The correct pronunciation is agreement. Declension by case of the word agreement in singular and plural

Most likely, in your life you have heard different pronunciations of the word “ agreement" Someone says “agreement”, someone says “agreement”. People often correct each other, and what is most interesting is that they are not always correct. The norm in this case is to emphasize the vowel of the third syllable. That is…

It's correct to say "agreement"

But, as you know, dictionaries sometimes change due to influence colloquial speech and popular pronunciations of the word. This means that it is easier to change a pronunciation rule than to retrain all the people who pronounce words incorrectly. In some modern dictionaries you can already find an incorrect pronunciation of the word - “agreement” with the mark “acceptable option”. There are also other word forms: the plural of the word “agreement” in nominative case(agreements), genitive case (agreements), dative case (agreements), etc., etc. These words are marked as "colloquial form", but it is quite possible that in the near future both accents will become correct, like the word "".

It should be remembered that at school, institute and in front of the authorities one should pronounce “agreement”, since now this particular version of the pronunciation is considered correct, and one will be considered an ignoramus. The plural of the word “agreement” in the nominative case is “agreements”. And the ending in this case is extremely important, since “agreements” can be used in colloquial form.

If you are interested in the topic “Stress in the Russian language,” we recommend reading the corresponding article on our website.

Plural of nouns with stressed ending-a/-i is the remainder of the so-called dual number. Previously, there were three forms of number in the language: singular, plural and dual. The latter denoted paired objects. For example, “eye” is one, “eyes” is two, “hair” is many. Now only “sides”, “eyes” and “horns” remain in the form of the dual number. By the way, in Lomonosov’s time these were the only nouns in plural with exactly the same stress - on the last syllable. They said “evenings” about evenings, “century” about centuries. Then this model with a stressed ending began to spread rapidly, and in the middle of the 19th century there were already dozens of such words. Now there are more than 600 of them.

1. Professors or professors? The correct option is the first one - “professorA”. But “professors” are already outdated: that’s what they said about 100 years ago.

2. Editors or editorA? For some reason, this noun is not in the new spelling dictionary, although difficulties with it arise quite often. It is also important that the word “editor” now has two meanings. One is a person doing editorial work. Another is a program in which you can edit texts, such as the Word text editor. Usually, in cases where the meanings diverge, two accents appear. “TonA” is about colors, and “TON” is about music. Perhaps it would be reasonable to consolidate two forms in dictionaries: “edActors” (programs) and “edActorA” (people), but so far this has not happened and only one option “edActors” remains correct (see “Dictionary of Exemplary Russian Accent” by M. A. Studiner).

3. Treaties or agreements? Despite the fact that the Big Orthoepic Dictionary, published last year, recognized the accent “agreement” as acceptable in everyday communication, the plural form “agreement” is still marked in it as incorrect.

4. Camps or camps? Everything is simple here. If we mean a children's, sports, labor or concentration camp, then we must say “camps”. If we are talking about the camp as a political direction, movement, then the form “camp” is chosen.

5. Omissions or omissions? And in this pair, both options are correct, and it all depends on what we are talking about. “Passages” are absenteeism or gaps in the text, and “passes” are certificates.

6. Conductors or conductors? This word amazing story. It seems that everything is obvious and we should say “conductors”, but “conductorA” is colloquial. However, almost all dictionaries write about the distinction of meanings: “conductorA” are those who check tickets, and “conductors” are such details, types of machine tools. The “Dictionary of Exemplary Russian Accent” allows both forms in relation to people: both “conductors” and “conductorA”. It is not very often, if not never, that we have to mention this engineering term, so the distinction is not as necessary as in the case of omissions.

7. Sectors or sectors? Both options are correct: the second is simply more literary, and is considered the main one.

8. BrakesA go brakes? Again two meanings. “Brakes” are technical devices, and “Brakes” are obstacles, obstacles, what prevents action. True, “brakes” have another, slang meaning: those who are slow to think.

9. TractorA or tractors? According to the new spelling dictionary, both options are acceptable, but the first one is considered the main one - “tractorA”.

10. Boats or boats? Only "katerA". The second option does not appear in dictionaries even as acceptable.


As a rule (although not in 100% of cases), words with -or, denoting inanimate objects, form the form with -s: detectors, inductors, refrigerators.
But words starting with -or when denoting animate objects have in some cases the ending -a, in others -s: “directors”, but “constructors”. In such cases, it is best to consult a dictionary.


The -a/-i model is indeed spreading very quickly and quite aggressively. Many are waiting in horror for the arrival of “fresh cakes” and “experienced accountants.” And the hour is not far off when some “constables” may appear. Those who are afraid of this were reassured by Rosenthal: there are factors that themselves regulate the normative formation in literary language and will not allow “chauffeurs” to become “chauffeurs”.

