Stunning of voiced consonants. Consonant deafening: definition of the concept, interpretation and meaning of the linguistic term

Replacing a voiced noisy consonant with a correspondingly paired voiceless consonant in certain positions:

1) at the end of a word. The devoicing of the final voiced occurs:

a) before a pause. Pick a bouquet of roses (ros);

b) before the next word (without a pause) with an initial not only voiceless, but also a vowel, sonorant consonant, as well as (c) and (j). The gender is middle (mouth), he is right (praf), the rye is growing (rosh), your garden is (sat), I am weak (slap);

2) in the middle of a word before a voiceless consonant. Smooth (smooth). cm. assimilation is regressive.

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  • - disturbance of the activity of consciousness, characterized by a sharp increase in the threshold of perception for all external influences; At the same time, perception is difficult and actions are inhibited...

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  • - a term that combines a number of independent changes in the method of articulation of consonants during their transition from the Indo-European proto-Germanic language and from West Germanic to High German. IN...

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  • - a historical change in the articulation of a group of consonants of one method of formation...

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  • - see consonants...
  • - The quality of consonants, due to the presence of additional mid-palatal articulation, which connects with the main articulation of consonants, which sharply increases the characteristic tone and ...

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  • - Replacement of a voiceless consonant with a corresponding voiced consonant in certain positions: 1) at the junction Morpheme: collection, transaction; 2) at the junction of prepositions with the word: to the house, from the dacha; ,.--, 3) at the junction of a word with a particle: daughter would...

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  • - One of the types of live alternations. Changes in sounds in the speech stream due to assimilation in terms of voicedness - deafness. For example, a voiced consonant at the end of a word: a million scarlet roses...
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"consonant deafening" in books

The meaning of click consonants

by Wells Spencer

The meaning of click consonants

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The meaning of click consonants The most interesting thing that the analysis of the Y chromosomes has given us is the nature of genetic diversity in Africa, which is manifested in the distribution of ancient genetic lineages existing on this continent. Although all African populations contain


From the book Speech Technique author Kharitonov Vladimir Alexandrovich

PRONUNCIATION OF CONSONANTS 1. Voiced consonants at the end of a word and before voiceless consonants are pronounced as voiceless: carrot - morkofka, carrot - morkofka; cart - vos, eyes - glaski, move - hot; tub - skating rink, friend - friend. 2. Voiceless consonants before voiced ones are pronounced loudly:

2.1. The magic of double consonants

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2.1. The magic of double consonants The spelling of double consonants (in linguistics they are also called geminates) in borrowed words is mainly subject to tradition, spontaneously formed rules. There are no strict recommendations, so it is not surprising that constant attention to this

Articulation of consonants

From the book Learn to speak so that you can be heard. 245 simple exercises according to the Stanislavsky system author Sarabyan Elvira

Articulation of consonants Exercise 107. “Reading by syllables” Read the syllables. A) pa, po, pu, py, pepa, pe, pyu, pi, peta, then, tu, you, teta, those, tyu, ti, tesa, so , su, sy, sesya, se, syu, si, sezha, jo, zhu, zhi, zheB) ap, op, up, yp, epat, from, ut, yt, etas, os, us, ys, esash, osh , ush, ish, eshExercise 108. Practice

Spelling of consonants

From the book Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation. Complete Academic Guide author Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich

Spelling of consonants Voiceless and voiced consonants § 79. General rule. Paired voiceless consonant sounds p, f, t, s (and the corresponding soft ones), k, sh at the end of a word and before voiceless consonants can be represented, respectively, by the letters p or b, f or v, t or d, s or z, k or g , w or f.

