How many degrees can you not? Low temperatures are a legitimate reason not to go to school

At what temperature can you not go to school? kindergarten and to work: cold weather has descended on Russia - winter has confidently come into its own. The residents of the country have important question– at what temperature outside the window does the law allow children to stay at home? Let us remind you that for adults there are temperature standards at which the working day is shortened.

At what temperature can you not go to school, kindergarten and work: if the air temperature drops to minus 25 - 29 degrees, it is allowed not to send students from the first to fourth grades of educational organizations located in the city, and students up to the ninth grade, to educational organizations educational organizations located in rural areas.

At what temperature can you not go to school, kindergarten and work: If the temperature drops to minus 30 degrees or below, it is allowed not to send students from the first to the ninth grades of educational institutions located in the city, and all schoolchildren from rural educational institutions, to educational organizations organizations.

At what temperature can you not go to school, kindergarten and work: When the specified temperatures occur, the Ministry of Education issues appropriate orders. However, the decision that classes should be stopped due to frosty weather is made independently by the management of each educational institution. The cancellation of classes in schools is influenced not only by temperature, but also by wind strength.

At what temperature can you not go to school, kindergarten and work: in the northern regions of the country the threshold for canceling classes is different. When the temperature is minus 25 - 28, students from first to fourth grade inclusive do not go to school. Minus 28 – minus 30 allows students in grades 5-9 to relax at home. When the temperature is minus 30 and below, even high school students do not come to school. In Siberia, classes with primary classes are canceled at minus 30 degrees, grades 5 - 9 do not come to school at minus 35 - 39, and high school students sit at home at minus 35 and below. In Yakutia, kids stay at home when it’s minus 40, high school cancels classes at minus 48, and high school students do not have to go to school at minus 50 degrees Celsius.

At what temperature can you not go to school, kindergarten and work: kindergartens are required to work at any air temperature. SanPiN only limits children's walks. When the air temperature is below minus 15 degrees Celsius and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, walks become shorter, and at a temperature of minus 15 degrees Celsius and the wind speed is more than 15 m/s, walks for children under 4 years old are canceled. At minus 20 degrees Celsius and wind speeds of more than 15 m/s, children 5 to 7 years old do not go for walks.

At what temperature can you not go to school, kindergarten and work: at very low air temperatures, the work of some specialists working at outdoors, and working hours are shortened for office workers. Article 109 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that people working outdoors should be given additional time for heating, included in working hours. Masons stop working at a temperature of minus 25°C with a wind of more than force three, or at minus 30°C without wind. For office employees, the law suggests reducing working hours if the air temperature in the workplace drops significantly. When the temperature in the workplace decreases by 1 degree below normal, working hours are reduced by 1 hour. Optimal temperature for work depends on the category of the position.

In most of Russia, the climate involves harsh and frosty winters. Low temperature is a legal reason not to go to school, which cannot but please the children. If local authorities decide to cancel classes in educational institutions due to frost, children can take a break from classes.

Regulatory document

Every student has at least once asked the question: “At what temperature are classes canceled in schools?” There are special recommendations in this regard from the Ministry of Education and Science - the document “On the operating mode of educational institutions in conditions of a sharp decrease in outside air temperature.” It provides explanations about the minimum permitted temperature at which visits to preschool and educational institutions take place. Its level should be regulated in a particular region by the city department of education based on climatic conditions this area at the moment.

Preschoolers, as well as students in the first to fourth grades, may not attend an educational institution if the thermometer drops below twenty-five degrees. Middle and high school students are excused from classes when the temperature drops to minus twenty-seven degrees Celsius.

At what temperature are classes canceled in schools in different regions.

The central part of Russia, in particular Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Smolensk and others, perceive temperatures below minus twenty-three degrees Celsius as grounds for stopping classes elementary school. Middle classes do not attend classes when the thermometer is below minus twenty-six, and high schools - at -31 Celsius.

Depending on air humidity and wind strength, this temperature scale may vary in different regions. So, in the Urals, at minus twenty-five, only children are exempt from classes. If the temperature drops below minus twenty-eight to thirty degrees Celsius, middle school students can rest, and if the thermometer is thirty-two degrees below zero, high school students may not go to school either.

For students in Siberian schools, the reason for exemption from classes is lower thermometer readings. At what temperature are classes canceled in schools in Omsk and Irkutsk? Here, children are exempt from attending educational institutions if it is between thirty and forty degrees below zero outside.

