The first signs of a cancerous tumor. Cancer: signs and symptoms at the initial stage of the disease. Cancer “quartet”: a nightmare for a hypochondriac

Unfortunately, cancer does not have pronounced symptoms in the initial stages of development. Most often, the disease is detected in the last stages, which makes its treatment difficult. Early detection of cancer is most often spontaneous.

Common signs of cancer

However, all forms of the disease have common features. They arise from the fact that cancer produces toxins that inhibit the functioning of the body. These signs include the following:

  • General condition nervous system: depression, depression, uncaused weakness, increased body temperature.
  • Externally, the tumor leads to increased sweating at night, changes in skin, timbre of voice and persistent cough.
  • Changes in the functioning of the digestive system: loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing, weight loss, constant stool upset.
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen and chest, lumps in the mammary glands, difficulty urinating.

Characteristic symptoms of different forms of cancer

Each form of cancer has its own characteristic symptoms.

Symptoms of breast cancer

The following symptoms occur with breast cancer:

  • The shape of the nipple changes.
  • A swelling or lump appears on the nipple.
  • The shape of the breast changes.
  • Bloody discharge often appears.
  • If you raise your arms above your head, dimples appear on the skin of your chest.
  • The skin of the chest is peeling.
  • The patient experiences constant discomfort in one of the breasts.
  • Lymph nodes are enlarged.
  • The area of ​​the armpit or shoulder is enlarged.

Symptoms of cervical cancer

With cervical cancer, the patient's menstrual cycle is disrupted. Symptoms of cervical cancer include the following:

  • Vaginal bleeding that is not normal and occurs between cycles.
  • Menstrual periods that last harder and longer.
  • The occurrence of bleeding after menopause.
  • Pain in the pelvic area.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.

Skin Cancer Symptoms

The patient can also independently detect skin cancer. One third of all tumors of this type appear in places where pigment spots and moles form.

If you notice new spots on your skin that have the following symptoms, you should contact your oncologist.

  • Asymmetry: tumor growth can grow faster in one direction.
  • blurry and uneven boundaries of spots.
  • Heterogeneity of color: from milky to black.
  • The diameter of the spot is more than 5-6 mm.
  • The spot rises 1 mm above the level of the rest of the skin.
  • In some cases itching occurs.

Symptoms of genital cancer

The first signs of genital cancer in men are a dysfunction of the reproductive system, expressed in the absence of ejaculation and erection, as well as diseases of the genitourinary system, such as prostatitis. Most often, this set of signs is a symptom of prostate cancer.

Cancer of the testes and ovaries is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • In women, this is a violation of reproductive and menstrual function.
  • The occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, pain can spread to the lower extremities.
  • Disorders of the urination process.
  • Weakening general condition body and stool disorders.
  • Sleep and appetite disorders.

Symptoms of respiratory cancer

Unfortunately, symptoms of respiratory cancer are more difficult to detect because they are common in other diseases. Therefore, most often patients with this form of oncology do not go to doctors. To the cancer risk zone respiratory system smokers are included first. In order to accurately diagnose lung cancer, it is necessary to undergo a mandatory fluorographic examination once a year. Symptoms of lung cancer are usually the following: pain in the chest, accompanied by cough, shortness of breath and hemoptysis, noticeable loss of body weight and frequent increase in body temperature for no apparent reason.

Symptoms of blood cancer

An assumption about the development of blood cancer can be made by the general weakening of the body. To diagnose this disease, you need to take a blood test. Characteristic symptoms of anemia include: weight loss, shortness of breath and muscle weakness, susceptibility to infectious diseases, pain in bones and joints, general unreasonable fatigue, appetite disturbances, enlarged liver, lymph nodes, spleen, increased sweating, bleeding, skin pigmentation, fever body, aversions to various smells and food, causeless headaches. It should be noted that a single symptom does not indicate the presence of blood cancer; this possibility should be considered only when a complex of symptoms occurs.

Symptoms of bone cancer

Some types of cancer are very painful. For example, bone cancer. At first, painful sensations occur only at night or while moving. In some cases, the patient feels a tumor, both on the bone tissue and on the tissues around it. There is a weakening of the bones, they become brittle and break even from slight pressure.

Symptoms of colon and thyroid cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, stomach cancer

There are forms of cancer that are very difficult to feel or see for yourself. The exact symptoms appear only in the last stages. These forms of oncology include: colon and thyroid cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, stomach cancer.

Signs of stomach cancer are similar to ulcers. For this reason, patients often do not pay due attention to such symptoms, considering them an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer.

