A set of effective exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides: removing extra centimeters at home. Exercise for the back and abdomen

10/11/2014 00:44

Almost every girl is familiar with this problem when she realizes that her waist is no longer slim, and her sides have visually (and not only) increased in size. Many people do not pay attention to this, although it is quite easy to cope with these problems if you start studying in time.

Breathing exercises for the abdomen - the easiest exercises for weight loss

One of the most simple ways remove excess fat on the stomach and sides – breathing exercises. These exercises really burn fat and help you achieve the shape you want.

So, how are these exercises performed?

  • Exercise No. 1. Lie on your back and try to relax completely. Then bend your knees and take as deep a breath as you can. In this case, you should inflate your stomach. Next, we exhale sharply and draw in our stomach, simultaneously tensing our abdominal muscles. This exercise should be repeated 10 times or more.
  • Exercise No. 2. Lying on your back, stretch your arms along your body and breathe intensely for 10 seconds. Then take a deep breath, draw in your stomach and raise your legs perpendicular to the floor. Next, without inhaling, pull your legs toward your body with your hands to stretch the leg muscles. Then return to the starting position and exhale. The exercise is repeated 10 times, although the load is increased over time.
  • Exercise No. 3. IP (starting position) remains the same - lying on your back. Hands should be placed under the buttocks and legs should be straightened. Breathe rapidly for 10 seconds. Then tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your legs off the floor. Do the scissors exercise (10 seconds), and then take a short break. You should do 10 approaches until your abdominal muscles begin to “burn.”
  • Exercise #4. IP – standing against a wall, press your back against it. Next, take a deep breath and feel the tension in your lower back, rest your spine against the wall. Next, exhale just as deeply to feel your abdominal muscles tighten. The exercise is also repeated 10 times.
  • Exercise #5. IP – sitting down on a chair, straighten your back completely. Next, you should simply breathe deeply into your stomach, either relaxing or jerkingly tensing your abdominal muscles. Perform the exercise from 10 to 50 times.

Physical exercises for losing belly fat – 10 options

Except breathing exercises, there are also physical ones, which are aimed at extreme burning of fat deposits in the abdomen and sides.

Also, these exercises contribute to the appearance of the long-awaited abs.

10 effective exercises for losing belly fat

  • 1st exercise. Squats. As it turns out, squats help not only to get the butt of your dreams, but also to pump up your abdominal muscles.

The most important condition is the presence of weights. You can take a liter bottle of water in your hands - this will be quite enough.

  • 2nd exercise. Twisting. IP - lying on your back. The knees are bent and the feet are completely flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head. Raise your body sharply and touch your left elbow to your right knee, then return to the starting position.

    Repeat the exercise, but with your right elbow and left knee. Repeat until you feel a burning sensation in your muscles.
  • 3rd exercise. Bike. An exercise everyone knows from childhood, which helps to get rid of not only the sides and belly fat, but also the “lugs” on the hips.

    The exercise should be performed for 2 to 5 minutes. Read also:
  • 4th exercise. "Broken scissors." The exercise is performed from a lying position on your stomach. The legs rise slightly, and then spread slightly to the sides and then knock against each other.

    Thus, the abdominal muscles and inner thighs are activated.
  • 5th exercise. Exercise with a load. For this exercise you will need any weight (you can even take a pillow). Lie on your back and squeeze a pillow between your feet. Next, raise your legs to a small height so that the pillow does not fall out.

    Next, start drawing circles with your feet (large ones first, then small ones). The exercise is also performed until your abs begin to burn.
  • 6th exercise. Lifting the body. A typical abdominal exercise. Secure your legs (you can use a sofa for this purpose), cross your arms over your chest.

    Then lift and lower as many times as necessary to feel a burning sensation in the muscles.
  • 7th exercise. Birch (candle). Yes, this exercise also helps to remove excess belly fat. You should stay in the birch tree pose for 30 to 50 seconds.

    Then take a few deep breaths and do another set.
  • 8th exercise. Hula hoop. 5 minutes of hoop twirling will help you get an ideal waist, trim your sides and burn off extra pounds.

    You can spin for 5 minutes, gradually increasing this time to half an hour.
  • 9th exercise. Plank. This exercise not only helps to remove fat from the abdomen and sides. But also tighten all the muscles in general.

    IP - lying down, as in a push-up, but instead of your palms, you should rest on your forearms. The body should be taut like a string. You should hold in this position for a minute.
  • 10th exercise. Little Mermaid. This is an exercise with funny name helps shape the waist and remove fat from the sides. IP – lying on your side, placing both hands behind your head. The legs are connected together and you are required to lift them off the floor.

