High-yielding varieties of pepper for open ground. The best varieties of bell peppers: beneficial properties and description Grigorash pepper

The largest varieties of sweet peppers are very popular among many summer residents and gardeners. Giant fruits not only have good shelf life and transportation, but also have excellent taste, allowing them to be used both for salads and for preparations.

How to grow big peppers

There are amateur gardeners who can grow a large harvest of large red peppers from the most common varieties of the crop. But there are situations when the seeds of large-fruited sweet pepper varieties give unsatisfactory results. In order to get the giant fruits of this crop, you need to take into account the basic requirements.

Choose the right crop variety. It is necessary to take into account the climatic characteristics of the region in which the largest variety is supposed to be planted. In addition, it is worth paying attention to hybrids of sweet pepper varieties, which produce very large fruits.

Pepper is a heat-loving crop, so it should be planted in the middle zone only in closed ground. The same requirements apply to lighting. If the days in the growing region are short, then it is worth organizing good lighting.

Some varieties bred specifically for open ground, feel good in any soil. Therefore, before planting large varieties of peppers for open ground on your site, study all the recommendations experienced gardeners. Selection does not stand still and therefore every year many new varieties appear that are capable of producing a large harvest of large, sweet peppers in any conditions.

Compliance with all agricultural technology rules. We must not forget that the varieties of the largest red peppers love a lot of moisture. Therefore, if you water the beds with plenty of water once a week, you can get a good harvest even on the ground.

If the crop grows where the wind blows strong winds, then the ground must be covered with a film so that the wind does not dry out the soil. In addition, pepper loves loose, light soils, so the loosening process must be carried out after each watering.

It is worth constantly mulching the holes to prevent the rapid loss of moisture from the soil, and do not forget to constantly feed the best varieties of large-fruited sweet peppers. There are varietal crops that easily tolerate untimely watering and temperature changes. But if you prefer to plant hybrid varieties, then be careful, they react strongly to untimely watering and fertilizing.

If you take into account all the nuances and follow the rules of crop care, you can be sure that the harvest of large, red giant peppers will please you. But there are crops in which the weight of the fruit reaches 850 g, but it is worth noting that a fruit weighing 200 g is also considered quite large. If you want to get giant fruits, then let's look at the largest and earliest ripening varieties of sweet pepper.

Important! If you have no experience in growing sweet peppers, the largest-fruited ones, then it is better to read the relevant literature and consult with gardeners.

Greenhouse giants

This is a group of high-yielding hybrids that can produce large crops all season long. There is one thing for this important condition– these crops should only be planted in heated greenhouses. If a greenhouse or a simple greenhouse is equipped on the site, then it is better to give preference to early-ripening large-fruited varieties of sweet peppers.

Bourgeois F1

An early ripe hybrid, which, when technically ripe, has green color. Ripening occurs on the 115th day after planting the seedlings. Biological ripeness on day 140, fruits yellow color. This is a tall hybrid. If it is planted in a heated greenhouse, then the height of the bush can reach three meters, but in a simple greenhouse the growth is much reduced. The fruits themselves are very dense, smooth, heavy in the shape of a regular cube. The weight of one fruit reaches up to 250 g, the walls of the fruit are very tasty and fleshy. This culture has features:

  • the bush can withstand heavy loads, up to 40 fruits;
  • produces uniform shoots and stepsons;
  • disease resistant;
  • excellent taste quality;
  • The fruit is very fragrant.

This crop requires special care, gartering, and pinching. Per 1m2, no more than 3 bushes are planted.


A large variety of sweet pepper, mid-early, with good yield. Already on the 120th day after germination, the first harvest can be harvested. Biological maturity occurs at 150 days. The bushes grow up to three meters in winter greenhouses; when planted in a greenhouse, they can reach up to one and a half meters. The bush itself has dense foliage - a powerful, tall plant. This crop is demanding on planting density. In order for fruiting to be abundant and not interrupted throughout the season, you need to plant no more than three bushes per meter. The fruits are large, cube-shaped, with walls up to 8 mm thick. From one square meter you can get up to 19 kg of fruit. Features of the largest varieties of pepper:

  • bear fruit all season long;
  • does not suffer from tobacco mosaic virus;
  • great aroma and taste;
  • not afraid of temperature changes.

The fruits of the large-fruited hybrid "Boatswain" become bright red when fully ripe. It has good shelf life and is resistant to transportation.

Grenadier F1

The hybrid has medium ripeness and high yield. Biological ripeness occurs on the 160th day. The bush grows up to two meters high, but it needs to be shaped, as it produces many stepsons. The planting density is three bushes per meter of land, this is the only way to get high yield. The fruit is in the shape of a prism with a long spout, with a weight of up to 650 g. This large-fruited variety of sweet pepper has walls 1 cm thick. The variety has its advantages:

  • good yield;
  • perfectly transportable;
  • well stored;
  • begins to bloom early;
  • fruits with excellent taste and aroma.

Now it’s worth considering large varieties of pepper for open ground and universal cultivation.

Growing peppers in open ground

There are varieties that are bred specifically for open ground, but they can be grown both in a greenhouse and in a greenhouse. There are a lot of early varieties of pepper with large fruits that can be grown in open ground. Experts are constantly working to develop new crops that can be adapted to any conditions.

All large, red pepper crops for open ground are early ripening. The crop is planted in open ground when the third true leaf appears on the seedling. Despite the fact that early-ripening large varieties of peppers are adapted to weather conditions and temperature changes, they require special care:

  • shading in bright sun;
  • timely watering;
  • constant feeding;
  • loosening the soil after each watering.

