Wooden gates with their own hands. Do-it-yourself wooden gate in the country Do-it-yourself wooden gate drawings

The most common type of gates are swing gates. They were used in antiquity, protecting houses and fortresses from the penetration of outsiders. AT this moment automatic models are becoming popular, but swing structures are also in demand. They can be found at industrial enterprises, warehouses and bases, as well as in cottages. They are usually made of wood, corrugated board, metal mesh. Currently, gates are made exclusively of wood. almost never meet. After all, they are bulky and unreliable. They can sag and warp. The most reliable and durable are wooden structures with a metal base. They have an attractive, cozy look and do not look as strict and formal as, for example, structures made of corrugated board or mesh. In addition, the metal frame for the gate is cost-effective. Such designs combine simplicity and the possibility of implementing any design ideas.

The most common type of gates are swing gates. They are usually made of wood, corrugated board, metal mesh.

Features of wood frame

The frame of swing gates with wooden sheathing must be strong. Its type is chosen based on the requirements for the future appearance of the gate, as well as their specifications. Such gates, due to the large weight, have a large leaf inertia.

On average, a frame for swing gates has the following parameters: width - 2-5 m, height - 1.5-3 m. The gate can be located on the left, right or absent. The framework for gate with a wooden covering is made of profile pipes. The size of the profile section is selected based on the size of the gate leaves.

The ideal pipe wall thickness is 2 mm.

Pipes with a smaller wall thickness make the structure fragile, with a larger one they become too heavy, which increases the weight of the structure.

Swing gate design: 1 - Rigid metal frame, 2 - Sheathing (corrugated board), 3 - Racks (pipe 60x30), 4 - Hinges, 5 - Latch.

Frame posts for swing gates are usually made of shaped pipes. The length of the poles depends on the method of installation and can be up to 4 meters. The size of the section is determined by the mass of the leaves and the method of attaching the frame to the fence. It is attached to the ground with the help of long stops-clamps.

When making a frame for swing gates with wooden sheathing, it should be remembered that wood tends to gain and release moisture. Therefore, you should not fasten wooden structures directly to metal. It is best to do this according to the “metal to metal, wood to wood” scheme. You can either order a frame for a gate from a construction company or make it yourself.

Do-it-yourself assembly and installation of a gate frame

If you decide to assemble the metal frame yourself, you will need the following tools:

  • welding machine;
  • electrodes and mask for welding;
  • grinders with discs of different diameters;
  • drill;
  • tape measure and pencil;
  • self-tapping screws.

Required materials:

  • square profile pipes 60x40x2 and 40x20x2;
  • loops.

First you will need to calculate the size of the frame for the gate, taking into account the distance between the leaves and between the post and the leaf for the hinges. Then you need to cut the profile pipe into pieces of the size you need. For the manufacture of the base of the sash, we use a pipe with dimensions of 60 × 40x2, for internal supports - a pipe with dimensions of 40 × 20x2. Then you need to prepare a place where they will be made welding work. You can use any surface for this. The main thing is that they are even.

Typical gate. First you will need to calculate the size of the frame for the gate, taking into account the distance between the leaves and between the post and the leaf for the hinges.

Now we proceed directly to the assembly of the frame. Having folded and fixed the existing pipe sections and installed the internal spacers, we check the correct dimensions and diagonals. Then we weld all pipe joints, after which we clean the welds. It is best to do this before installing the pillars, because. thus it is easier to adjust the dimensions and it is more convenient to install the hinges. For these purposes, garage hinges with bearings are most suitable. Once all the structural elements are interconnected, you need to weld the eyes for the lock and the valve. After you are convinced that the installation is done correctly, you should proceed with the priming and painting of the structure. After the paint has dried, we sheathe the frame with wood.

It can take from several hours to two days to install the gate frame. Although the assembly of this design is simple, it must be carried out strictly according to the instructions in compliance with all safety measures.

Good afternoon, today I will tell you about all-all ways of making gates with your own hands. In this article, we will make swing WOODEN gates ... But I also told in the same detail about metal gates - in a special article Metal gates - 50 photo ideas (from forging to metal profile).

So... today you will find out ALL SECRETS... and all principles... and nuances of how to make a wooden gate yourself - from scratch - without any skills in this area. Generally! That is, you can be a green newlywed student ... or a novice summer-pensioner ... or a pampered city lady who inherited a village house ... yes, anyone. If you need a NEW GATE for a summer residence or a garden ... then ... my article is designed just for TO TEACH you to brilliantly make any gates- at least for themselves, at least for sale to neighbors ... Believe me, appreciating your skill, the neighbors themselves will come running to you with a desire to buy the same gate model (... and what, a good summer cottage business ... and fun at the same time).

Now let's get down to business... Making and installing gates - who knows, maybe this will be your new profession ... with my light hand.

Here is what we will do:

  • Wooden RAIL gates ON THE FRAME (several types)
  • Wooden FRAME gates (with sheathing or crate)
  • Wooden GATES-PORTALS (with pergola-crate)
  • Wooden gates with ROUND ARCHES (designer and simple)

Yes, yes, all this you WILL WANT and BE ABLE to do it yourself… After you read this article…

So, let's go ... Chapter One ... Let's start with a simple one (so as not to frighten off faith in the success of the gate project) ...

Wooden garden gates - RAIL (i.e. from rails, boards)

Everyone and everywhere saw such gates ... in old movies about village life ... in my barefoot childhood at my grandmother's summer vacation expanse ... at my friends' dacha.

These gates are called FRAME gates ... because. they have a FRAME-HOLDER on which the laths of the RATING are stuffed.

That is, this is the SIMPLE MODEL of a gate for a summer residence or a garden - which consists of two parts - a FRAME ... and PADDING RAILS.

Here in the picture (above and below) we see a standard gate WithZ frame. That is, first we do frame in the shape of a letterZ, and then we stuff 6-8 wide or narrow slats (boards) on it. The hinges for hanging the gate to the pole are attached to the horizontal beams of the "letter Z" of our frame.
As you can see (in the photo below) ... on the sides of the gate you can attach NOT RAILES ... but THICKER BARS ... for the solidity of the product.

Hinged hinges may be different - the main thing when choosing loops is ACCOUNT FOR THE LOAD that these loops will carry. The heavier the gate you made, the stronger the fastening loops should be. Hinged gates are called swing gates ... because they swing open, i.e. open to one side.

Here one more option THE SAME principle of creating a rack gate (on a frame in the shape of the letter z)

But with ONE DIFFERENCE... here are the padding rails different lengths... in the center is longer, shorter towards the edges.

And it turns out beautiful wave along the top edge of the gate.

Or... look on the photo of the gate below - what an interesting addition invented here !!! Alternating low and high rails ...

By the way - the frame here is ordinary (not the letter Z), but just two slats from the bottom and top (- this is done for beauty, so as not to distract attention from the original crate)

... And it's worth it ... look how interesting the CRATE is made ...

The slats go CLOSE to each other - they are stuffed WITHOUT SLICES ...

but ... ALTERNATE long and short ...