Early signs of stomach cancer include:

  • Frequent causeless nausea and vomiting.
  • Feeling of fullness in the stomach after eating.
  • Dumb and aching pain in the stomach.
  • Vomiting blood and black loose stools.

There are also later symptoms of the tumor:

  • Constant vomiting with traces of blood.
  • Stable and noticeable weight loss.
  • The appearance of jaundice and an increase in the size of the abdomen (this indicates the spread of cancer metastases to the biliary tract and liver).
  • Chest pain, shortness of breath and cough (if metastases have spread to the lungs).

Thyroid cancer is especially difficult to diagnose. The tumor here is so small that the patient does not feel it. When palpated by a doctor, it is not detected; sometimes it appears as a painless knot in the neck. Such a neoplasm can form within ten years. When the tumor activates, the patient feels discomfort, there is a change in voice and difficulty swallowing.

There are no special signs for rectal cancer; the main warning sign is the presence of bloody discharge.

For cancer gastrointestinal tract the following symptoms are observed:

  • Redness of the upper half of the body and face.
  • Level reduction blood pressure with increased heart rate.
  • Constant diarrhea.
  • Enlarged liver, with spread of metastases to the liver.
  • The occurrence of pain in the abdomen.
  • Sudden weight loss due to digestive disorders.

Symptoms of brain cancer

Common symptoms of brain cancer include frequent headache, vomiting for no reason, dizziness, which at first glance does not cause serious concern, which is why many patients do not go to the doctor. Later, when the tumor begins to develop, other symptoms appear. They manifest themselves in a complex or independently, it all depends on the location of the tumor:

  • If the parietal zone is damaged, the patient experiences a sensitivity disorder: the person feels the effects of temperature, touching the skin, and pain less easily.
  • When the cerebellum is damaged, motor disorders, paralysis, epileptic seizures, and coordination problems occur.
  • If the tumor is localized in temporal areas, then hearing impairments and difficulties associated with speech recognition occur.
  • In cases of visual impairment, oral and written speech, and the ability to distinguish between objects and text, the damage is located in the frontal zone.
  • If hormonal disorders are observed, this indicates a tumor in the pituitary gland.
  • With brain cancer, various autonomic disorders often occur, which manifest themselves in increased fatigue, general weakness, the patient is unable to stand up quickly, his pulse and blood pressure constantly fluctuate.
  • Damage to the occipital areas leads to hallucinations, such as flashes of light, monotonous sounds, and the sensation of non-existent odors.
  • To diagnose brain cancer early stage, it is necessary to carefully monitor all changes in the body, not to neglect its first signs, and undergo regular examinations in medical institutions.

Cancer is a malignant neoplasm that is constantly growing and, as a result, can metastasize first to nearby tissues, organs and lymph nodes, and then through the blood to any place in the body.

Before we look at all the symptoms of cancer, it is necessary to understand one small detail for readers. You must understand that even a combination of any signs may not necessarily indicate malignant cancer. Often these are ordinary diseases, infections, inflammations, which can manifest themselves in the same way.

Organ cancer is only in the initial stages attached to a specific tissue; later, after developing into phase 4, the tumor begins to spread metastases, which can cover any organs.

To find out for sure whether you have cancer, you must take biochemistry and. And after confirmation, connect additional diagnostic methods: MRI, CT, ultrasound, etc. Let's look at all the common symptoms of cancer and how to recognize oncology?


If you constantly have a headache in one place for no apparent reason, then this may also indicate brain cancer. At the same time, it is not worth donating blood for tumor markers, since the tumor does not have a specific antigen and it is better to immediately go for an MRI.

Tumor markers

  • Bulok S100

Birthmarks of unusual and strange shapes

Usually strange moles that have irregular shape, as well as strange pigment spots indicate melanoma or skin cancer. You can go first and donate blood for the S-100 tumor marker.


If you constantly have chills, elevated temperature without additional reasons - snot and other signs indicating a cold. It is impossible to say what kind of cancer this sign indicates. Therefore, first of all, you need to take a general and biochemical blood test. The temperature with cancer lasts quite a long time.

Lumps in the chest

Usually indicates breast cancer in women. When palpating, it is necessary to note the hard clots inside the mammary gland. Collectively, any mucous fluids may be released from the chest with unpleasant smell. In this case, you need to immediately go to a mammologist, who, after the examination, will send you to an oncologist for examination.

Tumor markers

  • SA 15-3

Deteriorated condition of nails and hair

When a tumor is actively developing, a large amount of antibodies and waste products are produced in the blood, and severe inflammation is possible. Plus, the neoplasm itself consumes a large amount of energy and nutrients for growth. Therefore, nails and hair may not have enough of it. At the same time, hair may fall out, its color becomes dull, and nails become brittle and constantly peel off.