II. Spelling of consonants in the root

From the book Handbook of Spelling and Stylistics author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

II. Spelling of consonants at the root § 8. Voiced and voiceless consonants 1. To check the spelling of a dubious consonant, you need to change the form of the word or select a related word so that the consonant being checked is followed by a vowel sound or one of the consonants l, m, n, r. For example:


author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

II. SPELLING OF CONSONANTS IN THE ROOT § 8. Voiced and voiceless consonants 1. To check the spelling of a dubious consonant, you need to change the form of the word or select a related word so that the consonant being checked is followed by a vowel sound or one of the consonants l, m, n, r. For example:

§ 236. Pronunciation of some consonants

From the book Handbook of Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 236. Pronunciation of some consonants 1. The consonant [g] in literary pronunciation is explosive, instant sounding, when deafened, it is pronounced as [k]: snow[k], bere[k]. Pronouncing in its place the “Ukrainian” g, conventionally designated [h], does not correspond to the norm: [h]ulya?t,

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2.16. Combinations of consonants 1. A double consonant is pronounced at the junction of a prefix and a root or a root and a suffix, if between two vowels there are two identical consonants or two consonants that differ only in voicedness/voicelessness. Pronunciation of double consonant

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Such a process as the deafening of consonant sounds in the stream of speech is a phenomenon with which not only people who received education in the “linguistic”, philological profile, but also speech therapists and their visitors are familiar firsthand. This process itself is natural, but in some cases it becomes the cause of many problems. In particular, deafening a word at the wrong moment can cause an unpleasant impression of the speaker's speech. And in the case of foreign languages and completely distort the meaning of the spoken word and put a person in extreme It is for this reason that one should deal with the occurrence of deafening of a consonant in the wrong place and begin solving this problem. Since the early start of work on it largely determines the speed of obtaining the result and its level.

Speech and sound changes

Pronouncing individual sounds clearly is enough simple task, however, there is almost no need for it. They resort to it only in the process of working on new sounds. Human speech is a stream of sounds in which individual elements in one way or another influence each other, changing their “neighbors” in a certain way and changing on their own.

Both vowel sounds can undergo changes (for example, they can change or lose any of their characteristics, receive overtones) and consonant sounds (they can, for example, become similar to each other, drop out, become voiced or deafened). Some of these phenomena are the pronunciation norm, some are typical for the Russian language, and others can only be encountered when studying a foreign language. In any case, changes in sounds in the flow of speech are an inevitable phenomenon, especially clearly noticeable in the example of consonant sounds.

Changes in consonants in the flow of speech

The most common change in a consonant sound in the flow of speech in the Russian language is assimilation. The essence of the phenomenon denoted by this is the likening of one sound to another according to some attribute. Assimilation itself comes in several forms. For example, it can be divided into complete and incomplete. An example of complete assimilation can be found in the word “sew”, where the sound “s” at the beginning of the word is completely assimilated to the sound “sh” that follows it. Examples of incomplete assimilation and in which words deafening of a consonant occurs include the “d” in the word “undermining.” Assimilation can also be divided into regressive and progressive. The first is the influence of the subsequent sound on the preceding consonant. The second, accordingly, is the opposite.

Voicing of consonants

Voicing of consonants is a fairly common phenomenon, one of the most frequent in the flow of speech, along with deafening of sound. Most often found in several positions:

  • When a sound is found at the junction of morphemes. For example, in the words “request”, “collection” and “deal”, the unvoiced consonant sound located at the junction of parts of the word is voiced, passing into its pair.
  • When a voiced sound is found at the junction of a word and the preposition that stands before it, as, for example, in the phrases “to the house” and “from the dacha.”
  • At the junction of a word with the particle behind it.

The voicing of a consonant is largely due to its environment in the stream of speech and the process of incomplete assimilation. And both regressive and progressive.

Stunning of voiced consonants

The most common and most typical phenomenon in the Russian language, considered the norm. This is the deafening of a consonant at the end of a word. Especially in cases where it is followed by a pause. Examples of words with deafening of consonants at the end are “oak”, “tooth”, “vegetable garden”. There are many options that can be specified. In these situations, consonant deafening has a physiological basis. Due to the fact that a pause follows the spoken word, at the moment of pronouncing it begins to come to a state of rest and work with less stress. As a result, the consonant sound loses its sonority. Also, consonant sounds can be devoiced if they are placed in front of other voiceless consonants (the incomplete assimilation mentioned above).

