Currants have small light green leaves. What to do if the leaves of the currant turn yellow. Useful properties of currant leaves

If you notice that blackcurrant leaves are turning yellow, don't be too cool about it. A change in the color of the leaves always indicates the presence of pests, or in this way the plant signals a serious problem.


Often blackcurrant is affected gall aphid. This pest is a pale yellow insect that produces about 7 generations per season. Aphids can be found on reverse side leaf, where they live in large groups.

The yellowing of the leaves is due to the fact that insects pierce the smallest vessels of the leaf with their trunks and suck out nutrients from them. At the beginning of damage, the leaf surface becomes weak, lifeless, yellowish or reddish swellings appear on it, which gradually turn into dark color. After that, the leaves turn yellow and fall off prematurely. The plant stops its growth, new shoots practically do not grow. The berries of infected blackcurrants develop very slowly or do not form at all. It is necessary to start the fight against this pest from the moment it is discovered, since the gall aphid reproduces very quickly.

The difficulty lies in the fact that during the period of active fruiting, the plant cannot be treated with harmful chemical solutions. You can fight pests by removing infected leaves and cutting off weak shoots.

At the end of the season, fertilizing the infected leaf should be carried out., cutting off damaged branches and treating with a special solution from aphids. Processing must be done very carefully, paying attention to the underside and top side of the leaves. In autumn, it is necessary to perform secondary processing of the bush, since aphids can fly away from the currant in the middle of summer, returning to autumn period and laying eggs for the new season. Therefore, it is important not to forget about this feature of pests. For prevention purposes, it is also necessary to treat aphids in early summer before the bud break period. This will help kill the gall aphid eggs that have survived the winter.

Another enemy of culture - currant glass jar. Caterpillars gnaw on young shoots, feeding on the juice of the plant, which weakens the currant and provokes yellowing of the leaves and deterioration. appearance shrub. This larva, which eventually turns into a butterfly, looks like a wasp and is very resistant to chemicals. The main method of dealing with it is proper prevention.

To protect currants from infection with a glass case, it is necessary to loosen regularly in May and June. It is also important to monitor the quality and purity planting material. Suddenly dried branches must be cut to the very base, after which they must be burned.

External factors

Not only pests can cause the appearance yellow leaves, color change can contribute and soil dryness. Therefore, in dry and hot weather, it is necessary to regularly water the shrubs and apply complex fertilizers.

However excess moisture can also adversely affect the plant, as under the influence of a large amount of moisture from the soil are washed out useful material which weakens the plant and causes leaf discoloration. Therefore, in caring for blackcurrants, it is important to adhere to the principle of moderation. At the same time, a small excess of moisture will not harm the shrub, since the currant is a fairly moisture-loving crop.

Blackcurrant bushes should be placed at least a meter away from other plants because culture needs enough light and free space. Otherwise, the leaves of the shrub may crumble and turn yellow.

In order for the currant to form green healthy leaves, and the fruits to turn out juicy and tasty, you must first choose the right place for planting. And in the process of growing, it is important to conduct regular preventive examinations, which will help to identify pests and diseases in time.

Often homeowners wonder why currant leaves are light green Black and red berries perennial shrub currants are in great demand. In order to grow delicious fruits and not lose the harvest, gardeners should know the rules for planting, feeding and processing shrubs.

The cause is leaf chlorosis: a lack of chlorophyll, which is essential for plant photosynthesis. Develops due to drought or flooded soil, prolonged rains, watering cold water, lack of micro and macro elements, fertilizers.

The right place to plant currants

If the currant leaves are pale green, despite all the efforts and top dressing, then the landing site is chosen incorrectly. It should be spacious, sunny, light. Blackcurrants tolerate a little shade, while red and whites love light areas.

Plants should not be planted too close to each other, in swampy and windswept areas. In addition, you should choose fertile soil.

You can determine the type of soil with the help of plants. Azalea, mint, plantain, horsetail, sorrel, buttercup grow well on acidic soils. On alkaline: tulips, clematis, poppy, honeysuckle.

Neutral like nettle, quinoa. Acidity can be reduced by adding chalk, ash, slaked lime for digging: 1-2 kg per square meter. meter. Increased alkalinity is neutralized by superphosphates and phosphates.