Bleeding from the vagina

Usually indicates cancer of the uterus and ovaries. In addition, the lower abdomen may hurt. Between menstrual periods there may be heavy bleeding, and it also happens that blood is present in the urine.

Tumor markers

  • CA 125

NOTE! To quickly diagnose uterine cancer, you just need to visit a gynecologist once a year, who can recognize the disease in time. In this case, the neoplasm is very clearly visible on the cervix.

Frequent fainting

If fainting occurs for no known reason. This may indicate brain cancer. In this case, a clinical and biochemical blood test is taken, and then the doctor looks at the test results.

Bumps on the bones

If you have hard lumps on your legs, arms, hip or shoulder, this could indicate bone cancer. But you must understand that they could arise from bruises or fractures. You should immediately consult a doctor and have a bone x-ray done.

Tumor markers

  • TRAP 5b

Absent-mindedness and memory impairment

Indicates that the cancerous tumor has begun to seriously grow in the head. This happens because the tumor uses a lot of resources for its growth.

Decreased appetite

This is accompanied by severe weight loss. May indicate both gastrointestinal cancer and. At later stages it can refer to almost any oncology.

Profuse sweating

If everything was fine with you before, but then suddenly you began to constantly sweat, even in a cool room, then this may indicate a disorder of the nervous system. Usually refers to a number of malignant formations in the neuroendocrine region.


If you feel hot flashes in your face and throughout your body at varying intervals, this may indicate endocrine system cancer.

Change of mood

It may indicate both brain cancer and certain tumors that affect a woman’s hormonal levels.

Loss of vision

Indicates malignant neoplasms of the optic nerve. But maybe because severe stress, physical shocks or external factors. Vision also decreases due to genetics. Against the background, general health worsens.

Abdominal pain

May indicate stomach, pancreatic or intestinal cancer. At the same time, the type of pain is similar to gastritis or an ulcer. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS) examination and fluoroscopy of the stomach. The disadvantage of this group of oncology is that the first signs of cancer appear only at stage 3.

Weight loss weight loss

It should be noted here that the decrease occurs quickly even though the person does not lose weight, does not diet or exercise. Usually indicated on cancer formation in the colon, small or rectum. In addition, there may be a difficult act of defecation, a constant feeling that the intestines are full.

Skin color changes

Yellow color usually indicates pathologies in the liver and pancreas. In this case, when the color changes, the color of the sclera of the tongue may change and skin itching may appear. I would also like to add that this can also occur at the last stage of almost any cancer, when metastases reach the liver.

Difficulty breathing

Dry cough, later sputum appears. At the very beginning, the cough may have no symptoms at all. Afterwards, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, and shortness of breath may appear. Indicates, but cough may also be present with stomach cancer, but in rarer cases.

Difficult to swallow

May indicate cancer of the pharynx or throat. In this case, the tumor can grow to such a size that a person simply cannot swallow or breathe.


When gastric juice enters the esophagus due to a tumor. In this case, the person constantly feels severe heartburn. May indicate both stomach and duodenal cancer.

Enlarged lymph nodes

The swelling itself mainly appears on the face. This is due to the fact that the lymph nodes react to the tumor. It can indicate cancer of anything, which is why it is better to immediately consult a doctor and get blood tests.

Upper body swelling

Compression of the lymphatic vessels and circulatory system near the lungs due to a growing tumor leads to swelling on the face and in upper section bodies. Occurs against the background of frequent smoking.


A tumor has waste products that are intensively produced into the blood, plus when cancer grows, the tumor can interfere with the normal functioning of the organ, causing stagnation of substances. Intoxication, headache, malaise, and constant weakness due to cancer occur.

Blood in stool

Indicates bowel cancer. It may also be accompanied by difficulty in defecation due to the fact that the cancerous tumor has already grown greatly. At the same time, the chair acquires dark color because of the blood. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, as subsequently, due to the tumor, the patient will not be able to go to the toilet at all. Blood appears as a result of damage to blood vessels by the tumor as a result of violent growth.

Constipation, diarrhea

A general disorder of the digestive process may indicate several cancer areas: from stomach cancer to intestinal cancer.

Difficulty urinating

It is not always accompanied by pain; it can usually begin at stages 1 and 2 of prostate cancer. This is due to the fact that the prostate gland swells and narrows the urethra. Then the man needs to make every effort and strain his abs in order to go “small”.

In the last stages of cancer, urination may not be possible at all, and doctors insert a catheter. The cancerous tumor seizes the nerves responsible for male libido, and the man begins to have sexual problems.