    Hold your legs hanging for ten seconds, then lower. The exercise is repeated 10 times on each side.

For the average person, the torso is a problem area. This is how the body works, accumulating subcutaneous fat in this area. Only professional athletes can boast of a complete absence of deposits.

What to do if the cubes on your stomach are hidden under unsightly folds of fat?

How to lose weight correctly?

It is not enough to make every effort to combat those extra inches on your waist. You need to reconsider your diet and choose the most effective exercises for your sides and abdomen.

First of all, you will need patience, since the fat tissue that has accumulated over the years is unlikely to disappear in one week. It will take months of painstaking work, and we need to prepare for it mentally.

An integrated approach and regular exercise will help you get a sculpted, pumped up belly in just two to three months. Exercises should begin with a mandatory warm-up and cardio exercise, and then move on to stretching and strength exercises. By performing special exercises from the abdomen and sides, you can start the metabolism of adipose tissue and strengthen muscles.

There is no need to go on a strict diet while losing weight on your stomach and sides. It is enough to reduce salt, spicy seasonings, fatty foods and fast food, sugar, carbonated drinks, smoked and flour products in the diet.

By eliminating or reducing, if possible, salt and sugar, it is possible to significantly improve metabolism. Our body gets carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables, which are much healthier than confectionery chemicals artificially made from sugar.

The diet should consist of natural products and contain at the core:

  • proteins that will process folds into muscles;
  • carbohydrates that provide the energy needed for aerobic training.

If you absolutely cannot do without fats, you need to choose healthy Omega-6 and Omega-3 contained in fish and lean meat.

You need to add foods to your diet that effectively fight extra pounds:

  • ginger (read about the benefits of ginger for and);
  • green tea(what are the benefits of green tea for men, read the articles);
  • pineapples or pineapple juice;
  • grapefruit or juice from it.

For complete abdominal perfection, you can use a special sports supplement - a fat burner. This drug is neither an anabolic nor a steroid, will not affect hormonal levels and will accelerate the metabolism of fats in the body.

Alcohol, smoking and others bad habits must be excluded to obtain the desired result.

Preparing for the exercises

Beginners fighting for a thin waist often make typical mistakes:

  • side bends with dumbbells thin waist not achieve;
  • your waist will become wider with regular weight training;
  • Hula hoop can provoke unpleasant consequences in the form of prolapse of internal organs in the abdominal cavity.

The fat layer will not disappear without cardio exercises, so there is no point in focusing only on strength training. Often people want to get rid of folds by enthusiastically pumping their belly.

But a radical fight against fat deposits is necessary, not in one local area, but in general, by launching an internal mechanism that will destroy excess fat.

Therefore, the fight against subcutaneous fat should begin with aerobic training, during which you have to work intensely and breathe deeply. The pulse accelerates, the number of heart contractions increases, the pressure and body temperature increase with common aerobic exercises:

  • running and fast walking;
  • swimming;
  • jumping rope;
  • dancing;
  • cycling.

All these workouts trigger the mechanism for burning excess fat, so cardio and aerobic exercise should last at least thirty minutes.

Only then will the necessary processes of eliminating fats throughout the body, and not just in the abdominal area, begin. Moreover, the fat burning process does not stop, but continues to operate for one and a half to two hours after training.

The optimal result will be achieved with regular exercise every other day and with a combination of cardio training and various strength exercises to the desired muscle groups. Before each workout, be sure to warm up for at least five minutes.

We offer a complex

It is recommended to perform 4-5 sets of each exercise with 10-15 repetitions each. And you don’t need to try to do all the exercises at once in one workout, your muscles will become clogged and harmful soreness will appear. The desire to train further will quickly end, so you need to be afraid of overtraining.

During each workout, you need to perform 3-4 exercises, focusing on all parts of the abdominal muscles.

The best exercises to combat waist fat:

