Green tea with jasmine: beneficial properties, contraindications and calorie content. Green tea with jasmine beneficial properties

Jasmine tea is one of the few that does not require artificial flavoring. Jasmine has such a strong aroma that it becomes saturated with it from the mere presence of flowers nearby. To produce jasmine tea, you can use any type of tea leaf, but traditionally green and white Chinese tea leaves are enriched with it. One of the main differences of the drink is its naturalness and sweet aroma, which is reflected in the taste of the drink: it does not require sugar at all.

Basic production technologies

Jasmine tea comes mainly from the Chinese provinces of Yunnan, Sichuan, Zhejiang and Fujian, which are famous for their tea plantations. IN different corners There are about 197 species of jasmine growing in the world, but for the production of tea, not wild, but specially grown jasmine is used, usually the white Jasmine variety (Jasminum officinale), which is also called medicinal, given its beneficial properties. Having been brought to China from Persia back in the 2nd–5th centuries, jasmine is successfully cultivated for pharmaceutical and culinary purposes.

Jasmine tea is produced using two main technologies, which differ in the duration of aging of the raw materials. In one case, the finished tea leaf is laid out on a flat surface, covered with jasmine buds and kept in a cool place for more than 3 months. After this, the jasmine is manually sorted and what remains is pure tea leaves soaked in its esters. In the second case, the mixture is kept in bags for only up to three weeks, but in warm rooms. True, there is another express technology, in which the tea leaves along with flower buds are subjected to heat treatment, as a result of which the product is ready for packaging in just a day. This drink has the lowest cost, but at the same time loses its main beneficial properties and acquires somewhat simplified taste characteristics.

The consumer is surprised when, when buying expensive varieties of jasmine tea, he discovers only the aroma in the packaging, without finding the flowers themselves. However, it is in elite tea that the spent jasmine is either manually removed altogether, or the most integral buds are calibrated and returned to the raw material, which, when brewed, bloom along with the tea leaf, giving the opportunity to observe an amazing spectacle. Healthy qualities and expressive fragrance make Chinese jasmine one of the most beloved natural drinks both in the Middle Kingdom and in European countries enslaved by taste enhancers and flavorings.


Tea is valuable not only for its amazing aroma. Its peculiarity is that the benefits provided by high-grade Chinese tea leaves, the best natural antioxidant, are harmoniously complemented by the list of healing properties of jasmine. The plant contains a spectrum of esters, phenolic compounds, bitter triterpenoids, salicylic, formic and benzoic acid. The benefits of triterpenes include strengthening the immune system, accelerating metabolic processes, lowering cholesterol levels, having a beneficial effect on the nervous system and normalizing blood pressure. Organic jasmine acids are effective anti-inflammatory substances.

Thanks to its composition, the drink is useful for relieving fatigue and tension, relieves depression, promotes weight loss and exhibits mild antispasmodic properties. Its benefits for hypertensive patients are invaluable: a cup of this drink can awaken you just as well as coffee, without causing harm to the heart muscle.

There is an opinion that jasmine tea relieves impotence, and this is not surprising, because the properties of jasmine as an aphrodisiac, acting on both men and women, were noted in ancient times.

It has been established that tea with jasmine accelerates the blood and slightly increases the temperature. These properties help keep you warm in cold weather, but can also cause harm during feverish conditions and heat. However, for cold symptoms that are not accompanied by hyperthermia, tea will be the best healing drug that can relieve a cough and soothe a sore throat.

Legendary representatives

The jasmine flower itself is surrounded by many legends in the spirit oriental tales, but also in China, where tea was born, there are their own legends. One of them tells the story of two orphans who lived in Fujian province. To avoid starvation, brother and sister worked hard. One day after winter work the boy is weak. Doctors tried to find the cause, but the disease did not give up. A local old woman told his sister about a mysterious dragon that helps all those who suffer, if only you find it. Entrusting her with the care of her brother, the brave girl went on a search, after days of wandering she discovered a dragon's cave, surrounded by jasmine bushes.

After listening to the girl’s story, the dragon soared to the heavens, let out a loud cry, and from the pearl that sparkled on his neck sun rays, a drop fell to the ground. At this place, a sprout of a tea bush instantly appeared. Having told the girl the recipe for the drug, the dragon left her to take care of the plant and disappeared. It rained heavily all day, after which the bush grew and turned green. On the advice of the dragon, the girl collected young buds, picked jasmine flowers and rolled them into small balls, reminiscent of an amazing dragon pearl. Upon returning home, she brewed a drink from them and began to feed her brother with it, which is why he quickly grew stronger.

