We choose the best wallpaper that visually increases the space in the hallway. We use wallpaper for a small room, visually increasing the space. A large pattern on the wallpaper increases or decreases

For many residents former USSR at least a question visual increase living space is very challenging, because as a legacy after the era of communism, we inherited many houses with standard small-sized apartments. Simple techniques that are accessible to everyone will help you visually enlarge the space and create the illusion of spaciousness.

Enlarge the space with mirrors

A mirror placed close to the floor will help add volume to the room. interesting effect can be achieved by using mirrors instead of curbs. Perfectly able to cope with increased space and a mirrored ceiling. Moreover, today it is not at all necessary to use a mirror for this. The desired effect can be created suspended ceilings. In order to expand the space, they can occupy either almost the entire ceiling area or only a small part of it.

Wallpaper - is it possible to visually enlarge a room?

The most commonly used finishing material for residential premises is wallpaper. In interior design, they play an important role. This or that wallpaper pattern can significantly change the appearance of the room, including visually reducing or expanding the space of the room.

To make the room seem larger, it is recommended to select wallpaper in light colors. If there is a pattern on them, it is worth considering that large images significantly narrow the space. For small rooms, a small or small ornament is more suitable; it visually removes the surface, as a result the room appears larger. A good effect can be achieved by combining wallpaper.

First, let's figure out how a drawing can change the optics of space.

Large drawing(image 1) brings the surfaces closer, and, therefore, visually makes the room smaller; if it is located only on the back wall, the room is shortened.

Small drawing(image 2), especially in light colors, seems to expand the space, thanks to this it makes the room larger.

Cross stripes(image 3) they move the walls apart, making the room appear lower. If they are located only on the back wall, the room is shortened.

Vertical stripes(image 4) lengthen the wall, making the room seem higher, and the wider the stripes, the more noticeable the effect will be.

Transverse stripes located on the floor(image 5) visually the room is made shorter and wider.

Longitudinal stripes located on the floor(image 6) lengthen the room, and the more pronounced their color and the wider they are, the stronger the effect.

Ways to expand space with wallpaper:

  • To line a long, narrow room, you can use wallpaper that has a horizontal pattern, or bring the far wall closer with wallpaper in a warm, dark shade.
  • Wallpaper with vertical stripes visually increases the height, but reduces the volume of the room. To avoid this effect, the walls can be decorated with contrasting narrow stripes.
  • Wide and overly bright stripes will make the room look earthier, so try to use subtle colors. It is recommended to include bright pictures only in places, for example, to highlight zones.
  • To enlarge a room with wallpaper, you can decorate smaller walls with a large pattern, and larger ones with a small one. Large patterns are also well suited for zoning a room and highlighting any part of it.
  • Wallpaper without a pattern (plain color) or with a barely noticeable image creates depth of perception, thanks to which it highlights interior items well. Such wallpaper (but only in light colors) will not only increase the space, but will also create an ideal basis for further decorating the walls with photographs, paintings, etc.
  • To enlarge small rooms with low ceilings and poor lighting, you can decorate their lower part with darker tones, the upper part with light ones, and make a horizontal stripe at the junction.
  • To make the ceiling appear higher, glue the wallpaper only close to it. Wide borders on the walls, the same color as the ceiling, make the room lower, so it is better to avoid them. Only very thin borders are allowed.
  • You can visually distance the ceiling by adding length to the walls. In this case, they should “go” a little to the ceiling. Simply apply wallpaper starting from the ceiling, or paint the ceiling near the walls to match the color of the walls. As a result, a strip with the same color, texture and pattern as the walls should form around the perimeter of the ceiling. The size of such a strip should not exceed thirty centimeters; for small rooms five centimeters will be enough.
  • You can raise the ceiling using photo wallpaper. If you decorate one of the walls with such wallpaper, the area of ​​the room will visually increase. But remember, photo wallpapers that increase space should only have a perspective design, that is, they should not depict, for example, brick wall, and the surface of the water, a field, a road stretching into the distance, mountain peaks, etc.

Expanding space with color

Scientists have long proven that color can influence a person in the most amazing way. Some shades soothe and give peace of mind, others, on the contrary, irritate or even make a person aggressive, others increase appetite, etc. Color can also influence the visual perception of space.