THAT is we for crates we prepare 2 GROUPS OF RAILSLONG group and SHORT group... And we do it this way - that inside our group the slats are also not the same in length (one central is the longest, next to it 2 are shorter, further 2 are shorter ... and so on to the edges.

RAIL PACKING we do WITH ALTERNATED groups… and sizes.... that is, CLOSER TO THE EDGES we fill slightly shortened slats ... and CLOSER TO THE CENTER a little longer.
As you can see... little change...(the designer just played with the long rails) - and what a beauty it turned out.

And now let's talk about the frame - for such RAIL FRAME GATES.

As we already understood...

... A FRAME for our country gate may look like not only in the shape of a letterZ

Here are the pictures of the gates below - we see what can be done another frame for stuffing rails. Hourglass shaped... or triangle shaped… any frame silhouette will be correct. The main thing is that he fulfills his task - he holds the nailed boards of the crate.
Therefore, you can come up with your own frame shape (and this and that will be correct). Nothing limits your imagination. It all depends on what cuts of beams were found in your yard ... and how heavy your metal hinged hinges for the future gate will withstand ... (the more beams on the frame, the heavier the weight of the finished gate will be).

Here - in fact, you have already learned how to make a frame gate ...

… AND IF YOU WANT TO MAKE THIS wicket and swing GATES - IN THE SINGLE STYLE, then here is a photo idea for you ... (gate, gate and fence - everything made by the hands of a reasonable person)

Front view (beautiful)

Rear view - so that you understand what kind of frame is at the gate here ... see? The curved cross beams… very pretty.
(don't be scared bent beam shapes in the frame ... we will now smoothly approach this)

And here's something else I wanted to add about frame wooden gates ...

If your entrance portal to the courtyard is TOO WIDE, then the swing gate can be wide, double-leaf ... Consist of two halves swinging open in different directions. Here is a close-up photo of her, whoever needs it will come in handy.

now we will talk about the FRAME frame for gates ...


Let's see how this is done FRAME GATE on the specific example from the photo of the gate below. I even draw assembly diagram such a gate - because the visibility in the pictures is always clearer than just "a lot of beeches".

Such a gate is made according to the principle -

  • knocked down a RAM from the bars ...
  • filled the frame with CASING or crate (from boards, slats, plywood)

The connection of the bars can be SCREWED ... long screws are screwed obliquely ... at an angle.

OR… you can connect the bars of the gate in the GROOVE-PIN way… The bars in their barrel have HOLES-GROOVES (recesses)… and at their ends I have EARS-PINS - the lugs are driven into the grooves (with a wooden hammer) and due to this, the frame elements are fastened.

On the diagram of the stages of ASSEMBLY OF SUCH A FRAME GATE - we see at the vertical bars of the upper crate - these very ears ... with them they are inserted into the holes on the bottom beam - and the upper beam of the frame is put on them (with their drilled grooves-holes falling into the ears of the crate bars).

Surely you are interested STEP 3… you probably have a question: “And what are these pins sticking out on the beams? And where can I get them?

I WILL TELL. We will fasten these beams in the same way - how the balusters are attached wooden stairs (gee-gee, you don’t know what balusters are?) These are the same sticks that are driven into the stairs at one end and into the railings at the other - they consist of stair railing which prevents children from falling down flights of stairs)
Here they look like ... on the example of this carved BEAMS-BAULUSTER ... (by the way, at your gate, too, no one forbids you to use NOT SIMPLE ... but CARVED crate frames - it will be generally super).

So, these are the baluster beams are fastened with the PIN METHOD… Here's how to do it yourself. We need a plump drill ... and the same thickness of trimming a wooden stick (this will be the pins) (hmm, even for this role simple pencils made of solid wood will fit, they will hold very well).

So, stocked up with a drill and pins ... we begin the process. At the end of our future beam-rails - we drill a hole of such thickness that our wooden stick-pin crawled through tightly. We drill to such a depth - so that this stick only partially fits there, 2-5 cm is enough ... and so that 2-5 cm of the stick remains sticking out ...

And in this way, having put on pins on the beams of the crate ... and holes on the beam of the wicket frame, ... we will fasten the BEAMS of the battens to the FRAME of the gate.

As you can see, everything is simple. According to the laws of mechanical physics (to increase the strength, you can smear the pins with any wood glue).

Approximately BY THE SAME TECHNOLOGY these gates are made from the photo below ...

That is, you can think of their designsthe main thing is to follow a single principle A FRAME IS NEEDED ... and ITS FILLING is needed (in the form of a crate with a board or a lath ... or in the form of plywood sheathing)

And WHAT THE FRAME WILL BE for the form is up to you ...

See how simple it really is...

You take and do - only 2 steps ... 1) Made the FRAME… 2) Made it FILLING. And everything is ready - drill holes, hang your new gate on the hinges ... And call the neighbors to grab ...

And then .. and swing gates can be made according to the same principle of FRAME FRAME + LATTICES and SHELLING ... Beauty ... And simplicity ...

A hinged GATE can have a FRAME OF ANY FORM...

Even arched with graceful curves ... and lopsided (with an oblique slope of the upper part) ... Like here, for example (photo of the gate below).

The bent elements of the FRAME (for the frame of the gate) were cut out of a wide thick board (or wide beam) - with an ordinary circular saw.

Here's another version of a FRAME GATE with BENT bars... If you can order such bent bar elements, then the shape of your gate can become more interesting...

Or such a BENT FORM can be just CUT FROM A WIDE AND THICK BOARD... Draw on the board with a pencil the rounded outlines of the future (right and left) frame - and cut it out with a circular saw. Then assemble the frame- from three elements - two bent side and one lower straight beam.

Inside the frame - we insert the frame from the MID BEAM ... two CROSSED BEAM. Filling the lower part of the wicket frame plywood sheathing(we just fill a sheet of plywood) ... and fill the upper part with a beautiful diagonal lathing from slats.

Or here's another COMPLETELY ROUNDED GATE ...

Yes, I agree, this gate in the photo below is made of metal (those who carefully looked at the photo noticed) ... BUT ... what prevents us from making the same model of a wooden gate. Bars ... slats ... yes please !!! There would be pens with a hammer ... yes, eyes with a twinkle ...

Hint for those with an idea- semicircular elements of the crate ... we cut out with a jigsaw from a sheet of plywood ... we draw such "arcs are not very wide" and cut them out with a jigsaw as in labor lessons at school ... And the upper arc-shaped beam ... we cut not from thin plywood ... and from a thick board, with a circular saw.

The filling of the wicket frame can be FULL (i.e. without holes)…

For example, you can just stab wooden frame- HORIZONTAL boards ... (as in the photo below) ...

Or board it DIAGONALLY with boards ... now I will tell you point by point how such a gate is made ...

  1. We make a frame for the gate - we make it from bars (it can be rectangular, it can be with a rounded top)
  2. A narrow rail is stuffed to the inner barrels of the frame ... firmly, firmly ... stuffed at an angle.
  3. And then on this inner narrow river - a board is stuffed AN OBSOLETE ... moreover, it is stuffed on both sides of the gate - from the front and from the wrong side. So that there are no holes ... we fill the board with slats WITH GAPS between the boards 2 times narrower than the width of the board itself ... Thanks to this, the back, wrong side stuffing of the board will completely cover these slots (made by the front board).