However, it happens that sometimes a person does not utter ringing sounds at all, deafening them, or some group of sounds. This does not always make speech incomprehensible, but it greatly complicates the understanding of what the speaker wants to convey to his interlocutor. Typically, such excessive stunning is noticeable already in childhood and is corrected by classes with a speech therapist, who, with the help of special exercises, helps the child master correct articulation.

Working on pronunciation

As mentioned above, stunning is a natural process in a number of cases. This is quite normal. However, sometimes it happens that a person unknowingly, for whatever reason, deafens a consonant where it should remain voiced. Such situations become a problem that requires a solution, including the help of a speech therapist.

If deafening is a speech therapy problem, it has several possible causes. Which ones? For example, deafening of consonants may be associated with improper functioning of the vocal cords or the immaturity of a person’s processes for recognizing pronounced sounds. One way or another, correcting pronunciation has several stages:

  • work on slotted sounds;
  • working on a sequence of plosive sounds.

Brief summary

Stunning a consonant sound is an inevitable and natural process. In some cases it is part of the pronunciation norm of the Russian language, in others it is an error that should be worked hard to correct. In addition, for a number of reasons, some people involuntarily deafen sounds in the wrong place. But even such cases can be corrected. Work on correct pronunciation sounds is necessary, among other things, so that the speaker’s speech meets the standards of the language and is understandable to his interlocutor. Moreover, correct speech is collateral have a good first impressions about a person. And the first impression, as we know, can influence a lot, but correcting it can be very difficult.