If you follow all of the above, you can get a very good harvest of large red peppers in open ground.

Claudio F1

Can be grown in any conditions. One bush can produce approximately 10-12 peppers. The taste quality of the fruits is very high, and they have a wonderful aroma. Already 70 days after planting, you can get the first harvest - fruits weighing 260 g. Peppers are in the shape of an elongated cube, red in color. The crop has a powerful stem that can withstand the load of several of the largest peppers. The foliage is quite dense, which is a plus when grown in open ground - it protects the fruits from the steaming sun. Hybrid features:

  • resistant to various viruses;
  • not afraid of sunburn;
  • tolerates temperature changes well, even critical ones.

The wall thickness of mature pepper exceeds one centimeter, while the variety has good shelf life and can be transported.

Quadro Red

The best variety of large-fruited sweet peppers, bred by Siberian breeders. Fruits weighing 350 g, cuboid in shape. It can grow both in greenhouses and greenhouses, and in open ground. Large-fruited, early-ripening variety that bears fruit well throughout the season. This variety is not very tall - 60 cm. But this stocky bush can produce up to 15 large fruits. The color of the cube-shaped large pepper is bright red. From one square meter of area you can get up to 3 kg of harvest. In order for the crop to bear fruit well, it is necessary to constantly pick ripe fruits and shoot them, forming a bush. The plant loves moisture and responds well to the application of complex fertilizers. The plant is grown by sowing directly into the ground.

Gemini F1

A large variety of pepper for open ground that can bear a large number of fruits on the bush. Large fruits weighing up to 400 g, while up to 10 peppers are formed on the bush at the same time. The first fruits can be harvested already on the 75th day of planting the seeds in the ground. This hybrid was bred in Holland, and it has many advantages:

  • even in difficult weather conditions it can adapt and bring a large harvest;
  • can grow in any conditions, be it a greenhouse or open ground;
  • a lot of fruits are formed on the bush;
  • the walls of the fruit are very fleshy and have good taste;
  • not susceptible to various diseases.

This large-fruited pepper variety is grown as seedlings. In the middle regions, sow seeds in early February. Despite the fact that the breeders made sure that the crop tolerates a lack of light well, it needs to be watered regularly and abundantly, otherwise you will not see a good harvest.

The bush is not tall, but it tolerates high yields and strong fruit formation. There is no need for constant pinching and bush formation. It responds well to feeding and fertilizing. The first harvest can be harvested in early August. Can be stored for a long time in a cool basement.

King Kong

This best variety of large-fruited sweet peppers was bred by American scientific breeders. An early ripening crop that produces a harvest 90 days after sowing. The variety has its own characteristics:

  • the harvest is high and stable;
  • the fruits are juicy, fleshy, tasty;
  • not afraid of temperature changes, even critical ones;
  • good transportation characteristics;
  • resistance to diseases.

The bush is standard, compact, up to 70 cm tall. The fruits are large, cube-shaped, which can reach up to 600 g. The bright red color of the fruit attracts attention, and has a wall 1 cm thick. The length of each fruit reaches 16-18 cm. Since the bush produces many large, fleshy fruits, the planting density should be up to 4 bushes per square meter. It is worth noting that if you break off a shoot, it will grow back very quickly. The variety is universal, it can be planted both in open ground and in greenhouses.


There are hybrids that have been on the market for a long time and have proven themselves over time.

California miracle

A sweet, mid-season variety that has an average bush height. The harvest is produced 120 days after sowing. The cube-shaped fruits are very large, reaching 160 g; the wall thickness reaches 0.8 cm.

Peto Miracle

A large bush 1 m high, with fruits up to 800 g and 25-30 cm long, the fruits can be red or yellow with excellent taste and aroma.


An early large-fruited variety of sweet pepper. The first harvest can be tasted 100 days after sowing. The fruits reach 500 g, while the wall thickness is equal to a centimeter. It can grow both indoors and outdoors.

Many people are afraid to sow large varieties of peppers, believing that they cannot do it. But don’t be afraid, they don’t require that much care. It is enough to remove the shoots in time, forming a bush, and water and feed well. Some varieties require mandatory garter.

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After the article, there was a huge number of reviews and additions about pepper varieties from gardeners and gardeners from different regions based on the results of 2018. Pepper lovers from Siberia, the Urals, Middle zone Russia, as well as the southern regions, leave their reviews about those varieties and hybrids of sweet peppers that they liked for their taste and yield.

If they ask me what are the most successful varieties of sweet peppers (based on the results of last summer) I select, and what varieties and hybrids I will plant again, then I will answer:

I consider these varieties and hybrids of peppers to be the best. They have passed two years of testing (and some more) and now will once again take their rightful place in my garden.

If you have large greenhouses or like to experiment in the open ground, then take a closer look at the other varieties and hybrids on this page - they also deserve attention, and they are all good in their own way, but my plot size (unfortunately) is not unlimited, so I chose only the most-most favorite.

Varieties of peppers with photos and descriptions, reviews

Pepper Apricot favorite

An early ripening variety of sweet pepper. The bush is low, only 40-50 cm.

The peppers are cone-shaped, smooth, weighing 100-120 g, with a wall thickness of 7 mm. This variety is grown in open ground and greenhouses. It bears fruit well in any summer.

Pepper yield Apricot favorite high.