Or you can fill at the bottom with plywood... top - butt-to-butt boards ... and for beauty on bottom sheet plywood sheathing fill a thin lath - in the form of a diagonal lattice-pattern. And paint it one color.

DON'T BE AFRAID…. Do it. The picture is clear ... in fact, it's simple.

You can start with the simplest options ... Everything will work out ... and you will be proud of yourself - so skillful and skilled (oh yes, the guy, snap it up !!!)

And also ... if you have extra money ... or a familiar blacksmith, well done ... then such a FRAME gate can be supplemented with forging elements ... That is, in the crate of the gate, use NOT WOODEN BALUSTERS ... but metal fence - forged or welded. Here is how it is done in the photo of the gate below.

And we continue...



Portal to another world... Oh! how beautiful and promising it sounds... But really your territory ... your garden ... this is a different world, with an atmosphere of comfort and hospitality that you and your family have created yourself.

So why not make a gate in the form of a PORTAL to happiness ...

The easiest option is in the photo below. It looks good if there are tall bushes nearby ... lush trees ... or a plant creeping along the portal.

And in the photo below we see how small arc-shaped wire frame thrown between the left and right support pillars of the gate. A wildly blooming bindweed is specially thrown over this iron wire pergola - and a beautiful portal strewn with flowers is created ... The gate opens and, passing under the flowery vault, we feel a wonderful aroma.

More ... the entrance portal to the garden can be arranged in the shape of a PERGOLA…(a pergola is a column that supports a crate of beams). On the site "Family Handful" I devoted several articles to these wonderful structures ... see . Pergolas - how to make your own SIMPLE LESSONS.

This is how here - 4 beams on the left and on the right - they hold two horizontal beams ... a crate of boards is stuffed on them. The gate can be any (in the photo below we see a forged gate)

And here is another version of the PERGOLA-PORTAL ...

There’s nothing wrong here either ... it’s just something awful in appearance ...

but in reality… at a look-X-ray… we see that here…

  • ... 2 powerful thick beams each hold a BEAM WITH SLOTS ... there are three slots ... (the beam-column holds this beam with the help of an ordinary metal paw-thrust - there they are black with 4 screws in the photo)
  • 3 horizontal boards are inserted into the slot ...
  • and on top of the boards there is a stuffing-crate with thick slats.

All! Finished!

Your son has already built this from Lego ... and your designer will be larger, and that's the whole difference.

The scheme, as you can see, is not complicated (drawing of the 9th grade). They took a friend to help and muddied grandiose project... And a gate (note, a frame one) - we already know how to do (we just learned).

And here is another model of a gate for a summer residence - with a canopy roof ... it is a little overgrown with bindweed ... but through the green foliage you can see what is here ....

  • support columns… 2 on the left and 2 on the right…
  • We put a beam on each pair of columns - a left beam and a right beam.
  • On these side bars - we put the roof on... the drawing of the roof-canopy will be in the form two silhouettes of the letter-A, knocked together from beams. Such beam beeches-A need 2 pieces (rear frame and front frame) which are interconnected by a beam - the ends of which are nailed to the tops of these beeches A.

And the model of the gate from the first lesson of our article is an ordinary frame in the form of the letter Z - and a crate with a board - which was then (after stuffing on the frame) cut out with a saw in a semicircle. It turned out very soft.

Wooden gates WITH ARCH VOD…

And here is another variation of the design of frame gates for the garden ... This is when the SUPPORT PILLARS of our gate - continue upward - forming arched bend.

That is, we made a gate ... installed support pillars ... hung it on the gate (with metal hinges) ... and we live ... And suddenly we wanted to add something ... And we decide to make an ARCHED Vault ...

On a thick board (the same thickness as the supporting pillars), draw the halves of the arc - cut them out - fasten one common arc together - and install it on the support pillars - one edge of the arc on one pillar - the second on the other pillar. The fastening of the elements of the arc can be done by the same GROOVE-PIN METHOD (which I spoke about above in this article).

Here are some more variations on the same theme...
A) a gray gate - here we insert the arc between the supporting pillars of the gate - and we sit down and fix it on the screws. And we also cut out the boardwalk of the gate itself according to a round stencil.

B) green gate - to the arched structure of the supporting pillars WE ADD PILLARS HOLDING A PERGOLA ... along which a green vine winds.

Usually these hedges are always made of bricks.(this is the most economical material) ... and then either plastered ... and painted in a color you like. Nearby you can hang a flashlight(very cozy and fabulous) ... and be sure to have more greenery around - there will be effect of an old italian house.

Or the facade of such a brick arch-hedge is tiled with stone imitating tiles.

And yet ... wooden gates can be made from UNPROCESSED WOOD ... or rather, processed by time ... and not by a carpentry machine


If you live in an area rich in windbreak and dead wood, then you don’t have to go far for the material for the gate.
Here are some gentle design things you can do for your garden...
Precisely as garden gate I offer this option. For the front part of the house, such a gate, of course, will not work ... but for a corner of peace and quiet, for a lushly overgrown corner of your hacienda, such a gate will be very useful (if this is permissible by the general design intent of your garden).

And here is an example of a gate made of the same twigs.

That's all for today ... That's how many wooden swing gates we made today - in our minds ... It remains only to do it with our own hands now - in life.

I really hope that this article has given you COURAGE and the itch of a CREATIVE EXPERIMENT.

Now the spirit of the JOINER is sitting in you. It's time to go looking for the right timbers and boards for your idea... or vice versa to push the birth of an idea from the materials available.

And she wrote (and in some places drew) this article - a woman.

Because ... only a woman can inspire a man to create beauty. What I actually did these two days for 16 hours.
So go and create (and I will go and finally sing ...)

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site

Take care of family heaps ... These are your legs and arms.
These are your ears and eyes ... and a source of warmth and affection.

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And you want to thank for this painstaking work of a free author,
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The simplest and most trouble-free gates are swing gates, and the very first material that was used for them was wood. Wooden gates can be made by hand or ordered from a carpenter. They are ideal for giving with a wooden fence or a private house.

Such a product will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than metal (with the exception of corrugated board products) or any other materials. Of course, if you do not add expensive decorative elements and do not use precious woods.

Classic wooden gate

Types of wooden gates

Gates and gates made of wood can be made in the following ways to set the board in the form:

      • chess;
    • picket fence;
  • solid solid fence.

Wood sheathing for a fence or gate can be made using a wooden or metal frame, on which a board is attached in the selected order.

According to the opening mechanism for giving, they usually choose the simplest option: a swing structure. But in the conditions of the city for a private house, due to lack of space, they sometimes opt for retractable ones. Less popular, but possible, are lifting gate structures made of wood. They are usually used for garages.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden gates

Through the use natural material- wood - gates, gates and a fence from it have the following advantages:

    • environmental friendliness;
    • aesthetic appeal;
    • ease of processing;
    • can be made by hand;
    • low price;
    • not subject to corrosion;
    • the material is malleable: it is possible to carve, draw a pattern;
    • relatively small weight;
    • ease of operation.

