The magic of wealth is a sure way to get rich. In order for the money to grow. Powerful conspiracies for big money and success

The desire to live in wealth and prosperity is one of the most important for a person in any society and at all times. Let us remember the words of the folk song: “So be healthy, live richly.” The song's wish puts health and well-being first among all our aspirations. Among the Slavs, many conspiracies for wealth are very common.

Many people do not understand why Vanga has many conspiracies to increase money. How could the holy seer approve of the thirst for profit, you ask. The point is how a person will dispose of wealth, turn it into good, or lose his human appearance in the shine of coins. Vanga’s words that asking for wealth and extra money is possible and necessary for people for treatment, for getting rid of poverty, for everyone who wants a well-fed, quiet life.

And those who, according to Vanga, have a lot and ask for more, who are overcome by the thirst for profit, should be wary of reading conspiracies. Edges other world are very subtle, and a money grabber blinded by money may not notice how, instead of the help of higher powers, Satan will take possession of him.

Day rituals

To make friends with money

Money doesn't come to some people, they don't like the person. You can attract wealth to yourself by learning a simple, but effective conspiracy from Vanga. In the morning, take a juicy, rosy apple or pear. Cut in the middle and read the spell into half an apple (pear):

“I call upon the money spirit and infuse it into a pear (apple). I eat a pear (apple) and give myself the money spirit. Love me, money, come to me, money. Where there is a money spirit, money goes there. Amen"

Then eat the fruit.

To make money grow

In the morning, before breakfast, salt a slice of bread and recite the spell:

“The grain fell into the ground, grew into a sprout, turned golden into an ear, and turned into bread. Just as there is plenty of grain in the fields, I have money to the sky. Just as the grain grows and heads, so my money grows and increases. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Eat the bread with pleasure down to the crumbs.

For financial wealth and a comfortable life

You need to sew a coin into the hem of something you wear often. While sewing, repeat in a whisper (you can read from a sheet):

“Thread with a needle, and money with me. Just as a thread follows a needle, money is drawn to me. I hem the hem and sew the money onto me. Come to me, money big and small, copper, silver, gold, paper, all kinds, to buy, to sell, for your joy, for God’s grace. Amen"

While you are sewing, read the words of the spell continuously. On the day of the ceremony, let the item hang among others, and the next day dress and wear it as always.

For a rich, comfortable life

Choose a time when you are home alone. Then no one will interfere with the ritual. Cook the fish soup. While cutting fish and cooking, read the plot from Vanga:

“Great are the earth’s waters, the seas and oceans are full of them. How much water is in the seas and oceans, how many fish are in that water, that is how much wealth I have. Amen, Amen, Amen"

The whole family should eat fish soup and finish it on the same day.

Night sacraments

Vanga said: “Believe in the power of the full moon.”

To make good money

When the month is born, pour a full glass clean water and place it by the window so that it catches the light of the moon. When the full moon comes, take a glass and recite a spell on it:

“The moon was thin, but became full. So may my house become full of all good things, and gold and silver.”

Wash your face with this water at night and in the morning.

To grow wealth

The ritual should be performed on a full moon in clear weather. Place as many bills and coins as you like on the windowsill, illuminated by the light of the moon. Speak about money three times, you can read from the sheet:

“Queen Moon, you turn silver, turn golden, grow and grow. So fill my money with your light so that it grows and grows. Money drinks up the moonlight, grows hour by hour, gains strength, fills my house.”

While the moon is shining, do not remove the money from the window. Then put them in a secret compartment of your wallet to attract new wealth.

Energy of the starry sky for constant prosperity

This wealth conspiracy is considered by many to be the most effective and efficient. When every star is visible in the sky on a full moon, go outside and say Vanga’s spell, looking up:

“The stars have no number, I have no number of money”

The words of the conspiracy must be said at least 9 times.

Knowledge of the healer Stepanova, bringing benefit

Modern Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova has the power of knowing magic spells. She supports people's desire for wealth, emphasizing that wealth should be acquired in a righteous way and assigned to a dignified, honest life.

Rituals in daylight

Buy 12 apples, give half to those in need, and bring the rest home. The next day, give 3 apples to the poor, leaving the last 3 at home. On the third day, go to church and place apples on the funeral table, whispering the spell:

“Remember my poverty for peace, and wealth and health are with me. Amen"

A very strong conspiracy for wealth requires strict compliance with all conditions. Otherwise the words lose their power. During the entire ritual, the dog should not bark (it is better to remove it from the rooms), you need to turn off the phone, because you cannot talk to anyone.

