Bad cholesterol is normal. Good and bad cholesterol - meaning for a person. Healthy lifestyle

In maintaining the health of citizens, there are issues that require special consideration, since the increase in morbidity associated with these deviations is growing rapidly. Such questions include the concept of normal cholesterol in the blood of an adult, its increase and decrease.

What is it

Cholesterol is a high-molecular fatty compound that circulates in the blood plasma. Since cholesterol itself cannot actively move, it forms a compound with proteins and is called a lipoprotein.

About 80% of cholesterol in the body is produced by the liver and the cells themselves. For the body it has vital importance, since it is part of the cell membrane, providing each cell with a protective and stabilizing function (i.e., maintains its shape). Accepts active participation in the functioning of the hormonal system, participates in the formation of bile and metabolism.

The bad and the good

The concept of “bad and good cholesterol” in an adult is very arbitrary, since both are produced by the body independently and perform their functions. “Good” cholesterol combines with proteins to form low-density lipoproteins, which are responsible for transporting cholesterol to cells and forming their membranes.

"Bad" cholesterol is found in the body in minimum quantities and forms lipoproteins with proteins high density- This is excess cholesterol delivered from cells to the liver for destruction. Compounds of cholesterol with fatty acids and glycerol are called triglycerides. This is the main storage warehouse for cholesterol, which is necessary for the emergency construction of a large number of new cells.

For good health and normal functioning of the body, it is extremely important to maintain a balance between these three factors:

  • The entry of “good” cholesterol from the blood into cells
  • Destroying excess and externally generated “bad” cholesterol
  • Availability of a constantly updated depot

As already mentioned, the body provides itself with the necessary amount of cholesterol.

No more than 20-30% of “good” fats, that is, high-molecular fats found in plant foods, should be supplied.

With the active intake of refractory fats of animal origin (lard, pork fat) the amount of “bad” cholesterol increases, it changes consistency, and is unable to break it down. Such low molecular weight cholesterol adheres to the walls of blood vessels, narrows their lumen and impairs blood flow. Over time, these deposits thicken and form, they cause hemorrhages in the vascular walls and. This process develops slowly, over decades, but leads to serious circulatory disorders, hypoxia, and thrombosis. Larger ones are most often affected coronary vessels, blood vessels of the brain, lower extremities.

Conducted in a biochemical laboratory. This requires taking blood from a vein. The rules for preparing for the test are the same as for preparing for general analysis blood.

The lipidogram determines the level of total cholesterol in the blood, as well as each fraction separately (LDL and HDL). At home, to monitor the treatment and for prevention purposes, when there is a significant risk of developing atherosclerosis, portable devices are used to measure cholesterol levels in the blood. But such a device will not completely replace research in the laboratory, and once a year people after forty years old need to take a blood test in a clinic.

Cholesterol values ​​in a blood test


The level of total, “harmful” and “good” cholesterol in the blood varies depending on age, gender, and lifestyle. The standard for the normal level of cholesterol in human blood is taken from the results of measurements in healthy people of both sexes without bad habits and in healthy children of various age categories.

  • The lowest cholesterol level in one-year-old children is 1.8 – 4.5 mmol/l
  • It increases with age and by the age of 12 can reach 4.5 mmol/l
  • Further increase depends on the child’s nutrition and physical activity. By the time of puberty, the normal level of cholesterol in the blood of children is about 5.44 mmol/l
  • Due to the greater commitment of men to smoking, alcohol abuse and fast food, by the age of 50 their indicators are seriously ahead of women in the same age category.
  • in women aged 40-50-60 years it is 3.94 – 6.86 mmol/l
  • After the age of fifty, women begin to catch up with men's indicators and even surpass them. This sharp jump is due to menopause and hormonal changes in the body.


Why do some people have high “bad” cholesterol and others do not? Someone develops atherosclerotic changes, and someone does not even realize the presence of cholesterol in the blood?

the following:

  • the main reason is considered poor nutrition, consisting mainly of an abundance of carbohydrates, foods instant cooking, hydrogenated fats and large amounts of sugar consumed. Deficiency in the diet of microelements, fiber, dietary fiber. A single volume of dishes exceeding the required quantity. Systematic alcohol consumption.
  • a sedentary lifestyle leads to muscle frailty, loss of venous tone, and weakening of the vascular wall.
  • Smoking causes blood vessels to remain in a spasmodic state for a long time, which negatively affects their elasticity.
  • chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys, responsible for the production of “good” cholesterol.
  • hereditary tendency to pathological conditions of the body, leading to increased production of low molecular weight fats.
  • some diseases of the endocrine system, hypertension, disorders of the digestive system.

