Homemade air heating. Air heating system for a private house. How to make air heating with your own hands

Air heating country house is an alternative to classic water systems. Below, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our estimated price for such systems.

The price of air heating in a private house

Square Options
Economy Standard Premium
100 m2 340,000 rub. 380,000 rub. 430,000 rub.
200 m2 480,000 rub. 530,000 rub. 580,000 rub.
400 m2 740,000 rub. 800,000 rub. 860,000 rub.
800 m2 RUB 1,140,000 RUB 1,250,000 RUB 1,350,00

This table shows an approximate price, which takes into account materials and equipment, as well as all necessary work related to system installation.

There may be a number individual characteristics Objects that affect the cost. Therefore, the exact price can only be determined after examining the Property.

Heating a private house with heated air recent years is being used more and more often. In the residential sector, this method was first used in North America, which is why the corresponding technology is called “Canadian”. Due to a number of advantages, air heating is used in some regions no less often than water heating.

The operating principle of such a system is simple. Air ducts distributed throughout the heated rooms are connected to the source of thermal energy (usually a gas fan heater, but there may be other options). Heating of a country house in this case occurs due to the fact that warm air enters the premises through diffusers and grilles located on the air ducts.

Basis for calculation air heating are the amount of heat loss in the premises, their volume and the required air temperature in them. Based on this, the power and type of heating unit, as well as the route layout, are selected.

House types

Price from 1,600 rub./m2

The main advantages of using this system are:

  • High efficiency of air heating. Thermal energy is transferred directly from its source to the premises. Thus, an additional link is eliminated - the coolant, whose temperature requires additional energy to constantly maintain.
  • Possibility of year-round operation of the heating system (in summer - in ventilation or air conditioning mode)
  • Independence from outside temperature. At strong negative temperatures in the water heating systems of a country house, the coolant may freeze. With air heating this situation is excluded
  • The ability to quickly turn the system on and off without complex and lengthy preparatory procedures
  • Heating a house in which there is no coolant liquid eliminates the occurrence of emergency situations due to leaks or breakage of radiators, pipes
  • Low system inertia. If the power of the heat generator is calculated correctly, then the air in the room is heated as quickly as possible

Air heating does not have any obvious disadvantages. However, some features are worth considering:

  • Warm air is displaced upward, so it is advisable to place air ducts under the floor or in the lower part of the room, which is not always possible
  • Air ducts have larger size sections than pipes, so the task of “hiding” them is not always easy to solve. Accordingly, the holes for them in the walls and ceilings are also much larger

Most heating systems that are used to heat homes have large number shortcomings. For this reason, many building owners prefer to look for alternative options. In particular, install air heating in a private house with your own hands. With the help of such systems, you can effectively heat both large rooms and small country houses.

Operating principle and varieties

The air heating system provides special thermoregulation. First, the air must be heated to the desired temperature, and then this heat is transferred into the room. Heating a house with warm air is good because there is no need to install special devices.

This technique first appeared in Canada, where frame-type houses are widespread, and is mainly used for heating them. Unlike brick buildings, such structures are not able to retain heat from radiators. And thanks to air heating, a good microclimate is created, and the costs for it will not be high. The system is divided into two varieties - natural and forced. In the first case, the air circulates in this way:

The house is heated as long as the boiler is running. And for a forced system, an external energy source is needed that will provide the required intensity of air circulation. The key heating unit is the fan placed under the heater. It will receive water, then it will be cleaned of germs and blockages. Through the fan grilles, air will enter the air ducts, and it will be warm inside. If an air conditioner is installed, the air ducts will need to be insulated to prevent condensation from accumulating.

Air heating in frame house// FORUMHOUSE

Advantages and Disadvantages

Now they are just gaining popularity. Before you try one or another option, you need to familiarize yourself with its features, advantages and disadvantages. Both professionally installed and homemade air heating has the following advantages:

Air heating is reliable and durable. With a properly designed design and correct installation, as well as regular maintenance, the system will last without problems for 20 years or longer. The heating rate is also high.

If the room temperature reaches zero or below, then when you start the equipment in full warm-up mode, the space will be heated for about half an hour.

