Restaurant business plan - example and preparation. An example of a ready-made business plan for a cafe with calculations: a free sample from experts from the Institute of Business

There are situations when you have an idea for organizing your own enterprise, the desire and ability to implement it, but for practical implementation you only need a suitable business organization scheme. In such cases, you can focus on the cafe business plan. An example with calculations will help you determine the initial data needed to open your own business and predict the final result to which it could potentially lead. Ready-made examples can provide guidance in the trends of a rapidly changing market and offer non-standard and in-demand activities. Also, a high-quality business plan for a cafe, an example with calculations of initial investments, profits and payback periods will help attract an investor for the planned project.


Coffee drinking culture changes from decade to decade. Nowadays it is not just a stimulating drink, but a companion for a pleasant pastime with friends and acquaintances, colleagues and loved ones. Why not make coffee a reason to enjoy contemplating the creations of modern art?

Among other things, creating a coffee shop is not only a successful and profitable business, but also has great potential for development. Various varieties, manner of presentation and methods of accompaniment, a lot of activities that can diversify the usual pastime.

The original interior, friendly and creative staff, exhibitions and creative evenings will create a special atmosphere and culture that will attract visitors for a pleasant stay and spiritual development.

If successfully implemented, the project can be developed in various directions. It is possible to create highly specialized branches of the network - a literary cafe, a theater cafe, a coffee shop for artists, a coffee shop with live jazz music, etc.

Adapted to specific external and internal conditions With certain initial values, a business plan, a sample with calculations, you can organize a successful business, take your competitive position in time and use all the invested potential. However, the example contains descriptions and calculations that would be common to most potential markets. In order to fully describe the specifics and certain conditions of existence, the document must be supplemented with a competition analysis, edited prices for raw materials and fixed assets that are relevant for the region in which it will be used ready business plan cafe.

Product Description

The project is aimed at creating a literary coffee shop “Murakami”, which is intended to become a “cultural island”. The main goals included in the ready-made business plan for the cafe are to instill in young people a love of literature and interest in contemporary art, support for young talents and contribute to the formation of a cultural society.

Range of coffee shop services:

  • High quality coffee and coffee-containing drinks.
  • Holding photo exhibitions.
  • Literary evenings.
  • Crossbooking.

Clients of the coffee shop will be able to enjoy high-quality coffee and coffee-containing drinks to the accompaniment of relaxing lounge music; three times a week, literary evenings, mini-performances, photo exhibitions or painting exhibitions of contemporary avant-garde artists will be held, which will allow young talents to express themselves, and clients of the coffee shop to get acquainted with modern trends in art. These activities involve neither profit nor costs.

The coffee shop also invites its customers to take part in social movement- crossbooking, which involves exchanging books read. The coffee shop is equipped with original shelving, on which anyone can leave a book they have read and take a replacement for one left there by someone else. The relaxed, calm atmosphere of the coffee shop provides conditions for comfortable reading.

Types of coffee and coffee-containing drinks, recipe and price:

Drink name


Price, rub.

Espresso "Reader"

A coffee drink prepared by passing pressurized water through high temperature, through a filter with ground coffee.

Americano "Vanguard"

Espresso, topped up hot water, to prolong the pleasure of the drink.

Moccaccino "Haruki"

A drink made from coffee with milk and cocoa.

Espresso Macchiato "South of the Border"

Espresso covered with milk foam.

Vanilla latte “Afterglow”

Latte with vanilla extract and thick creamy foam.

Latte “Norwegian Wood”

Espresso, white chocolate, milk, milk foam.

Basics competitive advantage coffee shops is its specialization, since this kind of thematic establishments are not sufficiently developed in provincial cities. This cafe business plan can be considered original (example with calculations). Takeaway coffee can also be included in the coffee shop's range of services.

The cost of production with increasing volumes will reduce both fixed unit costs and variable costs due to wholesale purchases of raw materials. The coffee shop’s pricing concept includes a cost-based method with a trade markup taking into account the originality of the establishment. The emphasis is on the creative atmosphere and originality of events.

SWOT analysis



Special atmosphere

Original culture of the establishment

Quality coffee and drinks


Opportunity to express yourself

Opportunity for cultural exchange

Not yet formed image

Lack of regular customers

Lack of established relationships with suppliers


Expansion of the range

Building connections with new investors

Selecting the most profitable suppliers

Regular clients

Potential danger of competitors

Rejection of such a culture in society

Target Audience

The company is aimed at audiences with low and medium incomes, in particular:

  • for creative youth and university students (17-25 years old);
  • for middle-aged clients interested in contemporary art (26-45 years old).

Potential client of our coffee shop - creative personality looking for herself, interested in trends in art, looking for inspiration, like-minded people or cozy solitude.

Coffee shop location

The location of the coffee shop is supposed to be in a shopping center near the city center, not far from educational institutions, in a crowded area. The premises will be leased under the agreement for a period of 5 years. The rental price is 180 thousand rubles. per year.

Sales promotion

Customer incentives will be carried out using the following methods:

Game stimulation

Conducting attractive events that can increase traffic to the coffee shop and inform the population about its existence.

Service incentives

The opportunity to attend an original event should encourage customers to visit the coffee shop and subsequently spread the word to friends and family.


Regular visitors are entitled to free coffee upon reaching a certain number of visits.

A cafe business plan (sample with calculations) offers basic options that can be varied in every possible way by calculating the costs and profits in the financial part.

Pricing policy

Product prices will be calculated based on the volume of potential demand, costs and profits. Pricing principles and markup percentage are set by the company itself. They differ from each other at different enterprises, be it the Unido cafe business plan (example with calculations), cafe fast food or any other restaurant business enterprise.

Sales volume and pricing at the enterprise will be calculated as follows:

Calculation of prices for coffee drinks


Specific gravity,%

Price/portion, rub.

Level bargain. Nab., ​​%

Volume of production/year (portions)

Espresso "Reader"

Americano "Vanguard"

Moccaccino "Haruki"

Vanilla latte “Afterglow”

Latte "Norwegian Wood"

Average selling price:


One of the primary issues when opening a business is informing the public (in particular, your potential clients) about the opening and subsequently about news, events and promotions.

  • inside - 1;
  • outside - 1;
  • around the city - 3.

The cost of placing a banner is 2 thousand rubles.

1*2=2 thousand (rub. per year)

Production plan

Capital investments for the purchase of equipment for the project

Type of equipment

Price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Cost, rub.

Cost without VAT, rub.

Coffee machine


Set of dishes

Split system

Bar counter

Corner sofa

Music system


Cash register



The annual cost of repairs and operation of equipment is 2% of the cost of the equipment.

The list of required equipment varies from various types restaurant enterprises. Therefore, for example, in order to implement a business plan for a fast food cafe, it is necessary to calculate the costs of a completely different list of fixed assets.

Calculation of the total amounts and structure of initial investments for an investment project

Types of costs

Conditional designation

Amount, thousand rubles

Cost without VAT, thousand rubles.

Total capital investment

incl. due to:

own funds

Investments in equipment

incl. due to:

own funds

Total amount of real investment

including due to:

own funds

Investment for the project has the following structure:

Capital investments - 290.72 thousand rubles.

