Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business. Greenhouse flower growing business

Growing flowers as a business – the right decision, since per year from one medium-sized greenhouse at proper organization production you can earn at least two million rubles. How to do this and how much will you have to spend at the initial stage? Let's understand the issue.

Legal aspect: private household plot or individual entrepreneur?

When starting a flower growing business, you can form an individual entrepreneurship, or you can use some of the advantages of being the owner of a personal plot. This means that if you have a plot of land (size in this case does not matter) and a document from local government (for example, from the village administration or the board of a dacha association), confirming that you are the owner of a personal plot of land (LPH), then you will not have to pay taxes, report for the flowers grown and the income received to the tax authorities and keep accounts.

On the one hand, private household plots are quite convenient, but there is still one drawback: you can sell goods only through resellers, and this is not always profitable for the manufacturer. In addition, if you eventually reach a serious level in flower production and decide to increase prices, you cannot do without. Then you will have to follow these steps:

  • Pass state registration as an individual entrepreneur.
  • Select code 01.12.2 Ornamental horticulture and production of nursery products (section A - growing flowers, production of seeds, bulbs and tubers of flowers, growing seedlings and plants for decorative purposes, including growing turf for replanting).
  • As a manufacturer of agricultural products, choose the Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT) as a taxation system with a rate of 6% of net profit.
  • The beginning has begun

    Having decided to start growing flowers for sale, you should take care of purchasing or renting a plot of land on which the greenhouse will actually be built. Experts recommend using a classic thermos greenhouse for growing flowers, the design of which allows you to save energy due to solar heat and light. And this is very important in the flower business, since electricity, which is used for heating and lighting the greenhouse, is the main expense item. In addition, a thermos greenhouse can be used to grow flowers all year round, and this already takes business to a new level.

    • Construction of a greenhouse. Starting the construction of the greenhouse, optimal sizes which is 5 by 20 meters (5 - width, 20 - length) with a height of the northern wall of 2.5 meters, and the southern wall - 1.8 m, you should not save money and place the structure directly on the ground. It's better to make it shallow strip foundation. This will protect the beds from freezing. The optimal depth would be seventy centimeters, and the base – 30-40 centimeters. On the finished foundation you need to install a frame made of a metal profile (it is preferable to a wooden one), onto which you need to fix cellular polycarbonate. As for the roof, in a thermos greenhouse it should be pitched. Only in this case sun rays will warm it up well. The greenhouse should be located on the ground along its length from east to west, and the northern wall should be constructed from reliable and opaque wall materials. To create the required thermos effect, you need to cover the greenhouse with not one, but two layers of polycarbonate: outside and inside. As a result of such actions, you will get many double thermal packages, thanks to which the air inside the greenhouse will be well heated. And in order for the temperature exchange to be optimal, holes should be made in the frame, while being careful not to weaken the structure.
    • Heating the greenhouse. Several methods can be used to heat a greenhouse. One of them is to install an automated water heating system, the basis of which is an electric boiler. Can also be built on a northern blind wall solar collector using wooden blocks and black opaque film. Such a collector can be strengthened plastic pipes with holes pre-drilled in them that will go around all the beds above the ground, and install small fans on the pipes. So warm air will be better distributed throughout the room. The following technique will also help to raise the air temperature by a couple of degrees inside the greenhouse: all row spacing can be covered with roofing felt, and you can also create a warm background around the building by clearing the snow around the perimeter and covering the ground with the same roofing felt.
    • Soil for a greenhouse. In order for the plants that you plan to grow to feel comfortable and develop quickly, you should choose the right soil. According to the rules of agricultural technology, at the site of future beds, you need to dig up the soil to a depth of 50 centimeters and fill the resulting space with high-quality soil, which is most suitable for growing specific type plants. To reduce costs, you can use pre-prepared turf soil, which can be taken from meadows or forest edges. To make it suitable for planting, top layer soil (about 8 centimeters) must be carefully removed, rolled into coils, transported closer to the greenhouse and covered with an opaque covering material. When the sun warms them up thoroughly, you need to remove the opaque film, sprinkle the soil well with water and cover with a transparent film. After this treatment, it will begin to “burn.” This means that the temperature in it will reach +60*C and that’s it weeds, insect larvae, spores and roots will simply burn and you will get completely disinfected soil that can be used in a greenhouse (the soil should be kept in this “burning” mode for about three to four months in spring or summer).
    Agricultural technology and basics of floriculture

