What does long-term use of phenazepam lead to? Phenazepam is a medicine against negative emotions. Interaction of Phenazepam with other drugs

The drug "Phenazepam" is a tranquilizer from the group of benzdiazepine derivatives. It has anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant, anxiolytic and hypnotic effects. The mechanism of functioning of this medication is based on reducing the excitability of certain brain centers and inhibiting their interaction with the cerebral cortex. Its maximum concentration is reached several hours after consumption. The half-life of Phenazepam varies between 6 – 10 hours. It is metabolized in the liver and excreted through the kidneys.

Main active substance This medication is an anxiolytic substance –zepine. Thanks to its presence in medicine Phenazepam relieves tension in the smooth muscles of internal organs, has a calming effect on the human body, having an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system. As a result, impulses begin to be transmitted more slowly, brain stem receptors are activated, and neurons become less sensitive.

Due to the fact that this drug is one of the strongest tranquilizers, it should never be taken independently without medical supervision!

The dose of this medication depends on your disease and is determined individually by your doctor.

  • For sleep disorders, it is recommended to take 0.5 of the drug half an hour before bedtime.
  • To treat epilepsy, doctors advise drinking 2–10 mg of the drug per day.
  • For fear and anxiety, treatment begins with a daily dosage of 3 mg with a further gradual increase.
  • In order to cure psychopathic conditions, doctors recommend taking the medicine in a dose of 0.5 - 1 mg several times a day. After 2–4 days, the dosage can be increased to 4–6 mg per day.
  • When treating alcohol withdrawal, you need to consume 2–5 mg per day.

It is important to know that the maximum permissible daily dosage of the medication is 10 mg. In order to avoid drug dependence on Phenazepam, the duration of treatment should not exceed two weeks. This drug should be discontinued gradually.

What are Phenazepam tablets prescribed for?

This medication is prescribed in such cases as:

  • psychopathic and neurotic conditions;
  • reactive psychosis;
  • prevention of emotional instability and fear;
  • sleep disorders and autonomic dysfunctions;
  • myoclonic and temporal lobe epilepsy;
  • tics and hyperkinesis;
  • muscle stiffness, etc.

Contraindications to the use of Phenazepam include the following:

  • to whom;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • hypersensitivity to medicinal components;
  • acute respiratory failure;
  • the first trimester of pregnancy and the entire period of lactation;
  • childhood;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • propensity to take alcoholic drinks and psychotropic drugs;
  • organic diseases of the brain.

If you notice at least one of the above phenomena, stop using this medication and consult a doctor!

Remember that you should not combine the use of this drug with the use of other medicines to avoid unexpected reactions. Doctors recommend being extremely careful with drugs that suppress the functioning of the central nervous system. nervous system and tell them about all medications you take!

Hello, today we will talk to you about perhaps our most famous anti-fear pill called phenazepam. I want to say right away that the article is purely educational, i.e. I am not advocating for anyone to take or not take this drug, but simply share my subjective opinion. So, I think it’s most logical to start the article with general information about this drug, and at the end I will write about my attitude towards phenazepam and publish reviews of those people who directly took it.

What is it?

Phenazepam is a highly active tranquilizer that has a pronounced anticonvulsant, hypnotic and muscle relaxant (lowering tone skeletal muscles) action.

Release form

One tablet: 0.5 mg, 1 mg and 2.5 mg.

One plate contains 10 or 25 tablets. In one cardboard package there are 2 or 5 strips (25 or 10 tablets each).

Polymer jars (50 tablets each). One cardboard package contains 1 jar.

Indications for use

I think that from the definition at the beginning of the article it is clear what these magic pills are aimed at, but for show I’ll write it again:

  • states that are accompanied by fear;
  • emotional instability;
  • autonomic dysfunctions and sleep disorders;
  • prevention of states of fear and emotional stress;
  • anticonvulsant.

You can familiarize yourself with the readings in more detail.


  • hypersensitivity;
  • angle-closure glaucoma (predisposition or acute attack);
  • severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • severe depression (suicidal tendencies are observed);
  • during breastfeeding;
  • coma;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • severe poisoning with alcohol, sleeping pills;
  • pregnancy;
  • adolescence and children under 18 years of age;

Side effects

Central and peripheral nervous system:

Most often: at the beginning of treatment (especially in older people) - drowsiness, dizziness, ataxia, gait instability, confusion, feeling tired, decreased ability to concentrate, disorientation, slowed mental and motor reactions.

Rarely: headache, depression, memory loss, depressed mood, asthenia (increased fatigue), dysarthria (speech difficulty), euphoria, tremor, impaired coordination of movements (especially at high doses), dystonic extrapyramidal reactions (uncontrolled movements, including the eye), muscle weakness, epileptic seizures (in patients with epilepsy).

