communication are completely untrue. Having created an image of a person in our head, we intuitively develop communication tactics and a model of behavior with him. A mistake can be costly. It is better to try to look for only positive aspects in any person.

Listen without losing touch

It is important that the interlocutor feels attention to himself and feels that he is being listened to. You can convince of this if you look into the eyes for most of the conversation, express emotions from what you hear, ask logical questions, and do not interrupt.

Do not rate

Critical assessment of other people's remarks should be avoided. When we doubt a person’s competence or the veracity of his words, the addressee closes down and becomes unavailable for quality dialogue. As a result, both lose because effective communication did not occur.

Take the initiative

A sociable person should develop the habit of smiling at his interlocutor, starting a conversation and saying hello first. Having become the initiator of the conversation, he has the right to conduct it and be responsible for the outcome of the dialogue. The interlocutor subconsciously understands this and shows compliance.

Work on yourself

In order not to stand still, you need to expand your vocabulary and expand your horizons. This happens when we engage in self-development, read literature, and study trends in different industries. The information we will pick up will help you to have a natural and relaxed conversation.

We talked in detail about who a sociable person is and what qualities he has. Communication skills have many benefits. But to master the art of quality communication with the outside world, it is worth making the effort. Our advice will tell you which direction to move in.

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