    Of course, the agricultural practices you use to grow flowers in a greenhouse will depend on what kind of plants you want to produce. But in any case, it is important to choose the right planting material. For example, if you plan to grow varietal roses, then it is better to contact specialized nurseries that specifically sell such planting material. In such nurseries you can buy specially grown quality material, which can become the basis of your business. There is no point in giving advice on choosing flower varieties, since everything depends on the demand for specific plants on the market in at the moment. But for a business to be successful, it is worth monitoring market trends and growing the goods that are in demand by customers. When purchasing, you should definitely pay attention to the quality of planting material. For example, if we are talking about roses, then they must be grafted onto a frost-resistant rootstock (such plants are less at risk various diseases and death when the temperature drops) and planted in plastic containers for long-term storage.

    An additional source of income when growing flowers can be the sale of planting material, which, unlike flowers, is not a perishable product. In addition, flower tubers, seeds or new rose bushes can be grown in open ground. At the initial stage, this can be a serious help for business. And the sale of planting material can be organized via the Internet by creating your own website.

    Sales of goods

    So, let's say that you have already built your greenhouse and the first batch of roses is on its way. How to sell flowers? You will have to find customers for your product yourself. Of course, you can, by registering as an individual entrepreneur, sell your flowers yourself, but to do this you will have to buy or rent a tent or pavilion, and these are additional costs. You can also sell flowers for sale in flower salons, pavilions or markets. But here the price of the issue matters: the lower the price you set, the more willingly they will buy your products from you. By the way, it is better to find out information about prices for flowers on the Internet, since not a single merchant will ever tell you where and how much he buys his goods.

    • Flower tents. If you nevertheless decide to sell flowers yourself, you will have to master a related business - trade. At the same time, you will also have to expand production by starting to grow other types of flowers, because you cannot make a serious business on roses alone. True, there is another option - to grow, as before, only one type of flower, and buy the rest in bulk from other producers or resellers.
    • Wholesale Selling your flowers in bulk to one of the sellers at the flower market is the easiest way to sell your products. But the price of the goods in this case will not be high.
    • Scientific approach. You can sell your flowers in your own salon. And by hiring a florist who will create masterpieces from your roses, you can significantly increase the price of the finished bouquet. This, of course, will require additional costs for decorating flowers and wages florist, but the game is worth the candle, since modern flower business is based on new aesthetic trends that are interesting to consumers. And the florist can also decorate banquet halls for weddings and celebrations (with your flowers, of course), because the demand for such a service is growing every day. In addition, in your own salon you can sell related products, for example, flower vases, flower pots, fertilizers, soils and substrates.
    Financial issue

    When thinking through a business plan for growing flowers, you should pay close attention to planning expenses and income. This will allow you to control investments and use all opportunities to reduce costs. Let's calculate the expenses and income of the business, provided that you will only grow roses and then sell them to wholesale companies or distributors.

    Initial investment. Since the soil can be taken from the surrounding fields and meadows, at the initial stage you will only have to invest in a greenhouse and planting material:

    Expenses. Now let's talk about the maintenance of the greenhouse and annual costs:

    Income. Considering that each rose bush produces up to 250 cuts per year, with the average price of each being 60 rubles, and a greenhouse with an area of ​​100 square meters involves planting 400 bushes, the revenue will be:

    Thus, the net income for the first year after paying off all expenses for maintaining the greenhouse and initial investments will be 5,340,000 rubles. At the same time, the profitability of such a business is 70%; it takes at least a month to launch a project, and the first profit will appear in about six months. If we talk about the full payback of the project, then this will require a maximum of eight to nine months.

    Flowers are a symbol of love, respect and admiration; they are presented on holidays or simply without any reason to both distant acquaintances and the dearest people. And you can make good money from all this. The demand for flowers never ends - they are relevant at any time of the year, despite crises, holiday seasons and other disasters. And on some days, for example, on the eve of March 8, profits from the sale of these products can reach huge numbers.

    LPH: where to start?

    To start, you will need a plot of land. This could be a summer cottage plot, a plot of land near country house, a house in a village or a vegetable garden. You can own the land, or you can rent it. At the same time, you must have a document in your hands confirming that you are the owner of a private plot, that is, a personal plot.