Investments in working capital- 114.40 thousand rubles.

The total amount of necessary investments for the project is 405.12 thousand rubles.

Capital investments will be made at the expense of credit resources, investments in current assets - at the expense of own funds.

Production capacity

Using existing equipment, an enterprise can implement per day:

(in thousand rubles)


1. Material costs

2. Rent

3. Salary of key personnel + unified social tax

4. Salaries of support staff + Unified Social Tax

5. Salary of management personnel + Unified Social Tax

6. Equipment repair costs

Total operating costs


Total distribution costs

Expense items are basically similar in restaurant enterprises, regardless of the features and range of services offered. Planning expenses for similar items can be applied and a business plan for a children's cafe can be calculated.

Depreciation at the enterprise is calculated using the method of reducing residual value

Calculation of the cost of fixed assets by year, taking into account depreciation


Fixed assets at the beginning of the year, rub.


Fixed assets at the end of the year, rub.

Organizational plan

The management of the enterprise is entrusted to the director, who works part-time since the enterprise is just beginning, the turnover will be insignificant at first, there is no money and there is no need to include an accountant on the staff.

As a director, the director is a financially responsible person, represents the interests of the enterprise in the authorities, opens a bank account, draws up contracts and other documents, issues orders, orders the hiring and dismissal of employees, the application of incentives or penalties.

As an accountant, the director is responsible for carrying out the operations of receiving, accounting, issuing and storing cash. He also keeps accounting records, checks the accuracy of the information received, and monitors compliance with legal principles when spending resources. Higher education, knowledge accounting in a restaurant business.

Number production personnel will be determined based on functional feasibility. The payroll system is based on official salaries; allowances and bonuses depend on actual production and achievement of final results. Upon achieving results, the remuneration system may change and include a percentage of the sale of drinks in its structure. The calculation of the number of staff is made on the assumption that the coffee shop will be located on the periphery or closer to the center; if the location of the enterprise involves a large flow of customers, then the number of employees needs to be expanded. For example, if you plan to implement a business plan for a cafe (example with calculations) for an employment center on the highway.

Job title

Number of people

Salary/month, rub.

Payroll/month according to tariff, rub.

Additional salary, bonuses per month

Payroll per month, rub.

Payroll for the year, thousand rubles.

Single social contribution

amount, rub.

Management personnel


Key personnel:

event entertainer

Support staff:

Cleaning woman

Coffee shop opening hours: From 10:00 to 22:00. Daily.

Financial plan

Cafe (example with calculations) makes it possible to assess the ability of the project to ensure the flow of funds in a volume sufficient to service credit resources, taking into account profit generation and the payback period. The business plan calculation period is 5 years.

The company plans to purchase all fixed assets using credit resources. The bank offers a loan at 18% per annum. It is assumed that the entrepreneur plans to open a cafe based on the fact that there are no reserves and financial results from past activities.

Calculation of loan interest payments:


The amount of expenses for paying interest to the bank for a loan

Loan repayment amount

Number of payments per year

Bank interest rate per year

Bank interest rate per month

Inflation rate per month coefficient.

The amount of overpayment for the use of credit resources is 65.27 thousand rubles.

Running a coffee shop is a cost-intensive business. Share variable costs in the product price excluding VAT - 80%. Taking into account the planned revenue, we can say that the business will have a large margin of economic sustainability, since it is quite low. If the customer or investor is not satisfied with the indicators presented in this business plan, he can, based on an example and regulatory documents, do similar work on his own, adapting it to practical reality, for example, calculate a business plan for a roadside cafe. The example with calculations is for orientation only.

Planned sales revenue:

Revenue from product sales (RUB)


Espresso "Reader"

Americano "Vanguard"

Moccaccino "Haruki"

Espresso Macchiato "South of the Border"

Vanilla latte “Afterglow”

Latte "Norwegian Wood"

A cafe business plan with calculations of projected profit for an investment project demonstrates the following resulting indicators:


1. Sales revenue

3. Gross operating costs


Profit before tax

Income tax

Profit net future value

Discount factor

Net profit (present value)

Cash flow (future value)

Calculation of discounted cash flow and payback period

DP bud. Article

DP bud. Article Battery.

Coeff. dis-i

DP present Article

DP present Article Battery.

Calculation of the payback period suggests that, taking into account discounting, the project will pay for itself in 7 years and 7 months. The period that the cafe business plan offers (sample with calculations) exceeds the estimated period and is very long for restaurant enterprises, however, it is necessary to take into account that profit is not the main goal of creating an enterprise, the main goal is the education of culturally enlightened youth and development contemporary art.

A cafe is a very promising business option. A pizzeria, a coffee shop, fast food in a shopping center or a special establishment for children - any of these options can provide a stable income. It is important to accurately calculate the prospects of the business, choose the right premises, the right concept and optimal prices.

The business is highly competitive, but there are always niches in the restaurant market that a newcomer should occupy. How to open a cafe from scratch? Step by step instructions contained in our new publication!

The main difference between a cafe and a restaurant is a more democratic format. Prices here are more affordable, which attracts visitors with different income levels.

How to open a restaurant in Moscow and other Russian cities from scratch and draw up a competent business plan? The answer is contained

For an entrepreneur, the café format is attractive due to the lack of strict regulations. An establishment of this type may not have a wardrobe required for a restaurant. It is possible to serve by waiters or serve food at the counter. The cafe may have an extensive kitchen and prepare all dishes on site or reheat semi-finished products.

Future restaurateurs can choose any cafe concept. Establishments with mono-dishes reflected in the name are very popular: pastry shops, ice cream parlors, coffee shops, sandwich shops, dumpling shops. No less in demand are establishments with national cuisine: Russian, Italian, Japanese, Mexican, French, American.

Specialized places also include art cafes and establishments aimed at children, students, and youth. This category also includes those who rely on communication.

How to open a cafe: where to start, step-by-step instructions

When deciding to open a cafe, it is important to think through a whole list of questions:

  • The work begins with defining the concept of the future establishment. The future owner needs to determine whether the cafe will cook its own food or rely on semi-finished products. A combined option is also possible. For example, the cafe prepares snacks, soups and hot dishes, and desserts are ordered externally.
  • Find a suitable premises. It depends on the concept, price level and other factors. For example, it is better to open a fashionable cafe with a fairly high price tag in the city center, children's cafe It’s more convenient to locate next to a park; inexpensive fast food can be opened in the food court of a large shopping center.

Usually the premises are rented for a long time. It’s good if there is a possibility of subsequent redemption.

