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Rose "The Fairy"

ground cover variety pink roses

Season: roses of this variety bloom from July to November.

Peculiarities: the plant is unpretentious, disease-resistant, long-flowering.

Place and soil: prefers the sun, the soil should be loose, fertile, the distance between plants (for shrubs) 50 cm, height 60 cm.


Saplings with bare roots are suitable for spring and autumn planting. Freshly dug seedlings cannot be stored for a long time. Do not buy rose seedlings with big amount shoots or with yellowed leaves.

Location selection

Half day in the sun. Protect the flowers from burning out, protect the plant from midday sun rays. Do not plant a rose on the south side of the house. flower land for tub plants. When transplanting roses into the garden, be sure to add compost to the ground.


Tall roses are best to winter in frost-free rooms. In the summer, cut off wilted inflorescences regularly, this contributes to the further formation of buds. The most suitable cut point is above the five-fingered leaf.

gardener's calendar

Spring. Pruning and planting

Remove the winter cover that covered the roses. Apply fertilizer intended for roses to the ground. Cut off dead shoots.

Summer. Feeding and watering

Loosen the ground, before the first flowering of the rose bush, fertilize again. During droughts, water your roses regularly. Cut off faded florets.

Late fall. Pruning and wintering

Trim the tall stems, remove the leaves, wrap the tops with brushwood or canvas burlap. Cover the stems at the roots with earth or compost.


Powdery mildew can be recognized by a whitish-powdery coating covering the young parts of the plant (real powdery mildew) or only the underside of the leaves (false powdery mildew). Spray with special means.

Like cotton candy

'The Fairy' seems to be an easily damaged plant, but is actually a hardy rose.

Color and shape

'The Fairy' refers to a multi-colored ground cover rose variety that blooms throughout the summer with a myriad of double light pink inflorescences collected in small bunches, although it begins to bloom later than other varieties. One single shoot releases up to 25 or more buds with inflorescences reaching 2-2.5 cm in diameter. In summer, the inflorescences almost completely obscure the dark green shiny leaves of plants. Thanks to its bushy form, the plant looks attractive in spring even without flowers. The rose can produce softly hanging shoots reaching 1 m in length. This property makes it one of the most beloved tall varieties. In addition, "The Fairy" is disease resistant and hardy.


With "The Fairy" you can form whole hedges, for example, to fence off individual parts of the garden, you can run it with a wavy ribbon around the garden or use it to frame a rose-room. The soft pastel shade of 'The Fairy' inflorescence blends well with most other shades of roses. Thanks to its dangling rungs, "The Fairy" can be successfully used to decorate slides or the top of the walls, which it will hide under a cascade of flowers. The high-barreled "The Fairy" will delight the eye even in small gardens, and no matter what you place under it - flower bed or vegetable garden. In a terracotta pot, framed in white, blue and red tub flowers, it will become the main accent of your balcony.


White lobularia (annual), blue catnip, purple la vanda or short bells planted under "The Fairy" look very nice. Tall shrubs such as lavender foxglove or blue and white spurs can serve as a backdrop for The Fairy. The tall-stemmed rose 'The Fairy' combined with herbs and plants with grey-green or silver foliage, such as silver-gray speedwell, chistets or Schmidt's mugwort, forms a very nostalgic composition. Do not plant next to "The Fairy" plants with yellow and orange flowers.

Rose polyanthus Roth the Fairy (red)

Troyanda polyantova Rot the Fairy

Rosa polyantha Rote The Fairy

The variety was bred by breeder Ralph S. Moore in the USA in 1995.

Synonyms: Rosa Red Fairy, Rosa Fairy Rouge, Rosa Moredfar, Rosa Rote Fairy.

Form: widespread polyanthus rose, one of the lightest in cultivation. An ornamental shrub with a spreading, branched crown, up to 70 cm tall. With age, the plant grows in width. The flowers are numerous red with a dark pink tint, terry collected in inflorescences.

Plant group: multi-flowered, cover roses.

Habit: creeping, spreading shrub.

Height/diameter: adult rose Rote The Fairy reaches 60-70 cm in height, and can grow up to 1.2 m wide.

Growth rate/growth strength: growth rate is average.

Shoots: strongly branched, prickly.