Sedentary image

All of these factors are not a specific cause, but they provoke disorders of fat metabolism and, as a result, the development of atherosclerotic plaques. At the same time, a person feels tinnitus and attention, sleep deteriorates - with damage to the blood vessels of the brain. With atherosclerosis of the heart vessels: dizziness, chest pain, hypertension.

If the aorta is affected in its abdominal section: indigestion, paroxysmal pain, persistent hypertension, renal failure. manifests itself as severe periodic pain in the calf muscles, a feeling of numbness, and coldness of the skin.

Why is a decrease dangerous?

Sometimes another deviation from the norm occurs -. This is no less dangerous condition of the body. A person experiences muscle weakness, decreased reflexes, and the risk of developing cancer diseases, depression and suicidal thoughts appear.

Due to a lack of cholesterol in the blood, the elasticity of blood vessels is impaired, as a result, hemorrhage in the brain and the occurrence of hemorrhagic stroke are possible. Since cholesterol is involved in the synthesis of sex hormones, its deficiency can lead to infertility. The thyroid gland reacts to a decrease in levels by actively releasing hormones, and hyperthyroidism occurs.

Increased levels of “bad” cholesterol can and should be fought. This struggle consists of a complex of measures. Treating bad cholesterol with nutrition.

Following the principles of proper nutrition:

  • Meals for people with bad cholesterol should be divided and in small portions; some people use separate meals.
  • Eliminate difficult-to-digest fats completely and, if possible, replace them with vegetable fats.
  • Exclude trans fats, store-bought convenience foods, mayonnaise, margarine, and store-bought confectionery.
  • Include in the diet as the main dish: veal, rabbit, turkey, cereals, legumes, vegetables, fruits and berries, herbs, nuts, herbal teas.
  • Use active additives: honey, bran, linseed oil, fish oil.

Cholesterol-lowering foods

Treatment of the underlying disease leading to changes in blood cholesterol levels:

Medications to reduce “bad” cholesterol in the blood. From medicines prophylactic drugs are often used to prevent the development of thrombosis, these are aspirin acid and its derivatives, as well as vitamin complexes, rutin. These remedies are not a specific treatment; rather, they help the body cleanse itself and support it.

For the targeted treatment of high cholesterol in the blood, it is used. But their use should be under the supervision of a physician, since these medications have many contraindications and side effects.

Folk recipes

Treating bad cholesterol gives good results folk recipes, if it started on early stages development of the disease. The best remedy lemon mixed with garlic is considered. Chamomile decoctions are useful, bay leaf, as well as linden tea and rosehip infusion. Has not lost its relevance green tea with honey. You can take mixtures of vegetable and fruit juices to cleanse blood vessels.

The fight against high cholesterol levels in the blood is long and painstaking work. And like any disorders in the body, the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques is easier to prevent than to treat.

When considering the types of cholesterol () on the pages, in particular “good” and “bad”, one more parameter should be considered - this is the ratio of bad and good cholesterol.

How is this option useful? Let's imagine a situation where the LDL level is significantly higher and amounts to 9.2 mmol/l. It seems that everything is bad, but if with an increased level of bad cholesterol, good cholesterol is also increased, then the situation is different and there is no threat of LDL deposition on the walls of blood vessels with the formation of atherosclerotic ones. What's the matter?

Articles about and described their function in the human body. Let me briefly remind you that the body has a counterbalance to “bad” cholesterol in the form of “good” cholesterol.


These are high-density lipoproteins, the content of which in the blood ranges from 20 to 30%. Possessing high content HDL in the blood, the risk of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and subsequent stroke or heart attack is reduced to zero. Its main functions:

  • transport LDL to the liver;
  • removes excess LDL from the cell surface;
  • extracts “bad” cholesterol even from atherosclerotic plaques.