As for other words, it is best to check their plural accents in a dictionary. Or try to remember, for example, using such rhymes:

The director is a master, and contracts are thieves.

on the first syllable) is considered acceptable in informal speech, and this variant is sometimes found in dictionaries marked "colloquial". But “agreement” is considered a strict literary norm; you can pronounce this word this way in any situation - and no one can blame you for poor knowledge of the Russian language.

Many people believe that the words " agreement“with emphasis on the first – a consequence of “total illiteracy” recent years. However, this is not true. This is quite acceptable in colloquial speech, as indicated by spelling dictionaries published in the middle of the 20th century. And Korney Chukovsky, in his book about “Alive as Life” (published in 1962), argued that this type of pronunciation could become a literary norm in the foreseeable future.

Please note

The literary and colloquial “duality” of the word “agreement” also affects the formation of the plural form. Thus, the form “agreements” is a strictly literary norm, and the use of the plural version of “agreement” is considered colloquial.


  • emphasis contract

Accent in Russian it is not fixed, that is, it does not always fall on a specific syllable, as, for example, in Hungarian or Finnish. Certain rules There is no way to put , either, so issues of Russian pronunciation often concern not only foreigners, but also native speakers themselves.

Often people who have heard Russian since childhood believe that they have no problems with the placement of accents. But is this true? Check whether you correctly pronounce the words that belong to the category of the most “problematic”: alphabet, pamper, rattling, religion, witchcraft, dispensary, rust, call, iconography, catalog, kilometer, quarter, compass, misanthropy, nabelo, hugged, percent , centimeter, facilitate, dowry, beet, convene, inquire, concentrate, seal, force. In the words “”, “ports”, “bows”, “boards”, as well as in their forms, it is always placed on the first syllable. But the word “” can be used in the same way as you are used to: it allows for double stress placement. That, Where placing emphasis may also depend on the context: for example, in “atlas” it falls on the first syllable if we are talking about a meeting geographical maps, and on the second, if we mean fabric. Another example: a characterful person and a characterful dance. In some cases Russian accent obeys certain laws. For example, the stress is placed on the first syllable, but in the singular form. Feminine numbers usually fall on the ending: Vesel - Vesely - Vesela; stupid - stupid - stupid; started - started. This also applies to past tense feminine singular verbs. numbers: took - took, lived - lived, lIlo - lilA. But there are exceptions: klAla, krAla, etc. Sometimes (for, under, by, on, from, without) take the emphasis on themselves, leaving the following unstressed after them. Examples: on the water, on the hand, on the hundred, under the feet, on the sea, From the nose, before the night, an hour From the hour, etc. But there are few such rules. In most cases, you have to memorize the accent, and if in doubt, it is best to check yourself in dictionaries. Among them, there are those that are completely dedicated to pronunciation - orthoepic ones. But if you don’t have one at hand, the emphasis in words can be checked using any other dictionary, for example, a spelling or explanatory one. You can also use resources.

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“Iconography” is a word that is used quite rarely in everyday speech. And the question of where to correctly place the emphasis in it can confuse a person who is far from religion or art criticism. Which pronunciation option will be literate and correct?

“Iconography” – emphasis on the rules of the Russian language

The pronunciation options for the word “iconography” can vary greatly: some people put on the “and” in the first one, someone emphasizes the second one, as in the word “icon” - “iconography”, and both of these accents are quite common. A rarer case is the emphasis “icon painting”, by analogy with the name of the profession “icon painter”.

However, dictionaries of the Russian language are unambiguous: the only correct option for placing the stress in this word is on “I” in the first syllable. It is the pronunciation of “Iconography” that is considered correct and corresponds to the literary norm. As for the emphasis on “iconopis,” a number of authors of authoritative spelling dictionaries (for example, Zarva or Reznichenko) specifically point out that the pronunciation is an error.

The stress on the first syllable will remain in all case forms of the word. For example:

history of Russian Iconography,

his favorite type of painting is Iconography;

his whole life is connected with iconography.

Why stress on the word “iconography” causes problems

“Iconography” with an emphasis on the first syllable sounds strange, unnatural, and “harms the ear” for many. This is quite understandable:

  • firstly, in Russian there are many difficult words ah the stress usually tends to the middle of the word;

  • secondly, “icon painting” is a complex word, and in such compound constructions the emphasis most often remains on the same syllable as in the root of the “source” word (ikona);

  • thirdly, in none of the other complex words with the root icon the emphasis on “and” in the root ever falls (for example, iconographer, iconostas, iconographer).

However, it is not for nothing that Russian is considered extremely complex - there are no “iron” rules in it, there are only pronounced tendencies. And the pronunciation of each individual word depends more on the tradition that has developed in the language.

The word “icon painting” can be attributed to religious vocabulary, which is characterized by greater traditionalism than commonly used everyday vocabulary. And you hear such words relatively rarely - they are more often found in books or articles, rather than in speech.