Flowers: blooms with a mass of small fragrant terry flowers, 3-5 cm in diameter, collected in large brushes. The flowers are rosette-shaped, from 20-30 satin petals, from red-pink to bright red with a dark pink tint, in full dissolution, the center with yellow stamens is visible. It blooms very profusely throughout the summer until autumn.

Flowering time: Rosa Roth the Fairy blooms quite late in June, but continues to bloom almost continuously until October.

Leaves: arranged alternately, pinnate, elliptical, small, green, semi-glossy, leathery.

Root system: deep, branched.

Attitude to light / insolation: Rose Fairy Rouge prefers sunny, well-lit places, tolerates light partial shade.

Humidity: loves wet soils. Does not tolerate drought and stagnant water.

Type of soil/soil: Rosa Moredfar is undemanding, tolerates all cultivated garden soils.

Pests and diseases: the incidence of the variety is low, but nevertheless, at the very beginning of the season it is better to play it safe and carry out prevention.

Landing / care: optimal planting density in groups: 5-6 pcs/m 2 . The bottom must be loosened and added organic fertilizer. Drainage will not be superfluous. If soils are very light it is recommended to use soil with a lot of clay (20-30%) in order to retain water. Rosa Roth Fairy winters well under the snow, in a snowy winter it does not require shelter at all, you can just spud it with snow. In snowless winters, minimal shelter is recommended. Roses should be fertilized every two weeks. liquid fertilizer for roses.

All plants purchased in the PROXIMA nursery are provided with long-acting fertilizers with the latest formulas from the best European manufacturers and can be sold in your garden center without additional top dressing for a whole year. But the biggest advantage of buying potted plants is that they can be planted, without buying additional fertilizer, from March to December - even on the hottest days of summer.

Application: Red Fairy Rose is an excellent ground cover and landscape rose, suitable for patio landscaping, used in mixborders, low hedges, retaining walls, slides, rockeries, as well as container culture.

Temperature/frost resistance: the plant is frost-resistant for the whole territory of Ukraine.

Advantages: Rose polyanthus Rote The Fairy - ornamental shrub with a spreading, branched crown, up to 70 cm tall and up to 1.20 m wide. It blooms with a mass of small terry fragrant flowers of bright red color. A very popular, undemanding and frost-resistant variety.

Climate/hardiness zone: 5b.

You can buy Rose polyanthus Roth the Fairy in Kyiv at low prices in the PROXIMA plant nursery.
Read more about planting, watering, care, fertilizer, protection - with a photo in the "Planting, care" section.

Rose "The Fairy"

(Rosa "The Fairy")

General characteristics

The leaves are small and shiny. Shoots drooping, creeping. Srednerosly bush 60-70 cm high. Resistant to disease.

The flowers are pink, 2-3 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences. The most revered variety in this group of roses is known for its abundant and long flowering.

Optimal Growing Conditions

A healthy frost-resistant variety, not particularly demanding on soil conditions. In drought, watering is recommended. Responds well to feeding.

Breeding methods and planting rules

Planting density: 5-6 pcs/m2
Roses can be propagated by cuttings, dividing the bush, layering - such bushes are called own-rooted. In the event of the death of the aerial part, new shoots of the same variety are formed from the root collar.
Grafted roses in this case grow wild rose shoots. As a result, the bush "runs wild".
Own-rooted roses have a shorter life span, they develop more slowly than grafted ones, and are less resistant to adverse environmental factors and frost.
But the propagation of roses by green cuttings is more common. This is the most simple and reliable way cuttings. Rooting cuttings can be carried out directly in the garden. Cuttings are harvested at the beginning of lignification of shoots (semi-lignified). In roses, this coincides with the beginning of flowering. Cuttings cut from too green or strongly lignified shoots take root worse.
For harvesting cuttings are used middle part semi-lignified shoots in the flowering stage. Three buds are left, the length of the stalk should not be more than 7-10 cm. In order to avoid excessive evaporation of moisture, the leaves are cut to 1/3 or 2/3 of their length, and bottom sheet are removed completely. The upper cut of the cutting is made straight above the kidney by 0.5-1 cm, the lower one is oblique (at an angle of 45 °), under the kidney itself. Before planting, it is advisable to soak the cuttings in the Heteroauxin solution for 48 hours. The cuttings are planted on a bed at an angle of 45 ° and sprayed abundantly with water several times a day. To preserve moisture, the top is covered with plastic wrap or glass. It is advisable to leave the rooted cuttings for the winter for overwintering, covering them with a small layer of insulating material. In two years they become developed seedlings.