On Maundy Thursday, throw a handful into a bucket of water small money and read the following words from the piece of paper:

“Water, you are water, everyone drinks you, everyone loves you. Everyone sanctifies you in the Creation. I ask you, water, Mother, pure water, forgive me. Mother water, help. There are so many of you in the lake, in the river, in the stream, in the ocean, in every human glass. So I would have a lot of money: on Monday, and Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Thursday, and Friday, and Saturday, and Sunday. So much water for me too. God's servant, a lot of goodness, gold and silver. In the name of the Father and in the name of the Son and the Holy Spirit and forever and ever. Amen"

With your little fingers clasped, repeat the spell for wealth 3 times. Wipe the table with the charmed water, then the windows, and the floors from the threshold deep into the house. Collect the coins in a white scarf and do not waste them.

Night rituals

On a full moon day, buy a gray poppy from a woman. Do not take change from your purchase. At midnight, spread a black scarf on the table, draw a circle on it with a piece of soap and pour poppy seeds into it. Constantly drawing a cross on the poppy with your ring finger, whisper a plot for a rich life:

“There is one island on the sea, on the ocean. There is land on that island. There is the Lord God, the Mother of God and me. I will come closer to them, I will bow to them lower. Mother of God, you lived on earth, took bread into your hands, paid for bread with money, carried money in your wallet. Without money, food will not be given, clothes will not be woven, candles will not be sold in church. Give me, Lord, as much poppy as there is on this scarf, so much money in my wallet. I close my words, I close my business. Key, lock, tongue. Amen"

The bravest ones can dare to go to the cemetery on a full moon. The one who conducts the ritual must be sure that he will not be afraid and will not go astray from the words of the conspiracy. Otherwise, the ritual may result in illness or even death of the participant.

Place a ruble under your left heel and go to the cemetery at midnight. As you approach the gate, stamp your left foot on the ground and say loudly:

“Cheers, mind you, dead people, your place is holy, and let my place be rich. To you, the dead, have a good sleep, and to me, the servant of God (name), gold and silver. Mind you, mind you, dead people, your place is holy, and in my pocket there is silver and gold.”

Anyone who is not afraid of anything and performs the ritual correctly will live in wealth until old age.

Among the many conspiracies, you will always find one that will help you push your destiny for the better.

As you know, there is never too much money. Using time-tested rituals, you can improve your financial energy and attract prosperity every day.

Seven rituals that you will perform during the week will help you attract financial well-being. For the magic to work, believe in yourself and don’t tell anyone what you are doing. This way you will protect yourself from envious people and ill-wishers who could negatively affect your work.


It is desirable that the ritual begin on the 13th, but this is not a necessary condition. At one o'clock and 13 minutes, put thirteen coins in your wallet. Count them 13 times, and then spend them, whispering: “I’ll buy my way out of troubles, I don’t know about a damn dozen.”


Place an old coin in your wallet next to the bills. Its value is not important, the main thing is that it is real old coin- for example, from the times of the USSR. With its help you will attract financial flows to yourself.


Change any banknote and donate the change to good causes. You can give money to those in need, or you can buy balloons and sweets and treat the children you know. Or spend money on flowers and please the elderly with attention.


Before leaving the house, hold the bill between your palms, and then press your hands to the point between your eyebrows. This way you will open your inner vision, which will allow you to find additional sources of finance.


Write a spell on a piece of paper, put it in your wallet or in the lining of your clothes, and wear it constantly. Text of the plot: “There is a mole in the garden, my wallet is the garden. The mole digs the ground and brings me wealth.”


Sew a small bag with drawstrings, put a pea and a small coin in it. Hide it in a secluded place. After a while, check - if the items have disappeared from the bag, it means that the brownie will help you attract finance to your home.


Pour salt onto a saucer in a thin stream, saying: “As long as the salt is salty, poverty does not scare me. I block myself from it, I take advantage of monetary luck.” Place your wallet on top of the pile of salt and leave it for an hour.

With these simple rituals you can improve your financial situation. To enhance the effect, use meditations that will help open the money chakras and unblock financial flows. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.06.2017 05:06

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A money conspiracy is the utterance of certain magical phrases designed to attract good income to a person.

There are strong conspiracies and rituals for wealth that require a specific place and specific time, but there are also much simpler ones that are accessible to almost everyone. So, how can you make money flow?