  • Register a legal entity. Usually catering enterprises, this applies even to large chains. This form of registration allows you to significantly save on taxes.
  • Take care of permitting documents. It is easier to obtain it for the premises in which the enterprise was already located catering. A separate important topic is the alcohol license. If you plan to limit yourself to selling beer, you do not need a license. You can also get it after the cafe opens. Separate documents are also needed to open a summer playground.
  • The next step is purchasing equipment. You will need cutting tables, electric stoves and sinks, combi ovens and refrigerated chests. The hall must be equipped with display cases, both horizontal and vertical. The better the display of dishes, the higher the sales.
  • Hire staff. Cafes need waiters, cashiers, baristas, dishwashers, cooks, pastry chefs, and cleaners. Some positions may be combined. A hall manager is required who monitors the work of the cafe and resolves conflict situations.
  • Develop a menu and determine prices. Do not abuse discounts that reduce profits. A variety of culinary festivals, dishes of the month, special Lenten, children's, summer or holiday menus will help make the menu more diverse.
  • Do advertising. You can promote your cafe in the press, through blogs and social media. This is the most accessible opportunity to talk about your establishment. By communicating with potential and actual guests, you can better learn their preferences and make adjustments to the work of the cafe.

How to open a coffee shop from scratch and what documents are required for this - read

How to open a fast food cafe from scratch: mistakes of novice entrepreneurs

Many beginning restaurateurs make mistakes that bring significant losses to the company and hinder normal development companies. These include:

  • vague concept;
  • the room is too cramped, making it impossible to accommodate the required number of guests;
  • extensive menu. The shorter the list of dishes, the easier it is to control their quality;
  • poor placement of the cafe;
  • insufficient control over personnel.

Cafe business plan: example with calculations

Business plan – visual diagram expenses and income. The more detailed this document is, the easier it is to determine the profitability of the business. A plan is necessary for entrepreneurs who are going to receive loans, subsidies, and attract investors and partners.

But even if you plan to run a business on your own and invest exclusively with your own funds, you cannot do without a business plan.

For example, consider the plan of a small city cafe. The company is located on the ground floor of the building, the total area of ​​the premises is 250 sq. m. m. It is assumed that half of the premises will be used as a sales area, the second will be occupied by the kitchen and utility rooms.

The basis of the menu is Russian cuisine. Takeaway sales are expected, some of the desserts are purchased from a large confectionery shop, and baked goods are prepared on site from semi-finished products. There are no business lunches; there is a 20% discount at lunchtime.

You can find out how to properly draw up a business plan for a confectionery shop and download a sample of it.

What equipment will be needed?

  • bar counter;
  • professional coffee machine;
  • 2 refrigerated display cases for the hall;
  • Refrigerated chest;
  • combi oven;
  • 2 electric stoves;
  • 2 freezers;
  • cutting tables;
  • pancake maker;
  • grill;
  • juice cooler;
  • tables and chairs made of chipboard;
  • hanging racks for the hall;
  • furniture for a children's corner;
  • wooden screens for zoning the hall.

Total equipment costs: 3,000,000 rubles. Some of the equipment is used.

At this point we write down the basic data of the project. Sample:

Square: total area 120 square meters, hall – 60 sq. m.

Form of ownership: rent

Model: youth mini-cafe with 10 tables.

Activity: catering services.

Location: one of the central areas of the city.

Working hours: from 8.00 to 23.00 - on weekdays, from 10.00 to 02.00 - on weekends.

Market analysis

Where to start? From an analysis of competitors and the situation. You definitely shouldn’t be located near similar institutions. And the city center is not yet a guarantee of high attendance. Pay attention to places near business centers and office buildings, hotels.

  • Proximity to roads or parks, squares, transport stops;
  • First line from the road, entrance from the street;
  • A building at an intersection with windows facing two streets at once.

To stand out among competitors, with appropriate design and targeting certain visitors (children’s, informal, kebab shop, etc.) But promoting it will be more difficult.

The most popular option is the “Russian format”. This is a cafeteria with a wide range of dishes (obligatory first and second courses and salads) and strong drinks.

Menu and pricing

The establishment is designed for a wide audience, the bulk of clients are middle class. The average check is 4-5 dollars.

On the menu– Russian and European cuisine plus a little oriental (popular sushi and noodles):

  1. 3-4 types of soups;
  2. 4-5 types of side dishes;
  3. 5-6 hot dishes;
  4. 5-6 cold appetizers;
  5. 6-7 salads;
  6. 10 desserts (cakes, ice cream, pancakes);
  7. Pizza and sushi;
  8. 3-4 types of Chinese noodles;
  9. 7-8 hot soft drinks (coffee, tea);
  10. 4-5 soft drinks;
  11. 9-10 spirits and alcoholic cocktails.

Marketing activities

Opening a cafe involves a lot of work on design, proper planning, etc.

Title and design

Customers pay more attention to places with their own style. Will need interesting name and a bright sign. To make your establishment recognizable, you should think about a logo.

The interior must match the name. , pay attention to soft coffee colors, cozy sofas, themed decorations, paintings or photographs on the walls. A youth cafe or pizzeria is decorated brightly, modernism, pop art, and hi-tech are welcomed. In terms of style, postmodernism, eco style, and country are also well suited.

Small interior details, such as flowers on tables, wall decorations, lighting fixtures - important part of design. You can turn to professional designers, or you can do everything for free, relying on your own taste and independent study of materials from the Internet.

Nuances of arranging the interior space:

  • There should be no “labyrinths” inside. The room should be left in the form of a rectangle or square with evenly spaced tables. Otherwise, visitors may experience discomfort;
  • Ceiling height – from 3 meters;
  • The windows should open beautiful view. The space near the window is always the most popular.

Promotion channels

Sales promotion methods

Promotions and discounts are very popular. These include discounts for corporate customers, free delivery to the office, as well as various promotions. Good example— business lunch at a favorable price, discount on the third order, “gift from the chef” when ordering for a certain amount, etc.

Business registration

The company is registered as . It will be more difficult for an individual entrepreneur to work with suppliers, and such a company will not be able to sell alcohol (only beer). OKVED codes:

  1. 56.1. – “Restaurant activities and food delivery services”;
  2. 56.10.1. – “Activities of restaurants and cafes with full restaurant service, cafeterias, fast food and self-service restaurants”;
  3. 56.10.2. – “Activities for the preparation and/or sale of food ready for immediate consumption on the spot, from vehicles or mobile shops”;
  4. 56.3. – “Serving drinks”;
  5. 47.1. – “Retail trade in non-specialized stores.”

, you will need the following documents and permits:

  • Rental agreement for premises and permission for accommodation in a certain building from the local administration;
  • Permission from Rospotrebnadzor for retail trade;
  • Conclusion from Rospozharnadzor. Conditions for obtaining: fire alarm, two emergency exits, evacuation plan, availability of fire extinguishers;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological certificate issued by Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, you need to comply with the sanitary conditions specified in SanPiN In addition, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”;
  • Technical report on the premises. This includes communications drawings, engineering drawings, architectural drawings, BTI plan;
  • Registration documents of cash register equipment;
  • Quality certificates for products. They must meet government regulations. Certification is carried out by private companies.
  • Agreement with private security. A “panic button” to call security is installed inside the cafeteria;
  • Production control program agreed with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Documents confirming that personnel have undergone a medical examination;
  • License to sell alcoholic beverages. Issued by the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market. To obtain a license, a company must have an authorized capital of 15-16 thousand dollars. The requirements are specified in Law No. 171-FZ “On state regulation of the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.” The cost of registration is 600-650 $.