Very rare: various paradoxical reactions that are directly opposite to the action of the drug (fear, anxiety, muscle spasms etc.).

Digestive system

Dry mouth or drooling, nausea, decreased appetite, liver dysfunction, jaundice, heartburn, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea.

Blood-forming organs

Leukopenia (decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood), chills, sore throat, weakness, thrombocytopenia (decrease in the number of platelets), neutropenia (decrease in the number of neutrophils), hyperthermia, excessive fatigue, anemia (decrease in the number of functional red blood cells) .

Allergic reactions

Itching, skin rash.

Genitourinary system

Urinary incontinence, renal dysfunction, dysmenorrhea, urinary retention, decreased or increased libido.


Most often: drug dependence, addiction.

Rarely: blurred vision, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), weight loss.

Withdrawal syndrome

Most often: irritability, sleep disturbances, spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs and skeletal muscles, increased sweating, nausea, tremors, convulsions, disturbances of perception, nervousness, dysphoria (low mood), depersonalization, depression, vomiting, tachycardia.

Rare: acute psychosis.



Severe drowsiness, decreased reflexes, nystagmus, bradycardia, difficulty breathing, coma, severe depression of consciousness, cardiac and respiratory activity, prolonged confusion, prolonged dysarthria, tremor, shortness of breath.


Symptomatic therapy, prescription activated carbon, maintaining respiratory and cardiovascular activity, gastric lavage, monitoring vital important functions body.

Specific antagonist

Flumazenil (in a hospital setting) - 0.2 mg IV (up to 1 mg if necessary) in a 5% glucose solution or 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

Instructions for use

The drug is available by prescription and is administered orally.

A single dose of phenazepam is usually 0.0005 - 0.001 g (0.5 - 1 mg), and for sleep disorders 0.00025 - 0.0005 g (0.25 - 0.5 mg) 20-30 minutes before bedtime.

For the treatment of neurotic, psychopathic, neurosis-like and psychopath-like conditions, the initial dose is 0.0005 - 0.001 g (0.5 - 1 mg) 2-3 times a day. After 2-4 days, taking into account the effectiveness and tolerability of the drug, the dose can be increased to 0.004 - 0.006 g per day (4 - 6 mg), the morning and daily dose is 0.0005 - 0.001 g, at night 0.0025 g. With severe agitation, fear, anxiety, treatment begins with a dose of 0.003 g (3 mg) per day, quickly increasing the dose until a therapeutic effect is obtained.

In neurological practice, for diseases with increased muscle tone, the drug is prescribed at 0.002 - 0.003 g (2 - 3 mg) once or twice a day.

The average daily dose of phenazepam is 0.0015 - 0.005 g (1.5 - 5 mg), divided into 3 or 2 doses, usually 0.5 - 1.0 mg in the morning and afternoon and up to 2.5 mg at night. The maximum daily dose is 0.01 g (10 mg). The duration of treatment is up to 2 months. When discontinuing the drug, the dose is reduced gradually.

Phenazepam is compatible with other drugs (hypnotics, anticonvulsants, etc.), however, it is necessary to take into account the mutual potentiation of their action.


Price in Russia: about 80 rubles.

Price in Belarus: about 20,000 rubles.

You can also check the availability of the drug in pharmacies in Russian cities.


Reviews that I collected on various forums (including forums dedicated to social phobia).

Review #1: I took phenazepam for about a year, it helped me a lot, I finally felt like a human being and got a job. But it’s almost impossible to give it up - the longer you take it, the less you cope with situations that you previously coped with without it. You become calm like a “tank”, and without it then it’s just a nightmare, any rustle scares you, it becomes unbearable and you take the pill again. I started taking 1 tablet 2 times a week, then 2. For 2 days it gives a relaxing effect. By coincidence, I had to give it up, the recovery was terrible, but I coped with it, but without it I’m again sitting with nothing, I want to start taking it again, because I’ve already forgotten how to feel calm... I agree that this is probably the only drug that calms almost completely, but the “payment” for it is high. This is the dilemma: whether to become addicted to it completely without thinking about the consequences, or to cope on your own, everyone chooses for themselves.

Review #2: Phenazepam is complete garbage. I talked with doctors, they say that this is a drug of the last generation (it’s clear, it’s still in Soviet era was). It contains a substance that accumulates in the body and is not excreted (!). This all accumulates in tissues and naturally does not internal organs healthier. In addition, dependence on it appears quickly, it is impossible to get off it. I saw all this with my own eyes for my relative, how she went crazy. some kind of dispensary where she was prescribed it and every few months she went there for a couple of days, there they did a procedure to relieve dependence on it, really, like drug addicts. And then after a couple of weeks she started drinking it again, and so on in a circle. Moreover, this was how it was officially established - they are prescribed, and then removed with other drugs and taken again. There were many bad changes, as they later said, specifically against the background of phenazepam. It changes the pressure, so it pumps, this is of course harmful to the blood vessels, primarily the brain, which is why changes can occur with long-term use - even glitches. Of course, it's up to you to decide, but in my opinion now there are more safe drugs, the new generation, who do not at least damage the liver.