Blood in urine

In men, it can be associated with prostate carcinoma, and in women, cancer develops in the uterus. Moreover, these diseases at stage 3 begin to affect the nearest organs, kidneys, liver and bladder, which can also cause bleeding.

Swelling of the scrotum and penis

Cancer of the testicle or penis. But in the last stage of a prostate tumor, these symptoms may also appear. Plus there is swelling of the lower extremities.

Back pain

This does not always indicate osteochondrosis or inflammation in the spine. Sometimes it can be cancer of the vertebrae.

Nipple discharge

Accompanied by chest pain. Indicates defeat cancer cells breast with metastases. In addition, it is best to check the breast itself for lumps and if there are any, consult a doctor immediately. The discharge itself smells bad.

What can cause cancer?

The exact causes of cancer have not yet been established, but there are several factors and assumptions.

  1. Poor nutrition
  2. Ecology
  3. Work related to pesticides and chemistry.
  4. Smoking
  5. Alcohol
  6. Genetics
  7. Unprotected sex and sexually transmitted diseases.
  8. Stress

How to detect cancer at an early stage?

Not all of the above oncology symptoms indicate that you have a malignant tumor. But if there are at least 10 signs of cancer, then you should worry. But you must understand that only by internal symptoms It is impossible to identify the disease and it is worth resorting to other studies.

How to fully detect cancer?

  1. Take a blood test with leukocyte formula
  2. Donate blood for biochemistry
  3. Tests for tumor markers.
  4. Biopsy of suspicious tissue.

Signs of cancer in women

Oncological diseases in women manifest themselves a little more clearly in the initial stages than in men. During pregnancy, this can lead to miscarriage.

Anyone who has ever encountered cancer in their own family or among close friends knows how important it is to make a diagnosis on time in order to begin timely treatment. Sometimes those who have been around a person suffering from cancer develop increased anxiety and then the Medical Encyclopedia and searches for cancer symptoms are used. After all, you really want to prevent the disease or at least “catch” it at the very beginning.

Symptoms of cancer

Nonspecific symptoms of cancer often include:

  • Sharp weight loss;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Night sweats;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes;
  • General malaise.

Having noticed such symptoms, patients sometimes try to immediately get to an oncologist and, unfortunately, make a mistake, because the first doctor who examines a person with an unidentified diagnosis is a general practitioner. If people who were being treated for cancer listed the symptoms that began to alarm them, they would actually name loss of appetite and constant feeling fatigue. But the same signs also accompany patients suffering from neurosis, sometimes gastritis. Many unpleasant conditions accompany completely harmless benign tumors.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do if you find “symptoms of cancer” is to consult a competent general practitioner or therapist. Because an oncologist diagnoses cases of reasonable suspicion of cancer or treats those who have already been diagnosed.

How can you confirm the diagnosis if you find symptoms of cancer?

Let's start with the fact that you cannot diagnose yourself. If you don't have medical education then it is likely that you mistook another disease for a symptom of cancer. The problem is that cancer does not have specific symptoms based on which a doctor, without looking at tests and other studies, could confidently say “it’s cancer.” Even skin cancer (which includes not only the well-known melanoma, but also other types, for example, the much less aggressive basal cell carcinoma) is diagnosed not only on the basis of examination, even if a dermatoscope was used. A doctor may suspect melanoma, but only after a histological examination is a cancer diagnosis made or not. With other types of cancer it is even less clear.

The fact is that cancer of each organ and even malignant formations of one organ can vary greatly not only in histological, but also in clinical picture. Moreover, very few malignant diseases will somehow manifest themselves on initial stage. Most begin to bother the patient after reaching enough large sizes, widespread and at the stage of appearance of metastatic lesions. It is worth recognizing that medicine does not have a reliable way to exclude absolutely any cancer at an early stage, so looking for cancer symptoms, rather than a reasonable medical examination, is only a way to increase your phobias.

What to do?

How to avoid missing cancer symptoms?

There is only one way out. More precisely, several important points, which will allow you to live with the thought “I am doing everything so as not to miss a serious illness” (and not only cancer is dangerous).

Regular examinations with a general practitioner. Ideally, this is the same doctor whom you trust, who knows your entire medical history well.

Passing an annual medical examination. Look for a medical institution where the approach to medical examination is not formal. And avoid those that tell you to exclude exactly the symptoms of cancer. The advice to “take all tumor markers” is a sure sign that you are communicating with an unqualified specialist, because tumor markers are not diagnostic criterion. In medicine they are used to control disease with an already established diagnosis, to assess the effectiveness of the treatment. There is no clearly established “norm” in tumor marker values. Some of them may increase during inflammation, some will be your individual norm.