The easiest way

Do 7 good deeds for Easter or give 7 gifts to your family and friends this holiday. The Lord will remember your kindness throughout the next year. At the same time, it is recommended to give alms to those asking, repeating to yourself the following words: “Let the hand of the giver not fail...”. And one more thing: buy a new bucket and say the phrase three times: “The bucket will be full, but I will forget all poverty.”

Money plot near the cash register

When you are given change in a store, repeat the spell to yourself: “Your money is in my wallet, and your treasury is my treasury. Amen".

Let's borrow experience!

When you are in the house of rich friends or neighbors, look at the ceiling and say in a whisper: “As you have treasure and harmony, what is for you will be for us. Amen".

So that wealth always falls into your hands...

Bake bread for the new month, while constantly saying to the dough: “As you, dough, will grow, enlarge and become magnificent, so we will grow, rise in our position, in our glory and increase above people. Amen.".

Conspiracy to increase money

You need to slander the coin or bill that has a five on it, after which you should always carry it with you. In a month you need to get rid of it and do new conspiracy. The following words must be pronounced: “I’m going to trade as a merchant, I’ll return on a sable a fine fellow. I bring treasure into my house. Give me, God, so much money that I have nowhere to put it. Amen.".

A very strong spell for wealth

You need to dig a hole under the aspen tree, put a coin in it and, covering it with earth, say the words: “God be with you, my soot. You grow as a sprout and live from the harvest. If the mouse doesn’t gnaw and the worm doesn’t wear off, then no one will waste my money. Amen.". You just need to do this on an even day of the month that falls on the full moon.

If you found money...

Contrary to the popular belief that in no case should you pick up coins and bills lying on the road, forgotten in a store or lost by someone in any other place, there are very powerful conspiracies and rituals for wealth that work successfully if you “work "with that kind of money.

Take the money you found and immediately say: “I took the money, but didn’t take the lining.” It is important to understand that we are talking about a precautionary measure, since people often reduce all their negativity - illnesses and troubles - to money.

On the 13th of the month, go to church, buy 13 candles there, and exchange the change you receive for coins. Return home, scatter the metal money on the floor and don’t pick it up until the morning.

Moreover, on this day it is necessary to exclude the appearance of strangers in the house - there should be no neighbors, no relatives, no friends, it is important that no one this evening asks you the question of why there is money lying around everywhere.

In the morning, before washing and combing your hair, you need to collect the money and tie it in a handkerchief or any other loose fabric, and then put it under your bed. You will very quickly begin to notice how your income will increase.

And as soon as this happens, remove the wick from an ordinary wax candle, light it on both sides and quickly say: “The fire is eternal, and my spirit is marked with gold, and also with silver and various good things. Amen.". Then the wick should be extinguished and carried with you for at least a month.

Important to know! During a feast, it often happens that someone takes food from your plate. Never allow anything like this, otherwise you will always live in poverty.

How else can you attract money to yourself?

  • Buy grain and scatter it on the street for the birds, saying the following words: “You birds, peck the grain for yourself, and spit the money for me. Amen.";
  • Take 12 apples and give every second to the poor, bring the remaining six to your home. The next day, give every second of them to the poor again, and let the remaining three pieces lie at home. In the morning, take the fruits to the church and place them on the funeral table, saying to yourself: “Remember my poverty for my repose, and leave health and wealth with me. Amen.";
  • Pour water into a glass on the day when the moon is new, leave it behind the curtain on the window until the moon is completely full, and then wash your face with this water with a spell: “How you, month, were thin, but became full, so I too will be full of all good things”;
  • Find a pile of ants in the forest and throw a bunch of small change into it. As soon as the ants start running over your money, immediately say: “There are so many ants in this pile, so that I have a lot of money and don’t transfer it. Amen".

Probably, each of us has ever heard about people who, quite suddenly and completely unexpectedly for everyone around them, suddenly became rich - income literally poured into them like a river.

And such stories are not always explained in purely materialistic terms. scientific point vision. But it is important to ask the questions “How to get rich?” and “Where can I get money?”

From generation to generation since ancient times, very effective ways and strong conspiracies for wealth, allowing you to radically change your life for the better, attracting wealth into it.

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Video “How to become rich”

Svetlana Kurkina
specially for “Psychology of Relationships”

Every person dreams of having, if not wealth, then prosperity. Why can one become rich and another not? How to speak money? What spells and rituals are needed for this? Are there such strong conspiracies for wealth that you can read them once and get rid of your need forever?