The legend still accompanies the tea of ​​Moli Long Zhu - “Dragon Jasmine Pearl”. This tea is one of the best of its kind, and its history goes back 8 centuries. “Pearl” tea does not contain flowers: its raw leaf is hand-rolled into small lumps and topped with fresh jasmine. Which, during the cooking process, gives the tea leaf its aromatic oils, and along with them useful properties. The drink turns out golden, sunny, without strong astringency and bitterness, with a sweet note.

In addition to Dragon Pearl tea, Moly Cha Wan is widely known - “Jasmine Lord”, which is produced on the basis of the highest quality white tea Bai Ho Yin Jen. Due to the fact that this tea contains pubescent buds, its taste is especially delicate. The pure aroma of young tea leaves with a subtle floral note and a long honey aftertaste are perfectly balanced, and the taste of the tea is recognized as a reference.

Jasmine tea is especially loved by the weaker sex due to its feminine aroma, but a cup of this fragrant drink can also begin a romantic meeting, arousing mutual interest and setting the mood for an optimistic wave. The healing properties and bright taste of this tea make it a welcome guest in your home tea collection.

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Tea with jasmine petals is one of the first flavored drinks that became known to man. This is a unique product in terms of aromatic characteristics, which is highly valued both in its homeland in China and in many other countries of the world.

How jasmine tea is produced, types

It is not known exactly how and when jasmine tea began to be produced, although there are a lot of beautiful legends about this drink. The plant itself came to China from Persia around the 5th century. It is grown in hot regions, in the mountains, where the most aromatic essential oils accumulate in the petals of jasmine flowers.

Jasmine began to be added to tea from the 10th to the 12th centuries during the Song Dynasty. Green jasmine tea is considered a classic of the genre. It is produced in the provinces of Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangxi and others. White, red and black teas are also flavored with flower petals. But not every variety of jasmine is suitable for flavoring. For it, those varieties are used whose petals concentrate maximum quantity essential oil. In addition, the collection period is also important. It is believed that the most fragrant jasmine can be harvested during the 14 hottest days.

Except unforgettable aroma, jasmine’s beneficial properties are also clearly expressed. It has a calming effect on the nervous system, a slight analgesic effect, cleansing and diuretic.

Jasmine pearls – elite green tea

What method of production of this tea is used? There are two production options, which result in products of different quality and benefits.

  • Quick drying and steam treatment. Here, jasmine flowers are added to freshly picked tea leaves and they are steamed and dried for 24 hours. As a result, they get enough aromatic tea, but with a significant reduction in the number of its beneficial properties. As a result of heat treatment, both tea and flowers lose some of their beneficial components.
  • Natural drying for 100 days. In this technology, fresh leaves from the tea bush are combined with fresh jasmine petals and allowed to dry naturally while observing the most favorable temperature and humidity. This product is considered the most useful, fragrant and expensive.

China is considered the leader in the production of high-quality tea. Many Chinese manufacturers offer the market several dozen aromatic and healthy teas. The most famous of them are described below:

  • Jasmine dragon pearl is made from the top young leaves of the spring harvest, scented with jasmine for 100 days and rolled into tiny pearl balls. Refers to oolongs.
  • Jasmine White Monkey is made from the most delicate shoots of white tea. The infusion has a light yellow color and high warming properties. You can feel it in the aroma light sweetness jasmine and grape notes, there is astringency in the taste.
  • Jasmine silver needles is a tea that contains a lot of tips covered with silvery hairs. Produced using accelerated technology, it has a light aroma of meadow herbs.
  • Eye of the Phoenix – the tea leaves of this tea resemble the curling shape of a bird's eye. These are light, pubescent spirals that unwind when brewed and enrich the drink with jasmine aroma and berry flavor.
  • Jasmine rings are a representative of elite drinks. It is produced from buds, which, after special processing, are wound onto thin bamboo rods and in this form are scented with Yunan jasmine. The infusion of the drink is light green with a delicate aroma of flowers.