But the solution also has its drawbacks. These include:

  • the heating system must be installed at the stage of building the house;
  • the need for regular maintenance;
  • modernization in the process of using equipment is problematic;
  • The equipment depends on electricity; if it goes out, the system will not work. For this reason, it is necessary to provide backup source nutrition;
  • the need for additional air humidification and filtration.

However, most problems can be solved. But we must not forget that additional equipment and maintenance are also a significant expense item.

Economical air heating of a private house

Required equipment and heat sources

To install the system in your home yourself, you should purchase special equipment. Without it, it will not function. You will need to buy the following:

Three types of heat sources can be used to operate an air heating system. The first is “soil-air”, where soil below the freezing level is used, which preserves high temperature throughout the year. Moreover, the deeper the burial, the higher the temperature will be. When a horizontal collector and deep probes are immersed, such heat can be used for heating regardless of the season.

The next type is “air-to-air”, represented by duct air conditioners. The heat pump releases hot air and then moves it through interconnected ducts throughout the home. And the third source is “water-air”. It is used for shallow groundwater. You will need to dig a well into which a heat exchanger in the form of a probe is lowered. But an important condition is the presence of a non-freezing reservoir in the neighborhood.

Your own home. Air heating frame

For the system to function properly, all calculations must be performed correctly. The accuracy of the data is influenced by factors such as:

When making calculations, it must be taken into account that heat loss should be calculated for each room separately. And an aerodynamic calculation should be performed for the entire system. Depending on the calculated heat losses, one or another type of air heater and its power are selected. The amount of air received depends on the power of the heating device.

After receiving the calculations, you can begin arranging air heating at home with your own hands. First of all, a diagram is drawn up of how the air ducts will be located and how they will be connected to each other.

Even if a person has experience in installing such systems, it is best to invite a specialist for advice on choosing a heat generator model. If the installation is very large, then it is better to place it not in the house, but in standing nearby room, if available.

Systems can be of two types - mobile and stationary. Stationary systems primarily operate on gas fuel and are installed in separate rooms. They are mainly designed for heating large buildings. And mobile installations are suitable for small houses and cottages. They have an isolated combustion chamber and must be located in places where there is a built-in chimney system.

DIY air heating system you can do this:

IN lately owners of private households prefer to install air heating systems.

The equipment cannot be called cheap, but it pays for itself quickly, and in addition, compared to simple batteries, heating occurs much faster. At self-installation you can save large sums of money.

Air heating: an alternative to gas // FORUMHOUSE

If the owner of a private house or cottage wants to install a heating system using hot air for the first time, then he must weigh all its pros and cons. And if you can install everything yourself, then it is better to perform the calculations with the help of experienced consultants. Experts recommend the following to beginners:

  • Distributing air vents are best connected using reinforced adhesive tape based on aluminum;
  • pipes should be attached to the ceiling with clamps;
  • supply air vents should be installed as close to the floor as possible;
  • even if there is an air conditioner, all pipes must be insulated so that moisture vapor does not settle;
  • if air intake hoses with numerous elbows or different lengths are used, then additional dampers will be required;
  • An additional cleaning filter may be required;
  • For additional cooling, you can use the evaporative unit of the air conditioner.

For the system to work fully, it is better to plan it at the stage of building a house. In this way, you can determine exactly where its elements will be located, and make special niches in the walls for the purpose of air vents. IN finished house everything is more difficult to predict. In this case, the air vents can be hidden using false walls or suspended ceilings.

Now there are a large number of alternative heating sources, in addition to the classic one. Moreover, in some cases they are more environmentally friendly and more economically profitable. Air heating of buildings is an option that can be called one of the most promising.

Along with traditional water heating using radiators, air heating systems are becoming increasingly common in private construction. Air heating is especially relevant in private cottages large area and number of floors or where the requirements for the interior of the premises are increased. In the first case, traditional systems lose efficiency, and in the second, the installation of batteries is not allowed. In this material we will cover the topic of how you can arrange air heating in a private house on your own.

Where to start?

It is recommended to carry out the idea of ​​​​air heating in stages, carefully checking your work, because the cost of a mistake is too high. Of course, it is best to do this at the stage of designing a home, but if desired, this can also be implemented on the finished property. The sequence is:

  • Carrying out calculations of the thermal power required to heat a house.
  • Choosing an air heating system.
  • Scheme development.

