What if the watch is on the right hand. Why should Pisces wear a watch on their right hand? Signs and interpretations

Why is a watch worn on the left hand? Why are watches worn? right hand? Which hand should you wear your watch on? These questions are asked quite often.

And the answer, as it turns out, is not clear-cut.

Wristwatches are traditionally worn on the left hand.

There are several versions explaining this.

During the First World War wrist watch came en masse to replace pocket watches and became popular among officers. First of all, a watch is a valuable thing that must be protected. And since our right hand is more active, the risk of damaging the watch located on it is much higher than if it is on the left. When working, the main actions are performed with the right hand for 90% of people. All wristwatches in those days were manually wound, and the winding crown was located on the right, which was convenient for right-handed people. In addition, it was also more convenient to fasten the strap with the right hand than with the left.

Among the arguments in favor of wearing a watch on the left hand was that a watch that does not have a sealed crown is more than sufficiently protected for everyday use - the usual position of a person's hand: hand down. Considering that most watches are designed to be worn on the left hand (that is, with the crown down), even quite heavy rain does not threaten a splash-proof watch on the wrist.

With such strong arguments in favor of wearing a watch on the left hand, there are also arguments in favor of the right.

The main reason was formulated by the most famous (to me) person who wears a watch on his right hand. Vladimir Putin. When asked why he wears a watch on his right hand, he replied that the crown of the watch on his left hand rubs his hand. Everything is simple….it would seem…. Does Putin look like a simpleton? I saw his watch, the crown is small and cannot rub anything. He's hiding something from us...

According to the ancient Chinese system of meditation "Fukuri", on both wrists there is an area called Tsun-kou, which unites the three most important energy points responsible for the health of the entire body - Tsun, Guan and Chi. They are located one behind the other, on the left and right sides of the wrist (when looking at the palms), down from thumb. And it is by the pulsation (with light and deep pressure) of these points that you can find out the condition of the intestines, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, heart. Chinese healers believe that the secret of human health lies in the Tsun-kou region. When the “pulses” on the wrists beat with equal force, a person becomes energetic, strong and satisfied.

The most important point is considered to be Cun, because it is responsible for the work of the heart. It is interesting that in men and women the pulse of the “flaming motor” is at different hands: for men - on the left wrist, and for women - on the right. According to healers, the reason for this phenomenon is that in men blood flows from the “tip” of the heart to the left side, and in women it supposedly flows to the right. An important conclusion follows from this: if a man wears a watch on his left hand, this will interfere with the normal functioning of his heart. Accordingly, this does not apply to women.

The human subconscious is an interesting and incomprehensible area of ​​​​a person. Everything on the left is considered by our subconscious to be “worse” than what is on the right: such frequently used phraseological units as “went to the left”, “he earned the wrong money” only confirm this. “Right” usually means good: Orthodoxy, justice. Why do we have such bad associations with everything “left”?

Our perception of time largely depends on which direction we look: right or left. What's on the left refers to the past, and what's on the right refers to the future. A person reads from left to right, information on the left is already read (past), on the right is information that will be read (future). This technique is actively used by advertisers: cars in advertising drive to the right, planes fly upward to the right. When psychologists discovered this pattern, they began to apply it to medicinal purposes. And they called this treatment “eye movement therapy.” For example, you are tormented by unpleasant memories. If you direct your gaze to the right, it will really help get rid of them (I suggest you check it and then write to me in the comments). When the watch is on your left hand, you look to the left and - as a result - think about time from the point of view of the past: “It’s almost midnight, but Herman is still not there.” “Two hours passed and I still haven’t done anything.” When a person looks into the past, his attention focuses on how much time has passed. Not how much time there is, but how much time there is no longer. The watch on the left hand is a feeling of constant loss of time. Feeling of chronic failure. If many problems from the past are quickly and very effectively solved by a simple movement of the eyes, then perhaps the problems of wasting time, the problems of our chronic lack of time can be solved by changing the perception of time from “left” to “right”? To do this, you just need to put the watch on your right hand.