It’s worth noting right away - don’t get your hopes up! To become rich, you need to make an effort, read prayers and conspiracies from the book Siberian healer, attracting wealth and prosperity.

Money loves work and effort. And banknotes that arrive by chance will also leave you by chance!

But let's try our luck. What if you get lucky? This ritual is for lazy but lucky people. On the new moon, buy a full deck of cards (54 sheets). Overpay for your purchase! Do you want to become a rich person? So don't skimp. At home, remove the red joker card from the deck and place it in your wallet or purse.

Attention! The black joker will need to be burned somewhere away from home!

Wrap the deck in light-colored fabric and place it in a secluded corner. Never use this deck for fortune telling or gaming. The red joker card is a talisman of your monetary luck. If you lose the red joker, the deck will need to be burned on the new moon.

How to increase money in your wallet

  • beautiful tray;
  • copper coins;
  • clay cup;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • red fabric.

To attract money into your wallet and become at least a little rich, wait until the new moon. Before that, prepare a handful of copper coins (Soviet nickels will also work). If the new moon is clear and starry, scatter the coins on the tray. Pour clean water into a clay bowl and dilute three pinches of salt in it.

Then spray the coins three times with salt water and take the tray to the balcony. Touch the coins with your hand and say the spell three times:

“Young month!
How many stars are in the sky, how much water is in the sea - that’s how much money there will be in my wallet!”

Take three coins from the tray and wrap them in a red rag. Carry them in your wallet for ten days and then hide them. This money will attract wealth. Repeat the ritual on the next new moon.

Spell for wealth on the moon

Conspiracies for wealth on the moon are considered very effective. The moon is a prototype of witchcraft due to its property of changing over the course of a month - from a thin sickle to a full disk and back. This energy of change is used to plot wealth. The ritual is performed on the night of the full moon, when the sky is clear and the lunar disk is clearly visible.

Place a few coins and bills on the windowsill so that the rays of the night light fill them with their energy. Cast a spell to increase wealth three times, asking the moon to help you become rich. There is no need to read prayers.

“Queen Moon!
You turn golden and silver, you grow and grow.
Fill my money with your light so that it grows and grows.
My money drinks the moonlight, it grows hour by hour, it gains strength, it fills my wallet.”

Leave the room, and after a few hours put this money in your wallet. You cannot spend them within a month: they will attract wealth. After a month, spend all the money, and read the plot for new bills and coins. To become rich, repeat the ritual monthly.

Ritual for wealth with candles

This is very strong ritual for wealth on candles from the book of a Siberian healer. It is performed on the 13th of any month. You will need to go to church and buy 13 candles and put the change in your left pocket.

Place three of them for repose, three for health, and seven for St. Nicholas the Pleasant. Go home silently. At home, you need to take money out of your pocket with your left hand and throw it on the floor so that it scatters.

No one should pick up this money from the floor. Do not allow any guests into the house on this day. The next morning, as soon as you get out of bed, collect the money from the floor and tie it in a green cloth in a knot. This bundle needs to be put in your bed.

Just follow important condition: You need to collect money from the floor before washing, combing and eating. As soon as they got out of bed, they collected the money. There is no need to read prayers, nor a conspiracy for wealth.

The ritual is so powerful that it does not need to be repeated!

Ritual with a church candle

This ritual for wealth is also from the book of a Siberian healer. On a new moon or waxing moon, buy a candle in church and bring it home. Remove the wick from it and light it on both sides at once. While the wick is burning, you must have time to say the following spell:

“Fire is eternal.
And my spirit is marked with gold, silver and all good things.

Extinguish the wick and put it in your wallet. Carry it with you everywhere.

Ritual with a mirror for money

  • mirror;
  • church candle;
  • banknote.

This ritual can be performed by any person, even those who do not have a magical gift. You need to place a mirror on the table and place a candle in front of it. Let the candle burn a little, clearing the mirror of unnecessary information. Then place a high-denomination bill (at least 500 rubles) in front of the mirror and look at it carefully for two or three minutes. Then you need to sharply look at the mirror!

You will have a feeling of some kind of cloudiness. If you manage to do everything correctly, the bill will be imprinted in your brain. Put out the candle with your fingers.

Spend the bill. And in three days she will appear with you again, will return to you! Do this every day, but no more than ten times in a row (take a break) and you will be able to replenish your budget well. After the break (it will be just as the moon is waning), continue your actions.

How to charge a candle for wealth

  • three candles: green, white and golden;
  • dried basil;
  • olive oil;
  • banknotes and metal money.