  • Side leg raises. Lying on your left side, you need to raise your right leg to the maximum possible height without bending. Then it needs to be shifted either in front of the left leg or behind it. Repeat 20-30 times on each side.
  • Bike– one of the most effective exercises for losing weight on the sides and abdomen. It is done lying on your back: you need to bend one or the other leg alternately, pulling them towards the stomach. The straightened leg is held in a straight and raised position at a height of 10-15 centimeters from the floor.
  • Retracting and inflating the abdomen while lying on your back. When performing this exercise, you should try to tense your muscles. During a deep inhalation, you need to raise both legs and hold them, without bending your knees, at a height of 10-15 centimeters from the floor for as long as possible. To complicate this exercise, you can try simultaneously doing “scissors” with alternating legs, keeping them at a height. The number of approaches depends on physical capabilities.
  • Plank– a very effective exercise that strengthens the muscles of the back, abdomen, buttocks and chest. At the same time, it actively helps burn excess subcutaneous fat. In the starting position, you need to lean on your forearms and toes. Raising yourself on your toes, you need to keep your back straight, tighten your abdominal muscles and direct your gaze to the floor. The buttocks should not protrude and the lower back should not sag. You need to hold out in this position for as long as possible.
  • Simulated rowing. Sitting on the floor or training mat, you need to try to raise your legs with your knees bent, while simultaneously reaching for them with straight arms, and then return to the starting position. The movement resembles rowing with oars and is repeated at least 10-15 times.
  • Exercise "Mill"- one of the best for losing weight on the sides and abdomen. With your feet shoulder-width apart, you need to take turns reaching with the fingertips of your left hand to the toe of your right foot and vice versa. This exercise will strengthen the lateral abdominal muscles and reduce the subcutaneous fat layer at the waist.
  • Exercise "Scissors" You can do it even while watching TV. Lie on your back, raise your straight legs up and take turns placing your feet behind each other for ten minutes, increasing the execution time every day.
  • Option “Broken scissors” performed in a prone position. You need to raise your legs low, spreading them slightly to the sides and hitting them against each other.
  • Squats will help you get not only the buttocks of your dreams, but also pump up your abdominal muscles. The main thing is to squat with weights, for example, take a bottle of water in each hand.

By combining exercises with massage, proper nutrition and wraps with clay, honey and healing mud, results can be achieved much faster.

Who shouldn't exercise?

Pregnant and young mothers should not perform abdominal exercises.

During pregnancy, you should not increase the tone of the uterus so as not to harm the baby. It is better to do yoga and special stretching exercises to improve flexibility.

Women who have recently given birth should return to their physical exercise gradually. Heavy loads can be dangerous for the body, especially if there was no systematic exercise before pregnancy.

You need to exercise carefully and under the supervision of your attending physician. after injuries, with serious chronic diseases and after prolonged bed rest.

By following the recommendations listed, step by step you will move towards improving the appearance of not only your abdomen and sides, but your entire body. It is important to make a balanced diet and healthy image living part of your life, then wonderful appearance guaranteed to everyone.

Video set of home exercises for losing weight on the sides and abdomen:

Women of any age dream of a thin and seductive waist. To achieve this, many people go on strict diets and do grueling workouts in the gym. But such measures do not always help. The only way to achieve a perfectly proportional figure is a combination of reasonable and special exercises. Exercises for the sides and waist will help you completely transform.

Exercises for the sides and waist are most effective when combined with cardio.

Avoid common mistakes

There are many workouts that promise a chiseled silhouette. But not all of them are effective enough, and some will not benefit the figure at all. How can such exercises be harmful? The following popular techniques will NOT help you remove your belly and sides.

    1. Side bends with dumbbells. When performed regularly, they promote accelerated growth of the oblique abdominal muscles, which can make your waist even wider. This exercise is necessary for men who want to comprehensively pump up their abdominal muscles. But it is absolutely useless for girls working on a narrow waist.
    2. Twisting the hoop. The effectiveness of this device is questionable, and its harm has been medically confirmed. Gynecologists strongly recommend giving up training with hula hoops. Constant hits of the hoop against the front wall of the abdomen are not physiological. According to doctors, such blows can provoke prolapse of internal organs and other troubles.
    3. Performing turns with weight on your shoulders. What do you think happens to your spine if you take a bodybar or a barbell on your shoulders and start twisting your body left and right? The intervertebral discs are compressed under the influence of weights, and the distance between the vertebrae becomes smaller. When you turn your body left and right, the vertebrae can injure the intervertebral discs and touch each other. When doing exercises for your sides and waist, remember about your spine - you have one for life.
    4. Emphasis on strength exercises in the complete absence of cardio. The sides and extra centimeters at the waist represent a layer of fat. It can only be removed with the help of cardio training.
    5. Excessive cardio and lack of strength exercises. During aerobic exercise, fat burning occurs not locally, but throughout the body. As a result, the effect of training is too “smeared” and sometimes not noticeable at all in certain areas. Exercises for the abs and sides are a must if you want to achieve a beautiful silhouette.

You can use anything as a cardio warm-up, even running up the stairs.

How to train for better results? Experts recommend spending 3-4 days a week on classes. After a short warm-up, you need to perform a series of special exercises for the abs and sides. After a little rest should be short but intense.