So you just have to remember that in the word “icon painting” the stress falls on the first syllable– and try to use exactly the normative one in speech, correct option, despite the unusualness of its sound.

Tip 5: How to correctly emphasize the word “on Wednesdays”

The word “environment” has many meanings. And which syllable should be emphasized - “on Wednesdays” or “on Wednesdays” (namely, the dative plural raises the most questions) depends on what was meant: the day of the week, or the environment.

How to put emphasis on “Wednesdays” when talking about the day of the week

Just a few decades ago, the only correct option indicated by dictionaries as a literary norm was the unusual “on Wednesdays” for many. However, the rules of the Russian language tend to change over time, and now “on Wednesdays” with an emphasis on “E” is no longer considered an error or an option acceptable only in colloquial speech. Many authoritative reference books published in last decade, indicate both of these options as equal. An example is spelling dictionary Lopatin, published under the auspices of the Russian Academy of Sciences or Reznichenko, included in the official reference publications recommended for the use of Russian as the state language.

So it's official both the emphasis “on Wednesdays” and “on Wednesdays” is considered correct. However, the emphasis not “E” is not yet “recognized” by all reference publications without exception, and many people, out of habit, consider it a mistake.

Therefore, if you want your literary speech to sound flawless, out of two equal pronunciation options, there is still It is advised to use the old, undisputed academic norm of stress “on Wednesdays”. It is this pronunciation (which seems unusual and “harassing to the ears” to many) that is recommended to be used by radio and television announcers:

  • on Wednesdays there are dance evenings for tango lovers,

  • "Violets on Wednesdays" - one of the most famous stories by Andre Maurois,

  • I prefer to make trips to the supermarket on Wednesdays, in the middle of the work week.

When declension of the word “environment” meaning "day of the week" in the creative and prepositional case The plural “academic” stress should also fall on the second syllable, on the vowel “A”.

Which syllable is stressed “on Wednesdays” when talking about surroundings?

The word "environment" can mean:

  • the substance that fills the space (water medium, nutrient medium),

  • complex natural conditions ( , natural environment, environment),

  • social and living conditions of human life (bohemian environment, student environment).

In the third meaning, the word “environment” is used only in the singular. And in the first two cases in case form"on Wednesdays" the stress can only fall on “E” in the first syllable – according to “mediums”. This option is the only correct one and is fixed as the norm by all reference publications without exception.

In declension in all forms singular the ending will be stressed, and in the plural - the stem:

  • provided with nutritional ENVIRONMENTS for the entire duration of the experiment,

  • environment The habitats of these animals are significantly different,

  • human emotions are largely determined by urban Wednesday,

  • above the bourgeoisie Wednesday Many Russian writers sneered.

Thus, when placing the emphasis on “on Wednesdays,” the emphasis on “E” will not be erroneous in any of the meanings. However, if you meant the day of the week, it is preferable to use the “highest” accentological norm with emphasis on the second syllable - “on Wednesdays”.

We often make mistakes in the correct pronunciation of certain words. So how do we pronounce words correctly, so that they don’t laugh at us later - at the airport or at the airport, it rings or it rings. A ? Where should the emphasis be placed correctly in the word agreement?

How to correctly treaties or agreements.

According to literary norms, it is more correct to say “contracts”. Although many have now begun to argue that the word “agreement” has become increasingly used in business sphere. Some scientists and etymologists believe that this expression can not only become stronger in the Russian language, but also become a kind of aesthetic norm, both colloquial and literary.

Why all the same “contracts”.

This word is derived from the verb “to agree”, which in turn consists of the verb “to speak” and the particle “to”. This pre-Slavic form has not changed for more than ten years. Once again, it is worth noting that “agreements” are a literary norm, and therefore this version of the pronunciation of the word is considered the only correct one.

The literary language is considered a guarantor of the preservation of the Russian language and culture as a whole. It acts as a kind of standard that will have to determine the unambiguity of the words used. If each person begins to come up with different ways to pronounce words and stress them, then people will subsequently cease to understand each other.

If you pronounce words correctly, you will be able to communicate more effectively with each other. If you understand your partner correctly, then you and he share the same system of speech symbols, as well as the same understanding of these words. Therefore, the literary standard of a language is considered a single point of reference.

Judge for yourself, so many conflicts at the global level arose from the fact that there was a misunderstanding of the parties at the linguistic level. Now people especially need a unified system of symbols, this will allow them to build relationships both with their fellow citizens and with citizens of other countries.

So to the question, how to correctly treaties or agreements, you will have to answer that the correct word will be “agreement”.

How to say contract correctly?

Do you want to know where to put the correct emphasis on the word “contract”? Then you should definitely read this article.

According to literary norms in the word “agreement”, in informal oral speech you can put the emphasis in the word agreement on the first letter “o”, and not on the last.