What do you think of this conclusion? After reading, everyone put the watch on their right hand. About the results in the comments.

Another argument in favor of the right ones is that on the right hand they are noticeable to others, because this hand, as previously written, is more energetic. While shaking hands with his right hand, the man effectively demonstrates his luxurious watch to his interlocutor. The money spent on a watch should be “rewarded” by the effect produced, right?
Watch on the right hand is the simplest and safe way, both for the owner of the watch and for those around him to show that you are not like everyone else and do not walk in line. There is no need to paint your nails with black polish, insert piercings all over your body, or change your gender.
If you have an automatic watch and you lead a sedentary lifestyle, there is a high chance that it will stop at the wrong time. If the watch is on the right hand, then such a possibility is practically excluded.

Finally, one historical, outdated argument in favor of the right hand. IN post-war years There were legends that real thieves wear watches on their right hands. It was an identification mark and protection against theft! According to thieves' traditions, "splitting boilers" with the right hand was a "bad thing" - stealing from "one's own", plus they could "present it." If the “tweezer” did not detect the watch on his left hand, then he did not even check the presence of a watch on his right! Watch thefts in those far from simple times were as frequent and profitable as thefts are today. mobile phones, only there were fewer hours.

For those who have not decided who they are: right or left, there is a sure way - to wear both at the same time.

Which hand do you wear? Do you know any celebrities who wear a watch on their right hand or both at the same time?

I thought about this question, because from time to time you come across various interesting and sometimes contradictory information on this matter on the vast Internet.
Why is a watch worn on the left hand? Why is a watch worn on the right hand? Which hand should you wear your watch on? These questions are asked quite often.

And the answer, as it turns out, is not clear-cut.

Photo from video 1996: http://youtu.be/RHeWMA6Ocqc
Clock at V.V. Putin on his left hand!

Gods of Sumer, Annunaki wore a watch(?!)
on your right hand?!

Which hand should I wear my watch on? It would seem that this is a question that is not usually asked by people. But, at the same time, entire sections on various forums and entries in LiveJournal are devoted to this issue; even psychologists study it. They say that by what hand a person wears a watch and how he wears it, one can tell

what a guy he is! Let's take a closer look at this.
In fact, the habit of wearing a watch on the left hand is more of a “social habit” than a “rule that must be obeyed unquestioningly.”
During the First World War, wristwatches massively replaced pocket watches and became popular among officers. First of all, a watch is a valuable thing that must be protected. And since our right hand is more active, the risk of damaging the watch located on it is much higher than if it is on the left. All wristwatches in those days were manually wound, and the winding crown was located on the right, which was convenient for right-handed people. In addition, it was also more convenient to fasten the strap with the right hand than with the left.

Among the arguments in favor of wearing a watch on the left hand was that a watch that does not have a sealed crown is more than sufficiently protected for everyday use - the usual position of a person's hand: hand down. Considering that most watches are designed to be worn on the left hand (that is, with the crown down), even quite heavy rain does not threaten a splash-proof watch on the wrist.

Most people (approximately 90%) who are called “right-handed” use their right hand primarily to perform all daily tasks.

Close the door. Cut the paper. Sew on a button. Turn on the TV. Write a note. Dial the phone number. Thousands and thousands of transactions daily. The “right-hander” also uses his left hand, but only auxiliary. For example, he holds a nail with his left and hits it with a hammer with his right. He holds a sheet of paper with his left and writes with his right. With his left he holds the sausage, and with his right he cuts it with a knife. Try (just for fun) to “switch” your hands, that is, hold with your right and perform the main action with your left, and see what happens.

This is why right-handed people wear a watch on their left hand. So that they do not interfere with the leading hand's work. If a person is left-handed, then he tends to wear a watch on his right (auxiliary) hand, and free his left (leading) hand to perform useful actions.