Let's consider how paints can optically change space:

Dark floor(image 1) in combination with light walls and ceiling, pushes the room up and to the sides. Especially large room it will seem if the walls and ceiling are the same.

Darkened floor and ceiling(image 2) will make the room wider and lower, its area will be perceived as larger than in reality.

Darkened back wall and floor(image 3), in this case the floor will be emphasized even more, this will push the room apart.

Darkened rear wall and ceiling(image 4) will make the room visually shorter, but at the same time expand to the sides.

Darkened walls and floor(image 5). In this version, the floor connects the walls and seems to pull them together, making the room smaller and longer.

Darkened back wall(image 6) deepens the room, in addition it is also a good background for furniture and interior items that need to be highlighted.

Darkened side walls(image 7) make the room narrower, it moves towards the back wall, floor and ceiling.

Darkened rear and side walls(image 8) expand the room down and up, but at the same time make it closed.

Blacked out side walls and ceiling(image 9) the room expands towards the back wall, it seems narrower and longer. At the same time, the light floor does not give a feeling of reliable support.

Colored back and side walls(image 10) make the room feel closed, but at the same time it seems higher.

Neutral floor and other colored surfaces(image 11) make the room cramped and cave-like.

All surfaces are colored(image 12) greatly narrow the room and make it gloomy.

Let's look at some designer tips on how to visually enlarge a room using color:

  • Light pastel colors best expand space.
  • Decorating the ceiling and walls in the same color will help make the room larger. You can also make the top the same as the walls, but just a couple of shades lighter.
  • If the style of the room allows, you can visually raise the ceiling, and therefore increase the space, using the beams located on it. At the same time, it is recommended to make them white, and the ceiling itself smoky, slightly darkened.
  • If you want to increase the space with color, and significantly, use blue tones, but keep in mind that such shades are not conducive to long stay indoors. An alternative to blue can be any light, cool colors.
  • Place some bright decorative item on the farthest wall of the room, this way you will be able to create a perspective effect and the room will be perceived as spacious.
  • Try to paint low ceilings only in light colors, preferably white.
  • In order to lengthen the room, decorate the opposite wall with a lighter, cooler shade.
  • To increase the space, you can use the following technique - make a floor and decorative elements in one color, and decorate the walls in a calmer tone.
  • Try to select large furniture that you plan to place along the walls in a color close to the walls, this way the room will be visually smoothed out.
  • You can move the walls apart if you paint the shelves to match them and choose curtains of the same color. All these elements will merge and create a more airy space.

How to visually enlarge a room is something that every third resident of our country has thought about. Everyone dreams of having their own corner, and not a rented apartment. And if you are lucky enough to have your own apartment, it doesn’t matter what size and parameters it is. In the modern world correct any planning errors possible using minimum costs, simply by correctly using certain decorative means.

How to visually enlarge a room? It's actually not that difficult. In order to expand, lengthen or extend a room, you need a very small amount of funds and their reasonable use. Of course, you can expand the space in the room by removing partitions, but these are drastic measures. We will advise you how to do this more humanely. The basic principles of creating visual space in decor include:

  • Play of colors and optical illusions.
  • and other prints on the walls can visually both lengthen and narrow the room.
  • Mirrors or glossy surfaces will significantly expand, if necessary, the space. But their use should be approached very responsibly and carefully. After all, it’s important not to overdo it here. An abundance of reflective materials can create discomfort for people present in the room.
  • Play of light and shadow.
  • Furniture and its correct location.
  • Decorative elements.

To achieve the desired goal, you can use any of these methods separately or combine them.

Wallpapers and prints for rooms

Wallpaper is perhaps one of the most available ways expanding the space of the room. But not everyone knows how to do it visually correctly. The first thing you should pay attention to is the drawing. It can play a cruel joke if you don't know how to choose it correctly. It is important to remember a few rules:

  • A strip or other pattern is characterized by its thickness, diameter, and the distance between them. Very thick lines can cause the opposite effect to what you wanted to achieve. Thin lines will not only help make the room appear taller, but if used correctly, they will also visually open up the walls. Drawings that are too large can significantly reduce space.
January 4, 2018
Specialization: facade finishing, interior finishing, construction of summer houses, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

Small rooms require a competent approach to selection finishing materials so that they can visually hide their defect. Therefore, I propose to further familiarize yourself with some wallpaper options that will help solve the problem - visually enlarge the space. Of course, this will not help turn the Khrushchev into royal chrome, but it will be quite possible to somewhat disguise the lack of space and get rid of the “squeezing” feeling.