Pepper Agapovsky

Mid-early variety of sweet pepper (99-120 days from the time of planting of seedlings). The bushes are compact, with many leaves.

The fruits are cube-shaped, weighing about 130 g, with a wall thickness of 7.5-8 mm. The variety is resistant to diseases and is intended for cultivation in protected soil.

Agapovsky pepper yield: 9.5 - 10.3 kg per 1 sq.m.

Pepper Atlant, characteristics

A mid-season variety of sweet pepper (70-75 days from germination to ripening), distinguished by large fruits. At biological maturity, these are red peppers with a diameter of 13-14 cm, a length of 18-20 cm with a wall thickness of 8-10 mm, with excellent taste.

Plant height is 70-75 cm. This variety is grown both in open and closed ground.

Atlant pepper yield: 3 - 5 kg/sq. m.

Pepper Tusk, description

An early ripening variety of sweet pepper, ripening in 95-105 days from the moment the seedlings are planted in the ground. The bushes are very tall, up to 160 cm.

The fruits are cylindrical, elongated, with a wall thickness of up to 8 mm and an average weight of 150 g. At biological maturity, the peppers are red. The taste is aromatic, sweet. Grown in open ground and greenhouses.

Productivity of sweet pepper Tusk: 2.6 kg/sq. m.

Pepper Big Daddy, characteristics

An early ripening variety of sweet pepper. The bush is compact.

The fruits are thick-walled, cylindrical, weighing 100 g, purple in color, and brown-red at biological maturity.

It is grown in open ground and in greenhouses. It is recommended to plant seedlings according to the following scheme: 50 x 30 cm. The variety is resistant to diseases and has stable yields.

Big Daddy pepper yield: 6.8 - 7.2 kg/sq. m.

Pepper Bogatyr, description, photo

Mid-early, high-yielding variety of sweet pepper. On a well-developed bush there are large, prism-shaped fruits, 15-18 cm long, with a wall thickness of about 7 mm and weighing 150-180 g each. The peppers are sweet, juicy, with a delicate pepper aroma. Bush height 55-60 cm.

The variety is resistant to Verticillium wilt.

Pepper yield Bogatyr: 3.5 - 7 kg/sq.m.

Pepper Bugai

The earliest ripening variety of large sweet peppers. Bush up to 60 cm high.

Peppers are thick-walled (wall up to 1 cm), cube-shaped, weighing up to 500 g, at maturity bright yellow color. The taste of this pepper is not very pronounced, rather neutral, but what is captivating is that it is one of the first to ripen.

Bugai pepper yield: 4.3 - 5.5 kg/sq. m.

Pepper Ox's ear, description, characteristics

Mid-season variety of sweet pepper. The height of the bush is 50-60 cm. Pepper Oxen's Ear is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation.

The fruits are large, elongated cone-shaped, bright red, glossy at maturity, weighing up to 200 g and wall thickness 6-8 mm.

The variety has good transportability.

Yield of pepper Ox's ear: 3.2 kg/sq. m.

Pepper Yellow Bell

A very early variety (from planting seedlings in the ground to ripening 65-70 days) of yellow sweet pepper. Bush height 70-80 cm.

The fruits are cube-shaped, about 12 cm in diameter and height, with a wall thickness of 8-10 mm. At biological maturity, peppers are golden yellow in color. The variety is resistant to diseases.

Pepper yield Yellow bell: up to 8 kg/sq. m.

Planting pattern in the ground: 50 x 30 cm.

Pepper Health, description, photo

One of the earliest varieties of sweet pepper. Technical ripeness occurs 80-90 days after germination. The bush is up to 1.5 meters high and produces up to 15 fruits.

The peppers are long, cone-shaped, weighing 40 g, with a wall thickness of 3-5 mm. It is grown only in protected soil.

Pepper yield Health: 4-4.6 kg/m2 (subject to agricultural technology, watering and fertilizing).

California miracle pepper, description, photos, reviews

A mid-early variety of sweet pepper, ripening on 73-75 days from the moment the seedlings are planted in the ground. The height of the bush is up to 1 meter.

The fruits at biological maturity are red, with a wall thickness of 7-8 mm, weighing up to 250 g. They are grown in open and closed ground.

Pepper yield California miracle: 3.1 kg/sq.m (subject to agricultural technology, watering and fertilizing).

Pepper Kolobok, characteristics

An early variety of sweet pepper with thick-walled spherical fruits, weighing 100-150 g. The bush is low, about 40 cm high.

The fruits are round-cuboidal, smooth, shiny, red in color when fully ripe, weighing 100-170 g, juicy and very tasty, without bitterness. The wall thickness is up to 1 cm. This pepper is very good for canning and fresh salads.

Pepper yield Kolobok: 3.5-5 kg/sq.m.

Pepper Red Shovel, description

A mid-early variety of sweet pepper for open ground and film shelters. The bush is up to 70 cm high. Up to 15 beautiful red fruits are formed on it, weighing up to 150 g each, with a wall thickness of up to 8 mm. The taste of pepper is sweet, with a pleasant peppery aroma.

Red Spade Pepper Yield: up to 5 kg/sq.m.

Pepper Tenderness, characteristics

Early ripening (82-85 days) variety of sweet pepper. The bush is tall, up to 1 m or more, and therefore requires gartering to a support. Grown in greenhouses.

The fruits are cone-shaped with a blunt apex, large, red in color at biological maturity, weighing 100-150 g, with a wall thickness of 7-8 mm. These peppers are juicy, sweet, and have thin skin.

