Children's drawings on the theme of summer holidays. How to draw summer? Advice for young artists. How to draw summer: getting started

We all love summer - a time for relaxation, vacations, games, adventures and swimming. Personally, I just love summer for a whole bunch of reasons, and therefore I invite you to draw this time of year with me step by step with a pencil.

So, what do you associate with summer? Personally, for me - with clear skies, sun, greenery and a house in the village. Let's try to draw a carefree landscape that would be perfect for illustrating your story about holidays and summer.

First, we divide our sheet with a line, marking the horizon. Draw with a simple pencil, so that sometimes you can erase all the extra lines.

At the top of the sheet we draw a sun and clouds. You can draw a completely cloudy sky, or you can draw a clear one.

Add a couple of tree trunks.

And, of course, what would summer be without lush, bright foliage? We draw lush tree crowns.

The general landscape is ready, now it’s time to draw a house away from the trees. By the way, in the next lessons I want to show you how to draw houses. So, we draw the base of the house from two rectangles.

Add a roof to the rectangles. Don’t forget to remove all unnecessary lines along the way so that they don’t distract you.

Let's add another element and a pipe to the roof.

Let's finish drawing the doors and windows.

Evgenia Kirillova


1. Using artistic words, show children how beautiful nature is in the summer.

2. To develop in children an emotional perception of the world around them, to form realistic ideas about nature.

3. Learn to reflect impressions and observations in artistic and creative activities.

4. Teach children the ability to select and reflect color scheme, typical for the summer season.

5. Encourage children’s initiative and independence in constructing the composition of the work and making additions to the drawing on the topic of the work.


Landscape sheet

Wax crayons

Simple pencil

Preliminary work:

learning poems about summer, looking at illustrations about summer, collective viewing of the cartoon “Father Frost and Summer” directed by V. Karavaev, excursion to the forest (to a clearing, meadow).

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational part.

The teacher begins the lesson by reading L. Korchagina’s poem “Summer”:

If the wind blows warm, even from the north,

If the meadow is full of daisies and clover lumps,

Butterflies and bees are circling over the flowers,

And a puddle turns blue like a fragment of the sky,

And the baby skin is like chocolate...

If the garden bed turns red from strawberries -

A sure sign: it has arrived...

Children. Summer.

Teacher. You are right, summer is a wonderful, generous time of year. Just recently we met one character who didn’t know what summer was. I will remind you of this story. In the far cold North lived Santa Claus. When winter came, he hit the road to help nature cover itself fluffy snow, freeze rivers, decorate the windows of houses with patterns. Santa Claus spent his time usefully during the cold season. And he especially loved the New Year holidays - that’s where there was a lot of fun, noise and joy. Together with the kids he led round dances, sang, danced, played, and then presented gifts that he lovingly prepared for each child. One day during New Year's holiday one of the children asked Santa Claus: “Will you come to us in the summer?” Santa Claus became curious, what is summer? The children were surprised that such an old grandfather had never heard, much less seen, summer, and they sang him a song about summer.

(An audio recording of the song “Song about Summer” by Yu. Entin to music by E. Krylatov is played)

Teacher. Since then, Santa Claus has lost peace, he really wanted to see summer with his own eyes. And he decided to come visit the kids not in winter, but in summer. And he set off. What happened to him?

Children. He became very ill in the heat and began to melt.

Teacher. Right. Santa Claus feels bad when it is very warm, he needs cold. Then the children figured out how to help their beloved Frost. They put him in an ice cream crate. And they began to carry him in it different places: to the forest, to the meadow, to the river, so that Santa Claus will finally know what summer is. And then Santa Claus returned to his North to come to the children only in winter. Guys, how do you imagine the image of summer, its portrait?

Children's answers: In a colorful sundress, with a wreath of flowers on her head, ruddy, cheerful, with freckles, barefoot.

Teacher. Where do you think summer lives, where does it go when winter comes?

Children's guesses.

Teacher invites children to listen to B. Sergunenkov’s story “Where does summer hide?”

Once upon a time there was no winter on earth, but only summer. What a wonderful time it was: the earth was soft as feathers, the water in the river was warm, the trees were growing all year round, the leaves did not drop and were forever green!

This continued until one day winter took offense.

“What is this,” he says, “all summer and summer, it’s time to know your conscience.”

Winter has begun to crowd out summer, and where should summer go? Summer rushed into the earth, and frost bound the earth. It rushed into the river - the river was covered with ice.

I’m dying,” he says, “I have nowhere to go.” Winter will kill me.

Here the buds on the trees say to the summer:

Come to us, we will hide you.

Summer hid in the buds of trees, sheltering from the cold winter.

Winter has gone. The sun shone, the streams began to gurgle. The buds on the trees swelled and opened. And as soon as they opened, it burst out and summer rolled out into freedom. Summer has come to earth...

Teacher. People rejoice and say: “Summer has come.”

Today we will draw summer. What color paints do you think you will use? What color is our summer?

Children. Summer is colorful.

Physical education lesson “What color is summer?”

