Barrel design ideas for the garden. Tricky techniques for decorating old barrels in a summer cottage. An old barrel in a new way

Beautiful dachas- this is not only well-groomed beds and flowers, but also the absence of cluttered nooks and rusty water barrels that irritate the eye.

If you spend a lot of effort on arranging your summer cottage, then even such little things as garden barrels should have an attractive appearance.

Look at your garden barrel, which seems to have served you for many years. Do you have a desire to hide it in a dark corner so that it is less likely to catch your eye? Let's better try to give the barrel an attractive appearance, so that it becomes interesting element our beautiful garden.

We will paint the barrel acrylic paints. Whoever wants can put a simple funny drawing on it, whoever can can do a complex painting. Well, those who don’t know how to draw at all can use stencil painting.

First, the barrel must be cleaned of rust and old paint. We do this with a special metal brush and, very preferably, with the help of an appropriate power tool because... this work is hard, dusty and dirty. After cleaning, coat the barrel with a metal primer. To be honest, modern primers do not require pre-cleaning of rust. So why did we try so hard, you ask? A cleaned barrel will have a smoother surface and the final result will be much better.

We paint the barrel in the main color with a roller. When the paint dries, apply the drawing with chalk. It is important that the drawing is large enough - in proportion to the size of the barrel. It is better that small parts do not fall on the bulges on the surface of the barrel.

Another useful trick when painting barrels, outline the contours of the finished drawing with a thin brush and dark paint. Don't forget to add small details to the larger drawing with the same brush.

Since all summer residents have different tastes, some will be pleased with a bolder and brighter design, while for others it will be enough to simply re-paint the barrel in an inconspicuous green. But if you add even a couple simple elements onto your garden barrel, it will definitely become more fun.

Beautiful dachas delight us not only with their luxurious country houses and amazingly beautiful landscape design, but also the owner's attention to all the little things, such as simple garden barrels.

Even the most durable materials in the countryside fade and crumble over time. Plus, they most often show rust. The same applies to barrels. As a result, such containers become ugly and spoil the entire appearance vegetable garden You can, of course, throw away the old tank and buy a new one. However, this requires a lot of money. That is why it is better to go the other way - paint the existing container in beautiful colors using stencils.

This type of activity will have double benefits: the barrels will also be given new life, and children will be able to take part in this exciting activity.

Ways to paint barrels in the country

To hide rust on garden water barrels, you can use one of the methods for decorating the area:

  1. Disguise it using available means.
  2. Paint or decorate the tank using stencils.

When choosing a camouflage method, you can use the following means:

  1. Cover with vegetation.
  2. Cover with moss.
  3. Create small containers from willow twigs.
  4. Paint it in protective colors.

If you like to cover the tank with vegetation, then you can plant small trees or bushes and attach the tank behind them. You can simply leave it on the ground or bury half of it in the ground. In this case, it is necessary to wrap the bottom with oilcloth to prevent rust on the walls.

Beautifully disguise and decorate a barrel or bucket

When choosing to create containers, the following work is carried out:

  1. All natural material prepared in advance: twigs and branches.
  2. Dried willow branches must be soaked.
  3. The ends of the branches should be sharpened and placed in the ground at a distance sufficient to place the barrel inside.
  4. The weaving process itself begins from a side invisible to prying eyes.
  5. Weaving is carried out with a “snake”: the twig, as it were, slips from different sides under the supporting branches.

If you can’t get comfortable with the weaving technique, you can use painting the tank in khaki color, which will successfully hide the tank among the thickets.

Read also about garden crafts made from plastic bottles.

Decoration with coloring pages

When choosing a coloring, you need to know about its features:

  1. Only clean tanks should be used.
  2. Before starting work, cleaning is done with a special brush and emery paper.
  3. Only paints that can withstand natural conditions can be used.
  4. A solvent is required to correct the image.
  5. You need to use brushes: wide - for tinting and narrow - for drawing.
  6. A graphite pencil will allow you to make preliminary markings.