Now it is very difficult to say whether the emphasis in the word agreement on the first letter “o” will ever become normative and aesthetic, like the emphasis in the word agreement on the last letter “o”, but the prerequisites still exist for this. Since many famous poets and representatives of the intelligentsia put the emphasis in the word agreement on the first letter “o”.

Where does the emphasis fall in the word “agreement”? This question is very often of interest to those who regularly deal with various documents and constantly hold meetings where it is necessary to constantly use the mentioned lexical unit. In this regard, we decided to devote this article to this topic.

General information

Few people know about the word “agreement”. Moreover, not everyone knows how the plural is formed from such a lexical unit. After all, some people are used to saying “agreements,” while others find it more convenient to say “agreements.” But in order not to be considered an illiterate person, it is recommended to remember the rule of the Russian language, which indicates both the correct stress in this word and its plural form.

Correct emphasis in the word "agreement"

It should be noted that in the Russian language there is an incredible number of words whose stress is questionable. And it is often possible to identify an illiterate person by asking him only a simple question about where the emphasis falls in the word “agreement”? Although, according to experts, such a lexical unit can be pronounced with emphasis on both the first and third syllables. If you still doubt this information, we suggest looking at a reference book or a modern dictionary of the Russian language. After all, it is there that it is stated that the word “agreement” can be pronounced in absolutely any way (“agreement” or “agreement”).

However, it should be noted that, in contrast to such lexical units as “bArzha-barzhA” or “tvOrog - tvOg”, when both options are in equally are considered common in Russian speech, the word “agreement” still has its own characteristics. Let's look at them right now.

When should the stress be placed on the first syllable?

As mentioned above, the emphasis in the word “agreement” can be placed on the first syllable, that is, pronounced as follows: “agreement”. But, according to modern Russian language dictionaries, this form is considered acceptable only in informal oral speech. In other words, the presented version of the lexical unit (with emphasis on the first syllable) can only be used in normal conversation or dialogue. Moreover, such a form, if used during an informal meeting, should in no way affect your reputation as a competent person.

When should the stress be placed on the second syllable?

We found out a little higher that the emphasis in the word “agreement” can be placed on the first syllable, but only in informal (colloquial) speech. As for literary norms, only the last vowel should be in the stressed position. Thus, at business meetings, during public speaking and so on. You should only say “contract”. Otherwise, listeners have every right to correct you.

If you use such a lexical unit (with emphasis on the last syllable) during an informal conversation, then no one will be able to blame you for poor knowledge of the Russian language.


So, the words are “agreement” (that is, with the emphasis on the last syllable). Although it is possible to use this lexical unit as “agreement” (that is, the emphasis falls on the first syllable), but only in informal colloquial speech. It should be noted that these same laws apply when you need to put the mentioned word in the plural form.

Literary norm

How would you pronounce the word “agreement” in the plural? We looked at where the emphasis falls in it a little higher. All modern dictionaries of the Russian language say that such a lexical unit has the following plural form: “agreements” (in the genitive case - “agreements”). It should be especially noted that this is a literary norm, that is, this word can be used without hesitation both at official meetings and during ordinary conversation with colleagues, partners, etc. At the same time, no one can blame you for not being familiar with the basic rules of the Russian language.

Spoken speech

As with stress, the word mentioned above can take on completely different shapes plural. Moreover, if the lexical unit “agreements” is used only at official meetings, business events, etc., then “agreements” (with an emphasis on the ending) is allowed to be used only in colloquial speech. By the way, such a word will sound like this: “contracts”. But if you utter this lexical item at an official meeting, your colleagues can easily reprimand you.

Let's sum it up

So, now you know how to correctly pronounce the word “agreement” and how to form the plural from it. In order to remember this feature of the Russian language once and for all, let us briefly repeat the material covered:

  • The word “agreement” (emphasis on the last syllable) is a literary norm. It can be used both in colloquial speech and at official receptions.
  • The word “agreement” (emphasis on the first syllable) is allowed to be used only in colloquial speech.
  • The plural words “agreements” and “agreements” (emphasis on the third syllable) are a literary norm. They can be used both in colloquial speech and at official receptions.
  • The plural words “agreements” and “agreements” (emphasis on the ending) are allowed to be used only in colloquial speech.

Way out

Agree, there are quite a few words in the Russian language whose stress is questionable. And not every person is able to remember all these subtleties and nuances. Thus, if you need to use the lexical unit “agreement”, but you don’t remember how and in what cases you should use one or another option, we suggest replacing it with the most suitable synonym. Let's give a clear example:

  • “Today we need to sign a lot of agreements” or “Today we need to sign a lot of papers.”
  • “When does this agreement end?” or “When does this document expire?”
  • “We need to conclude this agreement” or “We need to conclude this deal” and so on.
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