Sweet pepper yield Tenderness: 1.7 - 1.9 kg/sq.m.

Pepper Topolin, description

An early-ripening, productive variety of sweet pepper for open ground.

The fruits are small, cone-shaped, weighing 100-150 g, bright red at maturity. Topolin pepper is well suited for stuffing and lecho.

Pepper yield Topolin: 4-5 kg/sq.m.

Pepper Fat Baron, description, photo

An early ripening variety of sweet pepper for open crops and film coverings. A spherical bush 50-60 cm high.

The peppers are cube-shaped, weighing about 300 g, with walls up to 1 cm thick, and bright red in color at maturity. The fruits are very sweet, without bitterness, there are 8-9 of them on the bush.

Pepper yield Fat Baron: 4.8 kg/sq.m.

Pepper Gypsy F1, description

Early hybrid with good taste and bright aroma. The bush is low, only 50-60 cm. The fruits ripen in 46-48 days from the moment the seedlings are planted in the ground.

Peppers are cone-shaped, with a blunt tip, weighing 100-120 g. At biological ripeness, the fruits are bright red. This pepper is grown both in open and protected ground. Sowing seeds for seedlings is recommended in early March, planting in the ground in early June.

Yield of Gypsy pepper: 6.0 - 7.0 kg/m2.

Pepper Eskimo F 1, characteristic

Very early hybrid sweet pepper. Ripens on the 60th day after planting seedlings in the ground.

A spreading bush with wide leaves, medium height.

The peppers are drooping, cube-shaped, glossy, dark red at maturity, weighing 150-400 g. Wall thickness 7-8 mm. The taste is excellent, without bitterness.

Eskimo pepper yield: 4.3-4.8 kg/sq.m.

The hybrid is resistant to TMV.

Pepper Gemini F1, description, photo

Abundantly fruiting early ripening hybrid of sweet pepper. The fruits ripen 72-76 days from the moment the seedlings are planted in the ground. The bush is powerful, large, erect with 7-10 fruits weighing up to 400 g each.

Peppers are thick-walled, cuboid-elongated, bright yellow at biological maturity. They have high taste qualities. This hybrid bears fruit well even in “bad” summers. It is grown both in open ground and in greenhouses.

Gemini pepper yield: 2.5 - 4.8 kg/sq.m.

Pepper Claudio F1, description, photo

Early ripening hybrid of sweet pepper. The fruits ripen on average on the 80th day after planting the seedlings in the ground. The bush of this pepper is powerful, erect, and well leafy. One bush can produce up to 12 peppers. At biological maturity, these are dark red, thick-walled, cube-shaped, elongated fruits.

The hybrid has excellent taste and good transportability. The average weight of the fruit is 200-250 g. It is grown in greenhouses and open ground.

Productivity of Claudio pepper: up to 4 kg/sq.m.

Pepper Tevere F1, description

Mid-season hybrid of thick-walled sweet pepper. Included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for cultivation in open ground in private household plots in the southern regions of the country. Medium to tall plant.

The fruits are drooping, cylindrical, yellow in color at maturity, weighing 150-180 g, excellent taste, juicy. Wall thickness up to 8 mm.

Tevere pepper yield: 3.7 kg/sq.m.

The hybrid is resistant to TMV.

Pepper Star of the East white F1, description, photo

Early hybrid of sweet pepper. On a powerful bush 60-70 cm high, 7-8 cube-shaped fruits weighing 200-250 g each are formed. At biological maturity, peppers have a white-cream color.

The value of this hybrid is that, in addition to good taste, it also has good transportability, as well as resistance to various diseases.

Yield of pepper Star of the East white: under film covers 7.6 kg/sq.m.

If there is insufficient moisture, the fruits of this hybrid can be affected by blossom end rot.

Pepper Star of the East white in red F1

An early, very productive hybrid of sweet pepper. Bush of medium height, semi-spreading.

Fruits weighing up to 200 g, with a wall thickness of 8-10 mm, are red at biological maturity.

The hybrid is resistant to diseases, has excellent taste and good transportability. It can be grown in open ground and in a greenhouse.

The yield of pepper Star of the East white in red is high.

Pepper Star of the East golden F1

Super-yielding early hybrid of sweet pepper. The bush is powerful, up to 70 cm high.

The peppers are prismatic, highly glossy, weighing 150-250 g each, with a wall thickness of 8-10 mm. At biological maturity these are bright yellow juicy sweet peppers. The hybrid is disease resistant.

Yield of pepper "Star of the East" golden: up to 7.3 kg/sq. m.

Pepper Star of the East chocolate F1, description, photo

High-yielding mid-season (111-115 days) hybrid of sweet pepper. The bush is about 60-70 cm high, powerful, semi-spreading.

The peppers are prismatic, glossy, weighing up to 350 g each, with a wall thickness of 8-10 mm. At biological maturity, the peppers are juicy, sweet, and dark brown in color.

This hybrid is resistant to disease and has good shelf life.

Yield of sweet pepper Zvezda Vostok chocolate: up to 10 kg/sq. m.

Pepper Isabella F1, description

High-yielding mid-season hybrid of sweet pepper. The bush is powerful, but compact. There can be up to 20 fruits on a bush, weighing 130-160 g each. Peppers are prismatic, with a wall thickness of up to 1 cm. At biological maturity, they are bright red in color.

The hybrid is unpretentious in cultivation, has excellent taste and good transportability.

Isabella pepper yield: 12 - 14 kg/sq.m.