This ritual is performed once a month on the new moon. Prepare three candles, and the green one should be large. Light a white and golden candle and place it on either side of you, and place the money between them. Take a green candle, grease it well with oil, and then sprinkle it with basil herb (it is better to grind it into powder). Then place a candle between you and the bills. Light it with a match and look at the money through its flame.

Now important point: By force of will you must try to attract money to yourself. Of course, this is physically impossible to do, but you must achieve the feeling of attracting money. It's as if they stuck to you or connected with you. You need to pull until you feel slightly dizzy. After this, extinguish the white candle with your fingers and rest for a while. Then attract money again and after that put out the golden candle.

Next, grab the money from the table with both hands and sprinkle it on the green candle (pour it on top). If this action does not extinguish the candle, then you have succeeded in making a money candle. If the candle goes out, then this ritual is not for you. How to use a money candle? Light it to attract money and wealth. There is no need to read any prayers or conspiracies.

To become rich, imagine your well-being in vivid pictures. On the next new moon, repeat the ritual with another candle. Work with it as needed.

Rapid growth in monetary wealth is possible! If you read the wealth plot yourself, you can quickly get rich. The main thing is to follow the rules and pronounce clearly

A powerful conspiracy for enormous wealth

Wealth spells are your opportunity to improve your financial situation; money will begin to come from various sources.

Many people who took advantage of the rituals presented were able to earn a lot of money. For the presented rituals it is used white magic, you don’t have to worry about the consequences.

A thin horn in the sky has always promised people wealth and good luck. There is a conspiracy for the new month; it should be read using paper money. This option involves an increase in the money supply over several months. Immediately think about what you specifically want: increase wages, more orders or offers, development of your business.

On green paper (you can use napkins) along the edge we write the desired result in small letters. Then draw a circle in the middle and also write the expected result on it, in one word. Let's say increase, profit, prosperity, work, luck, fortune. We burn the center over the green lit candle that stands on the bill. While all the paper is burning, we read the plot:

“Fire take away my words, bring everything on this sheet to me. Life burns out like fire, but I want to pass on a great inheritance to my children.”

Leave the ashes on the banknote overnight. Carry it with you and do not exchange it.

Spell for good luck in gambling

Do you want to become a master in gambling so that money sticks to your hands and failure avoids you? In this case, to attract wealth, you will need to perform a ritual for money luck.

To achieve your goal, you need to overcome an obstacle.

On the fifteenth lunar day you can go shopping:

  • One deck of cards (54 sheets);
  • Three candles (black, green, red).

We place the candles in a row on the table (green in the middle), and make a ring of cards around the candles. We take the jokers out of the deck and place the red one near the red candle and the black one near the black candle. We place both palms on the cards, close our eyes and say the spell 3 times:

“Wheel of Fortune, start up. Good luck and fortune, turn to me.”

We burn the black joker and put the red one in our wallet. As soon as the candles burn out, collect the deck and hide it in a secluded place.

Having done everything right, luck will come into your life, all that remains is to cling tighter to its tail.

Conspiracy to attract wealth on your birthday

Money rituals on birthdays have special power and can bring untold wealth.

You will need:

  • Tray;
  • White fabric;
  • Green candle;
  • Learn the spell;
  • Gold ribbon;
  • Green thread.

Warn all invited guests to bring coins in denominations of 5-10 rubles. Let's move on to actions:

  1. Once the cake is brought out, place a green candle in the middle of it;
  2. The birthday boy approaches each guest with a tray (the invited people must put in a coin);
  3. Afterwards, the main hero of the occasion makes a wish, blows out the candles on the cake;
  4. Tie the resulting coins into a knot and wrap them tightly with a gold ribbon.

At the moment of wrapping the tape, make three knots, say the spell the same number of times:

“I’ll put luck in a bundle and attract money to me. Wealth come, and don’t go away all year.”

Conspiracy to attract finance

One Slavic magician created a charmed potion that can bring money and wealth. Fortunately, this recipe has survived to this day, and we are happy to share it.

Ingredients for the magic potion:

  • Mint;
  • Melissa;
  • Chamomile;
  • Immortelle;
  • Spring water;

Cooking recipe:

  1. Pour a liter of water into a saucepan;
  2. Add one teaspoon of each herb;
  3. Stir and bring to a boil;

“So that my life would be calm, I would have a mountain of money. So that your nerves are not wasted, and profits come to the house. The heart does not hurt, sadness does not stir the soul. Prosperity comes to the house, gold flows into the pocket, fill it up and wish you happiness.”