Wooden gates, gates and fences also have some disadvantages:

    • fragility compared to metal;
    • it is necessary to treat with impregnations from bugs and moisture every 3-5 years, depending on the wood used and compositions;
    • the need to update paint or varnish;
    • harmoniously looks only with a wooden, brick or stone fence;
    • they are not as durable as metal ones (with the exception of the use of cedar or larch, which greatly increase the cost of the entire structure).

Despite the above disadvantages, gates, fences and gates made of wood remain the most popular as a fence for giving. First of all, because you can even make wooden gates with your own hands from old boards. But in this case, the design will not be too durable and will require more attention and time to care for it. In particular, it will be necessary to re-paint almost every year.

How to make a wooden gate yourself

Now let's look at how to make a wooden gate in the form of a picket fence, what is the sequence of actions, what tools and materials will be needed and what you should definitely pay attention to.


To work with wood and install ready-made gates, you will need the following tools:

  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • welding machine (if there are metal poles or the profile of the gate itself);
  • level;
  • square;
  • saw, jigsaw;
  • a hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • sanding paper;
  • screws, self-tapping screws, dowels;
  • steel screws 6-7 cm for the frame;
  • steel screws 1 and a quarter or 1/5 for mounting the sheathing;
  • shovel.

Necessary materials

Calculation necessary materials must be done on the basis of a preliminary plan (drawing) of the structure. You will definitely need:

    • supporting poles made of wood or metal;
    • profile or bars for the frame;
    • boards;
    • loops;
    • lock.

To give wood a sufficiently high strength and ensure its long operation, use stains, varnish, bug impregnations, moisture-proofing and fire-fighting impregnations.

support poles

If you are planning to make a small wooden gate with your own hands for a summer residence with doors up to 1.2 meters high and a wooden profile, then, perhaps, the usual posts of your fence will withstand them. But it is better to play it safe and prepare support pillars especially for the gate. For this, wooden beams of 50-70 mm or a metal profile from 15 cm are enough. They will need to be dug in, or better - concreted, at a depth of 1-1.2 meters from ground level. Distances must be observed very clearly. Be sure to check how flat your structure is with a level and a square or a plumb line!

Be sure to pour crushed stone and sand into the hole for the support post - this will reduce the effect of moisture and make the structure more reliable. When using a tree, the beam should be installed down with the upper part of the tree, and the support post must be closed from above with a lid (cap) so that moisture does not get not only from below, but also from above.

Gate leaf manufacturing

The easiest way to trim a wooden gate in a country house is a picket fence. To do this, you must first make the frame (frame) of the gate. It can be welded or made from 40-50 mm bars or metal (sometimes sleepers are used for this purpose, but they make the structure very heavy, which should be taken into account at the stage of selecting and installing support pillars). The simplest and most reliable design consists of 3 horizontal stripes, 2 transverse and 2 vertical. Schematically, it looks like this:

Scheme of manufacturing a wooden gate frame

The frame rectangle should be fastened or welded in the case of using metal on a flat surface, referring to the drawing and taking into account the distance between the support posts. Before sheathing, check the evenness of all corners and diagonals.

If you decide to make the gate in the form of a picket fence, before mounting the boards on the frame, lay them out at the same distance. After the final fixing with self-tapping screws, process these places with sandpaper and pay more attention when impregnating and painting with varnish or paint.

Sash installation

Wooden gates, regardless of the chosen design, are fixed in the same way as from any other materials. For example, in the case of a simple swing structure, you have 2 ways:

  1. Hang the gate on the hinges that are already fixed on the supporting posts.
  2. Attach hinges to the support posts that were previously fixed to the gate leaves.

Advice! It is better to install any gate with an assistant!

After installation, treatment with stains, impregnations and painting, it is necessary to proceed to one of the most important parts of the installation of the gate - the installation of the lock. In this article, we will not dwell on this point, since there are a lot of options for closing mechanisms and it is not possible to consider everything. If you cannot figure out the instructions that will come with the kit, order the installation of the lock from a professional, as this is one of the most important points the safety of your property and life.

How to decorate a wooden gate

The most common option for decorating wooden gates, gates and fences for a summer residence or other object is the use of forged metal elements. Attaching them is quite simple, and you can buy ready-made blanks or order something original in any small town.

The second decoration option: carving. This will require woodworking skills or hiring a professional in this matter. Carving can be both more expensive than forging decorations, and cheaper. But unlike metal elements, it does not require additional care and tinting, but looks very elegant and original. True, because of this, it may not be suitable for modern buildings.

The third decoration option: painting with drawing or using several colors. For example, a picket fence painted in two contrasting colors looks very elegant. And on solid gates, you can apply absolutely any pattern at the request of the owner.

The fourth decoration option, which is suitable for wooden fence, but it can hardly be used for a gate or gate even in the country - this is a decoration for living climbing plants(grapes, bindweed, ivy, etc.). Again, perfect suitable option with a picket fence, but sometimes, immediately planning this, the site owners make fences from wood and Rabitz mesh.

Of course, it is absolutely not necessary to somehow decorate the gates and the fence in the country, so if the owner does not want to do this, no one can demand this from him.


Any private property, whether country house or cottage, needs protection. For these purposes, a solid wooden fence is perfect. But what kind of fence will do without a gate? The best entrance for such a fence is wooden swing gates. A handmade product will decorate even the most uncomplicated fence.

Advantages of wooden gates

Almost any type of wood can be used for gates. But the service life different types wood is not much different. Many inexpensive breeds are very durable and will serve as a gate for more than one year.

The best choice for such a product is larch. Conifers are very durable, they have been used in construction for many centuries and only strengthen their position in this area. Larch wood is resistant to decay and moisture.

Despite the low cost and aesthetic appearance, wood has a number of significant drawbacks:

  • low strength;
  • short service life - from 5 years;
  • low fire resistance.

Important! To improve the performance of wood, various techniques can be used, such as: a combination of wood with metal, flame retardant treatment, and so on.

Often, to increase the strength of the gate, their frame is made of metal. This not only improves the performance of wood, but also gives the gate a unique look.


Before marking the material for the gate, it is necessary to measure the place for their installation. Even small discrepancies in size can be fraught with flaws in the operation of the gate. Therefore, all the shortcomings of the fence should be eliminated even before the installation of the gate.

Note! When designing the fence, do not forget to leave a distance between the leaves and the ground. This is necessary for the convenience of operating the gate.

The width of the future gate largely depends on the following factors:

  • Availability and brand of the car. The larger the car, the wider the gate should be. If the garage or car park is located inside the site, then the gate should have a margin of 50-100 cm for maneuvers during arrival and parking.
  • Construction and household plot. If there is a garden on your site and it is actively used, then wide gates will be very useful. Large vehicles are used to deliver fertilizers, seedlings or land. The same applies to the import building materials and technology.
  • Distance from the gate to the road. When building a gate, you need to take into account the distance to the road - if it is large, then the size of the leaves can be unlimited. Otherwise, in the swing state, the gate may interfere with the passage of vehicles.

