Growing vegetables as a business profit. Growing vegetables as a business. Which tax system to choose

Our interlocutor is Gafurov Rasul Usmanovich. He works as a surgeon in a regional hospital in a small town in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, but at the same time he also manages to conduct own business– grows vegetables in the fields. How does he do this?

Main points of the interview:

  • Type of activity: growing vegetables
  • Business location: Russia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
  • Occupation before starting a business: surgeon (business is conducted in parallel with medical activities)
  • Organizational and legal form of doing business: individual entrepreneur
  • Initial investment amount: 50,00 rub.
  • Source initial capital: personal savings, help from relatives
  • Payback period: within the first season of operation
  • How the business started: by planting potatoes on one hectare of land
  • The first harvest was 18 tons of selected potatoes (3 tons were planted).
  • Formula for success: “The most important thing in business is to have a good attitude towards what you do - there will always be results!”

Hello! Tell our readers about what you do?

In general, by profession I am a surgeon, I work at the Prokhladnenskaya regional hospital. But I also have my own business - I grow vegetables in the fields.

How did you come up with the idea of ​​doing business in parallel with your work as a surgeon?

In general, it is quite difficult to combine your main job with running your own business. But when there is not enough money, you have to look for a way out of the current situation. That is why I decided to try to open my own business.

I was prompted to do this by talking to a friend who started growing potatoes. According to him, he earned 9 times more than he invested. I planted 500 kg and harvested 5 tons. Such a profit could not leave me indifferent!

Why did you decide to pursue farming rather than something closer to medicine? Where did you get your knowledge about growing vegetables?

In our small town, I did not see any prospects for doing anything related to medicine. Private clinic It’s too difficult to open, there are already many pharmacies.

My father was a war and labor veteran, and back in Soviet era he was allocated a plot of land (1 hectare). There we worked as a family, planting vegetables. Therefore, I have been familiar with farming since childhood; I know and can do a lot.

Nowadays, one look at a potato is enough for me and I can tell what variety it is and in what region it was grown.

How did you start your business?

I rented 1 hectare of land and planted potatoes. The harvest turned out to be 1 in 6. I planted 3 tons and harvested 18 tons. It was very good result! After that, I firmly decided that I would continue growing vegetables next year.

How is your case registered?

How is the land you work on regulated?

I rent land.

What taxes do you pay?

Does your main job allow you to devote time to business, or do you take time off and vacation during the harvest?

In this sense, I was lucky - according to the law, we, surgeons, have a vacation of as much as 45 days. I divide it into two parts - I take 20 days when vegetables are being planted (in the spring), and 25 when the harvest is in progress, in the fall.

Where do you store the harvest and how do you sell it? Have you tried selling your products through online stores?

I don’t store the harvest anywhere, I sell it straight from the field! I sell wholesale, all at once. Of course, I set the price lower, but then I don’t have to decide where to store it all, how to sell and transport it, and so on. I don’t have a huge barn or a spacious, dry basement at home. So I sell it straight from the field on the same day we collect it.

But it all depends on what exactly you are growing. For example, one day I planted beets. Its harvest occurs in November-December, and prices were low. I wanted to earn more money, and I found a place where I could store it. It lay beautifully in the basement for several months, and we sold it for good price Later.

I didn’t even think about chain stores, since the problem was with storage space.

Now you have grown a product, but before you sell it, do you need to certify it or obtain any permits?

We take a certificate from the collective farm from which we rent land. It is needed for carriers who pick up products from our fields. That’s what we call it, “traveling”. I have not heard about the need to certify grown vegetables.

Does the state help you?

They offered me help - to take out a loan with a reduced interest rate. But, to be honest, I don’t even have time to delve into the terms of this offer - I’m in the hospital all week, and on the weekends I’m on the field. For now I'm making do on my own.

How will joining the WTO affect your business?

I don't think so. I have a small business, this will only affect large suppliers.

What mistakes can you warn those who want to start growing vegetables from?

Even 20 years ago it was possible to give some advice. Now farming is becoming unprofitable and very difficult, so I don’t even know what to advise.

One of our main problems is the appearance of a large number of pests: potatoes have their own, cabbage has its own... This never happened before. You need to treat the plants all the time, otherwise the insects will simply devour the entire crop. And all the chemicals that destroy them are very expensive.

Therefore, now I cannot give any guarantees to those who want to do this. I can’t give an accurate forecast - you plant this much and you get this much. If you have money, invest it, you won’t end up in the red, but the amount of profit can fluctuate greatly due to such costs. One year I get 1 in 6, the next - 1 in 4...