Decorate with acrylic paints

It is best to paint water barrels with acrylic paints:

  • They will create a bright and unique drawing.
  • Most resistant to weather anomalies.
  • Easy to apply and wash off.
  • Does not contain substances hazardous to children.

When painting metal containers, you must use the following sequence of actions:

  1. The tank is cleaned of rust and dirt.
  2. It is primed in an even and thin layer.
  3. Then the bonding paint is applied.
  4. After drying, the image is drawn with acrylic.

The main types of drawings will be the following elements:

  1. Vivid images of fairy-tale characters.
  2. Use of dropouts.
  3. Plastic bottles.
  4. Leaf patterns.
  5. Foam for installation.

As fairy-tale characters, you can use those that children like or those that you love. Such barrels can be installed near the children's area or in an open place.

When using screenings, it is necessary to have glue applied to the tank and the natural material itself. It turns out quite original design. Plastic bottles should be cut into different shapes and glued to the tank.

Leaves can be used as a stencil. They are carefully glued, and an aerosol is sprayed on top. Then the sheet is removed, but the image remains.

Foam can be used both in the form of patterns and as a basis for drawing a pattern on top.

Using stencils in the garden for garden barrels

Stencils or coloring books are a great solution for those who don’t know how to draw or can’t come up with anything original. Their use is extremely simple, and the effect is excellent. You can create them yourself, using ideas from the Internet, or purchase ready-made ones in a special store.

Types of stencils

There are the following types of stencils to decorate a barrel or bucket:

  1. Consisting of many layers and one sheet.
  2. Dense and flexible.
  3. With and without glue.

Multilayer stencils allow you to use them for a large amount of time. Their main advantages include the creation of voluminous and large drawings. The disadvantages include such items as high cost and the need to use glue.

Single-layer stencils are intended for one-time use. The advantages include a minimum of time spent, a low price and the ability to create any design. But they cannot be used on plastered surfaces.

You will find all the information about crafts made from tires for the garden.

How to color

Dense and flexible stencils are used to create any image. They may be various types: in the form of plants, flowers, stars and other things. Their advantages include non-standard design and low cost, while their disadvantages include a short duration of use.

Stencils using glue are used as follows: first, the adhesive base is peeled off, and then it is applied to the surface of the barrel and carefully smoothed out. Those that do not have glue are lubricated with the composition and glued.

In the video - a do-it-yourself stencil:

How to make your own decor

When painting a barrel using stencils, you can use the simplest method - using natural material. To do this, perform the following procedure:

  1. All unique shapes and sizes of leaves, branches and other things are prepared.
  2. The barrel or tank is installed on a hill and against the wind.
  3. First, the container is painted with light green paint. The diagonals are drawn on top using a white tint.
  4. Natural material is applied and sprayed from a spray can.
  5. This is how all the work is done.

If you want to create something more beautiful and unusual, you can make your own stencils. To create them, you can use one of the options.

Option one: paint using templates

Using templates: To do this, you can download ready-made types offered on many sites. Then the stencil is strengthened with paper.

Option two

Pattern Thickness: You can choose how many layers the stencil will contain. After this the following is done:

  1. The design of the drawing is being thought through.
  2. It is being created.
  3. Copying occurs either onto one tracing paper or onto multiple ones.

Option three

Choice of material. If you want to create a stencil on paper based, That:

  1. Select the type of paper.
  2. The template is sealed using paper or packing tape.
  3. The drawing is drawn and carefully cut out.

If it is made of a plastic base:

  1. The image is applied to a plastic surface.
  2. The sample is cut out.
  3. All sharp corners round off.

Thus, you can make absolutely any stencil.

You will learn how to make a birdhouse with your own hands.

On the video - how to paint a barrel in the country:

How to paint a water barrel

After creating a suitable sample, you need to use it to decorate the barrel. The following amount of work should be carried out:

  1. The stencil is fixed to the surface using paint or tape.
  2. The paint is applied using improvised means.
  3. It should be as small as possible so that the drawing does not blur.
  4. The brush is stuffed or rotated over a stencil.