High-density lipoproteins are produced in the body and are not found in foods, but the consumption of some promotes its active production.


Bad cholesterol is absorbed by cells, but its excess leads to deposits on the walls of blood vessels and over time leads to disease cardiovascular system. The content of this cholesterol in the blood should be 40-50%. But it has another useful function: it neutralizes toxins, which positively stimulates the immune system.

How to calculate

The compounds of good and bad cholesterol must be balanced, and an increase or decrease in the blood levels of each of them leads to the development of diseases.

The ratio of bad and good cholesterol is obtained by dividing the total by the level of good. If you get a number less than 6, then this is evidence that the balance between “HDL” and “LDL” cholesterol is normal.

  1. General - 5.2 mmol/l;
  2. Triglycerides - 2.0 mmol/l;
  3. LDL - 3-3.5 mmol/l;
  4. HDL - 1.0 mmol/l

Such indicators should be in an ideal lipid profile, but it must be taken into account that these indicators still vary.

Modern doctors have been fighting high levels of bad cholesterol for several years now. A large number of people die every day from diseases that provoke excess cholesterol, which requires having a complete understanding of how to deal with such a problem.

The patient seeks help from a doctor and receives a referral for biochemistry. In the test results you can see the following columns: total cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins, high-density lipoproteins, triglycerides.

Bad cholesterol is the so-called low-density lipoproteins, which are deposited on the walls of blood vessels and can lead to the development of serious disorders. Bad cholesterol is produced directly in the liver and is a source of nutrients that are transported throughout the body. Excess cholesterol can be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which leads to the formation. If efforts are not directed to solving this problem in a timely manner, the result may be complete blockage of blood vessels, which leads to diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, and atherosclerosis.

(in the blood test indicated in the column high-density lipoproteins) allows you to remove excess bad cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels, which prevents the development of a large number of diseases.

Bad cholesterol can be considered values ​​that do not exceed 3.9 – 6.0 mmol. Indicators may fluctuate depending on the patient’s age and history of diseases. These indicators can be increased by 1.5-2 times, which is the norm. Excess cholesterol is necessary for the rapid and harmonious formation of the fetus. For the expectant mother It is necessary to take regular blood tests to monitor cholesterol, low- and high-density lipoproteins, and triglycerides.

The next indicator is the atherogenic coefficient, which allows you to analyze the ratio of “bad” cholesterol to “good” cholesterol. If the ratio is violated, the risk of developing atherosclerosis increases. The indicators in this case should not exceed numerical value 5.1-5.4 mmol.

- These are high-density lipoproteins that help remove excess cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels. If the level of good cholesterol is less than 1.3 mmol, this may indicate serious disorders. In this case, the risk of developing atherosclerosis and heart attack increases. According to statistics, in 10% of cases, sudden death occurs as a result of disturbances in the normal level of good cholesterol.

The best option is to maintain normal levels of good and bad cholesterol. It should be noted that each of the laboratories that determine cholesterol levels has its own standards, exceeding which is fraught with the development of serious pathologies. All of the above indicators of norms were provided by an international laboratory that deals with the problem of high cholesterol.


The division of cholesterol into bad and good allows us to classify two types of this building material, depending on the functions that it performs in the human body.

The ratio of bad and good cholesterol indicates possible lipid metabolism disorders, which can lead to the development of the following diseases:

  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Disturbances in the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

People at risk include people who have a hereditary predisposition to high cholesterol levels, overweight people, men over 40 years of age, and women during menopause. Also, the risk of increased cholesterol levels may be present in heavy smokers and those people who abuse alcohol and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Tests to determine cholesterol levels are necessary for those who are at risk. This especially applies to those people who have already suffered cardiovascular diseases. Such patients may require long-term use of drugs from the group, as well as systematic monitoring by the attending physician.

Cholesterol content in foods

Information about the content of good and bad cholesterol in food allows you to adjust your daily diet and promptly bring the disturbed indicators back to normal. If you have high bad cholesterol, you should avoid eating the following foods:

  • Fatty beef, pork, lamb;
  • Industrial sausages, sprats, canned food;
  • Industrial sweets: cakes, pastries, chocolates;
  • Fatty salad dressings, mayonnaise-based sauces;
  • Fermented milk products with a high percentage of fat content;
  • Butter, margarine;
  • Fatty cheeses contain a large amount of cholesterol, so it is recommended to refrain from consuming these foods during treatment;
  • You will also have to avoid eating cream, lard and fatty ice cream;
  • Additionally, you must refrain from eating fried, salted and peppered foods.