Organizational events

The project provides for how and with whom the enterprise will work. What does it take to open a cafe?

Preliminary agreements with food suppliers on daily deliveries. These are farms wholesale bases, confectionery shops, bakeries. All products must be certified.

Agreements on waste disposal and regular disinfection.

Production plan

Renting the premises will cost approximately $2000-2500 per month. Of the 120 square meters, the visitor hall occupies 60 square meters. m., 40 sq. m. - kitchen, 20 sq. m. - warehouse and 10 - toilet.

Premises requirements:

  1. The dining room and production area should be separated;
  2. Ventilation, sewerage, cold and hot water, fire extinguishing system, air conditioning;
  3. When making repairs, it is necessary to comply with building regulations; you can familiarize yourself with them in SNiP 06/31/2009"Public buildings and structures."

Technical base

Dining room

The hall should be equipped with chairs and soft sofas. When purchasing furniture, be sure to take “with reserve”, just like dishes. This business requires reserve resources, especially in terms of dishes (10% for slaughter and loss). All calculations are given in dollars.

  • Tables (12 pcs.) – $1100. The best manufacturing companies: Delacosa, Equivalent;
  • Chairs (25 pcs.) – $300-350. Delacosa, PremierDecor, Equivalent;
  • Sofas (11 pcs.) – $1500-1700. HoReCa, Delacosa;
  • Reception desk – $80-90. SmartDecor, Pioneer;
  • Cash register – $350-400. Evotor-Standard, Mercury;
  • Racks and hangers for tables (11 units) – $300. HoReCa, PremierDecor.


  1. Four tables for cooking and cutting food - $200-300. Hicold, ATESY, CRYSPI;
  2. 2 refrigerated cabinets, freezer – $1,500. Polair, "Nord", "Marikholodmash";
  3. Two electric stoves– 1000-1200 $. Convito, LOTUS;
  4. Two cabinets each for cooking and frying – $1000-1300. Amitek, ABAT, CRYSPI;
  5. Grill cabinet – $200-250. Indesit, CORA, LOTUS;
  6. Pancake machine – $150. ERGO, ATESY;
  7. Microwave oven – $70-100. CONVITO;
  8. Combi oven – $1500.TECNOEKA, ABAT, ATESY;
  9. Dishwasher – $700-900. Hansa, Smeg, Mach, ABAT;
  10. Coffee machine – $600-800. Philips, Nespresso, De Longhi;
  11. Pizza oven – $600-700. PRISMAFOOD, ABAT, ERGO;
  12. Two food warmers – $90-100. LOTUS, ABAT, ERGO;
  13. Air fryer – $60. ABAT, LOTUS;
  14. Electric kettle – $50. Redmond, Galaxy;
  15. Electronic scales – $15. AKAI, Galaxy;
  16. Four sets of knives – $200. Supra, Thomas, Mo-V, Shadow;
  17. Containers for spices and bulk products (4 units) – $40-50. RESTOLA;
  18. Meat grinder – $80-100. FAMA, Supra, Panasonic, BORK;
  19. Mixer – $100. QUAMAR, ERGO;
  20. Slicer – $250-300. CONVITO, Airhot;
  21. Electric vegetable cutter – $40. Wellberg, CONVITO;
  22. Dough mixer – $300-400. ERGO, CONVITO;
  23. Small equipment (graters, dispensers, measuring cups, can openers, cutting boards, tongs, spatulas) – $100. TECNOEKA, MAC.PAN;
  24. 2 holders for kitchen utensils – $10-13. CRYSPI;
  25. 3 placemats – $16-20. TECNOEKA;
  26. Two sinks – $120-150. HESSEN, RADA;
  27. Cabinet and racks for dishes – $70-80. CRYSPI, ATESY;
  28. Food trays (20 pcs.) - $30. RESTOLA;
  29. Wall shelves (5 pcs.) – $120-150. CRYSPI;
  30. Dishes for visitors (15 sets) – $800-1000. Collage, Verona, Baltic, Tvist.


  • Pots (6-7 units) – $130-150. Merxteam, APS, Westmark;
  • Boilers (2-3 units) – $90. Luxstahl;
  • Frying pans (2-3 units) – $50. Luxstahl, BOK;
  • Saute pans (3-4 units) - $80. Merxteam, Lacor;
  • Bowls and gastronomy containers (15-20 units) – $40-50. RESTOLA;
  • Baking sheets (4-5 units) – $40. RESTOLA, UNOX;
  • Colanders, sieves, spice grinders (5-6 units) - $150-200. Lacor, Fortuna.

Non-production base

  1. Napkins, towels, dryers for the bathroom – $40-60;
  2. Uniform washing machine -$250. BEKO, Electrolux;
  3. Computer and printer – $400-500;
  4. Plumbing for a bathroom – $300-400;
  5. Garbage cans (3 pcs.) – $40-50;
  6. Mirror – $30.

When calculating how much it costs to open a cafe, the purchase of equipment and inventory takes up a large share of the funds.


To work in two shifts, it is necessary to hire 4 cooks, 2 auxiliary workers, 2 administrators, 6 waiters, and an accountant. Salary fund – 6-7 thousand dollars per month.

All employees must have medical record . It is also worth sewing uniforms for workers ($400-500).

Launch strategy

It is necessary to assume that the preparation will take at least five months. Event planning looks like this:

  • Finding a suitable building, concluding a lease agreement;
  • Repair and decoration of premises;
  • Engineering and technological design, laying communications;
  • Registration stage, paperwork, obtaining permits and licenses;
  • Purchase of equipment, furniture, inventory, its installation;
  • Hiring staff;
  • Promotional events.


It is necessary only by appreciating possible risks and developing ways to overcome problems. What threatens a new business in the catering industry?

Lack of visitors. To overcome this problem, you should intensify advertising activities, expand the list of promotion channels, and conduct an interesting promotion.

Opening and operating costs are higher than those indicated in the business plan. This can be solved by clearly recording income/expenses. At least temporarily, you can reduce costs by reducing staff (usually waiters) and partially using semi-finished products.

Low quality food and service. Since you personally will not be able to control the work of the establishment “from” to “to”, there is a risk of dissatisfied customers. Be sure to study reviews about your establishment on the Internet and keep a book of complaints. To ensure that the visitor remains satisfied, carefully select your staff and change workers if necessary.

Economic instability in the country. This is usually reflected in the cost of cooking products, equipment, and the purchasing power of customers. To avoid this, long-term contracts must be concluded with suppliers.

Financial calculations

Below is a ready-made plan for the financial costs of starting a business:

  1. Registration, permits, licensing – approximately $2000;
  2. Rent for a year in advance – $28,000;
  3. Renovation of the premises – $2000;
  4. Interior design development – ​​$1500;
  5. Process design – $500;
  6. Engineering design – $800;
  7. Lighting and system installation work fire safety, necessary communications – $4000;
  8. Finishing work, purchase of decorative items – $3,000;
  9. Furniture, equipment, kitchen utensils – $17,000;
  10. First purchase of products – $1,500;
  11. Advertising campaign and illuminated sign – $2000;
  12. Incidental expenses – $1500.