After going through these stages, you will select and purchase equipment, and then move on to installation work which you can do yourself or with the help of specialized organizations.

Advice. Based on the results of your work, it is recommended to consult with specialists involved in the design of such systems. This will help clarify many nuances and also check your calculations.

Air heating calculation

Before performing the calculation, you should know that air heating can be combined with ventilation. The course of calculations will depend on this, but in any case, first determine heat losses through external walls, windows, roofing and floors for each room. To do this, use the formula given for the wall:

Qwalls = 1/Rwalls x (tв – tн) x Swalls, Where:

  • Rwalls – heat transfer resistance, (m2 ºС / W);
  • Swalls – wall area within the premises under consideration, m2;
  • tв and tн – respectively, the temperature of the internal and external air.

The same formula is used to calculate heat loss from windows and other enclosing structures. Knowing the materials from which these structures are built or will be built, the heat transfer resistance R is calculated for each of them:

R = δ/λ, Here:

  • δ – thickness of the structure in meters;
  • λ – thermal conductivity coefficient of the material, W/(m ºС). This value is a reference value; it is easy to find in the technical literature.

The obtained values ​​for all building structures protecting the room from the external environment are added up and we obtain the value of the thermal power of the heating system to compensate for losses through these structures. If it is necessary to calculate air heating combined with a ventilation system, then the thermal energy spent on heating is added to the obtained value supply air. It is calculated using the formula:

Qvent = cm (tв – tн), Where:

  • Qvent – ​​energy spent on heating the supply air, W;
  • m – mass of supply air, kg;
  • tв and tн – temperature of internal and external air;
  • с – specific heat capacity of the air mixture, equal to 0.28 W / (kg ºС).

To perform further calculations of the air heating system, you need to find out the mass of the air mixture m (kg). To do this, its quantity per m3 is first determined, after which it is multiplied by the density; its values ​​at different temperatures are given in technical reference books. The amount of supply air for living rooms is taken according to their volume, which corresponds to an exchange rate of 1 time per hour.

Air heating systems

Any do-it-yourself air heating of a private house can be divided into local and centralized. The first type includes all devices that heat the air within one room. These are electric fan heaters, split systems, local air handling units and other similar devices. Centralized systems are characterized by the presence of one heat source - a boiler. The energy it produces is transferred to the coolant and distributed among the rooms in various ways(using air ducts or pipes with coolant).

Depending on the heating method, the air heating system of a private house can be of several types:

  • with full recirculation;
  • with partial recirculation;
  • direct flow;
  • direct flow with heat recovery.

The principle on which a recirculating heating circuit works is to circulate indoor air through an electric or other heater without adding fresh air from outside. An example of such a heater is the same split system, fan heater or fan coil of a centralized installation.

Note. The exception is air conditioners and fan coil units with the function of mixing supply air.

If the owner of the home wants to use heating with full recirculation, then he will have to worry about ventilation in the building separately. Typically in this situation it is used supply and exhaust ventilation with natural urge. Partial recirculation allows you to combine these two systems - heating and ventilation - into one. In this case, devices that heat the air masses inside capture part of the air from the street, clean it, heat it and mix it with recirculation air. Then you don’t need to worry about additional inflow, you just need to provide an additional supply of thermal energy to heat the outside air that occurs in air heating systems.

With a direct-flow scheme, the required amount of air mixture from outside is heated in the heat exchanger of the ventilation unit and supplied inside, while the exhaust system simply exhausts the exhaust air outside. The inlet temperature is calculated in such a way that the thermal energy supplied with it is sufficient to compensate for losses through the external fences. For example, if the room requires a temperature of 20 ºС, then the direct-flow heating system will heat the inflow to 25-30 ºС to compensate for heat loss.

An example of direct-flow systems are local air supply units built into walls or air heating boilers, the heat from which is distributed throughout the house using air ducts. Considering that direct flow is not the most economical solution, heat exchangers - recuperators - began to be used to extract heat from the exhaust air; in them, energy is transferred from the exhaust flow to the supply air, as a result of which 50-60% less heat is spent on heating the latter.