It is absolutely not necessary to exercise on exercise machines. You can choose between running, jumping rope, dancing and aerobics. It is this approach that will make the muscle fibers of the waist more elastic and thereby give it a clearer outline.

Before you begin exercises for the abs and sides, you need to thoroughly warm up your abdominal muscles and prepare them for the load. I will not dwell on the warm-up in detail, focusing directly on the exercises themselves for the oblique abdominal muscles. I will only say that the warm-up should include a small cardio part, several exercises to stretch the oblique muscles and prepare the spine.


Five to ten minutes of cardio: running, jumping, or.

Preparing muscles for load

  1. Bends to the sides with outstretched arms - stretches lateral surface body, the spine warms up. Try to bend as low as possible, but smoothly, without jerking.
  2. Turning the body to the right and left - keep your pelvis level and turn only the upper part of your body.
  3. Circular movements of the pelvis and body.

Pre-stretch your oblique muscles before you begin the exercises. Removing your belly and sides is not an easy task, but if you approach it consciously, you can do it!

The most effective exercises for the sides and waist are various variations of crunches.

1. Bending the body in a lying position + twisting in the opposite direction

Starting position. Lie down on the mat, hands behind your head, elbows pointing to the sides, do not clasp your fingers. Legs are bent, feet are on the floor, the lower back is pressed. The distance between the chin and chest is approximately the size of a fist - maintained throughout the entire exercise.

Doing the exercise. Without lifting your lower back from the floor and keeping your elbows together, lift your body up. Add twisting of the body - with your right elbow, reach towards your left knee. Lower yourself to the floor smoothly, do not fall on your back, watch your lower back. Repeat on the other side.

2. Bending the body in a lying position + twisting in the same direction

Starting position. The same as in the previous exercise. We lie on the mat, legs bent, hands behind the head.

Doing the exercise. Now add twisting of the body not to the opposite knee, but stretch your elbow to the heel of the same name. That is, reach with your right elbow towards your right heel and vice versa.

Crunches are the most effective exercises for the abs and sides.

3. Sitting Crunch

Starting position. Sit on the mat, legs bent, feet flat on the floor, body tilted back 45 degrees. At the same time, the lower back is rounded, the tailbone is twisted forward, the abdominal muscles are tense, and the arms are bent at the elbows.

Doing the exercise. Intensely rotate your body and elbows from side to side. This is an endurance exercise.

Starting position. Lie on the floor, arms out to the sides, palms facing the floor. Keep your shoulders pressed throughout the entire exercise; try not to lift them off the floor. Raise your legs vertically up and bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees. There should be a fist distance between your knees. You can hold a small ball between your knees.

Doing the exercise. Lower your legs bent at the knees to the side all the way to the floor, but do not touch the floor. At the same time, the pelvis comes off the floor, but the shoulders should be pressed. Return your legs to the starting position and lower them to the other side.

As you lower your legs to the side, try not to lift your shoulders off the floor.

5. Crunches while lying on your side

Starting position. Lie on your side, bend your legs slightly at the knees and place one on top of the other. Bottom hand Place it on the floor or on your stomach. Top hand put it behind your head.

Doing the exercise. Lift and twist your body so that your upper body is in a position as if you were doing a regular crunch. Due to the fact that your pelvis lies on its side, the oblique muscles will work when lifting your body.

You lift your body straight. The twisting effect is achieved through the position of the legs.

6. Oblique Bridge

Starting position. Lie on your side, body straight, legs extended and one above the other. Place your lower hand on your elbow and lean on it. You will get a kind of deflection of the body in the lateral plane. Extend your top hand and place it on top of your thigh.

Doing the exercise. Raise your pelvis off the floor until your body is in a level position. The weight is distributed between the arm standing on the elbow and the edge of the foot. Move your head away from your shoulder - your neck should be in line with your body. This exercise is performed for a while. Stick with it for as long as you can.

Raise and lower your pelvis using your oblique abdominal muscles.

7. Plank

Starting position. Take a position lying on your elbows. The body is straight, hands are on the forearms, feet shoulder-width apart, fingers resting on the floor. Make sure that there is no arching in the lower back. If you want to make it more challenging, lift one leg or move your forearms further forward.

Doing the exercise. Hold in the starting position for as long as possible.

8. Boat

This movement is borrowed from Pilates. A slightly modified “Boat” helps strengthen the abdominal and back muscles.

Starting position. Lie down on the floor. Place your hands behind your head without gripping the lock.