Wallpaper options

So, you can use the following wallpaper for a small room:

  1. Photo wallpaper;
  2. Striped wallpaper;
  3. Wallpaper with patterns and textures.

Option 1: photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper is one of the most effective ways expansion of space. The only important thing is to choose the right plot. If the photo wallpaper depicts a large object, for example, a flower, then the room will only become visually smaller.

Therefore, it is necessary to use only plots that visually increase the space, i.e. with perspective. They seem to erase the boundary of the room or move it.

It must be said that in addition to choosing a subject, it is also necessary to correctly position the photographic image in the room. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a wall, you must consider the following rules:

  • The wall must be free. It is advisable that there is no furniture near the wall with photo wallpaper, as in this case the effect will be reduced. Furniture located along the wall with a picture visually marks the boundary of the room;

  • Place the photo wallpaper on a long wall. If the room is not symmetrical, it is necessary to stick photo wallpaper that expands the space on a long wall, otherwise the narrow room will seem even narrower than it actually is.

An even greater effect can be achieved with the help of so-called 3D photo wallpaper. Their peculiarity is that the picture seems three-dimensional and, as a result, even more natural. This effect is achieved by modern photo printing technologies.

For very small rooms, it makes no sense to use three-dimensional photographic images on the walls. The fact is that the volume effect occurs only if you look at the image from a certain distance.

Also, do not forget that photo wallpaper, although it is a large photograph, does not cease to be wallpaper, i.e. are a finishing material that must match the interior of the room. Therefore, it is desirable that their color scheme intersects and harmonizes with the color scheme of the interior.

Option 2: striped

Stripes can influence the perception of space no less than photo wallpaper. The only thing is that they do not shift the boundaries, like a photographic image, but expand or narrow the walls.

To achieve the desired result with striped wallpaper, you need to choose it correctly and place it correctly. When choosing the type of canvas, first of all consider the following points:

  • Horizontal stripes expand the wall. Horizontal stripes are great for finishing short walls. However, keep in mind that they not only expand them, but also reduce the height of the ceiling;

  • Vertical stripes increase the height of the ceiling. Therefore, it makes sense to use vertical stripes when it is necessary to visually make the room taller. True, the effect will be achieved at the expense of the length of the wall.

It must be said that striped wallpaper can have the most different design, so when choosing, be sure to focus on the interior style and, of course, the color scheme.

Option 3: with patterns or textures

Photo wallpaper can be used only on one of the walls, or at least on two adjacent walls. Therefore, the remaining walls will have to be covered with ordinary trellises. But what wallpaper colors make a room look bigger and how to choose the right pattern?

In fact, everything is quite simple, the main thing is to remember the following rules:

  • Light colors increase space, while dark colors reduce it. This does not mean that all surfaces must be finished in white. An excellent solution is to use pastel colors, which will make your home not only bright, but also cozy;

  • Tapestries with large patterns bring the wall closer. Therefore, in small rooms it is better to give preference to canvases with small patterns. The only thing is, if the room is not symmetrical, to visually correct the situation, you can stick trellises with larger patterns on short walls, and small ones on long walls;

  • Relief surfaces increase space. The more voluminous the relief of the trellises, the more spacious the room seems, which is due to the play of shadows.

It follows that in our case the best solution is light wallpaper with small patterns. For example, white canvases with colorful plant-themed patterns are perfect for a small kitchen.

For the bedroom, you can use pastel-colored trellises with classic patterns (ornaments, rosettes) or abstraction, depending on the style of the interior. They will go well with photo wallpapers that can be hung at the head of the bed.

For the living room, wallpaper with silk-screen printing is a win-win option. The fact is that the gloss they possess also contributes to the visual expansion of the volume of the room. Of course, if you like gloss, you can also use silk-screen printing in the bedroom.

