How to distinguish a common noun from a proper noun. Noun

Common and proper nouns.

Objective of the lesson:

to develop knowledge and skills to distinguish proper nouns from common nouns,

learn to write proper names correctly (with capital letter and use of quotation marks).

Lesson type:

Educational and upbringing.

Common nouns serve to name classes of homogeneous objects, states and actions, persons, plants, birds and animals, natural phenomena, public life. Most of them have singular and plural forms (mountain - mountains, chamomile - daisies, rain - rains, victory - victories, demonstration - demonstrations, etc.). Common nouns are written with a small letter.

Exercise: Review the story. Name the pictures you saw (example: mountains, seas, etc.). Do they fit into the group of common nouns?

Proper nouns are used to name individual (individual) objects that may be one of a kind.

Proper nouns are always capitalized and in most cases have the form singular. They can consist of either one word (Zhuchka, Alexander, Boeing, Sahara) or several words (Ivan Vasilyevich, Red Sea, Sofievskaya Square).

Exercise: Listen to Little Red Riding Hood's song. Write down all the proper and common nouns you remember

Capitalized but NOT enclosed in quotation marks:

1. Surnames, names and patronymics (Sergei Nikonorovich Ivanov), pseudonyms (Maxim Gorky, Lesya Ukrainka), names of characters in fairy tales (Ivanushka, Alyonushka, Buratino, Malvina), stories (Ovsov /Chekhov “Horse Surname”/), fables ( “The naughty Monkey, the Donkey, the Goat and the clubfooted Mishka decided to play a quartet.” (I. Krylov.)

2) Animal names (Dzhulka the dog, Jim the cat, Gosha the parrot, Parsley the hamster).

3) Geographical names (Ukraine, Southern Arctic Ocean, Lake Baikal, Tibet Mountains, Black Sea).

4) Titles celestial bodies(Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Orion, Cassiopeia).

5) Names of streets and squares (Pirogovskaya Street, Leningradskaya Square, Gamarnika Lane).

8) Names with the word name (im.), even in the case when it is implied but not written (Park named after T. G. Shevchenko, Gorky Park, school named after V. Chkalov).

9) Names of organizations and higher government institutions (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Supreme Court of Ukraine).

10) Names of orders, monuments (Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, Order of the Great Patriotic War, Order of Glory; monument to M.Yu. Lermontov, monument to the Unknown Sailor).

11) Names of holidays, memorable dates (days), historical events (Victory Day, New Year, Health Worker's Day, Teacher's Day, Mother's Day)

Capitalized and enclosed in quotation marks:

1) The names of newspapers and magazines, television programs (the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Arguments and Facts”, the magazine “The Only One”, “Fisherman of Ukraine”, the program “Field of Miracles”, “What? Where? When”).

2) The names of literary and musical works, works of painting, names of films (the novel “Crime and Punishment”, “The Master and Margarita”, the poem “The Prisoner”, “Candle”, the painting “Black Square”, “The Bathing of the Red Horse”, the film “ Guest from the Future", "St. Petersburg Secrets"), etc.

3) Names of plants, factories, ships, airplanes, cinemas, hotels and so on (provided that there is no and the word “name” is not implied (Krayan plant, Roshen factory, motor ship Taras Shevchenko, Hadzhibey) , Boeing aircraft, Tu-124, Zvezdny cinema, Moscow, Krasnaya hotel, Londonskaya).

4) Names of various products (Zhiguli car, Chanel perfume, Samsung refrigerator, Thomson TV, etc.).

Exercise. Read an excerpt from Korney Chukovsky’s poem “Aibolit.” Underline proper nouns with a single line and common nouns with a double line.

Suddenly a jackal came from somewhere

He rode on a mare:

"Here is a telegram for you

From Hippopotamus!"

"Come, doctor,

To Africa soon

And save me, doctor,

Our babies!"

"What is it? Is it really

Are your children sick?"

"Yes, yes, yes! They have a sore throat,

Scarlet fever, cholera,

Diphtheria, appendicitis,

Malaria and bronchitis!