Summer... Summer... Summer...

What color is it?

Come on, tell me, come on, describe it!

Clap your hands.

Delicate green, like a grasshopper in the grass.

Yellow, yellow, like sand near rivers.

Blue, blue, the most beautiful.

What a summer!

Jumping in place.

Summer... Summer... Summer...

What other color?

Come on, tell me, come on, describe it!

Clap your hands.

Bright, hot, like a dashing dance!

Starry, starry, like a night fairy tale!

Light, early morning, sweet strawberry.

What a summer!


Summer... Summer... Summer...

What other color?

Come on, tell me, come on, describe it!

Clap your hands.

2. Practical part.

The teacher offers to draw pictures and then give them to Santa Claus.

3. Summary of the lesson.

When considering finished works the teacher draws attention to color scheme, combination of shades, creating a composition, maintaining proportions.

And here's what kind of work we got.

In this lesson we will look at how to draw summer with a pencil step by step. All stages and techniques for drawing summer with a pencil are shown. This lesson contains a video and pictures from it in sequential order, everything will also be explained. If your internet allows it, be sure to watch the video; it shows the entire drawing process, how to hold the pencil and what movements to make with it. If you are watching from a mobile phone, then go straight to the images - step by step drawing summer. how to draw a village in summer.

This will be a small drawing, take a thick sheet of paper, a landscape sheet for drawing will also work. You can mark the size of the drawing with a pencil so that there are clear edges, but the author separated it with paper tape. First of all, draw the horizon - this is a horizontal line in the middle of the sheet, then we start drawing the house.

Draw a mountain in the distance and a silhouette of trees and greenery on the right with jagged and knotty curves. Draw a country road near the house and windows in the house itself. The lines should not be bold - this is a sketch. To view a larger image, click on the picture.

On the left, draw silhouettes of trees and a fence.

Take a pencil as you usually hold it and draw the branches, they are darker than the foliage, then use the same method to draw a second peeking tree on the edge of the roof.

Place an auxiliary sheet of paper on the edge of the house and shade the part in a light tone up to the silhouette of the bushes on the left. Blend.

Using the curl method, draw dense bushes on the left.

Draw the grass near the house.

Paint over the windows and doors of the rural house, make the fence stakes bold, draw the branches of a dry tree in the center of the picture (you can make it alive, draw a woo), then start drawing the foliage of the trees on the right.

On the left, where you just drew the foliage, draw tree branches between them. Draw the grass from the edge of the country road on the right, as well as some grass on the right and blend it out. Place dots on the road to show its unevenness.

Here is the finished drawing of summer.

If you go over the edge, you can take a ruler and place it on the edge of the design and go over it with an eraser. Then the edges of the picture will also be smooth.

Summer– this is one of the most amazing, beautiful and long-awaited times of the year. This is the sun, a hot season with long days and short warm nights. Summer is hot sand and a gentle wave on the seashore, good mood and unforgettable experiences. Summer is different for each of us. And it’s different for everyone! Anyone who visited the southern coast of Crimea this summer immediately imagined the following picture: the sea, mountains and pine trees of bizarre shape, growing along the slopes of the mountains to the seashore.

Let's try to draw together with the children drawing on the theme “Summer”- a memory of summer, based on step by step instructions seascape images.

The master class is conducted by Vera Parfentyeva, technology teacher, leader of a preschool club, reader of “Native Path”. The article is illustrated with drawings by Vera’s little pupils.

Drawing on the theme “Summer” step by step

Step 1. Horizon line.

We draw a straight line with a simple pencil at the bottom of the sheet (thus introducing the kids to the techniques of working with a ruler). This is the horizon line. Children will learn a new concept: the horizon line is an imaginary line where the sky appears to touch the ground or water. In this case - with the sea.

Step 2. Sun.

We draw the sun going beyond the horizon.

Step 3. Draw a mountain in the background.

We draw an arbitrary curved line from the horizon line - this is the mountain in the background.

Step 4. Draw the second mountain.

Draw a curved line for the mountain protruding forward.

Step 5. Draw the shore.

In the foreground we draw the shore.

In another option, you can make the composition of the picture “in reverse”, in a mirror image.

Step 6. Draw a pine tree.

On the mountainside we draw a pine tree bending over the sea under the influence of the winds. Pines in Crimea have a bizarre shape, low, with crooked trunks, but firmly holding onto the rocky soil with their roots. If you have been to another place, draw trees characteristic of that area.

Step 7. Make our drawing on the “Summer” theme color.

Well, now the most interesting thing: take watercolor or gouache paints of red-orange color and paint Sun. It is best to hold the brush vertically and paint with “pokes” with the tip of the brush.

Paint over with dark brown paint mountain in the background (drawings by Sasha, 7 years old, and Nastya, 6.5 years old). Drawing with “poke” makes it possible to express the relief of the mountain.

Paint over nearby mountain light brown paint. Here large area drawing, so it is more convenient to hold the brush at an angle, pressing it to the sheet with full bristles.

Add green, gradually mixing it with the still wet brown paint.