When choosing trellises, be sure to focus on the lighting in the room. If the apartment is located on the south side and there is enough natural light coming through the windows, avoid cold colors, otherwise the room will be uncomfortable. If there is not enough natural light, it is better, on the contrary, to use more cool shades.

When choosing a color, be guided by your own preferences and the furniture that will be in the room. All colors used within the same room must be in harmony with each other - this is the main rule for choosing any finishing materials.

That, perhaps, is all the wallpaper that visually increases space that I wanted to tell you about.


Now you know which trellises to buy to visually expand the space of the room. If you are in doubt about your choice, contact me in the comments, and I will be happy to help you with advice.

Choosing finishing materials for renovating a small room is not such a simple matter, especially if you want to at least visually enlarge the room with wallpaper. And here you cannot be guided by any one principle of visually expanding the walls and raising the ceilings. In real life, the desired effect can be achieved only when the color relationships and overall gamma, proportions and lighting work together. Interior designers also use some finds that give an additional spatial effect, which is worth talking about in more detail.

Techniques that create the effect of increasing space

In modern city apartments, residents feel that there is not enough space in one room or another. Traditionally, the most “deprived” of free square meters are:

  • hallway;
  • bedroom;
  • children's;
  • kitchen;
  • bathroom

But also in a large apartment or country house There is always a room that it would be desirable to make larger, at least visually. Redevelopment is not always effective, especially by combining a room with a narrow balcony - additional meters filled with furniture and large plants, they just clutter up this place. When there is too much furniture and small objects in the house, even wallpaper that visually enlarges the room will not help. And mirrors, which traditionally expand the space, will only increase chaos and disorder in any room.

Tip: Use glass shelves and folding furniture, and small items should be sorted and organized by placing them on racks and shelves.

In a house filled with cabinet furniture it always seems that it is cramped and there is even not enough air, but in a half-empty and well-cleaned room it is even easy to breathe. In part, this is not only a sensation, and oxygen is absorbed by the microflora that lives and actively reproduces in old things. So getting rid of old things is useful not only for the sake of visually increasing space.

When updating a room, even before making repairs, it is advisable not only to remove the old bulky furniture, but also to replace it with new, lighter ones. But when purchasing new interior items in small room important to consider:

  • general style of the apartment;
  • functionality of the room and its lighting;
  • age of the occupants of the room;
  • general color scheme and shade of wallpaper, increasing the space of the room;
  • the number of family members, their interests and preferences.

Often the expansion of space is solved in the most obvious way - removing the partition or partition between adjoining rooms. It is also recommended to replace them with glass doors, folding stained glass windows or a transparent wall.

Curtains play an important role - voluminous multi-layer curtains with draperies cut off part of the space. But transparent tulle seems to dissolve in the air and lets in a lot of light and air. And it was also noted that large window expands rooms with any wallpaper.

How to use wallpaper to visually expand a room?

When choosing wallpaper for a small room, it is important to focus not only on the type of wallpaper, but also on the features of the room itself. Usually, the narrowest wall needs the most increase in area, but it can be “doubled” with mirrors on the adjacent plane, and the room can be papered light wallpaper warm colors.

Blue ceiling wallpaper, increasing the space of the room, as if opening the sky above your head. In this case, do not use ceiling chandeliers. But this technique is not suitable for people with fear open space. But such a ceiling with branches of cherry blossoms or hanging pine needles on photo wallpaper looks very picturesque. Then you get not only the effect of expanding space and open sky, but also creating a feeling of closeness with nature. The effect of a starry sky on the ceiling is also appropriate in the bedroom.

In a small room, the arrangement of colors from bottom to top also plays an important role. The floors are preferably darker, plain or with a natural wood pattern. Dark ceilings always seem to hang visually, and with light floors there is a feeling of “upside down”. This is a special design technique that is appropriate in an avant-garde interior or for solving some other artistic problems. Sometimes in a small square room striped wallpaper is glued diagonally on the shelf, and this is also a special creative approach, as if expanding the room.