It is not customary to add sugar or other ingredients to jasmine tea. This is a self-sufficient drink with a bright taste and aroma, which has a lot of useful properties.

The benefits and harms of the drink

The properties of jasmine tea allow it to be included in the list of antidepressant drinks. It calms the nervous system, helps cope with increased emotionality and depression. It warms perfectly, so it is good to drink in cold weather and when you have a cold.

The antioxidant properties of jasmine have long been known. It helps the body cope with the destructive attack of free radicals and guards youth and beauty. The product's ability to fight certain types of cancer is being studied.

How is jasmine tea beneficial for internal organs?

  • Cleanses the liver of waste and toxins.
  • Breaks down cholesterol, improving the condition of blood vessels.
  • Improves metabolic processes by stimulating the functioning of the stomach, pancreas and other digestive organs.
  • Has an analgesic effect for problems with the musculoskeletal system.

With jasmine it is allowed to be consumed by people with diabetes mellitus. It is recommended to drink it for those who have impaired insulin production. In addition, the drink allows you to set the right course for weight loss, and overweight is a frequent companion for diabetics.

Jasmine essential oils and tea properties make the drink useful for weight loss

If a person is going through a serious drug treatment, this drink is also recommended for him. What is the benefit of green tea with jasmine in this case? It refers to products that reduce the sensitivity of receptors to the action of allergens. Thanks to it, rashes appear on the skin less often, and the stomach and intestines are less likely to get dysbiosis.

Pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding also benefit from this aromatic drink. It relieves tension nervous system, muscle spasms, increases lactation, improves mood.

Harm from green tea with jasmine can be experienced by people with individual intolerance, as well as patients with stomach ulcers and exacerbation of chronic gastritis. Otherwise, the doors of every home should be open for tea.

How to cook and brew correctly

How to brew jasmine tea? The technology is absolutely simple and is based only on the characteristics of the type of tea leaf itself. brewed with water, the temperature of which varies from 65 to 80°C, Chinese green – 85-90°C, black – 99-100°C. Dwelling time is also important. To prevent white and green tea from becoming too tart and bitter, infuse it for 30 seconds to 2-3 minutes. Black can sit for 5 minutes.

If you brew mono tea from jasmine flowers, then take 1 tsp for 1 glass of boiling water. dried raw materials. At home, you can brew a drink from the flowers of garden mock orange, which is mistakenly middle lane called jasmine.

To do this, flowers are collected in the morning on a hot day, dried in a ventilated area and added to a container with black or green tea. After a few days, you can already brew a cup of aromatic drink, although its smell will be less intense than that of a good Chinese product.

How to make a flavored tea product at home using technology close to Chinese? The recipe is simple. It is necessary to disassemble the freshly collected flower material into petals and mix with the tea leaves. The mixture is left in a dry room without foreign odors until the mock orange dries and permeates the tea leaves with its aroma. This may take a week, the main thing is not to forget to stir the mixture. Next, the aromatic tea is collected in jars for storage.

Jasmine tea is as popular a product as bergamot tea. They have many fans, they are widely known throughout the world and have an additional list of useful properties. The main thing is to buy a truly natural and high-quality product.

Now on the shelves of supermarkets and small shops you can find many of the most different products. Including green tea with jasmine, beloved by many, is not uncommon - the benefits and harms of this drink are already known to scientists, so you don’t have to worry about your health if you take into account all its properties. It helps to cheer you up in the morning, puts you in a positive mood and gives incredible concentration and calm. In addition, this tea has a pleasant, refined aroma, which has already won many fans. However, you should also take into account the fact that this drink can be harmful if you do not take into account its features and contraindications.

Properties of green tea with jasmine

Green tea useful in itself. And in combination with jasmine it acquires an extraordinary aroma and new qualities.


The beneficial properties of high-quality green tea with jasmine are due to its rich chemical composition drink It includes more than a hundred essential micro- and macroelements, amino acids and vitamins. Thanks to this, the drink helps improve health across a number of indicators.

Improved immunity

First of all, it protects against potential diseases, strengthening the body's resistance. In addition, green jasmine tea prevents the development oncological diseases.

Cardiovascular protection

The beneficial effects of tea also extend to the heart and blood vessels. Firstly, tea contains caffeine, but in the so-called light form. Thus, the heart is protected from harmful influences, but at the same time you feel a surge of strength. And the beneficial substances contained in the drink help reduce blood pressure, cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol and prevent the development of atherosclerosis, thrombosis and heart attack.