It is noteworthy that in the northern regions of Russia, the reason for exemption from lessons is such low temperatures that even adult residents of other regions of Russia will find it difficult to leave the house in such cold weather. For example, in Yakutia and the Yakutsk region, children from primary classes will be exempted from attending classes only at temperatures below forty degrees. The middle school level can rest only when the thermometer is minus forty-eight degrees, and high school students will remain at home at minus fifty. It should be noted that such frosts in this region are an infrequent phenomenon, and therefore schoolchildren are rarely excused from classes due to cold weather.

At what temperature are classes canceled in schools in the southern regions? Here, the likelihood of children not attending educational institutions due to frost is extremely low, since in winter the thermometer readings practically never fall below seven to eight degrees Celsius above zero.

How to visit kindergartens in extreme cold

During severe frosts in preschool institutions Cancellation of classes is also practiced. At what temperature can children not go to kindergarten? In principle, the rules are the same as described above. But! If on the street" bad weather", but the children's plant continues to operate; they are limited to simply holding gardening activities in a group, without walking in the fresh air.

So when should guys stay indoors? Children under four years old are not taken out for walks when the thermometer is below minus fifteen degrees Celsius, or when the wind speed is more than fifteen meters per second. Children aged five to seven years old do not go for a walk if the mercury drops below minus twenty degrees Celsius and the wind speed exceeds fifteen meters per second.

Can parents leave their child at home in cold weather?

The final decision on whether children attend an educational institution is made by the parents. It can be based on several aspects: the state of the child’s health, the distance of the school/kindergarten from home, a sharp cold snap and a drop in temperature. Canceling classes at school does not always happen, and if parents consider it necessary to leave a student at home due to unfavorable weather conditions, this does not require documentary evidence or written explanations.


When school classes are canceled, teachers are required to contact students' parents and notify them of their children's exemption from school. Mass notification of the population about the temporary cessation of classes in educational institutions is carried out on radio, television (crawling line and in the news), on the Internet on the local website of the Department of Education, as well as by a special telephone number.

School program reimbursement

All students who are rejoicing at the opportunity to not go to school for absolutely legal reasons should remember one thing: important rule. In cases where most of the children do not attend educational institution, for conducting classes on the study of programs can be used in in full school holidays.

The temperature at which school is canceled can range from -25 to -35 degrees. You will learn more detailed information on this topic from the materials in this article.

General information

As you know, children and adolescents spend almost all their time in general education institutions. That is why the conditions in which they live are very important for their parents. After all, room lighting and sanitary and hygienic indicators play a huge role for children's health and immunity. This is due to the fact that the characteristics of a small organism are such that even minor changes in the microclimate affect thermoregulation. Therefore, all schoolchildren are in dire need of ensuring maximum comfort and appropriate If such conditions are not met in an educational institution, then the heat transfer of the growing body increases noticeably. This often leads to hypothermia, which in most cases contributes to the appearance of colds.

In connection with all of the above, it should be noted that almost every parent of a schoolchild is interested in the question of what should be the temperature at which school is canceled? To answer this, you should turn to sanitary standards.

Sanitary standards

Surely every child knows in what weather school is canceled. After all, such changes allow you to “legally” skip classes. But besides general condition(“extreme cold”), there is also a more specific temperature at which school is canceled.

As you know, the microclimate of any room depends on humidity, air temperature and the speed of its movement. Some of these indicators are quite easy to adjust. However, the air temperature in schools depends on several factors. One of them is the heat transfer of the heating system. Thus, if a general education institution is connected to a central heating system, then for a comfortable stay in the building, its management can additionally install radiators that will have high efficiency.

It should also be noted that tightly fitting doors and high-quality double-glazed windows help maintain a normal temperature in the school. If such measures are not provided, then it is recommended that the educational institution keep a temperature log. To fill it out, measurements should be taken every day. In the future, the results should be presented to the heat supply company.

Existing indoor standards

What is the temperature at which school is canceled? This question concerns not only the air temperature outside, but also indoors. According to current standards, you can attend a general education institution under the following regime:

  • from 15 degrees in school workshops and workshops;
  • from 17 degrees in regular classrooms;
  • from 15 degrees in the gym for physical education;
  • from 16 degrees in the school’s general library;
  • from 19 degrees in dressing rooms and locker rooms;
  • from 17 degrees in restrooms;
  • from 17 degrees in halls for cultural development (assembly halls);
  • from 21 degrees in the medical office.