But this is according to the so-called “standard”. Psychologists also identify “hidden” left-handers - that is, people who were born left-handed, but retrained to be right-handed in childhood, as well as “half-left-handers” - people who do part of the work with their left hand and part with their right hand. According to experts, most of these people also wear a watch on their right hand.
Why do “standard” right-handers also wear a watch on their right hand? It turns out that there are scientific answers to this question, and even several. Let's bring them.
As you know, the human brain consists of two hemispheres, each of which is responsible for certain functions of the body. If the functions of the hemispheres are completely or partially swapped in a “mirror” manner, then this is exactly how those same left-handers appear. The habit and “convenience” of wearing a watch on your left or right hand also depends on this function.
Another answer lies in the creative plane of man. According to psychologists, a person who wears a watch on his right hand (regardless of whether it is a man or a woman) is often a person with an extraordinary, creative, unusual view of the world, a person inclined to some creative professions - such as a poet, writer, musician, actor, etc., as well as one who sees a different, different from the standard, course of events, solutions to certain issues in various (and not only creative) spheres of life. If we take the closest modern youth- music, - and follow the performers and their teams, there are many people wearing watches on their right hands.

According to the ancient Chinese system of meditation "Fukuri", on both wrists there is an area called Tsun-kou, which unites the three most important energy points responsible for the health of the entire body - Tsun, Guan and Chi. They are located one behind the other, on the left and right sides of the wrist (when looking at the palms), down from the thumb. And it is by the pulsation (with light and deep pressure) of these points that you can find out the condition of the intestines, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, heart. Chinese healers believe that the secret of human health lies in the Tsun-kou region. When the “pulses” on the wrists beat with equal force, a person becomes energetic, strong and satisfied.

The most important point is considered to be Cun, because it is responsible for the work of the heart. It is interesting that in men and women the pulse of the “flame motor” is located on different hands: in men it is on the left wrist, and in women it is on the right. According to healers, the reason for this phenomenon is that in men blood flows from the “tip” of the heart to the left side, and in women it supposedly flows to the right. An important conclusion follows from this: if a man wears a watch on his left hand, this will interfere with the normal functioning of his heart. Accordingly, this does not apply to women.

The human subconscious is an interesting and incomprehensible area of ​​​​a person. Everything on the left is considered by our subconscious to be “worse” than what is on the right: such frequently used phraseological units as “went to the left”, “he earned the wrong money” only confirm this. “Right” usually means good: Orthodoxy, justice. Why do we have such bad associations with everything “left”?

Our perception of time largely depends on which direction we look: right or left. What's on the left refers to the past, and what's on the right refers to the future.
This is best illustrated by an advertisement that shows a person before and after using some magical weight loss drug. "Before" is always on the left. "After" is always on the right. Why?
Because “before” shows what a person was like (before using the drug), and after - what he (or rather, you) can become if you use it.
A look to the left is a look into the past. A look to the right is a look into the future. This feature is often used in advertising and propaganda. With what hand does Lenin point us to a bright future in the near future? That's right, with your right hand. Cars in advertising go to the right, planes fly up to the right.
In what part of the poster is a photograph of a candidate for deputy usually placed? On the right side. Because when a person looks to the right, he thinks about the future. Here's why.
A person reads from left to right, information on the left is already read (past), on the right is information that will be read (future)
When psychologists discovered this pattern, they began to use it for medicinal purposes. And they called this treatment "eye movement therapy ". For example, you always think about a bad topic, remember something and remember bad things, and you can’t get rid of these obsessive memories. And what does a psychologist do? Knowing that a person, immersed in his memories, tends to look at one point, the psychologist asks the client to look at different sides. And nothing more. Just look in different directions. And this really helps a person get rid of intrusive memories.
Now, in fact, let's move on to the issue of wristwatches. The fact that they are on the left hand is very convenient for the dominant right hand. But this is completely inconvenient when you use the watch for its intended purpose, when you want to know what time it is.