Come quickly

Good Doctor Aibolit!"

"Okay, okay, I'll run,

I will help your children.

But where do you live?

On the mountain or in the swamp?

"We live in Zanzibar,

In the Kalahari and Sahara,

On Mount Fernando Po,

Where does Hippo walk?

Along the wide Limpopo."

Exercise. Highlight proper nouns.

The meeting of the “Famous Captains Club” brought together the most famous navigators, travelers, heroes of adventure novels. The youngest among them was Dick Sand, the hero of Jules Verne's novel The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain. Everyone considered Tartarin of Tarascon, the hero of the novel by Alphonse Daudet, the most cheerful, and the most “truthful” was, of course, Baron Munchausen from Raspe’s book. All members of the club took into account the opinion of the wisest of them, Captain Nemo, one of the heroes of Jules Verne’s book “The Mysterious Island”.

Exercise. Listen to the song from the movie "The Three Musketeers". Answer the question: Are Burgundy, Normandy, Champagne, Provence, Gascony proper or common nouns?

In the Russian language there are many examples of the transition of a proper name into a common noun.

Here are some examples:

1. Napoleon cake got its name from a loved one this type confectionery product Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.

2. Saxophone - this is what the Belgian master Sax called the wind instrument.

3. Inventors Colt, Nagant, Mauser gave names to the weapons they created.

4. Orange (the Dutch word appelsien), peach (Persia), coffee (cafe country in Africa), trousers (Bruges - a city in Holland) got their names from the place from which they were imported.

5. Narcissus is a flower named after the mythological youth Narcissus, who angered the Gods because, because he fell in love with himself, he only looked at his reflection in the water and did not notice anything or anyone else. The gods turned him into a flower.

Questions for consolidation new topic:

1. What nouns have singular and plural forms?

2. How to write correctly: Pushkin cinema, Pushkin cinema?

3. Guess the riddles:

“Flying” city - ______________________________.

“Inanimate” sea - ________________________________.

“Colored” seas - ________________________________.

The “silent” ocean is ____________________________.

Flowers with female names - _______________________.


Independently come up with 5-7 riddles, the answer to which will contain a common noun (using the example of those made in class) on topics - interesting facts Earth, Greek mythology, Russian folk tales.

Quite often, students ask: “What is a common noun and a proper name?” Despite the simplicity of the question, not everyone knows the definition of these terms and the rules for writing such words. Let's figure it out. After all, in fact, everything is extremely simple and clear.

Common noun

The most significant layer of nouns consists of They denote the names of a class of objects or phenomena that have a number of characteristics by which they can be attributed to the specified class. For example, common nouns are: cat, table, corner, river, girl. They do not name a specific object or person or animal, but designate a whole class. Using these words, we mean any cat or dog, any table. Such nouns are written with a small letter.

In linguistics, common nouns are also called appellatives.

Proper name

Unlike common nouns, they constitute an insignificant layer of nouns. These words or phrases denote a specific and specific object that exists in a single copy. Proper names include names of people, names of animals, names of cities, rivers, streets, and countries. For example: Volga, Olga, Russia, Danube. They are always written with capital letter and point to a specific person or single object.

The science of onomastics deals with the study of proper names.


So, we have figured out what a common noun and a proper name are. Now let's talk about onomastics - the science that deals with the study of proper names. At the same time, not only names are considered, but also the history of their origin, how they changed over time.

Onomastologists identify several directions in this science. Thus, anthroponymy studies the names of people, and ethnonymy studies the names of peoples. Cosmonymics and astronomy study the names of stars and planets. Zoonymics studies animal names. Theonymics deals with the names of gods.

This is one of the most promising areas in linguistics. Research on onomastics is still being conducted, articles are being published, and conferences are being held.

Transition of common nouns into proper nouns and vice versa

A common noun and a proper noun can move from one group to another. Quite often it happens that a common noun becomes a proper one.