What should be the reason not to postpone your visit to the doctor and go, regardless of how you passed the medical examination?

When to go to the doctor?

Pain. Pain itself is not a symptom of cancer. Any organ can be ill for a variety of reasons, some of which cannot always be identified. Of course, an isolated instance of pain in your leg because you probably sprained it the day before is not a dangerous symptom. But regular back pain requires the help of a specialist. Does this mean that back pain is a symptom of cancer? No. The likelihood of encountering protrusions or hernia is much higher. But regular chronic pain should not be self-medicated.

Neoplasms. People call them “bump”, “swelling”, “ball” that “rolls under the skin”. Is any “bump” a symptom of cancer? Of course not. A huge number of “harmless” lumps appear in the human body, which are removed during a planned operation or observed. Atheromas, hygromas, lipomas, cysts - all these “balls” do not threaten human life. Some of them can only temporarily, before treatment begins, reduce its quality. But each of them must visit a doctor. The only place where you should not look for bumps on your own is the mammary gland. IN lately doctors refuse to practice “self-examination” because it is difficult for a person without medical education to distinguish the natural structure of the mammary gland (lobule) from a neoplasm during palpation (by touch). In this case, it is better to trust a mammologist. If something still bothers you, your breasts have changed shape dramatically, juice has appeared in size, redness or a “bump” is visible visually, you should not self-medicate and apply cabbage leaves. Contact a mammologist. It is worth noting again that not all breast lumps are symptoms of cancer. Cysts and fibroadenomas also form there. The nature of the tumor can be judged only after all the examinations prescribed by the doctor are completed. If cancer is suspected, surgery will be prescribed and histology will give the final answer.

Enlarged lymph nodes. Enlarged lymph nodes are not symptoms of cancer specifically, because lymph nodes are filters of the body that can become inflamed (and most often do so) due to any viruses or bacterial invasions. Even a seriously enlarged lymph node, which can be very frightening, sometimes speaks not of cancer, but of inflammation. Cancer most often metastasizes to the lymph nodes, but it is not so much their enlargement that is dangerous as the change in structure. Therefore, if you feel a lymph node in yourself, do not be alarmed, but you should still show it to the doctor.

  • Submandibular lymph nodes most often enlarge due to problems with teeth or chronic diseases, exacerbation of diseases of the ENT organs.
  • Inguinal lymph nodes may become enlarged due to problems in the genitourinary area.
  • Axillary lymph nodes also sometimes become enlarged in response to viruses.

Enlarged lymph nodes are not symptoms of cancer! But there is a reason to see a doctor.

What should you do if a loved one is constantly looking for symptoms of cancer?

  • First, try not to judge him. Many, when faced with a stressful situation (often it is cancer in a relative or among friends), begin. Sometimes this anxiety gets out of control. But neurosis is not subject to volitional control. You can’t just stop seeing symptoms of cancer in any ailment.
  • Try to convince the person to see a psychologist or psychotherapist. The constant search for cancer symptoms may hide deep-seated fears and depression. All this needs correction.
  • Tell the person that the symptoms of cancer are nonspecific, and even in later stages may differ in people already suffering from cancer.
  • Before telling your loved one that he simply imagined the symptoms of cancer and needs psychological support, make sure that he really does not have a malignant tumor. To do this, it is worth starting with a general practitioner.

How to prevent cancer symptoms from affecting you?

Unfortunately, there is a 100% guarantee that oncological diseases No doctor will let you bypass you. Most of them are of a genetic nature; certain mechanisms are inherent in a person from birth. But there is a chance to reduce the likelihood of a malignant tumor, and therefore the symptoms of cancer.

  • Reduce or completely stop drinking alcohol.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Try to move more and engage in feasible sports.
  • Avoid prolonged lack of sleep and stressful situations.
  • Try not to eat “harmful” foods (about healthy eating You can also check with your doctor specifically for you).
  • Get medical check-ups in a timely manner.
  • Do not delay visiting a specialist if something is bothering you.

For early diagnosis of neoplasms, each person should pay maximum attention to their health, know about them early signs. Not every tumor will be cancer; many of them have a completely benign course that does not require surgical intervention.

We will tell you below how to quickly and accurately determine what kind of tumor you have.

Differences between benign and malignant tumors

As a rule, neoplasms that are benign in nature are located in a dense capsule that separates and also protects them from surrounding tissues and structures. Therefore, they are not able to grow and metastasize quickly.

A malignant tumor is not limited by anything, and may even have vague outlines. It has the ability to grow into neighboring structures, destroying their cells and causing painful impulses to a person. Atypical cells quickly divide and with the bloodstream, lymph spreads everywhere - a new tumor focus is formed, with an identical structure. This process is called metastasis.