When starting to study this topic, clearly understand that in the pronunciation of consonant sounds that have a voiced and a voiceless pair, defects in voicing and deafening are observed.
The sounds of each pair ([b] - [p], [d] - [t], [g] - [k], [v] - [f], [z] - [s], [zh] - [sh ] and their soft pairs; the sounds [ш] and [ж] do not have soft pairs) have the same articulatory structures and differ from each other in the participation of the voice and slightly less tension in the speech organs and the air stream for voiced sounds.
Defects in voicing and deafening can occur when:
decreased physical hearing;
lack of formation phonemic processes;
disturbances in the activity of the vocal folds caused by organic or functional disorders.
Types of voicing and deafening defects
1) Defects in voicing, i.e. replacing voiced consonants with their paired unvoiced ones (Daddy went to the lady - “Grandma went to the bathhouse”).
How special case of this defect, let us consider the so-called insufficient voicing: for example, the voicing of only plosive sounds suffers, fricative voiced sounds are preserved (I have a sore throat and a sore throat - “I have a headache and a sore throat”).
2) Deafening defect (There is a ribbon tied in the hair with a band of land - “There is a ribbon tied in a bow in the hair”), which is caused by a mixture of paired voiced and voiceless sounds.
Devoicing of voiced consonants is observed more often than voicing of deaf consonants.
When considering methods for correcting these pronunciation defects, pay attention to the sequence of work.
Correcting deficiencies in the pronunciation of voiced consonants should begin with fricative sounds, and with the simplest of them in terms of sound articulation [v]. After it, they move on to the sounds [z] and [z], and then to explosive sounds in the sequence [b] - [d] - [g].
Preparatory exercises:
alternating playback of either a silent inhalation and exhalation, or a groan on inhalation and exhalation;
comparison of loud and whispered pronunciation of vowel sounds, both abrupt and long.
All exercises should be performed while controlling the vibration of the larynx.
General techniques for producing voiced sounds
The speech therapist pronounces ringing sound, and the child touches his larynx with his hand and feels a trembling in its area (to perceive the vibrations of the vocal folds, the back of the hand should be applied to the larynx). Then he pronounces this sound himself, simultaneously holding one hand on his larynx and the other on the speech therapist’s larynx. The result is often a ringing sound. It is useful to lightly shake the larynx with your fingers to cause vibration of the vocal folds.
Vowel sounds are pronounced sequentially, each one first in a whisper, and then loudly, after which they immediately proceed to a similar pronunciation of the desired consonant.
For example, voicing the sound [z]:
whisper - [a]; loud - [a];
whisper - [e]; loud - [uh];
whisper - [and]; loudly - [and];
whisper - [s]; loud - [z].
It is important that adjacent articulations of the vowel and consonant are similar: [i] - [s], [o] - [w], [u] - [v], [a] - [k].
To voice plosive consonants, sounds are pronounced abruptly on one exhalation: in a whisper - a. A. A. ah... loud - ah. A. A. and... in a whisper - oh. O. O. oh... loud - oh. O. O. oh... in a whisper - uh. e. e. uh... loud - uh. e. e. uh... whisper - t. t. t. t... loudly - d. d. d. d...
Frictional sounds are sometimes easy to voice in this way: the consonant is pronounced in a whisper, and then, without interruption, the voice is given.
You can achieve voicing of a sound by directly transitioning to it from one of the sonorants [m], [n], [l], [r] (for example, mmmba, nnnba) or by using a combination of a voiced sound that needs to be called with one of the sonors between vowels (for example, adma, adna, adra, etc.).
If these methods do not give the desired results, then specific techniques are used to produce each sound.
As noted, the work begins with fricative sounds [z] and [zh] as easier to learn. The initial sound is [v], which is usually pronounced correctly and loudly.
If the sound [v] is missing, then first they try to put it from [f] by turning on the voice (f - v). If this technique does not lead to success, then the child is asked to keep his lips loosely closed while exhaling powerfully, loudly, so that a buzzing sound is formed. When performing the exercise, you need to periodically open your mouth wide - you will get the sounds va-va-va (labial-labial [v]). In front of the mirror, the articulation of the sound [in] is clarified.
Mechanical assistance is possible: the speech therapist uses his finger while exhaling to bring the child’s lower lip closer to the upper incisors. The result is a long-lasting labial-dental [c]. Work on sound is necessarily supported by control over the vibration of the larynx.
The sound [s] when the voice is turned on is converted into a voiced [z] (s __ __ z __ __). If this technique does not produce results, then the following options are possible:
the sound [z] is placed from the supporting fricative [v] with mechanical assistance: when pronouncing [v] for a long time, the lower lip is pressed with a finger to the base of the lower incisors. It turns out: vvzzzz. Gradually, an isolated sound is achieved without mechanical assistance;
Having established the speech organs in the articulatory structure [s], the child, against the background of continuous vocal sound [e] ([s]), with one long exhalation, repeatedly moves the tip of the tongue forward, lightly touching the edges of the upper and lower incisors, but so that the air can pass through the interdental space. At the same time, a distinct s-z-z is heard.
The sound [zh] occurs when the voice is turned on at the moment of prolonged pronouncing [sh] (sh __ __ f __ __). The sound [zh], if necessary, can be placed from the voiced [z]. While pronouncing this sound, the tip of the tongue gradually, without losing its trembling, rises upward (mechanical assistance is possible), approaches the articulatory structure of the sound [zh] and is fixed in this position with subsequent exercises.
Significantly greater difficulties can arise when setting up voiced plosives [b], [d] and [g].
It is advisable to start with the sound [b]:
the sound [b] is first given as a sample in a number of syllables: ba-ba-ba. In this case, it is useful to somewhat lengthen the moment of pronouncing the sound, when the voice still sounds with closed lips, until the explosion. When moving from syllable to syllable, the voice should sound continuously. The child must be given the opportunity to perceive this series of syllables both auditorily and through tactile vibration of the larynx and cheeks. In some cases, it is advisable to first pronounce the sound [b] with some swelling of the cheeks. With such pronunciation it is easier to reproduce the delay at the closing moment;
another technique is based on the production of the sound [b] from the labiolabial [v] (see above). Having received a buzzing sound [v], articulated by two lips close together, the speech therapist applies an extended index finger horizontally between the child’s lower lip and chin, after which, with quick upward and downward movements of the finger, the lips alternately close and open. It turns out multiple [b] (bbbb...). Gradually, the movement of the finger slows down, which leads to the appearance of a number of syllables with indefinite vowels, middle between [e] and [s] (bebebe... or bybyby...). The role of mechanical assistance is gradually decreasing, and soon it will be possible to carry out further automation of sound in speech and without it.
Mastering the sound [b] serves as the basis for setting [d]:
first of all, you should use an analogy by inviting the child, holding his hand on the larynx, to pronounce the following pairs of syllables: fa - va, sa - za, sha - zha, pa - ba, ta - yes;
if the first technique turns out to be ineffective, then you should try to evoke the sound [d] by pronouncing the word “yes” after a series of previous syllables with the sound [b] (babadada...), controlling the vibration of the larynx. Often in such cases the sound [d] is produced as if by inertia;
if this technique does not give the desired effect, you should use a “workaround”, which consists of the following. The syllables ba-baba are pronounced... Then the same exercise is done with the tongue inserted between the teeth. The result should be an interlabial [d], sounding something between [d] and [b]. Such articulation should be fixed in syllables with vowels (yes, do, dy; ada, ado, ada).
Then you can move on to interdental [d]. To do this, when pronouncing the syllables yes-da-da with interlabial articulation, you need to lift your upper lip with your fingers. The tongue will automatically press against the upper incisors, and an interdental [d] will be obtained, which later, as a result of preliminary compression of the teeth, can easily be transformed into a normal, interdental one.
The presence of the sound [d] is a prerequisite for the production of the third plosive sound - [g]:
the sound [g] can be obtained by analogy as a result of comparing the following pairs of syllables: pa-ba, ta-da, ka-ga;
you can try to get the sound [g] by pronouncing a series of syllables (“badaga”, “badaga” or “dadaga”, “dadaga”).
if both methods prove to be insufficient, then you should use mechanically positioning the posterior lingual [g] from the anterior lingual [d] using a spatula (see above).
Having achieved the reproduction of voiced sounds, it is necessary to consolidate them in speech using exercises on the material of various syllables, words and phrases and differentiate them from paired deaf ones. Deafening defects are usually caused by a mixture of voiced and voiceless paired sounds in speech. Checking the sufficiency of automation of mixed sounds and long-term systematic work on their differentiation can eliminate this drawback.