Keeping your figure

Green tea with jasmine promotes better absorption of food and burns excess fat. It also improves the metabolic process, and this in turn is an excellent aid for weight loss.

Impact on the emotional background

With regular, reasonable consumption of green tea with jasmine, you will gradually experience improvements not only physically, but also in emotional level. It helps cope with the syndrome very well chronic fatigue, relieves insomnia and anxiety. Thanks to this drink, you can easily concentrate on the necessary things.


If you like green tea with jasmine, its benefits and harms should be known to you. There are not many contraindications for the drink, but they do exist. Mainly, you must remember that you should not drink it on an empty stomach. If you are trying to lose weight, then follow a low-calorie diet, but under no circumstances replace food with tea. The fact is that it increases the acidity of the stomach, which can lead not only to increased appetite, but also to the development various diseases. Best time for tea drinking - 15 - 20 minutes after eating.

Jasmine slightly reduces the invigorating properties of green tea, since its flowers have a calming effect. However, drinking such a drink before bed is still not recommended. You risk lying without sleep for up to several hours.

Among other things, green tea with jasmine has contraindications for health reasons, although there are very few of them. In particular, in case of exacerbations of gastrointestinal disorders, especially ulcerative ones, you should definitely consult a doctor. And in most cases you will get a ban on drinking the drink. Allergies or individual intolerances are also possible here. Therefore, if you have such a predisposition, analyze your well-being during the first tasting.

has many fans due to the mass of beneficial properties and unique flavor and aromatic characteristics, the drink must be consumed taking into account the recommendations of nutrition experts

Before you try green tea with jasmine for the first time, the benefits and harms of which are described in this article, you should first understand how to prepare it correctly. But even earlier you need to buy a high-quality real product. To do this, choose tea not in bags, but loose, large-leaf tea. Make sure there are no artificial flavors. If you buy tea in bulk in specialized stores, you will be able to appreciate it appearance and aroma.

Making the drink is quite simple. In general, the procedure is identical to traditional tea brewing. But there are also some subtleties here. So, you should not use boiling water, but hot water approximately 80 - 90 degrees. To do this, turn off the kettle when it boils and wait 1 - 2 minutes (keep in mind that most coolers maintain this temperature). Next, simply fill the tea leaves with water at the rate of 1 tsp. per cup and in 3 minutes the aromatic drink will be ready.

Green tea with jasmine has delicate taste, so you don’t have to add sugar to it; the drink is good on its own. Enjoy it any time before lunch and stick to reasonable limits. Remember that the benefits of any product can turn out to be harmful if consumed in excessive quantities.

Green tea with jasmine is a magnificent drink made from dried leaves of the tea bush with the addition of fragrant jasmine inflorescences. It is thanks to jasmine flowers that this tea has an exquisite taste and delicate aroma. Jasmine is an aphrodisiac, whose incredible healing power was first appreciated in China.

There the tradition of supplementing tea with fragrant jasmine petals arose. Chinese healers believed that jasmine helps men become more resilient, and allows women to reveal their special sensuality.
We will look at the most popular variety of jasmine tea - jasmine green tea.

Benefits of jasmine tea

The main component of jasmine tea is caffeine. It helps to improve brain performance, gives vigor and strength. Jasmine tea contains more mild form- theine. That is, by enjoying green tea with jasmine, you get all the benefits of coffee, but without the risk of problems associated with the cardiovascular system.

The healing properties of jasmine tea are explained primarily by the vitamin and mineral composition of the drink.

About 7% of the composition is minerals and vitamins and about 25% is vegetable proteins.

As for the nutritional value of jasmine tea, in terms of this indicator it is compared with legumes, and in terms of the amount of vitamins and their balance - with citrus fruits. Jasmine tea can also contain acids (benzoic, salicylic, formic), essential oils, efengols, alkaloids. In addition, tea contains polyphenol and tannin, which are known to dissolve proteins well, providing the body with the necessary amount of amino acids. List useful substances The composition of healing jasmine tea can be continued endlessly.