Review #3: I only need phenazepam private clinic prescribed. The other doctors strongly advised against it, because... it becomes addictive (already written) and a person must constantly increase the dose in order to maintain the desired effect. This is beneficial for private owners. In this way, they keep the patient on a short leash: they constantly adjust the dose, assure that the treatment is not complete and cut money from the client. It also has a bad effect on the heart. In general, I took this rubbish in tiny doses for a week and quit...

Review #4: This morning I took a wheel of phenazepam, initially my mouth was dry and when I went out to smoke it was cold, but nothing seemed to be noticed, but then, half an hour later I went to the store, again for cigarettes (to the supermarket) and calmly went in and bought it with an important look. Even the formidable guards from whom I usually turn away essentially had no effect on me, I don’t know... maybe it was just an illusion or that’s how a hair dryer works.

Review #5: There was a time when I took phenazepam according to the situation. Social phobia practically did not decrease from it, it was just special condition as if you are “in a dream”.

Review #6: I have been taking phenazepam 1.5 mg for more than a year now and do not feel the need to increase the dose. I tried to reduce it slowly, but after reducing it by more than 0.5 mg I feel an increase in anxiety and muscle tension. I just don't know any other way to relieve these symptoms. Although I really want to do without any psychotropic drugs. I went to several psychotherapists, but it was not possible to solve this problem.

Review #7: It clogs the liver. It is addictive and, as a result, increases the dose. With alcohol - until complete loss of memory for some segments of events. The memory lasts forever. When you try to get down, the most interesting things begin: irritability, aggression, breakdowns, nightmares in your sleep. I came down with expensive vodka gradually. I haven’t touched a hair dryer or vodka for 9 years now, but sometimes those days make themselves felt. My memory was phenomenal, I tried to restore it, but I couldn’t restore it to its previous level. Sometimes everything is fine and suddenly there is a loss of memory. I don’t remember where I put the rag or some other nonsense.

Review #8: I took phenazepam a couple of times in my life. The reaction is strange. Firstly, when I start to fall asleep, for some reason my muscles begin to contract convulsively, in my sleep I lie and twitch, and I myself wake up from these twitches. In the morning it’s generally tough... Parts of the body don’t obey. I can walk and my legs might give way, but I can’t pick up the cup at all—I look at it, but my hand doesn’t rise. Creepy.

Review #9: I drank more than once. It helps me a lot. And now, sometimes, I drink occasionally. For example, I can drink it once every two weeks if I can’t sleep for a long time or if I have an important meeting coming up. You can get hooked on it, but believe me, it won’t happen in a week or even two or three...

Review #10: In my youth I dabbled in phenazepam, relanium, and sibazon. I really don't recommend it. When your soul hurts and all that, you take a pill, like entering a cocoon, and you’re as calm as an oyster. And then you notice that memory lapses occur. Now over the years I regret it, because my brain clearly jams sometimes. Some events of the past I cannot reconstruct - whether they were in reality or I made up my own mind. Some events are told to me and I am sincerely surprised that this happened to me. So take something milder.

Review #11: Phenazepam should not be taken a lot or often. I got used to it after about three or four days of taking it. It's really a drug. Without him, then everything seems so terrible and gloomy, but with him it’s so cozy and calm...

Review #12: And about getting used to phenazepam. I drank at night in a row for three months. First 0.5, then 0.25. This was on doctor's orders. No addiction. Now I drink only when necessary, that is, not in courses. It still helps.

Review #13: Guys! I wouldn’t wish Phenazepam on my enemy... I started taking it 7-8 years ago, the doctors didn’t warn me that I could get hooked. And I took it (at that time it really helped with anxiety) 2 mg. per day. But when I naively stopped drinking it after 6 months of heavy use, I realized that I was in trouble... I still drink it, no matter what I tried, to no avail, but it really hooked my nervous system, liver, heart, and body as a whole... Don’t even try to drink it - it helps very well at first, and then you won’t notice how you will eat it constantly and reproach yourself for starting to drink it... Believe me, I am writing from my own bitter experience...