After removal of a malignant neoplasm using complete excision, only one mutated cell is sufficient for its recurrence. That’s why specialists prescribe chemotherapy courses to prevent the very possibility of a new cancer outbreak.

Types of malignant tumors

Malignant tumors are classified by experts into the following types:

  1. Carcinomas are most often localized in the intestinal structures, lungs, mammary or representative glands, as well as in the esophagus. Grows from epithelial tissue. Visually they differ directly depending on the detection area. As a rule, this is a knot with a lumpy or matte surface, varying in consistency in hardness.
  2. Sarcomas are formed from muscle or bone tissue. It is detected much less frequently - in 1–2% of cases. Localization varies - from the skin and uterus, to articular structures and muscle mass hips. Characterized by rapid growth and metastasis. Early recurrence after surgery is also common.
  3. Lymphomas are usually formed from lymphatic tissue. They can lead to significant functional disorders, since the lymphatic system, which is designed to actively protect the human body from infectious lesions, is not able to fully perform its work.
  4. Gliomas grow from glial nervous system cells in the brain. Accompanied by severe pain impulses, as well as persistent dizziness. In general, negative symptoms are determined by the localization of the tumor focus.
  5. Melanomas - arise from degenerated melanocytes, usually on the skin of the face, neck, and limbs. They are rare in the practice of oncologists - no more than 1% of cases of the total volume of neoplasms. Characterized by a tendency to metastasize.
  6. Leukemia is an atypia of bone marrow stem cells. In essence, this is a cancer of blood-forming elements transported by the bloodstream to any part of the body.
  7. Teratomas are embryonic cells that are formed at the time of intrauterine development under the influence of negative factors on the body of the expectant mother. Most often detected in the tissues of the ovaries and testicles, as well as the brain and sacrum.
  8. Choriocarcinomas - formed from placental tissues, only in females female half population, are predominantly detected in the uterus and appendages.

Malignant tumors in children under five years of age are identified: osteosarcoma, nephroblastoma, lymphoma, as well as neuroblastoma, retinoblastoma and leukemia. Treatment should begin immediately, be comprehensive and comprehensive. The survival prognosis is unfavorable.

How to find a tumor yourself and determine its type

In order to promptly determine whether a tumor is malignant or not, each person needs to be aware of certain signs that accompany this or that neoplasm.

The main signs of a malignant tumor:

  • visual difference between the lesion and surrounding tissues;
  • absence of a clearly defined shell or capsule;
  • active growth and spread of the tumor focus;
  • the ability to grow into other tissues, through blood structures and lymphatic ducts.

A person can independently identify the following upon careful examination:

  • slight compaction, swelling;
  • tendency to increased bleeding of the formation;
  • pronounced, prolonged inflammatory processes;
  • color change;
  • an increase in the parameters of the nearest groups of lymph nodes;
  • the appearance of myalgia, various arthralgia;
  • otherwise unexplained weight loss;
  • neurological disorders – previously uncharacteristic irritability, fatigue, decreased ability to work;
  • increased sweating.

Such symptoms of malignant tumors are nonspecific and require mandatory consultation with a specialist, as well as instrumental and laboratory confirmation.

Brain tumor

Atypia of neurocytes can form in any structure of the brain. This can be either a primary focus or secondary metastasis from some other focus. The degree of danger to the life and health of the patient directly depends on the location of the tumor, the rate of its germination into surrounding tissues, the age category of the person, and susceptibility to medications.

The most characteristic symptom that allows one to suspect the presence of a tumor focus is, of course, persistent pain in one or another area of ​​the head. It cannot be stopped by taking even the most modern analgesics, only the intensity decreases somewhat.

In the initial stages of their appearance, brain lesions do not manifest themselves in any way. Occasionally, a person may experience mild nausea, dizziness, weakness, but these are attributed to other diseases and negative states. For example, overwork, vitamin deficiency, acute respiratory infections.

In addition to cephalgia, there are also - unpleasant feeling bloating in the head, discomfort, heaviness. Neurological disorders may be observed, with a severe, rapidly progressive course up to a coma.

The survival prognosis will depend on the stage at which the oncological process was detected and the timeliness of treatment measures, as well as the size of the lesion and the general initial state of health of the patient.

Breast tumor

One day, during a self-examination, which every woman should regularly conduct, previously unpresent lumps in the mammary gland and a change in its shape and outline may be detected.
Locally, changes in skin coloration, retractions or various protrusions can be detected. Even if they are minimal, you must immediately contact a specialist.