Air source heat pumps for heating

In recent years, the use of heat pumps as heat sources instead of boiler systems has become relevant. This applies to installations that extract thermal energy from the surrounding air, whose cost is becoming increasingly affordable.

For reference. There are geothermal heat pumps, using the energy of the earth, but their cost in our time cannot be called affordable.

The principle by which a house is heated with an air pump is very similar to the operation of a split heating system. In fact, air whose temperature is above absolute zero contains thermal energy, so this device takes it away, cooling the air masses outside even more. The resulting heat is transferred to the internal air and distributed throughout the home. It should be noted that this method is the most effective among all existing ones. Electricity costs for operating fans and compressors account for only a third of the amount of heat extracted from the air. Therefore, a heat pump for heating a cottage is the most best solution, although the most expensive.


Once the type of system has been selected, you will need a diagram for the air heating of your home. It is better to develop it with the help of specialists, since you will need to optimally lay pipelines and air ducts, as well as select the right equipment, which has considerable cost.


In order to equip a reliable, high-quality and, very importantly, economical heating system in a private house, you can use air-type heating. Air heating in a private house will significantly simplify the operation of the entire system and will create a favorable microclimate in the room.

How to choose such heating largely depends on a number of criteria. However, this heating option has already proven its performance and high performance in practice, which is why it has gained comparative popularity among consumers.

The most common is the air heating system for a home, since this option is not only quite affordable in terms of cost, but also has good performance and efficiency. The design of such a system includes the following set of functional elements:
  • a heat generator, which is a heater running on water. This device is the main one in the process of heating indoor air;
  • special branched channels called air ducts. They are designed to direct heated air into the right room;
  • equipment like a standard fan, which is directly responsible for transferring heat to the desired area of ​​the room.
About the features of operation, as well as about technical specifications such a procedure as air heating of the house will be discussed further.

Pros and cons of air heating in a private house

Among the undeniable advantages that air heating systems have for a private home, the following must be highlighted:
  • very high work productivity (about 90%);
  • the entire design excludes the presence of any additional heating elements such as radiators, pipes, etc.;
  • air heating systems can be connected to climate control systems, this is especially important for residential premises, as this makes it possible to maintain the desired comfortable temperature in the room;
  • Thanks to the low inertia, you can efficiently heat the room very quickly.

But there are also some disadvantages in such systems, the most obvious of which are:
  • the air heating scheme involves the installation of this communication exclusively at the construction stage of a private structure;
  • for high-quality operation, such a system requires constant attention from the owners and proper maintenance;
  • the principle of operation of air heating is designed in such a way that in order to function it requires constant electrical power, which, in turn, explains the need for a mandatory backup power supply point;
  • During operation, it will not be possible to improve such a system in any way.
In addition, it should be noted that any drafts occurring in the room can disrupt the normal circulation of warm air in the room, which inevitably leads to overheating of the space under the ceiling and cooling of the area of ​​the room near the floor.

IN forced system circulation, it is necessary to have a fan, which, by means of pressure, directs the heated air flows entering through the air ducts. Installation of such a fan is carried out under the combustion chamber, which is equipped with air heating boilers (read: “How to use an air heating boiler - options for heating with warm air”). This device is designed to clean the air entering it from dust particles and other harmful substances and transfer the already purified flow to the heat exchanger.

Directly after the heat exchanger, air heated to the required temperature enters the room, after which it is returned back to the system through the ventilation system through the return air ducts.

How to correctly calculate an air heating system

Correct calculation of the air heating system must be carried out taking into account the following parameters:
  • air heater power indicators. This parameter should be such that the room is heated normally even taking into account all heat losses;
  • the speed at which heated air is transferred;
  • the volume of heat loss through window and door openings, as well as through walls and ceilings;
  • diameter that the air ducts have. It is important to perform an aerodynamic calculation to determine how much warm air is lost. Read also: "".
If the heating system is calculated incorrectly, this can cause the following problems:
  • significant overheating of the coolant;
  • unpleasant noise and knocking during operation;
  • draft appearing in the rooms.

Installation principle of an air heating system

The heat generator in such a system can be either a standard electric heater or a heating boiler that runs on both gas and solid fuel.