Drawing the summer sea.

It is better to complete this item one point earlier, because... the mountain blocks the sea. The children hurried a little. Paint over a section of the sea with blue paint. Movement of the brush horizontally in one direction, from left to right. It is advisable to draw a line along the horizon without interruption. The remaining lines can be drawn with a brush in smooth wavy lines. Do not allow the brush to move back and forth without lifting the brush from the sheet. Then, under the setting sun on the water, make a few strokes with the tip of the brush and blur them. This creates a reflection on the water of the sun going beyond the horizon.

Let's draw a pine tree. Hold the brush vertically. First, “poke” along the contour of the pine crown, and then fill interior space, leaving gaps here and there.

Drawing the shore (in the manner described above - hold the brush at an angle, pressing it to a sheet of paper with full bristles.

We draw lines on the trunk and branches of the pine tree.

When drawing lines on the trunk and branches of a pine tree, the hand should always remain to the right of them, tilting the brush vertically in the same direction, touching the paper only with the tip. The brush is moved along the pile. The hand remains suspended, without leaning on the sheet, so as not to smear the drawing.

Using white paint we slightly shade the crown and trunk of the pine tree.

This is what happens (drawing by Nastya, six and a half years old)

Let's draw poppies.

If desired, we draw poppies. We put dots on the grass with a toothpick. These are poppy flowers. They say that red poppies bloom where fierce battles took place during the Great Patriotic War.

Creative task for children:

  1. Close your eyes. Mentally transport yourself to the southern coast of Crimea. Imagine the sea, the coast, the mountains. Listen to the noise sea ​​wave, the cry of seagulls and the whistle of a ship. Paint your landscape.

The summer drawing can be the culmination of the past summer holidays and family travel season. It allows you to recall in your memory all the most significant events of filled sunlight days and save them for the future by transferring them to a piece of paper.

Questions for conversation in a lesson on the topic “Summer”

In order to make it easier for children to spill out their memories onto the space of a white sheet of paper, they need to be configured accordingly, to open a channel to the source of imagination and creativity. Therefore, before we begin the drawing process itself, we conduct a focused conversation, during which we look for answers to auxiliary questions:

  • Did the kids enjoy their summer holiday?
  • Where does summer feel best - in the apartment or on the street? In the city or in nature?
  • Which natural phenomena indicate that it’s summer outside?
  • How can you tell by plants that it’s summer outside? Which plants have become the real symbol of summer?
  • How do you remember this summer - fine, warm, or rainy, cloudy?
  • Which days did you like best – sunny or rainy?
  • What did you do when it was raining outside? Did you enjoy it?
  • What event do you remember most?
  • What colors would you like to depict a memorable event?
  • Which colors are happy and which are sad?
  • What colors best reflect the colors of a sultry sunny day? (We gradually lead the children to the definition of warm and cold shades).

How to conduct a lesson on the topic “Summer Drawing”?

Having smoothly directed the kids to think about the upcoming work, we give them a few basic ideas to begin the creative process.

  • Let's discuss where to start our drawing. (By defining what exactly we will try to depict).
  • Many kids will want to depict nature. We tell you that such a picture will be called a landscape, and on French this word means "country" or "locality".
  • We are thinking about where we will start filling the space of the white sheet. (From drawing the horizon line). We think in which case the horizon line should be lower (if we want to draw a lot of sky) or higher (if the main goal is to draw what is located on the ground). We explain that the horizon line is drawn thinly, with a simple pencil, and then erased.
  • We are thinking about whether it is necessary to depict the sun, and if so, in what ways can this be done.
  • We ask if someone will paint the forest. Usually there are a lot of such people in the group. Then we conduct a small master class on drawing trees: we gradually lead the kids to the fact that trees become thinner as they move up their trunk, that their branches are also thicker and more powerful at the bottom than at the top. We examine several ways to depict the deciduous crown and silhouettes of coniferous trees.
  • Let's find out if someone will draw flowers. We think about how best to do this, remember that some flowers have a center and petals, and some do not. We recall the stylized image of flowers, explain to the children what the concept “stylized” means.
  • We discuss how animals can be depicted - realistically or stylized. Children love stylized drawings; they manage to convey the basic characteristic features depicted object.
  • For inspiration, we show the kids several reproductions of summer images by famous artists. We discuss how the master managed to convey the atmosphere of a summer day, how he distributed objects on his canvas, what colors he used, what colors there are special moves in his work.
  • Let's turn on some nice light classical music and start the creative process. As we work, we approach the children and tell them if something is not working out for them.
  • At the end of the lesson, we make sure to arrange an impromptu gallery, asking each child to tell about his painting and give it a name. We suggest doing a series of similar works yourself in order to preserve a more complete picture of the past summer days.

Children's drawings: ideas for inspiration

Children's drawing summer is always rainbow colors, positive energy and piercing sincerity.

Such a painting will not just decorate the room, it will fill the surrounding space with its positivity, attract attention to itself and create a benevolent atmosphere in the house.

drawing summer 9
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