Why? Because when the watch is on your left hand, you look to the left, and, as a result, think about time from the point of view of the past.

“An hour has already passed, and he’s still not there.” “Two hours passed and I still haven’t done anything.” When a person looks into the past, his attention focuses on how much time has passed. Not how much time there is, but how much time there is no longer. The watch on the left hand is a feeling of constant loss of time. Feeling of chronic failure.

As stated above, psychologists have discovered that many problems from the past can be quickly and very effectively solved by simply moving the eyes. Without any psychoanalysis. So maybe the problems of wasting time, the problems of our chronic lack of time can be solved by changing the perception of time from “left” to “right”?

It has been noticed that a person at a computer very often loses the sense of time. At the computer, I emphasize this. No matter how much time passes there, he sits and doesn’t worry about it. Why do you think so?

Maybe it's all very simple? The clock on a computer is always located on the right. Where they should be. Because time is a metric that relates to the present and the future.

Time has nothing to do with the past. It has already passed and there is no need to worry about it anymore.

Maybe wearing a watch on your right hand is really uncomfortable for your hand. But look around. We keep track of time not only with our wristwatches. Eat wall clock. Desk clock. And they should be where the future is. Right. And it is possible that many problems will be solved on their own. A simple movement of the eyes.

On which hand do girls wear watches? They have been trying to answer this question for centuries. Small chronometers, which at first served as wristwatches, were worn in breast pockets. They were attached to beautiful chains and placed mainly in the left pocket of the vest, so that they could be conveniently used by people whose active hand was their right. At the same time, the interests of left-handers were not taken into account at all.

Gradually, their use became more and more popular, and they began to serve not only for telling the time, but also for decoration.

If the male half of humanity emphasizes their status and financial well-being with the help of wristwatches, then for women they serve as a fashion accessory with which they can look stylish and fashionable.

There are still no exact rules on which hand girls should wear a watch on. There are several options that are related to the history, etiquette and professional sphere of women. Each of them has the right to exist. Let's look at some of them.

Principles of Mechanics and Electronics

Considering that the first wristwatches were mechanical, which hand to wear them on was determined by a small wheel, with the help of which they were wound. And since it was on the right, they placed it on the left hand. This made it possible to quickly wind them up and fasten the strap (for right-handers, of course). Based on this feature, it was determined why and on which hand a watch should be worn.

The situation did not change with the invention of electronic watches. Despite the fact that there was no longer any need to wind them, the force of habit forced me to wear them on my left hand.

Moreover, in the 60s, etiquette rules strictly regulated the wearing of wristwatches on the left hand.

Mystical coincidences

A special theory called “Fukuri” gives its answer on which hand you should wear them on. Given a special hobby lately mysticism in Russia, she found many admirers.

According to this theory, there are special important points on each wrist that affect a person’s health. They are located under the thumb and follow each other.

Why can't you wear a watch on your left hand? Details in the video:

With proper influence on these points, you can improve or, accordingly, worsen the functioning of all organs and systems. For example, the Tsun point, which is responsible for good job heart, located on the right hand of women. According to ancient teachings, women also have blood flowing to the right side. Consequently, the fair half of humanity needs to place the clock on the left so as not to influence such an important point.

Whether you believe this theory or not is up to you. However, it has long been recognized that at the moment of a person’s death, for inexplicable reasons, his watch also stops. This means that there is a close relationship between the mechanism and people.

Comfort and style

As we have already said, there are no clear rules indicating which hand to wear them on correctly. The choice depends only on personal preferences and purposes of use.

So, if you need them solely to control time, use them not on your working hand.

This way you will get the following benefits:

  • Convenience when doing work;
  • Preservation of the mechanism from damage;
  • Psychological comfort when perceiving the dial;
  • Easy to adjust and fasten the strap.