If the heat generator is a solid fuel boiler, it is very important that it be equipped with a function for regulating the speed at which the heat source will burn. If a gas boiler is used, it must be equipped with an automatic on and off system, as well as a fuel temperature control function so that this indicator does not exceed the limits of the designated parameter.

All necessary installation materials, such as an air valve for heating, dampers, air ducts and other elements, must be purchased in advance and ready for installation.

The video shows one of the options for an air heating system in a private house:

It is safe to say that such an air heating system can be installed in any room; it is only important to strictly follow all the standards for its installation and take the installation process seriously. If any difficulties arise, you can always seek the help of professional specialists who will tell you how to properly equip air heating radiators, and also provide various photos of these products and will help you understand the features of their connection to the system.

Air heating of a private house with proper installation and proper selection necessary equipment makes it possible to make home heating truly economical and efficient.

Features and advantages of air heating

During the construction and subsequent arrangement of your home great importance For comfortable living, it has a choice of heating systems. A long-known and proven method of maintaining optimal temperature The house has air heating. This is understood as a thermal regulation system that involves supplying a heated air flow to various rooms and rooms of a residential building. Heating of this type, according to a number of indicators, looks much preferable to stove and radiator heating systems.

Air heating system

The heating system we are interested in, which is easy to make with your own hands, does not require the installation of complex circulation devices to move the coolant.

Heated oil or water used for radiator heating moves through heating pipes under high pressure. Due to this, the coolant is classified as a very aggressive and potentially unsafe environment. To control it, it is necessary to install expensive components of the heating system, which must have absolute tightness and resist corrosion processes well.

Even the slightest damage to one of the parts of such a complex causes its failure and the penetration of hot oil (water) into the home. Heated liquids that get out of control can cause a lot of trouble - ruin a person’s property or harm his health. From this point of view, simpler and more reliable air heating is much safer.

Do not forget that radiator heating must be turned off when not in use. If you leave the coolant in the system in winter and go away on long time, both pipes and batteries may collapse (frozen water will simply burst them). Therefore, for suburban dwellings, where people are not always present, radiator heating doesn't fit. But air, on the contrary, is ideal. It can be started and turned off at any time and for the period you require. We came to relax at the dacha for the weekend - we turned on the air heating, when we left in a couple of days, we turned it off. No problem!

Another important advantage of air heating is the absence of areas elevated temperature near batteries and stoves. The heating system we are considering heats the air evenly throughout the entire home. This means that in houses with air heating you will never see swollen wallpaper, wet streaks on the ceilings and walls, or foggy windows. All of these phenomena are caused by temperature changes, which a priori cannot occur during the operation of air heating systems.

Design and selection of equipment for air heating

High-quality installation of an air heating system is impossible without preliminary calculations. If you are planning to install it yourself, you need to decide on the following indicators:

  • air duct cross-section;
  • thermal generator power value;
  • the speed at which heated air is supplied to the house;
  • volumes of heat losses on floor, wall and ceiling surfaces;
  • aerodynamic features of the system.

Air heating equipment

It is difficult for a person far from the intricacies of heating systems to calculate them correctly. It is advisable to entrust all calculations to a specialist. Then you will definitely be able to equip a truly high-quality heating system for your home.

Without calculations and drawing up a project in which the air heating device will be determined, there is no point in starting work. And in cases where the design is done incorrectly, you may encounter the following problems when operating an air heating system:

  • drafts in the rooms;
  • loud noise, humming and vibration of equipment during startup and operation;
  • excessive (potentially dangerous) heating of the coolant.

The main element of air heating is the heating unit. Now its function is usually performed by a gas heat generator. But you can install any other heater (for example, electric or one that operates on solid fuel - wood, coal, and so on). The selection of a specific heat generator model depends on the planned fuel consumption and the total area of ​​all rooms that will be heated.

Also, to install the system with your own hands, you need to purchase rigid or flexible pipes, called air ducts, tees and bends for them, special grilles and sleeves for air intake, a fan, valves, adhesive tape (reinforced) for sealing the connection areas of individual elements of the system, universal fasteners ( self-tapping screws).

