Fast lawn. Watermelon - agricultural technology, interesting facts about the plant and the best varieties. Fast lawn excellent results and safety

The grass mixtures we sell are subject to laboratory testing to verify compliance with state regulations. Only if the test results are positive at each stage, we put the seeds up for sale. Lawn seeds always correspond to the declared agricultural characteristics.

The delivery of low-quality goods is absolutely excluded. Our regular customers will confirm this. All lawn grass seeds undergo careful selection and scrupulous quality control. This completely eliminates even the slightest chance of you purchasing low-quality seeds.

Rest assured that appearance The lawn will bring you and your loved ones aesthetic pleasure. High-quality living velvet greens are a lot of positive things and we know this very well!

If you don't know which lawn seeds are best suited for your purposes

The managers of the TsMP company will always tell you which grass mixture is best to purchase to create the type of lawn you need. We will provide any assistance in choosing seeds for your future lawn. We will tell you how to properly care for fresh plantings. lawn grass seeds, we will recommend the optimal complex of fertilizers and care for the cultivation of good turf.

  • Overseeding;
  • Lawn restoration;


Fast lawn excellent result and safety

Quick Lawn is a unique mixture that allows you to as soon as possible get green coating. A lawn that grows quickly is every owner's dream summer cottage. However, it will not be possible to quickly achieve the desired result using conventional mixtures.

We suggest you purchase seeds for a fast-growing lawn, which will delight you with fresh greenery in just a week.

Quick Turf Mix can be used for:

  • Overseeding;
  • Lawn restoration;
  • As an independent mixture when it is necessary to obtain a green lawn in a short time.

A fast-growing lawn can be seeded at any time from early spring, ending with the first autumn months. In order to plant a quick lawn, you need to prepare the soil, remove weeds, thoroughly loosen it and roll it with a roller. When the fast lawn mixture is used to restore a lawn, all that is required is to clear the surface of weeds and loosen the bare area of ​​soil. You can compact the soil and seeds after sowing.

After the grass of the fast lawn has fully emerged, it is cared for in the same way as for a universal lawn.

Fast-growing lawn from the best manufacturer

Don't know where to buy fast lawn? Our store offers you to purchase the best grass mixture at a low price.

By choosing a fast-growing lawn in our store, you get:

  • High-quality product that meets all sanitary standards and state standards;
  • Only best seeds, which have undergone special processing;
  • A herbal mixture that is safe for animals and people;
  • An ideal fast-growing lawn that will grow under any conditions.

Our mixture contains only the best seeds that have been stored in compliance with all standards. Our store guarantees that when you purchase lawn seeds, you will receive a high-quality grass mixture for quickly greening areas. The perfect combination different types herbs, precisely selected by our specialists, will allow you to use the lawn both for restoring lawns and as an independent mixture (for example, for landscaping adjacent areas upon completion of construction).

Still have questions? Contact us by phone or mail to learn more about fast-growing lawns and to receive a customized quote for your purchase. Our managers will always help you make your choice.

There is a lot of hassle with your lawn: does the grass look less decorative than on the package of seeds, does it freeze in places, turns yellow, thins out and is overgrown with weeds? Perhaps you have chosen the wrong varieties for our climatic conditions. What grass for the lawn would be better suited We’ll tell you exactly what varieties to choose today.

Rules for choosing seeds for a lawn

The grass on the lawn should be perennial, frost-resistant and fast-growing. This important conditions an ideal lawn, but not the most important ones. We list the main factors for purchasing seeds for sowing on the lawn, which are best chosen in the store:

  • Adaptation to certain climate conditions;
  • Good development of the root system;
  • Saturation of greenery and uniformity of seedlings;
  • Ability for vegetative propagation;
  • Good haircut tolerance.

Don't neglect general rules choosing lawn grass: shelf life of the material, pre-treatment of seeds, manufacturer’s warranties, etc.

A short video about lawn grass

Types of grasses and lawn mixtures

It is best to use grasses for the lawn. They have good system roots, produce uniform green shoots, help remove weeds and have an excellent decorative appearance after cutting. The most commonly sown varieties of grass are meadow bluegrass, bentgrass, ryegrass, fescue and others. Various grass mixtures are also popular.

Ryegrass is one of the elite varieties of grass. It looks very beautiful in any place free from planting. This variety is sensitive to watering and loves mineral fertilizing.

Herbal mixtures

  • Universal mixture. The herbs in this mixture have rapid germination, tolerance to external conditions, remove weeds and are inexpensive. The only negative is that such a lawn requires frequent mowing.
  • Sports varieties. This is a type of cereal mixture for playgrounds, stadiums and places for active recreation.
  • Mixtures for specific climates. It is important to choose grass varieties for the lawn not only by appearance, but also by climatic characteristics. There are special mixtures for areas that are under the scorching sun. If you want to sow shady areas, you should pay attention to shade-tolerant varieties of grass.
  • Mixtures of flowers and herbs. Such compositions are sown to create a meadow-type lawn. You can choose ready-made mixtures of forbs or create a mix of flowers and grasses that can bloom in turns throughout the summer. For a neat, bright meadow lawn, low-growing greenery is suitable, and you can decorate the area in a rustic style with the help of tall herbs and flowers.
  • Elite composition for lawn. Although the mixture of elite herbs is capricious and sensitive to external conditions, its appearance justifies all means. Such herbs look very decorative and can decorate any unplanted areas.