Pepper Fatty F1

Mid-season hybrid (111-115 days) of sweet pepper. It is grown in open ground and in greenhouses. Bush 60-70 cm high.

The peppers are large, cube-shaped, weighing up to 400 g each, with a wall thickness of about 6-8 mm. At biological maturity, these are fleshy, sweet, very juicy and aromatic cherry-colored peppers.

Hybrid value: resistance to a complex of diseases, large-fruited, excellent quality of fruits, keeping quality and transportability.

Pepper yield: above average.

Pepper Belladonna F1

A productive pepper hybrid for greenhouses and open ground. The fruits ripen in 55 days from the moment the seedlings are planted in the ground. The bush is powerful, but compact.

The fruits are small, weighing 140-160 g each, but with thick walls (8 mm). At biological maturity, peppers are yellow in color.

Belladonna pepper yield: 4.2 - 4.5 kg/sq. m.

Perets Denis F1, description, photo

An early-ripening, high-yielding Dutch hybrid of sweet peppers that sets fruit perfectly even in unfavorable weather conditions. Recommended for growing in greenhouses, temporary film shelters and in open ground. The bush is medium-sized and powerful.

The fruits are large, dark red in color at maturity, weighing up to 400 g each, juicy, aromatic, sweet, without bitterness. The wall thickness of this pepper is up to 1.2 cm. These peppers have good transportability.

Pepper yield Denis F1: up to 7 kg/sq.m.

Pepper Maradonna F1, description

An early Dutch hybrid of sweet peppers for greenhouses and open ground. A garter to a support or trellis is required. The bush is powerful, tall, up to 80 cm.

The peppers are large, cube-shaped, weighing 210-230 g each, wall thickness 7-8 mm. At biological maturity, peppers are yellow-orange in color. The fruits are suitable for consumption in fresh and processing. They have good shelf life and transportability.

Maradonna pepper yield: 7-10 kg/sq.m.

Planting pattern: 50 x 60 cm.

Pepper Rhapsody F1, characteristics

An early, productive hybrid of sweet pepper. Ripens on 73-75 days from the moment the seedlings are planted in the ground. The height of the bush is 65-75 cm. The hybrid is very unpretentious and bears fruit in almost any year, even a “bad” one.

The fruits are conical, long (15-16 cm), wall thickness 6-7 mm. At biological maturity, peppers are yellow in color.

The hybrid is resistant to tobacco mosaic virus and stressful conditions.

What varieties of sweet peppers do you consider the best? Do you grow them in a greenhouse or in open ground? Have you tried growing purple or black varieties? Which ones taste better: red, yellow or black? Please share your opinion in the comments.

According to scientists, such a vegetable in our beds as Bell pepper, the varieties of which allow one to obtain simply fantastic yields, deserves at least 3 gold medals among all vegetable crops: for the content of vitamin C, for vitamin A (carotene) and vitamin PP, which is generally very rare. It contains 8-10 times more ascorbic acid (vitamin C) than in onions and tomatoes, twice as much as in black currants and even lemons. Sweet peppers also contain large quantities of natural sugars, mineral macro- and microelements, B vitamins, vitamin K and others. In general, this is the real king of vegetables for open ground. We offer short review the best modern varieties of sweet peppers.

What are sweet peppers?

Over the past hundred years, scientists have managed to develop more than a thousand varieties of this vegetable, which never cease to delight us with their shape, color and size. Just 30 years ago, all peppers were either cream or red, but now color variety simply amazing - from creamy white to almost black color. There are varieties of sweet peppers with yellow, orange, lilac, purple, chocolate, two and three-colored fruits.

Modern peppers are also varied in shape - standard cones, pyramids, rectangles and squares, turban-shaped balls, bells, sabers - for every taste.

The sizes are also very different - from 50 to 600 grams, and there are champions with 800-1000 gram fruits.

According to their intended purpose, fruits are of salad type, for canning, pickling, freezing, drying and stuffing.

Thick-walled large-fruited varieties

A very important quality of salad varieties is wall thickness. The best varieties sweet peppers with fleshy thick walls of large-sized fruits are as follows:

  • American Giant;
  • Bel Goy;
  • Carlos;
  • Ilyusha;
  • Baron;
  • Golden miracle;
  • Fatty;
  • Siberian format;
  • Red giant;
  • Ox ear;
  • Mastodon;
  • Italian boot;
  • Shorokshary;

All of them are very tasty, and when ripe they are stored for a long time. If provided the right conditions, then you can enjoy your peppers until the New Year and beyond. These varieties for open ground are also excellent for freezing and for preparing lecho both in the summer and in preparations for the winter. Among those listed, the earliest are the yellow-fruited Sunshine, Golden Pheasant and Heart of Italy, and the red ones (Anastasia, Kolokol) belong to the mid-late varieties. The fruits of these varieties range from 250 to 500 grams, the wall thickness is 8-10 mm, the yield is 5-8 kg per bush.

The best peppers for stuffing and processing

Pepper varieties for this purpose have a peculiarity - their fruits are medium-sized, aligned, and ripen in several waves in large quantities. Among them there are very early varieties that produce their entire harvest in June-July, and there are those that ripen right up to frost. The best varieties and hybrids for open ground:

We will also list such varieties for open ground, early and late, long tested by our gardeners and summer residents: Aeneas, Antey, Triton, Cinderella, Marimba, Alba, New Russian, Marisha, Moor, Stepashka.

These pepper bushes are compact, but very powerful, with beautiful foliage, fruits of different colors, with a wall thickness of 7-8 mm, a yield of about 4 kg per square meter.