Are you planning to open a vegetable processing plant? Why?

No. I consider this unprofitable. And in general, this is a completely different direction, you need to thoroughly understand it. It is necessary to make places for storing vegetables where humidity, temperature, and so on will be maintained.

Why do you think some people are able to do business and others are not?

If you treat what you do well, there will always be results! In principle, farming is profitable in any case, you just need to have time, finances and special knowledge. You need to consult with those who understand this.

Personally, I even took soil from my field to the laboratory for analysis, where they told me what was missing in the soil and what needed to be added. Others don’t do this, they think that they can just unload a truck of manure onto the field and not think about anything else. And here, too, problems may arise - if you add a lot of it, the field will be overgrown with grass, which will have to be poisoned with expensive reagents... In short, you need to figure it out and run your business competently!

Your parting words to our readers who want to start their own business.

Acquire knowledge in the area where you plan to open your business.

Food production can be called one of the most promising areas of business. According to economists, this type of product will only become more expensive. In this light, growing vegetables as a business looks quite attractive.

  1. With a place – you need to find a suitable one land plot with fertile soil. The soil should be analyzed for the presence of contamination with nitrates, heavy metals, pesticides, etc.
  2. With vegetable crops - study market conditions for the most popular vegetables suitable for growing in the selected area.
  3. With varieties of vegetable plants best suited for growing in the conditions of the selected area.

At the stage of choosing a variety, you need to take into account the availability and quality guarantees of seeds, and the manufacturer’s recommendations for plant care.

Deviation from the conditions for growing vegetables leads to a decrease in varietal potential. Next, you can and should begin learning the basics of vegetable growing. Ignorance of the principles of agriculture, reluctance to learn and persistent adherence to the stereotype “this is how our grandfathers did it” has led to the generally accepted opinion that agriculture is unprofitable. For example, taking into account the ripening time different cultures And temperature conditions in the region it is possible to grow vegetables in two harvests per season. Grown vegetables are sold in various ways, each of which has its own pros and cons:

  • selling on the wholesale or retail market brings good profits, fast turnover, the possibility of large deliveries, but requires transport and time;
  • selling products to visiting wholesalers will save time and transportation costs, but loses in price;
  • shops, supermarkets, restaurants offer excellent prices, but also require high quality products and regular deliveries;
  • growing vegetables to order for a specific buyer - most often this concerns environmentally friendly growing technologies associated with high labor costs.

Expenses and income

The quality of any purchased product is its main criterion. In vegetable growing, this trend is becoming increasingly stronger over time. Interested buyers are willing to pay 20-25% more for high-quality vegetables without substances harmful to the body. Main cost items in vegetable growing:

  • planting (sowing) material;
  • plant protection products;
  • fertilizers;
  • rental, construction of structures, repairs, improvement;
  • costs for the purchase and maintenance of transport and machinery;
  • payment of utility bills;
  • hiring workers.

The cost of production is determined by the ratio of the sum of the costs of growing vegetables to their weight (harvest). Calculation of the economic efficiency of vegetable growing is somewhat different in the case of cultivation in open ground and in closed. In the first case, it is defined:

  • the amount of gross output produced per 1 hectare of land (expressed in cash and in kind);
  • cost of vegetables (1 c.);
  • labor productivity;
  • total profit;
  • relative profit per unit area.

In vegetable growing in protected soil economic efficiency depends on the output of goods per 1 sq.m., the cost of 1 c. vegetables, profit margin per 1 sq.m. and for 1 frame.

Methods and technologies for growing vegetables

There are two main ways to grow vegetables locally:

  • Open ground – fields, beds;
  • Closed ground - greenhouse, greenhouse.

One of the best ways is growing vegetables in a greenhouse. After all, thanks to it you will be able to get a harvest throughout the year, and if you decide to do this business for business, then in winter the prices for any vegetables are usually higher.

If you are interested in technologies for growing vegetables, then there are quite a lot of them and each vegetable has quite a few methods, especially potatoes. We list some for all plants:

  • Hydroponics is growing vegetables without soil.
  • Potatoes under straw - the tubers are not planted in the ground, but are simply covered with a layer of straw, thanks to which they receive nutrients as it rots. The advantage of this technology is the quick harvest, and a very clean harvest, because the potatoes do not need to be peeled from the soil.
  • Growing according to Mittlider is a technology for potatoes when loosening and hilling are abandoned.
  • Combined crops are a method when several crops are combined, i.e. they are planted together. This is done so that one culture helps another. Here you need to know which vegetables and plants help each other in this.
  • Other. There are a lot of them.