  • Phonemic And phonetic violations. Lead examples. When starting to study this topic, clearly understand that in the pronunciation of consonants sounds, having a voiced and a voiceless pair, are observed defects calls And stun.

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  • Defects calls And stun sounds. Phonemic And phonetic violations. Lead examples.
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  • Defects calls And stun sounds. Phonemic And phonetic violations.
    When starting to study this topic, clearly understand that in the pronunciation of consonants sounds, having a call... more ».

  • Observed violations speech kinesthesia due to anatomical and motor defects speech organs.
    IN phonetic-phonemic Underdevelopment of children, several conditions are identified: - difficulties in analysis violated in pronunciation sounds; - at...

  • Depending on the character defect pronunciations highlight anthropophonic violations (phonetic) - distortion or absence sounds and phonological ( phonemic) - mixing sounds.

  • Reveal the differences in the concepts of “biological hearing”, “auditory attention”, “ phonemic hearing", " phonetic And phonemic speech deficiencies."
    Violations auditory perception are expressed predominantly in a decrease in auditory attention or, conversely, in increased...

  • Spoken speech distinguished by obscenity phonetic level: it is characterized by an acceleration of the tempo of speech, leading.
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    violations. First, the one that is preserved is mastered, and then the less preserved paired one sound.

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Subject. Stunning of voiced consonants in the middle of a word.

Target. Observe the discrepancy between pronunciation norms and spelling norms, exercise students in checking dubious consonants.