Installing the system yourself - implementation diagram and expert advice

The air heating device is very simple. Essentially, the system consists of a heat generator, a supply fan and a set of air ducts made of stainless steel. Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to make it yourself. Air heating of a private house is installed in five stages:

  1. Installation of heat generator and heat exchanger.
  2. Fan installation.
  3. Wiring and placement of air ducts.
  4. Thermal insulation of supply and check valves.
  5. Installation of hoses for air supply.

The heat generator is usually placed in basement Houses. If you are installing a gas heater (boiler), its connection must be made by a specialist gas service. It is prohibited to do such work yourself.

Installation of an air heating system

A solid fuel boiler or electric heater can be installed and connected yourself. Pay attention! For air heating, only equipment operating on solid fuel is suitable, which makes it possible to adjust the rate of combustion of wood (coal).

Then you mount the heat exchanger (it can be easily made from a sheet of ordinary tin), connect it to the air duct, and place the fan under the combustion chamber. From the outside of the wall (from the street) connect the return pipe to the fan location.

After this you need to do the wiring. Attach air vents (it is recommended to use flexible products, but rigid pipes can also be used) to the supply and return ducts, and install the valves. All you have to do is install the hoses through which air will be supplied to the heat generator, and insulate them (as well as the valves) to eliminate the risk of condensation during system operation.

Air heating of a private house - advantages, installation diagram Video

Features of the air heating device for a private house, expert advice on choosing components for such a system, do-it-yourself video installation.

Air heating of a private house is a profitable and effective solution

Do-it-yourself air heating of a private house allows you to heat the room quickly, efficiently and economically.

This largely depends on the choice of air heating system for a private house.

Air heating of a private house - general diagram

The choice of an air heating system for a private home depends on several factors. The positive thing about this choice is that they are all available and have proven their performance in operation.

One such heating option is an air heating system for a private home. This heating option is inexpensive, as well as quite economical and efficient.

The diagram of such a heating system includes the following elements:

  • Heat generator- a water heater, which is the actual device that heats the air;
  • Air ducts– branched channels for the entry of warm air flows into rooms or parts of rooms that need to be heated;
  • Fan(distribution heads) - a device for directing heated air throughout the room itself.

How does air heating work?

Advantages and disadvantages of air heating systems

The advantages of air heating systems include the following:

  • High level of efficiency (at 90%);
  • There are no intermediate transmission elements (pipes, radiators, etc.) in the heating circuit;
  • The air heating system can be combined with a climate system, which is very important for residential premises, since in this way the necessary indoor microclimate can be maintained;
  • Possibility of quickly heating the room due to low inertia.

There are also disadvantages of air heating systems:

  • Efficient air heating should be installed during the construction of the private house itself;
  • The air heating system is quite demanding in terms of regular maintenance;
  • The constant need for power requires the possibility of a backup power supply;
  • It is impossible to modernize such a system during operation.

With a natural (gravity) heating system, the circulation of heated air occurs due to changes specific gravity air when its temperature changes. This scheme is less dependent on power supply, but, at the same time, has significant disadvantages.

Scheme of gravity air heating system

Any drafts or other cold air flows due to an open window or door cause disruption of air flow in the room. This leads to the space under the ceiling overheating, and the working part of the room cooling down.

Scheme of operation of the forced air cooling circuit

The forced air cooling scheme involves the use of a fan. The heated air is distributed through air ducts created by this pressure fan.

Such a fan is installed under the combustion chamber and, purifying the air taken from the premises from dust, various foreign odors and microbes, supplies it to a heated heat exchanger.

After the heat exchanger, the heated air is supplied to the room through air ducts. Air is returned to the heat generator through ventilation grilles or through return ducts.

Design and calculation of an air heating system

Stages of system calculation:

  • Air heater power. It must be sufficient to ensure that the room receives sufficient heating, taking into account compensation for heat losses;
  • Heated air supply speed;
  • Heat loss through walls, floors, ceilings, windows and doors of the room;
  • Air duct diameter. This includes the calculation of the aerodynamic characteristics of the system. The purpose of this calculation is to determine the amount of air pressure loss.

The consequences of incorrect calculation of the system can be:

  • Heater overheating;
  • Vibration and noise during operation;
  • Draft in the rooms.