Rose "Fairy" - aristocratic garden flower, one of the most popular and beloved ground cover varieties in the world, recognized for its abundant flowering and unpretentiousness in cultivation.

Spreading branched bushes during the flowering period are abundantly strewn under a continuous cover of which small green leaves are practically not visible. Average Height plants - about 60 cm, width - about 1.2 meters; at the same time, rose bushes look very compact and elegant.

Lovely garden charm

Terry pale pink flowers collected in airy brushes (10-30 pieces each), located in a dense wall on powerful hanging shoots, are associated with lightness and are a bright accent in the design of any garden. Small in diameter (about 2.5 cm), they look very magnificent and rich.

The flowering period lasts quite a long time - from mid-summer to the onset of the first frost - and is accompanied by a light apple aroma.

in landscape design

"Fairy" - a rose that is widely used in flower beds, mixborders, rock gardens, rockeries, and also as an independent garden unit. Ideal for forming low borders along garden paths, as well as decorating gently sloping surfaces. Due to the hanging stems, strewn with caps of pink inflorescences, it looks gorgeous in flowerpots and in raised flower beds.

Rose (variety "Fairy") is combined with all spectacular in combination with perennials. As partners for her, lavender, geranium, daylily, bluebells, ornamental cereals are best suited; most expressively shows its decorative properties in the vicinity of the owners of silver leaves - wormwood, santolina, carnation. The disadvantage of the variety is the tendency of the flowers to burn out: the latter acquire faded pale pink shades and look unattractive. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant a fairy rose next to yellow or orange flowers, against which the garden beauty will look dirty and sloppy.

Rose "Fairy" ground cover: where to place?

Site selection, soil preparation, fertilization are important factors quality growth of any horticultural crop. Rose "Fairy", considered a model of lush flowering varieties, prefers to grow in well-lit areas. Optimal access to sunlight will ensure high-quality bud formation and long-term uninterrupted flowering. Bushes placed in partial shade will respond to a lack of lighting by increasing green mass.

The optimal place for planting a rose bush is considered to be the western and southeastern parts of the site, where in the morning the plant will receive the necessary portion of ultraviolet radiation, and at noon it will be under the shady protection of nearby trees and shrubs.

The fairy rose feels most comfortable in fertile, light in texture and well-permeable soil. For container specimens, it is recommended to use a special substrate for flowering plants.


Rose "Fairy" - a ground cover crop that will please with abundant, long flowering, provided that it is properly planted, before which it is recommended to feed the soil, scattering as much as possible on its surface mineral fertilizers and mature compost. Then, in the area where the rose will be planted, you should dig deep into the soil and carefully select stones, large breasts and rhizomes. rose bushes, the distance between which should be at least half a meter, should be carried out in individual, well-drained pits, the depth of which is formed based on the length of the rhizome with a 10-20 cm margin. In seedlings, it is necessary to cut long roots, and shorten the stems to 10-15 cm in length. During planting, layer-by-layer watering of the soil is recommended to prevent the formation of voids. Upon completion of the process upper layer should be tamped, abundantly watered and spud.

When the young shoots on the bush reach 5 cm in length, it is recommended to mulch the area occupied by roses with a layer of bark (3-5 cm) or wood chips. The fulfillment of this condition is very important, since it is very problematic to fight weeds among the overgrown thorny branches. On properly prepared and mulched soil, dense growth of rose bushes in a couple of years will ensure a complete victory over weeds.

Pruning activities

The Fairy rose is a fairly unpretentious plant, it adapts well to cold winters, and is able to delight with flowering even in the absence of constant care. It tolerates molding well, therefore garden culture you can easily give the image of a neat bush, restraining its growth in width and height. If necessary, to ensure good ventilation and illumination, it is recommended to thin out the bushes. In the first year, the stems should be shortened in order to activate tillering, then the annual spring pruning is sanitary in nature and consists in removing old, diseased and dried branches. Every 5-6 years, the ground cover rose "Fairy", reviews of which are positive and encourage you to acquire such a lovely plant on your own site, needs rejuvenation: all the lashes need to be cut short, leaving 20-30 cm each. During this procedure, cuts larger than 1 cm it is recommended to cover and treat the bush with a solution blue vitriol or Bordeaux liquid.