The simplest type of stencil is ready. For a more complex and voluminous pattern, you can use the following steps:

  1. Using an already painted stencil, you should add different shades of paint - from lighter to darker.
  2. The same sequence should be performed - from the center to the edge.
  3. If you use round patterns, you can make a different sequence - from the edge to the center.

Thus, using different technologies when drawing the same stencil, you can create real masterpieces on the walls of barrels.

Stencil drawing will help you feel like designers and creators unusual design. Keep in mind that making samples is not very difficult, then perform this action anyone can. The only difficulty is the correct calculation of the amount of paint and drawing of the elements.

In design garden plot or just country house there can be no shortcomings, everything should be perfect, that’s why the topic for today’s article was chosen to solve the problem: how to decorate a barrel, which is used in the country for economic needs. After decorating it, it will become not only a useful item, but also a real highlight of your own landscape design.

How to decorate a water barrel

Barrels, which are often considered as a container, can be used not only for storing water, but it is with water containers that special difficulties arise, especially if they are metal. Over time, from constant contact with water, the material can rust, become covered with lime, and, in general, lose its presentable appearance. But in fact, how to decorate a water barrel, there is absolutely nothing complicated, it’s even surprising that not all homeowners have armed themselves with brushes, paints and aerosols.

The stencil technique is also interesting, when the paint is applied not with a brush, but with a sponge or aerosol can. Moreover, as stencils you can use both those printed and cut out of paper or plastic according to your own sketches, as well as plants, flowers, and picturesque twigs. Here's an example, how to decorate a garden barrel, photo which is located above, shows an example of unusually beautiful decoration with images of flowers and leaves.

In addition to the methods described above, how to decorate barrels at the dacha, photo which you have already seen above, there are others, no less interesting, for those who like not only to draw or paint. For example, there are excellent techniques for stained glass appliqué; you can use glass different colors to either make an independent pattern, or to make certain details of the design, for example, the centers of flowers, especially beautiful.

The problem can be solved no less elegantly, how to decorate a barrel in the garden using hemp or jute rope. To do this, the surface of the container is coated with glue and wrapped tightly with this rope. No gaps, in even rows. Ready craft they are additionally opened with varnish so that moisture, which is always present here, as in decorating, does not spoil such an eco-friendly and fashionable coating.

In order not to experience difficulties in the process of decorating barrels, you just need to show your imagination, creative skills and find the right tools.

We will tell you how to paint a barrel in the country, in the garden or in the vegetable garden.

The main material for decorating a garden barrel is a dye that will change or improve its color. In addition to dyes, you may need various materials for the manufacture of parts and good glue, which is suitable for metal and wood.

Pick up dyes and glue at hardware stores.

If you have wooden barrels whose tone just needs to be refreshed, choose almost colorless wood enamels.

You can find improvised materials for decoration at home.

If you want to decorate a metal barrel, you need to remove dirt and rust particles from it so that the coloring agent adheres better. If you have to decorate wooden barrel, wash it from dirt.

Find out how to make a rocking chair with your own hands.

— master class on the device with photos and videos.

Decor options

Flowerbed made of barrels

Daisies, petunias and cornflowers look cute in such flowerbeds

If you have a lot of small unnecessary wooden barrels, we suggest creating a flower bed out of them.

Prepare the barrel for painting, cover it with colorless or tinted enamel, or clear varnish, wait for it to dry. Fill it with suitable soil for growing flowers and plant seeds or cuttings.

Barrel houses

Also, from such wooden barrels you can make excellent “houses” for gardening and other tools.

You need to prepare and paint the barrel in exactly the same way as in the case of a flower bed. To avoid confusion about which tools are in which barrel, we recommend making beautiful signs.

For them, cut out rectangular pieces of linoleum, paint them and make the appropriate inscription. Glue them to the barrel.

Animals from barrels

If you have a lot of metal barrels, you can turn them into various animals and fairy-tale characters. For example, you can make a pig barrel.

To make an animal from a barrel, draw its face, and make the rest of the details from scrap materials

To do this, prepare it for coloring, select a dye pink color, completely cover the entire outside surface with it. After the pink paint has dried, arm yourself with paints to paint the face and get started. The ears and snout can be made from linoleum and glued.