If you do not know what size of structure is needed for your site - use standard size(3-4 meters).

Material preparation and calculation

When calculating the height of the gate, it is worth starting from the value of 120 cm. The size is considered the minimum. It may vary depending on the height of the fence and other conditions. In addition to the wings, the gate needs supports. Their height must exceed the height of the gate by at least 1 meter. This difference sinks into the ground for structural stability.

For construction, you will need square bars with a cross section of 4 cm or more. They will serve as a frame for future gates. For these purposes, you can use metal, but then you need a drill to make holes. Oak is considered the best material for gate supports - it is one of the strongest and most moisture resistant species.

For sheathing the gate frame, a fence with a cross section of 3 by 5 cm is used. In addition to wood, you will need for the gate:

  • latch or lock (for the gate, if any);
  • lock loops;
  • canopies (the number depends on the design);
  • screws or nails.

It is not necessary to install a lock on the gate - but this will increase the security of the site. To cut the material, a jigsaw will be needed. In addition to it, the following tools will be required for the construction of the gate:

  • drill and screwdriver;
  • plane;
  • level and tape measure.

Most tools can be found in almost everyone's home. The missing elements can be easily rented, this will significantly save on the construction of the gate.

Installation of supports

Before installing the gate supports, the ground must be prepared at the work site. To do this, use a shovel, rake and other garden tools. The soil is dug up to a depth of 20 cm, depending on the soil. During the installation of gate supports, it is necessary to remove large stones and rhizomes of plants. After that, the soil is leveled with a rake. At the places of the supports, landmarks are set - pegs, between which a thread is pulled.

If you install wooden gate supports, they must be impregnated with antiseptic agents before digging in. The part that is immersed in the ground is treated with mastic or resins. This will protect the wood from decay and moisture.

For supports, pits are dug from 1 meter, the depth is considered the minimum for long-term operation. Sand is poured at the bottom of the pits, with a layer of 10 cm, then it is spilled with water and rammed. When the water is slightly absorbed, the support pillars are immersed. They must coincide with each other in height up to 5 mm. The marking of the supports is verified with a water level and a stretched thread. The vertical position of the pillars is checked using a plumb line.

When the pillars are inside the pits, rubble is poured there, with a thickness of 25 cm or more. A concrete solution is poured over the rubble (1 part of cement to 2 parts of sand).

It is inconvenient for one person to carry out the installation of supports. To work did not bring you discomfort - enlist the help of a friend or hire an employee. Even to support the supports during the pouring of cement, the help of another person is needed.

Important! If you are using a very massive gate with metal parts of the structure, it is better to use concrete or brick for supports. Such poles will last much longer than wooden ones.

After the solution has dried, you can proceed with the installation of the sashes. If you are unsure of the strength of the concrete, wait a couple more days. Otherwise, the supports will not withstand the weight of the valves and the concrete will crack.

To give the gates and supports of the fortress, a support beam is attached from above. It serves as a structural stiffener and reduces the load from the wings on the supports.

Gate frame

For creating. the frame must be marked and sawn timber to the size of the opening. The resulting bars are laid out on a flat surface in the shape of a rectangle. The evenness of the edges is checked with a level

Note! The frame of the gate can be made of a metal profile or a steel pipe. But this will require a welding machine.

If you don’t know what sizes and materials to use for gates and supports, watch a video review of a do-it-yourself product:

In the corners of the bars, holes are made with a drill and fastened with dowels, nails or self-tapping screws. For additional strength, steel corners and cross bars are placed in the corners and in the center of the frame. At the point of contact, at the corners, the bars are cut at 45 degrees. Beams are crossed at the corners and fastened with self-tapping screws.

Frame finish

The most creative stage in the creation of the gate is sheathing. It can be made solid or lattice - it all depends on your imagination. The most practical is considered a monolithic mount. But if you want to lighten the design and save material, you can make small gaps between the picket fence.

Note! If you mount the rails at a distance from each other, use a template. For this, another plank or a small plank is suitable.

The slats are attached to the frame so that they look 15-20 cm beyond the borders of future sashes. When all the elements are attached, you can level all the slats to the same level.

Sash installation

The final stage is the fastening of the wings to the supports. For this, ready-made loops are used. One side is applied to the support post, the other to the sash. Details are screwed with self-tapping screws with screw threads. It is better to mark the place of attachment of the hinges in advance, it should be the same on both wings. To reduce the time of immersion of the self-tapping screw, they first make small holes drill.

Following this detailed instructions you can easily make and attach swing gates with your own hands. After installation, the finished product can be coated with stain, paint or varnish.


When a person does something with his own hands, he puts his soul into the work, bringing his own idea to life. Do-it-yourself wooden gates will be no exception, for a house, a summer residence, a garage, and much more.

Why wooden gates are better

How to make wooden gates in the country with your own hands, or what is the advantage of wooden gates. Lots of questions. By and large, the gate can be made from any other material. But wood is much more practical and better and easier to work with. From which tree, to make the gate, does not play a special role. However, there is one point. What kind of wood the boards will be from depends on the longevity of the product.

The most common tree, for such a case, is larch, it belongs to the coniferous family, which in themselves are stable, strong, and durable. And over the years of use, larches, they are more and more attractive to the consumer. Boards from them do not rot, because they are resistant to high humidity.

Yet there are, though not great, disadvantages in the use of wood.

    • Inferior in strength to some other materials.
    • Having served, on average, five years, requires close attention.
    • And of course, he is afraid of fire.

Very often, they give efficiency, for service, with the help of metal inserts. For example, they make a frame out of them. This option is considered not only to increase strength, but also thus give originality to the gate. Also treated with flame retardants.

We draw

Do-it-yourself wooden gates diagram drawings design sketches, just where to start. To do this, carefully measure the place where the gate will be installed. Measurements are taken to the nearest millimeter. All inaccuracies will bring a lot of inconsistencies, and lead to incorrect work. finished product. Therefore, if flaws are noticed in the fence, immediately fix everything.

On a note!

When designing a fence, leave an opening from the leaves to the ground. Then the operation of the gate will be better.

Next, we draw a drawing, with its help all gaps, indents, and other nuances are taken into account. That will make it possible to accurately install wooden swing gates with your own hands. On it we mark everything that is measured. After all, you need to calculate the overall width of the gate, and calculate each leaf.

What you should pay attention to:

    • If you have a car, be sure to take into account its dimensions. In this case, the width of the machine affects the width of the gate. This also includes the location of the garage, shed, or just parking. If they are in the yard, then we make the gate a meter, or half a meter wider. Otherwise, how can you call in without maneuvering, and for this you need a place.
    • If home gardening is carried out, and large cars, frequent guests. For example, fertilizers are brought into the garden, or construction is underway, and building materials are brought into the yard, in such cases, wide gates are installed.
    • The gate is close to the road, or vice versa. Let's say the gate is close, then you can't make the doors wide, as they will simply interfere. Well, if far away, then you can install the gate, which is convenient.