Opening your own food production enterprise is always a profitable business if its owner is able to justify the inexhaustible interest of consumers. Growing vegetables as a business, however, has a number of features, since it is associated with such a thing as damage to goods, which is simply impossible to avoid if the products were not sold on time. We will try to figure out how not to burn out in the field of vegetable growing.

Features of this direction

When starting to produce various crops, you always need to remember some rules, non-compliance with which leads to a decrease in sales. These include sowing dates, knowledge of the principles of agriculture in general, and features temperature regime in your region.

Vegetable growing has several features that may be useful in the business planning process:

  • selling vegetables wholesale and retail always brings quick profits, makes it possible to sell goods in large quantities, but at the same time requires transport and time costs;
  • one of the ways to sell products is to sell to visiting wholesalers, which is a very convenient, but less profitable option, since in this case pick-up is provided, which significantly reduces the price of vegetables;
  • You can also offer the harvested crop to restaurants, cafes, and sanatoriums, but do not forget that the requirements for its quality will be completely different than if you sold the products on the market;
  • to cultivate vegetable crops It is also possible to order individually, but then we will be talking about environmentally friendly production technologies;
  • This direction does not require large financial investments, but it should be pursued only when there is interest and certain knowledge in agriculture.

Do not forget that vegetables are much cheaper in summer than in winter, and therefore the main profit can be expected with the onset of autumn and before the new harvest.

Selecting a site

If you don’t know where to start a vegetable business, start it by choosing a plot of land. This stage is key in the entire process. This is due to the fact that the quantity and quality of the harvest will depend on the fertility of the soil.

Finding a suitable plot of land in rural areas will not be difficult; the main thing is to coordinate all issues with local authorities.

The entire process of planning this type of business can be divided into three stages:

  1. Selecting a plot of land for carrying out activities.
  2. Selecting vegetable crops to work with.
  3. Selection of varieties of these vegetable crops.

Having decided on a specific direction, you need to become thoroughly familiar with the conditions for growing vegetables, the type of soil that is suitable for their normal growth, the conditions of feeding, care, susceptibility to diseases and pests.

It would be nice if, along with the plot, you also purchased small house, since the vegetable care season lasts from April to October. The question of how to get to your vegetable farm should not be too pressing.

Greenhouse business

It should be noted right away that there can be two ways to grow vegetables:

  1. On open ground.
  2. In the greenhouse.

Each of them certainly has its own advantages and disadvantages. But if you plan to make growing vegetables a reality all year round as a business, then you should think about greenhouse production.

Don't forget that producing vegetables on an industrial scale will require mandatory registration your enterprise. You can choose individual entrepreneurship or LLC. In order to make it possible to realize the result of your work, you will need to obtain a quality certificate issued by the sanitary and epidemiological service.

What do you need to remember to make your greenhouse business profitable?

Therefore, if you have only one greenhouse, the maximum you can afford is 2-3 varieties of crops.

Preference can be given to the following groups of vegetables:

We must not forget about storage conditions harvested. This is especially true for those crops that you plan to sell during cold seasons.


To achieve your goal, you should never neglect preliminary calculations, especially when it comes to the production of something.

Expenses for a vegetable business should include the following items:

  • seed or planting material;
  • plant protection products;
  • rental of a greenhouse or land plot, its arrangement;
  • procurement and maintenance of transport and various mechanisms for agricultural work;
  • employee salaries;
  • public utilities.

It should be noted that the profitability of this area is very high, and for some types of vegetables it can reach 300% (potatoes). Payback for vegetable growing usually occurs 9-10 months after the start of work.

What is the difficulty?

The business of growing vegetables has many nuances that not every novice vegetable grower knows about. The main pitfalls include the following:

It would also be a good idea to think about hiring workers who will service your site. These should be people who have already experienced agricultural work, love to work with their hands and spend time among plants. Don't rely solely on your own strength. This will lead to the fact that you simply will not have time to harvest the crop on time and sell it in the proper form.

Growing vegetables in modern greenhouses: Video

In the current economic situation, it is more profitable to start your own business than to depend on external circumstances. Drawing up a business plan for a greenhouse for growing vegetables will not be difficult if you decide in advance on the parameters of the greenhouse, the products to be grown, the sales market and the amount of money invested.