Painted barrel

If you like floral motifs, we suggest painting barrels in a similar way.

First, you need to choose the base tone of the kick drum. It is best if it is not green, since the leaves and stems on it will be “lost.”

We prepare the barrel, cover it with the main color, and wait for it to dry. Next, draw out the flowers that you like.

A barrel with a flower pattern will become bright and at the same time delicate decoration your garden

Fancy colorful patterns are another good option for decorating a barrel. The principle is the same as that of the version with a floral pattern, only instead of flowers some kind of ornament emerges.

If you want to create a custom barrel that can be safely called a work of art, purchase a durable coating with glitter. It is a colorless paint with high content shiny particles of the same or different colors.

You can completely cover the barrel with such a shiny composition, but it will be better if it is applied to parts of the design. For example, on the petals or centers of flowers.

Stained glass

Another version of the original barrel is a stained glass barrel.

To create a stained glass window you will need colored glass bottles. It is better to decorate elements of the design with them, rather than the entire barrel. For example, you have a barrel with painted daisies. Break a yellow glass bottle and carefully glue the fragments to the middle of the chamomile using special glue.

Children's version

If you have small children, or they often visit you, you can please them with educational drawings on barrels. For example, paint a prepared barrel bright color, and then draw two almost identical kittens on it so that you can find five differences between them.

After the paint has dried, you can ask your child to find the differences between the two kittens.

Decorated barrels will be an excellent addition to the children's playground on your site

A similar option for children is a fairytale labyrinth. Choose a bright color for the barrel, paint it, wait until it dries completely.

Using contrasting colors, draw a labyrinth with an exit and an entrance, and draw a little man or animal near the entrance. It would be good if the labyrinth consisted not only of tunnels, but also of obstacles and false exits.

We create conditions for

Barrels of various sizes - indispensable attribute dachas They often function as a reservoir for storing water; a place for a flower bed is another popular role for a container. Regardless of its purpose, the aesthetic appearance of the barrel indicates the owner’s thriftiness. To make it interesting to paint barrels for your dacha, availability art education not required. A creative approach will allow you to solve the problem with minimal costs.

Coloring ideas

A beautifully painted container does not need to be hidden away from prying eyes; it will harmoniously fit into the landscape design of the dacha. The choice of location depends on its purpose and the theme of the drawing. If children are relaxing at the dacha, images fairy-tale heroes will organically complement the playground, especially if the painted barrel is used as a flower bed. Floral themes, butterflies or other representatives of flora and fauna as a design can decorate a front garden, vegetable beds or barbecue area. This is very practical from the point of view of the close location of water for irrigation.

There are several options for painting a barrel:

  • Having artistic skills allows you to select a suitable image and then transfer it to the barrel.
  • Lack of creative abilities is not an obstacle to creative garden design. All kinds of stencils will allow you to transform the barrel in accordance with your own ideas about beauty.
  • The painted barrel looks original, where all family members left handprints as decoration.

Having chosen the first method of decoration, the subject of the image can be different:

  • The presence of children at the dacha obliges us to take care of their aesthetic perception. Heroes of fairy tales and cartoons, funny animals or insects are the most popular version of a painted barrel. If you want to combine relaxation at the dacha with unobtrusive activities, put colorful letters and numbers on the container.
  • Favorite flowers and ornaments are quite a favorite theme for decorating a barrel in the country.
  • A painted container can depict cheerful, mischievous and loving faces.

Using a stencil also gives free rein to your imagination. You can make it yourself or purchase it ready-made. Stars, flowers and other vegetation are a suitable option to get an attractively painted barrel. Using live tree leaves as stencils for decoration is a favorite technique of many novice garden designers. The following photos will help you get an idea of ​​the originality of the painted barrels:

Preparatory stage

Large painted barrels with a volume of 200 liters look most advantageous. Depending on the material from which the vessel is made and the method of applying the design, the following items will need to be prepared for work in the country:

  • clean containers;
  • sandpaper and metal brush;
  • paints for external works;
  • brush and solvent;
  • a simple pencil or stencil.