The size of the gate in the standard is considered to be from three to four meters. If nothing interferes, and nothing affects their size, then it can be installed in this size.

Calculation and preparation

After they are determined with the width, go to the height. For starters, it should not be lower than 120 centimeters, and you should pay attention to the height of the fence. More than the height of the gate, there must be a height of supports. Supports, one of the necessary components, the installation of the gate. And they are one meter taller. And just this discrepancy in height, they bury it in the ground, then it is stronger.

In construction, "4 + cm" bars will come in handy. This will be the frame. For the frame, you can use metal slats. Well, if the frame is still wooden, then oak is very well suited. It is strong and moisture resistant.

Sheathing is made with a picket fence "3-5 cm." Do not forget about the purchase of a latch, or a lock, hinges for a lock, canopies, self-tapping screws and nails.

Regarding the installation of a lock, this may not be mandatory, but still extra security does not hurt.

Now about the tools. Jigsaw, crowbar, drill, drill, planer, level and tape measure. All this is simply necessary when working with wood.

The installation of supports begins with the preparation of the soil where they will be installed. They dig up the site, remove stones, roots, everything that can interfere. Then everything is raked, leveled, and the so-called landmarks, or stakes with a thread stretched between them, are placed.

The bottom of the dug pit, for supports, is first covered with sand, then water is added, and rammed. The pillars are placed in the pits when the water is completely absorbed, at the same level, even a minimal discrepancy is not allowed. It is best to determine the level using a stretched thread, a level. And verticality is checked with a plumb line.

After all, the pillars already inside the pit are covered with gravel. If sand is poured 10 cm, then crushed stone is 25 cm, and everything is poured with concrete. ½, concrete and sand.

On a note!

It is difficult to do this work yourself, so help will not hurt.

So, the solution is dry, the next step is the installation of the valves. Best of all, do not rush, let the concrete dry for a couple more days. There were situations when not completely dried concrete simply could not withstand the weight of the wings, and all the work turned out to be in vain.

When an additional beam is installed on top, the stability of the entire structure is added.


The beam is sawn, starting from the size of the opening. In the form of a rectangle, the resulting bars are laid out. With the help of the level, all dimensions are checked. If everything is fine, the structure is fastened with self-tapping screws. And for greater strength, the corners and the center are reinforced with metal corners and slats.


Very interesting work for creative people, gate trim. It all depends on how rich the fantasy is, and the ability to realize the plan. To facilitate the design and save material, gaps are made in the picket fence. Well, if you don’t need to save, a monolithic mount is a very practical option.

The slats are connected to the frame, leaving them slightly outside the sashes. And when everything is connected, they are adjusted to one level.

The last stage, or in the end

So, we almost figured out how to make a wooden gate with our own hands. With the right approach to business, everything should work out as it should.

There is one more, final stage, the installation of the sashes.

The hinges are already ready, and with their help the sashes are attached to the supports. We fasten everything with a drill, in a pre-prepared place for fastening, accurately measured, and the same.

At the end of the installation, the finished and installed gates are covered with stain, or paint, and then with varnish.


fencing suburban area does not end with the installation of the fence, special attention must be paid to the design of the gate and gate. There are several reasons: firstly, it is desirable to highlight and embellish the entrance to the site, because this is the first thing that people pay attention to. By the appearance of the entrance group, they judge the taste and financial condition of the owner. Second, the input is weakness in the fence. Gates for summer cottages and the gate should be securely locked and easily opened if necessary.

Country fence made of wooden picket fence

Before installing the gate in the country, you need to solve several questions:

    • The choice of material depends on the purpose of the gate. Lungs that do not have a pronounced protective function can be made like a fence - from corrugated board, mesh or plastic. Deaf, closing the yard from the penetration of strangers, are made of metal and wood.
    • The design of the gate depends not only on the desire of the owner. The opening method should take into account the availability of free space for the doors, ease of use in winter, the availability of electricity, and the frequency of opening.
    • Gates are sized according to your needs. The width is determined by the presence of only a passenger car or the need for a truck (special vehicle) to enter.
    • The design of the gate and wicket must not fall out of general style house decoration and fence.

Choosing a gate design

The complexity of manufacturing depends on the choice of opening method. Country gates are: swing (one or two leaves), retractable, lifting (usually combined with a garage) and individual designs. Some resourceful owners make dacha entrance gates that fold and close in a complex trajectory. Sometimes a gate is built into one of the gate leaves.

If the conditions and financial situation allow, then the choice of design depends entirely on the desire of the owner. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the amount of snow in winter: in order to open the wings of the swing gates, you will have to work with a shovel. The absence or frequent interruptions of electricity in the country makes it impossible to manufacture sliding and lifting gates with electric drive.

We make country gates from wood

Wooden cottage gate

It is easier to make wooden gates in the country with your own hands: many people know how to cut and plan, and the tools required are not the most complex. The process of making wooden gates with your own hands does not differ from the previous one. A frame is made from the bars, wooden slats or boards are stuffed onto it. Filling can be continuous and at intervals, depending on the choice of the owner. There are many opportunities to decorate wooden gates: they can be stained, left with a natural color under varnish, painted. The shape and size of the boards and the overall structure can be different: with straight, pointed, oval edges, the top of the gate and pillars is differently shaped. All wooden parts are pre-planed and sanded (recommended). After the bars and boards are cut to size, they are primed and painted in two layers. In this case, after assembly, there will be no unpainted places left.

Gates made of wood and metal - an excellent choice!

Boards are selected according to the size of the corner shelves so that they are flush with the frame. Cut to size and fill the frame. Bolted through drilled holes. The front side of the wooden gate can be made semi-antique. To do this, wood is processed using a special technology, “forged” bolts and nails are made or bought, decorated with overhead elements in style. Locks and handles also select the appropriate type.

Design features

The most popular and simple gates for summer cottages are swing gates. They are easy to make, they do not require any additional mechanisms and the presence of electricity.

When making your own hands, you need to pay attention to several aspects:

    • One or two doors. Two sashes require vertical and horizontal hanging accuracy.
    • They are more difficult to lock, it is necessary to firmly fasten the sashes so that they cannot be squeezed out.
    • When opening, it is necessary to fix in the extreme position so that a gust of wind does not slam on the car.
    • One leaf is heavy and sags. The frame must be reinforced with braces.
    • It is inconvenient to open it, it is advisable to attach a small wheel to the edge.
    • It is easier to make a locking mechanism.
    • It is necessary to choose correctly where the gate will open.

Sliding gates are convenient, but more difficult to manufacture. A guide is attached to the support pillars, the same one is laid in the foundation concrete. Between them, the gate leaf moves on rollers. Limiters must be placed in extreme positions, and in the closed position, the sash must be locked. Sliding gates can be opened manually or by an electric motor. Additional Convenience complicates installation, and in case of power outages it only interferes.