Potassium and magnesium deficiency

It happens that the currant light leaves what to feed depends on the further change of the leaf. If a dark red border appears, which later dries, the plant needs potassium. Potassium sulphate 100 gr. and 10 liters of water mix and pour each bush half a bucket.

They also use ashes 50-100 g per 1 square meter, potassium salt 10-20 g, potassium humate, it is possible on time and after flowering. Substances contribute to the active synthesis of chlorophyll.

Pale old lower leaves signal a lack of magnesium, which is necessary for plant photosynthesis. Preparations are used: magnesium sulfate, "Kalimagnesia" 15-20 gr, wood ash, rotted manure.

Lack of nitrogen

When the lower leaves of the currant are pale green and then turn yellow, you can lose the berry crop. This is a signal to feed the bushes with nitrogen. First, make grooves around the perimeter, pour with settled water so that the plants do not get burned, then with a solution of fertilizers.

Part of manure and four parts of water, dilute, stir. Chicken droppings one to twenty, mullein one to ten, urea (30-50 grams per 10 liters of water).

Phosphorus, sulfur are also necessary for the growth of shrubs. The purple color of the leaves and small berries indicate a lack of phosphorus. Sulfur is contained in superphosphate, it is brought in for digging in the fall.

Iron chlorosis

With a lack of iron, the young leaves of the currant are pale green, and then turn white. To help the plants, it is necessary to water the bushes with iron preparations, alternating with magnesium. An effective help will be spraying with iron chelate 5 g and 1 liter of water, 10 g and 10 liters of water for watering under the root.

You can also use this mixture: 4 g iron sulphate, 2.5 g citric acid, 1 liter of water. Processing is done 3 times during the growing season.

There are ready-made preparations in garden stores: Ferrovit, Micro-Fe, Ferrilen, Topaz. When preparing the solution, it is important to act strictly according to the instructions: do not dilute the substances in a metal bowl, add water while stirring gradually.

What else to feed currants

In summer, the bushes are sprayed with a special solution: 20 g of urea, 5 g boric acid, 3 g manganese, 30 g blue vitriol mixed, and then gradually add 10 liters of water. It is important to spray after sunset.

A folk remedy for currants is potato peelings. Starch, trace elements, vitamins are needed by the plant. Dried cleaning 1kg is poured with boiling water 10l, insulated, left for 3 days.

Herbal infusion of weeds is also popular among summer residents. Cut burdock, nettle, dandelion, add old jam or sugar, water, leave for 3 days. After the formation of foam, dilute a tablespoon in a bucket of water, feed on moist soil.

It is important not to exceed the dose of fertilizers, which will also negatively affect the plants.


In order not to ask in the future to avoid chlorosis and other diseases, it is necessary to apply the necessary fertilizers in spring and autumn. In the spring they are fed with nitrogen in the form of urea, mullein infusion or chicken manure. Scatter 1 tablespoon of urea under each bush and pour abundantly or dilute in water.

After 10-14 days, pour mullein infusion over a bucket on a bush: mix 2 kg with 10 liters of water, leave for 12 hours. Chicken 1 kg and 10 liters of water, leave for 3 days. You can also buy complex fertilizer.

During fruiting, fertilize with potassium: potassium nitrate, potassium humate, ash. In summer, liquid organic fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen are needed.

Do not forget to cut dried, old branches. Then the young leaves will be illuminated by the sun. It is important to water, especially in dry weather, and then there is every chance to get a rich harvest of berries.

In autumn, potassium-phosphorus substances, superphosphate are required. To avoid fungal diseases, treat the soil and plants with fungicides in the fall, and collect and destroy all fallen leaves. Trim old, diseased branches.

Photo of pale leaves on a currant

Why did the currant "turn pale"?

Next year, it is desirable to add phosphate, organic and potash fertilizers to the soil around the bush. Of course, not all at once.

They form a favorable environment for the development of currants for 3 years. It is necessary to take into account the following feature: its roots lie close to the surface, in adult bushes it grows in diameter up to 1.5-2 meters. Such an area must be fed with fertilizer. Black, red and white currants are very sensitive to fertilizers containing chlorine. Therefore, potash fertilizers, where chlorine is available, are applied in large doses in the fall.