Medicinal properties

  1. The union of jasmine flowers and green tea is an excellent antidepressant. Tea helps calm you down in stressful situations and improves your mood.
  2. When taken regularly, green tea with jasmine stimulates brain function.
  3. Tea with jasmine will awaken sensuality and sexuality in a woman and help restore reproductive functions. It will give a man a surge of strength and increase efficiency.
  4. Jasmine tea has a preventive effect against cancer.
  5. This tea is also will relieve insomnia. If you drink healing tea with jasmine regularly, you will easily wake up in the morning and calmly fall asleep on time.
  6. Helps get rid of excess cholesterol in the blood.
  7. Green Jasmine significantly alleviates colds, as it saturates the body with beneficial microelements and vitamins.
  8. Also this healing tea helps normalize blood pressure.
  9. Antioxidants in its composition promote faster breakdown of fat deposits, as well as the removal of toxins from the body.

How to collect and dry jasmine for tea

The process of creating jasmine tea is very labor-intensive and consists of several stages.

  1. Collection. Collecting jasmine begins in July and ends in October, however, the best flowers those collected in the summer months are considered. These flowers have been fully saturated with the sun's warmth and light, so they are much more fragrant and fragrant than later collections.

In addition, it is better to collect jasmine at night or very early in the morning, because it is during this period of time that jasmine flowers emit the greatest aroma and accumulate a lot of essential oil.

  1. Drying. After the collection is completed, the jasmine flowers are carefully laid out and dried. You can do it like this in a natural way, and using the oven - at a temperature of 45 degrees.
  2. Creating a Mixture. Once the jasmine flowers have dried, they are mixed with tea leaves, which have also been previously collected and dried.
  3. Aromatization. Next, the resulting mixture is flavored. This is done in two ways. The mixture is processed thermally or flavored naturally by storing flowers and tea leaves together. The tea leaf has the ability to absorb jasmine aroma and retain it for a very long time.

This technology is valid for purchased Chinese green teas with jasmine. And when independently collecting and brewing, the aromatization stage can be neglected.

It is better to store the mixture in glass containers in a dark place.

Varieties of green jasmine tea

Most popular varieties Hua Zhen Luo, Jasmine Dragon Pearl, Fen Yang (Phoenix Eye), Jasmine White Monkey, Jasmine Jade Butterfly, Green Jasmine are considered jasmine teas.

Taste of tea Hua Zhen Luo combines the tenderness of jasmine petals and highest quality elite variety of green tea. Hua Zhen Luo tea leaves have a bizarre curl shape that slowly unfurls when brewed. This tea has a positive effect on emotional state and effectively removes toxins.

Distinctive feature Jasmine Jade Butterfly is a very soft, sophisticated aroma. Green tea leaves rolled in an interesting way so that each leaf, unfolding during brewing, resembles the wings of a small butterfly.

Fen Yang- high-quality tea with a powerful tonic and rejuvenating effect. This variety received its name for the similarity of the shape of tea leaves with the eyes of the mythical Phoenix bird, which brings love and mutual understanding according to Chinese beliefs.

Moly Hua Long Zhu(Jasmine Dragon Pearl) is a wonderful naturally flavored tea. The raw materials for this tea are rolled, giving each leaf the shape of a small ball, resembling a pearl. This tea is incredibly healthy; it will quickly invigorate you, lift your spirits and relieve stress.

Tea Jasmine White Monkey It has a tart flavor with a slight hint of grapes. This jasmine tea is very popular in winter as it has the ability to have a warming effect.

How to brew

To brew green tea and enjoy a truly excellent taste and aroma, you will have to follow strict recommendations.

First, let's prepare everything you need.

  1. Water. Always take the choice of water for brewing tea seriously, because the taste and aroma of the drink largely depends on the quality of the water. Use water from natural sources or bottled water.
  2. Gaiwan. To prepare jasmine tea, use gaiwan. This is the name given to a special porcelain cup with a lid designed for brewing tea. Of course, you can use an ordinary glass glass.
  3. Welding. It is important to maintain the correct proportions here. For one hundred and fifty milliliters of water you will need three grams of tea.

Well, is everything ready? Let's brew our tea.

This brewing method is also valid for independent procurement jasmine at home.

Tie Guan Yin is a large-leaf tea that is rich in nutrients and delights even avid tea drinkers with its unique aroma. We will teach you how to brew Tie Guan Yin so that it can reveal all the facets of its taste and retain its beneficial properties.