Peppers for drying

The best varieties for drying are early, long (up to 30 cm!) Miracle paprika and Sabelka. They ripen earlier than everyone else and go well in the first fresh salads. But their main use is drying, which is carried out directly in the sun. Two days are enough for complete drying. Then the peppers must be ground in a coffee grinder until aromatic and very useful powder. Store in a tightly closed jar in a cool place. This is an indispensable seasoning for borscht, soups, and sauces.

Sweet mini peppers

Recently, varieties have appeared on the seed market, the fruits of which are the same in size as bitter peppercorns - up to 50 grams in weight, but very juicy and sweet in taste. There are so many of them on the bush that it looks like Christmas tree. The best of this species for growing in open ground is the variety New Year's garlands. It looks amazing in jars and can be added whole to salads and as a side dish for meat.

Pepper bed favorites

It is simply impossible to describe all the huge variety of varieties. We will focus on those varieties that leading gardeners recognized as the best in previous seasons in terms of yield, resistance to diseases and vagaries of weather, and also in taste.

  • Lemon miracle. Early ripening variety, bush up to 60 cm in height. The fruits are yellow-orange, smooth, even, 180-200 grams. Well tolerated unfavourable conditions growing, tasty, great for canning in any form.
  • Fatty. Mid-season variety, up to 50 cm high. The fruits are cube-shaped, thick-walled - 0.8 mm, bright red in color, with a soft harmonious taste.
  • Siberian bonus. Medium ripening period, small bush - up to half a meter. Fruits are 200-300 grams, dark orange, glossy, cube-shaped, wall up to 1.2 mm! The variety is included in the cohort of the best in the world - enviable size, rare color, unsurpassed taste combined with a delicate consistency of the pulp.
  • Hercules. Mid-season variety with dark red cube-shaped fruits. Fruit weight up to 350 grams, walls up to 1 cm. The pulp is juicy, with a pronounced peppery taste. There are so many fruits that the bushes can break off under their weight - it is recommended to tie the branches to pegs.
  • White gold. One of the earliest varieties. The bush is short - 40 cm, the fruits are pearly yellow, weighing 300-400 grams, juicy, aromatic, with a delicate spicy taste. A variety for universal use.
  • Siberian format. Medium-sized bushes up to 70 cm high. The fruits are red, cube-shaped, weighing 350-500 grams, walls up to 1 cm, the taste is amazing.
  • The sun of Italy. The variety has a medium ripening period, the bush is small - up to 50 cm in height. The fruits are prism-shaped, lemon-orange in color, very large. Reach a weight of up to 500-600 grams at good care. Very juicy and sweet. Excellent variety for commercial cultivation. Resistant to most pepper diseases.
  • Shorokshary. One of the best Moldovan varieties, has a number of international awards. The bush is 40-50 cm high, each with up to 20 huge cone-shaped fruits. At the same time, the bush has green, yellow and red-orange fruits. The taste is very pleasant. Ideal variety for preparing lecho and canned salads.
  • Ox ear. One of the best varieties of peppers to taste. Bush 70-80 cm, fruits are red, long, cone-shaped. The wall thickness is 1 cm, it bears fruit until frost.
  • Health. A productive, multi-fruit variety from the earliest. All his fruits seem to be calibrated - they weigh about 100 grams. Ideal for stuffing and preparations. Included in the TOP 10 for vitamin C content.
  • Alba. A unique variety of Moldavian selection with a thick, juicy wall that tolerates heat well. It can be stored for a very long time. Amazing yield. With proper care, it can produce up to 8 kg per 1 sq. meters of landings. The bush is low - about 50 cm.
  • Belozerka. This variety is called a hard worker, as it produces stable yields regardless of the vagaries of the weather. It is unpretentious and suitable for cultivation in both southern and northern regions. Very attractive in appearance - already at the stage of technical ripeness, the fruits are very beautiful yellow in color, with a pleasant taste. The fruits are large and one-dimensional.
  • Anastasia. The dark cherry fruits of this unique variety heart-shaped ones are more similar to tomatoes and just as tasty, sweet, aromatic, thick-walled. This variety can even be grown in flowerpots on the balcony - an excellent harvest is guaranteed.
  • Carpathia. Tall bush - up to 1 meter, light-colored fruits with a golden tint, up to 20 cm long, even, smooth, very tasty.
  • Golden Jubilee. Early, high-yielding, cube-shaped fruit, smooth, bright orange color, weight 140-150 grams. The walls have an average thickness of 0.7 mm. The height of the bush is about 70 cm, the crown is large.
  • Bel Goy. The best of large-fruited peppers with elongated cube-shaped fruits weighing up to 400 grams, with excellent peppery taste. Bush up to 1.2 m. We recommend buying seeds only in company stores, since there are no varietal seeds in the markets.

Be sure to grow sweet peppers in your garden, because they are not only tasty and beautiful, but also have medicinal properties. There is nothing more useful than natural vitamins.

Since time immemorial, humanity began to cultivate land in order to receive the rich gifts of the earth. Vegetables, fruits, grains - all these products have become an integral part of the diet of any person.

Among vegetable crops, sweet or bell peppers occupy a particularly important place. Interestingly, bell pepper is called mainly in Russia. In other countries it is known as paprika or sweet pepper. This is due to the fact that after the “migration” of the culture from Central America to Europe, and then to Bulgaria, sweet peppers found a “second wind” in the form of new varieties. Scientists in this country began to actively engage in selective breeding of the plant and developed the best varieties of sweet pepper, which were appreciated by residents Russian state at the very beginning of the 20th century, and then switched to mass purchases of vegetables in Bulgaria. Since then, in Russia, all varieties of sweet peppers are called Bulgarian.