For the entire period mentioned above, it is necessary to gradually introduce 30-40 kg of manure under the bush. However, the norm may vary depending on the fertility of the soil: the poor need more, and vice versa. Mineral food is as follows: superphosphate is best used when mixed with phosphate fertilizers - bone meal, fluorine-free phosphate, etc. (approximately in this proportion: 100 g of superphosphate and 200 g of bone meal or others.). We don't do it all at once. Nitrogen - in early spring, mainly 20-25 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 sq. m or 40 g of ammonium sulfate. These doses can be divided: part in the spring, the rest - in the summer for top dressing. If you apply manure in spring, then in autumn - mineral nitrogen fertilizer is no longer needed.
These recommendations can be used when growing gooseberries.

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Healthy and well-groomed currants are rarely affected by harmful microorganisms and insects, since they have stable immunity. Currant, like other fruit and berry crops, becomes weakened and vulnerable to pests and diseases as a result improper care, excessive or insufficient fertilization, non-compliance with the rules of agricultural technology and mechanical damage. In the article we will tell you why the leaves of the currant turn yellow and dry in spring and summer, we will give an analysis of the reasons.

Currants with low immunity in the vast majority of cases become infected with viral or fungal diseases.

Consider the most common causes that cause premature yellowing, drying out and leaf fall in currants. Consider effective ways pest and fungal disease control, and effective ways protection of currants from non-infectious diseases caused by a violation of the water, light, nutritional regime and adverse weather and soil conditions.

Currant diseases leading to yellowing, drying out and premature leaf fall

Fungal and viral diseases currants affect mainly leaves and petioles. The first signs of infection with pathogenic spores are observed in early spring. In the absence of timely treatment, fungal diseases can destroy the plant in one season. Consider several types of currant diseases that cause yellowing and drying of the leaves in spring and summer:

  1. Anthracnose appears as brown dots on the surface of the leaf blade. In the affected areas, it destroys chlorophyll, which leads to discoloration of the leaf blade. Over time, brown dots grow and begin to merge into a single spot. The spots increase in size, which leads to premature drying and leaf fall.

Anthracnose disease is activated during the rainy season and at high humidity. Spores of the disease are carried by harmful insects and are carried with water.

Affected red currant leaves fall on initial stage anthracnose infection.
  1. columnar rust - This fungal disease, which is spread by insect pests or with a wind stream from such coniferous trees like cedar or weymouth pine. The first symptoms of the disease are the formation of yellow spots on the outside of the plastic sheet. On the lower part, yellow growths in the form of hairs form.

Columnar rust simultaneously affects the upper and lower parts of the currant leaf.
  1. Septoria appears on the leaves of currant in the form of brown spots. As the disease develops, the spots lighten, only the brown edging of the spot remains intact. With a strong lesion, premature fall of currant leaves is observed. Infection occurs by spores that overwinter in fallen leaves.

The vein mosaic on the currant is not treatable. Infected currant bushes must be destroyed.

With a disease of septoria, brown spots appear not only on the leaves, but also on the fruits of the currant. Septoria often develops on the leaves and fruits of blackcurrant.
  1. vein mosaic viral disease is activated after the leaves bloom. Attacks leaf veins. It appears as a bright yellow pattern on currant leaves. Over time, the leaves dry up and fall off.

The sources of vein mosaic disease are in 90% of cases insect pests such as aphids and mites. In 10% of cases, the source is contaminated inoculum.

In the table, we consider chemicals and the optimal time for treating infected currant bushes with fungal diseases with drugs:

Types of fungal diseases Chemicals Treatment
Anthracnose Nitrofen Before bud break
Cuprozan Before flowering
Colloidal sulfur 1% 1. After flowering.

2. After harvest

columnar rust Bordeaux liquid 1% 1. During the period of leaf blooming.

2. During the budding period.

3. After flowering.

Septoria Nitrofen or Hom Before bud break
Bordeaux liquid 1% 1. Before flowering.

2. After flowering

3. After harvest

vein mosaic Not amenable to treatment. Destruction of the infected currant bush is required.