Review #14: I have been taking phenazepam for several years now, but in very reasonable doses (1 mg), and only at night. In short, packs (50) of tables. enough for 4-5 months. I recently took a break for 2.5 months. The most important thing is not to abuse it, not to increase the dose, and drink in extreme cases, and then you can live. Although I started taking it almost every day (prescribed by a neurologist due to a depressed state in the morning). Then, based on the experience of taking it, I decided not to abuse it, although some kind of dependence still appeared. So my advice is to use it only as a last resort at night, and in minimal doses.

Review #15: Of course, phenazepam will not change your life. It will only temporarily save you from critical moments (panic attacks, hysteria, hangover, etc.). I myself, having been taking it for about 10 years, try not to go beyond 1 - 1.5 tablets per week. You can drink 6 pieces once (well, maybe twice) in your life. Next comes an addiction to pills, which couldn’t be worse...

Review #16: I'm not happy with the hairdryer because it's a one-time use product. He doesn't heal. And it’s better to drink it immediately before anxious social events. situations. Perhaps my mistake was that I took the course, gradually increasing the dose. I got used to it very quickly.

Review #17: I have personally been taking it for about 5-6 years now. On the second day after the evening reception it will be relaxing, and there will be a slight euphoria. But over time, this effect will weaken, i.e. the body gets used to it, the result is that you need to increase the dose, as with drugs.

Review #18: I have never taken phenazepam, but my mother started taking it a long time ago in secret from us. Now she has developed a strong addiction, her consciousness and reason have gone crazy. They tried to throw away her pills, but according to her sources, she acquired them again and drank them. Now our life is hell. Advice: if you really need a tranquilizer, then drink valerian, but it’s better not to touch phenazepam at all.

My attitude towards phenazepam

Honestly to drug treatment I have a rather negative attitude, because if you just constantly swallow pills, then essentially nothing will change, you will only muffle the symptoms, but will not get rid of the problem itself. It’s another matter when it is used in conjunction with psychotherapy; in such cases, it seems to me, there should be a result. But again, let me remind you that I am not a doctor and these are just my subjective thoughts.

Now let's move directly to phenazepam. Judging by the reviews, you can get hooked on it very quickly, and it acts like a drug - over time you will have to increase the dose each time to achieve the desired effect. Many people write about memory loss, and I think that it is not without reason that phenazepam is a prohibited drug in some countries. Therefore, personally, I, most likely, would never try this rubbish (except perhaps in some hopeless situation), which is what I advise you to do. If you really want to overcome your fear, then phenazepam is clearly not for you.

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Instructions for use:

Pharmacological action

Phenazepam is a highly active tranquilizer, has anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, central muscle relaxant and sedative effects. The tranquilizing and anti-anxiety effect is superior in strength to the analogues of Phenazepam. The drug also has an anticonvulsant and hypnotic effect. The anxiolytic effect of the drug is expressed in reducing emotional stress, easing fear, anxiety and restlessness.

According to the reviews received, Phenazepam has virtually no effect on affective, hallucinatory and acute delusional disorders.

Phenazepam dosage and instructions for use

Intramuscular and intravenous: for rapid relief of psychomotor agitation, anxiety, fear, as well as in psychotic states and vegetative paroxysms - initial dose up to 1 mg, average dose per day - 3-5 mg, maximum - 7-9 mg.

Oral administration: for sleep disorders, from 250 to 500 mcg, 20-30 minutes before bedtime. When treating psychopathic, neurotic, psycho-like and neurosis-like conditions, the first dose is up to 1 mg, 2-3 times a day. The dosage can be increased after 2-4 days, if there is a positive effect, to 4-6 mg per day. For severe fear, agitation, and anxiety, the first dose is 3 mg per day, with a rapid increase until a therapeutic effect is achieved. For the treatment of epilepsy, 2-10 mg per day. For the treatment of diseases with muscle hypertonicity, take 2-3 mg of the drug 1-2 times a day. The maximum dose is 10 mg/day.

To avoid becoming dependent on Phenazepam, the instructions recommend that the course of therapy should not last more than two weeks. In exceptional cases, it is possible to increase the duration of the course to 2 months. The dosage reduction should occur gradually.

Indications for use of Phenazepam

Phenazepam is indicated for neurotic, neurosis-like, psychopathic and psycho-like conditions. For reactive psychoses, senesto-hypochondriacal disorders, insomnia, alcoholism, substance abuse, status epilepticus, epileptic seizures.

For the treatment of muscle rigidity, hyperkinesis, athetosis, tics, autonomic lability.

Contraindications to the use of Phenazepam

  • coma;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • severe form of depression;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • analgesic poisoning or acute alcohol poisoning;
  • acute respiratory failure;
  • I trimester of pregnancy;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • during lactation;
  • intolerance to benzodiazepines.

Special instructions

Caution is required when using Phenazepam in patients with liver or kidney failure, persons prone to substance abuse, organic brain damage, and elderly patients.