For example, if a person is called by a name that was previously part of the class of common nouns, it becomes a proper name. A striking example of such a transformation is the names Vera, Lyubov, Nadezhda. They used to be household names.

Surnames formed from common nouns also become anthroponyms. So, we can highlight the surnames Cat, Cabbage and many others.

As for proper names, they quite often move into another category. This often concerns people's last names. Many inventions bear the names of their authors; sometimes the names of scientists are assigned to the quantities or phenomena they discovered. So, we know the units of measurement ampere and newton.

The names of the heroes of the works can become household names. Thus, the names Don Quixote, Oblomov, Uncle Styopa came to designate certain traits of appearance or character characteristic of people. First and last names historical figures and celebrities can also be used as household names, for example Schumacher and Napoleon.

In such cases, it is necessary to clarify what exactly the addresser means in order to avoid mistakes when writing the word. But often it is possible from the context. We think you understand what a common and proper name is. The examples we have given show this quite clearly.

Rules for writing proper names

As you know, all parts of speech are subject to spelling rules. Nouns - common and proper - were also no exception. Remember a few simple rules that will help you avoid making annoying mistakes in the future.

  1. Proper names are always written with a capital letter, for example: Ivan, Gogol, Catherine the Great.
  2. People's nicknames are also written with a capital letter, but without the use of quotation marks.
  3. Proper names used in the meaning of common nouns are written with a small letter: Don Quixote, Don Juan.
  4. If next to a proper name there are function words or generic names (cape, city), then they are written with a small letter: Volga River, Lake Baikal, Gorky Street.
  5. If a proper name is the name of a newspaper, cafe, book, then it is placed in quotation marks. In this case, the first word is written with a capital letter, the rest, if they do not refer to proper names, are written with a small letter: “The Master and Margarita”, “Russian Truth”.
  6. Common nouns are written with a small letter.

As you can see, quite simple rules. Many of them have been known to us since childhood.

Let's sum it up

All nouns are divided into two large classes - proper nouns and common nouns. There are much fewer of the former than the latter. Words can move from one class to another, acquiring a new meaning. Proper names are always written with a capital letter. Common nouns - with a small one.

The noun is one of the most important parts of speech both in Russian and in many other Indo-European languages. In most languages, nouns are divided into proper and common nouns. This division is very important, since these categories different rules spelling.

The study of nouns in Russian schools begins in the second grade. Already at this age, children are able to understand the difference between proper names and common nouns.

Students usually learn this material easily. The main thing is to choose interesting exercises, during which the rules are well remembered. In order to correctly distinguish nouns, a child must be able to generalize and assign familiar objects to a specific group (for example: “dishes”, “animals”, “toys”).


Towards proper names in modern Russian language It is traditionally customary to include names and nicknames of people, names of animals and geographical names.

Here are typical examples:

A proper name can answer the question “who?” if we are talking about people and animals, as well as the question “what?” if we are talking about geographical names.

Common nouns

Unlike proper nouns, common nouns do not denote a name specific person and not the name of a specific locality, but a generalized name of a large group of objects. Here are classic examples:

  • Boy, girl, man, woman;
  • River, village, village, town, aul, kishlak, city, capital, country;
  • Animal, insect, bird;
  • Writer, poet, doctor, teacher.

Common nouns can answer both the question “who?” and the question “what?”. Typically, in discrimination exercises, primary schoolchildren are asked to choose suitable common noun for a group of proper names, For example:

You can build a task and vice versa: match proper names to common nouns.

  1. What dog names do you know?
  2. What are your favorite girl names?
  3. What is a cow's name?
  4. What are the names of the villages you visited?

Such exercises help children quickly learn the difference. When students have learned to distinguish one noun from another quickly and correctly, they can move on to learning spelling rules. These rules are simple, and students primary school absorb them well. For example, a simple and memorable rhyme can help children with this: “First names, last names, nicknames, cities - everything is always written with a capital letter!”