This document makes it possible to take out a loan or get the state to invest money free of charge in your business. Having a detailed plan saves time and increases productivity. Business planning will protect you from mistakes that can be made when organizing a business.

Video – Greenhouse business plan

To correctly draw up a plan, you need to know its structure and become familiar with the features of growing vegetables in a greenhouse. Only then can you count on profit. The selection of products is carried out taking into account the following criteria:

  • climate of the area;
  • demand for vegetables;
  • implementation options.

Important! Decide how you will do business - all year round or only in season, buy ready-made seedlings or grow them yourself. But key point there will still be an amount of money that you want to invest in your business.

Before drawing up a project, the goals are clearly defined. When planning a greenhouse business, they may sound like this:

  1. Organization greenhouse farming for retail and wholesale trade in the region.
  2. Receiving a profit in the amount of N million rubles. per year.
  3. Expanding the product range to include rare vegetable crops for sale to restaurants.

The business plan must include information about the owner, the direction of activity and the location of the facility.

Kiwano seeds prices

kiwano seeds

Advantages and disadvantages of greenhouse farming

Before planning a business, it is advisable to weigh the pros and cons of growing vegetables for sale. This will help to draw a conclusion about its profitability.

Table 1. Pros and cons of the greenhouse business.

Possibility to collect 2-3 cropsFierce competition
Quick income and paybackSales depend on seasonality
Continuous demandShort shelf life
Wholesale and retail tradeTo grow vegetables all year round you will need additional equipment
Easy organizationTo sell products to stores you will need a special permit
There is an option to start a business from homeLow prices for vegetables in the summer

If you focus on vegetarians and adherents of a healthy diet, demand for products is guaranteed at any time of the year. During the winter period, the interest in vegetables among this audience remains unchanged, and their prices increase significantly.

Which products to choose?

You can grow different vegetables - exotic or traditional for your region. The most popular options among local crops include:

  • beets, carrots, potatoes;
  • cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers;
  • cabbage

You can read more about growing tomatoes in a greenhouse in

Cabbage is the most unpretentious vegetable

These vegetables do not require special storage and cultivation conditions. Caring for them does not cause much trouble.

Important! The degree of exoticism of vegetables directly affects their cost. If a crop is not typical for a given area, care will have to be taken to create the appropriate conditions for it. This will require additional costs, and due to low demand, the problem of loss of presentation may arise.

When choosing products, you should not ignore customer requests. In the early stages of work, it is better to focus on vegetables that are in demand among consumers throughout the year.

Prices for cabbage seeds

cabbage seeds

Financial side of the issue

A financial plan is a forecast of current investments. Without them, the vegetable growing business is doomed to failure. You will need the ability to calculate expected and actual profits. All expenses are divided into three categories - one-time, variable and permanent.

Accounting for investments is a mandatory component of a business plan

  • preparation of documentation, business registration;
  • renting a plot of land;
  • design and construction of greenhouses;
  • purchase of garden tools and equipment;
  • purchase planting material and fertilizers.

Buying ready-made seedlings - good alternative growing vegetables from seeds

This will take 2-3 months. The total amount of one-time investments will be 15-18 million rubles. If you have your own land, you will need 4-5 million rubles to open a business.

Important! Decide how many greenhouses you plan to build. If you sell products in small quantities, it is enough to register as the owner of a personal subsidiary plot. If you are not individual entrepreneur, you don't need to pay taxes.

Table 2. Monthly expenses.

The total amount is 350 thousand rubles.

TO variable costs include investments different sizes. They are periodic. This could be the repair of greenhouses and equipment, the purchase of fuel for the delivery of vegetables. Based on the data provided, it is recommended to calculate the amount of monthly costs and for the year as a whole.

One of the costs is the repair of greenhouses

Competition Analysis

Taking into account its level is necessary in order to take a comprehensive approach to drawing up a business plan. In general, competition in the field of greenhouse farming is low. To analyze it, you need to collect data on everyone involved in growing vegetables for sale in your region.

How to analyze your competitors' business

The activities of entrepreneurs are considered according to the following criteria:

  • name of the products grown;
  • volume of goods offered for sale;
  • degree of customer satisfaction with the quality of vegetables;
  • what products are in demand?

A shopping pavilion is a clear example of analyzing demand and assortment

After the analysis, you can draw a conclusion about how profitable your greenhouse farming will be. After all, given the competition, no one guarantees that cooperation with large wholesale customers will last for a long time, and that the vegetables chosen for cultivation will be in demand.