Like its analogues, Phenazepam can cause drug dependence with long-term therapy in large doses. When carrying out treatment with Phenazepam, the use of ethanol is strictly prohibited. There are no reviews on the treatment of persons under 18 years of age with Phenazepam; the effectiveness and safety of the drug have not been established. Phenazepam affects concentration, so special care is required when driving for persons receiving treatment with Phenazepam.

Overdose of Phenazepam

Symptoms of Phenazepam overdose: decreased reflexes, drowsiness, tremor, nystagmus, prolonged dysarthria, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, bradycardia, coma, decreased blood pressure.

Interaction of Phenazepam with other drugs

According to reviews, Phenazepam reduces the effectiveness of levodopa in patients with Parkinson's disease. Phenazepam increases the toxicity of zidovudine.

A mutual enhancement of the effect was noted when combined with antipsychotic, antiepileptic and hypnotics, as well as with central muscle relaxants, narcotic analgesics and ethanol.

When combined with antihypertensive drugs, their effect may be enhanced. Respiratory depression may occur when clozapine is taken concomitantly.

Pregnancy and lactation

The use of Phenazepam by pregnant women is permissible only according to vital signs. The drug has a toxic effect on the fetus, increasing the risk of birth defects when used in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. The use of Phenazepam at a later stage causes depression of the central nervous system in the newborn. Regular use during pregnancy may develop dependence and withdrawal symptoms in the newborn.

The use of Phenazepam during childbirth, or immediately before it, can cause the appearance in a newborn of: depressed breathing, hypothermia and hypotension.

Side effects of Phenazepam

From the central and peripheral nervous system: in the first days of treatment (especially in elderly patients) - a feeling of fatigue, confusion, drowsiness, dizziness, ataxia, decreased concentration, disorientation, slow reactions; rarely - depression, euphoria, headache, tremor, loss of coordination, memory impairment, uncontrolled movements, asthenia, dysarthria, myasthenia gravis, epileptic seizures (in patients with epilepsy); extremely rarely - aggressive outbursts, fear, psychomotor agitation, suicidal tendencies, muscle spasms, hallucinations, irritability, agitation, insomnia, anxiety.

From the circulatory system: leukopenia, agranulocytosis, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia.

From the digestive system: heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation.

Allergic reactions in the form of itching or skin rash are possible.

Other possible reactions: like its analogues, Phenazepam causes drug dependence and a decrease in blood pressure; rarely - visual impairment, tachycardia. With sudden withdrawal or dose reduction, withdrawal syndrome occurs.

Phenazepam is a highly active tranquilizer with a central muscle relaxant effect. What does this medicine help with? The medication has a pronounced anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, and hypnotic effect on the body. The instructions for use recommend taking the drug Phenazepam for psychoses, sleep disorders, and neuroses.

Composition and release form

The international name of the drug (INN) is Bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine. The drug Phenazepam is available in the form of tablets and in the form of a solution for intramuscular or intravenous administration.

Phenazepam tablets white, flat-cylindrical shape, with a chamfer. Capsules containing bromodat a dose of 1 mg also have a risk. The solution for intramuscular and intravenous injection is available in glass ampoules with a capacity of 1 ml.

The composition of Phenazepam in tablet form includes:

  • 0.0005, 0.001 or 0.0025 g phenazepam (bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine);
  • milk sugar (lactose);
  • potato starch;
  • povidone (kollidon 25);
  • calcium stearate;
  • talc.

1 ml of Phenazepam in ampoules contains:

  • 0.001 g phenazepam (bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine);
  • polyvinylpyrrolidone;
  • distilled glycerin;
  • sodium disulfite;
  • polysorbate 80;
  • sodium hydroxide solution;
  • water for injections.

The recipe in Latin for Phenazepam is as follows - Rp.: Sol. Phenazepami 0.1% - 1 ml

Pharmacological action

The medicine Phenazepam, which helps with psychosis, has anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, central muscle relaxant and sedative effects. The tranquilizing and anti-anxiety effect is superior in strength to the analogues of Phenazepam.

The drug also has an anticonvulsant and hypnotic effect. The anxiolytic effect of the drug is expressed in reducing emotional stress, easing fear, anxiety and restlessness. According to the reviews received, Phenazepam has virtually no effect on affective, hallucinatory and acute delusional disorders.

Phenazepam injections, tablets: what does the drug help with?