If the existing temperature in classrooms and other premises of the educational institution is below the specified norm, then the question of canceling all classes may well arise.

Does nature have bad weather?

When is school canceled? If you ask a schoolchild this question, you will hear the answer that most often this happens in winter. Indeed, the temperature inside an educational building cannot help but depend on the outside temperature. After all, as practice shows, even the thickest and quality doors and windows cannot save you from the extreme cold. That is why winter frosts are very often a reason for “legal” absenteeism from school.

Existing standards

In our country, the following standards exist: if the temperature outside the window varies within -25...-40 degrees, then all educational institutions are required to cancel classes.

By the way, parents of schoolchildren are often interested in the question of what wind conditions cause school to be cancelled. After all, this parameter also has great value. So, if the wind is less than 2 meters per second, then all training sessions are canceled in the following mode:

  • -30 degrees for those children studying in grades 1-4;
  • -35 degrees for those children studying in grades 5-9;
  • -40 degrees for those studying in grades 10-11.

Canceling classes in very strong winds

If the temperature outside exceeds 7 meters per second, then classes in schools are canceled at the following temperature values:

Why are classes cancelled?

Some people wonder why schools are sometimes canceled during the winter. As is known, such approximate standards are introduced in order to protect the health of schoolchildren and prevent them from hypothermia and frostbite.

How do you know about extreme air temperatures?

Local TV channels, print media and radio report about events that are unusual for certain regions of our country. Sometimes, with the help of the media, the population is informed about the closure of educational institutions for a certain period of time. However the best way to find out whether school is canceled is phone call teacher, head teacher or class teacher.

It should also be noted that parents need to use common sense. After all, if there is severe frost outside, and the road to an educational institution turns into an extreme journey, then you should not let your child go to classes, even if they have not been officially cancelled. It is better to teach your child the educational material covered in his absence than to treat him later after hypothermia.

Will the six-day school day be canceled?

Discussions about its introduction in our country have been going on for quite some time. And just recently, the A Just Russia party introduced State Duma relevant bill. As you know, it provides for a compulsory five-day school week, but only for schoolchildren who study from 1st to 9th grades. As for older students (grades 10 and 11), only the school administration has the right to decide whether to cancel the six-day period or not, relying on its discretion.

As you know, the party was prompted to such a bill by data from the Ministry of Health. After all, as practice shows, in lately The workload in general education institutions has increased so much that children have become sick much more often.

So when will the six-day period in schools be cancelled? It is proposed to introduce such a school week from September 1 of this year (2014).

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, the fact that students will get an extra day off and be able to spend more time with their parents is the biggest benefit of this change. However, it also has significant drawbacks. Now the entire teaching load will be distributed not over six days, as before, but over five. In other words, the number of lessons will increase significantly. Moreover, students will have to do more homework.

Frosty weather in Russia begins to set in in December. Cold weather travels through the regions until spring, and many schoolchildren dream of additional holidays on such days. Children rarely think about the fact that they will have to make up for lost time by studying hard afterwards.

Temperature values ​​for activated days

The decision to cancel classes due to severe frosts in schools Russian Federation adopted either by education committees or school administrations. There are no clear standards; there are only recommendations from Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation. School visits are canceled in each region of Russia independently, taking into account the climate, current weather conditions and the incidence of flu and ARVI among students.

According to the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor, students in grades 1-4 may not attend school when the temperature on the thermometer is -27oC, and students in grades 5-11 when the temperature is -30oC. Wind speed is also taken into account, which aggravates the effects of frosty air and leads to severe frostbite.

Often, younger schoolchildren do not attend classes even at -25°C and winds of more than 2.5 m/s, and high school students may be canceled from attending classes at -29°C and winds of more than 7 m/s. In the southern regions, the temperature bar for activated days is slightly higher, and in the northern regions, on the contrary, it is lower than the main values.

This is due to the ability of children of different climatic zones endure the cold. Children in the southern regions adapt less well to frost, while northern schoolchildren are more resistant to low winter temperatures.

During periods of influenza and ARVI epidemics, classes may be canceled not only for a few days, but also for the entire forecasted frosty period. In this case, children receive additional holidays. Then teachers come to the rescue social media.