Doing the exercise. At the same time, lift your body and straight legs off the floor, trying to bend in half. Hold this position for as long as possible. Don't strain your neck and breathe evenly. After a short rest, repeat again.

Hold this position for as long as possible.

9. Twisting on a fitball in the opposite direction

It's great to do exercises for your sides and waist on a fitball. An elastic ball removes excess stress from the lower back, additionally loads the stabilizer muscles and allows you to effectively work even the smallest muscles through twisting.

Starting position. Lie with your lower back on the fitball. Right hand Bend your elbow and place it behind your head, and extend your left one straight in front of you.

Doing the exercise. Raise your body and reach your left hand towards your right knee. Repeat on the other side.

10. Asana “Staff” (dandasana)

Yoga helps tone your abdominal muscles. In addition to the abdomen, the Staff asana strengthens the hip joints and inner thighs.

Starting position. Sit on the floor and try to relax. Extend your legs straight in front of you. Point your fingers forward and place your palms on the floor just behind your hips.

Doing the exercise. Apply gentle pressure to your fingers and stretch upward, stretching your spine. Don't lift your hips off the floor. Breathe calmly and stay in the pose for 8 breathing cycles. Repeat 2 more times.

This exercise targets the core muscles as a whole.

Post-workout stretching

Finish the session with a stretching exercise.

  1. Sit on the floor and cross your legs. Stretch your arms up, and then perform a series of springy tilts to the right and left.
  2. If you have a fitball, just lie on it with your lower back and stretch your arms and legs. Reach in different sides, stretching all the abdominal and back muscles.

Try to exercise regularly. If you don't have time for a full workout, do at least a few exercises. Removing your stomach and sides is a doable task that you can easily cope with with the help of our program!

If you are sorely short of time for the fitness room, try doing exercises to lose belly fat at home

If you are sorely short of time for the fitness room, try doing exercises to lose belly fat at home. Simple but effective movements developed by specialists will help you get your figure in order.

How long will it take?

Let's finally stop deceiving ourselves and believing in wonderful fairy tales about rapid weight loss with the help of two or three magic exercises(pills, herbs, etc.). It is not so easy to part with the fat deposits accumulated over the years. Moreover, the stomach is a problem area, and it is the hardest place to remove excess.

Even if your belly has just begun to sag a little, it will take at least a couple of months to tone the muscles. To bring very weak muscles into perfect order, you will have to work for at least six months.

However, you should not torture yourself with exercises to the point of complete exhaustion. If only because it may not have the best effect on your well-being. Regular daily exercise for 30–40 minutes per day is sufficient. Subject to changes in nutrition, of course. Otherwise, you simply won’t have time to burn new calories.

Advice! Start studying not tomorrow or Monday, but today. The body, which has received a decent dose of endorphins - pleasure hormones - will immediately perk up, and you will be in a better mood and have the strength to fight further.

Why is fat deposited specifically on the stomach?

Before you take any measures to combat belly fat, you need to understand where it comes from and what you need to do to get rid of this problem forever. After all, excessive accumulations in this area are not only externally unattractive, but are also fraught with the development of quite serious diseases.

Causes of excess accumulation in the abdominal area can be:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal imbalance, including excess cortisol (male hormone) – after all, the male figure is characterized by accumulation of fat in the abdominal area;
  • lack of physical activity.

It's easy to get a hormonal imbalance. It is enough to lead an “unrighteous” lifestyle, overeat and not allow the body to get enough sleep. Then, having come to your senses, you should mock him with diets for a couple of months, limiting the foods that are most important for the body, and thus only aggravate the situation.

Doctors' admonitions that we only acquire most diseases poor nutrition, they no longer scare us for a long time. The phrases that “overeating” and “eating at night” are harmful and you need to stick to a “balanced diet” are so familiar that we simply stop paying attention to them. Although a healthy lifestyle - that is, a balanced diet and exercise - is the only way to restore not only your own figure, but also your health.

What is visceral fat and why is it dangerous?

Doctors divide fat deposits into three types:

  • subcutaneous;
  • intramuscular: the first two types are the least dangerous;
  • visceral, localized specifically in the abdominal cavity and enveloping everything internal organs, squeezing them and leading to serious changes; It is in this type of fat that “bad” cholesterol accumulates.

Fats in reasonable quantities are necessary for the body. With their help, fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed. A small layer of fat accumulates all the harmful substances that come from food.

Subcutaneous and intramuscular fats are essentially an energy storehouse. They protect the body from cold, and internal organs from injury. With the visceral, everything is much more complicated. It is its accumulation that leads to the development of atherosclerosis, diseases of internal organs, heart disease and diabetes. Doctors say that every centimeter added to the waist takes a year off our lives.