After all preliminary issues have been considered, it is necessary to determine the installation location of the air heater. There are no general instructions on this matter. Warm air is usually supplied through a ceiling ventilation system.

The coolant (warm air) is delivered through ventilation grilles to all rooms through special air ducts. They are mounted sleeves.

The outlets of such air ducts are designed in the floor or at the bottom of the room near the floor. The air duct grilles themselves should be designed in places where people will be most often.

Advice. When designing, the quality of the ventilation system must be taken into account. Through it, fresh air is supplied to the room. When calculating, it should be taken into account that this is about 25% of the total air flow into the room.

One of the progressive thermal heating solutions when organizing such a system is solar air heating. In this case, when calculating the system, the average number of sunny days per year is taken into account.

Based on these data, a decision is made on the quantity heating elementssolar collectors for heating the house.

These elements are installed on the roofs and walls of buildings and structures. Special structures can be erected for them. The advantages of this solution are favorable price and the possibility of self-installation

Manufacturing and installation of the system

The heat generator for the air heating system can be either an electric heater or a heating boiler (solid fuel or gas).

Heat generator for air cooling system

Important. If a solid fuel heating boiler is selected for a heat generator, then its design must necessarily provide for the possibility of changing the fuel burning rate.

The gas boiler must be equipped automatic system switching off and on, as well as a system for monitoring the coolant temperature in the required range.

Air heating system elements

Flexible hoses, air ducts, dampers and other elements of the air heating system are purchased ready-made. You can see what they look like in the photo below.

Particular attention should be paid to if you plan to install an air conditioner. In this case, it is necessary to provide insulation of the air ducts. Condensation will not appear on the surface of insulated air ducts.

The air ducts themselves are usually made of galvanized steel sheets. A convenient self-adhesive thermal insulator can be used as insulation.

In general, the air heating system of a private house will be suitable for installation in any room.

Air heating of a private house: instructions for installing the system yourself, video, price, photo

64) Air heating of a private house: instructions for installing the system with your own hands, video, price, photo

How to do air heating of a private house with your own hands

House air heating scheme

This heating method has been known for a long time. Even in ancient times, houses were heated with hot air, which from the heating stoves passed through channels specially made for this purpose. And today many people are thinking about how to make air heating for a private home with their own hands, since this heating method has many advantages over others.

What types of air heating are there?

To choose the optimal air heating system for a private home, you need to know its types. Such systems can be classified according to several parameters:

  • The method of circulation of air masses.
  • Location.
  • Large scale.
  • Heat transfer method.

Circulation method

Air circulation can be carried out naturally or using fans. At natural way Due to their lighter weight, air masses rise upward and through air ducts, located in this case under the ceiling, enter the room that requires heating. At the same time, the air speed is insignificant, and the room is heated slowly.

Forced circulation, when hot air is driven by fans, moves much faster through the channels, does not have time to cool down to a minimum, and as a result turns out to be more profitable. Air that has not cooled down much no longer needs to be heated, so fuel is saved.


According to location, air heating in a private house is presented as:

  • floor system;
  • hanging diagram.

In the first option, the air ducts are located in the upper part of the room, under the ceiling, and can be hidden from view decorative elements decor. In the second case, hot air channels are located under the floor or in the form of baseboard structures.

Preferable for a private home floor scheme the location of the air ducts, since the air warms up primarily the lower part of the room, which creates a more comfortable environment for people.

From suspended structures, air cannot reach the floor in a warm form, so coolness is always felt at foot level.


According to this parameter, air heating is divided into local and central. The local scheme involves heating a small private house.

The central system is used to heat large areas of industrial and public premises - production workshops, supermarkets, train stations, waiting rooms, sports facilities, hangars, warehouses, etc.

Heat exchange

Both indoor and outdoor air are used to heat the premises. If air is taken only from the street, such a system is called a supply system. For this purpose, supply-type fans are used, which drive air masses directly to the heating unit.

Partial recirculation involves the intake of air, both from the street and from inside the premises, which has already cooled to a minimum value.

Fully recirculating circuit - the internal air is in constant motion, moving from a heated state to a cold state, after which it flows to the heating device, where it is again heated and moved into the rooms to release heat and cool down.