Lessons on social networks

On frosty days, when students stay at home, teachers give them assignments through social networks. This could be a group on Odnoklassniki or VKontakte, as well as special school websites. Assignments are given daily and checked by teachers either via the Internet or after the frost is lifted in schools.

In cold weather, parents have the right to leave their child at home or send him to classes, in which case all responsibility falls on them. If a child gets sick, there will be no one to blame. Small gaps in knowledge are much easier to fill. And additional rest for modern children is only beneficial.

Editor's response

Winter in most regions of Russia is harsh and frosty. Low temperatures- this is a legal reason not to go to school. If local authorities decide to exempt schoolchildren from classes, then the child can officially take a break from school.

There are no clear instructions in educational SanPiN at what temperatures schoolchildren may not study. The decision to cancel classes is made by the local education department, taking into account weather conditions specifically for their region or city at the current time. The message that children may not attend classes is officially reported in the media.

Where do you live

So for central part of Russia The reason for canceling classes in primary classes is a temperature of -23-25 ​​degrees. Middle school students may not attend classes at -26-28, and high school students - from -31 degrees and below. These temperature limits apply to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Smolensk and other cities middle zone Russia.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, already at -23, schoolchildren can receive an official exemption from classes. Photo:

Accordingly, for the northern regions of the country these temperature limits are lower, and for the southern regions they are higher.

So, in the Urals The following cancellation scale applies:

  • -25-28 - kids don’t go to school,
  • -28-30 - students in grades 5-9 do not study,
  • -30-32 - high school students may not come.

In Siberia Even lower temperatures serve as a reason to cancel classes in schools. So, for example, in Omsk and Irkutsk primary classes do not study at -30 degrees. Schoolchildren in grades 5-9 may not come if the thermometer drops to -32 and -35 degrees. Omsk high school students don’t go to school if it’s -35 outside, and Irkutsk residents don’t go to school if it’s -40.

IN northern regions of Russia Temperatures for canceling classes in schools reach such levels that Russians from other regions cannot even imagine what it’s like to go outside in such frost, let alone send their children somewhere. So, in Yakutia, To prevent students in grades 1-4 from going to school, the thermometer must drop to -40 degrees! For the middle school level, the temperature should be -48, and high school students do not go to school only if it is -50 outside. True, the residents of Yakutia themselves note that -50 in the daytime rarely happens - several separate days throughout the winter.

Regarding southern regions of Russia, then the likelihood of school classes being canceled due to low temperatures is unlikely here. Frosts are extremely rare here. Even in winter months, the average air temperature in the south of Russia fluctuates around 7-8 degrees above zero, and sometimes reaches +15 and +20 degrees! But in this warm region of Russia, children's institutions may cancel classes due to other vagaries of the weather: floods, hurricanes, storms. These phenomena, unlike frosts, happen here quite often, regardless of the time of year.

Because of frosts in the south of Russia, classes will not be canceled, but because of heavy winds, it is quite possible. Photo:

What else affects the cancellation of classes?

When canceling classes in schools due to frost, not only the outside temperature and the region are taken into account.

Makes a big difference wind power. As you know, in windy weather the frost is felt more strongly. Therefore, if the region experiences weather not only with low temperatures, but also with strong winds, then the likelihood of classes being canceled is higher. Typically, the temperature threshold for canceling school classes due to wind drops by 2-3 degrees.

Russians know for sure that even on the coldest day, it’s worth going outside to admire nature. Photo:

For example, in Altai in cold weather, children do not learn at -30 degrees, and if more is added strong wind, then at -27. Middle and high school students do not go to classes at -35, and if the weather is windy, then already at -32 they can stay at home.

Some regions share temperature limits for class cancellations for rural and urban schools. Typically, urban schools close in severe frosts than rural ones. The difference is the same 2-3 degrees. For example, in Udmurtia, Primary school students in rural schools may not attend classes at -25 degrees, and in urban schools - at -27 degrees. Middle and senior schoolchildren may not go to school at -30.

A red nose and frost on your eyelashes from the frost are not yet a reason to stay at home. Photo:

By the way, it is worth noting that no matter what the temperature outside, in classrooms the thermometer should show no lower than +18 degrees. If the school building is colder, classes cannot be held. The school must either take immediate action or send the children home.

We remind you once again that the temperature values ​​given are approximate. Every year, before the onset of frost, each region itself determines the temperature at which children can not attend school.

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