    Personal plot subsidiary farming can be registered in one of the local government bodies - a dacha partnership, the administration of a rural settlement, and so on.

    This form of business organization, such as private household plots, has a number of important advantages:

    • you will not have to pay taxes;
    • you will not be controlled by the tax service and other supervisory authorities;
    • You won’t have to deal with reporting and other paperwork.

    However, private household plots also have a significant drawback: you can only sell your products to resellers, and they probably won’t pay much for your products. But to start a business, personal gardening is perhaps the best option.

    If you want to get maximum profit and feel confident in business, you can immediately open a business as an individual entrepreneur.

    How much money will growing onions, vegetables and mushrooms bring:

    How quickly does a flower business pay off?

    If you approach things correctly, the profitability of a flower growing enterprise can reach 300%. However, most often, of course, you have to deal with much more modest numbers. On average, this figure is 70%, which can also be called a good result. In general, it should be taken into account that the average profitability of a business related to growing flowers is not so high - in this parameter, this option is inferior to many others.

    In addition, as you know, the payback period for any business related to production is longer than, for example, for a trading enterprise. Therefore, if you are counting on the maximum return on investment, you can consider an option such as purchasing flower products from manufacturers and then selling them in a trade pavilion.

    An approximate estimate of income and expenses for a business growing flowers in a greenhouse may look like this:

    • the required initial investment is 700 thousand rubles, of which 500 thousand will be spent on the construction of a greenhouse, and another 200 thousand - on the purchase of planting material, the purchase of equipment, fertilizers and other things;
    • current expenses will amount to 55 thousand rubles per month - this amount will be spent mainly on heating, lighting and watering;
    • net profit from product sales will be 3.5 million rubles per year.

    It will take two months to launch the project - build a greenhouse and plant seedlings. The first profit can be expected in six months. The payback period for the project is from 9 months.


    A flower growing business can be very profitable. However, this matter must be approached very carefully. After all, in order to stay with a good income, you need to not just grow flowers - you need to constantly get good “harvests” from minimal costs, which is not at all easy.

    This will require extensive knowledge, special skills and extensive experience. Therefore, such a business should be opened primarily by those who are well versed in growing flowers. This can be a great way for them to turn their hobby into a profitable business.

    What is the most profitable thing to grow for sale? Maybe strawberries, tomatoes? Or flowers? Of course, when the right approach any ornamental plant or vegetable crop will generate considerable income. But what will be more economically feasible? In this case, it all depends on your preferences. But many people are attracted to growing flowers in a greenhouse. As a business, this is a good option. After all, you can get up to three million rubles a year by investing only 100 thousand.

    Features of growing flowers in a greenhouse for business

    Growing flowers in a greenhouse is the most profitable option business, since in this case weather conditions and climate almost completely lose their significance. You can focus on your starting capital when choosing the most suitable type of greenhouse. It has many advantages, including:

    You can make greenhouses yourself or purchase ready-made option, which reduces the number of initial costs. In the first case, it is necessary to have special skills, otherwise the constructed greenhouse may ultimately cause the failure of the business;

    The owner also chooses the type of heating and lighting independently, based on own desires, as well as the type of flowers, climate, etc.;

    You can adjust the initial size of the greenhouse depending on the intended variety of flowers chosen land plot or your capital. Finally, the entrepreneur has a wide range of choices to choose from in a wide variety of colors, including exotic species. Greenhouse conditions allow you to work with all varieties.

    Types of greenhouse flowers for business

    In a greenhouse you can grow garden or decorative flowers, which are often used for making bouquets. Among garden flowers, the most popular are:

    • Dahlias.
    • Asters.
    • Pansies.
    • Petunia seedlings.
    • Levkoi.

    Even more popular for business are:

    • Tulips.
    • Roses.
    • Gatsaniya.
    • Daffodils.
    • Chrysanthemum bushes.

    It is advisable that the plants offered for sale are already flowering. Hybrid petunias are often grown in greenhouses. These flowers are unpretentious and have beautiful view. In addition, they have low production costs and high retail prices. Seed sowing takes place from the beginning of February, and the growing process is quite simple. No less popular is the cultivation of chrysanthemums.

    Selecting flowers for planting in a business greenhouse

    Roses, tulips, lilies and crocuses are the most popular options. These flowers are always in great demand, which allows them to be sold at a profit.