Retraction of the nipple, discharge from it, especially bloody ones, and swelling of the tissues around it are alarming. The inspection should be carried out not only standing, but also in a horizontal position. Palpation is performed in the direction from the nipple to the periphery - there should be no compactions in the structure of a healthy mammary gland, even painless ones.

An unfavorable sign is the presence of enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit or shoulder area. Especially in combination with other symptoms of weakening of the body - nausea, weight loss, temperature fluctuations, various pain impulses, decreased ability to work.

Only an oncologist should treat such conditions. Self-medication is absolutely prohibited.

Tumor of the uterus and ovaries

If atypical elements appear in the tissues of a woman’s reproductive organs, a malignant tumor may have no symptoms. Most often, its appearance is preceded by poorly treated inflammatory or infectious pathologies, or not noticed by the woman at all. Sometimes this is a direct consequence of endometrial growth.

As the parameters of the tumor focus in the uterus increase, negative discharge - leucorrhoea - will be observed from the vagina, then it acquires a putrid odor, and streaks of blood may be present.

Failures often occur in menstrual cycle– in between there are episodes of bleeding. Sexual intercourse is accompanied by painful sensations and increased leucorrhoea. Treatment tactics are determined individually - at the initial stages you can get by with conservative therapy, at stages 3-4 surgical intervention is required.

In the structures of the ovaries, malignant foci can form primarily, or from existing benign neoplasms. Initially there are no negative symptoms. Then general and specific manifestations are observed - pain in the lower abdomen, during urination and bowel movements, as well as during sexual intercourse.

Decreased appetite and ability to work, rapid weight loss against the background of a general increase in the abdomen. Severe weakness, persistent dizziness, bleeding from the genital tract.

The root cause of the formation of a malignant focus in the ovary can be not only an unfavorable hereditary predisposition and toxic environmental influences, infectious pathologies and viral diseases, for example, papillomavirus.

Neoplasms in other organs and tissues of the body - stomach, intestines, lungs - also occur. As the disease progresses, negative symptoms increase and the survival prognosis worsens. Mandatory earlier treatment and adequate treatment measures are required.

Every year, approximately half a million Russians are diagnosed with cancer, and about 280 thousand of our citizens die due to this disease. Moreover, if a neoplasm is detected at the first or second stage, it can be cured in approximately 95% of cases. About how to detect cancer at an early stage, what examinations you need to undergo and how to minimize the risk of cancer, the day before world day the director of the Herzen Moscow Research Oncology Institute, Professor Andrei Kaprin, told RIA Novosti about the fight against cancer. Interviewed by Tatyana Stepanova.

— Andrey Dmitrievich, tell us how things stand in the country today with regard to morbidity and mortality from malignant tumors?

— In the structure of population mortality, malignant neoplasms occupy second place (14.9%) after cardiovascular diseases (54.8%).

Every year, approximately 480 thousand new cases of cancer are detected, and more than 280 thousand people die. Of these, a sufficiently large number of people of working age (15.5%). This situation is largely due to the fact that people seek medical help late. In an advanced stage, cancer is detected in every fifth patient, and this leads to the fact that mortality in the first year after diagnosis in our country reaches 26%. And when cancer is treated at an early stage, the 10-year survival rate reaches 95% or more.

The disease is mainly diagnosed in older people - 60 years and above. The probability of developing cancer in men under the age of 60 is 8.2%, in women at this age - 8.7%. And after the age of 60, these figures look like this: 21.6% for men and 17.3% for women. Thus, the longer life expectancy in a country, the more attention should be paid to preventive examinations.

In those Russian regions where there is a high depopulation of cities and villages (young people leave, old people remain), mortality from malignant neoplasms indirectly increases, while the detection rate remains the same. At our institute we maintain an all-Russian cancer registry, and this is nothing more than the best epidemiological study, thanks to which we receive all the information on cancer diseases in the regions.

Which regions have achieved success in treating cancer?

Immunologist: if you want to cause a tumor, go to ThailandKrasnoyarsk immunologist, researcher at the Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Alexander Borisov, on World Cancer Day, spoke about his development - a vaccine against cancer. He explained why he believes that oncology treatment in Krasnoyarsk is no worse than in Europe, and advised those who are afraid of cancer to avoid traveling to Thailand.

— In Kazan and Khabarovsk they work quite well to identify and treat such patients. There, primary care doctors are on an oncological alert, special tests are taken en masse: for men - for prostate specific antigen (PSA), for women - for CA 125. These studies make it possible to detect prostate cancer at an early stage in men and cervical cancer in women. In women, unfortunately, the incidence of cancer in this particular location is now growing very strongly. Over ten years, the increase was about 30% overall among women, and at the age of up to 29 years it almost doubled, and up to 44 years - 1.5 times. We believe that this is due to the early onset of sexual activity, promiscuity and the spread of the human papillomavirus.