How and when to water?

It is very important to provide the rose with abundant watering during dry periods, as well as at the stage of bud formation and at the beginning of flowering. Depending on the size of the plant, the volume of water per unit is from 10 to 15 liters. Produce this procedure better in the morning, directly under the bush, using only warm water. Young plants for high-quality rooting should be supplied with moisture at least 1 time per week. The number of waterings needs to be reduced. In underwatered plants, flowers are shredded and the flowering period is rather short.


From April to October, it is required to carry out feeding activities: in the spring (2 weeks after the appearance of the leaves) - with mineral and organic preparations, during the formation of buds (a month after the first feeding) - with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. In the autumn season, for the purpose of good ripening of shoots, top dressing with potassium preparations is recommended.

Rose "Fairy" is quite frost-resistant - the plant is able to easily survive the winter under snow cover, while maintaining a leafy crown. However, in conditions of snowless and harsh winters, light shelter with spruce branches will not hurt.

Rose "Fairy": reproduction

It is possible to propagate a rose, which annually surprises with continuous flowering and retains its attractiveness even with minimal care, by layering. To do this, in the spring you should choose an annual long stem, conditionally divide it into several sectors. Each of them should have 3 buds: 2 for the development of shoots and 1 root, over which an annular incision of the bark should be carefully made. Immerse the stem into a previously prepared groove, pin it so that the incision made is located at the bottom. The continuation of the whip must be raised above the soil surface, then similarly pinned in place of the next root bud.

As a result, the pinned shoot will have a W-shaped appearance with sections protruding above the soil. The last 2-3 buds should be left free and not covered with earth. The trench must be carefully filled with fertilized soil and watered very often. Layers are recommended to be left to winter with the mother plant and not touched until spring. On permanent place growth, rooted cuttings can be planted after a year of growing.

Cloud pink garden decoration

According to the reviews of many flower growers, growing the Fairy rose is a pleasant activity and at the same time does not cause much trouble.

Winter hardiness, ease of care, disease resistance are optimally combined with the external - pink-cloudy - appearance of the plant. A ground cover rose for any site will be a worthy decoration and will optimally fit into its landscape.

The Fairy - pink fairy!

Originator: Bentall 1932.
Polyanthus rose, about 70 cm high, up to 1.2 m wide.

A magical, fabulous fairy... the translation of the name of this rose speaks for itself! Clouds of flowers of this rose are visible from afar, as if a flock of small fairy fairies in elegant pink dresses is circling over a green meadow. A real pink firework and a feast of flowers! It is clear that such a rose must be planted in groups, occupying a certain area in order to achieve maximum effect. Powerful flowering is observed until late autumn and with this quality The Fairy stands out among its other brethren.


The rose produces large brushes with 10-40 buds on each! The color of roses, 3-4 cm in diameter, is soft pink, with a lilac tint. The rose blooms quite late, but it blooms in full color very for a long time- until frost. Individual flowers do not stand out - the brushes look in mass, therefore, the rose goes well with bushes of the same variety. It is good to plant The Fairy several bushes side by side.

The best flowering is observed in cool weather, on hot days it can quickly lose petals, becoming untidy.


The bush itself is not high - about 70 cm in height, but grows in width more than a meter, easily gives side shoots and literally spreads along the ground. The bush is spreading.

The foliage of the rose is light green, shiny, the greens may have a bluish tint. During the rainy season, there is a chance of getting sick with black spot. The rose is not too resistant to typical diseases, so it is necessary to carry out preventive work in a timely manner - treat it with appropriate preparations to protect the rose.

The Fairy is good ahead of any composition, it creates a wonderful backdrop for bright tea-hybrid varieties, looks great in its own group apart from other roses. It goes well with low conifers, as well as beautifully flowering tall herbaceous plants.

The variety can also be attributed to the poppokrovny and miniature roses.

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