Remove from heat and let the potion cool. Afterwards, take three sips of the magical decoction, and pour the rest onto the ground.

Conspiracy against unnecessary expenses and losses

Nature helped people who fell in love with it.

By avoiding losses and unnecessary expenses, it is possible to get rich by saving cash. Exists magic spell capable of bringing financial support. To perform the ritual you will need:

  1. Coltsfoot (find and transplant into a pot);
  2. Learn to read the plot expressively;
  3. From 16 to 21 lunar calendar start the ritual.

Take sharp scissors and cut 5-7 leaves, in the process bring a spell:

“Mother, help me, remove the evil eye and the damage from me. Dear stepmother, don’t scold me, but return wealth to my family. To be rich, to feed everyone, to please you, and not to know grief. I will take your greens for good, I will draw profit to my palms.”

After cutting off the foliage, water the plant generously. Brew the cut leaves with tea for three days.

Hex to wealth

Learn this hex by heart and prepare 7 red silk threads. Within three days, tie a braid of seven strands, enough to wrap around your wrist three times. As soon as it is ready, we begin to make nine knots. We speak to each of them:

“As my braid is tight, my wallet is full. Just as the knot is strong, so we never run out of wealth. Come my wealth."

The amulet should be on your hand no later than the fifth day from the start of weaving.

Debt return spell

If you need to speed up the receipt of debt money, then use the ritual once every three months. On Saturday, during the waxing moon, go to church. Prepare 13 coins, they must be distributed to the poor near the church. After this, buy 12 candles and place them near the icons. After arranging the candles, go to the icon of St. Spyridon and read the prayer three times.

Buy 7 candles and when you come home, set them on fire and read a spell over the flame.

“I don’t steal someone else’s, I take my own wealth. I beg Saint Spyridon about this. Amen".

Spells for wealth on eggs

To attract money, you will have to cast a spell for wealth yourself, using a homemade egg. Wash the egg under running water and brush sunflower oil. While oiling, we pronounce the following conspiracy:

“The oil is slippery, pleasant, money slides down it and into my pocket.”

Afterwards we carefully roll the egg in flour and say the words:

“Not bread, but with flour, not poultry, but with grain. Not a king, but with gold."

We leave it in this form at the head of the bed overnight. In the morning, wash the egg with spring water and cook. Every 3 minutes, after boiling, you need to whisper into the brew:

“Like a chicken gave an egg, so luck came to me. He is not afraid, respects and always gives a chance. Fortune smiles, money increases.”

After cooling on the window, peel it carefully so that the protein is intact and divide it into seven parts. We eat the yolk immediately, and the white within seven days in the morning on an empty stomach.

Ritual for wealth and good luck

This ritual is successful for people who work for themselves: businessmen and entrepreneurs. To get rich quickly, the plot is read on Friday the 13th, on a special liquid that needs to be poured under a young tree.

You will need to collect 13 items:

  • Candles;
  • Quail eggs;
  • Coins of 10 rubles;
  • Notes on paper with the inscription "profit";

Place the candles on fire so that they form a circle, place a transparent jar in the center. Now beat the eggs, pour them into a jar and read the plot the same number of times:

“Small and daring, it brings silver, it increases gold, it adds money, it doesn’t take it back.”

Then we throw one coin into the jar and clearly say the spell:

“Just as an egg has three layers, so I will become three times richer. Just as protein holds it together, so my property sticks to my family; nothing can get it off. The yolk prolongs life and provides a future for my children and grandchildren. Be as I command, no one can interrupt, happiness cannot be turned away from me.”

We combine all the candles in an armful and hold the container over them for thirteen seconds, but not too close. The next morning we find a young tree and pour the slurry and fines under the roots.

Amulet of the rich from Vanga

In the fight against lack of money, Vanga recommended a spell for an amulet made of wax, honey and her own hair. The wax should be taken from church candles, the shape of the amulet should resemble the shape of a grape (a symbol of fertility).

You will need a green thread and any large bill. Don't be afraid, nothing will happen to your money during the process. Melt the wax in an iron spoon over a candle, add three hairs to it and pour it onto the bill. Next, you need to sculpt an amulet on paper money and pronounce the spell:

“For strength, wealth, for all needs and prosperity.”

Having molded an amulet of wealth, make a hole in it, thread a green thread and tie it with 7 knots. The resulting money magnet should always be carried with you.

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