— What studies need to be done for men, women and at what age in order to diagnose the disease at an early stage?

— Women over 39 years of age should undergo regular cervical and breast examinations. Men over 45 years of age should be examined by a urologist for prostate cancer. Hidden blood in the stool can be a very important indicator. We recommend that women and men over 45 years of age get tested to detect it.

Despite the prevalence of these diseases, lung cancer still ranks first. Unfortunately, fluorography is not enough to detect it at an early stage, so we recommend that you undergo an x-ray examination annually. Skin cancer is also a fairly common neoplasm.

Moreover, the most malignant skin tumor is localized on the back, on the shoulder blade. Unfortunately, it is not very disturbing at the beginning of the disease.

Does this mean that sunbathing is harmful?

- Of course, it’s a disgrace when we go to regions where the sun is very hot, and we don’t think at all about protecting our skin. When the local population wears completely covered clothing, we lie in the direct rays of the sun and “sunbathe” - this is no good. I also think that we have a lot of unlicensed solariums, the activities of which no one controls, this has been written about more than once.

Can a person himself suspect or recognize the first signs of cancer?

— A person may suspect lung cancer only at a late stage of the disease or when the bronchus is affected and coughing and hemoptysis appears. Before this, it is completely asymptomatic. Of course, at the initial stage, lung cancer can be seen on an X-ray, but the radiologist must also be experienced and competent.

That’s why I keep repeating: women should have an ultrasound of the mammary glands and mammography every year. Men should see a doctor if they have urinary problems. You need to donate blood for PSA. This does not require special preparation and does not take much time.

Why do you think some of our citizens still prefer to receive treatment abroad?

— Modern medicine has no boundaries, best ways fight against the disease become quickly available to doctors different countries. Treatment both abroad and here follows the same international protocols. Nevertheless, there are those who prefer to go to a foreign clinic. Everyone has their own reason for this. Some doctors have stopped maintaining medical confidentiality. If a person holds certain positions, he, of course, will not want his illnesses to become public. The second reason lies in the fact that some charitable organizations raise money for help abroad, in fact, children are treated in our clinics, and charitable organizations help these centers survive.

And finally, rehabilitation after surgical interventions is still poorly developed. Our specialists perform operations just as well. We recently discharged a 19-year-old girl who was refused treatment in Germany as inoperable. She had an extensive malignant substernal tumor. And after we operated on her, this girl’s mother showed the pictures to German doctors. They gave a standing ovation for three minutes. Now the girl has already gone to work.

Do you think it is necessary to change the procedure for medical examination, especially in terms of examinations for cancer? Can primary care doctors detect a tumor at the first or second stage?

— The oncological component of clinical examination of the adult population involves two stages. The first is to identify a risk group using the studies we talked about. At the second stage, the diagnosis is clarified. I believe that medical examination in the form in which it is currently taking place is fully justified.

— Early diagnosis of cancer would significantly reduce mortality. Nevertheless, unfortunately, most people in Russia prefer not to be examined, but to live according to the principle “until the thunder strikes...” How to convince the population not to adhere to this rule?

- Convince, show, prove. For example, on the basis of our institute, we created the National Center for Oncology of the Reproductive Organs, the goal of which is to strengthen cooperation between doctors and patients and popularize medical knowledge in this area.

Conquering the Fear of Death: Healing Cancer by Helping OthersThe fourth of February is World Cancer Day. The day before, Irina Pyatkova, who herself went through the disease and created a support group for cancer patients, told RIA Novosti about the fight against the fear of death, the power of new impressions and how helping others helps cope with cancer.

Starting this year, we regularly began to spend days on Saturdays open doors for residents of the neighboring Northern District, we invite them to a free initial diagnosis of the most common diseases. And we do it quite successfully - people go and get checked.

In order to organize a direct channel of communication with the population and receive feedback, we created, together with the prefecture of the Northern District, the Public Committee "Medical Control" and intend to collaborate with public organizations monitor how medical care is provided in our city. These measures, I am sure, will increase the level of mutual trust and medical literacy of the population.

How can you minimize your risk of developing cancer?

— Among the main causes of cancer incidence, as statistics show, the leading position is occupied by poor nutrition- up to 35%. In second place is smoking - up to 32%. Thus, two thirds of cancer cases are caused by these factors. We also recommend not to get carried away with tanning and not to consume products with dyes. And visit your doctor regularly.

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