Having received information about which cholesterol is bad and what foods contain it, it is easy to adjust your daily menu:

  • Replace the consumption of fatty meat with lean beef or veal and chicken fillet.
  • Use sufficient quantity, which contains a large amount of omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 acids. These valuable substances are also contained in the seed. These products can be used in pure form or use as a salad dressing.
  • As a dressing for salads, instead of the usual mayonnaise, it is better to use lemon juice, olive or flaxseed oil, garlic sauce.

It is also necessary to have information on how to increase the level of good cholesterol, which removes excess “bad” cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels.

  • First of all, you need to give preference to legumes, herbs, garlic, fresh and.
  • Apples and oats contain a large amount of pectin, which is necessary to normalize lipid metabolism.
  • The greatest amount of bad cholesterol is found in fatty and fried foods, so you need to give preference to boiled or steamed foods.
  • Consumption of ground garlic quickly and effectively normalizes bad cholesterol levels and increases the level of high-density lipoproteins.

With the help of unsaturated fatty acids, which are contained in flaxseed oil, fish oil, greens and legumes, you can quickly cleanse the walls of blood vessels from excess cholesterol and normalize the level of total cholesterol in the blood plasma. Products containing omega-3 components expand the lumen of the vascular walls and effectively fight sclerotic plaques.

Treatment of high cholesterol

The patient is required to strictly comply with the instructions of the attending physician and systematically follow all recommendations.

  1. In advanced cases, you may need to take medications that block the production of bad cholesterol directly in the body. Additionally, you may need to take vitamin and mineral complexes. Special attention doctors focus on B vitamins. The drugs have a number of contraindications and side effects Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to inform the doctor about existing diseases and, if necessary, list the medications that are currently being used.
  2. The second step is to reduce the consumption of fatty foods, include river and sea ​​fish. works quite quickly and effectively. For help, you can contact a nutritionist who will help you choose a balanced, suitable diet. In this case it is required fractional meals, up to 4-5 times a day in small portions. The patient is also advised to drink enough plain water.
  3. The third step is moderate physical activity. In this case, you need to consult a doctor about what type of exercise is suitable in this case. In most cases, preference is given to swimming, yoga, and running.
  4. If the patient is overweight, it is necessary to bring it back to normal.

Subject to the recommendations of the attending physician regarding the use of medicines and diet therapy, the impaired indicators return to normal after 2-3 months. If the indicators do not return to normal, it may be necessary to change the treatment regimen and additionally prescribe drugs from the group of fibroic acids, as well as drugs that have a choleretic effect.

In conclusion, I would like to note that cholesterol below normal is bad and requires timely correction. Lack of cholesterol can lead to disruption of the normal functioning of most organs that need the delivery of nutrients and vitamins. Doctors report sad statistics: if the level of total cholesterol is reduced by at least 0.5%, this can lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Both bad and good cholesterol are needed by the human body for normal functioning and maintenance of vital functions. If any violations are detected, it is recommended to immediately contact your doctor. This will allow you to start on time necessary treatment and avoid serious, undesirable consequences.

If you follow all the described recommendations, the ratio of bad and good cholesterol will quickly return to normal. Additionally, lipid metabolism, metabolism and the general well-being of the patient will improve. It should be remembered that even if the levels of bad and good cholesterol have returned to normal, then as a preventative measure you should continue to eat according to the proposed scheme, avoid eating harmful foods and refrain from bad habits.

High and low density lipoproteins

Being an essential vital substance in the body, cholesterol exists in two forms, conventionally called “good” and “bad”. Both forms are found in the blood plasma as part of lipoproteins (another name: lipoproteins) - complex compounds consisting of fats and proteins. Good cholesterol is the conventional name for high-density lipoproteins, referred to in medicine as HDL. IN this substance There are more than two times more proteins than low-density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol).