Indications for use of the medicine are as follows:

  • neuroses;
  • pseudoneurotic (neurosis-like) conditions;
  • psychopathy;
  • psychopathic-like disorders and other conditions that are characterized by the appearance of a feeling of fear, increased anxiety, irritability, mood swings (its lability), increased tension;
  • sleep disorders;
  • reactive psychosis;
  • hypochondriacal syndrome, accompanied by various kinds of unpleasant or painful sensations;
  • autonomic dysfunction syndrome;
  • prevention of phobic conditions and conditions accompanied by a feeling of tension;
  • temporal and myoclonic epilepsy;
  • panic reactions;
  • dyskinesia, tics;
  • a sharp increase in tone and stable resistance of the muscles to the effects of deforming forces (muscle rigidity);
  • instability (lability) of the autonomic nervous system;
  • alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Solution, Phenazepam tablets - what else do they help with? The annotation for the drug also states that it can be used for preliminary drug preparation of patients for general anesthesia and surgery.


The instructions for use prohibit the medicine Phenazepam for:

  • myasthenia gravis;
  • shocked;
  • coma;
  • severe form of depression;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • poisoning with analgesics or acute alcohol poisoning;
  • acute respiratory failure;
  • I trimester of pregnancy;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • lactation;
  • intolerance to benzodiazepines.

It is recommended to exercise caution when using Phenazepam in elderly patients, patients with renal or hepatic insufficiency, organic brain damage, as well as persons who abuse psychoactive substances.

Pregnant women can take Phenazepam (analogues) only when absolutely necessary, as these drugs have a toxic effect on the fetus.

Medicine Phenazepam: instructions for use

Taking pills

Intended for oral administration. The average daily dose of the drug is usually from 0.0015 to 0.005 g ofzepine. It is recommended to divide it into two or three doses.

In the morning and afternoon, the instructions for use of Phenazepam recommend taking 0.0005 or 0.001 g, in evening time the dose can be increased to 0.0025 g. The maximum permissible daily dose of bromodis 0.01 g. You can purchase the drug in pharmacies with a prescription in Latin.

Instructions for use of Phenazepam solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration

The injections are intended for injection into a muscle or vein using the jet or drip method. A single dose of the drug is from 0.0005 to 0.001 g (which corresponds to the contents of half or a whole ampoule). The average daily dose is from 0.0015 to 0.005 g. The maximum permissible dose is 0.01 g.

Dosage regimen and method of administration of the drug for various diseases:

Relief of panic attacks, psychotic states, fears, increased anxiety, psychomotor agitation: average daily dose per initial stages treatment is from 0.003 to 0.005 g, which corresponds to 3-5 ml of a 0.1% solution. In especially severe cases, the daily dose can be increased to 0.007-0.009 mg.

Epileptic seizures: the drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously, the initial dose is 0.0005 g.

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome: the drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously, the daily dose ranges from 0.0025 to 0.005 g.

Neurological diseases accompanied by muscle hypertonicity: the drug is recommended to be injected into the muscle at a dose of 0.0005 g. The frequency of doses is one or two during the day.

Preliminary drug preparation of patients for surgery and anesthesia: the drug is very slowly injected into a vein in a dose of 0.003 to 0.004 g.

After achieving a positive therapeutic effect after using Phenazepam intravenously or intramuscularly, it is recommended to transfer the patient from treatment with the drug in the form of a 0.1% solution to dosage form for oral administration.

The course of treatment with Phenazepam injections should not exceed 2 weeks. IN in some cases according to the doctor’s indications, it is extended to 3-4 weeks. When discontinuing the drug, the dose should be reduced gradually.

Side effects

According to reviews of Phenazepam, the drug can provoke the development of a number of side effects:

  • From the digestive system: heartburn, drooling or dry mouth, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, jaundice, impaired liver function.
  • From the nervous system: drowsiness, confusion, ataxia, feeling of fatigue, dizziness, decreased concentration, slowed reactions, disorientation; rarely - headaches, depression, tremor, asthenia, memory impairment, dysarthria, incoordination, euphoria, uncontrolled movements, muscle spasms, myasthenia gravis, insomnia, agitation, anxiety, fear, irritability, epileptic seizures, psychomotor agitation, aggressive outbursts, hallucinations, suicidal tendencies.
  • From the hematopoietic organs: neutropenia, anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis.
  • From the genitourinary system: dysmenorrhea, urinary retention or incontinence, decreased/increased libido, impaired renal function.
  • Other effects: decreased blood pressure, tachycardia, weight loss, blurred vision.
  • Allergic reactions: itching or rash on the skin.

Like its analogues, Phenazepam, when taken for a long time in large doses, can cause drug dependence.

What can replace Phenazepam?

There are enough products on the pharmaceutical market large number drugs that have a similar effect to Phenazepam. Among the most famous:

  • Nozepam.
  • Medazepam.
  • Lorazepam.
  • Ativan.
  • Tavor.
  • Laurenine.
  • Sidenar.
  • Lorafen.
  • Alprazolam.
  • Diazepam.
  • Apaurin.
  • Valium.
  • Seduxen.
  • Relanium.
  • Sibazon.
  • Relium.
  • Grandaxin.
  • Tofisopam.