A combination of wallpaper of similar shades or the same color, but different in texture, looks original. However, only a professional interior designer can predict the final result. So there’s no point in experimenting, especially when you don’t know which wallpaper will visually enlarge the room. But even if you want to try your creative inclinations, it is better to use classical techniques. For example, dark shades should be in the lower plane or first third of the walls.

A dark, large pattern on a light background of wallpaper often looks impressive only in rolls, but in a small room it is too colorful and creates unnecessary ripples. But rare large flowers on wallpaper are very impressive only on one wall, the others should be light, and the background of all rolls should be of a common shade. Then a large drawing seems to push this plane further, for example, when large lilies or poppies are drawn behind the head of the bed in the bedroom.

A very large wallpaper pattern requires sufficient space, otherwise it will narrow the walls or, as it were, break the room into fragments. Light large pattern against a dark background it looks elegant and noble. A very effective combination of a golden pattern on a burgundy background or white and golden curls on blue was often used in palace interiors. The bet on contrast must be done very carefully.

Successful examples of which wallpapers make a room look bigger - photo:

Plain wallpaper with a jacquard effect also looks good, that is, a glossy pattern on a matte background or vice versa. Perceived as 2 different colors, while the space is not overloaded with patterns. Due to glare and high light reflectance, dark color in a glossy design it is always perceived as lighter, even when the wallpaper is black. This technique is widely used in classical and historical styles.

It is traditionally believed that striped wallpaper visually lengthens a room, that is, it raises ceilings and increases the length of walls. But this does not always work out; it all depends on the width of the stripes, the frequency and pattern. Large stripes break up the space, and small stripes often create an unpleasant ripple effect in a small room, especially if this is not justified stylistically. Sometimes alternating sections of striped wallpaper with plain ones has an expanding effect.

An interesting effect can be achieved if you use photo wallpaper with a 3D effect, when a distant perspective on one wall leads to nature, and on the other side it imitates a door. True, you will get the feeling of a walk-through room, but it will seem much larger than it actually is. Even more impressive are artistic wallpaper collages and visual illusions where the three-dimensional image seems to be moving all the time. However, such wallpaper is contraindicated for suspicious and fearful people, as well as individuals with mental disabilities.

Selecting wallpaper colors

If you are interested in how to make a room bigger with wallpaper, pay attention to the properties of color. Everyone's perception of shades is individual, but there is general principles. For example, the cold part of the spectrum expands the space, the warm part narrows it a little. But this does not apply to very light shades, which are always perceived as giving space, light and a lot of clean air.

Pale and light shades of yellow, peach, caramel, milk and beige color. They lift your spirits, stimulate your digestive tract and stimulate your appetite. Pale green, gray, light blue and silver metallic, on the contrary, suppress appetite, relax, and make you drowsy and apathetic. They are not recommended for people prone to depression and mood swings. Bright colors, although they help fight depression and chronic fatigue, but they sometimes overload the nervous system.

Light pastel and transitional colors - perfect solution to increase space, especially when there is no need to focus on the pronounced “cold” or “warm” part of the spectrum. The greatest effect can be achieved when all the objects in the room are the same color and there is a minimum of furniture in the room. The following shades are great for this:

  • color of natural sheep wool;
  • light sand;
  • milky or creamy;
  • ivory;
  • pale yellow;
  • soft peach;
  • pale orange;
  • light beige;
  • light pink;
  • shades of light wood, etc.

Light, cold shades not only visually expand the space, but also give a feeling of emptiness and are sometimes even perceived as unwelcoming. Therefore, when choosing wallpaper, you should listen to the advice of your family and close circle, and not just rely on personal preferences. For example, lilac or pale purple shades and aqua blues are not a pleasant atmosphere for everyone. But it’s easier to visually enlarge the room with just such wallpaper.

Advice: Do not overuse excess golden color - excess “gilding” often looks vulgar and vulgar, as if emphasizing the mercantile interests of the owners of the house.

When choosing the color of the walls, they also focus on where the windows of the room face. If the room is on the south side, then use matte wallpaper in cold colors. Accordingly, when the windows of the room face north, it is better to choose light warm shades with a glossy effect.