In addition to proteins, which make up more than half of the structure, HDL contains 25% phospholipids (the basis of cells), 15% cholesterol (a fat-like substance produced by the liver and supplied with food), and some triglycerides (the basis of the body's fatty tissue).

The main role of “good” cholesterol is the continuous transfer of excess cholesterol from the blood to the liver for processing and further elimination from the body. Therefore, HDL is an anti-atherosclerosis fraction that actively protects the body from serious diseases by cleaning the inner walls of blood vessels from accumulations of bad cholesterol in the form of plaques.

Harmful cholesterol (another name: lipids, that is, fats) in combination with special proteins forms complex complexes - low-density lipoproteins. Their designation: LDL.

Functions in the body

Good cholesterol is created in the body in much smaller quantities than bad cholesterol. In addition, HDL is not found in foods and therefore does not enter the body through food.

As a conscientious caretaker of the body, good cholesterol protects human health with its presence. Medical experts rightly call increased HDL levels longevity syndrome.

Good cholesterol has a different name: alpha cholesterol, it is responsible in the body for the error-free functioning of the molecular structure called the cell membrane, necessary tissue renewal, bone growth, insulation of nerve fibers, protection of red blood cells from toxins, and synthesis of sex hormones.

Being building material In the formation of cells for the above components of the body system, beneficial lipoproteins take part in maintaining water balance and remove unnecessary substances from the body that can cause serious diseases.

According to doctors, an increased level of bad cholesterol is not as alarming as a lack of good cholesterol. In this case, the vessels lack protection from blood clots, the risk of heart attacks and strokes increases, a tendency to depression may develop, and hormonal disruptions may occur in the female body.

Normal in blood

In people in normal health, HDL levels should be greater than 1 mmol/L. The upper limit of the average favorable indicator reaches a value of 1.88 mmol/l. Increasing the level of good cholesterol only benefits the body. With a low HDL value (less than 0.78 mmol/l), the risk of atherosclerosis increases three times.

Good cholesterol results are divided into best level (1.55 mmol/L), ranging from 1.3 to 1.54 mmol/L - good, low for women (less than 1.4 mmol/L) and men (1.03 mmol/l).

If a patient has suffered a heart attack or stroke, then his HDL level is 1-1.6 mmol/l. There is also a specified norm of good cholesterol in the blood for the male body from 0.7 to 1.72 mmol/l, the correct level of HDL in females is from 0.85 to 2.29 mmol/l.

The balance of bad and good cholesterol is very important for health. It is determined by dividing your total cholesterol by your blood HDL level. Normally, the resulting value should be less than six.

If total cholesterol is elevated, which is usually considered a signal of cardiovascular disease, then an increased HDL value is a decisive indicator and indicates in good condition health of the body.

To determine the level of good cholesterol, you need to take a biochemical blood test at the clinic, but a more accurate result is guaranteed in special certified laboratories.

Products affecting its level

Good cholesterol is not found in foods, but some of them help increase HDL in the blood. Oatmeal, oat bran, fatty fish, food additives With fish oil, legumes (lentils, green peas, beans), as well as soy products are recommended as the main diet. You can successfully increase the “necessary” cholesterol if you consume the listed products.

In addition to the above, green vegetables, herbs, apples, nuts, flax-seed and flaxseed oil, spices, green tea.


The most effective and least safe drug for increasing HDL levels is nicotinic acid (niacin). Please note that commercially available dietary supplements containing niacin can damage the liver.

Fibrates help normalize good cholesterol. have an effect on regulating the liver in relation to cholesterol and clearing it from the blood.

Policosanol, a natural plant wax extract that is used as a dietary supplement, may also be prescribed to raise HDL.

Correctly prescribed medication is the key to successful treatment of the patient. To avoid undesirable consequences, before using drugs, you should consult your doctor and read the instructions.

The medicine prescribed by the doctor should be taken as directed, but the basis of recovery should be proper nutrition and consumption of foods that increase healthy cholesterol.

By controlling the level of good cholesterol, maintaining proper nutrition, and maintaining your weight at normal levels, you can strengthen your blood vessels and heart and take a fresh look at life.

Bad and good cholesterol (cholesterol) is present in the body of every person. Its amount depends on nutrition and liver health. This “dreaded” cholesterol is a vital, fat-like, wax-like substance (translated from Greek as solid bile), which when oxidized by radicals acquires harmful properties.