    Roses. Quite common flowers that are grown for cutting. There are several dozen in the world different varieties roses The varieties differ from each other in color, aroma and shape. Roses are very capricious flowers that require quite careful handling. The variety is selected based on climatic conditions in the region in which roses will be grown. It is important that roses require a large greenhouse, with an approximate height of 4 m. Do roses need to be planted up to 20 per 1 m? greenhouses, at a distance of about 30 cm from each other. This condition is necessary based on the fact that the flowers need sufficient quantity air. In addition, they require a lot of moisture, so the greenhouse should always maintain a humidity level of 70%. These plants also need a lot of light, for this it is necessary that the soil is hidden behind the density of leaves. Roses tolerate greenhouse conditions very well and are the best option for this breeding.

    Tulips. In order for these flowers to grow well, you need to be very careful when choosing bulbs for planting. Firstly, they must be large in size, and secondly, the bulbs must not be rotten.

    Lilies. These are perennial flowers. In greenhouses, two varieties of these flowers are mainly grown: royal and tiger. It is recommended to propagate lilies from bulbs, as seeds will not give the expected result.

    Crocuses. These are tuberous flowers with different colors. Crocuses are grown in groups. There can be up to 20 colors in one group. An important condition For them, the soil is always moist.

    Where to put a greenhouse for flowers

    It is important to initially decide on a good location for the greenhouse in order to take into account all the nuances of cultivation. It is best to locate the building from north to south. So the flowers will grow along the most illuminated walls - eastern and western.

    Some people prefer to install a greenhouse near a house or other building. This way they save building materials– you will have to build one less wall. And if the main building is also heated, this can easily be used to heat the greenhouse. Since your flowers will be covered by a blank wall on one side, place such a greenhouse on the south side to compensate.

    Greenhouse thermos ideal option for growing flowers

    Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business has some advantages. First of all, this type of activity requires virtually no paperwork. And most importantly, the main costs are only in the construction of the appropriate premises and the purchase of seeds.

    Of course, to grow flowers all year round, you will need a winter greenhouse, which will be equipped with a special heating system. For many, the construction of such a structure causes many difficulties. Therefore, experts recommend installing thermos greenhouses on your site. Such structures allow saving about 70% of consumed electricity. After all, a thermos greenhouse makes the most of the heat from the sun's rays.

    Laying the foundation of a greenhouse for flowers

    A greenhouse for flowers must be strong and reliable. Therefore, in any case, you will have to lay the foundation. If the greenhouse is placed on bare ground, the beds located along the walls will freeze. When building a greenhouse, it is better to make the foundation strip, not too deep and reinforced. At a depth of approximately 0.7 meters, a gravel-sand cushion should be poured, and then brought to a height of approximately 0.5 meters. After this, you can pour the foundation. In this case, the height of the base should be more than 0.3 meters.

    Frame and cover for greenhouse

    But it is better to choose polycarbonate coating for the structure. After all, a winter greenhouse must have pitched roof and withstand quite large loads. Only polycarbonate can cope with such tasks. Growing roses in a greenhouse of this type will only bring pleasure. After all, the plants will not freeze and die. Main secret is that the structure must be covered with several layers of polycarbonate. The result is several thermal packages. There will be constant air exchange between such sections. Of course, to do this, it is worth making several holes in the frame of the thermos greenhouse. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the workload does not decrease.

    Solar collectors are required

    Conventional solar collectors make small sizes. Their area is only 0.5 square meters. meters. Such a device recycles solar energy and converts it into heat, which enters the room through ventilation. How to equip a thermos greenhouse with such a product? Everything is quite simple. The entire northern part of the building is one continuous solar collector. It can be equal to 50 square meters. As a result, the device provides as much heat as is necessary for normal plant growth. In some cases, you will have to ventilate the room.

    Purchasing flower seeds for business

    Purchases can be made in special gardening stores. It is best to choose seeds that are recommended by experts. It must be remembered that fake seeds may be found in stores, so when purchasing, it is advisable to ask for quality certificates for the products.

    Growing flowers from seeds is enough labor-intensive process, but as a result you will get excellent quality plants that are resistant to many diseases.