On this moment A huge variety of pepper varieties have been developed. There are a large number of criteria that influence the selection of planting material, for example, for greenhouses. You should choose the seeds of the best varieties of sweet peppers, taking into account the following characteristics.

Ripening time

The timing of fruit ripening is the most important indicator, therefore, when choosing seeds, you need to pay attention to it first. In the northern regions, where the summer is short, it may not ripen, and the efforts expended will be in vain.

For example, residents of the Moscow region have already identified the most suitable varieties for themselves. The answer to a common question: what are the best varieties of sweet peppers for the Moscow region - reviews from people who have tested in practice the suitability of certain varieties of vegetables for greenhouse cultivation in this region. The most popular varieties are Dobrynya, Aries, and Mercury F1. Farmers assessed their early ripening (90-95 days) and productivity (12-14 kg/m2). The best varieties of sweet peppers for greenhouses in the Moscow region: Bagration, Nochka F1, Alyonushka, Orange King, Cardinal, Latino F1.

The best varieties of sweet peppers for the Moscow region, suitable for cultivation “in the open air”, have also been identified: Atlantic, Gogoshary, Golden Taurus. What all three varieties have in common is that they belong to mid-early varieties, can be grown without film cover and produce a good harvest.

The most pressing issue is the early ripening of fruits for residents of the northern parts of Russia, for example, for the Urals. The most suitable varieties of sweet pepper for the Urals: Montero, Pioneer, Kupets, Bogatyr, Red (or Yellow) Bull, Winnie the Pooh. All of them are the best varieties of sweet peppers for the Urals for the winter, as they are classified as early and mid-early varieties and give a good harvest in unheated greenhouses, as well as in open ground under a film.

Pepper ripening time: early, middle, late

Peppers are considered early if the time from the moment the plant sprouts until the first fruit is received is about 80 days (maximum - 100).

Medium varieties of sweet peppers. A plant of medium ripening will bear fruit on the 115-130th day.

If the bell pepper is a late variety, the ripening process will take up to 140 days.

Fruit color

It would seem, why pay attention to the color of pepper? After all, the color of the fruit only adds decorativeness to one or another variety. It turns out that in some cases, color can tell something about the beneficial properties of the fruit. By growing a red vegetable, a person receives large quantity vitamin C than, for example, yellow pepper. The yellow variety, in turn, is rich in potassium, which is necessary for maintaining cardiovascular and nervous system. Orange sweet peppers “signal” the presence of carotene.

You should also remember about the changing colors of peppers during ripening. At the technical ripening stage, the fruits are usually green. Fully ripe vegetables acquire the color characteristic of the variety.

Fruit shape

Bell peppers come in different shapes: cone-shaped, prism-shaped, almost round, cube-shaped. The shape of the vegetable is taken into account depending on the purpose for which it will be used. For example, round peppers, such as the Solnyshko variety, are best suited for stuffing.

"Place of residence"

When choosing seeds, we must not forget about the conditions in which the pepper will “live”: greenhouse, “ Fresh air", room. Each packet of seeds indicates whether the plant should be grown in open, closed ground or on a loggia in an apartment. When purchasing seed, it is advisable to pay attention to the seed packaging, which indicates the conditions for growing the plant. Many sweets for greenhouses will most likely not produce the promised harvest outdoors. Today, the best varieties of sweet peppers for greenhouses include the following representatives: California Miracle, Agapovsky, Atlant F1, Apricot Favorite, Belladonna F1, Eastern Star, Lastochka, Cardinal F1, Bogatyr, Isabella F1.

The best option for a garden bed

Everyone wants to grow the most best pepper, which would be the largest, most delicious, beautiful and juicy.
Having tried to compile a rating of bell pepper based on its best indicators, you can get the following picture.

The largest pepper

Purchasing high-quality seeds of giant peppers increases the likelihood of getting a high yield of large, juicy “elephants” weighing up to 0.5 kg. Experienced vegetable growers have identified the largest varieties of sweet peppers that produce simply gigantic fruits:

In addition, the varieties that produce the most massive peppers include other varieties of the southern vegetable: Atlant, Gems, Ox Ear, Bogatyr, Bychok, Red Shovel, Big Papa.

The most productive pepper

An important role in obtaining good harvest plays an indicator of the yield of the variety.

What are the most productive varieties of sweet pepper that domestic farmers love? Which plant produces the greatest amount of juicy, aromatic produce?

Other varieties of bell pepper also showed good yield indicators: Mammoth, Golden Calf, Don Pedro, Three Fat Men, Samotsvety, Fat Baron, Kolobok.

The earliest pepper

Ripening time is perhaps the most important factor to consider when choosing peppers for planting. Early varieties in this sense occupy a leading position, since they guarantee a guaranteed harvest in the northern regions, and in the southern regions, early peppers are sometimes used to obtain two harvests per season.

The early varieties of sweet peppers for open ground, which are also suitable for greenhouses, have most earned the trust of vegetable growers:

The shortest pepper

In the cramped conditions of small garden plots, it is very important to place all your favorite garden crops. Often the most productive pepper varieties are tall plants, requiring a lot of space. In addition, there is a problem with supports to which the bush needs to be attached so that under the weight of the fruit it does not break and end up on the ground. Such problems can be easily avoided if you choose the shortest varieties of sweet peppers for your garden plot.