The best varieties of lawn grasses for the Russian climate

1. Meadow bluegrass. This perennial variety- one of the earliest cereals. IN pure form it is practically not sown, since the roots of this grass take root slowly. Bluegrass is an excellent base for a grass mixture. It produces soft and juicy greens, crowds out weeds and grows well with other grains.

Bluegrass is the best base for a lawn grass mixture. The variety is unpretentious, produces vigorous shoots and can grow on poor soils

Meadow bluegrass is a fast-growing grass, the shoots of which you will see earlier than other crops. It looks bright and very decorative

2. Polevitsa. The dark, rich green of fine bentgrass looks good in any lawn. This grass can withstand frequent mowing, cold winters, and will remove weeds over time.

Thin bentgrass grows densely, without bald spots. It withstands frequent haircuts, practically does not freeze and has a rich green color.

3. Ryegrass. This grass can be found in grass mixtures for lawns. It has excellent decorative qualities, but does not tolerate Russian winters well. Therefore, in its pure form it can be sown only in the southern regions of our country, or used as an annual lawn.

Ryegrass has leaves of medium width. This variety grows very quickly, so some gardeners prefer not to cut it. You can often find ryegrass as part of elite grass mixtures

4. Fescue. Fescue is an ideal lawn grass that does not require special care, both in mono form and as part of a forb. Within a month, the fescue sprouts thickly and is ready for shearing.

Fescue is an excellent grass for the lawn, both in its pure form and as part of a forb. Its succulent shoots appear quickly and fill the lawn with thick greenery

The most common questions about lawn grasses

Our specialists will answer the most frequently asked questions of novice gardeners:

1. Why is ordinary grass not suitable for a lawn?

Lawn grass does not deplete the soil, as ordinary weeds do, has small roots and looks much more decorative. The sown grass will grow evenly and improve its decorative appearance after each new cutting.

2. How long does lawn grass take to grow?

Lawn grasses are perennial. Decorative look The seedlings will appear within 1-2 months after sowing. If you properly care for your green lawn, mow it on time, feed it and water it regularly, your lawn will delight you for many years.

Green ryegrass shoots will decorate any lawn. This grass is very thermophilic, so a lawn made of pure ryegrass can only be annual

3. What is the difference between a grass mixture and a single variety of seed?

You can choose a monoculture (one variety of grass) or a mixture of several species. Sowing of one variety is carried out for elite plots, playgrounds and decorative lawns. Such grass, although it produces a lush decorative carpet of greenery, is more expensive and sensitive to care and external conditions. Herb mixtures are more sustainable, produce uniform greens, and require less maintenance.

4. How to get uniform shoots?

It is necessary to prepare the soil well, level it, removing debris and weeds. A hand seeder will help you sow cereal seeds evenly on your lawn. If you don’t have one, mix the seeds in half with sand and sow them in the ground. After the first year of life, the grass may develop bald patches that need to be sown with new seeds in the spring.

Fescue does not require special care and tolerates sun, partial shade and harsh Russian winters well.

Ready-made grass in a roll is a very convenient option for a quick lawn. You just need to lay the rolls correctly, and the lawn is ready. The only disadvantage of such a lawn is the high price

A seeded lawn is a great way to remove weeds and decorate your yard profitably. A green lawn refreshes the yard and pleases the eye. Now all that remains is to decide what kind of lawn grass will grow on your site.

So many instructions and recommendations have been written on creating a lawn, you could already print a full-fledged book. But these recommendations have one drawback - all the work on creating a lawn will take a considerable amount of time, which we always don’t have enough. In this article we will look at one of the methods of creating a lawn on your own, without extra costs and over a short period of time.

Materials and tools:

  • shovel
  • lawn seeds
  • rake
  • two wide and long boards

Work order:

1. The selected plot of land for a lawn must first be assessed for surface differences. That is, the presence of holes and bumps. All mounds must be cut off and excess soil must be moved into the hole. During the entire digging period, it is necessary to remove white roots (dandelion, bindweed and other “bad” grass). From practice, remove the roots 100%, but this is not a reason for premature frustration.
2. Having dug up the selected area, we begin the harrowing process. To do this, you need to use a rake with wide teeth to break up large lumps of earth.
3. Next, visually determine the result by comparing the surface after digging. If uneven areas remain, you need to use a rake to complete the leveling by smoothing the ground.
4. If in your opinion the surface is ready for further processing, take a rake with a fine tooth pitch and harrow it for planting. All harrowing can be done with one type of rake.
5. Let's start sowing. It is more convenient to sow in an “arc”, i.e. when the hand from behind the back goes forward to the opposite shoulder and back. It turns out to be a kind of cross. Sowing is carried out in two stages. First, the entire area is sown in one direction. Then - in a direction perpendicular to the first.
6. Sowing is completed. It is necessary to walk over the surface again with a small rake so that the seeds are mixed with the soil.
7. At the end of the work, the soil must be “pressed down” and compacted. This procedure It is recommended to use a hand roller. But where can I get it? To do this for one hour of work is ridiculous. This is where boards are needed. First, both boards are laid close to each other. You need to walk along the boards several times, then rearrange them further. In this way, the entire area of ​​​​the future lawn should be treated.

All. The lawn is ready. Now the only thing left to do is water it regularly, mow it and remove any weeds that have appeared.

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