    Choosing soil for growing flowers in a business greenhouse

    The growth and flowering of plants largely depend on the quality of the soil. Buying soil in specialized stores is expensive, especially if you are planning a large greenhouse or greenhouse for the subsequent sale of plants. Soil can be collected from abandoned meadows, fields or forest edges. It is optimal to place in a greenhouse turf soil. You will need to collect it in the spring, in advance. At the same time, its top layer is cut to a depth of approximately 5-8 cm and transferred to the place where flowers are grown. The soil must mature. To do this, it is placed in special containers - piles, the width of which is no more than 1 meter and the height - 70-80 cm. To ripen the soil, it is covered with opaque material.

    Later, when it warms up, the piles are shed with water and covered with transparent material. All this contributes to the so-called combustion, which is based on various reactions. In this case, the temperature in the soil thickness can reach very high values. Combustion ensures soil disinfection. Before planting seedlings or flower seeds, this soil is placed on greenhouse beds. Once the beds have been laid, seeds or seedlings can be planted.

    Lighting flowers in a greenhouse for business

    For normal development flowers, full lighting is of enormous importance. Therefore, to the decision this issue must be approached with utmost care. If the walls of the greenhouses are made of opaque materials, then the windows should face south, or at least east. But in greenhouses made of polycarbonate, you will have to take care of the possibility of shading the internal volume (for example, when forcing tulips, bulbs require twilight), for which blinds are installed on the side of the most intense lighting. Required element greenhouses for year-round cultivation - system artificial lighting. In conditions of short daylight hours, flowers will need to be provided normal mode vital activity, and this is impossible to do without additional lighting. To organize lighting, special agronomic lamps are used, which are suspended from the ceiling on special structures with the ability to adjust the height relative to the ground.

    How to prepare soil for growing flowers in a greenhouse for business

    Growing flowers in greenhouse conditions requires specially prepared soil:

    • To do this you need early spring cut the soil approximately 8 centimeters deep. The cut soil should be transported to a special place for ripening.
    • Once the soil matures, it will turn into turf. It is necessary to create piles of turf up to one meter wide and up to 80 centimeters high.
    • After you have formed the piles, they need to be covered with a special dark material. When the climate begins to change towards warming, they need to be watered abundantly.
    • After this, the piles should be covered with transparent material, due to which the combustion processes will begin. The temperature of the soil inside the pile will begin to reach about 70 degrees, which will ensure the destruction of weeds, larvae and other pests.
    Choosing a heating system for flowers

    If you grow flowers in a polycarbonate greenhouse, then heating the system is not necessary. These structures retain heat well, especially if the installation is carried out correctly. For such greenhouses, flower growers most often choose roses, daffodils, tulips, and carnations. In rare cases, flower garden lovers grow hyacinths, asters, peonies, and chrysanthemums.

    The greenhouse can accommodate a lot of plants: for 25 medium-sized flowers (daffodils, tulips) you will need 1 square meter. meter. And if you grow daisies, then about a hundred of these beauties will fit on one square meter.

    Watering system for flowers in a greenhouse for business

    For growing flowers in greenhouses, the frequency of watering is also important. The best option- usage automatic systems watering plants. Depending on the technology, there are several irrigation systems: drip, sprinkler and subsoil. You can also use simple flexible hose, connected to the piping system. But this method is bad because the hose can damage the plants themselves, and the distribution of water is uneven. The advantage of the subsurface method is that the pipes are laid underground at a shallow depth. The pipes used are special, with micropores. They allow water to pass through and saturate the roots of flowers with it. The sprinkler method involves the presence of a central pipe and branches from it, into which special sockets are mounted, sprayers are inserted into the sockets, and water is sprayed onto the surface of the plants.

    Sales of flowers in a greenhouse for business

    When the flowers are successfully grown and begin to bloom, one more issue needs to be resolved. This is the realization of colors.

    Sell ​​them yourself. Hand over flowers for sale to wholesale buyers.

    The first option involves opening your own flower shop or pavilion with all the ensuing consequences. That is, in parallel with solving the issue of growing flowers in a greenhouse, you will need to develop a business plan for a flower shop.

    Even for experienced entrepreneurs, this task is quite difficult. The best thing to do is to first start growing flowers alone, and then expand the business and start selling them yourself. When handing over flowers for sale, it is advisable to find several clients at once who will buy the entire volume of grown goods.