Air heating device

Using a gas heater

Despite the type of scheme by which air heating of the premises of a private house is carried out, if you are going to do everything yourself, you need to stock up on three main components:

  • Heat generator. For this purpose, as a rule, a heating boiler or, in extreme cases, a furnace is used. The boiler can operate on any type of fuel or be powered from the mains.
  • A network of air ducts, usually made of galvanized sheet steel. They have an unsightly appearance, but are often decorated with various finishing materials in accordance with the overall design of the room.
  • Supply fan.

This type of air heating design, made with your own hands, is capable of warming up the room well and quickly. At the same time, it is quite possible to integrate into such a system climate control devices, which in the summer will carry out conditioning and purification of air masses. Air conditioning units are placed both at the top of the room and at the bottom, depending on the selected air heating scheme.

The supply fan forces heated air into the ducts. It is mounted directly under the combustion chamber of the boiler and, equipped with a filter, cleans the air masses from various impurities and dust in order to supply it to the heating point - the heat exchanger. After passing through a network of air ducts, the cooled air returns back to the heat exchanger.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of air heating of a private house?

In general, the advantage of air heating is that it allows you to quickly and efficiently heat your home with great savings. In addition, the advantages include:

  • The efficiency of air heating reaches 90%.
  • There is no need to install radiators, pipes and the cost of purchasing them.
  • Possibility of combining heating and air conditioning.
  • Maximum safety due to the use of heated air as a coolant.
  • Low cost of such systems.
  • The low inertia of air masses allows you to quickly warm up rooms.
  • Air heating can be used to heat any premises, regardless of their area and number of floors.

There are also disadvantages. And they are that:

  • The air heating system must be installed during the construction of the building.
  • Requires constant monitoring and frequent maintenance.
  • Forced circulation is volatile, so in case of a power outage, it is necessary to have a backup power source.


Like any other air heating system, it also needs a primary design, which for a private home can be done with your own hands. The design and calculations must take into account the following:

Gas heater device

  • A heating boiler of appropriate power, which, taking into account heat losses, is capable of heating all rooms.
  • The speed of movement of warm air masses.
  • The amount of heat a building loses through walls, roof, floors, windows and doors.
  • Aerodynamic characteristic, which depends on the cross-section of the air ducts, and is calculated to determine the reduction in air flow pressure.

Before you undertake a thermal engineering calculation, make sure that your knowledge is sufficient for this work, since an incorrectly done project can bring such phenomena as an eternal draft in residential premises, and this is fraught with colds, the constant noise of a working fan and vibration, which will invariably be created in air ducts. And overheating of the heat exchanger can lead to failure of the heating unit itself.

Air heating of a private house involves a ventilation device for replenishment internal space fresh air and waste disposal.

When making thermal calculations, it should be taken into account that ventilation system About 25% of cooled air from outside is supplied to the room.

After the calculations have been carried out, you need to select the location for installing the air ducts. As previously mentioned, they can be located under the ceiling or made in a baseboard design. There are no rules or regulations here. Everyone is free to choose what suits them best. In any case, the air duct sleeves should be located both at the bottom and at the top. Since air masses must circulate, covering the entire space of the room. It is recommended that the outlets of the channels supplying warm air be located where people are most often and for the longest time.

How to install an air heating system

The heating unit must have all the necessary system safety control and regulation of the fuel combustion process. In addition, temperature sensors are required.

As air ducts, as mentioned above, structures made of galvanized metal, which can be made with your own hands, and flexible metal hoses can be used. The connection between rigid and flexible elements of the air duct is made with special clamps or reinforced tape. The shape of the air ducts is chosen at the request of the home owner.

If you plan to install air conditioners, then the air ducts in mandatory must be covered with a layer of thermal insulation to prevent condensation from appearing on the outer surfaces of the air ducts. Insulation of air ducts can be done with any materials from the line of heat insulators. Experts recommend using self-adhesive materials.


As you can see, it is quite possible to make air heating of your home with your own hands, but thermal calculations should be entrusted to specialists.

Air heating of a private house - do it yourself

Air heating of a private house can be done with your own hands if you first make the correct thermal calculations and install the system during the construction process. K. do-it-yourself air heating of a private house system diagram
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