If your goal is to create a stylish look, and you want to use the accessory solely as a decoration, nothing prevents you from putting them on the hand on which you think they will look better.

Thus, the most the right choice hands for using the watch will be a convenience criterion.

Psychological aspect

Psychologists have noted the fact that, regardless of their dominant hand, some women wear them on their right wrist, while others wear them on their left. What is this connected with?

After the research, the following conclusions were made.

Women who prefer to wear a watch on their right hand are purposeful people who know how to set goals and achieve them. They cope well with life's adversities and, as a rule, are creative individuals.

In addition, there is an active psychological theory, which correlates left/right with a person’s attitude towards the future and past. Thus, it has been noted that women who like to wear the accessory on their left wrist constantly subconsciously turn to the past, analyzing long-gone affairs. But the right hand with a watch says that its owner is focused exclusively on the future, calculating the time she has left for new things.

Notice how cleverly advertising specialists use this technique, placing the most important elements exactly on the right.

Changing the future

We have already found out that women's watches can be worn on any hand, while stimulating good health in a certain way.

However, psychics believe that with the help of these convenient and stylish mechanisms you can correct not only your health, but also your destiny. So, what are the signs and superstitions associated with them?

Everyone knows the common belief that watches cannot be given as a gift. Perhaps this is good, because in this way you can choose the necessary shape and size of the accessory yourself to turn it into a real talisman.

  • Square shape. It should be chosen by those girls who suffer from their own frivolity and disorganization. They will help you get ready before a business meeting or an important conversation. Read also about.
  • Rhombus. For any adversity in life and mental discord, wear a watch in the shape of a diamond. They will help you find harmony with yourself and calm down. But at the moment important decision You cannot wear them: they will not allow you to collect yourself and put your thoughts into working order.
  • Circle. The magic of this form has been known for a long time. It forces the subconscious to realize the transience of earthly existence and to be more tolerant of other people and their shortcomings.
  • The oval shape should be chosen by women who cannot establish contacts with the people around them. Do you want a promotion? Do you dream of getting a competitor's place? Wear an oval-shaped watch! With their help, you will become more diplomatic and self-confident.
  • The triangular shape will help achieve leadership. It is the triangle that will push you to new achievements and allow you to lead other people. However, you should not get carried away with such an accessory and wear it constantly, otherwise you risk turning into a narcissistic and arrogant person.
  • The hexagon will give inspiration to people creative professions and will help you find harmony.

If you have a watch that was inherited, regardless of its shape, it will become powerful talisman. He will definitely protect you and give you good luck.

The right choice

Regardless of which hand a woman wears a watch on, she needs to know how to choose the right one. Let's reveal a few secrets that will help you look stylish using this mechanism.

  • The case should match the size of the wrist: the accessory should not look too bulky or, conversely, small;
  • The strap should fit tightly around your wrist, but not squeeze it;
  • Girls with thin, graceful wrists should choose a thin strap made of chains or ribbons;
  • Extravagantly shaped watches go well with elongated fingers;
  • Clear forms are necessary for women who have big hands and large wrists.

If you prefer an active lifestyle, the choice of accessory should be based on practicality: a rubber or metal strap will come in handy. After all, a good leather bracelet will become saturated with sweat, and your pen will emit not entirely pleasant “aromas”.

Pay attention! According to the rules of etiquette, you should not look at the dial during a conversation: the person will get the impression that you want to interrupt the conversation.

If you still need to keep track of time during a business meeting or a friendly conversation, put them on with the dial facing your inner wrist. This way you can quietly monitor the fleeting time.

Recently, several articles have come across with fabrications about what a watch on the right hand means.