Preparation plastic barrel It is considered less troublesome; the vessel should be thoroughly washed and dried. Before painting a metal barrel, it is necessary to remove all rust using sandpaper or a special metal brush. At the next stage, the surface is degreased by wiping with a rag soaked in an alcohol solution.

Advice! If you want to paint a wooden barrel at your dacha, it must first be washed to remove any deposits, and after it has completely dried, it is varnished.

Creative process options

It is practical to paint barrels at the dacha with acrylic paints, which have the following advantages:

  • resistance to precipitation and other negative natural influences;
  • easy to apply to the surface and easily washed off your hands;
  • do not pose a risk to the child’s health when participating in coloring;
  • a painted barrel will have a bright pattern.

Working with a stencil

To paint a container using a stencil, you need to choose a dense and flexible product. If the finished specimen has an adhesive base, the decoration process consists of the following steps:

  • The future painted barrel should be given a plain background. The shade is selected depending on color palette future drawing. If you plan to paint the barrel with vegetation, avoid a green tone so that the image does not merge.
  • The adhesive base of the stencil is removed, the template is fixed on the barrel and carefully smoothed.
  • Free spaces are painted with a brush, aerosol paints or by tamponing using a sponge.
  • Painted containers look impressive, where the shades smoothly transition into each other.

Comment! In the absence of a sticky base, the glue is independently applied to the stencil, after which it is attached to the barrel.

You can paint a barrel at your dacha using a homemade stencil:

  • A suitable image is selected and printed on paper. If desired, apply your own design.
  • The paper is compacted by any in a convenient way: pasted onto cardboard or covered with tape. It is permissible to use plastic containers as a basis for a small stencil.
  • The contours are cut out using a stationery knife; it is better to do this on an old table.

The stencil is ready to be used in the country as a template for a painted barrel. Several templates are shown in the photo below:

Another simple way to paint a container using natural foliage:

  • First, you should take care of your own protection and the landscape of your dacha. Personal equipment includes gloves, a hat if necessary, a respirator and an apron. In order not to spoil the vegetation of the dacha, the surface is covered with polyethylene.
  • The background for the future drawing is created. In addition to the traditional monochromatic surface, painted barrels with smooth white-green transitions applied diagonally with spray paint look original.
  • After the base has dried, large foliage with different outlines is fixed on the surface of the barrel, and its edges are emphasized with spray paint.

The procedure for applying an individual drawing

Barrels in the country are a great way to show your creativity by turning them into an organic element of landscape design by painting them. The painting process contains the following steps:

  • Clean containers are cleaned of rust using sandpaper or a wire brush.
  • The primer is applied.
  • Depending on the future appearance of the image on the painted vessel, the background surface is formed.
  • Using a thin brush, apply the contours of the image in accordance with the selected sketch. If adjustments are necessary, use solvent.
  • Then they begin to paint the inside of the picture. At large sizes A wide brush will help.

Advice! It is desirable that the dimensions of the picture correspond to the dimensions of the barrel.

When installing several painted containers nearby, it is better to paint them in various colors, giving the cottage design more bright touches. Admire the photo examples of how cheerful the painted barrels look at the dacha.

Non-standard methods of decoration

In addition to coloring, you can decorate containers at your dacha in other ways:

  • One of the simplest techniques is to cut out colorful figures from plastic bottles and glue them onto the painted barrel. Most often they choose the butterfly option.
  • Mastery of weaving techniques allows you to decorate a barrel with vines. Such decor will organically fit into the design of the dacha, and periodically painting the container will no longer be necessary.
  • Using small pebbles, a kind of mosaic is created on the container. In this case, it is important to choose the right frost-resistant glue; liquid nails are used as a replacement.
  • Decorating a barrel with forest moss using twine is a rather original replacement for a decorated container.


Involving all family members in the barrel design process will help reveal hidden talents. A creative approach and a little free time can transform the design of a summer house with the help of simple painted containers.

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