Despite the fact that the names of all these drugs are different, they all belong to the group of anxiolytic drugs and are benzodiazepine derivatives.

Like Phenazepam, its analogues are not allowed to be prescribed for the treatment of sleep disorders in patients suffering from sleep apnea syndrome. This is due to the ability of benzodiazepine derivatives to have a pronounced muscle relaxant effect.

The drugs relax the muscles and structures of the oropharynx, which in turn can provoke an increase in the incidence of pharyngeal collapse of the upper respiratory tract and frequency of sleep apnea. Analogs of the drug also cause various types of disturbances in the structure of night sleep (including changes in the ratio of its phases).

Considering all the above complications and potential negative consequences, which can develop while taking Phenozepam and drugs similar in their mechanism of action, they can only be used if there are strict indications. Also, you should not independently search for the answer to the question “What can replace Phenazepam?”, because only the attending physician can correctly select a replacement for the drug.


The identical active substance is contained in the following preparations:

  • Fenzitate.
  • Elzepam.
  • Tranquesipam.
  • Phenorelaxan.
  • Fesanef.
  • Fesipam.

When choosing between the drugs “Fenzitate or Phenazepam”, “Phenazepam or Tranquesipam”, you should remember that they all contain the same active substance and are characterized by the same spectrum of action.

Phenazepam: prescription or not?

Phenazepam is a potent drug and, if taken incorrectly, can harm the body. In order to prevent its uncontrolled use, including by teenagers and people dependent on alcohol and drugs, it is released only with a doctor’s prescription. Despite this, on the Internet you can often find advertisements “Buy Phenazepam” or “Sell Phenazepam without a prescription.”

Price, where to buy

In Moscow, St. Petersburg and other regions of Russia, you can buy Phenazepam for 96-170 rubles. In Kyiv and Minsk it is difficult to purchase the drug in pharmacies. The price in Kazakhstan reaches 830 tenge.

Phenazepam is one of the strongest, having the ability to weaken fear and depressive episodes. Causes drowsiness, reduces muscle tone, and its action is directed against.

When exposed to it, the activity of impulses in the nervous system increases, the relief of symptoms of mental and neurological disorders is stimulated, the excitability of subcortical brain processes is reduced, and reflex processes in the spinal cord are inhibited.

It is prescribed to patients with the following diagnoses: increased nervous excitement, irritability, tension, for preventive purposes in states of fear, for the treatment of muscle rigidity and other similar neurological diagnoses.

The drug is also prescribed for some varieties - and to reduce the manifestation of seizures.

Case study and instructions

From a clinical medical point of view, Phenazepam is a safe, fast-acting and sedative. With its help, many tasks are solved, for example, liquefaction of painful sensations in the postoperative period.

Phenazepam is a development of Soviet scientists; the first practical experience of its use was in the seventies of the last century in military medicine.

At that time, this drug was the strongest, sleeping pill. Prescribed to patients with epilepsy, with states of anxiety and rehabilitation after prolonged alcohol use.

If the medicine enters the body in pure form, then the mood can change sharply, both positive and negative side. In other words, a surge of strength may be caused or anger may arise.

An overdose affects the normal functioning of internal organs - causing tachycardia, low blood pressure, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, dry mouth, heartburn.

The hematopoietic system can also malfunction: blood clots form, leukopenia, anemia and other diseases occur. The function of the genitourinary tract is impaired: acute renal failure, urinary incontinence or retention, decreased libido.

– this is a deliberate excess of the dosage in order to change the mental state, which can lead to the development of hepatitis, the appearance of seizures, fever, shortness of breath and will end in death.

Duration and continuity of use leads to addiction, and in cases of abrupt withdrawal from Phenazepam, nervous system disorders, sleep disturbances occur, hallucinations appear, and sometimes thoughts of suicide occur.

In the UK and EU countries, this drug is used quite rarely for the purpose of treating drug addicts, so that withdrawal symptoms stop for a while or simply to normalize sleep.

This drug has a greater effect on a drug addict than on a person who is simply being treated with this medication. incredible energy and a desire to communicate with people for a long time appear, then it turns into aggression.

To stop taking the drug, it is best to consult a doctor, take the necessary tests and possibly spend some time in the clinic.

Experimental research at the Moscow Research Institute

With the advent of Phenozepam treatment mental illness has become more efficient. Research from the Moscow Research Institute has shown that taking the drug for three or five days can relieve symptoms of anxiety, autonomic disorders and sleep disorders.