In the blood, it is divided into three types:

  • general;
  • high density;
  • low density.

The main difference between good and bad is that it can be produced exclusively by the body itself. Its amount cannot be increased with food. It plays an important role in the coordinated functioning of all organs. Every cell contains this substance, which is part of cell membranes, plays an indispensable role in the formation of sex hormones: cortisol, estrogen and testosterone.

Cholesterol level

The ratio of bad cholesterol in the blood to good cholesterol is detected during a laboratory examination, and the level is measured in mmol/l or mg/dl. LDL norm for healthy person is less than 4 mmol/l or 160 mg/dl. Its performance depends on many factors. Important criteria are the person’s gender, age, bad habits, stress and the presence of diseases. People who have had a heart attack, stroke or suffer from ischemic heart pathologies must have levels of at least 2.5 mmol/l, that is, 100 mg/dl.

For people who are predisposed to cardiovascular diseases, the LDL level should be no more than 3.3 mmol/l, that is, less than 130 mg/dl. It has been proven that in men the cholesterol level should not exceed 7.17 mmol/l, and in women 7.77 mmol/l. Increased level cholesterol contributes to rapid aging and this is reflected in appearance, which is important for women. An excess of bad cholesterol in the blood indicates the presence of liver and heart diseases.

The worst ratio is when bad cholesterol is high and good cholesterol is low.

Balance of good and bad cholesterol

An excess of cholesterol in the blood is dangerous to human health, so medical professionals and the media began to focus attention on proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Lately there has been so much talk about him that sometimes you begin to wonder if this is really true? But it turns out that it is actually important that both good and bad cholesterol are present in the body without disturbing the balance. Which cholesterol is bad and which is good? “Bad” (LDL) has a low density and promotes the formation of sclerotic plaques, the appearance of which threatens serious diseases of the cardiovascular system and the formation of cholesterol stones in the gall bladder. “Good” cholesterol (HDL) is a high-density lipoprotein and helps break down sclerotic plaques by carrying the harmful substance to the liver, where it is processed.

A normal balance is when “good” cholesterol is more than 0.45 g per 1 liter, and “bad” cholesterol is no more than 1 g per 1 liter of blood.

Nutrition plays a role

To improve your health, you need to reconsider your diet. A lot of cholesterol is found in lard, meat, liver, full-fat milk and cottage cheese, and fatty fish. Despite the benefits of these products, they should not be abused.

Cholesterol plays an important role in the synthesis of sex hormones and bone growth, so children and adolescents should receive good nutrition, which includes products of animal origin. They are indispensable for the younger generation.

Eating foods such as: different types cabbage, dill, parsley, lettuce, celery, carrots in any form, nuts (contain unsaturated fatty acids), onions, garlic. Olive and sunflower oil must be present in the diet. Products that remove harmful substances, preventing them from depositing in blood vessels:

  • beans;
  • beans;
  • peas;
  • lentils;
  • oatmeal;
  • brown rice

Campaigns to “fight” cholesterol have been launched in many countries around the world. Food manufacturers began to indicate the presence of harmful substances on labels, thus attracting buyers to certain products. But unfortunately, the level of consumption of so-called cholesterol products has decreased, and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases has even begun to increase.

At the same time, the French, who constantly have fatty meat in their diet, are much less susceptible to cardiovascular diseases than others. They, like the Italians, along with fatty and rich dishes, eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, herbs, washed down with red wine, which is a powerful antioxidant. The Japanese have a high life expectancy and feel good by eating a lot of fish, algae, and grains, but almost exclude fatty meat from the diet.

Optimal selection of products creates a favorable environment for getting rid of “bad” cholesterol; it simply does not have the opportunity to accumulate in the body. Therefore, the balance in the body directly depends on the balance of food.

Drug treatment

High cholesterol levels are reduced with the help of medications, these include Niacin, which contains nicotinic acid. Nicotinic acid increases the amount of HDL and reduces LDL.

It is recommended to use drugs that level out the level of harmful and useful substances in the blood by blocking the production of cholesterol. They do not allow it to be absorbed in the intestines. All medications may be taken strictly as prescribed by a doctor.

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