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Possible harm

Jasmine can only cause harm if its decoction is consumed pure form, that is, if you brew not tea with jasmine, but just jasmine alone. The consequence may be a serious allergic reaction. If you combine jasmine with green tea, then side effects are unlikely and will appear only in case of individual intolerance. However, this option is also possible, especially for people with a tendency to allergic reactions.


  • Green tea Should not be taken by hypotensive patients and people suffering from gastritis and ulcers.
  • It is recommended to avoid drinking jasmine tea before going to bed. You simply won't be able to sleep. Invigorating tea with jasmine will give you strength and energy, and certainly will not help you fall asleep.
  • Don't drink jasmine tea to satisfy your hunger. After this drink you will have a real appetite!
  • Women during pregnancy and during breastfeeding before drinking this type of tea You should consult your doctor first.

Jasmine tea is a great drink that not only pleases with its amazing taste and aroma, but is also able to express its healing properties. Jasmine tea - great option for tea connoisseurs or people who care about their health.

Video for reference - brewing Green Jasmine:

  • 1 The alluring aroma of jasmine tea
  • 2 Useful properties
  • 3 Contraindications
  • 4 How to brew

A mug of jasmine tea will warm and soothe, bringing peace. Which jasmine tea is healthier and free of artificial flavors?

The enticing aroma of jasmine tea

Is it possible to give regular tea a pleasant aroma and sweet taste without the use of artificial flavors and sweeteners? Of course, add jasmine petals to your usual brew! Jasmine tea is created on the basis of black or green, adding flower petals to it.

Jasmine – evergreen shrub with yellowish-white or red flowers. When flowering, it spreads a strong but delicate scent around itself. In China, jasmine bushes bloom from May to November; the best flowers for tea are those collected in summer - they are more fragrant and rich in color. After collection, the petals are laid out to dry.

Dried jasmine is mixed with primary processed tea leaves in the required proportion. The resulting mixture is then processed in one of two ways:

  • heated - subjected to heat treatment at high temperature(in the oven or in the sun);
  • cooled - placed in a cold place with a certain level of humidity for a period of several days to 3-4 months.

The first method is fast and cheap, but the resulting tea has only a slight aroma. The second method is long and labor-intensive, but retains more beneficial properties in the tea leaves, which absorb the maximum amount of jasmine scent. After processing, jasmine petals are removed by machine sorting or manually; manual labor increases the quality and cost of the drink. Certain varieties of jasmine tea are packaged with petals - this drink is beautiful when brewed in a transparent container, where you can observe the flowers unfolding in the water.

Useful properties

High-quality green and black tea in itself is very beneficial for the body, and combining it with other plants can enhance certain of its characteristics. Jasmine was no exception - the beneficial properties of this shrub have long been used in herbal medicine. Thanks to the addition of fragrant petals, jasmine tea acquires invigorating and toning properties. It will help you wake up and give you a lasting boost of energy in the morning, but will not increase the load on your body. cardiovascular system. The drink improves your mood, because in Chinese medicine, jasmine is a powerful regulator of energy metabolism, which helps to achieve a state of happiness.

  • A pleasant property of jasmine tea is its ability to soothe with its scent. It affects the thalamus of the brain, helping to relieve emotional stress and stress. Natural essential oils relax, but do not put you to sleep. Tea also reduces high blood pressure - to do this, drink it without sugar.
  • Natural sweet taste determines another sought-after property of jasmine tea - helping with weight loss. The drink reduces the feeling of hunger and the number of calories consumed, because it does not require sweeteners. Tea accelerates fat burning, removes toxins and waste, and improves the appearance of the skin.
  • Jasmine tea has properties that reduce the risk of developing cancer. Chinese scientists have discovered that phytoncides in the drink prevent the formation cancer cells. It also reduces cholesterol levels, strengthens and cleanses blood vessels.
  • Raising body temperature is a property of jasmine tea that is especially useful in cold weather. A mug of the drink will warm you up after freezing and help you cope with a cold, but only at normal body temperature; if it is elevated, you should limit your consumption of jasmine.
  • Jasmine infusions also have a beneficial effect on the intestines - they normalize its functioning: in case of constipation, they will establish regular bowel movements, and, on the contrary, in case of upset, they will strengthen it. Despite the obvious benefits of jasmine tea, do not forget that it also has contraindications.
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