Humanity has been wearing watches on their wrists for quite some time now. Watches migrated en masse from a pocket on the stomach for men and pendants for women to wear on their wrists in the first quarter of the last century. And wearing them on the left hand was motivated by the fact that most people are right-handed and watches worn on the left hand are easiest for them to wind with their right hand. But many wind the watch before putting it on their wrist. There are models in which the crown is not on the right, but on the top. A recent years Twenty, if not more, people do not wind their watches at all, but only change the battery once every couple of years. So there is neither a stable tradition nor objective reasons for wearing a watch only on the left hand. At the same time, there are well-established stereotypes about “right and left.” Everything on the right is considered positive, good. "Just cause." The guest of honor is seated on the right hand. And everything on the left comes with a minus sign. "Left money." "He walks to the left." And therefore, psychologists generally believe that a person who wears a watch on his left hand is negatively charged and looks into the past. But the man with a watch on his right hand is positive and looks to the future. That's it in short. I also liked the idea of ​​the man with the watch on his right hand being exposed. Since when greeting people extend their right hand. And watches in the modern world not only show the time, but also indicate the status of their owner and can tell about hobbies and preferences. And by putting them on his right hand, a person, when greeting him, demonstrates all this. And the one who has a watch on his left hand, on the contrary, hides information about himself when meeting. Well, there is another version of Putin. In one interview, he said that he wears a watch on his right hand because the crown on his left hand rubs his hand.

I have never met my wife's grandfather. My wife and I met when he had already died. But from numerous stories, I quite clearly imagine a strong, stocky man. Direct in speeches and judgments and consistent in the implementation of his plans. He worked all his life as a forester in the Belarusian forests. True, with a break of several years, when he was a partisan in the same forests. And in those same years he received a trophy, a German accordion. Beautiful, with mother-of-pearl inserts and good quality, like everything German. Grandfather himself played the accordion well, but he had a dream that someday he would give this accordion to his grandson. And granddaughters were born, but the dream needs to be realized. And the accordion was given to my then future wife as a gift. His wife still idolizes her grandfather, and even in childhood he was an indisputable authority for her. And so, without hesitation, the wife went to music school, learn to play the accordion. She has hearing, she had a desire, and an accordion too. And she was quite successful in this matter. I myself am not a great connoisseur of this musical instrument. But I imagine him a little. So, with the right hand they play large keys, like those on a piano. But you need to put your left hand under the belt, bend it and press a whole bunch of small buttons. And the wristwatch on my left hand greatly interferes with the process of playing the accordion. But if you put the watch on the right one, then everything is fine. Then my wife grew up and came to the conclusion that the accordion is not the most feminine musical instrument. It had been gathering dust in the attic for many years. And then they gave it to a child they knew, who really wanted to learn how to play it. As far as I know, I learned it and is playing now. But my wife still has the habit of wearing a watch on her right hand.

And now I see a psychologist who, looking at the watch on my wife’s right hand, will begin to draw conclusions about positive charge, looking to the future, openness and the list goes on. But in fact, the reason is the German, who decided that with his accordion it would be more fun for him to conquer distant, snow-covered Russia. Although I got a very positive and positive wife. What if the reason for this is that she has been wearing a watch since childhood? right hand. And it turns out that I also owe that German...

Anyone who wears a watch on his right hand attracts the interest of passers-by. The President of Russia, V.V., also wears it on this hand. Putin. And there are many reasons for this, which we will describe below.

How were watches worn more than 100 years ago?

According to information sources, such a necessary mechanism for controlling time as watch appeared back in 1657. As soon as noble people began to purchase the accessory, the question became relevant: “Which hand should I wear them on?” Since watches were considered an expensive decoration, it was customary to take care of them. Accordingly, there was a rumor that you need to put them on the less active hand, which practically does not perform any actions. That is, right-handers wore the device on the left side, and left-handers on the right.

Another version of this application was that if the watch is on an inactive hand, then they will be easier to start. Medical workers argued that when the accessory is on the wrist, the person’s blood flow in this place decreases. This process may cause discomfort during operation.