    Breeding seedlings. For 1 sq. m. you can plant up to 100 seedling roots. Thus, if the area of ​​your greenhouse is 30 meters, then this is 3000 seedling roots. The average cost of each root is about 20 rubles. Thus, the profit from such a greenhouse will be 60,000 rubles.

    Sale of flowers. In this case, the profit will depend on which distribution method you choose. You can distribute flowers through resellers or open your own personal kiosk or flower boutique. In addition, a significant role will also be played advertising campaign, very important for attracting customers. With a stable trade in roses at a price of 150 rubles/flower, you can earn about 50,000 rubles monthly.

    The profitability of a business will depend on numerous factors, the main one of which is the determination and ambition of the entrepreneur. A successful flower business can pay for itself within 6-10 months after starting work.

    Growing flowers for sale - relevant and promising business, due to rising prices for imported bulbs, the demand for domestic flower products is constantly growing. However, now there is strong competition in this niche, so entrepreneurs need to make a lot of effort to ensure that this activity begins to bring them a stable income.

    Concept development

    How to start a flower selling business? First of all, you need to decide on the types of plants that you will grow. Annual flowers look very beautiful and bright, however, their lifespan is limited to one season. Biennial plants bloom no earlier than a year after planting, and then life cycle ends. Perennial flowers do not require annual planting; they easily tolerate winter and bloom throughout the summer.

    Experienced entrepreneurs recommend selling at the initial stages of business popular varieties, which are in greatest demand among buyers: tulips, roses, dahlias, peonies, asters, gladioli. If you do not have a large starting capital, you can first take care of plants at home or in a greenhouse installed on personal plot. You can also grow flowers and seedlings on a farm. Large entrepreneurs are recommended to organize production in greenhouse industrial complexes.

    Stages of building a business

    In order for the project to generate good income in the future, it is necessary to first draw up a business plan for growing flowers in a greenhouse. It should include the following steps:

    • registration of an enterprise as an individual entrepreneur or a farming enterprise;
    • choice of taxation type (unified agricultural tax);
    • purchase of seeds and fertilizers in greenhouses;
    • installation of a greenhouse;
    • growing plants;
    • advertising;
    • sales of products.

    Growing technology

    Each variety has its own individual characteristics, however there are general rules growing flowers. First of all, they need to find a suitable place for planting and provide an optimal microclimate for their growth. Plants are planted in specially prepared soil, which should be free of worms and various insect pests. Caring for flowers includes spraying or watering them; loosening and fertilizing the soil; regular inspection for the presence of any diseases, as well as the destruction of harmful organisms using insecticides. It is recommended to ventilate the greenhouse in which the flowers are located daily, this will contribute to their more active growth.

    Financial calculations

    In order to successfully bring a business idea to life, entrepreneurs will need a certain amount of start-up capital:

    • construction of a greenhouse – from 500,000 rubles;
    • purchase planting materials– from 100,000 rubles.

    Monthly costs:

    • utility costs - from 5,000 rubles;
    • purchase of chemicals for pest control - from 5,000 rubles.

    You can calculate the profitability of a business using the example of selling roses. From one bush you can get 250 flowers. The minimum cost of one rose is 40 rubles. If you grow plants in a greenhouse with an area of ​​100 m2, where four bushes grow on each square, your income can be from 4,000,000 rubles per year. With deduction current expenses, the net monthly profit will be from 323,000 rubles.


    • starting capital: from 600,000 rubles;
    • monthly profit: from 323,000 rubles;
    • payback period: from 8 months.
    Where can plants be grown?

    To grow flowers at home, you need to allocate a well-designed room with an area of ​​at least 20 m2. It must be equipped with a heating system and electricity.

    If plants will be grown on a personal plot or on a farm, it is necessary to install a greenhouse made of polyethylene film, glass or polycarbonate. The structure should be equipped with ventilation, heating and fluorescent lighting, providing radiation similar to natural sunlight.


    Owners of large farms are advised to hire several workers to regularly care for their plants. Administrative personnel also need to be hired:

    • accountant;
    • agronomist;
    • security guards.

    If you decide to open a store, you should include a florist on your staff who will create beautiful and original flower arrangements for clients.