Tip #1 Bordeaux liquid when treating affected currant bushes with fungal diseases, it can be replaced with a solution of copper oxychloride. Copper chloride has a strong bactericidal effect. To avoid the accumulation of toxic substances in currant berries, processing should be stopped 20-25 days before harvest.

Currant pests causing premature yellowing and leaf fall

Premature yellowing and falling of the leaves of the currant occurs as a result of the attack of insect pests. These pests include:

  • gall aphid;
  • currant glass;
  • spider mite.

gall aphid very voracious and prolific insect. Inhabits currants in spring. It feeds on plant sap until mid-summer. Continuous absorption of juice leads to the exhaustion of the plant. In places of damage, growths appear.

Gall aphid infects white and red currants. In rare cases, it is found on blackcurrant.

currant glass jar looks like a wasp. Inhabit currants after flowering. Forms oviposition under the bark of shoots, from which voracious caterpillars appear. Caterpillars eat away the core of the shoots. caterpillars eating soft tissues shoots, form passages up to 60 cm deep, in which they remain to winter until spring. In the spring, caterpillars gnaw their way out to the surface of the shoot, pupate and turn into butterflies.

The currant glass case affects all types and varieties of currants. The glass case damages up to 50% of blackcurrant shoots and up to 30% of red and white currants.

Tip #2 You can scare away the currant glass folk way. During the period of mass summer, treat currant bushes with strong infusions from plants such as wormwood and tansy. The pungent smell of herbal infusions disorientates and repels glass-case butterflies.

spider mite hides in the scales of the kidneys, so it is quite difficult to see the pest with your own eyes. The main sign that a spider mite has wound up on a currant is swollen and deformed kidneys. Inside each swollen currant bud, several generations of mites can live simultaneously. Leave the monastery as soon as it becomes crowded. In search of a new home, they move to healthy fruit-bearing shoots.

Ticks move to healthy branches during the budding period. This period is considered the most favorable for the treatment of currant bushes with pesticide preparations.

In the table, we consider preparations that will help destroy gall aphids, glass cases and spider mite on currant:

Currant pests Preparations Drug consumption Favorable period for processing
gall aphid Nitrafen 3% 0.5 l per 1 bush. 5-6 days before bud break and after leaf fall.
Glassware Nemabakt or Antonem -F 250 ml per bush At the stage of bud break
spider mite Oberon, Aktelik, Nitrafen 200 ml per bush At the budding stage

Yellowing of currant leaves as a result of a violation of mineral nutrition

Yellowing of the leaves of the currant is observed with a deficiency and excess nutrients nutrition. In the table, we consider how the excess and shortage of any nutrient affects the state of the plant:

Batteries The state of the plant with an excess of nutrients The state of the plant with a lack of nutrients
The vegetative mass is intensively growing. The leaves are large, bright green. The leaves are fragile. The leaf blade is discolored. Green color retain only the veins. Leaves fall prematurely.
The petioles and the lower part of the leaves acquire a reddish tint. Small spots of cranium or purple hue. The edges of the leaves curl down. Leaves fall prematurely.
Potassium Leaves curl down. Affected leaves do not die off, but do not fall off until the end of the growing season. The edges of the leaves darken, dry out and fall off. Only the core of the sheet remains intact.
Calcium The growth and development of the plant is suspended. Leaves turn yellow in patches. The upper part of the leaves acquire a purple hue. The lower part of the leaf becomes discolored and dries out.
Iron The leaves turn yellow mainly between the veins. The leaves look sluggish. The leaf blade turns yellow completely. The edges of the leaves dry out and fall off.
Bor Only the main veins on the leaf blade turn yellow. Drying and shedding of the tips of the leaves is observed.
Manganese Does not affect the condition of leaves and shoots. Dry gray plaques form on the leaves.

Experienced gardeners recommend feeding currants several times during the season. Nitrogen fertilizers must be applied in early spring. An effective nitrogen fertilizer for currants is urea. Urea is best applied in liquid form. To prepare the solution, 1 tbsp is enough. urea per 10 liters of water. Solution consumption - 10 liters of water per bush.