Total capital investments in the business will be 64-65 thousand dollars.

Monthly expenses in the first year are in the range of $9,000-10,000, taking into account paid rent.

Efficiency and profitability

You can count on income when attendance exceeds 80-100 people per day. In this case, the revenue will be about $14,000 per month, and the net profit will be 5-6 thousand. In a year or two, with a constant increase in “workload”, you can earn up to 15-20 thousand dollars “net” monthly.

Only after carefully planning and calculating is it worth taking on this matter. You also need to have some kind of financial reserve, because the payback period for public catering establishments ranges from one to four to five years.

Approximate data:

  • Initial costs are about 3,500,000 rubles.
  • Payback period – 12 – 15 months.
  • 30 seats, area - 145 m², region - Moscow.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we have compiled detailed business plan cafe calculations.

The cafe market in Russia and the relevance of investments

When considering the state of affairs in the cafe segment, it is worth starting not with numbers and statistics, but with changes in the mentality of Russians. The culture of breakfast (and eating in general) “out of home” is not even two decades old. The first coffee shop that met the “classical” criteria of its format was opened in St. Petersburg only in 1994. Since then, every year (except post-crisis 2009) the segment has grown, gradually formed a “Western European” lifestyle and in 2010 already occupied 13% of the market in value terms.

In Russia there is another specific difference. The concepts of “coffee” and “cafe” are not very connected in our country. We are a “tea” country and in terms of coffee consumption (kilograms of beans per person) we occupy a place at the end of the third, beginning of the fourth dozen. Therefore, cafe owners, in addition to the main product, include alcohol (in most cases, draft beer), cold and hot dishes on the menu. This is how the domestic cafe differs from its “classic” counterparts.

Well, now to the numbers. From 2010 to 2015, the market in question showed 15% growth, the average bill increased by 61.4%. In small towns, establishments still remained a place of recreation; in megacities, corporate culture played into the hands of restaurateurs - people go to cafes for business lunches, or order food for the office.

According to RBC forecasts, the growth in the value turnover of the catering market will continue and in the next 5 years will reach 1261 billion rubles. The cafe segment will become one of the most progressive.

Growth points for a restaurateur planning to launch a project now:

  • Actively emerging consumer culture.
  • Adjustment of rental rates in favor of reduction.
  • A large selection of formats that are in demand among a solvent audience.
  • An opportunity to attract some visitors from restaurants during a crisis.
  • Insufficient market saturation - according to Rosstat research in Russia there is one food outlet for every 930 people. In Europe there are three times more establishments, in the USA - 6.

KLEN specialists will tell you how to build an efficient cafe.

Where to start? Format selection

A cafe is a catering format that gives the greatest “freedom of creativity” to the cook, manager and owner. There are no such clear frameworks as in a restaurant; the system of organizing the work itself is more flexible, and the investments are much less. All this allows you to quickly respond to changes in market conditions and use situational solutions. The cafe can more easily withstand the failure of promotions and offers, again due to their low cost.

But a number of basic formats (that is, standardized business schemes) can be identified.

  • Stree food- street single-product fast food, designed for a “snack” on the go. In the Street food format, there is an unwritten rule - the client must be able to hold the product with one hand. The market offers both stationary and mobile solutions. The first include pavilions with several tables located in areas with good traffic. The second is a new word in the Russian food industry. Bicycle cafes, cafe trailers and food trucks do not wait for the visitor, but go to him themselves. This solution is a kitchen on wheels, capable of both production and distribution of the product. Three- and four-wheeled bicycles, minibuses, and trucks are used. The average bill is around 150 rubles.
  • Fast Food- the “fast food” format with which many people associate cafes. They can be either single-product (based on a basic dish - burgers or pizza) or multi-product. As a rule, they operate in a self-service format. The cooking processes are simplified and automated as much as possible; semi-finished products and preparations from the kitchen factory are actively used. The average bill is 200 rubles.
  • Quick Restaurant Service - also refer to the format of “fast” food establishments. They offer a wide menu, however, the range is inferior to that of a restaurant. IN technological processes kitchens use semi-finished products high degree readiness is the key to the declared speed. The average bill is 300 rubles.
  • Fast Casual- In establishments of this type, the guest can both eat and spend time. The cafes of the “fast” formats listed above are designed for high table turnover; only teenagers will sit in them for a long time. Fast Casual offers comfort and a well-designed interior, often including a bar menu. The format is closest to the generally accepted understanding of the term “cafe”. The average bill is around 600 rubles.

When talking about cafe formats, it is necessary to take into account not only the financial aspects of the business, but also the principle of organizing service. It is based on the so-called frame - a stereotypical model of consumer behavior. What and how will a guest do in your establishment.

In addition to cafes with waiter service (frame “order-dish-bill”, i.e. “a la carte”), the market operates:

  • Food court- a well-known food court. This space for catering establishments (usually Fast Food) is usually located in shopping centers. The advantages of this approach are the absence of costs for attracting visitors (there is already huge traffic here), and the disadvantages are the competitors with whom you are side by side in the literal sense of the word. Often several food establishments have a single dining room, this way you can save on renting space.
  • Free flow- establishments built on the principle of “separate islands”. In the cafe hall there is open kitchen and stands with categories of dishes (first course, salads, main course, coffee or beer). The principle is to give the client maximum freedom of choice. The visitor himself decides on the dishes and table; there is no need to wait for the order. Free access helps reduce staff. The advantage of the free flow idea is that the format is suitable for different social strata - you can expand the potential audience.
  • Anticafe- relatively new format, developed in Russia. We mention it solely for educational purposes and to realize pride in domestic restaurateurs - now anti-cafes are getting good press in London and overseas. This idea has nothing to do with a standard cafe, and its business plan is radically different. In an anti-cafe (time cafe), visitors pay not for the food, but for the time spent. Tea, coffee, sweets and Wi-Fi are provided free of charge.

In this text we will take as a basis a cafe with waiter service and European cuisine. Unusual business models are studied individually.


If the format can be called a scheme, a mechanism for the operation of the restaurant business, then the concept is its shell, appearance, packaging. At the same time, it is she who describes the details and stages of work on creating a catering establishment.

Standard structure of the concept of your own cafe:

Marketing market research:

  • The general state of the market in the selected region (it will become clear whether people will be able to pay at all)
  • Existing directions of the restaurant market (which format is already profitable, which is becoming fashionable)
  • The main players - which chain and copyright establishments are already open in the region? Information will help you differentiate yourself from your competitors.
  • Loyalty sampling - will potential customers like your idea?
  • Format and type of organization of a food establishment. What is described in paragraph 2.