1. Consider and name the subject pictures (in pairs):

a) cup - spoon

b) branch - boat

In each pair of words, highlight the third sound:

a) in both words the word sh is heard (pronounced);

b) in both words d. is heard (pronounced). Compare the spelling of the words considered.

Find out in a conversation that the deafening of the voiced consonants w and d in the words spoon, boat is explained by the proximity of the voiceless consonant k. If you eliminate this proximity, the sounds will sound loudly, without distortion: spoon, boat. The neighboring vowel (e, o) helps clarify the consonants.

Devoicing can occur with any of the paired voiced consonants. In this case, the voiced consonant is pronounced as its paired voiceless consonant (see table):

2. Consider examples of deafening of voiced consonants in words (when a voiced consonant is followed by a voiceless consonant):

3. In the middle of the words cup, branch, two voiceless consonants met: shk, tk. To make sure that there is no contradiction between pronunciation and spelling, let’s turn to the same vowels for help: cup, twig.

Lesson notes

Subject: “Stunning of voiced consonants.”

Target: teach children not to rely on hearing when writing words with a combination of consonants

Equipment: subject pictures.

Progress of the lesson

Children are asked to look at two object pictures. Name them, highlight the third sound in each word.

cup spoon

Then the inscriptions are opened, the third letter in each word is highlighted.

It turns out that in both words the sound is pronounced and heard w, and is written in the first case w, in the second - and.

Speech therapist. Why the ringing sound and pretended to be deaf? Look what sound comes after and in the word spoon.

Students. Sound To. He's deaf.

Speech therapist. So it's a dull sound To, standing next to the sonorous and, influenced him.

Sound and also sounded dull, turning into sound w. For comparison, two more words are taken:

branch boat

A similar comparison is provided.

Conclusion. If in the middle of a word a voiced consonant stands next to a voiceless one, then it is also deafened under the influence of the voiceless one.

For example:

eyes - eyes consonant h sounds like s

beard - beard consonant d sounds like t

nail - nails consonant g sounds like To

skirt-skirt consonant b sounds like n

book-book consonant sounds like w

sleeves - consonant sleeve V sounds like f

Under the influence of a voiceless consonant, only paired voiced consonants can be deafened.

Speech therapist. Please note, guys, how unusual such a pronunciation would sound for us (Voiced sounds z, d, d, b, c, g The speech therapist pronounces without deafening): eyes, beard, nails, skirt, head, piece of paper.

Tell me, guys, what happens if two dull sounds meet in the middle of a word? For example, in the word cat (kitty) w And To - deaf. Nothing changed from the meeting of these two deaf consonants. Both still sound hollow. How can we distinguish and reflect it in writing when in the middle of a word the sound itself is dull? (cat), and when he only pretends to be deaf, imitating the neighboring dull sound (spoon)?

Vowel sounds come to our rescue here. They break off this friendship between the voiced and the deaf, stand between them and separate them, which is why the voiced sound becomes itself, that is, it sounds ringing: spoon-spoon. A if a word contains a real unvoiced sound, this is also clarified using a vowel: cat - kitty. So, if two consonant sounds occur in the middle of a word, this word needs to be checked by changing it so that any vowel sound appears between the consonants.

Exercise. Check the consonant in the middle of a word (orally).

branch - boat - fish - paw -

shop - fur coat - herring - fairy tale -

notebook - strip - matryoshka - cover -

Exercise. Copy sentences by inserting the missing consonant in the middle of the word. Choose a test word.

There was rainwater in the ka-ka. The dog is sleeping in the box. The hut stands on chicken legs. The plane was not flying. The young birch trees have turned green. There are a lot of raspberries on the market. Cucumbers are ripening in the gardens. Take care of your tetras.

Exercise. Insert the missing letters. Check the spelling of words.

Shka cup, tower

Shka stick,...

Shka reel,...

Tire shka,...


Good stitch...

Bad haircut...