It is also taken into account that the color of the wallpaper will differ in daylight and artificial lighting. For example, pink wallpaper with a lilac tint will appear warmer and darker during the day, and the room will appear slightly smaller than its actual dimensions. But in the evening they will be more beautiful and cold, with a blue tint, but such a room looks a little more spacious.

How does the texture of wallpaper affect spatial perception?

Shimmering and shiny wallpaper always gives more light and seems to push the walls apart. It has been noted that walls with a mother-of-pearl effect have this effect, Venetian plaster or silk-screened wallpaper. The effect can be enhanced by stretch glossy or mirrored ceilings. But this only works when light walls, and there should not be a lot of small details in the room, otherwise they will “double.”

Textured wallpaper with a small pattern is preferable for a small room, while smooth wallpaper with a small pattern is more suitable for a large room. Beautiful relief patterns in themselves distract attention from the volume of the room, since visual analyzers seem to glide along intricate lines. In this case, the ceiling must be a tone lighter than the wallpaper with a pattern, which visually enlarges the room.

When the design of a room is based on contrasts, in which it is supposed to combine different wallpapers, then the unevenness of lighting is also taken into account. So, for example, the wall farthest from the window looks darker, and in order to balance the proportions, it is better to make it lighter, with an interesting texture. The combination of different textures of wallpaper in one shade always looks more noble than smooth rolls of different colors.

Tip: If during renovation there are a catastrophic shortage of several rolls of wallpaper, and it is not possible to buy more, use the effect described above, or make an unusual collage from different wallpapers.

You can, for example, cut out large silhouettes of a male and female face from different wallpapers, as if trying to kiss. Such a romantic plot will look like an art object - without a hint of a lack of finishing materials. And such a drawing will also subconsciously distract from the real volumes of space.

There is no need to re-paint the entire room or hide the lack of wallpaper behind bulky furniture or outdated wall carpets. It's better to do original panel from wallpaper on a central solid wall without a window, or hang a large picture with a perspective, like on the canvases of Levitan or Shishkin. This will expand the space better than the other one. And indoors, where appropriate marine theme, it is recommended to hang a large picture with an endless expanse of water against a background of blue or blue wallpaper blurry shades. This will also visually expand a small room.

1. If you had the opportunity to use at least some of these tips, but there was no desired effect, you should reconsider your preferences for the style of the premises. Some styles look a little empty, for example, minimalism. It also assumes a bright space with large windows and a minimum of furniture, and this best way"extensions" of the room.

2. Use secret cabinets, sliding screens and partitions, behind which it is easy to hide all the small things that literally “absorb” the space. Although it seems inappropriate to "cut off" whole piece already missing square meters, they will help to visually expand the space, cleared of trash. Complete a small room with large or long and narrow mirrors - the effect is guaranteed.

3. In a small room, multifunctional furniture such as transformers or samples with folding surfaces is appropriate. If necessary, it will be possible to remove the tabletop, fold the sofa to the most compact state, or place chairs one-on-one.

4. Photo wallpaper is a popular way to increase the volume of a room, but it all depends on the picture itself and its location.

In a small apartment or in a spacious house, there is always a place that you would like to do more with. Be sure to take into account all factors: age and number of family members, their habits, taste preferences. In some cases, removal interior partitions solves the problem of how to visually enlarge a room. But most often this is not best solution. Other effective techniques can be used.

Color range

Colors evoke different sensations, and each of them has its own purpose. You can visually enlarge a room with wallpaper. The main thing is to choose them wisely. Warm shades- yellow, beige, peach - give a unique comfort. This wallpaper is perfect for the living room. Bright rich colors drive away depression, fatigue, and charge you with energy.

It should be remembered that if the question is how to visually enlarge a room, then it is necessary to avoid overly saturated and dark colors- they “take away” space and light. Delicate pastel colors of pink, pale green, light blue are calming and relaxing, so they will be an excellent option for a bedroom or nursery.

What wallpaper makes a room bigger?

The room will look more spacious if you use plain wallpaper in pastel colors; a small pattern is allowed. Large images are inappropriate in a small room. Vertical stripes on the wallpaper make the walls look much taller. This is a great solution for small apartments.