Idea and positioning of the cafe:

  • Determining the target audience
  • Cafe theme
  • Service method
  • Features and advantages compared to establishments working for the same target audience
  • Related restaurant product

Technological solutions (can be expressed in the form of technical specifications):

  • Space requirements (including optimal location areas)
  • Engineering and architectural requirements
  • Space division (zoning)
  • Other criteria for choosing premises (parking, proximity to a shopping center)

Menu development (in optimal option- with technological maps):

  • List of main menu dishes
  • Business lunches and other time promotions
  • Banquet offers (if applicable)
  • Seasonal solutions
  • Bar, cocktail and wine lists

Design and identity:

  • Design and interior design project for the dining room and technological area
  • Design of the facade and surrounding area (if any)
  • Signboard and outdoor advertising
  • Brand book
  • Professional furniture for catering


  • The system for controlling the purchase of products and working with suppliers (largely determines the cost of food)
  • Determination of food cost and margin for each dish (a separate section below is devoted to this)


  • Communication channels
  • Entering the market
  • Loyalty programs
  • Situational marketing (at this stage you can schedule promotions dedicated to holidays)

It is worth mentioning one more opportunity that the modern HoReCa market offers restaurateurs. We are talking about a franchise - a paid right to use a trademark, developments and solutions of a large brand.

That is, you can sign an agreement with one of the federal chains and open an establishment under their brand. In this case, a developed format, concept, business plan, identity, marketing, technological equipment plan, and food recipes are provided. But you will not be able to make your own adjustments - you will have to work within strictly established limits. In addition, in most cases, lump sum and monthly payments are made to the franchisor.

Business plan

As an example of calculations, let’s take a 30-seat cafe with a full production cycle. The recommended area for establishments of this type is 145 m², region - Moscow.

Main expense items

Renting premises

We are talking specifically about renting, since buying your own real estate in the capital region will increase the opening budget several times. To be fair, it should be said that a cafe in its own premises will be valued at a much higher price when sold.

  • The nearest Moscow region - 20,000 rubles per m² per year. Amount - 2,900,000 rubles per year.
  • Area of ​​the third transport ring - 50,000 rubles per m² per year. Amount - 7,250,000 per year.
  • Moscow center - 100,000 rubles per m² per year. Amount - 14,500,000 per year.


This includes the creation of an internal environment, engineering infrastructure and technological solutions for the kitchen. It is more profitable to order design in a comprehensive manner from specialized companies, because this type of work requires SRO approval.

Engineering design- in simple terms, this is bringing the building itself and its communications into compliance with the requirements of your institution and legislation.

The following types of work are included:

Architectural design for buildings in which it is necessary to carry out reconstruction, construction work or deep redevelopment. The project includes sections, installation of windows, doors and partitions, plans for each floor, pipeline fastenings, finishing sheets and materials consumption.

The architectural solution costs 300 rubles per m². The amount for our cafe is 43,500 rubles.

HVAC project in public buildings and structures it is needed to create safe and comfortable climatic conditions. Research is being carried out for both the dining room and the cafe kitchen. Moreover, when designing a technological zone, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the work - during cooking, steam, soot, fumes and other contaminants appear. Powerful ventilation will create proper working conditions for your personnel.

As part of the design, plans, axonometric diagrams of technological and general ventilation, air conditioning systems, lists of drawings and reference documents, explanatory notes, specifications of materials and equipment are prepared.

Design of ventilation and air conditioning will cost 200 rubles per m² of area. The amount for our cafe is 29,000 rubles.

Water supply and sewerage project considers issues of providing enterprises clean water and, at the same time, solves the problem of dirty output. It seems that there is no need to talk about the importance of a well-functioning water supply in a food establishment. The norms for water pressure and temperature are specified in SNiP 2.04.01-85*.

As part of the design, axonometric diagrams of cold water, hot water and sewerage pipelines, a diagram of a unit with water meters, a floor plan with the arrangement of equipment and communication points, a list of drawings and reference documents, specifications of equipment and materials are prepared.

Design of water supply and sewerage will cost 140 rubles per m² of area. The amount for our cafe is 20,300 rubles.

Power supply project will allow you to use professional restaurant equipment in the cafe kitchen. You will need a voltage of 220 and 380 V.

As part of the design, plans for the power and socket network, cable routing (indicating junction boxes), plans for the lighting network, wiring diagram and single-line diagram of the input distribution board, list of drawings, specifications of equipment and materials are prepared.

Electrical supply design will cost 180 rubles per m² of area. The amount for our cafe is 26,100 rubles.

Total cost of complete engineering design - 118,900 rubles

Process design creates a layout diagram for connecting equipment in your kitchen. It is better to entrust this stage not just to engineers, but to engineers from HoReCa.

Cost - 200 rubles per m² of area. Amount - 29,000 rubles.

This money can be saved by working with a large supplier. For example, when ordering equipment from the company " MAPLE» You get technological design for free.


Establishments “for our own”, opened for the soul and not intended to make money, can be opened on their own. Sometimes you get very interesting options.

But a cafe that makes a profit requires the work of a specialist. After all, design implies not only the visual embodiment of an idea, it must include maximum quantity seats in the available area, the size of the aisles, the location of the tables relative to the waiter stations.

The work of a professional restaurant designer is structured as follows:

  • Development of a design solution within the framework of the concept
  • Creating a 3D visualization of the project
  • Selection of materials and furniture equipment, arrangement
  • Facade design
  • Author's supervision of project execution

A full design with a facade will cost 1,200 rubles per m². Amount - 174,000 rubles.

Room decoration

The cases when it is possible to find a room that is suitable for a cafe can be counted on one hand. Repairs will have to be done, the only difference will be in its complexity.

  • Cosmetic repairs will cost 1,500 rubles per m², total - 217,500
  • Qualitative major renovation costs 7,000 rubles per m², total cost - 1,015,000
  • Elite finishing (VIP design) - 15,000 rubles per m², cost - 2,175,000


Calculation for an establishment with 30 seats.

Heating equipment:

  • Combi steamer TECNOEKA EVOLUTION EKF 711 E UD - 214,307 rubles
  • Electric stove PE-0.48M four-burner with cabinet - 40,920 rubles
  • Induction cooker UN-3.5KC-1 tabletop WOK - 16,971 rubles
  • Frying surface (contact grill) ERGO VEG-836 smooth/corrugated - 13,650 rubles
  • Pizza oven GAM MD1 - 37,961 rubles
  • Rice cooker ERGO CFXB 50-70x - 3,080 rubles
  • Boiler ERGO KSY-30 flood type - 10,220 rubles

Refrigeration equipment:

  • Refrigeration cabinet ARIADA R1400M - 53,920 rubles
  • Freezer cabinet ARIADA R750L - 68,121 rubles
  • Cooled table HICOLD GN 11/TN - 59,990 rubles
  • Ice maker ICEMATIC E21 W - 57,622 rubles
  • Vertical confectionery display cabinet HICOLD VRC 350 - 92,450 rubles
  • Mixer KITCHEN AID 5KSM150PSEWH - 60,990 rubles
  • Mixer ROBOT COUPE Mini MP 190 Combi - 37,384 rubles
  • Meat grinder “Convito” HM-22A - 39,130 ​​rubles
  • Slicer “Convito” HBS-220JS - 18,340 rubles
  • Vegetable cutter “Convito” HLC-300 with a set of knives - 50,820 rubles
  • Glass washing machine (dishwasher) MACH MB/9235 - 72,444 rubles

Bar equipment:

  • Saeco Syntia Cappuccino coffee machine - 73,750 rubles
  • Bar mixer BL-015 - 8,750 rubles
  • Juicer ERGO MK-8000 - 10,360 rubles

Technological equipment:

  • 2 single-section washing baths VM 1/5 e - 7816 rubles
  • Two-section washing bathtub VM 2/5 ots - 7,598 rubles
  • 2 industrial wall tables - 8,734 rubles
  • 2 tables of working island SPO 9/6 ots - 7,902 rubles
  • 4 racks with solid shelves SK 1200/500 - 59,284 rubles
  • 2 exhaust hoods ZVP 10*8 - 19,692 rubles
  • 2 exhaust hoods ZVO 12*10 - 31,504 rubles
  • 4 solid wall shelves PN 6/4 - 6,636 rubles
  • Island table for waste collection SPS-111/900 - 8,674 rubles

Kitchen utensils and equipment - gastronorm containers for cooking and storing food, frying pans, cauldrons and pots, cutting boards, ladles, graters, etc. The total cost is 45,545 rubles.