… … dka boat, …

... ... ... dka garden bed, ...

... ... ... ... dka herring, ...

... ... ... ... ... notebook, ...

... ... weaving branch, ...

... ... ... weaving tiles, ...

... ... ... ... cloth cap, ...

... ... ... ... ... weave tablet, ...

... ... ... ... … … fabric stool, …

Exercise. Copy by inserting the missing letters.

The fish is small and tastes sweet.

The berry is red, but the taste is bitter.

Bro, they live like crazy.

Na we-ku and ko-ka beast.

What from the box, carrots,

Are you sticking out your tail?

Apparently you want to become a rogue

A snow woman's nose?

Boards and feet are running along the road. (Skis.)

Under the le-kom, le-kom there is a cup with a bag. (Egg.)

Guess what,

Whose fluff is on the sweatshirts,

na sha-ki, percha-ki

Does it suit you guys? (Rabbit.)

I'm standing on a thick toe,

I'm standing on the butt of my eye,

Under a brown hat

With velvet lining. (White mushroom.)

Looked into our eye

Sunny on a thin leg. (Sunflower.)

The size of a fist, red side.

If you touch your finger, it's smooth,

And if you take a bite, it’s sweet. (Apple.)

Cucumbers in our garden

They play hide and seek all day long.

We came with buckets

And they found cucumbers.

Exercise. Give a test word to clarify the questionable consonant sound.

Speech therapist. Ice. Students. Ice. (d)

Soup, volley, ripple, crab, stupid, tooth, snowdrift, hawk, ice hole.

Garden, factory, hail, honey, vegetable garden, pilot, labor, mole, blackbird, nail, seine, people, sweat, departure.

Hut, rye, baby, lily of the valley, swift, ruff, win, brooch, knife, mouse, reeds, playpen.

Frost, belt, watermelon, story, cargo, nose, eye, cart, coward, skid, bus, convoy, gas, taste, order.

Carrot, wardrobe, blood, shoes, eyebrow, beak, cliff, polite, body, explosion, sowing, scarf.

Iron, knock, boot, ravine, castle, flag, bank, poppy, step, friend, plow, apron, stream.

Exercise. Insert the missing letter. Check the spelling of words.

z-b s- -g m-d s- -d

l-v d- -g r-z v- -g

s-d G- -b g-d g- -z

Exercise. Insert the missing letters in proverbs, sayings and riddles.

People honor those who love work.

On the tongue me-, and under the tongue le-.

It will rain in May and there will be rain.

Drink, eat, and tell the truth.

Thank you, Moro, for bringing snow.

What is the root, what is the root, and what is the fruit.

Floating, steaming, then back and forth, then forward. (Iron.)

Without ru-, without but-, but he can draw. (Freezing.)

Black, agile,

Shouts “krak”, the worms are harmed. (Rook.)

Summer sleep-!

Just laughter.

Snow flies around the city.

Why doesn't he melt? (The fluff of poplars.)

No boards, no axes

The bridge across the river is ready. (Ice.)

He sits, wearing a fur coat.

Who undresses him?

He sheds tears. (Onion.)

Meadow - onion, pond - twig, fruit - raft, milk mushroom - sadness, young - hammer, ice - flight.

Exercise. After checking the doubtful consonants, write down the data below the word in two columns: one - words with a letter w, to another, sir and.

Cha-ka, lo-ka, pu-ka, kry-ka, kni-ka, ko-ka, peck-ka, bum-ka, boots-ka, katu-ka, raw-ka, mo-ka, straight ka, tele-ka, oblo-ka, po-kry-ka.

Exercise. Write down the words from dictation in two columns in which:

a) a voiceless consonant is written in the middle of the word; b) a voiced consonant is written in the middle of the word.

Pattern: flat sharp

putter cover

Stroller, bast shoes, bandage, narrow, hill, box, cork, locker, pin, cow, spikelets, sled, booth, day, boat, skeins, correction, buttons.

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