Advice! It has been proven that fat burning occurs most intensely at night. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, not only eat right, but also get enough sleep.

10 exercises for beginners

Anyone who has been involved in sports for a long time has long chosen his own set of exercises that are ideal for him. For beginners, we suggest taking the advice of fitness trainer Gay Gasper, who has developed simple but very effective exercises specifically for the abdominal muscles. However, we repeat - for the effect to be obvious, classes will need to be carried out regularly.

Advice! You should not immediately load your muscles in the first seconds. Before starting any workout, be sure to warm up.

Simple twist

To perform this simple exercise, you need to lie on the floor and bend your knees. Your feet should be completely flat on the floor. Hands go behind your head. The abs are a little tense. While inhaling - this is important - we raise our shoulders from the floor, stay in this position for two counts (one, two), and then exhale and lower ourselves to the floor again. Just like all subsequent exercises, repeat 10 times.

The chin should not be lowered during this exercise. Elbows should be in line with shoulders. It is necessary to work only with the abs - the buttocks should be relaxed at this moment. In fact, all other exercises will be complicated variations of the first one, working the remaining muscle groups.

After the first exercise, give your muscles a rest again - lying on your back, stretch your arms, inhale and lower them.

Advice! If the exercise is still difficult for you, simplify it by doing it with your hands crossed at the wrists. In the future, when the muscles become stronger, you will be able to perform its full version.

Leg Raise

Now we begin to work on the lower abs. This exercise can also be done lying down. First, raise your legs bent at an angle of 90 degrees. The arms are spread to the sides, the palms are pressed to the floor. Slowly, we pull in our stomach, slightly raise our hips a couple of centimeters from the floor (legs remain bent) and return to the starting position.

Let's rest a little, stretch and continue the lesson again. During this exercise, your back should not be lifted off the floor. The abdominal muscles should do all the work. When you have completely mastered these movements in subsequent workouts, complicate them by lifting your legs not bent, but completely straight.

Advice! Once you feel that your muscles are stronger, pauses and rests between repetitions can be eliminated.

Leg Twisting and Raising

Let's combine the first and second exercises we have already mastered. Lying on your back in the same way as in the second exercise, bend your knees and spread your arms wide to the sides. We tighten our abs. In this position, we need to raise both our shoulders and buttocks above the floor.

Exhalation during the exercise is done at the moment of greatest tension. Breathing is uniform. We don’t pull our elbows forward. Take a break again and relax the muscles for 1–1.5 minutes. Let's continue these exercises.

Advice! It's easier to play sports with someone else. Enlist the support of a friend or colleague and start working on your figure together. You will be able to help each other with advice and exchange results of achievements.

Side crunches

These movements will help work the oblique muscles. The starting position is similar to the position in the first exercise. Lying on your back, slowly bend your knees. We press our feet to the floor. The hips are slightly apart. Hands behind your head. There is no need to connect them, just press them tightly to your head.

As you exhale, we begin to gradually stretch first one and then the other shoulder to the opposite knee. The other elbow remains on the floor, helping us maintain our balance. The buttocks do not come off the floor. Only the upper part of the back is raised, the back at the waist remains tightly pressed to the floor. We don't lower our chin. Also 10 reps.

Advice! You can simplify the exercise if you do not put your hands behind your head, but simply reach them towards the opposite knee. A more difficult option is to lift and cross your legs.

Lunge Crunch

Lying position. Feet are on the floor, legs bent at the knees. We hold our hands behind our heads. We alternately pull one or the other leg to the chest, while raising the back. The second leg is still bent at the knee to maintain balance, and the foot is on the floor.

Let's look ahead. Exhale when bending, inhale when returning to the starting position. We don’t stop breathing. The same for the second leg. We do 5 movements for each leg.

If you want to make the exercise easier, extend your leg up. A more difficult option with raising both legs. At the same time, when the first leg works, the second is extended.


Slightly modified movements, familiar to us from physical education lessons, perfectly work the lateral muscles. Bend your legs so that your heels are closer to your buttocks. Hands behind your head, shoulders off the floor. First, straighten one leg so that the angle between it and the floor is 45 degrees. At the same time, we stretch one shoulder to the knee of the bent (opposite) leg.

Straighten the bent leg, bend the second and repeat the movements, but with the other shoulder. Repeat 10 times without pauses.

Advice! To achieve best results It is not the quantity, but the quality of the exercises performed that is important. To fully engage the muscles, movements should be slow and deliberate.