  • Chef's knives (4 items) - 17,253 rubles
  • Serving items - 38,460 rubles
  • Porcelain dishes - 59,420 rubles
  • Cutlery - 15,099 rubles
  • Glassware - 23,280 rubles
  • Furniture for guests (30 seats) and staff - 191,014 rubles

The total cost of equipping the cafe is 1,589,091 rubles

Equipment data is based on finished projects company " MAPLE" The price may be reduced due to discounts.


The optimal form of work in catering would be. At least for cafes selling alcohol. A significant plus is the minimum size authorized capital(this is what the entrepreneur risks in case of bankruptcy) - 10,000 rubles.

List of documents. What you will need for registration:

  1. Certificate of Registration
  2. Certificate of TIN assignment
  3. Extract from the Unified Register (USRIP)
  4. Information letter from Rosstat about OKVED codes:
    55.30 Activities of restaurants and cafes
    55.40 Bar activities
    55.52 Supply of catering products. This includes the activities of public catering enterprises in the production of public catering products and their delivery
    If the cafe is supposed to additional services, you can select from the classifier (for example, 92.72)
  5. Certificates of registration with the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund of Russia
  6. Agreement with the bank on opening an account
  7. Confirmation of registration of cash register equipment (cash register equipment)
  8. Order on the appointment of a manager, chief accountant, cashier-operator
  9. Audit trail and complaint book

For premises:

  1. Confirmation of the right to use the premises (lease agreement or certificate of ownership)
  2. BTI passport with floor plans and explication
  3. Engineering projects (see above)
  4. Conclusions on projects issued by GAPU and MVK
  5. Evacuation plan and fire instructions
  6. Alarm service contract


  1. Production and technical control plan agreed with the SES
  2. Certificate of examination for compliance with sanitary standards
  3. Conclusion of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on fire safety
  4. Conclusion of the SES on the availability of the necessary equipment and premises
  5. Sanitary passports of the facility and vehicles
  6. License to sell alcohol
  7. Hygienic conclusion on raw materials and ready meals from Rospotrebnadzor
  8. Staff medical examination results

Facility maintenance agreements:

  1. Removal and disposal of solid waste and biological waste
  2. Contract for deratization, disinfection and disinfestation
  3. Contract for cleaning the ventilation system
  4. Contract for washing workwear
  5. Agreement for the removal and disposal of fluorescent lamps

The optimal solution for a starting entrepreneur is to order the preparation and approval of documents from specialized companies. This will save both nerves and time.


Restaurateurs from the regions should take a closer look at UTII - a single tax on imputed income. If, unlike Moscow and some regions, it works for you.

UTII exempts from payment of property tax, profit tax, and personal income tax (for individual entrepreneurs).

The essence of the tax is that you need to pay based on a certain basic profitability established by the state for a particular type of activity. For catering, the guidelines are the area of ​​the hall or the number of people on staff. When calculating, regional coefficients and a deflator coefficient are used. 15% of the calculated basic return is paid.

But, as already said, UTII does not work in Moscow. Therefore, it will be a priority. To switch to it you need:

  1. Have up to 100 employees on staff
  2. Have an annual income not exceeding 60 million rubles
  3. Do not open branches
  4. The participation of other companies in the capital of the LLC should not exceed 25%

You can submit an application within 30 days from the date of registration.

The tax rate under the simplified tax system is calculated in two ways:

  • You deduct 6% from income
  • Deduct 15% from the difference between income and expenses

VAT, income and property taxes are not paid under the simplified taxation system.


The cafe format in most cases allows staffing without any problems. Highly qualified specialists should be the director, administrator and cooks. There is less demand here for waiters and bartenders, unlike in a restaurant. A desire to work, friendliness and basic communication skills are enough. The rest comes from instruction and practice.

The staff of the restaurant includes:

  • Director. Estimated salary - from 70,000 rubles
  • Chef. Estimated salary - from 70,000 rubles
  • 2 general purpose cooks. Estimated salary - from 40,000 rubles
  • 2 hall managers. Estimated salary - from 35,000 rubles
  • 4 waiters. Estimated salary - from 25,000 rubles
  • 2 bartenders. Estimated salary - from 30,000 rubles
  • Delivery driver. Estimated salary - from 35,000 rubles
  • Storekeeper. Estimated salary - from 35,000 rubles
  • 2 cleaners. Estimated salary - from 15,000 rubles
  • 2 dishwashers. Estimated salary - from 15,000 rubles

Senior and administrative staff work five days a week. Kitchen, service and stewarding on schedule 2/2.

Total monthly wage costs: 580,000 rubles.

Profitability and payback

At the menu development stage, the chef creates technological maps and determines the food cost of the dish - its cost as a percentage of the selling price. In cafes and bars this figure is around 12-16% (on average). At the same stage, a margin is formed - a markup, which will be the restaurateur’s profit.

It is easier to pay for a cafe or bar than a restaurant. There is less investment, a simpler format and a less demanding client. People come to cafes to spend time in company, often not paying attention to the little things.

Giving average profitability and timeframes for achieving payback in the case of a cafe is quite risky. Fresh bars can receive a profitability of 300%, and the markup on pizza starts from 500%. It all depends on the format and organization of the process.

The formula by which profitability is calculated looks like this:

P=PR/(OPAsr + OAsr)

  • P - actually, profitability
  • PR - profit for the period
  • OPAsr – average cost of fixed production assets for the period
  • ОАср - average value of current assets for the period

Practice shows that typical private cafes pay for themselves in 12-15 months. It is quite possible to rely on this result.

An aspiring restaurateur has the opportunity to increase his chances of success and “survive” the most difficult first year. Contact the company for expert support MAPLE", its specialists have opened 1,200 establishments throughout Russia. This experience will definitely come in handy.

In this material:

You can launch a cafe with a large customer flow only if you carefully prepare. To do this, you need a business plan for a cafe: an example with calculations, and later - detailed calculations on the costs and income of the project, a description of the main stages of launching the enterprise, preparation of documentation, setting criteria for the premises.