In summer, currants should be fed organic fertilizers. It is enough to prepare a solution of mullein in a ratio of 1 to 10. The consumption of the solution is 1 bucket per bush. In autumn, currants are best fed with a nutrient mixture of compost, superphosphate and potassium sulfate. The mixture is prepared at the rate of 5 kg of compost, 3 tablespoons of superphosphate and 2 tablespoons. potassium sulfate.

Common gardener mistakes leading to yellowing of currant leaves

  1. Carry out the wrong feeding mineral fertilizers. Deficiency and excess of basic nutrients leads to yellowing of the leaves.
  2. Produce rare watering. So with a lack of water, young currant roots die off. The plant ceases to receive useful substances, castings begin to turn yellow and fade. Due to the lack of nutrients, the currant begins to shed its foliage in order to survive.
  3. Excess water in trunk circles leads to rotting of small roots. The plant stops receiving nutrients, which leads to yellowing of the leaves and weakening of the plant as a whole.

Frequently Asked Questions for Gardeners

Question number 1. How to detect a currant glass case?

The glass is hard to find. The glasswort lays its eggs under the bark of the shoots. The caterpillars that have appeared live in the core of the shoots for up to two years, feeding on the juice of the plant. In this regard, several currant shoots should be cut, on which there are yellowed leaves. If there are black dots in the core, most likely the currant is affected by a glass case.

Question number 2. What plants are intermediates for gall aphids?

In the second half of summer, the gall aphid inhabits such plants as oregano, chistets, lavender, mint, sage and thyme. When fighting gall aphids on currants, the above plants must be destroyed.

Question number 3. What plants should be planted between the rows of currants to scare away pests?

You can scare away currant pests if you plant marigolds, garlic and calendula nearby.


Blackcurrant is a plant that is resistant to diseases and unpretentious in care. But there are times when it gets sick. Leaf yellowing is considered the most common disease of blackcurrant bushes. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon. Let's consider them in more detail.

Harmful insects are the main reason why leaves turn yellow

Gall aphid is enemy number one for currant bushes. This type of aphid reproduces very quickly: several generations are born in one season. The pest feeds on the juice of the plant, which it sucks out of the leaves. Bubbles of a yellow or brown hue appear on the areas affected by aphids, then the entire leaf turns yellow and falls off. The gall aphid very quickly colonizes the entire bush, therefore, at the first signs of its appearance, it is necessary to treat the plant with special preparations.

Currant glass is another pest of shrubs. Caterpillars gnaw through young shoots, suck out the juice, which is the reason for the yellowing of the foliage and the general wilting of the plant. Regular inspection and timely spraying of bushes for the destruction of harmful insects will prevent the appearance and reproduction of the glass case.

Blackcurrant? Reason #2

Adverse weather conditions can also affect the development and growth of the bush. The reason for the premature yellowing of the foliage on the currant may be drought. On very hot summer days, the plant should be well watered, and the soil around the bush should be loosened regularly so that the healing moisture does not evaporate very quickly.

High humidity can also cause blackcurrant leaves to turn yellow. Abundant and frequent watering, prolonged rains adversely affect the life of the shrub. Water washes away nutrients from the soil, and the plant does not receive the elements necessary for the full development.

An incorrectly chosen landing site is the reason why blackcurrant leaves turn yellow

Bushes in the garden should be located at a distance of 1 meter from any other crops, otherwise the plant will be limited in access to light and space. The leaves on such a shrub will turn yellow and crumble. Berries in such conditions are tied small, they are sour in taste.

Currant leaves turn yellow even when the bush grows either in sandy or in hard, nutrient-poor soil. In this case, the plant needs to be transplanted to a more suitable place, or mineral and organic fertilizers should be regularly applied to the soil.

Can top dressing be the reason why blackcurrant leaves turn yellow?

When fertilizing bushes, you need to adhere to the rules and regulations for their application. Excess peat in the soil is striking root system plants, which provokes yellowing and falling leaves. Young currant bushes are very sensitive to potash and phosphate fertilizers. An overdose of them causes a root burn, blanching and shedding of foliage and ovaries.

In order for the plant to fully develop, a preventive examination of shrubs, a favorable environment for their growth and development, and timely treatment of plants and soil are necessary. Provide currants in your garden with such conditions, and it will delight you with a healthy look and a rich harvest.

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