Spelling Rules

In accordance with the rules of the modern Russian language, all proper names are written only with a capital letter. This rule is typical not only for Russian, but also for most other languages ​​of Eastern and Western Europe. Capital letter at the beginning names, surnames, nicknames and geographical names used to emphasize respectful attitude towards every person, animal, locality.

Common nouns, on the contrary, are written with a lowercase letter. However, exceptions to this rule are possible. This usually happens in fiction. For example, when Boris Zakhoder translated Alan Milne’s book “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All,” the Russian writer deliberately used capital letters in the spelling of some common nouns, for example: “Big Forest”, “Great Expedition”, “Farewell Evening”. Zakhoder did this in order to emphasize the importance of certain phenomena and events for fairy-tale heroes.

This often occurs both in Russian and translated literature. This phenomenon can be seen especially often in adapted folklore - legends, fairy tales, epics. For example: “Magic Bird”, “Rejuvenating Apple”, “Dense Forest”, “ Gray Wolf».

In some languages, capitalization is capitalization- in writing names can be used in different cases. For example, in Russian and some European languages ​​(French, Spanish) it is traditional to write the names of months and days of the week with a small letter. However, in English These common nouns are always written with a capital letter only. Also writing common nouns with a capital letter is found in German.

When proper names become common nouns

In modern Russian there are situations when proper names can become common nouns. This happens quite often. Here's a classic example. Zoilus is the name of an ancient Greek critic who was very skeptical about many works of contemporary art and frightened authors with his caustic negative reviews. When antiquity became a thing of the past, his name was forgotten.

Once Pushkin noticed that one of his works was received very ambiguously by literary critics. And in one of his poems, he ironically called these critics “my zoiles,” implying that they were bile and sarcastic. Since then, the proper name “Zoil” has become a common noun and is used when talking about a person who unfairly criticizes or scolds something.

Many proper names from the works of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol have become household names. For example, stingy people are often called “pluskins”, and elderly women of narrow minds are often called “boxes”. And those who like to have their head in the clouds and are not at all interested in reality are often called “Manila”. All these names came into the Russian language from the famous work “ Dead Souls", where the writer brilliantly showed a whole gallery of landowner characters.

Proper names become common nouns quite often. However, the opposite also happens. A common noun can become a proper noun if it turns into the name of an animal or a nickname for a person. For example, a black cat may be called “Gypsy”, and a faithful dog may be called “Friend”.

Naturally, these words will be written with a capital letter, according to the rules for writing proper names. This usually happens if a nickname or nickname is given because a person (animal) has some pronounced qualities. For example, Donut was so nicknamed because he had overweight and looked like a donut, and Syrup - because he really liked to drink sweet water with syrup.

It is very important to distinguish proper names from common nouns. If younger students do not learn this, they will not be able to correctly use capitalization when writing proper names. In this regard, the study of common nouns and proper nouns should occupy an important place in school curriculum Russian as a native and as a foreign language.

Nouns are divided into proper and common nouns according to their meaning. The very definitions of this part of speech have Old Slavonic roots.

The term “common noun” comes from “discrimination”, “criticism”, and is used for common name homogeneous, similar objects and phenomena, and “own” means “peculiarity,” an individual person or a single object. This naming distinguishes it from other objects of the same type.

For example, the common noun “river” defines all rivers, but the Dnieper and Yenisei are proper names. These are constant grammatical features of nouns.

What are proper names in Russian?

A proper name is the exclusive name of an object, phenomenon, person, different from others, standing out from other multiple concepts.

These are names and nicknames of people, names of countries, cities, rivers, seas, astronomical objects, historical events, holidays, books and magazines, names of animals.

Also, ships, enterprises, various institutions, product brands and much more that require a special name can have their own names. May consist of one or more words.

Spelling is determined by the following rule: all proper names are written with a capital letter. For example: Vanya, Morozko, Moscow, Volga, Kremlin, Russia, Rus', Christmas, Battle of Kulikovo.

Names that have a conditional or symbolic meaning are enclosed in quotation marks. These are the names of books and various publications, organizations, companies, events, etc.