Installation of gates and wickets

Gate installation is subject to certain rules. If a foundation is being made for a fence, it is not interrupted under the gate. When installed without a foundation, the support pillars are buried below the freezing level. A sand cushion is poured into the prepared pit, a pillar is installed and concrete is poured 0.5 m deep. The rest of the pit is covered with layers of rubble and sand and rammed. A pole installed in this way will not go anywhere in winter. Special attention during installation - the middle single post. The extreme ones are a continuation of the fence and are not so subject to arbitrary movements. It is desirable to connect all three pillars at the top so that they do not diverge in different directions.

On heaving soils, even such an installation may be useless. In this case, you can use screw piles or lay a truss of a special design under the gate.

When it comes to installing gates in a country house or in suburban area, it is worth first of all deciding what they will be, because it is the gate that first catches your eye. It is from them that guests begin their acquaintance with homeownership, so it is worth taking their construction quite seriously. It must be said right away that this task can be completed different ways and from different materials. The choice must be made based on personal ideas about beauty, however, it is unlikely that anyone will argue that if there is a wooden fence, the gate should be made of wood.

Gate manufacturing

Before you make a wooden gate or gate with your own hands, you need to decide on their size and intended appearance, for which it would be quite advisable to make a drawing and calculate the amount of materials needed. After that, you can begin to perform the main construction work.

First you need to install the pillars supporting the entire gate structure. For wooden gates and gates, wooden poles are best suited. Regarding the material suitable for the material of the pillars, oak should be chosen. Its strength characteristics are quite consistent with the required.

The entire column, and most importantly, that part of it that will be underground, must be treated with special compounds that will prevent the negative effects of moisture.

After the pillars are prepared, they must be dug in. To do this, in predetermined places, you need to dig two holes about a meter deep.

At the bottom of each of them, sand and crushed stone are poured in two layers as a protective cushion. Layers need to be compacted to achieve the best effect. After that, poles are installed in the pits, the verticality of their installation must be checked using a building level, and it is better to use a water level. To achieve the greatest strength of the installation, the space that forms between the post and the walls of the pit should be filled with crushed stone. In order to save money, you can use chipped brick. After filling half of the space, the rubble must be tamped, then filled up again and tamped again, this must be done until the entire pit is filled.

Crushed stone is cemented on top for greater strength. In principle, a cement-sand mixture can be used to fill the entire space, but this will entail additional material costs.

Production of alignments

While the concrete hardens, it is necessary, without wasting time, to proceed to the manufacture of the gates themselves. First you need to build a kind of frame frame with your own hands. For these purposes, a wooden beam is suitable. If we consider the process in more detail, then it is necessary to assemble a rectangular frame of a pre-calculated size. It should be remembered that the frame must be smaller than the finished gate.

So, the individual parts of the frame are fastened together with self-tapping screws. Depending on the size of the wooden gate, the frame can be additionally reinforced with both transverse bars and bars fixed diagonally. As soon as the frame is ready, it is taken with boards, or with a solid wall, or decorative gaps are left, depending on the overall style. When the gates are ready, they need to be fixed on the poles. For these purposes, as a rule, suspension loops are used. Usually one part of them is attached to the post, and the second to the gate alignment. Given the material of manufacture, two attachment points are enough - at the top and bottom.

Completion of work

As the final stage in the construction of wooden gates in the country, you can designate the mounting of handles and all kinds of heck and bolts. These actions are necessary not only to avoid spontaneous opening, but also due to the fact that the gate must perform not only decorative functions, but also protective functions. If we talk about how expedient it will be to build wooden version gate, it must be said that such gates are quite practical and able to perform their functions for at least a dozen years. Of course, for this the tree must be prepared, that is, treated with special compounds that prevent the appearance of both rotting and wood pests. And also for greater aesthetics, wooden gates can be coated with a special varnish.

In conclusion, we can say that if you need not only to build practical and quite aesthetically attractive gates, but also to make them yourself, without spending a lot, then wooden gates are the most suitable option. With proper installation, such gates can serve faithfully for many years and be both the pride of the owner and the envy of neighbors. And usually, the more pride that either causes the owners, the more envy it causes the neighbors, but that's another story.

A photo


We bring to your attention a few more gates made of wood for inspiration.

Gates are not only an integral part of protection, but also a decorative element of the site. Significantly reduce the cost of work can independently manufacture structural elements and directly installation. Various materials are used for production, new processing methods, ways of functioning appear. Wooden gates are suitable for a cottage, a summer residence, a house, a garage. If you decide to make the gate yourself, below is information on how to prepare and protect the wood, how to calculate the consumption of materials, draw up a work plan, install and sheathe the structure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Until recently, wood was the most common and affordable material. Wood is easy to process, has a low cost. Basic skills in using tools were enough to make wooden structures - fences, gates, gates. Raw wood fencing is rare these days. Usually, they are used as temporary limiters of the site during the improvement of the site, the construction of a house.

Wood is a versatile material that is used for retractable, swing, lift-and-turn structures. The gate is the first thing guests notice. Therefore, they have become an indicator of the status, impeccable taste of the owner. Garage doors made of wood are usually made of a lift-and-turn type. The only limitation in the use of the material concerns the lamellas in roll mechanisms. The wooden canvas has a low strength in this case. Often a metal frame is sheathed with wood. Wooden sliding gates in this way of sheathing the base increase the thickness of the leaves and total weight.

Wood as a material for gates has the following advantages:

  • ease of processing;
  • speed of installation;
  • affordable cost;
  • beautiful texture;
  • reliability.

Buying wooden blanks will cost less than metal ones. Various varieties wood and board sizes are presented in hardware stores to buyers with any material capabilities. In addition, in the Russian Federation you can get from 50 cubic meters of wood for free, depending on the region, you can learn more about this from the video:

Woodworking tools are available and do not require special skills. While for processing metal parts you will need a welding machine, an angle grinder. Properly treated, quality wood will last for decades, even in harsh weather conditions. When broken, a wooden canvas can be easily repaired by replacing the board. The easiest to make and self installation- swing wooden gates.

There are also disadvantages to using wooden gates:

  • low mechanical strength;
  • with poor processing - a short service life;
  • high flammability.

For gates, usually not valuable species of expensive wood are used, but larch and pine resistant to moisture and decay. The internal frame made of metal will increase the strength and durability of the structure.

Preparatory work

Before starting the processing of the material, it is necessary to draw up a schematic structure of the structure, taking into account the location of the elements. Preparing a diagram and accurately measuring the opening is important in calculating the expected material consumption and will save time during installation. It is possible to make wooden gates and gates on your own. You will need basic knowledge in woodworking, skills in working with carpentry and joinery tools, and patience.

After measuring the gate opening, you need to draw up a drawing of the future structure, observing the proportions of the height, length of the leaves, the distance between the supports, the location of the gate. It is taken into account in the scheme of the place of attachment of constipation, canopies, decorative elements. Door leaf boards are suitable for sizes 100 by 25 mm, frame - 80 by 60 mm. The blanks will decrease in size as a result of processing by 5-10 mm. In the calculations, it is necessary to take into account technological gaps from 10 mm, possible deformation, expansion of the material. When purchasing boards, you need to clarify their purpose, the degree of drying. For the production of gates with your own hands, a carpentry edged board is best suited. Such lumber is less prone to deformation and delamination. It is enough to dry fresh boards for one year in a well-ventilated area.