How to face competition

After analyzing the competitive landscape, it's time to start developing your advantages. These could be the following measures:

  • reduction in product prices;
  • quality assurance;
  • release of a catalog indicating favorable conditions and assortment;
  • compiling a list of potential clients and then sending them your commercial offers;
  • loyal discount system.

Competition is a continuous process, so it wouldn’t hurt to hire a specialist. His responsibilities will be searching for clients, analyzing the activities of competitors, and advertising events.

Hiring a marketer is a guarantee of your success

How much profit can you get from growing vegetables?

The level of income is influenced by the seasonality factor. Most often, prices for agricultural products reach their maximum in spring and winter. If grown tomatoes or cucumbers are sold during this period, their cost will be in the range of 80-120 rubles. for 1 kg.

If you focus on a greenhouse with an area of ​​1000 sq.m. with a harvest of 16 tons per month and a price of 80 rubles. for 1 kg we hope for 100% of its sale, the monthly income will be 1.28 million rubles.

To calculate net profit, you need to subtract constant investments from this amount - 350 thousand rubles. The result will be 930 thousand rubles. You can only have income of this size for six months. During the warm season of the year, the cost of production decreases several times. But even taking this into account, the project will pay for itself in 9-12 months if everything is organized correctly.

Probability of risk

In the process of growing products indoors, you may find yourself at risk. When doing business, certain circumstances may arise that result in financial damage:

  1. Changes in energy prices. If tariffs rise and vegetable cultivation continues into the winter, income cannot always cover the cost of heating the greenhouse.
  2. Market dynamics. It needs to be taken into account - if cabbage is harvested well this year, this does not mean that next year you can earn a lot of money from selling it. Competitors can reduce prices or diversify their range at any time.
  3. Development of diseases, pests. If you do not regularly monitor the condition of the plants and do not take timely measures to protect them, 2-3 days are enough to lose the entire harvest.

Aphids are farmers' worst enemy

Important! If there is a possibility of risk, do not be afraid of it and stop trying to organize your business. Trial and error is also a valuable experience on the path to success.

Video - Greenhouse business of the Hertz family

Taking into account the risks and likely changes, the business plan will be more in line with reality.


The business plan should contain detailed information about the personnel. This applies to positions, the number of employees, their responsibilities, and salary. In the future, the plan indicates the accepted work schedule and expected vacation dates.

To service a medium-sized greenhouse, 3-4 hired workers are enough. The list of their responsibilities will include:

  • planting and caring for crops;
  • harvesting;
  • sorting, packaging of products;
  • maintaining the greenhouse in proper condition.

Staff wages can be piecework-bonus or fixed. In the first case, it will be approximately 25 thousand rubles. for one person. Examples of fixed wages are presented in the table.

Table 3. Examples of fixed wages for employees.

If an entrepreneur himself copes with the responsibilities of a manager and technologist, he will not have to spend extra money on wages and time to find people for these positions.

Features of consumer search

The establishment of distribution channels begins from the moment the greenhouses are erected or long before that. This way you can avoid downtime and guarantee stable profits throughout the year. Vegetables have a short shelf life, so it is recommended to find 2-3 options at a time.

Wholesale bases

The less ripe vegetables are stored in greenhouse warehouses, the greater their chances of being sold. Otherwise, the price falls, and you have to worry about delivering the products to the sales points. Hand over goods to wholesale base– the most profitable way to achieve 100% sales of vegetables.


Their priority is to have their own transport. You don't have to waste time and cash for delivery of goods. The only negative is that some of them significantly reduce the price. Therefore, it is better to deal with several resellers so that you have a choice.

Processing plants

Regular emphasis on the production of canned products requires a continuous supply of new raw materials. The benefit of cooperation with processing enterprises is that they can be supplied in large quantities at reasonable prices.

Retail stores

This option is more difficult, but it is worth the effort to establish contacts with the owners and their representatives. Here you will have to take their recommendations into account. Delivery is carried out at the expense of the farmer.

Cafes and restaurants

This requires the ability to build trusting relationships with people. But your advantage is that you can supply exotic products to restaurant establishments, the cost of which is higher than traditional crops.

Online stores

Here you can focus on adherents proper nutrition and vegetarians. It is also possible to sell goods to other regions if delivery costs are offset by the profit received.

A properly drawn up business plan contributes to the harmonious development of the greenhouse industry. Starting a business at an early stage requires serious investments, but due to good turnover it pays off within a year. Then there is no need for repeated investments.

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