Compare: Bolshoi Theater, But the Sovremennik theater, the Don River and the novel Quiet Don, the play The Thunderstorm, the Pravda newspaper, the ship Admiral Nakhimov, the Lokomotiv stadium, the Bolshevichka factory, the Mikhailovskoye museum-reserve.

Please note: the same words, depending on the context, can be common nouns or proper words and are written according to the rules. Compare: bright sun and the star Sun, native earth and planet Earth.

Proper names, consisting of several words and denoting a single concept, are emphasized as one member of the sentence.

Let's look at an example: Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov wrote a poem that made him famous. This means that in this sentence the subject will be three words (first name, patronymic and last name).

Types and examples of proper nouns

Proper names are studied by the linguistic science of onomastics. This term is derived from an ancient Greek word and means “the art of naming”

This area of ​​linguistics studies information about the name of a specific, individual object and identifies several types of names.

Anthroponyms are the names and surnames of historical figures, folklore or literary characters, famous and ordinary people, their nicknames or pseudonyms. For example: Abram Petrovich Hannibal, Ivan the Terrible, Lenin, Lefty, Judas, Koschey the Immortal.

Toponyms study the appearance of geographical names, names of cities, streets, which may reflect the specifics of the landscape, historical events, religious motives, lexical features of the indigenous population, and economic characteristics. For example: Rostov-on-Don, Kulikovo Field, Sergiev Posad, Magnitogorsk, Strait of Magellan, Yaroslavl, Black Sea, Volkhonka, Red Square, etc.

Astronims and cosmonyms analyze the appearance of the names of celestial bodies, constellations, and galaxies. Examples: Earth, Mars, Venus, Comet Halley, Stozhary, Ursa Major, Milky Way.

There are other sections in onomastics that study the names of deities and mythological heroes, names of nationalities, names of animals, etc., helping to understand their origin.

Common noun - what is it?

These nouns name any concept from many similar ones. They have lexical meaning, that is, informativeness, in contrast to proper names, which do not have such a property and only name, but do not express the concept, do not reveal its properties.

The name doesn't tell us anything Sasha, it only identifies a specific person. In the phrase girl Sasha, we find out age and gender.

Examples of common nouns

All the realities of the world around us are called common names. These are words that express specific concepts: people, animals, natural phenomena, objects, etc.

Examples: doctor, student, dog, sparrow, thunderstorm, tree, bus, cactus.

Can denote abstract entities, qualities, states or characteristics:courage, understanding, fear, danger, peace, power.

How to determine proper or common noun

A common noun can be distinguished by its meaning, since it names an object or phenomenon related to the homogeneous, and by its grammatical feature, because it can vary in numbers ( year - years, person - people, cat - cats).

But many nouns (collective, abstract, real) do not have a plural form ( childhood, darkness, oil, inspiration) or singular ( frost, weekdays, darkness). Common nouns are written with a small letter.

Proper nouns are the distinctive names of individual objects. They can only be used in a single or plural (Moscow, Cheryomushki, Baikal, Catherine II).

But if different persons or objects are named, they can be used in the plural ( Ivanov family, both Americas). They are written with a capital letter, if necessary in quotation marks.

Worth noting: There is a constant exchange between proper and common nouns; they tend to move into the opposite category. Common words faith, hope, love became proper names in the Russian language.

Many borrowed names were also originally common nouns. For example, Peter - “stone” (Greek), Victor - “winner” (Latin), Sophia - “wisdom” (Greek).

Often in history, proper names become common nouns: hooligan ( English family Houlihan of ill repute), Volt (physicist Alessandro Volta), Colt (inventor Samuel Colt). Literary characters can become household names: Donquixote, Judas, Plyushkin.

Toponyms gave names to many objects. For example: cashmere fabric (Kashmir Valley of Hindustan), cognac (province in France). In this case, the animate proper name becomes an inanimate common noun.

And vice versa, it happens that generic concepts become non-common nouns: Lefty, cat Fluffy, Signor Tomato.

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