Preparatory work should include the manufacture of special supports from logs or wooden beams. Reliable supports deepen into the ground to a depth of 1 m.

It is recommended to leave a distance of 200 mm from the longitudinal elements of the frame to the edge of the board. Canopies are attached at the same distance. Gates with a height of more than two meters are additionally reinforced with an average vein. If the gate frame is made of wood, be sure to use braces to maintain strength and geometry. When sewing the canvas, the boards can not be placed close. Leaving gaps will prevent buckling, deformation of the canvas due to increased humidity. If the gaps between the boards are unacceptable, you need to buy a grooved board.

Required Tools

You will need wood for the gate:

  • bars for the frame of the gate with a section of 40 by 40 mm;
  • slats for sheathing the frame 20 by 40 mm;
  • round or square bar for supports with a diameter of 100 mm or more.

For the processing of lumber, assembly and installation, you need:

  • wood saw or electric jigsaw;
  • plane;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • drill garden;
  • plumb lines;
  • rasp;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver, screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • components for concrete mix (cement, sand, crushed stone);
  • basin for mixing concrete;
  • roulette, level;
  • marking pencil;
  • sandpaper;
  • blowtorch;
  • primer;
  • brush;
  • antiseptic for impregnation.

Required metal parts of the structure:

  • canopies for gates - 2 pcs.;
  • hinges, latch for the gate;
  • loops for a padlock (if the gate will be closed from the outside).

Manufacturing and assembly process

In order to make a wooden gate with your own hands, you need careful preparation. Only after drawing up a design scheme, collecting the necessary materials and tools, you can start production and installation.

Installation and installation of poles

Post installation steps:

  1. Clearing the site and determining the location of the pits.
  2. Digging holes with a drill or a bayonet shovel to a depth of at least 1 meter, with a diameter of 10 cm more than a pillar.
  3. Cutting pipes with a grinder and inserting them into prepared pits.
  4. Backfilling the gaps with crushed stone.
  5. Checking the verticality of the support with a plumb line.
  6. Compaction of crushed stone to strengthen the foundation.
  7. Mixing a liquid solution (1 part three-hundredth of cement to 3 parts of sand).
  8. Pouring mortar into pits. Wait for complete drying.
  9. Brick cladding. If you add washing powder to the mortar during laying, this will prevent the composition from settling. The correctness of the angles is periodically checked with a plumb bob.
  10. After installing the pillars, their tops are equipped with caps (ready-made or cut from galvanized steel). This improves drainage performance and looks aesthetically pleasing.
  11. Folded brick rows are embroidered after drying.

Parts of the wooden supports that will be underground must be treated with a water-repellent resin or bituminous mastic to prevent destruction.

The gates are mounted on poles. Therefore, they must be installed correctly, securely, with rigid fasteners. For the normal functioning of the structure, sagging is unacceptable. To prevent violation of the geometry of the gate, it is important to observe the perpendicularity of the supports in relation to the ground. Strengthening them into half a brick will not allow the pillars to warp. This width must be taken into account when drawing up a preliminary drawing.

Instead of wooden poles, you can install metal, brick or concrete supports. As an additional stiffener at the top of the support, it is recommended to fasten it with a horizontal beam.

Frame erection

The basis for the frame can be made of wood, metal profiles. In the second case, you will need a welding machine to connect the parts. If the gate frame is wooden, the timber is cut into the necessary parts and laid out on a flat place in the form of future gates. After checking the verticality and horizontality, holes are drilled in the bars. Details are fastened with self-tapping screws. It is fashionable to additionally strengthen the center and corners with the help of a cross beam and metal corners. Beams for reinforcement are attached across the frame crosswise at an angle of 45 degrees.

For fastening, you can take self-tapping screws or use dowels from dry wood. Nagels must first be coated with epoxy glue. To fix the skin in the center of the frame, a jumper is additionally installed. In the corners, jibs are attached - bars of 30-40 cm. When erecting a frame, its size should be taking into account the protrusion of the sheathing boards by 20-25 cm. It is convenient to collect and sheath in a horizontal position on the ground.

Sash manufacturing

The sheathed frame must be hung on the installed supports. After preparing the wings, metal hinges are attached. They are hung on the frame or on support poles. The optimal location of the loops is calculated in this way. From the top and bottom of the support, a distance of ¼ of the total height is planned. After marking, lancet hinges are attached, on which the sashes are installed.

The lower edge of the leaves must be at least 5 cm from the ground. Otherwise, snow or ice that has fallen will prevent the gate from opening. To prevent the sashes from opening from the wind, they need to be adjusted. When marking the attachment points, it is advisable to use a level.

Gate installation

Before installing wooden gates, the hinges are screwed to the leaves. At the same time, "capercaillie" are inserted. Before screwing in the bolts, holes are drilled to a depth of several centimeters in pre-marked places. Their diameter should be less than the diameter of the screw. This trick will make it easier to screw in the bolts. It is important to keep the distance from the ground to the sashes from 5 cm. After installation, the closed sashes are fixed with a padlock or a metal pin. The coating on the wooden surface is applied after the installation of the gate structure.

Structural sheathing

The frame is sheathed with boards, slats or a picket fence. The elements are attached to the base with self-tapping bolts. use various options fastening elements. For example, a picket fence is fastened without gaps vertically or boards with clearance diagonally.

The cladding elements are cut to the right sizes in the required quantity. Pine boards are often used for sheathing. This type of wood is the most protected from climatic influences. After trimming, the elements are planed on all sides and attached to the frame.

When installing boards with gaps, use wooden lath as a template. The rail is taken equal to the length of the board and the width of the gap step.

Boards fixed with screws are cut in a straight line. The place of cut and unevenness on the surface is polished with sandpaper. The edges of the sashes can be insulated for better sealing and better thermal insulation.

Impregnation and coloring of wood

Installed sash remains coated with a primer, antiseptic solution, varnish. Wood coating products must be designed for outdoor use. Processing sequence:

  1. Sanding wood with sandpaper or a grinder, including the processing of side surfaces.
  2. Sealing the pores with putty and re-sanding after drying.
  3. Toning for the appearance of the shade and texture of wood.
  4. Applying a primer.
  5. Coating with the first layer of varnish.
  6. After drying, apply a second layer of varnish.

If iron forging is used as decoration, decorative elements attached before sanding and painting. To protect the wooden canvas during the fastening of forged parts, a thin tin sheet is used. After varnishing, the joints of iron and wood are treated with a sealant.


For self-manufacturing and installation of wooden gates will require minimal skills in working with construction tools and your patience. All steps are simple and can be done if desired with your own hands. Like any construction work, a quality result is a set of strict adherence to the recommendations of professionals used quality materials, precise measurements. Wooden gates, as the face of your home, with a competent approach and periodic maintenance, will last for many decades.

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