In a room with a low ceiling and poor lighting, it is recommended to use a design technique: the walls below should be decorated with dark tones, and the upper half with light colors. At the junction of materials there will be a horizontal strip in place. You can also combine wallpaper with any other wall materials.

Professionals know very well how to visually enlarge a room. To do this, you need to cover one of the walls with wallpaper with a geometric pattern, and leave the rest of the plane in solid color. At the same time, the effect of optical illusion is activated, the room is perceived as more spacious.

It should be remembered that a contrasting large pattern “takes up” space and spoils the overall impression. Small drawings also require attention. If it is too miniature and repeated often, it begins to dazzle the eyes.

It is recommended to use wallpaper in details and decorative items, while avoiding voluminous patterns. Colorful wallpaper Divided by a border, they will make the room narrower, just like dark ones. By using wallpaper with a large pattern on one wall and a smaller one on the other, you can expand the space. This method of combining textures and colors - good choice for a small cluttered room.

How else to expand the space

How to visually enlarge a small room with the help of furniture if it takes up almost all the free space? Pay special attention to organizing the space. Furniture placed around the perimeter and bright accessories in the corners will expand the room.

In small rooms, you should use multifunctional furniture that can be folded if necessary. A sofa bed, a variety of tables, and wardrobes are perfect. It is very important that such furniture significantly saves square meters without causing inconvenience to the owners.

A high-tech style would be an excellent option for small spaces. Glass surfaces, chrome and metal create an airy atmosphere.

The room is not high enough

Wallpaper with vertical stripes is ideal for a room with low ceilings. They will visually elongate the room, the ceiling will immediately seem higher. Wallpaper with a small ornament is suitable. It is better to choose the lightest shades of the ceiling; a glossy one will reflect sun rays, filling the room with light. In such an apartment you can use it by painting them white.

How to visually enlarge a room: bathroom and toilet

In rooms such as a small bathroom and toilet, it is recommended to use wall panels. They are very easy to care for and are not afraid of moisture, which is important. The ceiling can also be covered with panels or How to visually enlarge a room even more? It is recommended to use glossy panels for the walls in the bathroom, and cover the ceiling with mirror panels.

Mirrors in the interior

The mirror effect is one of the most popular design ideas, which reveals itself to its maximum in small spaces. A mirror on the wall always creates an illusion extra space. It reflects the light and the entire environment, thereby visually making the room more spacious. However, if there are small children in the house, then you should not hang a mirror that is too large. Rectangular room can be visually turned into a square by hanging a mirror on the wall that is longer.

The role of proper lighting and floor finishing

The visual perception of a room depends on the size of the windows. The more natural light, the more spacious the room seems. Small windows should not be covered with dark textiles; blinds, Roman or light air curtains would be appropriate.

If it is possible to make windows without partitions, then you should take advantage of it. Solid glass completely changes the perception of a room.

How to visually enlarge a room when finishing a floor? It is necessary to use a uniform coating or with longitudinal stripes across the width of the room. Various diamonds, squares and other decorations on the floor visually reduce the space. A multi-colored carpet is also not welcome, as the texture of the floor will create a squeezing effect. Any other coatings should be chosen without obvious patterns, special attention It is recommended to focus on shiny elements. It’s good if the doors and frames don’t stand out too much, but match the shade of the walls.

Basic ways to increase space

By choosing textiles to match the walls, you can visually expand the room.

A large ornament on the wallpaper significantly narrows the space, while plain wallpaper with a vertical pattern makes the room much taller. To increase the total volume, three walls can be covered plain wallpaper, and make one contrasting.

Don't forget about modern technologies finishing: tension finishes with excellent reflective ability can increase the space of a room. And for those who like bold ideas, we can recommend making a mirror ceiling, which will significantly expand the boundaries of the room.

Designers advise owners of small-sized apartments to decorate their homes in a minimalist style and get rid of the trinkets placed on the shelves. Various figurines, photographs, vases distract attention and conceal space. Instead of many small paintings, it is better to hang one medium-sized one, and clear open shelves of unnecessary decor. Great idea There will be photo wallpaper on one of the walls. Wallpaper with a perspective image, for example, a horizon, sea, field, mountain peaks or forest path, or a city view, will visually enlarge the room.

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