Before developing a ready-made business plan for a cafe, an entrepreneur must register as a legal entity. The form of ownership for launching a cafe can be any - individual entrepreneur or LLC. After this, you can already solve all the issues related to how to open a cafe from scratch and how much initial investment will be required.

Beginning of the cafe launch

If an entrepreneur decides to open his own cafe from scratch, rather than buy a franchise, he must first analyze the market and conduct marketing research on the possible risks of this business. Further, the structure of the work required to launch a large cafe practically coincides with the stages contained in the business plan for opening any establishment.

First, you need to study the market, conduct marketing research, and identify the main trends in the catering industry. Based on the analysis obtained, note for yourself how much money you need to open a cafe, decide on the main concept and theme of the establishment.

Then you should prepare a detailed business plan for a cafe with calculations. It will become not only a “guide” on the way to launching a cafe, but also legal documentation for obtaining a bank loan, a building permit from the city administration, SES and others government agencies. At this stage, it is necessary to find the location of the building for the future cafe, develop a design idea, menu concept, basic cooking technologies and select product suppliers.

Stages of opening a cafe

To launch a cafe with a large customer flow, you need to pay attention to all stages of the business plan:

  1. Obtain a technical report for the premises, coordinate the business plan with Rospotrebnadzor, the department of the state fire service, and the city administration.
  2. Develop a design project for the premises. Conduct electrical, sewer and ventilation system, water supply and other communications. Purchase materials, conclude an agreement with construction company and carry out construction, installation and finishing work.
  3. Receive a sanitary passport and a conclusion from Rospodrebnadzor, a conclusion from Gospozhnadzor. Obtain licenses for retail sales of food, alcohol and tobacco products.
  4. Select and prepare the cafe’s pricing policy, accounting system, and finalize the menu. Develop internal documentation related to corporate culture, job responsibilities, service standards. It is also necessary to draw up costing and technological maps for preparing dishes. You can develop a sample of one or another internal document yourself or take it from online banks for office work.
  5. Purchase necessary equipment, including a cash register, furniture, kitchen utensils and additional equipment. Choose an automated business process accounting system. Buy software and install on computers.
  6. Develop requirements for vacancies and select candidates’ resumes that are most appropriate for the cafe concept. Approve personnel and conduct training based on the developed documentation - job responsibilities and service standards.
  7. Choose an advertising policy, develop a basic marketing strategy for 1-2 years. To produce products for advertising that correspond to the corporate style of the establishment. The final and important step is organizing and conducting the first marketing campaign.

Preparing for each of these stages helps determine how to open a cafe from scratch and how much it will cost in the end, since almost every job requires certain financial costs.

Opening a cafe with a large customer flow requires a huge amount of investment, but in the end the profitability of such projects is 1.5-2 times higher than what was invested in them. High profitability can be obtained if you always focus on long-term prospects and conduct monthly market research in order to timely adapt to the interests of the target audience.

Example of financial calculations

It is important to determine how much it costs to open a cafe and where to look for investments, since the amount of profit at the first stage of the establishment’s operation and the payback period for investments will depend on this. It should be noted that for a large restaurant or cafe you should not focus on quickly making a net profit. It is better to initially allocate enough finances for each stage so that in the future you will not have to pay extra for repairs or reorganization of the cafe.

Necessary investments to open a cafe with an area of ​​150 sq.m:

  • preparation of all documents, including the purchase of licenses - 200,000 rubles. at the first stage;
  • rental of premises - 200,000 rubles. monthly;
  • construction, installation and finishing works - 700,000 rubles. at the first stage;
  • installation of ventilation, sewerage systems and other communications - RUB 500,000. at the first stage;
  • purchase of equipment, including computer equipment, as well as furniture, kitchen utensils and other equipment - RUB 900,000. at the first stage;
  • purchase of food - 80,000 rubles. monthly;
  • purchase of an automated system and its installation, creation of your own website - 180,000 rubles. at the first stage;
  • payment for utilities and Internet services - 50,000 rubles. monthly;
  • the salary of 14 employees, including a cook, bartender, barista, manager and service personnel, is RUB 500,000. monthly;
  • marketing costs - 110,000 rubles. at the first stage, 50,000 rubles. in the following months.

As a result, the amount of money needed to launch a large cafe will be 3.42 million rubles. In the future, monthly expenses will reach 880,000 rubles. Taking into account the variety of the menu and the average bill of 800 rubles. The average monthly turnover of the cafe will be 1.2 million rubles.

The payback period for the investment to launch a cafe is 11-12 months.

For accurate calculations, it is important to decide on the main direction of the cafe. If the concept involves preparing dishes from rare products or a specific theme, then the monthly turnover of this establishment may differ from the standard. How to open your cafe, in what place and for what purpose depends financial results establishments. The presented cafe plan - an example with calculations and a detailed list of launch stages - will help you quickly navigate the complex processes of opening a cafe.

Order a business plan

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“MU-MU” is a network of democratic cafes in the free floy format with a distribution line, barbecue and bar areas, with dishes and drinks of home-made Russian cuisine familiar and loved since childhood. Currently, the chain has 42 cafes, of which 6 cafes are open at airports as franchises. The first MU-MU cafe opened in 2000, it was a confident step towards…

Investments: Investments 28,000,000 - 50,000,000 ₽

Zamania is a family park active recreation. It combines in one concept a number of active play elements: trampoline areas, labyrinths, colorful nets, a rope park, bungee jumping, trolls, a football court, sandbox, tubing and a specially designated area for children, rooms for birthdays and master classes, a family cafe, etc. Zamania is... Adventures in any weather The most unusual and interesting...

Investment: Investment 200,000 ₽

The Global Wedding is a wedding agency that has been providing wedding planning services in St. Petersburg since 2009 and abroad since 2014. In 2017, a representative office was opened in Moscow. The agency's clients are couples who want to organize a bright, memorable wedding. They value their time, often cannot be physically present in the city where the wedding is taking place, and they...

Investment: Investment 950,000 ₽

In 2018, the “Tutti Frutti Russia” Company is launching in Russia and the CIS countries and invites you to join the new franchise project “Sweet Me”! “Sweet Ya” is a new, unique for Russia, conceptual project of an island soft-serve ice cream cafe-bar with an investment of up to 1 million rubles! Description of the franchise - This project is led by the same team that, over 6 years of work...

Investment: Investment 2,000,000 ₽

The creators of Tutti Frutti are introducing a new format of the Cream Bar cafe to the Russian market with a bright and modern design, thoughtful concept and well-functioning service. Cream Bar is a new gelateria format on the Russian market with a completely new approach to the production and sale of frozen desserts. The development of Cream Bar is a step into the future. Directly in front of guests every day there will be…

Investment: Investment 1,500,000 ₽

What associations do you have when you hear the word healthy lifestyle? Of course, Fresh! We present to you “FreshUp” - the first professional network of cafe-bars with freshly squeezed juices, smoothies, detox drinks and milkshakes, developing through franchising. This is a new brand from the creators of Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt - the undisputed leader in the frozen yogurt market and one of the main brands of frozen desserts in Russia. “FreshUp”…

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