What varieties of “small growth” are considered to be the best?

Slight growth is also typical for the following varieties of sweet pepper: Agapovsky, Eroshka, Albatros F1, Gemini F1, Timoshka, Ilya Muromets.

The thickest pepper

Sometimes the wall thickness of the pepper plays a decisive role in the selection of seeds. For lovers of this product, it is very important to choose the best varieties of sweet peppers with thick walls for preparing all kinds of fresh and pickled salads. The following varieties of sweet peppers with thick walls (more than 6 mm) and juicy pulp can boast positive reviews: Red Giant, Californian Miracle, Ox's Ear, Tolstyachok, Anastasia, Belozerka, Kolobok, Fat Baron. By the way, all of the listed representatives are the most acceptable varieties of thick-walled sweet peppers for open ground, giving bountiful harvest without covering with film.

vegetable crop, loved by people for its pleasant taste and healing properties, which make the vegetable an essential ingredient in many summer salads and other dishes. Right choice seeding material largely determines the quality of the future harvest, so you should approach this problem with all responsibility. Specialized stores will help with this, where you can choose a variety that takes into account all the wishes of the farmer.

On Special attention sweet bell pepper deserves professional gardeners and amateurs. The varieties that are included in this subgroup are very diverse. During the ripening period, it decorates any garden bed with its colorful, bright fruits. Why is this vegetable called Bulgarian? It is interesting that it was the Bulgarians who brought the plant to the territory of Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, and Kazakhstan. For this reason, and since then, we began to conventionally call all sweet peppers Bulgarian. What varieties bell pepper the best? This question is asked by all beginning gardeners.

It is grown mainly in garden beds, in the open sun. But it is also suitable for various types greenhouses and greenhouses.

The best varieties of bell pepper are:

  • Apricot favorite. Distinctive feature The plants have small, cone-shaped yellow fruits. The weight of each does not exceed 130 g. A universal variety, intended for cultivation both indoors and indoors. open conditions. The shape of the bushes is quite compact (no higher than half a meter), which allows you to plant up to 6 plants on one square. The apricot favorite will delight gardeners with a bountiful harvest. Besides it, the best varieties of yellow bell pepper are: Bagration, Yellow Bouquet, Alyonushka. They are often used for preparing vegetable dishes, stews and various wraps, giving them a unique aroma and taste.
  • Agapovsky. Mid-early, it is intended for growing in closed conditions. It is red in color and compact in size. The bushes are medium-sized. The weight of one fruit does not exceed 140 g. Sweet, juicy and aromatic. Used to prepare a variety of fresh dishes, ideal for pickling. It goes well with many salad vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage), giving them a rich, exquisite taste. In addition to Agapovsky, the best varieties of red sweet pepper are widely used for food: Bogatyr, Aries, Atlant.
  • Atlantic. Very sweet and healthy vegetable. It contains large quantities of substances necessary for the body: lycopene (breaks down fats and helps improve metabolic processes), and carotene (provitamin A). It also contains phytosterols, which ensure lipid metabolism. The Atlantic variety of green bell pepper is very useful for high cholesterol. It will help regulate its level in the blood. In addition, it is a low-calorie food product and is used in therapeutic diets. The fruits are quite large, their weight reaches up to 250 g. They grow on bushes, the height of which will reach 1-1.4 m. In addition to Atlantic, there are other good varieties green pepper. Reviews say that some of the best are: Voskovy, Vityaz, Aganovets, Chinese Green, Crimean, Fat Baron, Valais Rouge.
  • Orange miracle. Early ripening, the bushes are quite large (about a meter in height). Fruit average size. Their length is only 9 cm. Productivity is up to 12 kg/1m. Many housewives also appreciate the Orange Miracle for its excellent properties, which are preserved during conservation. This one is used. This is a very healthy vegetable. It is rich in vitamins C, A, B. In addition to the Orange miracle, summer residents often grow personal plots and the following types of vegetables: Orange Giant, Jubilee, Prince, Mango. Many people use them to decorate their holiday table.
  • Chocolate Joe. Notable is the fact that purple-colored varieties tolerate the cold of northern regions very well. That is why Chocolate Joe is the best variety of pepper for the Urals, Siberia and the Moscow region. The purple color is achieved due to the presence of a special pigment in the fruit - anthocyanin. The vegetable has large fruits, each weighing about a third of a kilogram. They are quite long and cone-shaped with a cut off tip. From one meter of area you can collect up to 14 kg. ripe fruits. In addition to Chocolate Joe, other types of this purple vegetable should be highlighted: Purple Apple, Purple Miracle, Lilac Mist, Purple Bell.

Bell peppers contain the most vitamin C, regardless of the variety. Vitamin A is almost twice as much as in carrots, and an order of magnitude higher than in eggplants.

As nutritionists note, bell peppers have a very good effect on the body. The combination of its various types allows you to combine a menu, both for weight loss and for the treatment of many diseases.

What are the most productive varieties of bell peppers?

Many summer residents are looking for quality planting material, which can be purchased at a gardening store or collected at home. According to reviews, preference is given to large, thick-walled fruits. The category “meaty varieties of bell peppers” includes:

Bell pepper seeds, the best varieties of which are presented above, should be germinated for seedlings in late winter - early spring. To get a high-quality abundant harvest, it is necessary to carry out proper care at each stage of growing a vegetable, right up to harvesting ripe fruits.

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