In a word, as soon as watches appeared, it was customary to wear them on the left hand. But now this mechanism has become modern and no longer needs to be wound up manually. Accordingly, the opinion on how to wear them correctly has changed a little.

What do psychologists think about this?

Nowadays, people wear watches in different ways, depending on what suits them. Experienced experts did several surveys and came to the conclusion that the location of this item is influenced by several factors. They can be used to determine a person's character.

  • Psychologists say that a person who has this accessory on the left side clings to the past and cannot fully live in the present day. If the watch is on the right hand, then the person, on the contrary, is purposeful and thinks about what will happen to him in the future;
  • If the device is located on the right hand, then this may also indicate that the owner is a creative person. It was in this arrangement that many artists, musicians and poets wore their watches;
  • Another version is that if a person looks at the time from the right side, most likely he is a punctual person.

You shouldn’t blindly believe the advice of psychologists either. For example, a person may be comfortable wearing the device on one side, but cannot do so for certain reasons. Many individuals whose work involves writing and typing texts cannot wear watches that have a charging mechanism installed on top of their right hand. The reason for this was the fact that during operation the head itself rubs the skin on the wrist with it. Many influential people they put an expensive device on the very hand they offer when they meet. This emphasizes their status. Therefore, it is not worth drawing premature conclusions regarding the advice of psychologists.

Mystical version

There is a famous theory of ancient Chinese teaching called “Fukuriya”. If you believe her, then every person has three main points on their wrists that carry a certain energy. They are also called Chi, Cun and Guan. Each of the areas on the hand is responsible for the full functioning of some important organs for humans. Therefore, exposure to watches on these points can significantly worsen human health. If a woman has blood from her heart flowing into her right hand, then she should wear the watch on the right side. In men, this process occurs in reverse. This version is also confirmed by criminologists, who have repeatedly been convinced that the time of a person’s death coincided with the stop of his watch on his wrist. Of course, this version is only theoretical and has not been confirmed by any scientific data. But it’s still not worth risking your own health.

How do men wear watches?

What makes a man beautiful? This list tops beautiful shoes and a watch. An expensive accessory is really important for a respectable person, because a cheap fake will not present his personality in the most favorable light to his colleagues. There is a certain etiquette of respectability that requires a promising man to wear his watch on the left side. According to numerous surveys, such people do not adhere to this rule and wear the wrist accessory on the right side. This is due to the fact that in a hasty lifestyle it is convenient for them to look at time from this side.

How do women wear watches?

You can see a beautiful person wearing a watch less often than a man. A woman's dignity does not depend on the cost of this accessory. Accordingly, if ladies still want to wear a watch, since it is part of her image, then she can wear it on absolutely any side. Often, women wear this device for decoration on the opposite side of the handbag so that these two accessories do not overshadow each other.

Why does Putin wear a watch on his right hand?

There were a lot of rumors and speculation about why in all photographs and videos the Russian President’s watch is always on his right hand. Some even put forward a version according to which he does this, in accordance with the advice of ancient Chinese medicine. Allegedly, the President wears a watch in accordance with the rules of the Chinese “Fukari” meditation system. According to it, in men on the right hand, just in the area of ​​the pulse, there is a vital point responsible for the activity of the heart. If it is constantly exposed to a strap, no matter leather or metal, then ultimately this can lead to disruptions in the functioning of a vital organ and even death! But everything turned out to be not so intriguing, but quite banal. As the president admitted at one of the television conferences, when he was directly asked: “why do you wear a watch on your right hand?” - he replied that due to the fact that the crown of the winding mechanism just rubs his wrist when he puts the watch on his left hand. And no secrets or riddles.

To sum up, about someone who wears a watch on their right hand, we can say that its location does not in any way affect the character and behavior of a person. IN to a greater extent What matters is their design, model and cost. But, if you believe the statistics, self-confident, promising and purposeful people wear watches on the right side.

Video about wearing a watch on your right hand

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