    Advertising and sales

    To sell grown flowers you can use various methods advertising:

    • posting advertisements on specialized forums;
    • creating your own website;
    • advertising in print publications and other media;
    • "Word of mouth"

    Products can be sold in several ways:

  • Opening your own store.
  • Wholesale supplies of goods to florist salons and flower shops.
  • Sales of seedlings in the summer.
  • Possible risks

    It should be taken into account that there are certain risks in this type of activity. One of the main disadvantages of the flower business is seasonality. In the summer, due to strong competition, flower prices decrease. In the cold season, their cost becomes higher, but the demand for them drops significantly.

    Growing flowers at home

    Beginning entrepreneurs can easily organize a flower business in their own apartment or in a private house. The basic requirements for the room are good lighting and the required level of humidity. In order to sell products in large volumes, plants can be all year round grow in greenhouses installed on a personal plot. However, before erecting structures, business owners need to obtain documents confirming that they are the owners of the land.

    It is better to start growing flowers with the most popular and rare plants. To start this small business Your own apartment will do, over time you will be able to better understand this business and increase your scale.

    To start your own business, in addition to choosing a direction of activity, you need to resolve organizational issues. The first question is choosing a room for your “plantation”. The area for this business can be almost any, depending on your desires and capabilities. But, based on the dimensions hydroponic setup, it must be at least 5 sq.m. You can use a spare room, garage or shed. The main criterion for choosing a room is the availability of electricity and heating.

    Before starting this type of business, you will need to read materials about growing indoor flowers, what kind of lighting they need, what kind of soil, how often they need to be watered, and so on, all necessary information you can learn from specialized literature, as well as from the Internet, on forums, etc.

    You can start a flower growing business in an apartment, but it is most suitable for these purposes private house with a separate room with large windows.

    It is advisable that the area of ​​the room that is planned to be used for growing flowers should be at least 20 sq.m.
    So in a room of 20 square meters, you can place up to 100-150 plants, the time to care for this number of plants will take 1.5-2 hours a day.

    Growing Saintpaulia:

    Costs $200 for the purchase of seedlings (children) at $1.5 per piece. The shelving was made from scrap material, and the lamps were also used.

    Now what I did during these six months:

    1. Having transplanted the children into larger pots, for 2 months I mercilessly tore off leaves from them for planting (for those who don’t know, violets reproduce by cuttings).

    2. The purchased seedlings bloomed after 2-3 months and were sold for $5 through flower shop(this money was used to buy pots, moss, and soil).

    3. After 4 months, the torn leaves produced 3-6 babies each.

    At the moment I have about 500 young plants that can be made to bloom at any time I need (you put them under the light and they bloom in 1.5-2 months).

    The breeding process is in full swing, I plan to grow and sell 1000 pieces by March 8th. $5 each = $5000 with the cost of each flower (pot+moss+soil) less than $1.

    Growing hyacinths
    To start growing hyacinths at home, you need to purchase hyacinth bulbs. Then we buy pots of different sizes, fill them with soil for flowers and plant hyacinths one at a time in a pot; you can plant three in large pots. We plant the bulbs shoulder-deep, like the simple bulbous flowers we grow at home. The initial cultivation of hyacinths should take place at a temperature no higher than five degrees for 2 months; it is called forcing. During this time, tufts of leaves 6-8 centimeters should appear from the bulbs.

    Growing hyacinths at home is best done on north-facing windows, then they will be beautiful and fluffy. By changing the temperature, you can regulate the start of flowering, so growing flowers for sale can be adjusted right to the holiday. You can use disposable beer glasses for seedlings, but you need to make holes in the bottom. At room temperature, hyacinths will begin to bloom within two weeks.

    The business of growing hyacinth flowers at home for sale is very profitable, since the profitability of this business is 400%, so it is better to set prices for hyacinth flowers one and a half times lower than the Dutch ones. It is better to buy bulbs from wholesale companies.

    Once you start your business growing plants all year round, you will not be disappointed, as its profitability is more than 150%. Plant productivity in such installations is very good. For example, from one sq.m. you can get 35 kg. onions, 12 kg. parsley, 400 pcs. tulips, 500 pcs. daffodils or gladioli, etc.

    It is not difficult to organize the sale of products, since such plants are environmentally friendly and will be in demand in shops, restaurants, cafes, canteens at enterprises, kindergartens, etc.

    Initial costs: 40 thousand rubles. Monthly income: from 30 thousand rubles.

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