Toe wiggle

A fairly complex exercise that gives maximum stress to the abs. Lying on your back, place your hands behind your head and raise your legs bent at an angle of 90 degrees. The socks are pulled back. Lift your upper back off the floor. We lower one leg, touching the toes to the floor. Then we return it to its original position and lower the second leg.

As you inhale, your back is pressed to the floor. As you exhale, we rise up. Do not lower your back while performing movements.

Advice! If you find it difficult to do these movements, at first try bending your legs without lifting your shoulders off the floor. In the future, complicate the exercise by doing it with your arms extended above your head.

Circular rotations

An exercise to work your entire abs. In a lying position, your knees are slightly bent, your feet are on the floor, your hands are behind your head. We lift our shoulders off the floor and begin to rotate the body, first in one direction, then in the other, 5 times, without pausing. Each time you need to make a full circle.

We do not lift the pelvis off the floor. We maintain balance with our feet pressed to the floor. The exercise is done as slowly and clearly as possible. Exhale - rise. Inhale - go down.

Advice! Excessive overvoltage is unacceptable. It will only lead to you getting tired quickly and not being able to complete the entire complex.

Backbend with bent knees

Let's pump up the abdominal and back muscles. To do this, we kneel down. Elbows should be bent and resting on the floor. You can put a small pillow or soft towel under them.

We lift our knees off the floor, supporting ourselves only on our elbows and toes. The back is straight. Count to three and carefully return to the starting position.

Advice! All exercises for the abdominal muscles can be done by both women and men.

Leg Raise

Lie on your stomach. The arms are bent at the elbows. The toes of the outstretched legs rest on the floor. Rise in this position above the floor and stretch out so that each of your muscles is tense. The back should not bend. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise again.

Aerobic exercise

With the help of the above exercises, you can significantly strengthen your abs, get rid of a sagging belly and tidy up your internal organs. But if you have serious problem with weights, be sure to include aerobic exercises - exercises that intensively burn oxygen. After all, with his participation it is consumed maximum quantity fat

Therefore, if you want not only to strengthen your muscles, but also to part with the hated fat deposits in the shortest possible time, take up race walking, running, swimming, skating, volleyball, football, hockey or dancing. These, coupled with proper nutrition, will help you quickly get rid of weight problems.

Hello everyone. Today’s article we will devote to the question of how to make your stomach flat quickly. This article in to a greater extent suitable for girls, but perhaps young people will also be able to find something new in it. After all, in order for your stomach to be flat and toned, you need both a balanced, balanced diet and fitness training, and without knowledge in these matters, abdominal training will be pointless.

Proper nutrition for a flat stomach

Limit or completely eliminate:

  • Fast food and fatty foods, smoked meats, sausage, mayonnaise.
  • Sweets, baked goods, white bread and chocolate.
  • Alcohol: Alcoholic drinks are high in calories and also dehydrate the body.
  • Salt: It retains fluid in the body, which can cause uneven distribution of fat deposits and swelling.
  • Should be observed drinking regime. It is necessary to drink 1.5 - 2.5 liters of plain water per day, depending on body weight and physical activity.

Rules and techniques for performing exercises for the abdominal muscles

So, to understand the question of how to make your stomach flat at home, you need to remember the following rules:

  • The back should be rounded, stooped, without arching in the lower back.
  • When performing all exercises, only the abdominal muscles should work in isolation; there should be no tension in the lower back and leg muscles.
  • Abdominal exercises should be done with a large number repetitions, since their purpose is not to build muscle mass, and burning excess belly fat.

You can start with 20 repetitions, gradually increasing their number. There is an opinion that you should not count the number of repetitions at all, but do each exercise until you feel a burning sensation in your muscles.

  • After each exercise, it is recommended to do some stretching: to do this, you can lie on your stomach, raise your upper body on your hands, take a deep breath and bend your back back, feeling how the corresponding muscles stretch.

Exercises for a flat stomach at home

Exercises for the upper bundles of the rectus abdominis muscle

1. Starting position: lie on your back, bend your knees and place them shoulder-width apart, feet on the floor, hands intertwined behind your head in a “lock”, slightly holding it, but not helping the movement, elbows apart. As you exhale, lift your shoulders and shoulder blades off the floor and lift your upper body, keeping your back round and your lower back pressed to the floor. While inhaling, we return to the starting position.

We perform the exercise at the maximum pace, but smoothly, without jerking. Having done 20 repetitions, we linger at the top point for 8-16 counts. Then, without lowering the shoulder blades to the floor, as if lying on an “air cushion,” we pull ourselves up with small jerks and again linger at the extreme point.