The problems associated with relieving the symptoms of neurological abnormalities seemed to have been resolved. However, after ten years, cases of abuse and addiction were identified due to exceeding the dose of the drug and taking it for a long time.

Therefore, since the 90s of the last century, a decision was made at the international and domestic level to limit the use of this medicine. However, in the field of minor psychotherapy, Phenazepam remains indispensable. To control the dosage taken, they began to use the form of injections.

The effect of the drug is aimed at the brain, including its cortex and cerebellum. The drug is well absorbed into the blood, and the maximum concentration in the body is reached after 1-2 hours. Discharged after 10 hours.

Studies have shown that anxiety is eliminated already in the first days of use and is fixed for about a month. In affective disorders, the effect of the drug was most significant, and in cases of vital depression it was less effective.

The product also remains indispensable and superior to analogues for sleep disorders, including sudden awakenings and insomnia.

A benzodiazepine tranquilizer is prescribed for epilepsy in combination with other drugs. The practice of doctors and patient reviews have proven that the number of seizures when taking Phenozepam is reduced by half or they disappear completely.

In the treatment of cardiovascular, pulmonary and digestive organs, the drug in small doses has a muscle relaxant, anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effect.

Phenozepam is widely used in cardiological practice for the treatment of tachycardia, cardialgia associated with panic condition and fear of death. With the help of the drug in the complex, the condition is maintained in case of ischemia, headache, arrhythmia. It is used in gynecology to eliminate postmenstrual tension.

All studies and experiments conducted prove that the use of the product is widespread in somatic practice. Before prescribing, it is important to study interactions with other medications. Improper use of other medications after stopping Phenazepam leads to unpleasant consequences, including depression, feelings of fear, muscle twitching, and others.

A word for patients and their relatives

Reviews from people who have taken it and in which they describe their feelings after taking the product will help clarify the situation.

As I got older, it became impossible to just lie down and sleep, I tossed and turned, and in the morning I felt depressed and overwhelmed.

I felt changes in my body. I turned to a specialist and was prescribed Phenazepam. At first I didn’t even want to buy it, knowing that it was addictive to the drug, but I still had to do the first test. Now my sleep has returned to normal, I think it can still be used in small doses.


Because of family problems I started to get nervous, I can’t do anything normally, it’s stressful, and I can’t sleep at all.

A friend convinced me to go to the clinic. They prescribed a drug - Phenazepam. I didn’t believe in its miracle work, but after the first dose I felt that I began to take everything calmly. After 14 days everything returned to normal, and now I don’t take pills at all and feel great. There are, of course, exceptions, but they are rare.


Two years ago I began to suffer from anxiety, and this condition does not allow me to concentrate on the main thing. I turned to a specialist - they prescribed Phenazepam, after the first dose I fell asleep well, and the next morning I began to experience “cottonness” in my head and body. After a few days everything got better.


For two years I was tormented by feelings of fear for my life, for my work, etc. I bought Phenazepam and everything went away on the first day. This great option from depression, although harmful. What other way out is there?


The attacks of insomnia lasted about six months, everything caused irritation, so I went to see a doctor. He prescribed this medicine for me. Now I'm fine, thanks to the doctor.


The feeling of fear of contraction caused sleep disturbance and a state of depression. I took herbal decoctions, but nothing helped. I had to go to the clinic, where a specialist prescribed me Phenazepam, now I take the drug as prescribed and feel great.


While actively playing sports, I noticed that my muscles were very tense and could not relax. I consulted with a doctor, he recommended that I take this tranquilizer. After the first days of taking it I didn’t understand anything at all, then I doubled the dose. I began to fall asleep better, and my muscles relaxed.


psychomotor agitation in combination with butiferons and aliphatic drugs.

Drug control representatives are not interested in the drug, since there are no effects on the psyche. For pensioners with sleep disorders, this is one of the best remedies.

Sergey I, general practitioner

A unique benzodiazepine drug in the domestic industry. Copes with sleep disorders, stress and depression. Does not pose a risk of addiction.

It is released strictly according to prescription, and dosages should only be prescribed by a specialist. Cannot be used when working on machine tools, at heights, or when driving vehicles.

Igor Yu, psychiatrist

Summing up

The product has undeniable effectiveness in treating epilepsy, stressful conditions, sleep disorders, and feelings of fear. But with an overdose everything positive qualities change strictly to the opposite, so a sharp change in mood can occur. With long-term use, dependence on the drug develops.

Before using Phenazepam, you should carefully study where they indicate side effects and contraindications, as well as study reviews from doctors and ordinary people.

Experience practical application shows that this remedy should be treated with extreme caution and should never be used without a doctor’s prescription. Therefore, experiments are inappropriate here.

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