2. The starting position is the same, only crossed relaxed legs are raised up. The exercise is performed in the same way.

    Regarding the issue. If you are short (up to 155-158 cm), it is better to limit yourself to 1.8 liters of water, because... Kidney problems may begin. I know it from myself.
    Regarding the salt. It cannot be excluded, because salt is one of the most important suppliers of nutrients to the body. 1 tbsp per day on average is the norm (neither too much nor too little).

    Drink more water before meals. It helps a lot. I drink 2 liters a day. I lost 8 kg.

    • for how long?

    As for salt: there is a life hack - use lemon juice instead.

    Hello. I am 31 years old, I have 2 children. The eldest is 6 and the youngest is 4. After giving birth, I was left with a disgusting belly hanging in stretch marks and I don’t know how to deal with it; abdominal workouts give me headaches. Please tell me exercises for the abdominal muscles without abs.

    • Keep your stomach constantly tense, remember you pulled it in and do it all the time, after giving birth I removed it this way literally in a month. I wish you good luck)

    A flat stomach is the dream of every woman. All the exercises that are presented here are quite easy, but due to work and a small child, I absolutely do not have enough time for this. After giving birth, I started working hard on my abs every day and got my stomach in order. Now I pump from time to time, but I don’t have a belly. Maybe it helps that I walk a lot and always go up to the 5th floor on foot.

    As far as I can remember, I have always been overweight, I was very worried about it and could not lose weight for a long time. I recently came across information on the Internet about goji berries and their wonderful properties that they have on the body. I heard that Guzeeva has lost so much weight, as much as 20 kg. Although... looking at me, I also need to lose at least 20 pounds. I ordered berries and began to take them as it was written there (or in pure form, or in the form of a decoction). In the first week I lost 7 kg! At the same time, my diet remained familiar to me. In 2 and 3 weeks I lost another 15 kg, I actually refused to believe it at first, really. Men began to look at me, for some time. This gave me even more motivation! My psychological attitude has already affected this. As a result, I managed to lose 23 kg! Guzeeva’s record is broken and I’m getting married soon, that’s how things are.

    • girls! Goji berries are not for weight loss! I moved to the north of China, where they are actually grown and used exclusively for kidney diseases and for vision, but not for weight loss! All Chinese doctors will unanimously tell you that these berries will not help you lose weight!!! I didn’t believe it, I bought it myself and drank them for 5 months, the result was zero, I just started putting on a kilo from sedentary work, I need to move more to burn calories and spend more than I consume, that’s the whole secret of losing weight!

    the complex could be shown in 2 minutes. The principle is clear. More suitable for a man. For a woman, hoop and dance are better. A man's abs on a lady are like earrings on a man. More pose in her demonstration and self-presentation. Demonstrates how to fuck. Nauseous lady...

    I myself am a Master of Sports of Russia and I can assure you that such exercises are very effective for raising a flat tummy. But there are also a number of exercises, such as holding a corner with your feet, and a number of exercises on the horizontal bar and bench. But the most important thing is this own desire train.

    The problem is relevant for many, the complex is written sensibly, in my opinion, briefly and clearly what is said. On my own behalf, I would add that it wouldn’t hurt to do a stretching cool-down, after all, it’s strength training. I have a question: are there any statistics on when the first results will come out?

    Exercises at home are exactly what I need. Very useful information about proper nutrition. I try to stick to it, although sometimes it’s hard to give up sweets and starchy foods, and I really want to look good regardless of the beach season. Wondering what time of day is best to exercise?

    hello, you know, I tried a lot of different exercises to make my stomach flat, and even those described above, but unfortunately nothing really helps me. No matter what I do, my tummy doesn’t go anywhere(((((((maybe I’m not following the diet well, but I eat almost nothing. I don’t even know what to do. The only thing I haven’t tried is exercises on a fitball, I’ll start trying, we’ll see whatever happens. thanks.

    Every girl would like to have great figure and even more so a flat tummy. An excellent list of exercises is given above that could make your stomach flat, but nevertheless you still need desire and willpower. After all, the result will not be visible immediately, but after long training and the exercises listed above.

    I read the entire article very carefully on a topic that is relevant to me. Summer is coming and, as always, we will go to the sea. With the help of diets, I lost a lot of weight, but my stomach did not become flat. I hope that the exercises will help me regain my former slimness. Is it possible to do not all exercises from this complex? Will there be any result?

    • There will certainly be results, but still try to do all the exercises that are written and shown in the video, then the effect of the training will satisfy you as much as possible 😉

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